Tir's Tale, Chapter 2

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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Be warned when you read this. It does contain death and hypnosis. This is the second chapter of Tir's Tale, and things aren't are nice for the young wolf as he would have thought. Somethings don't make sense in here to him, and he is in turmoil already. Enjoy the read, comment on what you liked, didn't like, and what yo think I can improve on. I wrote this in First Person on purpose, and I may switch to third person is it doesn't seem to work.

We walked into what was going to be my old home, me still unable to believe my grandmother still both approved... and knew I was a pet. How could she have really known just from a collar? It didn't make any sense. I offered a chair to Dawn, smiling softly at him. The white wolf sat down and looked at my grandmother. "So, your grandson is a very smart wolf. I was surprised he even was interested in me." I watched as he eyed her a bit, as if he was trying to read her. "So... how do you really know about master pet relationships. It doesn't seem like something you would know"

The older wolf smiled. "Oh, I know about a lot of things. I had my own little pet when I was much younger. Of course, he died long long ago. Wonder how things would have changed if he would have lived. Will never know." Did I just hear her right? Did she have a pet? Who was it? I could help but look at the floor. "Ah, but that was when I was much younger, and we never had sex."

"Hmm, well, I suppose this one didn't become a good little sub from you then." he said teasing me. "Of course, he's lucky to have such an open and caring guardian. Don't worry, I'll be able to take good care of him." I could help but blush. I looked at the two of them. They both were looking at me now. "And I see he's not quite sure what to think. Oh well, it's fun to have such a shy and innocent pet."

She simply nodded looking at me. "His mother was also very dominate, so I was surprised he is submissive. Sadly, I didn't get t know his father to well before the two of them... left." she said softly. "Anyways, I gathered up everything you'd need. I packed only some of your clothes, but the rest of your stuff is mostly in boxes. Well, just the few things I believe are important enough for you to keep. The rest I'll pack up and if you really feel like you won't ever come back, then I'll bring them over."

I stood up nodded, hurrying off towards my room. I couldn't picture my grandmother as a mistress. It just didn't seem right. She raised me after all. My mother was also dominate? How in hell did my grandmother know that! It all... seemed so... foreign to me. I couldn't say I knew anything about my family now. I tripped over a box sitting on the ground in my room, hitting the ground with a soft thud. I felt the room spinning around a bit, but quickly snapped back to reality. I could still hear those two talk, but not able to make out anything they were saying. I looked at the boxes that she had packed. Just three of them. They just contained my books, some of my old pictures, and my clothes. It was like she was somewhat ready for me to go. Everything felt so... strange, almost like it was planned...

"Thanks so much for doing this for him." I finally heard my grandmother say. "Do you think he has any idea?"

"None. He won't ever know either." I heard Dawn say. "Tir's going to have it rough for a while, that much I know. Virgins are the easiest to train... but the hardest to keep under your thumb."

"Oh, I know. But, he refused to ever go do anything, so I hoped him finding someone at college would work out. Granted, I hate the fact that he prefers males... but I'll be able to finally be able to relax knowing he is with someone special."

"Don't worry. Now, about..." they started to get quiet again. What was going on? It almost sounded like... no, it couldn't be! She loved me! She wouldn't dare find a master to control me! And Dawn... he was too sincere to be paid off to use me like this! The nerve of those two! Wow.. I couldn't believe it. Maybe I just misheard them. Yes... that's it... I misheard everything... it was taken out of context.

"Alright, so tomorrow, you want me to make sure that contacting you is only allowed once a week, correct? And visits are only once a month? What about for holidays?" Dawn seemed to be planning out my life already... like I was just some child.

"That sounds right. Holidays are your choice. I love him, but I'm getting very ill... I need to ensure that he will be taken care of. Granted..." No... it was a setup... she was pushing me out! It couldn't be. The feelings I had for Dawn were real. No way that could have been setup by her... but... I always told her everything. She could have pieced everything together and brought Dawn into the picture...

"Ok... Well, tonight, you know what I'll have to do with him... Being a former mistress and trainer..."

"Yes, I know. If he doesn't run after this, then I'll bring everything else he owns. I want him to be able to have some freedom you know." That was the last straw. I could slip out my bedroom window and run. That would show those two that I wasn't to played with.

"Don't worry. I know I wasn't ever your first choice for his mate, but you can't those that he falls in love with. Give me a week, and he'll be a well trained little bitch boy, unable to live without me."

I was standing at the window now, opening it up very slowly. As I poked my head out, something grabbed the collar around my neck and pulled me back in, causing me to yip and whimper softly. I looked around and saw Dawn tapping his foot on the ground. "M..master...?"

"Not thinking about running now, are you pet?" he said firmly. "It would break your grandmother's heart if you ran away from your master and mate." He was right... and I couldn't do that to her.

"Now Tir... I know you must have heard what we were talking about... but you've gotten it all wrong." she said softly. "I was talking to him about being a master. He's trained a few pets before, and when I met him a few weeks ago, I mentioned I had a grandson going to the same college as him. I didn't arrange anything except telling him that you might be a good fit to be a pet."

"Liar... both of you." I said, almost crying. "I thought... you were too good to be true Dawn... and here is my grandmother, whom I apparently didn't know at all... and now a master that she picked out..."

Dawn walked up and slapped me. "You will not speak another word. You agreed to this, and you will be trained. You belong to me completely, and I will not hold back, not for any reason. Grab your things and put them in the back of the car. If you try to run, I will find you, and you won't like your punishment. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"

I didn't know why, but even now his voice was soothing to hear. I was scared senseless, and meekly nodded at them both. I quickly grabbed all three boxes and rushed to put them up. I heard Dawn telling my grandmother that tonight was going to have to be even harder on me. What did I agree to? My life as Tir was going to be over, and now I was going to be nothing more than a cum dump to... to THAT! It wasn't right. My grandmother shouldn't have tried to arrange anything for me. I would have been fine. Yet, something in my heart told me that it wasn't as it seemed.

I put the boxes in the car, and closed it up, walking back towards the house. My heart was racing, my fur feeling a bit tight. The collar around my neck felt like it was choking me now. The thong I was wearing felt like it didn't belong. And the worst part of it all was I gave him.. that... that thing... my most precious thing... my virginity. He was a monster... and I was stuck with him. Yet, just thinking about it all... caused my heart to race, as if I really loved him.

"All finished?" came that soothing soft voice. I looked up into Dawn's eyes and nodded, not wanting to say another word. "Good boy. Now then, we have dinner plans for tonight. You are going to wear what you are now minus that shirt." he said harshly, just ripping it off my body, revealing the cum stains on my belly, the thong, and shredding the last bit of my pride. I looked at the ground. "Don't be bashful pet. Show it off with pride. Be happy to be my pet, because there are master's and even mates way worse than me." his voice calmed me completely with what he said.

"He's right you know." came the elderly voice of my grandmother. "Your lucky to have him as a master than some of the ones I met when I trained pets. They just abused their pets, not really taking care of them." I couldn't help but blush at what she said. How did she have any idea of what he was going to do. "I'll be sending the rest of your stuff after a week. I made a deal with him. You are to be trained for a week. If after a week you don't want to be his pet, you can come back home without any fear. If you do agree to remain his pet, then I will bring the rest of your stuff to his place, and you will no longer be able to leave his side."

I gulped heavily then. A whole week was all I had to suffer with and then I can forget about everything? That seemed like nothing. "Ok..." I said softly.

That when a paw slapped me across the muzzle, causing me the hit the ground. "Don't EVER speak unless I give you permission to pet." Even though he was trying to be controlling and harsh... his voice still kept me calm. I nodded apologetically. "Good boy." he said, helping me back up. "I'm going to train you as a little bitch for my personal use, maybe others. I will let you know when you can speak freely and when you can't. Do everything I say, and I have no reason to punish you. Fail to do so, and I promise you won't enjoy it."

I gulped again, and began to tear up. I started to fold my wings around my body, almost as if I was trying to hide. Like my wings could actually hide me... if anything, it made me stand out more! Oh, what I wouldn't give to just fly away. I know I could if I wasn't terrified of falling. "Be good." was the last thing I heard from my grandmother as a leash was put on my collar and I was drug out to the car. I climbed in without any complaints.

Dawn put a paw on my shoulder. "Tir..." he said softly. "You can speak freely until otherwise told. I'm going to let you know now, you won't be able to leave me after a week. You'll probably try, but will find it impossible to live without me. Trust me. The other two pets I trained... I would still have them if they wouldn't have moved away with their parents when the family found out."

I looked out the window, not wanting to face him. "Why... why are you doing this to me? I'm not sure I'll be a good pet... I don't want to be your pet... not after this..." I began to tear up a bit. "It seems... to strange to me." I felt the car pulling out. "These clothes... they aren't what I like... My first time... I pictured... it would be something more romantic... and then... I'm now just your cum dump? What am I suppose to like about this?"

"The fact that now your life will be secure and have meaning. Your not a cum dump, regardless of how I treat you. I like those clothes on other guys. Your agreed to everything you ungrateful bitch. You do know your grandmother is dying, right? She can't take care of you! I can. She didn't bribe me, she didn't ask me, she didn't even think you would actually meet me. It was all chance I met her before and talked about the master/pet relationship. And, I didn't know you were her grandson."

"Shut up. You said it yourself... you used that weird symbol on me! It wasn't by choice... it should just be called rape! Why would I want to love someone that resorts to tricks like that...?" I was nearly crying as we made our way back into town. I noticed he made a turn off, towards the river walk. I just stared out the window, trying not to cry any more. I just had to suffer a wee with this... just a week. That was what I kept telling myself.

After about twenty minutes, I felt a paw on my leg. "Look Tir, that symbol only works on those that want something to do with me. If only speeds things up." he said softly. I couldn't help but gulp a bit. I knew when I saw him, that I could be happy with him. Everything seemed to be moving to fast, as if it was all planned. "Now then, you need to open up your eyes, and I have just the thing to do that. Tir, you already agreed to this and I'm going to show you that you shouldn't back out."

I looked at him. "Wh.. what are you going to do now? Bring me to see some of your old pets? How will that open up my eyes?" I felt anger radiating from him, and splayed my ears. I felt his paw rub up my leg softly. "Please... don't try to comfort me... I can't stand you Dawn." I knew I was lying to myself, but I made me feel better.

"Your lying to yourself Tir. I know you feel something towards me. You may or may not like how things seem to be, but you belong to me. I agreed to the week trail for you, but its just for show you know. Your grandmother isn't going to be able to take care of you for much longer, then what? Trying to find your parents? Go to some aunt or uncles place that you don't even know? I know, maybe one of your friends will take you in? Oh wait, from what I know, you don't have very many, and the few you do have, you don't ever really talk to. You don't have a job, and can barely go to college. Let's face it Tir, your stuck with me. You can either learn to accept it now, or you can wait till your grandmother dies, and you come crawling back."

I sat there stunned at what he had just said to me. Did I hear him right? I had no choice? This week was just for show? I want to jump out of the car and into traffic right then and there. Yet, something deep down stopped me. Maybe it was the fact I was the only thing my grandmother had left, and I had to survive. Maybe it was the fact that I knew he was right. At the time, all I could do was look at my paw. "W... why are you saying this to me? Why can't you just accept that I don't want to be your..."

"Your time to speak is over Tir. We have arrived." he said, pulling into a small parking-lot. Strange, I had never been to this place before. We were outside a small brick building. I saw a few furs with collars walking out, a few beaten so badly that parts of their fur was gone. Some were in casts, obviously having broken bones. What was this place was what I kept asking myself. "This... is where a lot of pets that run end up. You see, most pets can't live without a master anymore. They try to survive, and eventually try to find another master. Sadly, your first master is almost always the best one for you. They always love you, and want to take care of you. But, they won't take back a pet. So, you'll find another one, and you'll end up here, and no one will care, or even know."

I stared in shock at all of them. Some were about my age, some older, and few were younger. "W... why you showing me this? Why would anyone let someone do this to them?" I began to tear up. "And why can't you take one of them over me? They want a master, and I don't."

"I would take one Tir... if they would accept me. However, you see how they are still wearing collars? They are hoping that their master will come back for them... only about half get their master back... the other half... well... get out and follow me." he said, opening his door and stepping out.

I followed behind him. The smell alone was enough to convince me that I would never want to end up here. We walked behind the build and the sight I saw was... "Horrible." I muttered out. There was so many furs laying in the dirt. Their collars where gone. A few were obviously dead. The few that weren't were close behind. I turned away. "Why didn't their... masters return?"

Dawn placed a paw on my shoulder. "They don't know about this place. These furs gave up on living. I've tried to get a few to come with me, and seen several other master come here and try to convince them, or even ask them who their master was. Sometimes we get lucky and find their old master, but sometimes... this is the result. And... once a month, a few of us master come here to figure out who died, try to convince some to get medical treatment, and hopefully either find their master, or help them move on..."

I gulped and looked around again. "Master... I.. I.." I fell on the ground, crying a bit. I felt someone else walk up to me. Through my tears, I saw a tiger with a collar, in a black cast around his leg, and his arm in a sling. I couldn't look at him. I then felt his paw on my head.

"Shh little one. You don't know the joys of a master yet. Mine is here now... I'm getting to go home..." He felt so kind and reassuring. "Not all pet's end up here. Some die at new masters hands. I almost did. Here, come talk with my master about this one. I've known Dawn for several years now, and my master and him are good friends."

Dawn smiled at me and helped me up. "How is Flint anyways? I haven't seen him since the week after you ran away Chris." I leaned against Dawn softly, still crying. "And I know you broke his heart by running away."

A gray and white husky with clear blue eyes looked at me suddenly. "Hey there Dawn. Is this your new pet?" he asked softly. He seemed to hold himself as someone that was very important. He placed a paw on me and smiled. "I see you met my pet Chris. Hes coming back home with me today."

I nodded and looked at him. I couldn't speak and held on tighter to Dawn, as if I let go of him, I would die. I heard the three of them chuckle a bit. "I... I'm terrified to be a pet... I... I feel like... I was forced into this.... Like I have no choice."

Chris chuckled a bit. "I felt the same way little one. But... Dawn is an amazing master. Hes strict at first, but will never hurt you and really take care of you. He owns an online business and makes enough to support himself and his pet or pets. Hes helped me out a lot, and my master."

Flint smiled and licked my nose. "Give it time. All pets feel like their master is just that, a master. You'll grow to love Dawn eventually. Just trust him. And, we will be living nearby, if you ever need someone else to talk to."

Dawn ran a claw down my back, causing me to shiver softly, my body still resting a bit against his. These two... strangers were telling me to trust another stranger... and one that had just raped me. "Tir, you'll learn to trust me, and these two." Dawn said softly. "Now then, let us return to our home so I can begin really training you."

I splayed my ears and nodded. I felt like I was still being used, and even this was all setup. Maybe it was, and in hindsight, I know it wasn't. God, if only I was able to trust him. I felt like I loved him deeply, but I felt scared and betrayed. Dawn led me back to the car and opened the door for me. I kept my wings around me, trying not to cry anymore. If everything he said was true, then maybe... he wouldn't be so bad.

The drive back home was actually a little more pleasant. I still couldn't trust Dawn, and still thought that after the week, I would be back home. I found my paws clenching tight into fists. I didn't even notice us pull into his apartment complex. I was lost in thought, as if I was being torn apart on the inside. I wanted to do this, but my mind was screaming no.

"Tir, snap out of it. Let us go inside." Dawn said softly. I shook my head a bit, and slowly climbed out of the car. My tail was dragging, my wings drooping some, and the color in my eyes had dulled. It was like I was dying inside, and wanted everything to end. "Tir, wake up!" I heard him shout as I ran right into a wall with a soft thud.

"Ow...." I said, grabbing my nose. There was a bit of blood, but it was minor. I looked at Dawn and whimpered.

He came over and gave me a soft lick on the cheek. "Cheer up pup. Things aren't going to be as bad you think they are. You won't ever have to worry about anything other than keeping me happy. You'll still get to finish school, and even find a job if you so choose. You just serve a master now."

I looked up at him. My heart broke just then and I fell on the ground, crying uncontrollable. My mind was in such chaos nothing was making sense. Nothing I was screaming at him made any sense. I was feeling joy, sadness, anger, pain, happiness, emptiness, and so much more all at once. I continued screaming at him, and he just stood there listening to it all. I still didn't know a single word I said. All I know was it all I could do, my cheeks stained with tears.

That's when the white wolf wrapped his paws around me, and pulled me close to his body. "Shhh, pup.. that's enough. Shhh, calm down. I know your scared, but you have to let that go and trust me. You agreed to this, and you can't back out now." I sobbed a few more times, and held onto the wolf. "That's my pup. Calm yourself down. Things won't be that bad."

As my tears slowly stopped, I muttered something that shocked the hell out of me. Like.. seriously.. I can't even believe what I just said. "I love you master Dawn." As I spoke each of those words, I completely believed in them. I felt Dawn leading me upstairs, his arms holding my tightly. "Please... don't ever hurt me." I whispered.

Dawn smiled just then, the smile I feel in love with, and then I noticed the soothing quality of his voice again. "Pet, you won't ever be hurt emotionally, but I will punish you for disobeying me, will use your body as I please, and share with those I want to share you with. I will dress you how I want, and feed you what I want. You belong to me now, and there is nothing you can do about that. I won't ever treat you like scum, or another less than a lover."

I blushed brightly then. Was this for real. I had to survive a week like this? If anything... I would give him a month before he changed. Actually, maybe a year. No... I swore myself to him as a pet. That crazy symbol was now in my mind again as I started to wag, as if I forgot about everything else. I just wanted to please and serve master now. "Master... what can I do for you?"

Dawn smiled and opened the door for me. The smell of our earlier actions still hung in the air a bit. "You saw the symbol in your mind again Tir?"

I simply nodded and wagged. "I dunno why, but... I think... I'm unable to resist the idea of really being a pet... I was... just in shock... that's all."

"No, the symbol will always reappear in your mind to keep you will whenever you feel like you should be with me. It will always keep you a little bit more in line." He said softly, wagging. When he closed the door, he locked it behind us. "Now then my pet, let us begin your training."

I nodded and looked up at my new master, waiting to see what the training consisted of. "What do you want me to do master?" I asked softly, wagging happily now. It was like everything I was feeling was gone, and I wanted to do this now. The life in my eyes had returned, and a simple innocence was present around me.

Dawn smiled and tugged on my collar softly, pulling me into a soft kiss. I felt like I could melt against him. As he broke the kiss, he smiled more at me. "We are going to train you to take me without any prep time and to be used as I see fit. Tonight I'm to fuck you again, and tomorrow, I'm going to teach you how to clean this place and how I want you groomed." he said, pulling off my pants. This time, I wasn't even blushing as my clothes fell to the ground, removing my own shirt happily, standing there in nothing but a thong.

"Ok master." I said softly, my red tip poking up a bit. I suddenly felt a bit of revulsion wash over me as I kinda backed away. "B..but... can we... maybe start tomorrow?" I said, pushed against the wall now, becoming fully erect. "M..my tailhole still hurts a lot from... earlier." I said whimpering.

Dawn grinned and pinned me against the all, removing his own pants, revealing that massive shaft of his. "No. I think I need to tonight. I know you want to." he said, staring deeply into my eyes. The room began to go fuzzy and I started nodding. I got down on my knees and licked his shaft, murring softly. "Mmm, I figured you would agree."

His scent was heavily, the muskiness filling my nose. I kept licking on his cock happily, murring and whimpering in pleasure. I warm the warm pre ooze onto my tongue as it leaked out of his tip and down the shaft. It was salty and sweet, and I wanted more. I moved up to his tip and took it into my maw, suckling softly on it, my paw stroking his cock as the other fondled his balls. The piercing on his cock felt weird against my tongue as I suckled. I began to swallow the pre that leaked out of the shaft.

Dawn moaned softly, and smirked at me. I felt his paw on my head, and suddenly, his entire shaft was forced into my maw, and down into my throat. I couldn't help but gag, and sometime told me to pull away. Yet, I didn't. I sucked happily on my master cock, his pre pouring down my throat. I reached down and began to stroke my own cock. I felt him thrusting into my maw and throat now, causing me to whimper softly. Yet, I couldn't help but suck on that glorious cock of his. I could even feel the piercing on his cock in my throat.

His knot started to swell, and I could hear him calling me his little bitch pet, and how much I wanted all of this. I couldn't help it! I wanted it all, I didn't care! My body was his now as he continued to muzzle fuck me roughly. I was stroking my own cock faster now, but his foot steep on my paw to stop me. I whined softly, and tried to take his knot into my maw. I felt it slid in as he howled out, shooting hot cum into my stomach, causing me to choke some. I didn't do anything now but murr, swallowing what felt like gallons of his seed.

"Mmm, you love the taste of cum, don't you slut?" Dawn said harshly. My ears perked up as he pulled his cock out, shooting the last rope of his cum all over my face. "I can tell you want this more as I continue. You are turning into a pet Tir."

I whimpered and licked at his cock, aiming at the piercing. He pulled away more however. "Please master.. I want your cock.. I want more your seed. Please master, please, don't keep you cock away from me. Give your pet your cock, let him have it."

I couldn't believe what I was saying. I was turning into a pet, and wanted to run. My body wouldn't let me. I felt him push me onto the ground, and pull my thong off. "See, your already thinking like a slut pet." he growled into my ear, slamming his entire length into my already abused hole. I screamed out in pain as he gave me no chance to react or relax. I clenched tightly around his cock, and began to cum. And I came hard! It shot up to my face, and all over my chest and belly. I couldn't hold back.

"Good little slut." he growled into my ear, thrusting harder and faster into me than last time, tearing my tailhole up, and causing me to wanna scream and whine. The pain was intense, yet was what I felt like I needed. I could his piercing rubbing all over the inside of my tailhole as he continued pounding me. It was like he had no limits to what he was going to do with me. I felt every inch of that massive cock each time it entered me and exited me.

"M..MORE MASTER!" I screamed out. Did I hear myself right? I was wanting more of this... this pain? I never wanted anything like this. It was like I wasn't in control. 'Tell him to stop, tell him to stop, scream out rape, tell him to stop.' was what I kept think, and yet.. I was pushing myself harder onto his cock with each thrust as he bucked harder and harder into me. His knot was stretching my hole back open for it. I could take much more, howling out, he caused me to cum again!

As I shot another powerful load all over myself, his knot locked itself with me. I heard him howl as he started shooting hot cum deep inside of me. I was at the edge of what I could take and every felt warm as I blacked out. I don't know when, but he apparently moved us to his bed while I slept, not removing his cock from me all night. I could swear I felt him fuck me again as I slept. I was now a little bitch to Dawn, and I loved him for it. My life felt complete, yet hollow at the same time. I wanted to run and yet be with him. This is where Tir died, and Dawn's pet was born.

Life Renewed (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 7)

Drake followed close behind the ambulance as it navigated through the town. As the flashing siren turned into the hospital Drake looked for a place to park his car. He nervously walked into the waiting room as the tears fell on his cheeks matting his...

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Truth and Pain (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 6)

Xello was still crying when the police came into the door. 'Why won't Drake believe me?' he thought. He felt a strong paw on his should, and looked up and a smiled grey wolf in a police outfit. He looked oddly familiar. "Its ok son," Said the wolf....

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The Broken Heart (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 5)

Xello and Drake lay on the ground, cuddling close to each other. Drake's knot was still completely formed, when suddenly, they heard on knock on the door. Xello's ears perked up, and he began to panic. "Yes?" he said, rather nervous. "Xello, are...

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