Surprise Gifting

Story by Axel Wolf on SoFurry

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This very well done story was made by eight88 of Furaffinity: to help him out get himself out there with doing story commissions. It was based off this pic done by Agent of Furaffinity as well - You guys should really check Eight88's account out! He is very good and very fast and he is open for commissions! He did this story in over three hours!

Axel sighed as he relaxed in his favorite chair, leaning back while he took a sip of warm English style ale. He set his drink aside as he turned his attention to his television, watching the local news as he waited for his father, Edmund to arrive. Axel looked forward to it, his father proclaiming to have a surprise for him.


Axel looked up and smiled, that was probably his dear old dad. He got up and walked towards the entrance hall of his home, it was a lavish three-story villa style manor. Axel's genuine leather boots clicked against the tile floor, and he opened the door in nothing but his casual day-to-day outfit. Boots, stone faded jeans, and a simple workshirt. It was more suitable to a blue collar worker then a man that lived in a twenty five million dollar property and it certainly did not stand up to what his father wore every day.

Edmund subtly smiled at his son, dressed in a three piece Armani business suit with his preferred accessories of spats and dress gloves. He carried an old oak case under his arm, it was about forty inches long. It was something that would probably fit a telescope or a cane.

"Hello son, are you not going to give your father a proper greeting?" Edmund asked as he stepped inside, letting Axel close the door behind him.

"Of course dad. Come here." Axel grinned, stepping up and giving his father a big bear hug. His father coughed and blushed as Axel then gave him a quick peak on the lips.

"So what is this surprise, dad? Ah, you want a beer? I got some imported last week." Axel asked as he led his father back to his den. The big plasma screen TV still droning out a bland report on the weather.

"Oh no, that is fine son, maybe later. As for the surprise, well, patience is a virtue." Edmund smirked as he sat down properly, crossing his legs and leaning forward. Axel in contrast just draped himself over his chair.

"How was your day?" Edmund asked, his voice a light upper class British litany.

"Nothin' much, stayed home all day Dad. Did some day trading. Made a killing short selling some energy futures." Axel replied as he kicked his feet up onto the coffee table.

"Now, what have we talked about? It is nothing, my boy. Speak proper English." Edmund smirked good-humouredly as he playfully reached over and lightly cuffed his son's shoulder.

"Hey, it's my house. Paid for it myself, and I will talk the way I very damn well please, old man." Axel laughed as he batted his father's hand away.

"What about you? How is the company?" Axel asked, picking his drink back up.

"Doing well enough, we are up this quarter." Edmund replied as he smiled broadly for the first time as he reached his leg forward to rub the side of his shoe against Axel's shin.

"Now enough about that, I came here to spend quality time with my very lovely boy." Edmund smiled as he watched Axel's jeans tent ever so slightly in response.

"Heh, dad, then why ask about my day?" Axel replied as he reached down to stroke his father's ankle.

"It is the polite thing to do, son. Now let's see you." Edmund replied as he beckoned his son to draw close. Axel grinned, languidly stepping over to his father. He sat on the arm of Edmund's chair, running a hand over his suited chest. Axel could feel his father's firm muscles under his silk shirt. Edmund ran a gloved hand down Axel's thigh, cupping his firm ass through the denim.

"I love you daaaddd." Axel drawled as he leaned down for a kiss. It was a savory and deep kiss, his tongue playing with his father's. Edmund groaned into it, his manhood straining against the zipper of his trousers.

Edmund lifted Axel off the arm, and with not surprising strength, sat him on his lap. He did not even break of the kiss, instead taking the initiative away from his son. Edmund's tongue dominated Axel's, invading the young man's mouth.

Axel could only drape his arms around his father's neck as he enjoyed his father's touch. The soft leather gloves felt good against his skin; Edmund shoved his hands up Axel's shirt, pinching a nipple. Axel broke the kiss with a pant; his cheeks flush.

"Now why don't you show your father a proper welcome before he gives you your gift?" Edmund asked coyly, his eyes flicking down to the iron hard cock pushing against Axel's thigh.

Axel nodded and smiled, sliding off his father. He ran his hands up and down his father's thighs, pinching the zipper between his teeth. He pulled it down slowly, taking in his father's musk.

Edmund muffled his groan as the pressure of his trousers subsided, his cock straining against the fold in his boxers. Axel felt delighted as he watched his father's cock spring from the open fly, a bead of pre-cum already wetting the tip.

Axel kissed the bead, light and puckish, before enveloping the cockhead in his mouth. His hot breath puffing on it was all the warning Edmund had before his son sucked on his cock. He felt his son's skillful tongue circle around, under the edge of his cockhead.

"Ah, you were always a good son, Axel. Emmph." Edmund complimented as he placed a gloved hand on his son's head. He pushed down gently, Axel did not resist. Instead he smiled around his father's member, as he slowly took it in. It brushed against the roof of his mouth and Axel could smell his father's pubes.

"Here it comes, be careful." Edmund said with a slight touch of worry, even though Axel had done this a thousand times before. Axel loosened his throat and relaxed as he deep throated his father. Edmund hissed at the felling, a hot ring of muscle messaging his cock. Axel's shallow and quick nose breathes tickled Edmund, cool air rushing down and past his thick cock.

Axel then sucked. Hard.

Edmund chirped, his other hand gripping the chair.

"Oh-ahhh." Edmund closed his eyes and leaned back, gently resting his right hand on Axel's head. Axel slowly with drew the cock from his mouth, lapping at it and worshipping it. Edmund's cock dripped with Axel's saliva and it shined as Axel kissed his cock's slit. Axel moved his hands up and slid his fingers through his father's fly. He fondled Edmund's balls as he then slammed his mouth down and over Edmund's cock.

"Ah, no, now stop. I can't release myself so soon, boy." Edmund said, as he cupped Axel's chin and slowly raised his head up from his cock. His cock twitched and it begged to go back into the warm welcoming hole.

"Aww, dad." Axel whined as he knelt in front of his father. He gave an inpatient and disappointed frown.

"What is so important?" Axel asked as he moved up and sat on his haunches before standing up. Edmund smirked, ignoring his raging and slick cock.

"Why, I do notice things you know, my boy. Like how you love these gloves of mine touching you in naughty places." Edmund smirked devilishly as he reached out to cup the front of Axel's tented jeans.

Axel shivered. That was so true.

"So I got you a special pair, and I found this thing I thought you would absolutely love." Edmund said as he reached down over the side of his chair and picked up the long oak case. He presented it to his son, opening it very slowly like he was going to dramatically show some important thing in some overly soap opera-ish TV show.

Axel smiled and made a happy grunt at the sight of the brown leather dress gloves packed over an antique wood cane with a sterling silver figurehead and endcap. A wolf snarled at him, it was beautiful.

"I love it dad." Axel said as he ran his hands over the gloves. He looked towards his father, who nodded.

"Try them on." Edmund smirked as he watched. Axel nodded happily, quickly sliding his new gloves on. The soft leather lining felt oh so soft, but firm. His warm slightly slick hands felt so good, the leather seemingly shrinking a size to give him a perfect skin tight fit.

Axel felt his head spin as he cupped his face and cheek and smelled the new leather, he groaned as he felt the heady scent mesmerize him. Edmund smiled coyly and opened up his legs, splaying them out; so unlike him, the usually proper English gentleman.

Axel did not notice, he was to busy being drawn into his fetish. His eyelids drooped as he noticed the odd slight scent of...latex? Where did that come from, protective coating? Axel groaned.

"I love them dad. They are soo cooolll!" Axel crowed as he hugged himself and shivered. His nipples were so hard as he ran his hands over his chest. Axel then excitedly snatched up the cane, fondling it in his hands. He felt excitable, like he was a kid on a sugar rush. Edmund fondled himself, not bothering to undo his belt of trousers. Instead he slowly stroked himself, his pre-cum growing a cloudy white.

Axel of course did not notice, or particularly cared. His father always loved to watch him, and Axel was always obliging on that issue.

A spark shot through Axel, and he froze like a deer in headlights. His cock stiff and at attention. What was happening now?

"ah!" Axel gave a surprised squeak as his clothes literally exploded off him, leaving him naked save his new gloves and cane. His fingers felt numb and tingly, like he had sat on them. They felt wet too.

Axel could only dumbly note that a thick gray goo was leaking from his new gloves, impossibly. It was flooding over his wrists and splattering on his thighs and dripping on his toes. Edmund moaned at the sight, as he rubbed his thumb over his cock slit.

"D-dad, wh-what's happening!?" Axel sputtered as he felt his flesh press even tighter into the leather gloves. He groaned as his stomach jumped, and he hugged himself in panic. The cane pressed against his chest, and it pulsed with warm energy instead of being cold wood and silver.

The goo was latex, a corner of his mind noted in disconnection. Axel looked down to see the latex slather itself onto his chest, like a live animal. It constricted and pinched his nipples. Then the wolfhead cane spat an ocean of latex on top him.

"ahhh." Axel fell back, onto his tight ass, he landed on the coffee table, splaying out his body. His flesh twitched and moved unnaturally as the latex flowed. It was already claiming his abs and slithering around to hug his back, the latex seemed to vacuum framed his abs and made them appear rock hard.

"Enjoy it son. The first time is always the best." Edmund said as he his pre-cum moved from cloudy dirty white to a shiny silver gray. His hands were flying over his maleness, pumping his slick cock for all it was worth. Edmund was huffing and puffing, but he was all too calm.

"wah-oohhhh." Axel moaned as his father reached out with his foot to rub the side of the young man's cock. Axel moaned and moaned as his cock strained and engorged, moving closer and closer to his belly. The latex seemed to respect the spat covered shoe, coiling around the opposite side of the cock.

Axel's eyes rolled up as he leaned back and enjoyed. Letting the latex move up, and coil around his neck and Adam's apple. It messaged the flesh, cajoling it to shiver and shake and become one with it. Axel gargled as his throat changed, his voice jumping up and down octaves at a time.

"I love you son." Edmund murmured as he felt his balls churn and with that he cried out. A thick gob of latex spitting out from his cock and landing on his belly, it writhed as a thick line connected to Edmund's cock. It seemed to look around curiously before dutifully snaking around and engulfing Edmund's waist and abdomen, staining the Armani. The suit was being consumed by the stuff. The latex spilled down the side of his cock as well, shaping the cockhead, messaging it to let loose a further sea of latex.

Axel could not see this as his knees drew close together and he seemed to draw in on himself. His knees knocked as the latex flooded over them, the tendons twitching. Edmund had to withdraw his foot for the moment. Axel's muscles were in an orgasmic sea of twitches, like he was being struck by pure sex turned into thunderbolts. His toes twitched as the latex cupped his heels, and Axel instinctively splayed his toes. His nails grew and sharpened into claws, his nailbeds shrinking into the latex flesh. Paw pads squeaked against the tiled floor.

Edmund smirked as he felt his jaw distend slightly as his latex finished wrapping his body and moved up, framing his jawline. Edmund stuck his tongue out as to meet the latex wolf muzzle being formed. His jaw followed suit, cracking into place as his eyes glowed a mystical blue. Edmund threw his head back and howled as his ears moved up and his hair lengthened into a ponytail.

Axel could only smile dumbly at the beautiful sound, and mewl ineffectually as his stomped his now enhanced legs. His body was nearly a consumed by the massive writhing latex. Only it had stopped on the young man's jawline, seemingly waiting for something. Axel's cock was fully changed, a firm example of latex manhood.

Edmund laughed as his Armani suit writhed under the latex, his cock still standing tall and proud. Only his spats and gloves and head were out of the tremulous sea of latex. He bucked up as his tail thruster out of his spine and he perched on his seat. His under shirt and boxers were forming together into his favored Union suit while his trousers were turned into a pair of riding breeches. The button fly was looser and freer then the old zipper and Edmund was thankful for that. His cummerbund formed without fanfare as his newer Armani silk vest reverted to the older Victorian style and his silk dress shirt turned into his more gentlemanly shirt. Edmund felt his tie then turn into his cravat, while a large gob then migrated into the palm of his hand. It formed into his top hat.

" so much better." Edmund muttered as he stretched and yawned, his wide wolfish muzzle adding to his volume. Axel whimpered and tears were streaming down his face, he was so close to cumming, but yet so far away. He straightened out his ensemble.

"D-da-dadddy!" Axel mewed out as his teeth sharpened in his human mouth and the latex seemed to grow agitated as it seemed to bunch up around his neck. It was waiting for something.

"Never fear son, father is here. Father." Edmund said as he smiled as he slowly lifted his new true leg up and brushed his son's knees apart. Axel whimpered as cool air met his cock and it spurted a clear bead of pre-cum.

"Ye-yes Fa-father." Axel murmured as he leaned his hips forward to let his cock meet his father's shined leather spat. Axel cried out as the latex thrust up, the bottom half of a wolf's muzzle forming as the back of his head was taken by the latex. His ears grew pointed as the latex settled under them.

"Ah, now what do we say?" Edmund asked as he rejoiced, as his son would fall into his ancestral roots.

"Pa-please father!" Axel moaned, a higher class English lit claiming his voice as his bottom jaw quivered and slowly moved forward. He drooled. Then Axel was taken. Axel cam and bucked, covering his father's spats with the last pure human cum that Axel would ever produce. His jaw jutted forward as his teeth spread out. His ears pushed up on top of his head and his eyes glowed blue.

Axel howled as he jumped to his feet, excess latex dripping away to leave a nearly nude wolfman standing there, in front of his father. Edmund clapped as his son posed, slapping the cane down and leaning on it with his gloved paws.

"Now now, don't forget the best part." Edmund chided as he ran his cum covered spat over the neophyte wolf's thigh.

"Of course father." Axel nodded and smiled.

He had taken theater in school. He span the cane energetically and threw it in the air. He caught it in his maw as he knelt down as a knee and elbow Union Suit formed in the excess latex. It was a plain white thing, and Axel flexibly slid and kick his legs into them and rolled back. He kicked his legs up into the sky as the union suit settled around his waist. With a heavy kick down, he flipped onto his feet. His latex soles squeaking on the tile. The latex union suit gathered around his waist as the rest of his clothes formed around him.

"Oh my." Edmund leaned forward, entranced.

Axel blew a kiss around his cane to his father as he languidly shifted his arms down and into the sleeves. He twist his hips side by side as he drew the suit over his shoulders. As Axel then buttoned himself up, he stepped into his riding breeches. He sat down on his haunches and gathered up his nearby dress shirt. He lewdly flicked his tongue out at his father from under the cane as he buttoned the shirt up. While a laugh, Axel lolled his tongue and stood up with his suspenders in his hands. They drew up his breeches with them, and he shrugged them on with a snap. Next he did up his cummberbund, his cock bouncing up and down from his open button fly.

Axel dropped the cane into a waiting hand and span it around again.

"I love you father, this gift is more then I imagined." Axel's dulcet tones ever more pleasing then the things that passed for English in the colonies. Axel threw the cane up again and snapped his jaws around it. He span around and snatched up his vest and slid it on. He was close to done, as he rolled forward and caught his cravat. Axel threw it over his neck and he looked up wistfully at his father.

Edmund smiled kindly as he reached forward to do up his son's cravet. As he finished the knot Axel nodded, cane still in mouth, and rolled back towards his red riding jacket, top hat, and riding boots. Axel wasted no time, stuffing his arms into his jacket and standing up. He then kicked his hat up, letting his cane drop to his left hand. Axel snatched the latex hat from the air and doffed it with pleasure. His cock bounced at that and without adieu he stepped into his riding boots. Axel slammed his cane down and cocked his hips, lewdly exposing his cock for his father to see. With a spin Axel then bent down, exposing his tight ass to his lover. With a grunt, a tail grew out and wagged before Axel span on his heels.

Axel blinked as he walked up to his father instinctively; he raised his foot up and placed it on the chair's arm.

"Good boy." Edmund said as he produced, to his son's delight, a pair of boot's spats. He ran his hands over Axel's boot, and he shivered as he could feel the spat wrap around it. He wasted no time presenting his other boot.

"Nearly done, son. Let me tuck that away." Edmund said as he gently fondled Axel's dripping cock and tucked it into his pants and union suit. Axel growled lightly as Edmund did up his button fly. Without preamble Axel went to his knees to finish what he started just thirty minutes ago.

"No boy, just put it away. You need to do something else first." Edmund scolded playfully. Axel knew that a proper gentleman did not whine, he blew a kiss to the sweet cock and tucked it in for his father like he did for him. Axel shivered as he buttoned up the fly.

"Now boy, look what you did to my shoe." Edmund said crossing his leg. Axel smiled as he could smell his old human self on it, and he could see it drip off. Axel took the shoe and licked and licked. Only until it was clean and they both were back in England, would they indulge themselves.


Several days later, Edinburgh England.

Axel smiled as he settled into his family's ancestral estate. It was his old boyhood room, now furnished for a man. He snuggled back into a overstuffed chair built in 1874. He still wore his freashly laundered riding uniform, and he could only smile as he heard the tell tale click of leather dress shoes on tile floor.

"Hello son, now you can finish what you started." Edmund smiled as he opened the door and siliutted himself in the doorway.

"Perfect father, and forgive me for correcting is we must finish what We started." Axel beckoned his father towards him.

Edmund laughed as he closed the door behind him, his hands already undoing his button fly. The door clicked close resounded, leaving the house staff to their tasks. They would never disturb the Masters of the house while they lounged after all.

Axel slowly dropped from his chair, to kneel in front of his father, his mate. His heady wolf musk drowned Axel as he licked his lips, a hold over from his human face. Then all he could do was launch himself at his father's cock with a unseemly passion. Axel blew, kissed, sucked, and licked.

Edmund moaned as his cock was worshiped, he shuttered as he came. Four days he had spent on the edge. Axel did not cough, as he drank deep from his father's cock, one spurt, two, three. Each one was like a gift from heaven.

Edmund growled as he withdrew from Axel's mouth, a fourth spurt hitting his son in the cheek. Axel licked at it and moaned as Edmund turned his don around and roughly pulled down his riding breeches. Axel's suspenders snapped off as his tail wagged as his father claimed his new virgin hole. It was virgin no longer as Edmund kissed it and gave it a slobbery lick before mounting his boy.

"Ah-ahah. I love you father!" Axel screamed as he ground himself into his clean floor and he let his father thrust into him. Edmund cam again before reaching around to meet Axel's hand and cupping his son's balls. He guided his son to his son's untouched cock. They pumped together, a loud fapping noise along with the squish of anal sex.

"I love you too son!" Edmund moaned as he felt Axel's balls tightened.

Axel and Edmund moaned, locking together. Edmund emptying the last of his cum, while Axel flooded his Union suit and breeched. A stain forming under them that their head maid would no doubt tut at.

Axel growled as he pawed at his trapped cock, and pulled his latex fly open, letting his sex juices spill out. He gathered a handful of it, laughing. Axel reached back to stain his father's face playfully, in return for the stain on his face.

"Love you." Axel murmured as he snuggled against Edmund.

"Love you." Edmund replied as he hugged his son.

Axel turned around to kiss his father, gentle and pixyish. No tongue, no force. Just contentment. Edmund returned the kiss and sighed. It was their love, it would last forever.

The End.


4,018 words

3 hours and 10 minutes

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