The Broken Heart (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 5)

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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Well, Chapter 5 is back. This is where the story becomes a bit darker... Enjoy, comments are always welcome =3

Xello and Drake lay on the ground, cuddling close to each other. Drake's knot was still completely formed, when suddenly, they heard on knock on the door.

Xello's ears perked up, and he began to panic. "Yes?" he said, rather nervous.

"Xello, are you two ok in there?" It was Renee.

Drake whispered, "What are we going to do? I can't pull out yet."

Xello began to panic as the door knob turned. "Don't come in, I'm changing," he shouted.

The door knob stopped for a second. "Is Drake in there?" Renee asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Ok, are you two yiffing?" she asked, almost jokingly as she opened the door. Xello and Drake were lying on the ground, panicking about the sudden intrusion. "Ok... I'll leave you two be." As she turned around, shocked by the sight and walked out the room.

Xello sighed heavily. "I can't believe she just walked in on us yiffing," he said.

Drake nodded. His knot began to go down, and with a small wet pop, he removed it from Xello.

Xello moaned, and suddenly felt empty without his lover inside of him. He rolled over to face Drake, and licked him lovingly on the nose. He smiled and whispered, "Maybe we should go get cleaned up."

Drake nodded, and grabbed his boxers. He looked into Xello's eyes. "Think your mom will have a fit if we shower together?"

Xello thought for a moment. He wasn't sure what his mother would think. He reached and grabbed his boxers and put them on. He finally said, "She might not like it, but lets go ahead and shower together."

Drake smiled, as he walked to the door. He waited there for Xello.

Xello, blushing slightly, walked over to Drake and gave him a hug. He nipped affectionately at his lover's ears.

Drake murred. Not letting go of his boyfriend, he opened the door. They slowly made their way to the bathroom, never letting go of each other.

"Xello," his mother yelled from down stairs, "Your band director just called, you two have school in the morning."

Both groaned. "I thought school was canceled for the rest of the week!" Xello shouted back.

"It was," She shouted. "The PTA decided it was best to open it back up."

Xello opened the door to the bathroom, upset by the news he had just heard. He felt nipping at his ears. He looked at Drake, who smiled innocently. He gently swatted him with his paw.

Drake laughed and pulled Xello in the bathroom, locking the door behind them. They both quickly discarded their boxers.

"How do you normally like your showers?" Xello asked.

"Fairly hot."

Xello smiled as he turned on the water. He stood there wait for the water to reach the desired temperature.

Drake suddenly grabbed Xello and spun him around. Before the wolf could respond, Drake kissed him passionately on the lips, prodding with his tongue for entry.

Xello was surprised by this sudden move, but allowed Drake's tongue to enter his mouth. He was murring and he enjoyed the taste and feel of his lover's tongue.

They stood there in both lust and passion for several minutes. Drake noticed the room was now filled with steam. He took Xello's paw in his own and got into the shower. Their fur quickly became soaked as they teased each other by rubbing each others' sheathes.

Xello grabbed his shampoo, the same coconut shampoo he always used, and squirted it onto his fur.

Drake suddenly started to massage the shampoo into Xello's fur. He worked it into a thick lather, and paid very close attention to Xello's privates and pucker. He felt Xello's cock slowly becoming erect from the attention. "Happy are we?" he whispered.

Xello nodded. "I think my cock is clean enough." He laughed.

Drake chuckled. He grabbed the shower head, and slowly rinsed Xello off. He made sure every part of him had no shampoo left.

Xello playfully nipped at Drake. He grabbed the shampoo, and squeezed into his lover's fur. He started to work it into a think lather, just as Drake had done for him. He brought Drake in close for a kiss, and the smell of his shampoo almost overpowering.

Drake murred as Xello played with his sheath. He slowly backed away from the wolf, and smiled. "I'm happy I'm with you." He said, as Xello rinsed him off.

Xello smiled back and nodded. 'I never thought I could fall for someone so quickly,' he thought. "Drake, promise you'll never leave me." He whispered.

Drake drew him into a hug, and whispered, "I won't ever leave you."

They didn't want to let go of their embrace, but the water began to run cold. Xello turned off the water, climbed out of the shower. He got onto all fours, and shook himself, sending water flying all over the room.

"Too cute," Drake chuckled. He followed Xello's suit, and shook himself off as well, while his wolf lover walked over to grab them both a towel.

Xello finished drying up, and looked at his puffy fur. He laughed at the sight. He turned to Drake, whose fur was puffed out as much as his own. "You should leave your fur like that," Xello laughed. "Then I have a fluff ball to mess around with."

Drake laughed. He walked over to the door and opened it, looking around for Renee. He smelled something good coming from the kitchen, and looked back at Xello. "Let's go get dressed."

Xello nodded, and they both ran quickly to their shared room. They dropped their towels in the corner with the rest of Xello's dirty clothes, and set out picking clothes for the night. Xello went with a pair of green boxers, some blue cotton shorts, and a blue tee-shirt.

Drake, put on some grey boxers, and shirt with Pink Floyd on the front, and a pair of black night pants. He walked over to Xello, and licked him on the nose. "I wonder what your mom is making for dinner," He said. "It smells really good."

Xello nodded, and said, "My mom's cooking is always good."

The pair made their way down stairs, and walked into the kitchen. Renee was sitting at the table, reading some papers. She looked up at the two and laughed. "You should have brushed your fur," She said.

Both Drake and Xello burst in to laughter. Drake wrapped his paws around his wolf lover, and smiled. "What are you cooking, Ms. Renee?" he asked.

Renee laughed. "I'm cooking some baked chicken, with snap beans," She said. "And please, just call me mom."

Drake nodded, and thought, 'Mom? I guess she might be my mom one day.' "The food smells wonderful, Mom," he said.

Both Xello and Renee laughed. They all sat at the table, waiting on the food. Renee kept getting up to check on it, and the two lovers kept teasing each other.

"I'm sorry I walked in on you two," Renee said all of a sudden. "I didn't think you two would be..."

"Its ok mom," Xello said.

Renee nodded, and she looked at the chicken again. "Dinners ready."

They sat and ate dinner, talking about silly things, like what actors they thought were hot, and about marching band. The three were having the time off their life, until Renee said, "Bed time you two. And I mean, straight to bed."

The teens laughed, and nodded. They walked up the stairs, and into their room. They stripped down into their boxers, and curled up together under the blankets.

Xello whispered, "She'll be asleep soon, and then we can have some fun."

Drake chuckled quietly, as he massaged Xello's sheath. He kept teasing the wolf, and pulled off his lover's boxers.

Xello was murring loudly. He cock was beginning to become erect. 'Hurry up and go to bed mom,' he thought. 'I can't hold back much longer.'

As if right on cue, they heard footsteps coming from outside the room. The doorknob slowly turned, and Renee poke her head it. She saw the teen furs cuddled up next to each other. She walked into the room and kissed both cheek. "Goodnight boys." She whispered, as she turned and walked out the room, closing the door behind her.

The lovers heard a door close across the hall. Drake started to lick Xello's cheeks wildly. "You ready?" he whispered, as he pulled off his own boxers. He cock was already dripping with pre.

Xello nodded, and began to whip his fox lover with his tail. He felt his lover go down beneath the blankets. His pucker began to feel wet, as Drake started to lick it.

Drake kept pushing his tongue gently into his lover, trying to get him ready. The warmth and smell of the tight pink pucker in front of him was driving him wild. He slowly crawled back up to his lover, and grabbed the wolf tail. Xello smiled, and whispered, "Go for it."

Drake positioned himself. The tip of his cock was pushing gently at the warm entrance that awaited it. He slowly forced his way in, causing Xello to gasp and moan in pleasure. He very slowly worked his cock in, until he could go no further.

Xello nodded, and felt the cock slowly leave. Then, it quickly was thrust back in. Still not use to this, he yipped and the sudden thrust.

Drake slowed down a bit, trying to get his lover use to being yiffed. Thrusting gently in and out, his pre lubed Xello up.

Xello was in pure ecstasy. After the first couple of thrusts, he began to moan and pant. He felt the fox paw go over his mouth in an attempt to muffle the moans.

Drake's knot began to form, begging to be let in. He began to moan. He was picking up the pace, love and lust filled his mind. With one final thrust, his knot went in, and his orgasm followed immediately. Wave after wave of his seed began to fill Xello up.

Xello cock was dripping pre onto the bed. He need to get a release, but was waiting on his lover.

Drake whispered in his ear, "As soon as my knot goes down some, you can yiff me." He began to gently hump Xello, wishing he could have pleasured him more. His knot slowly became small enough to pull out. With a wet sound pop, his cock came out, some of his seed leaked out onto the bed.

Xello rolled over, and brought Drake into a kiss. Their tongues were dancing in each others muzzles. Xello took his right paw, and began to rub his fox lovers bum. He used a single claw to please the inside, not ready to leave the embrace.

Drake moan was muffled. He wanted to be yiffed. He slowly broke the kiss, and got onto all four paws. His tail was swishing around wildly.

Xello grabbed Drake's tail, lifting it up gently. He gave the pink pucker in front of him a quick lick, causing the vulpine to shudder. He continued the licking, teasing his lover by just barely sticking his tongue in and quickly pulling in out.

Drake moaned. He tried to force the wolf tongue further in his pucker, but Xello pulled it away to quickly.

Done teasing the vulpine, Xello prepared to yiff Drake. He cock was coated in pre. He slowly pushed in, while gently stroking his lover's ears.

Drake let out another moan, and began panting. He pushed back, trying to get more of the wolf cock inside of him. He had never felt so alive before.

Xello let out a soft moan when his cock was all the way in. He pulled gently back out, thrust back in. He found a perfect pace, he pre made the vulpine hole easier to yiff. He kept thrusting, being gentle with Drake.

Drake couldn't stop moaning, his breathing was very heavy. He felt Xello's knot begging for entrance. "T-tie... me," he panted out.

With a final rough thrust, Xello tied himself to Drake. Save after wave of his seed filled up the vulpine, as he let out a howl.

Drake quickly put his paw over Xello's muzzle to stifle the howl.

When Xello's orgasm subsided, he proceeded to lick and Drake's ear. He pulled his vulpine lover close. He whispered, "Goodnight my love."

They quickly drifted into a deep slumber, cuddling as close to each other as possible. Xello's cock was still inside of Drake.

The alarm went off at 6:30 like it does every school day. Both Drake and Xello groaned. Xello hit the alarm.

Drake stretched a bit. He rolled over and licked Xello on the nose. "Morning sunshine."

Xello kissed Drake on the cheek. "Morning." Drake slowly rolled out of bed, showing the wolf his butt as he did.

Xello felt his cock stir. He looked away blushing. "Umm, we should get dressed." He said, embarrassed.

Drake chuckled and wiggled his butt a bit. "I guess we can."

Xello walked over to his dresser, and grabbed a pair a blue jeans, and a green shirt that matched his eyes. He looked for some boxers, but he was out. "I need to clean some clothes today, I'm out of boxers," He said.

Drake, who had grabbed some a pair of black boxers, reached into his clothes and threw Xello a pair of green satin boxers. "You can use a pair of mine for today."

Xello blushed a bit, and muttered thanks. He had never worn another guy's clothes before. He quickly got dressed and looked at Drake.

Drake slid on his boxers, followed by a pair a khakis and a white shirt. He looked over to Xello and said, "Let go get some breakfast."

The two lovers walked down the stairs, and saw Renee sitting at the table, drinking her usual cup of coffee. "Good morning, boys," she said. "There is some Trix in the cabinet for breakfast. I'm going to be working late today, so you two behave."

The lovers rushed into the kitchen, and each fixed a bowl of the fruity breakfast. The quickly ate, and looked at the time. It was 7:05. Luckily, marching practice didn't start till next week.

Drake and Xello ran upstairs and brushed their teeth. They were constantly grabbing each other. After a quick spit and rinse, they grabbed their bags, and headed to Drake's car. "Bye mom, see you tonight," Said Xello as he closed the door.

They jumped into the car, and left for school. The drive seemed to last forever, as both were dreading going to class today.

Drake parked as close to the school as he could. He wanted to get out of their quickly when classes ended for the day. They walked to their first class, Latin, holding each other's paw.

One inside, there was a note on the board. It read, "Work on chapter 3 assignments. Due next class period." Xello looked around for the white fox from last time, but saw a older brown bear sitting at the desk. He whispered to Drake, "I guess the teacher didn't want to come to class today either."

Drake chuckled as he pulled out his Latin book, and began the assignment.

The day seemed to drag on, until they reached band. They walked into the classroom. The sound of the various instruments playing was awful. Lein ran up to Xello and Drake, carrying a trombone, and said, "Hey guys. How living together treating you?"

Drake and Xello looked at each other and smiled. They leaned in for a quick kiss, causing the drum major to walk by and whisper, "Wait till after school."

All four laughed lightly. The drum major was a tall black panther. She had beautiful yellow eyes that shone brightly. Her name was Amanda, and she was good friends with Lein and Drake.

The director, Mr. Allen, called the class to order. "First, I want to ask the Saxes to stay after school today. We have two players here who don't have a real chair assignment, and I'm going to have you all play for me. Now, everyone take out 'Into the Stone/Star.'"

Xello flattened his ears. 'I don't want to stay after school today.' He pulled out the music for their show, and played along with the class.

Drake thought, 'I wonder if I should wait here for Xello after school? I wasn't expecting this.'

After class, a blue dragon walked up to Xello. He was a good 6 feet tall. His wings were huge, and he obviously worked out. He smiled at Xello. "Listen, if you need ride after we play for Mr. Allen, I can bring you home."

"Umm, I don't know," Xello said, as Drake walked up behind him. "Drake, are you planning to stay after school?"

Drake looked down for a second. "I can if you want me to, babe," He said. "I won't be hurt if you want to get to know your section leader and have him bring you home."

The blue dragon laughed. "Ok, I'll bring you home afterwards. Oh, I forgot, my name is Sean." He reached out to shake Xello's paw.

Xello gently grabbed the dragon's claw, and said, "M-m-my name i-is Xello."

"Don't be shy around me; I'm not a bad guy." Sean said. "I have to get to class, see you after school." He turned and walked out the band room.

Drake looked at his watch, and grabbed Xello's paw. "Come on, we have to get to class." He said.

The rest of the day drug on and on. Xello even fell asleep in one of his classes. Gym was last, and he didn't want to dress out in front of all the others.

Drake had no problem changing and rushing out with the rest of the crowd. He noticed Xello stay behind, but thought I would be best if he dressed out without someone watching. He ran into the gym, and grabbed a basket ball, which was all they ever did in there anyways.

Xello finished dressing out, and quickly slipped into the class without the couch noticing. He ran over to join Drake and ferret engaged in a game of basketball. The ferret was a little bit shorter than Xello, with brown fur, except for under his muzzle and down into his shirt. "Hey, can I join you?"

"Sure," said the ferret, in a somewhat squeaky voice. "My name is Hermes. What's yours?"

"I'm Xello, and I already know this cute little fox here."

Drake blushed. He looked Xello in the eyes and said, "He didn't know we are dating."

Hermes laughed, and said, "It's all cool. I don't have problem with you two dating."

Xello sneaked a quick kiss from Drake. "And I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world."

They play a couple games of horse. Hermes was very good and won every time. Xello only managed to get the ball in the hoop one time, and was jumping for joy when he did, causing the other two to burst out laughing.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, the three went and changed back into their clothes. Xello blushed as Drake and Hermes dropped their pants and changed really quickly. He took his time, and gave his lover a quick hug. "I'll be home later." He ran out the door, rushing to the band room.

Drake slowly made his way to his car. Lein was waiting for him outside. "Hey Lein."

The lion looked up and smiled. "Hey there. Where's Xello?"

"He has to stay after school with the Saxes."

"I forgot." Lein said, walking over to Drake. "Was wondering if you two wanted to come over today?"

"I can come for a little while, but I have a lot of homework to do." Drake said. "I'll be there in a few."

"Alright, I'll meet you there." Lein said, and he walked over to his truck. He got in a sped off.

Drake sighed. 'I guess I better not keep him waiting.' He climbed into his car, and soon was heading towards Lein's house.

Xello walked into the band room. The Saxes were already warming up. He quickly got out his sax and sat down near the rest of his section, and played a few notes.

The band director soon came out of his office, and stood at his podium. "Alright, the test is on b flat major scale, and Into the Stone/Star. This will determine your new chair order for the rest of the season. You'll come in when you're called. Sean, you're first."

The blue dragon got up, wand walked into the office, the door closing behind him. He came out a few minutes later, beaming with pride.

Xello watched as a husky named Trey, and leopard name Lily, and a raccoon named Steven, as went in a played, before it was his turn. He slowly walked into the office, and heard the others say good luck. He was getting nervous. He closed the door behind him.

"Hi there Xello. Can you play b flat for me?"

Xello nodded, and played the scale a quick pace, with no mistakes.

"Very good. Now, play to measure 45 in the opener."

Xello played the song at a little bit faster tempo than they did in class. He missed a couple of notes, but went on. When he finished, he saw Mr. Allen smiling at him.

"Nicely done. Please let Rachael know she's next."

Xello walked out of the office, and looked at the only one who hadn't played, a small canary freshman. She was shaking. Xello walked over to her and put his put on her shoulder. "You next." He said. "Don't worry, you'll do fine."

He sat back down, and stared at the ceiling for a minute. When Rachael came back out, the director had a list with him. "Ok, the new chair order is Sean, Xello, Trey, Lily, Rachael, and Steven. You all did very well. You are dismissed."

Xello grabbed his backpack and walked over to Sean, who was smiling. "Nicely done, Xello. Now let us get home."

Xello nodded, and followed the dragon out to his car. It was a 2000 green Kia Sportage. They climbed in the jeep. Sean started the vehicle and pulled out.

Xello noticed they weren't heading towards his house. "Umm, I live the other way."

Sean smiled. "I figured we could head to my house for a bit."

Xello nodded, not sure what to think.

Drake and Lein arrived at the lion's house a few minutes later. It was an old house. The outside was painted while, but some of the paint was peeling off. The grass was a little overgrown. They walked inside. The living room was actually fairly nice. The walls were painted a very light green color. The sofa was white leather. The TV was a good 32 in, not rested on an oak TV stand. A Wii was hooked up to it.

"Want to play some Mario Kart?" Lein asked.

Drake nodded, and grabbed a Wiimote. "I call Yoshi."

Lein laughed. "Then I'll play as Bowser."

They started on Rainbow Road, Lein quickly took the lead. Drake was right on his tail. Lein, as the last minute, got knocked off the course, allowing Drake victory. "Grr, I'll get you next race."

They continued playing, going to levels such as Coconut Mall, Daisy Circuit, and Peach Gardens. In the end, Drake had managed to come out on top by 2 points.

Drake looked at the clock on the wall. It read 4:30. "Lein, I need to get going. Xello should be home."

Lein nodded. "This weekend, you and Xello should come over."

Drake nodded, as he ran out the door. He jumped into his car, a drove back to his new home.

Xello was staring out the window. They had been driving for 30 minutes. "Where is you house at?" he asked.

Sean didn't answer, but kept driving. They were out in the middle of nowhere. No houses were around, and a lot of trees dotted the area. There was a dirt road off to the side. Sean turned the car down the road, and continued down for about a mile.

They soon pulled into a broken down barn. Xello was almost panicking. "What are we doing here?" he asked.

Suddenly, a grey wolf walked out of the barn. Sean sighed, and stepped out of the jeep. He walked over to wolf.

Xello thought the wolf looked familiar. "It can't be Ceres" he muttered to himself. He wasn't able to keep himself together. He couldn't believe that Sean had brought him someplace where Ceres could have his way.

Sean walked up to his door, and opened it. "Come on," he said, and grabbed Xello's arm, pulling him on. "I have a friend who has some unfinished business with you."

Xello had tears in his eyes. He stood still. 'I better just let Ceres beat the crap out of me, and get it over with,' he thought. He was dragged into the barn by Sean, and closed the door. "What do you want with me?" he asked, petrified.

Ceres smiled. He walked over to Xello and started to kiss him, rubbing Xello's sheath as he did. "We're going to have fun with you," he whispered.

Xello jumped back. "Leave me alone." He said. "I don't want to be with you."

Sean grabbed Xello, and held him up in the air. "You act like we are giving you a choice."

Ceres walked over, and pulled off Xello's jeans and boxers in one motion. He smiled ad he nuzzled the wolf sheath in front of him. "Take off his shirt, Sean." He said, as he began to strip.

Sean threw Xello onto the ground, and pinned him. He ripped off Xello's shirt, leaving him there with nothing to cover himself. "Such a cute wolf," he said.

Ceres walked over and traded spots with Sean, you immediately pulled down his pants. The Grey wolf grinned at Xello wickedly.

Xello stared crying. He couldn't believe what was happening. He was pulled up, and quickly brought down to Ceres' wolfhood. It stood a proud 9 inches. "Suck it, you little slut." Xello tried to struggle, but he couldn't do anything. He began to suck the cock.

Sean walked up behind Xello. "This is going to hurt a lot." He grabbed Xello's tail, and revealed his pink pucker. He rammed his cock in all at once, causing the wolf slave to let out a muffled scream. A little bit of blood had for on his cock.

Xello felt like he was being torn apart. The cock inside him was easily 11 inches. He couldn't do anything. He cock had become fully erect. He felt the dragon thrusting hard in and out of him. He tried to say let him go, but the cock in his mouth just caused it to a muffled noise.

"Oh Yes. This feels good," said Ceres. "You've been practicing on you fag fox, haven't you."

Xello continued to cry. He felt helpless.

"I'm about to cum Ceres." Sean said. With a final thrust, he released his dragon cum deep into Xello's stomach. Thick ropes filled up the wolf. He let a load growl.

Xello came onto the ground. The feeling of the dragon cock was too much, and the orgasm that happened inside of him sent him over the edge.

Ceres let out a loud moan, and released his seed into Xello's muzzle. The taste of Ceres was awful to Xello. Ceres back up after his orgasm subsided. He smiled at Xello who began to black out. He grabbed his phone and took a picture of Sean pounding the black wolf. "I think I'll send this to Drake."

Xello begged him not to, but he soon collapsed. He was no longer able to bare the pain anymore. The last thing he heard was evil laughter for the two rapists.

Drake arrived home around 5, and noticed Xello wasn't home. "Maybe he went over to Sean's for a bit." He pulled out his chemistry homework and began working on it. He sat there trying to solve the difficult problems. He heard a car pull up. He thought it was Xello.

Renee walked through the door a few moments later. "Where's Xello?" she asked, concerned.

"He had to stay after school for sax audition. His section leader said he would bring him home." Drake said, and looked over at the clock. It read 8:30.

"Shouldn't he be home by now?" she asked, as she began to panic.

Drake didn't realize how late it was. "Yes, I didn't notice the time," he said. "He grabbed his cell and noticed he had a text message. He ignored in and tried to call Sean. It rang a few times, but no answer. "There's no answer. I'll run over to Sean's to see if Xello's there."

Renee nodded. "Call me when you get there."

Drake ran out the door, and jumped in his car, rushing over to the dragon's house. He saw Sean's car there. He walked up and knocked on the door. A large female blue dragon answered the door. "Is Xello here? Sean said he would bring him home after the audition today and it's late."

The dragon shook her head. "Who is Xello? Sean got home a few minutes ago."

"Can I speak with him, please?" Drake said, worry filling his voice.

"Sean!" shouted the dragon, "You got a friend here."

Sean came around the corner a few moments later, and saw Drake. He smiled. "What's up Drake?" he asked.

"Where's Xello? I thought you were going to bring him home." He asked

"He said he could walk. Why, isn't he home?" Sean asked; a look of panic crossed his face.

"No, he never came home."

"Well, if I hear from him, I'll let you know. I got homework I have to do." Sean said. "See you at school tomorrow."

Drake nodded, and walked to his car. He called Renee. "Hello?"

"Drake, was Xello there?" she asked, panicking on the other side.

"No, Sean said he decided to walk home." Drake said. Worry filled every word. "I'm going to drive around and try to find him."

"I'm heading out as well, this is unlike Xello," said Renee. "Call me if you find him."

"Ok," he said. He hung up the phone and took off for the school. He drove a block or two around the school, but there was no trace of Xello. 'Xello, you better be ok.' He thought.

Xello awoke a few hours later. He was alone in the barn. He searched for his clothes, and slipped them on. 'How am I going to get home?' he thought as he cried.

Xello slowly walked to the door and opened it. He saw that Sean and Ceres had left him here. 'I need to find some place to call Mom or Drake from.' He started to walk back down the dark dirt road. There was no light, and he could hardly see. It took him a while, but he made it to the main road. There were very few lights. He started to walk back towards town, hoping it wouldn't take him too long to get to town.

Drake continued driving around. He searched everyplace he could think off. He called Lein and asked if he heard from Xello. He hadn't.

He made his way back to the school, still no clue as to where Xello was. He took looked at the text message. It was from Ceres. 'I wonder what he...' He gasped as he saw Xello being yiffed by Sean. 'H-h-how c-could you d-do this X-Xello.' He thought. He sat in the parking lot. 'I thought you loved me, but you found someone else it seems.' He closed his phone and began to cry.

It was almost an hour, but Xello made it to a gas station. He walked inside, and asked, "You have a phone I can borrow? I'm stranded out here."

The panther behind the counter handed him a cordless phone. Xello quickly dialed Drake's number. It rang twice, before he heard Drake's voice, "Hello?"

"Drake, please, I'm stranded outside of town at a gas station. Can you come pick me up?"

"Why don't you ask your new boyfriend to do it?"

"Drake, listen, I'll explain when you get here, but I really need..." he was cut off. Drake had hung up on him.

He stared blankly at the phone. 'They really sent him the picture.' He choked back his tears as he dialed his mother's cell. "Hello?"

"Mom, I'm stranded outside of town at a gas station. Please come pick me up. I'll explain everything when you get here."

"Ok, what gas station?"


"Stay there, I'll be right there."

He hung up the phone and handed it to the panther. "Thank you."

The panther nodded, and took the phone.

Xello walked outside, and tried to sit down. He saw his mother's car about 10 minutes later. He ran over, and climbed in. He began to cry. "Mom, I-I-I," He couldn't say it.

"We'll talk at home, I already called Drake."

Xello nodded. The trip home was extremely quiet. He couldn't look at his mother. They pulled into the driveway a short time later. Drake was already there. They went inside.

Renee turned to her son, "What happen? Where have you been?" she was furious.

Xello began to cry. "Sean brought me out to this abandoned farm, Ceres was waiting there, a-and..." He choked back some tears. "They raped me." He couldn't stop crying. He felt like he had lost all control over his own life.

Renee stood there shocked. Drake in the kitchen muttered something. She looked at Xello. "I'm calling the police."

Xello went to sit next to Drake, who wouldn't look at him. "Drake?"

"Don't talk to me, you lair," he said.

"I'm not lying. I love you." He said.

Drake got up. "Tomorrow, I'm going to go stay at Lein's house," he said as he went upstairs.

Xello couldn't believe it. He sat there. The person he trusted the most didn't trust him, and now he didn't even want to talk to him. He cried into his paws as the sirens approached the house.

Parents Know, Love Grows (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 4)

Xello looked into his mother's concerned eyes. "I need to tell you something important," he reiterated. His mom stared back, sighed, and said, "Let's talk inside." Xello nodded, and got out of the car. He dragged his paws on the ground, slowly...

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Panic During the Night (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 3)

Xello and Drake awoke 3 hours later due to a loud crash. The house was shaking violently; thunder was roaring and lightning was flashing. The power had gone out, leaving them in darkness. Xello whimpered as another crash happened outside. "What's up...

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The Story (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 2)

Xello was sitting in the passenger seat in Drake's red Corvette. "Nice car," He said, smiling at Drake. 'He must come from a rich family,' he thought. Drake simply smiled at Xello. "Thank you, my grandfather gave it to me last year." He said. "So...

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