
Story by HowlingWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Wolf's Life

A young wolf's day isn't what he thought it'd be

Hey well this is my first story and I would like comments and tips on how to improve!

I came up with the idea awhile ago and finally decided to get it on paper, or well the net I guess. So like I said please comment :D This story belongs to Wolfer and is not for redistributing unless permission is given.

This story contains adult content and scenes with homosexual sex and furs, if this isn't your thing or your under aged don't read it. You've been warned

Now on with the story, ENJOY!

The young wolf's eyes open to a blurred darkness and pain shooting through his body. He tries to move, but cold metal pinned him to the asphalt. Tears begin to stream down his muzzle, confused and scared he lay unable to move. As his vision cleared the wolf searched for his parents.

"Mommy..." he called weakly, "dad?" his eyes fixed onto a bloody paw inches from his face and the wolf's heart stopped. The watch on its wrist told him it belonged to his father, the tears flowed quicker, dropping onto the cold pavement below. The wolf looked down, he was in a pool of crimson blood that was not his own. His hearing returns and he begins to hear sirens and screaming around him as people try to move the car debris out of the way. A piece of the car is moved and the wolf sees his father's face staring back at him. They were glazed and the stare blank, his fur soaked in blood.

"Good morning furs!" the radio blared, shaking Cody awake from his nightmare "today will be another beautiful sunny day with-"

The radio is cut short as Cody sits up and hits the snooze button; he hadn't had that dream in a while. The accident that killed his parents had happened ten years ago when he was only five, yet the dream made it seem like only hours ago. Cody breathed heavy as he got up to get dressed for school. There was a knock on the door and a familiar voice beckoned from behind it.

"Cody?" the foxes voice called, "you up yet?"

"Yeah Ted" Cody called back as he pulled on his T-shirt and searched for his jeans, "I'll be out in a minute"

"Ok hurry up or Mark will leave without you" Ted said through the door as he began walking back downstairs. Ted was Cody's Father's best friend from before college and after Cody was born he became his Godfather, so after the accident he had accepted Cody as his own son. Ted's real son's name was Mark, who was only two years older than Cody. Both Ted and Mark were Black foxes, almost identical with white paws, chest and tail tips. They both accepted Cody as family, even after he came out to them both about being gay the year before.

Cody checked himself in the mirror, he was an average looking wolf, and he had brownish tan fur that completely covered his body. His eyes were a golden-yellow; Ted said he was the perfect picture of his father at that age. Outside a car honked, Cody hurriedly grabbed his backpack and ran out the door. He jumped into Mark's black Mazda, as he closed the door Mark gunned the engine, music blaring and Cody held on for dear life. Mark had barely passed his driving exam and his speeding showed why. They never talked much on the way to school, but they were both usually to tired anyway. The car shot through a yellow light and rolled through a stop sign, they pulled into Carter High School's parking lot. Mark turned down the speakers and quickly parked the car; they got their bags and headed to opposite entrances of the school like every day without a word. As he walked to the door Cody's cell vibrated in his pocket with a waiting text from his best friend Jack.

-where r u?-

-On my way in now- Cody responded quickly.

Jack was cool, he was a Husky, his fur was messy colored mixes of brown, grey and tan, Jack had crystal blue eyes. He was the only person, other than his family of course, that Cody had told about being gay and the best part was that Jack was cool with it. They told each other everything, except for the fact that Cody had a HUGE crush on the dog. As he got through the door he found his group of friends quickly, they talked and joked around until the bell.

The day went normally until sixth hour when Cody got a text from Mark.

-I cant take u home get Jack 2- annoyed with his 'brother' he quickly texted Jack while the teacher wasn't looking.

-can you give me a ride? Mark cant-

-sure, meet me behind the school-

-kk¬¬- at least he had a ride home he thought. The last two periods passed quickly and Cody soon found himself waiting by Jack's car. He started get worried and began texting the dog when Jack tackled him onto the grass near the parking space. Cody got up coughing.

"why?" he said in a Joking matter.

"It was just too easy" the husky chuckled as he gets up and brushes himself off. "come on lets go, does Ted care if you come over for a bit?"

"Nah, he wont be home til later"

"Sweet I wrote a new song I wanted you to hear" Jack said excitedly getting into the drivers seat as Cody got into the passenger side door.

The drive was quick as Jack lived nearby and apparently had the same speed problem as Mark did. They got to Jack's house quickly and parked in the street. The two scurried outside and into the house, it was pretty average as most the houses in the neighborhood were all pretty much built on the same designs. I followed Jack into his room, the walls black and covered in posters of his favorite bands. Jack turned on the TV in the corner and sat down on the bed, guitar in hand; Jack played guitar while Cody played bass. They played music for a while, going over songs that they were attempting to write while talking about school and their jobs. They finished a song and Cody noticed the clock on the bed stand.

"hey man I'm gonna head out" the wolf sighed.

"I'll give you a ride" Jack offers, but Cody just shakes his head.

"Nah I'll walk, besides I could use the fresh air" Cody said grabbing his books and walking out the door, Jack at his heels. Jack waves goodbye as Cody begins his trek home while calling back "hey man I'll call you later"

Cody walked the sidewalk home slowly, thinking about the music he and Jack had just played. They were getting pretty good and might even start a band if they got a few more players. His cell phone rang and Cody hurried to pick it up, already knowing who it was.

"Hey Ted" Cody said answering the call.

"Cody where are you?" the older fox asked in a concerned voice "dinners on the table and were waiting"

"Sorry I was at Jack's house" the wolf replied "we lost track of time playin' music"

"Ok just please hurry up, k?"

"Yeah, I will" Cody answered and ended the call, ducking down an alley that was a short cut to his neighborhood. It was a dark alley, and Cody was never cautious about his surroundings, when he heard a twig snap he nearly had a heart attack. He spun around searching for who made the noise, but saw no one. He sighed heavily and began to turn when a scaled paw grabbed him and covered his mouth. Cody struggled, but to no avail, his attacker stronger than himself. Judging from his scaled hand and size Cody could only guess him to be a dragon, a BIG dragon. The attacker breathed heavy into Cody's ear.

"Well, what do we have here?" the dragon hissed "what's a cute pup like you doin in a place like this?" The dragon turned Cody around he stared into the reptillion face, dark crimson eyes and slick black face stared back at him. "Now I'm gonna move my hand" the reptile hissed "if you scream I'll kill you, if you run I'll kill you, got it?" Cody could only nod as the dragon smiled evilly, moving his hand. Cody was frozen in fear and couldn't speak. "Good boy!" it exclaimed "and all good puppies deserve a treat!" the dragon twisted Cody around again and tore his shirt clean off. Cody couldn't help but whimper as the Dragon lowered his jeans and chuckled at the tight wolf rump. "mmmmm I can tell I'm going to enjoy this" I heard the dragon unzip his pants felt flesh at the base of his tail, he knew what was going to happen, but couldn't think of anyway to escape. "Now remember the rules" the dragon laughed as he forced his cock into the young scared wolf's tight virgin ass. Cody yelped at the pain and the dragon slapped his muzzle. "Oh yeah" the dragon heaved "I knew you'd be a tight one the moment I saw you" The dragon began roughly humping Cody who whimpered out of pleasure more than pain, the enormous cock playing with his prostate. Cody felt a scaly paw reach around and begin to toy with his erect Cock "Ooooh looks like this little pup is enjoying our little game" Cody's tears streamed down his muzzle as he quietly cried, the dragon moaning with ecstasy. The Dragon's cock pulsed and his humping became more erratic as it neared orgasm. He rubbed Cody's cock roughly until the end. His cock flared as the dragon hit his peak, sending string after string of warm gooey cum into the wolf's young hungry ass. The dragon murred into Cody's ear as he painfully pulled out of Cody's rump, he patted the wolf on the head.

"Well see ya pup" the dragon laughed as Cody fell to the ground and curled into a ball shaking with the pain and realization of what just happened. The dragon pulled up his pants and chuckled as he walked down the alley, a smirk on his face. Cody's phone rang on the ground near his face, but Cody couldn't answer, soon everything went black and Cody lost consciousness.