Black Birds Song

Story by Beaverspear on SoFurry

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The walls were a gray color. The floors were even a darker gray color. And the ceiling was gray as well. The air was stale and the noise was ridiculous. Profanities of every corner of the world were shouted as the other prisoners socialized in a way only a low-grade society could have taught them. Hell, this prison cell was hell. And it's all because of that damn polar bear. The Panda smiled moving away from the cell doors in which he previously stood in front of. Putting a paw to the other paw, he grinded his knuckles and sat on his bed. "The cruel things I would do to that Polar Bear if he were here. Oh the horrible, savage, and bloody things I'd do." The panda smiled and closed his eyes as his jail cell began to float away from the rest of the city scum. "No the cruel things we would do." The Ice panda was in bed next to him his cold body making the panda shiver a bit. "I want to cut out his throat." The panda turned his body to face his frozen twin. "I want to cut out his heart." The ice-panda turned his body to face his warm twin. "I want him to scream till his vocal cords shrivel away and die." The panda smiled. "I want him to scream till his lungs turn to dust." The ice panda smiled back. "I want you back." "I know." The ice panda grinned widely; it was good to be home. ** Arjay sat on his large wooden deck as bourbon swirled itself around in his glass goblet that sat neatly between his fingers. The view of his summer home would have been as breathtaking as it always was if he didn't feel like utter shit in his insides. Twice. Twice the fool he had been. Twice the times he was a coward in the face of love. Twice, the times he sat in a puddle of despair. Now he sat on his LaFURma recliner, looking at the storm ahead as it slowly began to drift over the small sandy beach below his abode. He was hoping the alcohol would sit inside of him, cooing his insides and warming his broken heart, but instead he found them joining the cause of his all too sad emotion; jack hammering away any pleasantness he had been feeling before. He sighed as a tear dropped down his face; the storm began to clap thunder. ** Suzanne stood in front of the bathroom mirror of Arjay's summerhouse as her face drooped lazily off her cheek bones. Her last face lift had gone awry. The doctor tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen, she had to be beautiful for her husband. Beautiful like an Angel, an angel to heal his wounds, his heart, Oh the poor man's heart. She stared at herself in the mirror, she wanted to help him, she wanted to leave the bathroom and join her husband on the deck, but she was so ugly. She was a wrinkly old bitch. Her hands shook nervously as she played with the loose folds of her decrepit flesh. Tears streaming down her face as she started to notice her head fur was drifting like snow off her gentle scalp. A screech of hysteria escaped her lips as she searched the bathroom for her make-up. ** On a bed of stone the ice panda laid his back and slept soundlessly, until interrupted by a large clank sound of his cell door opening. A prison official stood stone-faced waving the panda to follow, and he obeyed. The man led the panda to a large round office located on the second floor of the prison complex. The ice panda was motioned to sit in front of a large redwood desk. The jail administrator sat behind it, his large face bent downwards in a permanent scowl. The kind of look you get when the only vision of society you have is the constant flow of inmates coming to your prison. If the grim reaper had been mortal this man would be his body. Pale fur, pale eyes, and a heart colder then the ice panda could ever imagine. The ice panda liked this man. "Dr. Schwarzenburger is here to see you." The administrator spoke in a dull voice, "He is here from the mental institution to have a little chat." "Okay." The ice panda starred at the administrator with dark eyes, admiring the man as if he was a god. "Dr. Schwarzenburger, you can come in now." The administrator said into the voice box on his desk. The door that was behind the administrator slowly swung open as a zebra walked into the room. "Brett!" Allan shouted out from the air behind the ice panda. "Shut up!" The panda hissed, "Let me take care of this." Dr. Schwarzenburger smiled kindly and looked at the administrator, gesturing him to leave. The administrator obeyed as emotionless as possible. Sitting down in the administrator's chair Dr. Schwarzenburger warmly curved his lips upwards and opened up a file folder he had been carrying, "So you know my sister." "Your sister?"The panda's brow dropped unsure of what he just heard. "Be quiet." The ice panda hissed raising the brow back to its neutral position. Dr. Swarzenburger smiled kindly, "Excuse me, I want to be alone with Allan for a bit. Can you please leave the room Mr..." "Ice Panda. I am not Mr anything. Just Ice Panda." "Ice Panda right, can you leave Allan and I alone for a bit. Just to have a chat." "I cannot leave, I am frozen to the ground." "Then how did you get in here?" "Don't play games with me doctor, I'll rip your heart out and freeze it before it can stop beating." "Well aren't you an expert in cryogenics then." The doctor still smiled and the ice panda started to growl, "tell you what, I'll talk to Allan for five minutes, and then I'll talk to you for five minutes." "I'm not leaving this room." "That is okay." "So Allan, are you there?" The doctor was a handsome man. His body built strong, was hidden under a casual yet appropriate leather jacket. Thin glasses sat on his long snout as small drifts of black head fur fell in front of his piercingly beautiful dark green eyes. Allan head dropped as he looked at the floor, "Yes" "Your probably wondering who I am." "You said Brett was your sister?" "Oh right, you remember Brett then correct?" "Yes. How is she doing?" "Well" The doctor took his eyes off the panda and threw them to the side, "She's dead." The panda raised his head, a face of awe stuck on, "Brett? It can't be." "She killed herself. After she found out about you and Arjay, she committed suicide." "Brett?" "She thought the rape was all her fault. She had gone mad with grief. Until she finally took her life with a steak knife." "No, no, no it can't be." "I couldn't believe it either. I almost failed school trying to overcome that sorrowful memory. Even now I'm sitting here blaming you for everything." "Why have you come here?" Tears were at the corner of his eyes as the zebra handed him a tissue. "I'm here to evaluate you for psychiatric help." The zebra sighed, "It seems that some people were noticing schizophrenic behaviour with you, and called up the institution. Originally I'm supposed to be on holidays but seeing your name I immediately recognized it from the letters Brett used to send me." The smile returned to the zebra's face, "She really liked you. It was hard for her to overcome the fact that you were gay." He let out a cheerful laugh, "Such is life though? "Wait. Why did you want to talk to me if you blame me for what happened to your sister?" The panda could feel the tears falling down his fur. "I hated you for so long, and then I realised, I hated someone I had never met before. Without even hearing his story. So although I'm mad at you, I want to hear your story before I decide if I hate you or not." "Oh. So you came all the way over from your old country just to meet me?" The zebra put a hoof to his own chest and raised an eyebrow, "You're so vain you think this re-location is about you. No, I've been in this country for years now, it was better to move for the education." The panda opened his mouth but before he could say anything he was thrown to the side by an icy cold paw, "I think Allan doesn't need to say anymore." "But I think he would like to." "Don't tell him what he thinks he would like to do, and what he wants to do." "Aren't you being a bit hypocritical?" "Ice Panda he's trying to help us!" The panda pushed the ice panda to the side and he fell onto the floor shattering into many pieces. "So can you tell me what happened that faithful night?" The zebra had just finished writing in his file folder. "We were young. I guess you knew that already. We were in the midst of exploring ourselves, I guess you could say. And I was about to do the deed, when his mom walked in the door. Arjay pretended to fall asleep and I was caught looking like a rapist. But Arjay wanted me, I know he did. I know he wanted me. We kissed, we touched, is that not what lovers do? How could he betray me?" The panda threw his face into his paws. Gliding a hoof onto the panda's shoulders, the handsome zebra gave him a semi-massage as the panda wept, "I believe your story, I don't hate you." "Thank you." "This is interesting. I think I know how your psychosis came to be... I also think we have a room for you back at the institution if you would like." "Thank you." "The pleasure is all mine." The two talked for a bit more. Just casual talk, cultural talk about their two homelands, and before supper time Allan was walking through the doors of a much nicer environment. ** The bourbon had gone from its bottle and now the last full glass danced its contents around as heavy rain fell into it. Arjay sat in the rain; lightning and thunder devastating the skies. The storm savagely stirring up waves and devouring sand castles built by young ones from earlier that morning. During that morning there were two kids that reminded Arjay of himself and Allan. He couldn't tell if they were real or just effects of the alcohol he was drinking at that time, as they were almost exact matches to his memories of the past. Two children building a sand castle that would rule supreme over the vast land of sand- two children building something that was magnificent in their eyes but wrong in others- just two children being innocent. And now the waves crashed over the sand castles giving them back to the land. Allan sighed as rain dropped over his body creating a blanket of liquid as he sat drunkenly on his porch. Thunder clapping, lightning stabbing, and wind screaming its hellish calls. ** Suzie sat on the bathroom floor, fur dyes, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, eye makeup, lipstick scattered across the floor as she searched for the right product that would make her beautiful again. She shivered still as memories of her past flooded over her: Arjay's closed eyes. Why did he close his eyes every time they made love, was she not beautiful enough? Did he always picture someone better when she made love to him? Why would he marry her if he didn't even love her? Did he feel sorry for Suzie? Was Suzie so decrepit that Arjay felt no one else would ever marry her, so it was his duty to do it out of sympathy? She rubbed eyeliner over her lips and she wept in the bathroom pushing shampoo out of the bottle and over her naked body. The thunder clapped outside the home, and she could hear laughter in its roar. She needed a friend now. More than ever she needed Brett. Brett understood her. She wanted to hold Brett like she use to--secretly. She wanted to touch Brett like she use to. She wanted to breathe her sweet equine hair like she use to. But she had stopped sending letters ever since a month after she left to go back to her home. It was hard to admit the heart break she felt, because it was hard to admit that she loved another lady, of another species. It was wrong. That time they were naked, kissing, fondling... "NO. That never happened. I was confused. It was a dream." She said, smearing a stick of lipstick onto the bathroom floor. It's shaft smearing dark maroon into the bathroom tiles. ** Allan sat at the cafeteria by himself. Poking at the rubbery food in front of him and eye balling his medication instructed to be used any time he felt the ice panda coming for him. The music played a gently classical melody that kept the more psychotic ones from rioting in insane rampages. They were like zombies as they swayed back and forth to the music as the institution's "helpers" tried their best to feed them. Allan felt alone at this table by himself. Everyone was separated in groups and he had yet to find his pack. If he would ever have a pack of his own, he sighed throwing scrambled eggs into his mouth. He was so alone, he had always felt alone. And even now with the ice panda gone he felt like he had no friends, like he had no one. A shiver went though his spine. So alone A cold feeling rushed to his feet. Alone. It rushed to his belly and made his stomach squirm. One pill fell down the throat to meet the ice panda in his tummy. They battled. The pill won, and a feeling of euphoria spread through his body like a strange virus. Back in paradise the panda shovelled down his food and spent the rest of the lunch smiling at all the nice people before him. ** The storm had stopped and Arjay was now working a bottle of red wine. No glass this time, just straight out of the bottle. He still sat at the beach as cloudy skies quickly trailed behind their big brother; the storm cloud. The larger protecting the smaller, that's how it always worked, and Arjay felt small, so who was here to protect him? Glug, glug, the wine fell down his throat but he just kept feeling worse and worse. There was no alcohol in his cabinet that could help him, but drinking it still felt like the right solution. His stomach was trying to object but he would not listen to it. He would not listen to anyone, just the sound of the alcohol poisoning his body. ** Suzie was now asleep. ** That night during a discussion around a game of hearts, Allan had learned one of the girls was a sex addict and apparently as an initiation rite it was Allan's duty to sleep with her. They called her the blackbird and she had to be kept in solitary confinement due to the heaviness of her addiction, but there was a secret key kept under the ash tray outside of her room and anytime any of the men of the institute felt like some loving it was only a door unlocking away. Allan now stood in front of this door, in the middle of the night, key in paw as he took a deep breath. A couple of his card playing buddies stood behind him, frozen in awe as they wait to see how the night was going to play out. Allan looked behind himself and gave a thumb up, and one of the men screeched in delight as he slapped his ear. Taking a deep breath he moved to the door and immediately his heart began to race. This wasn't right; he liked men so why was he willing to throw himself to some slut random girl? Because he was alone, because he needed someone, so he unlocked the door. The door swung open carrying the light of the dimly lit hallway into her quarters. The lady was thin, very thin, her fur as black as night as she gently slept naked in her bed. She looked anorexic; there wasn't anything appealing about her. She was old, or at least looked to be, her fur was falling out as though she had mange, and her eyes were tireless and dead looking. Allan didn't want to do this but the men behind him were pushing him off the plank and into the cold ocean. He took a step forward and the lady stayed still, asleep. Another step, she woke up, rising as though some spirit had possessed her. Her head turned slowly and her eyes stabbed Allan deep in his heart. She pushed the blanket away exposing her naked body. She whispered, "Daddy, please don't." Allan was chilled right to the bone. "Daddy? Why?" She quietly said, her voice sounding like a small child. The guys were trying their best to stay quiet as they shh'ed each other in the hallway but small howls and bursts of laughter haunted the ears of Allan. Another small step forward as he laid a paw under her boney chin, moving his mouth to kiss her. She was stone, she wasn't resisting even though she whimpered. ** The wine bottle now was empty, and Arjay still felt like shit. He dropped the bottle and looked up at the cloudless sky. Stars, doubled by drunk-vision, he moaned and turned his head to the side, he felt like he was going to throw up, but he didn't have the energy to move his body. So he turned his head to the side as his stomach protested everything he had given it. He tried his best to hold it back, but instead found his body falling off his chair. Now he was on the floor, passed out cold. ** Suzie was still asleep, her eyes moving rapidly as she dreamed of Brett and herself, exploring each other in the tree house in the backwoods. ** Allan kissed Arjay, as he whimpered but not trying to resist. Not trying to resist because he loved him. The kiss was stale as Arjay did not kiss back. Instead he kept his mouth open in an "O" shape as Allan played his tongue around the open space. Why wouldn't he kiss him back? He loved the panda didn't he? He pushed Arjay's body down onto the bed and tried to kiss him still, but he would not give anything back. Instead he just whimpered and closed his eyes tight, as though he wasn't enjoying this experience. Why wasn't he enjoying this? Did he love me? The panda thought moving his paws over the man's thin body: feeling him up, trying to give him the pleasure he wanted Arjay to experience, but he would not move, he just laid there with his legs open. Allan felt for the man's erection but it was not there. He wasn't even aroused. Allan moaned in grief, he was hard, why wasn't Arjay? He felt the crotch and Arjay stiffened but his erection wasn't there. Allan started to feel heartbroken. He started to feel hate, cold ice hate. "If you aren't going to enjoy this. Then I might as well." The ice panda growled twirling Arjay's body as though it was a piece of paper. His nice round butt now inviting the ice panda for a round of pleasure. "Yea." The ice panda grinned moving his erection to the hole of the man before him. The crowd of people cheering like maniacs behind him as he looked back and smiled, throwing himself inside of Arjay with one strong push. He held it still inside of the polar bear, and bit the man on his neck. Gently, just a small love bite, so he would know that he did love him. He then pushed and pulled his cock inside and out as he began to hump his body. Moaning and grunting as he worked the tail hole of the bear below him. Harder and faster he made love to the polar bear, all the while the polar bear stood stiff, his eyes closed. Allan tried to feel his body, tried playing with his ear, and his tail but the polar bear would not budge, would not play. Allan growled and whispered, "I love you." in a harsh voice trying to get a reaction out of Arjay. But Arjay just whimpered and cried. Then Allan realized something. He was Carl. Arjay was him. And the ice panda was Arjay. Allan felt butterflies in his stomach as he pulled out of Arjay, rolled off the bed and sat on the cold floor of the lady Blackbird's quarters. ** Arjay suddenly woke up, as vomit projected from his mouth that lay on the surface of the patio. His head on his side he sent a puddle of vile stomach juices mixed with alcohol across the surface of the patio. Shivered a bit, and then fell back asleep as his heart beat began to slow down. ** Suzie woke up, feeling more alone than ever, feeling uglier than ever, wanting Brett more and more. She went to the mirror and grabbed the last thing that was in the medicine cabinet, sleeping pills. She popped a couple in and with a drink of water from the tap she fell back asleep, lying in the bath tub as though it was her own coffin. ** Allan starred at the lady before him, she had moved into the fedal position as she cried silently to herself, "Why daddy?" She muttered under her breath as she slowly fell back asleep. The crowd behind Allan had become very quiet and as Allan turned his head he saw the good doctor was standing over him with a frown over his long snout. "You better not have lied to me, rapist!"

Okay...Sorry it's so short. And sorry it took so long. But yah. Things are just becoming more and more effed up aren't they? I mean Suzanne is a total wing nut, Allan is even more of a wing nut, and Arjay is dying from alcohol poisoning. And who will save Arjay? ...I promise you a happy ending though! All is not lost yet. Oh by the way...I'm starting to become addicted to web comics. I use to be all like, "Eww anime web comics." But honestly ever since I read Khaos Comix I'm slowly becoming addicted. So if you have any suggestions fur or not. Send me a link ;-) Btw any characters in this story are totally unofficially officially copy righted so if any artist decides to come along and steal my character (Oh come on he was totally MINE before he was yours.) I can unofficially sue you. But seriously steal my characters and use them for your own story and I'll feel more honoured then angry :D! JUST NONE OF THIS BETTER BE THE NEXT BIG HIT HOLLYWOOD MOVIE >: ( Or I will totally do awful horrible things. Write comments, Write on my shoutbox Just give me feedback and motivated to keep writing. Or this story shall guillotine. -BS