Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Nine

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#41 of Spirit Bound

So, those Society Mages are FINALLY showing up to look into the odd magic they complained about so long ago, but what magic would that be? Who was using it, and will they find out that Nicholas can use Demon Magic? Nathanial seems to still have his anger management issues, let's just hope he can keep his temper when those Mages are poking about.

Chapter 39: Interrogation

Nathanial groaned as he tried to work on his homework while cooking dinner. He just got a call from his father saying that the Society was sending those investigators over to ask about the 'unusual magic'. The police had just left five minutes before that, not entirely satisfied with his recording, but they were unable to find any other rational explanation. It was perfectly obvious that there wasn't a large pack of ferals on the property. Then, while the police were still poking around outside, he got a text from Geoff saying that Avery had just finished interviewing Jay and wanted to come over to interview him, next. He picked up his phone, he'd put off answering Geoff long enough.

"Hey, pup. Glad to hear your voice. You busy?" He could hear the dopey grin on Geoff's face.

Nathanial couldn't help but smile in response, "Not as glad as I am to hear yours. Fuck, what a day, and it's getting worse."

The grin audibly faded from Geoff's voice, "Why? What's wrong?"

Nathanial added the coconut milk to the curry he was making, put away his chemistry homework, and started his math homework, "Gods, what isn't? The paparazzi stalked Nick all the way home, sixteen bloody news crews, photographers, and general..." He growled, unable to continue, "Well, anyway, I got pissed and sent my pack out to drive them off."

"Holy sh... shoot. You didn't." Nathanial peeked through the phone and saw Conor, Avery, Dirk, and Faelen all staring at Geoff as they sat around the basement. Geoff and Faelen were working on their homework, the adults had been quietly chatting as they lounged on the couches.

"Yeah, they were careful not to get spotted, but the resulting car accidents and stuff made quite a mess. The police just left. Now the Society is coming over to ask about the odd magic they noticed while we were staying at your place."

"F-flipping crackers and, um, shining stars." Geoff was trying to be creative in his not-swearing. Nathanial couldn't help but smile. Conor smiled as he rolled his eyes, Avery was glaring at her son. Geoff stuck his tongue out at her, "I think some people want to hear what you're saying."

"I know, and I know that it isn't Faelen, he's close enough that he can hear me. But, I'm really busy, so I can't talk long. I just wanted to let your mom know that I'll call once the Society guys leave. I figure she doesn't want to be here when they are."

"You're watching us? That isn't fair, I want to look at you, too. Okay, Mom, the Society is sending some Mages to torment Nathanial, he'll let you know when they're gone." Avery nodded, but looked even more concerned. "You holding up okay?"

"Yeah, twenty-four." He finished chopping the peppers and started the next problem.

"Um. What?" Geoff's face scrunched up a bit as he tried to figure out what twenty-four had to do with anything.

Nathanial shook his head, "Oh, sorry. I'm cooking supper and doing my math homework, too. I wasn't joking when I said I was busy. I haven't stopped once today. I'm fine."

"You don't sound twenty-four. You sound more minus three, my little decimal place."

Nathanial laughed and groaned, Dirk was shaking his head. Conor chuckled and turned back to Avery, taking one of her paws in his as he leaned over to kiss her. She smiled and kissed him back, but kept an ear turned to Geoff. "I'll call back soon, I hope. I'll see you tomorrow morning, regardless. I want you ready to give me a whole lot of distracting, got it?"

"Yes, sir!" Faelen burst out laughing at the excitement in Geoff's voice. Avery's ears flattened back. "Love you."

"Love you, too." Nathanial hung up and reviewed the last several math problems, making some corrections to stupid mistakes. He finished up the samosas and prepared to fry them as he worked on the aloo gobi. The curry was sitting on low heat, ready to go. His father was just coming into range. He'd made a point of preparing extra, in case his uninvited guests wanted to join them for supper. If they didn't, well, leftovers never went to waste with Nick around. Or Micah. He checked on his brothers, Nick was in his bedroom with Micah lying beneath him. Micah's legs were wrapped around Nick's waist as his older brother pounded his tail-hole; Micah's squeaky exhalations whenever Nick slammed into him always made Nathanial smile. Nathanial shook his head and let them be, their sessions were frequent, but quick. They'd be done long before Garret pulled up to the gates. He put his math homework aside, and put more attention on cooking; he was always very careful when dealing with hot oil.

A few minutes later he'd finished half of the samosas and his father was almost to the gates. He checked on his brothers, Micah was licking around Nicholas' muzzle in excitement as his brother leaned against him, breathing heavily. Nicholas took a final large breath and laughed a bit, "Thanks, Micah. I needed that." He kissed Micah, his tongue moving into Micah's muzzle and exploring as his paw moved down to Micah's bobbing erection. He gently stroked as he kept kissing and made a few small thrusts, coaxing a shuddering gasp from his black furred brother as he had a dry orgasm.

Nathanial smiled, *Nick, Dad's here. Separate as soon as you can, clean up, and get dressed. Supper is just about ready.*

Nicholas rubbed Micah's belly, as he thought and spoke out loud, "Gods, Nats. There's no privacy with you around, is there?"

Nathanial snorted, *Yeah, that's funny. It seems like doors don't exist for you two. You don't have any room to talk on that front. Anyway, supper will be on the table in, um, six minutes, whether you two are ready, or not. Don't hurt him pulling out, okay?*

Nicholas sighed, "Ready, Mike?" Micah nodded and Nicholas gently eased himself out, his knot still fully engorged. "See, Nats. No pain." Nick grabbed a towel and gently wiped beneath Micah's tail before cleaning himself, "Nats says supper is in a few. We need to get cleaned and dressed." He threw the dirty towel on the floor.

*Hamper, Nick. And wash up. Signing off.* Nathanial shook his head as he ended the spell. He'd die if Geoff tried to do that to him; he had no idea how Micah didn't find that painful. Anyway, not his business. The last of the samosas were just about ready, the rice was done, and the aloo gobi and curry were keeping warm. The intercom buzzed, Garret had just opened the gate and was driving in. He lifted out the last samosas and started a tossed salad as he resumed the last few math problems.

_ _ He was just setting the table in the informal dining room, which was really just an extension of the kitchen, and putting away his homework when everyone came into the kitchen. Garret was loosening his tie and hung his blazer of the back of his chair. "I wasn't expecting you guys to hold dinner for me, thanks. I certainly wasn't expecting all this. What happened out there? It looks like there was a pile up on highway one oh two in front of our house." Nicholas glared at Nathanial as he sat down.

Nathanial shrugged as he started serving the food, "When I called you while I was at Kung Fu, I was going to mention that the paparazzi had been bothering Micah. They were also causing a lot of problems at, and around, school. Then, when Nick was on his way home, sixteen different vehicles and on-paw photographers stalked him or were preparing to ambush him. I got... upset. The police were already here and left."

Garret had frozen in place in the process of sitting down when Nathanial said 'I got...', he sat down heavily with a thump when he finished. "Oh, gods, Nathanial. What did you do? It looks like, well, a huge pile up or a war zone."

Nathanial turned his head away and kept the evil grin off his face, "Snow and his friends just had a talk with them. No one was hurt. Anyway, yes, Dad, they are harassing us, but, let's see what tomorrow brings. Avery, Geoff's mom, will be coming by to interview me once the Society guys leave. Hopefully, that will take the wind out of their sails. Did those people actually say when they're going to get here?"

Garret took a bite of the curry, and let the topic change, "Oh, wow, this is good. It could be a little spicier, but the flavour is great. No, they didn't, but since they couldn't be bothered to tell us what day they were coming by, it isn't a surprise."

Nathanial scowled, "That's incredibly rude." He sighed, "Oh well, not much we can do about it. Nick, Dad, I want your choker and wallet locked up in the cabinet downstairs. I'll put Lily's reactivated medallion nearby to keep them from using magic around it freely." He ate some of the Alu Gobi, "Yeah, it could be spicier, but I didn't know if you liked spicy food, or how spicy. The business with the contractor went well, they'll be here from eight in the morning till six. The store room has been cleaned up. They'll have a port-a-potty outside for the crew, so they shouldn't come into the living area, but I want you two dressed when in the common area." He wiggled his fingers at Nicholas and Micah. "The mornings won't be an issue, and they won't be here on the weekends, just after school until they leave. I've also made an appointment for the pool to be winterized in mid-October, hopefully we'll have another warm day or two before then." He held up his paw and tilted his head. He summoned the key to the cabinet and handed it to Nicholas, along with Lily's medallion, "They're here. Go put them on the bottom shelf," Garret handed Nicholas his leather wallet, "and lock it back up. Put the medallion on the side table next to the couch." The doorbell rang, "Micah?" Micah ran off to the front door as Nicholas ran downstairs. Nathanial massaged his temples. "Gods, what a day." He took a deep breath and calmly ate some more supper. "Do you want a drink, Dad? We have milk, juice, and some of that wine you picked up the other day. Or, I can get some tea or coffee going. I'm putting on some hot water to make that herb tea Liam wants me to be drinking. I need it." Nicholas dashed back upstairs and handed Nathanial the key. Nathanial sent it back into the locked cabinet and activated the anti-magic medallion. He got up and walked over to the sink to fill the kettle.

Garret wiped his mouth, "Coffee, please. Our guests may want some." Nathanial pulled out some of the lower grade beans, well as low as Lily would allow in the house, and put them in the grinder as Micah led two people into the kitchen. Garret stood and held out his paw, "Ah, hello. I'm Garret Marks. These are Nathanial, my eldest, and Nicholas. You've already met Micah." The first Mage, a short, heavy set, blue point Siamese Cat, extended her paw to shake his. She had on a pair of wide rimmed glasses and a grey skirt and blazer. Her blouse was blood red, which matched her teardrop earrings and star shaped brooch. The other Mage merely nodded; he was the same height as Nicholas, and as overweight as his partner, but he was a sulky looking white Persian cat. He had blue-grey tips on his ears and paws, as well as around the edges of his short muzzle. He wore a grey suit with a red dress shirt and grey tie. His tie had the same red star repeated on it: a hollow five pointed star, like you'd see in a pentagram, except pointing up, not down.

The Siamese released Garret's paw and nodded to the pups, "I am Investigator Lara May, and this is Investigator Gordon Ahjee. We apologize for interrupting supper, but I thought you received my message."

Nathanial nodded, "Yes, but it was too late to do anything about it, and we were unsure what time you'd be here this evening. I did make extra in case you wanted to join us, and I just put the coffee and kettle on if you wanted something to drink." He gestured at two empty chairs. They nodded and sat down, Nathanial brought out two place settings for them. He set their places and served them some food, "The coffee will be ready shortly, and, please, don't stand on formality. If I may ask, what's an Investigator? It sounds like a different office than an Agent, but Agents are the only contact I've ever had with the Society."

Gordon's eyes narrowed before he took a bite of curry, "Oh. Oh my. That's hot!" Nicholas poured him a glass of milk.

Lara smiled and took a bite, she inhaled a little sharply, "Oh, it is. Not too hot, but, ooh." She took a mouthful of rice, "Eat some of the rice with it Gord, it helps. It's very good. You said you made this... Nathanial?" Nathanial nodded, "Impressive. Simply put, Investigators deal with unlawful uses of magic, Agents deal with laws themselves. If someone stole something with magic, the Agents would deal with it. If someone created an illegal spell, or illegally modified a spell, we would deal with it. We're also responsible for maintaining the purity of the Mages, to ensure no cross breeding occurs. Like between Fey and Mages or Spirits and Mages. Finally, we deal with any Tainted Mages. We're often called the moral enforcers. "

Nathanial nodded, "Ah, I see. I'll leave the obvious, 'so why are you here' question till after supper, but I'm wondering what you meant by illegally modifying a spell or creating illegal spells. Aren't spells like computer programs: if you can make one, all the power to you, unless it's for obvious illegal purposes?"

Gordon smiled mirthlessly, "Yes, they're like computer programs, they're copyrighted. Grimoire have to be licensed, every spell in it has to be checked against the database and a fee paid to the designer of the spell. Every time a grimoire is sold, a portion of the profits are sent to the same designers. But, like mortal copyrights, there are limitations on the duration they can be held, after which they become public domain."

Nathanial nodded, "Some of that makes sense, but in most countries there's a first sale restriction on copyrights. You can't charge more fees on a legally sold book after the first sale. Doesn't the Society still have to abide by the laws of the country in question?"

Lara smiled, a little condescendingly, Nathanial thought, "We're the Hidden World, our laws supersede all others. We decided that since grimoire are sold so rarely that the estates of the spell creators deserve to see some reasonable payment for their ancestors work."

Nathanial felt a little confused, "Hold that thought, the coffee is ready." He got up and served the coffee, placing the carafe on the side board when he was done. He poured himself the herbal tea, "Now..." They delved into a longer discussion of copyright, spell legality, and their definition of morality.

A half hour after they sat down to eat, Nicholas and Micah were sitting quietly, Nathanial met Garret's eyes. Garret turned to his boys, "Nicholas, Micah, if you are done, you may be excused."

They picked up their dishes while saying, "Pardon me," and brought them to the sink. They went downstairs. Nathanial decided he was quite revolted by the cosmetic pleasantness from the sanctimonious and bigoted Investigators. Through gentle probing, interspersed with drier legal questions, he found they had no logical reason to oppose inter-entity mating. They merely thought such entities weren't proper, they were beneath Mages, and even beneath non-magical Furs. They also appeared to believe that homosexual relations were unnatural and immoral. They just dismissed Nathanial's arguments that magic, by definition, wasn't natural and that many ferals engaged in homosexual acts. As for immoral, they just laughed when he told them about Zeus and Ganymede along with modern stories and arguments.

Nathanial just sighed and shook his head, "This is just beyond me, I guess. I don't understand it at all. Mages can't cast spells without a grimoire, so unless you're tracking down a source of black market grimoire, I can't understand what illegal spells you could be going after. Otherwise, I don't see how it's the business of any government as to who sleeps with whom, as long as no one is hurt and it's consensual. Governments should deal with ethics, not morals. Morality varies too much from person to person to form the basis of just laws."

Gordon's eyebrows lowered, "So you think murder should be legal?"

Nathanial shook his head, again, "Murder is usually unethical and immoral. Some people believe they are morally obligated to murder someone for violating their beliefs, so you can't take the morality of a group of people and base laws around it. You need a logical and consistent basis for your laws; one that can be explained rationally to those living under it, and so that even those who don't agree with it can understand where it's coming from. Unlike the Christian objection to homosexuality, if you aren't Christian there's no way anyone can understand it. It's simply, 'because I said so,' with no explanation, and that's what the Society's objections sound like. That's bad parenting and bad governance."

Lara's phoney smile vanished, "Sounds like you're a fag lover. We'll have to watch you closely."

Nathanial's forced smile faded as well, "Sounds like you're a fat bigot who was too rude to properly schedule a visit and has now overstayed her welcome. Get out." He was struggling to control himself.

Gordon just sat there with his white paws folded over his belly, "Now, calm down, you two. Lara, you should know better than to try to argue with children over adult topics, they just can't understand how their betters think. Boy, you can't kick us out, not even your father can. We go where we want, when we want, and not even the Agents can stop us. We can also make anyone we want to disappear. Garret, your son seems to have difficulty controlling himself."

Garret met Gordon's gaze calmly, "You have no idea how admirably he's controlling himself right now. I'm really impressed he's kept his temper this long under these conditions. Ms. May, watch your language, I can't control your bigoted attitudes but I can insist you control your tongue. Now that the rules of etiquette have been thoroughly smashed, lets go to the sitting room and get to the reason for your intrusion." They got up from the table, Lara and Nathanial glaring at each other the whole time, and walked into the sitting room. "You claimed you wanted to investigate unusual magic occurring at a residence my sons were staying at after the Society failed to protect them in their own home. What unusual magic are you talking about? And why is it worth causing these many problems over?"

Gordon leaned forward, "We detected Demon activity at that house but no Demon portal. That gives us reason to believe one or more of you four is Tainted."

Nathanial leaned back in his rocking chair and put his paw over his eyes dramatically, "Oh, it is such a relief that the Society puts as much effort into hunting down Demons and Tainted Mages as it does in protecting its dues paying members. It must be almost a tenth of the effort it puts into collecting said dues and strong-arming new Mages into joining. What the hells are you talking about? We were attacked by Demons, and the reports have already been filed, along with a clean bill of health from a Healer. A Fey closed the portal. Check your own records before interrupting our supper. We'd be better served if the funding for your department went into hiring more Agents."

Gordon's eyes narrowed, "You're treading very close to treason, boy."

Garret growled softly, "The Society is a union, not a government, there is no way you can charge someone for treason. Besides, you aren't the Society, the Council is, even then we're free to say whatever we want to about how it's run. Nathanial is right, your department is a waste of money. If you want to check them, go right ahead, they're Taint free." Lara lifted her brooch free from her blazer and looked at Nathanial through it. She 'harrumphed', and lowered it for a moment before looking at Garret, too. His voice was dry, "I wasn't aware I was under investigation. I was out of the country at the time. Nathanial, fetch your brothers."

Nathanial walked over to the intercom, "Nicholas, Micah. Come to the sitting room, now, please." He returned to his seat, carefully biting his tongue to try to avoid provoking the Investigators into trying to make a point. Nicholas and Micah walked into the room, and Lara looked at both of them through the brooch.

She frowned at Nicholas but an evil grin crossed her face when she looked at Micah, "A Changeling. It's been so long since we caught one of those. Our time's been worth it after all."

Nathanial didn't like the wording of that and closely examined the two with his magic senses, "Paws off. It isn't against the Society's rules to be born, we've already clarified that. It's also not against the law to be the victim of a hoax, spell, or be otherwise tricked. If there is a problem, you can bring it up with Mom. She's the one that gave birth to Micah, if he is half-Fey, or whatever you believe him to be, she'd be the logical one to talk to. Dad certainly didn't give birth." He was rather disappointed, she really was a Mage, and not a Demon hiding under an illusion. Like the Agents, she carried several enchanted items on her, like her brooch.

Garret nodded, "He's right. I talked to an Agent when I found out, Micah can't be held responsible in any way. I was also there when he was born; Lily was the one who gave birth to him. Now, if you're satisfied none of us are Tainted?" He stood up.

"Agents. Feh." The disgust in Gordon's voice was evident.

Nathanial stood up as well, "I want a copy of the Society's rules and a copy of your procedure manual. We'll be filing a formal complaint if you've misrepresented your authority or the Society's rules." Lara and Gordon stood up and followed Nathanial to the front door. He handed them their coats.

Lara smiled sweetly as her eyes threw daggers at Nathanial, "I suggest you behave morally, mutt, because if you don't, I'll be there to catch you."

Nathanial rolled his eyes, "Wow, I didn't know the Society had a version of the Taliban or Iranian morality police on it's payroll. How disgusting. I hope you haven't overstepped your authority, or I'll be there to cut you down to size."

Gordon smiled, too, showing his teeth, "Is that a threat?"

"What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Now, shut up and get out." They teleported away. 'I wonder if I can create an anti-magic shell around the property? Keep outside forces from poking their nose in, but still allowing us to use magic inside it.' He pulled out his phone and scanned around, he saw a scrying device floating nearby. 'That's a crude one. Even Arrie does a better job of hiding them, and making them.' He decided against dispelling it, no point in tipping his paw so soon. He studied it a bit, without looking at it physically, 'Just audio and visual monitoring, that's simple.' He walked back into the sitting room, putting his phone away. "Micah, Nicholas, back downstairs. Dad, I want to see what you think of how I organized things in the store room, see if I should rearrange things." They all walked downstairs, at the bottom Nathanial told them what he found, "They're keeping a close eye on us. So, you two behave upstairs, no naked stuff, and watch what you say. They're complete homophobes." Micah looked confused, "They think gay people shouldn't be allowed to exist, or at least not as equals." Micah's face fell, and he looked scared. Nathanial looked at the medallion, and left it 'on'. He summoned the key and opened the grimoire cupboard, handing Nick and Garret back their foci. He closed it back up. "They can't seem to detect the latent Taint in these things remotely, but be careful, please. I'm also leaving the anti-magic field on the medallion, just in case. I think I can create one, from scratch, now. If you two haven't done your homework, get started. Dad, well, actually, I will show you the store room. I was going to ask you to help me clean up, if you aren't too tired. I don't want to use my magic openly while they're watching, not until I can read all of the rules."

Garret nodded as Nathanial led him through the laundry room, "Sure, but isn't the contractor moving the..." He looked into the new storeroom, the old work space. Nathanial had finished organizing and cleaning everything before he started supper. "Wow. I know you did this all by magic, but I thought it'd take at least a full day. These shelves are heavy. How could you move them all? In one go, yet? It took a team of four grown men three days to assemble them."

Nathanial blushed and scuffed the floor with his hindpaw, "Um, it was tough. Heh, I, um, almost didn't have the strength to finish it in one go, especially since I was also busy watching the paparazzi stalking Nick." He looked up at his Dad through his eyelashes as he scratched the back of his neck, "It... looks good?"

Garret poked his head into the empty room before walking back to Nathanial. He pulled his son into a hug, "It looks great. I'm really proud of you."

Nathanial hugged his father back. "Thanks, Dad. I-I love you. I was really happy when you said you loved me on the phone. It was the first time I can remember you saying that, th-this is the first time I ever heard you say you were proud of me, too." He couldn't stop his tears, even though he was afraid Garret would be disgusted by how weak he was.

Garret just lifted Nathanial's chin with a finger and licked his cheeks, "I'm sorry. I should have said it a long time ago, and more often. I love you, I'm proud of you." A tear ran down Garret's cheek as he pulled Nathanial back into a tight hug.