The Candy Store

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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Symphony is a friendless Unicorn, and he just wants a cake for himself on his birthday.

But Pinkie Pie has an idea for an impromptu birthday present.

One moment, he's helping her bake a cake...the next, he's licking icing off her stomach...

The Candy Store

Symphony sat in the Ponyville street, in front of Sugarcube corner, his ears splayed back, staring at the 'closed' sign forlornly.

He was a unicorn, a rather unnoticed piano player for a background music group that usually played 'mood music' at the high-class Canterlot parties. He was a rather muted shade of white, with a long auburn mane and a spiked tail perfectly styled for the upper-class parties he provided entertainment for.

A bag of coins jingled faintly in his coat, ready to pay for a cake that he obviously wouldn't be getting now.

He gave a sigh of defeat, and turned to walk away, rising to his feet; only to come nose-to-nose with a violently pink earth pony, who was giving him an almost creepily-happy smile.

"Hi!" she said in an adorably high-pitched voice.

"Er...hi." he responded, blinking once and moving to step past her.

But the pink Earth Pony blocked his path, weaving to keep nose-to-nose with him. "Excuse me." he said curtly.

"Oh no, excuse me!" she said with a giggle and an earnest nod. "I didn't even ask your name, it's ever so rude of me. I'm Pinkie Pie!" she squeaked, nodding happily.

"I'm Symphony. And you're...kinda in my way." he protested.

"It's nice to meet you, Symphony!" she said, bouncing happily in place. "Are you from Canterlot? I mean, you must be. Nopony from around here dresses like that, and I know everypony from here, I'm sure!"

Sympthony gave an exasperated nod. He had come here for a cake, and now he was cornered by the most talkative pony he had ever seen!

"Oooooh, what's the weather like up there now? Jewel was telling me that it's getting colder up there since they're in the mountains and we're down on the nice warm plains. I mean, I don't mind when it snows, and wrapping up winter is always so much fun; but I prefer the warmth! You can't make cupcakes if your milk is all frozen. Ohhh, that reminds me! I need to ask Jewel if she liked her cake. I mean, it wasn't like the normal cakes, what with the imported walnuts and hazelnuts I added to it. But I know she likes nuts heaps. Do you know Jewel?" she asked of him, standing there tapping a hoof impatiently.

Symphony just stood there, eyes wide, mouth slightly parted, his expression a mixture of awe and horror.

"I mean, it's perfectly fine if you're not!" she crooned, nodding earnestly at him. "Not everyone can be a party animal like I am! But it would be ever-so-nice if you knew Jewel, because then I wouldn't have to a carriage all the way up there! Those hard wooden seats always make my rump hurt." she complained.

"I-" he started.

"Oh, it's fine. I'll just take a carriage up there. Mr and Mr's cake are up there for two whole days anyhow. And there are no cake orders for now! So you don't need to bother yourself." she said with an affectionate rub of a hoof against his cheek, before bouncing happily towards the door of Sugarcube Corner.

"Wait!" he called, bounding after her, coins jingling in the pouch.

Pinkie turned to regard him, mouth opened to say something, before his hoof swiftly stopped her, pressing against her lips to halt another tirade of words.

"You run Sugarcube Corner?" he asked, ears raising hopefully, tentatively removing his hoof.

"Oh no, silly!" she chided, grinning at him, almost ear-to-ear. "Mr and Mr's Cake run Sugarcube Corner. I mean, I love baking cakes and cupcakes and sugar and icing and everything, but Mr and Mr's Cake can bake soooo much better than I can!" she corrected with an earnest nod. "So I just help them bake things, and sometimes I make special orders!" she added with another grin. "I mean, they can't get to everyone with their awesome baking skills, so sometimes people just have to settle for the sub-par-but-still-awesome cooking skills of Pinkie Power!" she said with a flourish so intricate he was sure that a little '™' symbol was going to float up into the air.

Symphony just stared at her for a long moment, trying to process everything she said. "Ooookay. can bake me a cake?" he asked, confused.

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "Sure can!" she said happily, pushing the door open to the shop and slipping inside.

The unicorn paused on the threshhold of the building for a long moment, closing his eyes and just soaking up the silence, before pushing the door open as well, making the bell at the top jingle as it closed behind him.

Pinkie Pie was already behind the counter, head down, tail up, rummaging about for supplies it seemed, coming up with a hooffull of white powder and licking at it for a moment, making a faint, thoughtful sound."Not sweet enough!" she exclaimed, digging about once more and then coming up with a new hoofful, taking a long lick and humming faintly, before beaming and nodding. "Just right!"

"What are you doing?" Sympthony asked, watching her for a long moment.

The pink pony grinned at him, pushing the jar of icing sugar towards the middle of the counter and digging up a bag of flour. "I'm getting ready to bake a cake!" she beamed.

"Who for?" he asked, blinking once. "You said you had no orders for the day...I think"

"For you, silly! You said you wanted a cake baked for you, and you have the money with you now, so you could only want it now, uh-huh." she said with a nod. "And I can't deliver to Canterlot until Mr and Mr's Cake get back, so it's gotta be right now!" she explained in that high-pitched voice of hers.

"Wow...that' service." he said, staring at her for a moment.

"There's no point being slow!" she responded, bouncing in place a moment, and then looking back down under the counter. "What flavour do you want? I rather like strawberry, myself! But I've noticed that Unicorns mainly like Chocolate or Vanilla. And then there are the pegasus, who usually like apples and really sweet tast-ooooh! I wonder what flavours Alicorns like!" she exclaimed after a moment, her face scrunched up, obviously thinking furiously fast, before shrugging happily. "Oh well, I'll find out! So, chocolate, or Vanilla?"

"Well-" he started.

"I know!" she exclaimed, cutting him off, digging up a pair of bottles and placing them on the counter with a grin. "I'll mix them both up in a special cake, just for you!" she said with a happy nod.

"Ooookay." Symphony said with a slight nod in response. "How much will it be for a medium sized cake?" he inquired.

Pinkies demeanor faded a little bit at that. "Only medium? Why not huge?!" she asked, raising a hoof towards the ceiling. "this high off the ground, and all thick around the base. Ohyes. The best cakes are the biggest, then no one goes without!" she said with a grin.

"Oh, well...this one is kinda just for me..." he said in a small voice.

The pink pony blinked slowly, her head slowly tilting. "You're going to eat an entire cake by yourself?" she asked, staring at him.

"Well...not all at once!" he protested, his ears pinning back, as Pinkie stalked around the counter to size him up accusingly.

"Why are you eating an entire cake all by yourself?" she asked, poking him in the chest with a hoof. "Why not sharing with your friends? You're not hoarding it on them, are you?" she accused.

Symphony shook his head at her words, and then gave a slight sigh. "I don't have much in the way of friends. I keep to myself." he admitted, raising a brow at her. "And it's my birthday. I just want a cake to eat in peace." he stated.

Pinkie looked a little bit taken aback by that, looking him up and down again, before pouting slightly. "Fiiiine. I'll bake you a medium sized cake. But you have to help me bake it!" she said with an earnest nod.

He frowned slightly at that, his ears pinning back slightly. "I know nothing about baking..." he admitted.

"I'll half the price~" she chimed, bouncing happily in place.

"...Fine." he stated after a moment, digging for his coin purse and handing out the required amount of bits to the bouncy pink pony who placed the bits on the counter and then covered them with an upside-down cup, before grabbing up the supplies and bouncing happily towards the kitchen portion of the shop.

"C'mon!" she called, and then paused. "Swap the sign over to 'closed' first though! Don't wanna get interrupted and burn your cake!" she said, before disappearing in to the next room.

Symphony did as asked, flipping the sign over, and then moving after her, pausing to look around at all the sweets and confectionery everywhere. No reason the pink pony was so hyper; from the looks of it, she was in a perpetual state of sugar rush.

Already, she had broken open a bag of flour and was pouring some into a mixing bowl, waving him over with a hoof. "Come! Watch the Pinkie Power™ at work!" she exclaimed with a grin, dragging up a carton of eggs and carefully cracking one into the bowl. "Your turn!"

Symphony canted his head a little bit to the side, frowning, and then leaning forwards, his horn glowing, neatly picking up one of the eggs and cracking it in mid-air, dribbling the contents into the bowl.

Pinkie Pie face-hoofed.

"Not like that, silly! Use your hoofs!" she exclaimed.

"But...I'll get them dirty." he complained.

"That's half the fun!" she said with a happy bounce, holding out an egg for him.

He tried to take the egg with a hoof, and prompty dropped it, where it shattered on the ground while he winced.

"Not to worry!" Pinkie said with a grin, offering him another one.

The Unicorn stared for a long moment, before taking the second offered egg, much more carefully this time, trying his best to crack it, but ending up just clumsily crushing it against the side of the bowl, while shattered egg fragments and the egg itself drooled into the flour.

"Now dig out all the fragments!" she chimed, while expertly cracking a third egg in to the mixture.

Symphony gave a low whine at that, and she glowered at him for a moment, making him huff and then lean over to begin very, very carefully extract little bits of eggshell from the mixture with a hoof.

There was a bump against his rump, and a high pitched 'Oops!' that was obviously not really sorry at all, jostling him and causing a puff of flour to end up scattering across his face, sticking in his mane and coating him in a fine white powder. He almost sneezed, but held it in, glowering over his shoulder at the pink pony.

Giggling faintly, Pinkie Pie brushed past him to take the mixing bowl and inspect it carefully for any egg shell, before beginning to happily beat the eggs in to the flour with a wooden spoon. "C'mon, lighten up!" she said with a happy giggle.

"But I'm all messy!" he protested, peering down at his jacket a moment and scowling at the streaks of white powder across it.

"That's half the fun, silly!" she said with an earnest nod, an errant swirl of the spoon sending a spurt of cake mixture up onto her cheek. She didn't even seem to mind, or notice at all, continuing to beat the mixture with rapid swirls of the wooden spoon, panting as she slowed down, and then peered at him for a moment. "Okay! Now, you beat the mixture, and I'll add the flavouring!" she said with a happy smile.

Symphony's horn began to glow, but Pinkie reached out a hoof to cover it, eyes narrowing at him. "Nu-uh. With your hooves!" she said with an earnest, happy nod, holding out the mixing bowl.

The unicorn made a helpless sound, accepting the bowl tentatively, and lifting a hoof to the wooden spoon, beginning to swirl the mixture about in the bowl in a haphazard motion, spreading much more mess than Pinkie did.

Giving a happy hum, Pinkie turned around, and began to pour a liberal amount of cocoa powder into the mixture, causing a large plume of chocolate-flavoured dust to plume out of the bowl and coat them both in a layer of brown goodness. Pinkie giggled and watched him mixing for a moment. "Make sure you get it nice and mixed in!" she said with a happy bounce, before moving over to get a second mixing bowl and begin making another mixture.

After a minute or two of this, Symphony's forelegs were hurting from the mixing, and he set the bowl aside, looking down at himself in disgust. He was covered in flour and cocoa powder, as well as spotted with various marks from cake mixture itself. His vest would need a very thorough washing out.

Pinkie cacked the eggs into her bowl, and then added the vanilla powder, beating the mixture furiously.

It took her only a minute or two to get the mixture perfect, even though her frizzy mane was now showing many spots of white throughout its length. She made a happy sound, and then began to pour the mixture into a pan, urging him to come closer with his own bowl.

"Now, make some crazy shapes!" she said with a woop of glee, beginning to liberally spoon vanilla mixture across the pan with a wooden spoon, in rather random patterns.

Symphony stared at her, his ears pinning back, before he began to pour the chocolate over top of the vanilla carefully.

Pinkie snorted and hip-bumped him, causing him to loose a large splash of chocolate mixture all over the pan, with a fair splatter missing. His eyes widened slightly and he tried to even the mixture back out, but another hipbump, more insistent this time, almost made him lose the entire bowl.

"No, silly! It's supposed to be crazy and random!" she said with an earnest nod, splashing her own mixture in happy dollops in to the pan, until her bowl was empty, the pink pony lifting the spoon to happily lick it clean. "Now, pour it all out in a random pattern!" she said with a firm nod, sidling up besides him to hold the bowl over the pan and slowly move it back and forth in a strange pattern, so the brown and white mixed in odd swirls. "Like that!" she said, drawing back to let him finish.

Symphony had no idea why it needed to be 'random', but he did it as best he could, ignoring his natural want to pour it all in a neat fashion and spreading it out, and instead letting it all fall out of order, almost wincing at the oddness of it all. Once his bowl was empty, he searched around for a neat place to put it, but Pinkie took it out of his hooves and just dumped it on top of her own, sending a good splatter of cake mix spilled forth.

"Now, to the oven!" she said happily, pulling the tray out and then pushing the over door open, slipping the tray right in as far as it would go, and then closing the door, setting the timer for a half hour. "...Soooo...a half hour to wait for this." she said with an earnest nod, peering at him.

Symphony suddenly became aware of the magnificent shade of blue that her eyes were as she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

She began rummaging about for a clean mixing bowl, coming up with it and dumping a load of icing sugar in it messily, grinning at him for a moment. "You know, you look pretty handsome when you're all covered in stuff like that." she said with a grin. "I mean, it's not like you weren't attractive before, but you look even more so now!" she corrected with an earnest nod, sauntering back over to him and leaning up against him. "Ohhhh, I just wanna lick all that mess right off you!" she said with a happy little bounce.

"Are....are you coming on to me, Pinkie Pie?" he asked, blinking at her slowly.

The pink pony shook her head firmly. "Oh noooo." she crooned, bouncing slightly in place and putting down the bowl full of icing sugar, lifting both hooves to grip at his cheeks and lift his mouth up in a forced smile. "How could I hit on someone who never ever ever smiles?! I don't want to be riding an orgasmic high while my partner is all frowny faced." she pushed her hooves down to give him the appearance of a stern frown.

The Unicorn found his cheeks growing hot at her words. "This is some kind of joke." he spluttered.

"A joke? Oh no, silly!" she said with a giggle, dropping his cheeks and leaning up to lick his nose once, pausing to say 'Mhmmm, cocoa!' before looking directly in to his eyes with her azure blue ones. "If I was joking, I'd say 'Two unicorns walk in to a bar...You'd think they would have ducked!' "

Symphony stared at her for a long moment, a helpless smile starting to tug at the corners of his mouth. "That was...insufferably corny." he said with a shake of his head.

"Ohhh? Then what do you call an excited unicorn?" she asked, grinning at him.

The unicorn blinked once, raising a brow. "I...honestly haven't the faintest idea."

"A Uni-horn!" she replied with an earnest nod, shameless.

He blinked once, not quite understanding, before he slowly cottoned on, his cheeks flushing once more, and a grin tugging even further at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, oh! It's coming! I sense a smile coming!" she crooned, nudging against him happily a moment.

Symphony shook his head helplessly, grinning at her after a moment, snorting slightly. "You are so cheesy, Pinkie Pie." he stated.

The pink pony grinned and nodded slightly. "Yes, I am!" she said, nudging against him once. "And I'll have a present for you in a few minutes!" she said with a happy nod.

He blinked slightly. "A present?" he asked blankly.

"A present!" she replied with an earnest nod, picking up the bowl of icing sugar and breaking a few eggs in to it, beginning to beat it furiously to get it to a nice consistency. "I made faaar too much icing." she said with a slow nod at him.

"By accident?" he asked, oblivious.

"Oh nooo, I did it on purpose. Because I'm going to seduce you." she corrected with a happy nod and a bounce.

" that even work?" he asked, completely confused.

"Let me show you." she said with a low purr, rolling over neatly on to her back and splaying herself out on the kitchen floor, dipping one of the tools in the icing and then splaying it over her stomach, trailing a long line of pink icing down across her stomach and between her legs, grinning at him.

"That can't be sanitary." he murmured, watching with wide eyes.

"Oh, I'll clean them all up and sterilize them properly, I promise!" she fluttered her eyelashes at him sweetly for a moment, and then spread her hindlegs, grinning at him, those sky-blue eyes narrowing slowly. "Now, time for your present. A very special Pinkie Cake!" she said with a rapid nod, motioning down towards the icing covering her body.

Symphony stared for a long, long moment, torn between two strong emotions of awkwardness and arousal.

"You don't need an invitation~" she sing-songed, lifting a hoof to begin directing an imaginary beat. "But if you don't hurry up, the invitation will become musical~"

The unicorn's eyes widened slightly, and he quickly slipped over to her. "Okay, okay!" he said, shaking his head down at her, his eyes wide, leaning in to gently lap and nibble at her chin, leaving a clean spot amongst the mess. "A-are you sure about this?" he asked, his heart beginning to pound, a wild whirlwind of thought trying to comprehend how they had gone from baking a cake to his imminent lapping of icing between her legs.

"Oh shush, silly Unicorn!" she chided, pushing his head downwards with a hoof. "It isn't going to clean itself!"

Symphony gave a faint shudder, his eyes wide as he found the spot where pink fur met pink icing, and he leaned in to lap at it gently, pausing a moment at the sweet taste flooding his muzzle. It actually tasted quite nice. And he found himself lapping it up a little more eagerly, and not just because of the naughtiness of what he was doing.

The earth pony arched slightly under him with a happy sound, hoofs pushing at his head. "Loooower~" she chimed, her fluffy tail giving a happy little flick back and forth.

The unicorn acquiesced, pressing his muzzle lower and lower, lapping at the icing, leaving a moist trail of fur in his wake devoid of any mess, until he suddenly found his tongue contacting the very top of the pink pony's sex. His eyes widened as his tongue flicked against the tip of it, and he gave a shudder, tilting to stare down at the icing-smeared cunt, a faint shudder passing along his form. This had to be some kind of bizarre dream. Maybe she had slipped something into the icing that was making him hallucinate?

But then, the most domination voice in his mind, basically said 'well, if it's a hallucination, enjoy it!' and so he set to lapping with a will.

The sweet taste of the icing soon mingled with the rather unique taste of earth pony liquids as Pinkie Pie began to grow wet, a low croon rolling from her throat and her hindlegs splaying further. "Ooooh...such a good unicorn!" she hummed, arching her back slightly. "Eat that Pinkie Cake!"

Symphony gave a low sound, pressing in against her all the more eagerly, nudging his snout up against her sex and letting his powerful tongue push up between her walls, collecting the last few traces of the icing on his tongue, curling it back in to swallow, before closing his lips on the outer lips of her sex and suckling at them faintly, moving his motions all around her willing cunny, getting tastes of her own liquids and cleaning her of the icing.

"Oooooh god! You're so much better at this than Dashie is!" she crooned, squirming in delight and shifting her hips towards his muzzle.

The unicorn had no clue who 'Dashie' was, but he assumed it to be one of her friends. So maybe this was a more common occurrence than he thought? At least that made him feel better about having his muzzle buried between the hindlegs of a mare he barely knew.

Shifting further, he wrapped his forehooves around her hindquarters and shoved his muzzle up against her, lapping powerfully, letting his strong tongue lap up between her folds to spread her around them, lapping in at her inner flesh with eager little vertical motions, feeling her soft outer lips starting to quiver, while the inner flesh squeezed at his tonguetip insistently.

Without warning, the pink pony arched, almost violently, squealing out load as a quick splash of her orgasmic liquids began to drool from her body, her hindlegs twitching faintly in the afterglow of her orgasm as she panted heavily, peeking one eye open to stare at him hazily. "Ohhhhrrr...." she purred.

Symphony licked his lips, drawing back from her, blinking once, his cheeks starting to burn as he realised what he had just done.

"Did you like the Pinkie Cake?" she asked innocently, leaning up to lick along his cheeks heatedly, collecting some of the cocoa powder and the liquids she herself had deposited there scant moments previosly.

"O-oh C-celestia yes." the unicorn panted, nodding earnestly.

"Oh, I bet you'll like this even more then." she stated, pushing him over on to his back with a surprisingly powerful push of her hooves, making the unicorn splay out heavily. His cheeks flushed further as he realised that his throbbing member was completely revealed to the earth pony.

"Ooooohhhh...Dashie is going to be so jealous that I got to play with this." she husked.

Symphony opened his mouth to ask exactly what she meant, but before he could get the question out completely, the pink mare had leaned forwards and engulfed the eager tip of his member in her maw.

A heated hiss left him, his back arching and eyes widening, his entire form shuddering as he peeked down at her. A pair of mischievous blue eyes peered back up at him, watching his reactions as her tongue slowly swirled around the tip of his swollen glans, making him cry out and arch, his eyes clenching closed.

Symphony heard, and felt a giggle around his member, before the pink mare began to eagerly bob her head, sinking down and then drawing back, letting her tongue swirl all over the blunt tip of his member, while her hooves squeezed at the base, working it slowly up and down in time with the motions of her maw.

The unicorn was in heaven, unable to think coherently as the pink pony worked him over so well with her talented tongue and hooves, closing her mouth down over his tip and sinking down as far as she could, which was just shy of halfway, before she tugged back for a heavy gasp of air, grinning breathlessly down at him. "You taste niiiice." she purred, nodding earnestly, working him still with her hooves. "I do so love the taste of males! And Unicorns are always the best! Earth ponies are just so bitter and don't taste sweet at all! I mean, I'll do it for big Mac, but not the others, oh no, they all taste horrible. But ooooh Celestia. When they's like a fountain!"

"but the Pegasus are kind of tolerable. They're a lot less bitter and strong, and taste more smooth and kinda...nutty, yanno?" she asked with a giggle.

Symphony did not know. All he knew was the hooves working over his stiff member and the occasional lick to the throbbing tip of his eager cock in between the pink pony casually carrying a monologue on about the taste of sperm of different species of pony.

"Like when Soarin let me go down on him that one time." she giggled innocently. "He was so sweet about it...and he even tasted like apple pie a bit! I wonder what you'll taste like?" she asked with a low hum, tilting her head to peer down at the throbbing member, and grinning at him mischievously. "Let's find out!"

With that, she sank back down onto him, rubbing him rapidly up and down with her hooves even as she suckled powerfully at his tip, lashing her tongue against the tip of his swelling member with an eager, hungry motion.

A faint groan left him as he felt his tip beginning to flare right in her muzzle, and she quickly tugged back, opening her jaws wide to get the swelling flesh out of there before it dislocated her jaw, seeming to have experience with the motion, before she clasped her lips around the swollen tip and began to jack him off directly into her maw, suckling hard against what she could of the swollen tip.

Symphony arched and cried out loud, his horn glowing brightly as he exploded suddenly, hot, heavy gushes of pony spunk beginning to fire into the earth ponies maw again and again, rapidly filling her muzzle.

Pinkie Pie gave an excited little squeal in the back of her throat, swallowing convulsively in time with the heavy bursts of unicorn spunk firing into her mouth, her tongue rapidly working against the tip of it to encourage his spurts, while her hooves milked him eagerly, urging him to give her everything he had.

After a few more moments of his orgasm, the glowing in his horn gradually died down, and the spilling of messy spurts in to the pink ponies maw subsided into little dribbles which she eagerly lapped clean, moving to stand over him with a grin.

Symphony opened one eye up to peer up at her hazily, and she giggled before opening her maw up wide, presenting the gooey reservoir of spunk she had saved, before closing her mouth and visibly swallowing, leaning down to lick his nose.

"You taste good!" she exclaimed, bouncing slightly in place for a moment, as the oven dinged. "You just stay right there, and I'll make your cake!" she said with a grin.

The unicorn gave a faint sound, trying to catch his breath still, just laying there, covered in a mixture of cake batter, cocoa powder, and earth pony liquids.

Symphony stood at the front of the store as Pinkie Pie put his cake in to a box, taking out a single slice for him to taste-test. "I hope this is a good birthday cake for you, Symphony." she said with a nod.

"It could be horrible and I'd be happy." he admitted, nodding once and taking a bite of the cake. The swirled pattern of vanilla and chocolate under the pink icing really did taste good. "It's good!" he exclaimed, rapidly gobbling up the rest of the piece.

"I'm glad you like it! I told you Pinkie Power™ would get it done!" she said, beaming. "You're welcome to come get another cake whenever you want! But only if you let me sample your special icing again soon." she crooned, with the most innocent of smiles. "Happy birthday, Symphony!"

Symphony took the cake from her, carrying it by a rope in his maw, stepping outside, covered head-to-toe in mixtures of icing and cake batter, and beaming from ear to ear.

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