New Life, New Friends

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Commission for Cornel.

New Life, New Friends

By: G'lek ( Commissioned By: Cornel (

The black dragon groaned from where he was lying on the ground. Gently, Cornel opened his eyes, the light blinding him for a moment. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he got a look at his surroundings. He was lying on his side in a forest clearing, though the clearing had a couple paths leading out of it. It seemed more like a junction for several walking trails then a clearing. Grunting, he pushed himself upright, getting his legs underneath him so as to stand. Once he was up, he quickly inspected himself for injuries. Everything seemed intact, including his mechanical arm. Satisfied he wasn't in danger of dying of some unseen injury, Cornel looked around to see if he could spot anything useful.

The clearing was sparse, though the paths looked like they got regular use. Unsure of what to do, the dragon picked a path and began to follow it. The path led him through the large forest, trees that easily dwarfed anything from home, though that was probably because most of the large trees had been cut down to supply the economy. As he continued down the path, there began to be signs of habitation. Freshly snapped twigs, trampled grass, and other things.

Eventually, the path led Cornel to a cobbled street. The path was a walking path through a massive park in the middle of a medium sized village, the village itself surrounded by large forests. The dragon looked around, spotting a couple people moving nearby, though they hadn't noticed him. They were a mix or several anthro species, but they seemed to be either poor or backwards, their clothes looking like they belonged in a different century. One individual seemed to stand out, a large orca wearing what seemed to be a uniform of some sort, though the clothing was missing the areas that would normally cover the genitals. His sizable penis hung from his crotch, open to the air. In fact, everyone seemed to be wearing the same style of cloths, ones that showed their crotch and breasts, if they had them.

The uniformed orca spotted him from where he was standing. He seemed to look closely at Cornel before moving though the crowd towards him. The dragon was worried, the orca seemed to be moving quickly and with purpose. He backed up towards the path, ready to flee into the forest. However, the orca flagged him. Unsure of what to do, Cornel waited for the orca to get near enough to talk.

"Afternoon sir," he said politely. "I haven't seen you around here before. Where you from?"

"I... er... umm," Cornel stumbled.

"What's your name?" The orca asked, sounding like he suspected something.

"Cornel," the herm dragon supplied.

"Cornel eh? Can I see you papers?"

"Papers?" The dragon asked, confused.

The orca, clearly a police officer, had heard everything he needed to. With a quick movement, he pulled out a wooden baton and held it at the ready. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me," he said. Cornel, alarmed by this change of behaviour, turned to flee. He had no clue what he had done wrong, but he wasn't about to go to jail over it. The officer moved faster, using his baton to hit the dragon in the back of one knee. The dragon's leg gave way, causing him to fall onto his face. His head collided with the cobbled stone of the side walk and he blacked out.

When he came to, he was in a small cell with wooden walls and a barred door. Cornel moved to the door to test its strength. Finding it solid, he sighed and settled down to wait. Eventually, an anthro dragoness in a police uniform came to the cell door and unlocked it. She was wearing the same uniform, also with the parts that would cover her breasts and crotch missing. "Come on," she said, "The mayor will see you now."

Cornel was led to a large room that felt like a court room, though it was built in an older style reminiscent of the 19th century. At the head of the room was a male anthro dolphin wearing official looking cloths. He looked the herm dragon up and down, noting his physiology and the mechanical arm. Cornel shifted nervously, unsure of if he was on trial and if so, what for. Eventually, the dolphin spoke.

"So," he said, looking at some notes on his desk. "You're name is Cornel, you're a herm dragon, you were found wandering around the park, no papers, no identification, and then there's that arm. You clearly didn't get that around here. So, I draw the conclusion you're not from this area. Is that correct?"

"Ummm, yes?" Cornel responded.

The mayor sighed. "Well, this presents a problem. Normally, without any identification, you'd be thrown right into jail and left there until someone claimed you. However, you're a dragon, which means I can't throw you in jail without risking a scene with some of our neighbouring regions, who's ruling families are dragons."

"You can't just let me go?"

"Not without proper identification. You'd be dragged right back in here. There are laws, and one of them is no one goes anywhere without their papers, which tell us who they are, they're ranking, and who owns them, if anyone. I'd say tha-"

The dolphin was cut off by another male dolphin entering the room, wearing neat, well kept cloths with several important looking badges on it. The mayor immediately stood up to greet him, loosing his cool demeanour.

"Sir, I had no clue you were coming today! If I had, I would have prepared something, some snacks and tea, maybe some-"

"Hush, Tartree," The other dolphin spoke in a commanding manner. "This isn't an official visit. I'm just here to look around and make sure everything is running smoothly. Now, who is this?"

"He was found on the street, no ranking badges, no papers, nothing."

"This is a problem, isn't it."

"Yes sir, we have no clue what we should do with him. He's a dragon, after all. Jail will only cause an uproar."

"Then he can stay with my family. We can keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't cause trouble, and since he'll be living with us, it won't be taken as an offence to any of our neighbour's honour."

"But sir, he's ju-"

"Quiet. I've made my decision and if you value your position, you'll hold your tongue. Now, what's your name, dragon."

"Cornel," the herm supplied.

"Lovely. I'm Lord Sels, the ruler of, and representative for the High King, in these lands. I don't know where you've come from, but you'll need to learn how we work in these lands if you're to have any hope of living peacefully here. Even a dragon can be thrown in jail for breaking the law, especially without the papers that identify him as a member of one ruling family or another. Now, come this way, we'll get you straight to my home so my wife can settle you in."

Sels led Cornel out of the hall, leaving the mayor to sputter in confusion. Outside, a carriage drawn by several anthro horses was waiting. They were wearing no cloths and had a mark branded into their right shoulder. As soon as Sels appeared, they all perked up, clearly hating but also fearing him at the same time. The carriage was open topped, which gave Cornel the room he needed to get in while Sels climbed in as well. The lord signalled his driver, who brought a whip down on the equines in front, causing the carriage to jerk forward as it started moving. In short order, they were moving at a decent clip through the countryside.

A few times, Sels tried to engage Cornel in conversation, but dragon's confusion and lack of local knowledge caused the attempts to die off almost as soon as they started. Eventually, they both simply remained silent. The ride was of decent length, and a couple hours later, they approached a large home, almost a mansion, though again built in the older style to match the other architecture and clothing. The carriage pulled up in front to allow its passengers out. A lovely female dolphin, accompanied by four children. The wife was clearly female, having a large set of breasts but only one slit in her groin. Two of the children had no breasts but a single slit in the groin, though that slit could hold either a penis or a vagina. The other two had breasts of their own, as well as two slits in their groin, marking them as herms.

"Sels," The wife called out. "You're back early. And who's this you've brought with you?" Her cloths were, as everyone's seemed to be, missing the portions that would normally cover the crotch and breasts. The children were missing either the crotch in the case of the two mystery genders, or both the crotch and breasts in the case of the herms.

"Lena, darling. I'm back early because something came up in town. This is Cornel, he'll be staying with us for a while."

"So sudden," She said. "I haven't had any time to prepare. Gregory!" She called, and a male shark emerged from the house. "Gregory, go prepare the guest room for Cornel and then get cook to make some food and tea. We have a visitor who will be staying with us, I want you to see that he is well kept."

"Yes ma'am," The shark said, clearly displeased. Cornel was beginning to get a feel for the social structure here. Dragons and marine mammals appeared to hold positions of power. Other marine life held the next social ranking, judging from the badges on Gregory's uniform that marked him as a shark. Everyone else held varying positions depending on their family heritage, honour, and occupation. Gregory returned into he house while Sels and Cornel got out of the carriage.

"Some ground rules," Sels said, turning to face the dragon. "You will remain on our grounds at all times. You will follow any directions given to you by myself, my wife Lena, or any of our children. You are not required to follow directions from anyone else unless they also come from a ruling family. I will give you plenty of warning if anyone like that is coming over. Breakfast is at eight sharp, lunch at high noon, and dinner at seven. Tea is at one, and you are required to attend so we can start teaching you our laws and customs, since you seem to know nothing of them. Other then that, you are free to do as you please within the limits of normal social convention. Are we clear?"

"Very," Cornel replied. He was concerned what "normal" social conventions were, since in his world, clothing like what they were wearing was not socially acceptable. Still, it was better then being in jail. He followed Sels, who had waved him up into the house. The home was large enough to be described as spacious, and it was clear that Sels held a rather important position, judging from the quality of the workmanship on the inside.

"Dinner, as I said, is it seven, which would be in three hours. Gregory will show you to your room," Sels said, indicating the shark who had somehow appeared from nowhere, as most servants seemed able to do. Cornel nodded, following the shark to a large pair of double doors. "Here you are, sir," He said respectfully.

The room was large and the furniture had obviously been moved so as to give the large taur dragon room to walk around. A large double bed occupied the right side of the room. There were areas where dressers had been sitting beside the bed, but they had been moved to the opposite wall on either side of a medium-sized writing desk. In the far corner was a door, half shut.

"We, um, had to rearrange a bit," The shark explained. "The door in the corner leads to a washroom where you can clean yourself, among other things. The dressers are empty, as we don't have any cloths that would fit your frame. The door has a lock, if you want it, though Sels, his wife, myself, and the lead steward all have a key should we need it. If there's anything I can do for you, please, just let me know."

Cornel nodded at him, indicating he was free to go. The shark seemed to relax a bit, as if he had been expecting something bad. He gave a friendly, if toothy smile and retreated. Cornel lay himself on the bed and passed out, more tired mentally then physically. He woke up when Gregory poked his head in. "Dinner is almost ready." The dragon got himself up and followed the shark to the large dining room, where most of the family was already assembled. The only ones missing were the two oldest children. There was a thump from upstairs, and Sels chuckled. "They'll be down when they're finished," He said as way of explanation. Cornel looked at him, not understanding. "I'm, um, not sure I understand."

"Don't worry, you will eventually. Now, what have we for dinner tonight?"

The lead chef came in with a line of servants behind him, carrying all manner of dishes. The food was quickly set out and eating began. However, things did not stay peaceful for long. It wasn't more then ten minutes before one of the younger children slipped off his seat and under the table. Seconds later, the other child began to squirm slightly. This continued for several more seconds before the child let out a slight gasp. Cornel looked up at this to see what was going on.

The dragon noticed one child missing from the table. He tried to figure out where the youngest child had went and he got his answer soon enough. The child popped his head up from under the table, between the other child's legs. He gave a sly grin and motioned the other child to do something. Cornel watched as the dolphin got up and braced himself against the chair he had been sitting in. The other child, who was clearly male since his rod was fully erect, positioned himself behind the braced dolphin and then thrust into his slit. Cornel realized the middle child had to be a cunt boy, it was the only thing that made sense. The two children struck up a immediate rhythm. The dragon looked over to Sels and Lena.

"I guess this is as good a time as any to start your education," Sels said, not even batting an eye at the two children mating each other. "In these lands, sexual activities are not viewed as something to be held in private. Mating is permissible anywhere and with anyone... Well, almost anyone. I wouldn't like to see the mess that happens if one member of a lording family got down with a member of another. That would generate some political tension, to say the least. Still, slaves, siblings, strangers, it doesn't matter who, it's allowed and in some cases, encouraged."

Cornel stared at the dolphin even as his eyes strayed to the mating children every time one of them released a moan or gasp. "That seems... Um..." He never finished his thought as the two oldest children entered the room, looking slightly out of breath. They took their seats, ignoring the lewd activities across from them. One of them batted their eyes at the dragon, though he was still trying to process the new information and missed the gesture completely. It wasn't until the oldest got up and made their way over to him that he noticed.

When she grabbed one of his breasts, he jerked slightly. It was such an unexpected action, that he didn't immediately try to pull away. As a result, she began to gently massage him, every so often pausing to tweak his nipple. The herm dragon couldn't stop the heat he began to feel in his body, a sign of arousal, though he did manage to control his voice enough to not moan out. However, the dolphin could clearly see that he was feeling the pleasure of her actions, and began to squeeze and play with his other breast.

Now, Cornel couldn't stop a moan from escaping his throat as his nipples began to perk up under the skilled hands of the herm dolphin. It was low and quiet, but she heard it and grinned. The other eldest child had gotten up as well, the herm moving around the rear of the dragon. He was grinning, but the grin became an expression of surprise when he saw that Cornel himself was a herm. His grin became wider as he moved to rub his emerging tool over the dragon's slit. Cornel shuddered at the feeling of the smooth and hard rod rubbing over him.

The original dolphin who had engaged him leaned in to whisper, "My name is Tanaya." She grinned, watching the dragon's own rod emerge as a result of the stimulation he was receiving. She left off teasing his breasts to get under him and give his emerging rod a lick. Cornel gasped slightly. What was happening seemed wrong, but his body was too into the pleasure of the moment to really care about what was proper. Besides, Sels had said these kinds of activities were normal. His mind stopped worrying about such thoughts where Tanaya took his member into her mouth, her dolphin anatomy allowing her to take almost his entire rod, though she was forced to push it into her throat to do so. She began to set up a steady pace, deep throating him and swallowing, each swallow creating an intense suction around his tool. The other child took that as his cue and pushed himself into Cornel, his large rod stretching the dragon, but not really pushing his limits all that much.

Sels and Lena watched with smiles on their faces, though beneath the table, their hands were busy. It wasn't long before they got in on the action as well, moving to a corner of the room so Lena could brace herself against a wall while Sels got to work on her. Cornel's mind was completely buried in the pleasure his body was sending it. The tight throat stretched around his cock and the rippling motion of Tanaya's throat muscles was like nothing he'd felt before while the other child's rod was slamming into him at a decent pace, each thrust hilting himself in the dragon. The youngest children, and the pair with the least stamina, seemed to be getting close to their peaks, moaning and gasping loudly. Cornel couldn't stop his own moan from coming out. Beneath him, Tanaya had several fingers buried in her own cunt while her other hand busied itself with pleasuring her tool.

Cornel knew dolphins could time their climaxes with that of their partners. The question in his mind was if anthros also did that, and if both dolphins would time themselves to him. He wasn't sure, but he was beginning to feel a familiar tension in his groin, a sign of his rapidly approaching orgasm. He'd never had both his cunt and cock pleasured at the same time and as a result, he was quickly coming up to his peak. Shocks of pleasure were being fired into his brain every time Tanaya swallowed or the other child rubbed his prehensile cock over a sensitive spot in the dragon.

Cornel now understood why everyone wore cloths that exposed their genitals and breasts, if they had them. His body was quivering, muscles contracting around the rod in him, cock throbbing with the beat of his heart. With one fluid movement, the dolphin in him thrust himself as deep as he could go. Tanaya also pushed as much of his tool into her throat as she could manage. This was enough to send Cornel over the edge into the most powerful climax he had ever experienced. The dolphin in him sent wave after wave of warm seed into him while his own flowed down Tanaya's throat and into her belly. His mind was both on fire with pleasure and dulled by it. There seemed to be nothing else in the world but his body and the feelings it was sending him. As he came down from his high, his legs shook and almost gave out under him.

Tanaya pulled herself off him, licking her lips and getting out from under him. She grinned and said, "Not bad, for a dragon." She then returned to her seat as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, though for them, nothing had. The other dolphin also pulled out and returned to his seat, but not before saying, "The name's Tarel."

Somehow, the dinner continued as if nothing had ever happened. Cornel was understandably confused, Sels' statement from earlier not helping all that much. There was silence for several minutes before the oldest, Tanaya, spoke up. "I've submitted another petition."

Sels looked up from his food and groaned. "Again? You're going to cause a scene one of these days, Tanaya! Just think about how it appears to the rest of the world that my eldest is out there petitioning for the abolishing of slavery! How are they going to think I'm raising you?"

"I don't care, father. Slavery is wrong! They have just as much rights as we do!"

"No, they don't and for good reason! Think what would happen if everyone could make political decisions! It'd be chaos! No, I don't want to hear about this again. As your father and head of this house, I forbid you from petitioning for this, or ever bringing it up in my presence again. Are we clear?"

"Yes father," She replied, looking sad.

"Um, actually, sir..." Cornel interjected.

"What?" He snapped, before regaining control of himself. "Sorry. What is it, Cornel?"

"Where I come from, we have what's called democracy. That is, a government of the people. Essentially, the people vote on who should represent them in government and those representatives then vote on important decisions so that, in a way, everyone is voting through their representative."

"And your lands haven't fallen apart yet?" Sels asked incredulously.

"It actually works very well. There's very little in the way of power struggles and the like as everyone knows that the people choose who gets the power and if they end up not happy with who they choose, they can choose someone else."

Tanaya was looking at him with a curious look in her eye. "You seem, father," She said. "It is possible. It's something we should be working towards."

"No, I will hear no more of this, Tanaya. You and I will discuss your radical ideas later. I want to enjoy the rest of my dinner without anymore wild notions."

The rest of the dinner was almost silent. Sels and Lena asked a few questions of Cornel, like where he was from, what it was like, the people, family, and other such trivial conversation topics. Eventually, the dinner ended and dessert was served. After that was cleared away, coffee, tea, and a variety of small pastries and snacks were laid out. Cornel noticed that through much of the meal, Tanaya would stare at him until her looked in her direction, at which point she would avert her eyes. Sels frowned after this happened a few times, but said nothing. At the end of dinner, as people went their separate ways, Sels pulled the dragon aside.

"I've noticed how Tanaya looks at you, and I know you've done nothing to try to cause it," He started, clearly trying to not make it sound like he was blamed Cornel for his daughter's actions. "However, I'd like you to, in the future, avoid making statements that appeal to Tanaya's more... Radical notions. I fear she's become somewhat endeared to you by your revelation of how your government works. Not that I don't think you'd be kind to her, but she is a dolphin of a noble family and you are a dragon who, as far as we know, has no ranking. I just want to avoid and conflicts, both within this family and outside of it. Can you understand where I come from with this?"

Cornel nodded. "I'm really sorry if I've upset you. I didn't mean to cause trouble, it's just that where I come from, it's encouraged to speak your mind, at least, more then it is here."

"I realize that, hence why I've said nothing to this point. But it's a dangerous path you walk with that mind set. There are certain things that are never said, certain topics that are considered socially inappropriate. I'll teach these to you over time, but for now, it's probably better to hold your tongue, yes?"

"I suppose so..."

"Good. You may retire to your room then. I expect you up for breakfast eight. I'll send Gregory to wake you for seven so you may clean yourself up in the morning. Tomorrow, we'll make a trip into the city to find you some cloths... Though I'll need a good cover story as to your presence with me and Lena... Still, that's for me to worry about. Good night, Cornel," He said, walking off towards the study of the house.

Cornel made his way back to his room where, to his surprise, Tanaya was sitting on his bed waiting for him. She perked up when he entered. "Cornel, there you are. I trust father gave you a good talking to?"

"He said not to encourage your 'radical notions' or 'endear' myself to you," Cornel admitted. He always had been honest, more so then many of his colleagues.

"That's just like father. Already hard at work intimidating others even with his honey tongue. He does have a way with words, probably why he's done so well in the political circle with all their machinations and constant plotting. Still, I care for none of it. I came here to ask you more about your lands."

"I really shouldn't talk to you about it. I don't want to cause trouble."

"Father will never know. Trust me."

Cornel looked down, considering his options. She was the only one who seemed to treat him with any sense of companionship. Everyone else seemed to act as if he was an outsider, or in the case of some like Sels, a potential threat. Eventually, he looked up and gestured at her to get comfortable. They talked late into the night. Cornel outlined as much as he could remember about the inner workings of the government, the principles of democracy, the state of his lands, and even some of the wonders of technology, though he had trouble describing them. She was very disbelieving of things like air planes, cars, and electronics, having no comparison to draw against.

Eventually, Gregory knocked at the door. Both jumped before Cornel put a finger to his lips and went to answer it.

"Gregory? What is it?"

"I'm here to tell you that Sels is looking for Tanaya," He whispered conspiratorially. "Many of us who work here like Tanaya, not just for her ideas but for her kindness. I heard from the kitchen staff that you've got similar notions as she does. Suffice to say, Sels would not be happy if he learned where she is right now."

Cornel's eyes widened. Instantly, he became worried he was getting in over his head here. If there was some sort of conspiracy going on, he was likely in on it now. "What are you going to do?" He asked.

"I'll say I found her in the gardens. That's our normal cover story. Quickly Tanaya, before Sels decides to come this way."

Tanaya got up from the bed and made her way to the door, stopping to plant a kiss on Cornel's cheek before letting herself be ushered out of the room. The dragon watched them leave before shaking his head and closing the door. His mind was alight with thoughts. What would happen now. Clearly, the staff of the house were conspiring to protect Tanaya and her notions of equality and democracy. It was likely that they now considered him a part of it.

Tired and not sure of the hour, Cornel moved towards the large center of the room. There, he curled his legs under himself before laying his torso down on top of his arms. He rarely used beds since they generally didn't agree with his body. They often left him sore and less rested then he'd been before sleeping. Tonight though, his sleep was restless from the thoughts swirling in his mind. The next morning, he woke to Gregory knocking at his door. Groggily, he got up and went to the door.

"Morning, sir," Gregory said, sounding more friendly then he had when they had first met. "Sels asked me to wake you at this time so you would be able to clean up and make yourself presentable."

"Ugh, thanks." Cornel said, still half asleep.

"Do you need some help?"

"No, I think I'll manage," He replied before closing the door. Indeed, the washing facilities were simple. A tub which slaves would clearly fill with water, but wouldn't fit him, and a sink with a bucket of water to one side. Picking up the bucket and pouring some water into the sink, Cornel then splashed his face several times to wake himself. Now awake, he looked himself over and used a rag to wash away and dirt from his paws as well as the residue from dinner the previous night.

Now presentable, he made his way to the dining room where Sels was already sitting, coffee in hand. "Good morning, Cornel," He greeted. "Coffee?" Cornel nodded and Sels signalled a maid, an anthro lizard, to pour a cup for the dragon. Taking the cup, Cornel prepared his coffee before settling himself at the end of the table, lying on his belly, though with his taur frame, his torso now looked as if it was sitting.

"Sleep well?" Sels asked.

"Sort of. It's hard when everything is different."

"I'm sure. Since we're going into public today, there's a few things I wanted to cover before hand. First off, we rank people by species, family, and gender, in that order. So, marine mammals and dragons occupy the highest social rung. Everyone else is part of the common class, which is divided into the working and slave class. Anyone can become a slave by being bought or by selling themselves, but a slave can only become a working class if freed by his or her current owner. From there, family controls your position in your class. Some families are higher ranked then others. Those with no families occupy the lowest rung."

"Lastly, there's gender. Hermaphrodites are the highest ranked. So, if you are a commoner with no family, but are a hermaphrodite, you occupy the highest social rung of all those who are commoners with no families. The other gender rankings are, in order: male, males with female organs, and females. Any other genders are equal in the fact that they are below those. So, being a hermaphrodite and a dragon places you fairly high up the social ladder, however your lack of a family means that you occupy the lowest social rung of all nobles, though you are the highest position in the rung due to your gender. Make sense?"

Cornel nodded, trying to keep all the information straight in his head. "So then, what do I need to know for being out in public?"

"Simply put, hold your tongue. There are very few who occupy the noble rung who don't have families, so you are outclassed by most. Thus, it is best to simply not speak unless spoken to. Also, avoid any topics that involve politics. You know nothing about the current political state of these lands and you'll likely only make a fool of yourself, and me by extension."

The dragon nodded again. "I think I can manage that."

Sels seemed about to say something, but Tanaya and Lena entered the room and he stopped before the words came out. Things were quiet until everyone was seated at eight. Lena asked a few questions of Cornel but Tanaya purposely avoided looking at him. Breakfast, thankfully, was free of any sexual activities, though Cornel suspected it normally wasn't. The children all seemed very well behaved and he suspected they had been given a stern talking to about not doing anything that would make their guest uncomfortable.

Coffee was served and consumed in copious amounts. By the time the meal was done, Cornel suspected he wouldn't sleep for a few days. He felt thoroughly wired. The family again dispersed and Sels caught him as he went out the door.

"We'll be leaving in a hour, Cornel. It's just you and me, so I'll be taking a small carriage. Would you mind walking? Your body is certainly better suited to it."

"Um, sure I guess."

"Perfect," He said, his seemingly permanent dolphin grin widening a bit. "I'll see you in a hour then."

Cornel spent that hour trying to imagine himself wearing similar cloths to the family he was staying with. Eventually, those thoughts got the better of him and he shrugged them off. He wandered around the house, looking for some way to take his mind off everything that was happening to him. First the waking up here, the strangeness of this place, and his own status in it. He almost walked right over Tanaya.

"Oh, sorry!" He apologized. "Wasn't paying attention."

"I know that look," She chuckled. "Something's bothering you and you're looking to take your mind off it. Father usually plays chess when he needs to stop thinking about something. Would you care for a game?"

"I, um, I'm not really a chess player... I mean, I've never played before."

"I'll teach you, come on," She said, leading him into the parlour where a pair of chess boards sat against one wall. The pair settled down and Tanaya began explaining the rules of the game. The mental exercise of learning a new game, followed by the actual game itself, was enough to distract Cornel from his troubles until Sels came in.

"Ah, there you are Cornel," He said, sounding the same though his eyes seemed less the pleased. "Tanaya, teaching our guest chess? Good girl. Chess is a popular past time among the higher classes and not at least knowing how to play is a sure way to make yourself stick out. Anyhow, we're ready to go, so if I may draw you away from the game..."

"Sure," Cornel said, getting up from lying on his lower body's belly. "Lets get going."

The trip into the city was quiet. Sels seemed to be enjoying the nature around them and disinclined towards idle conversation. Once they were in the city, things got noisy with carts passing on cobbled streets and people walking about, talking. Sels directed the carriage towards a section of the town that seemed to be a market area. Eventually, Sels signalled the carriage to stop in front of a building before disembarking and leading the taur dragon inside.

Cornel looked around, amazed that there weren't any manikins. The people seemed to do everything by eye or by hand. The store's owner came up, a polished looking Wyrm, not a Dragon, but close enough to give him some political clout. He and Sels conversed for several minutes about the state of the lands, the goings on in the political ring, and some hushed discussion about Cornel himself. When they finished, the owner came over and introduced himself.

"I'm Hesss, I'll be fitting you with some fine cloths to suit your... unique form. Let's get started, right this way." He led Cornel into a smaller area of the store where several measuring tapes hung from the wall. They weren't the usual measuring tapes, but instead strips of fabric with regular markings. Hesss made several quick measurements to get a rough idea of Cornel's body type for his anthro torso, pausing slightly at the dragon's robotic arm, before leaving the room. When he came back, he had the upper part of a suit.

"Here, Sels and I discussed it, and we thing it would be best if you only wore the upper portion of a suit." He offered the cloths to Cornel, who tried them on. A pair of helpers entered the room and began making extra measurements and pinning the cloths as they prepared to adjust the cloths for the dragon's body. When the measurements were finished, Hesss took the suit back and said, "We'll make the adjustments. I'll be a hour or so, come back then."

Sels led Cornel out and down the street a short distance to an outdoor cafe. The dolphin had coffee while Cornel declined anything, already feeling rather over-alert from the coffee at breakfast. Their time was passed in mostly silence until there was a commotion inside. Suddenly, a voice was clear. "Out, out, out! If you want to make me happy, go pleasure the customers and stop contaminating my kitchen!!" There was a brief pause before a young female horse was propelled out the door from the establishment. She was dressed in the bare-bones cloths over her honey coloured hide, her ample breasts and tight lips clearly visible, and she looked around nervously before spotting Sels and Cornel and rushing over.

"My Lord," She said, bowing at his feet. "I didn't know you were here. Please, allow me to pleasure you."

"I am content for now," Sels chuckled before looking over to Cornel and winking. "However, my companion could use some relief."

The young mare approached Cornel and said, "What can I do for you?" The dragon looked over to Sels who nodded, indicating he should accept the offer. Cornel looked back and said, somewhat nervously, "Perhaps you could suck me?" The mare nodded before waiting for Cornel to get to his feet and give her access to his underbelly. She crawled beneath him and began to lick at the lips of Cornel's slit sheath. She was gentle but also a bit forceful. The dragon gave a slight hiss of pleasure at her actions, able to feel his length growing erect inside himself.

He wasn't expecting her to actually insert her tongue into his slit, the move causing him to grunt a bit in surprise before returning to making quiet pleasured sounds as she licked his erect cock inside his sheath. It only took a few minutes of this before Cornel couldn't stand it and allowed his rod to emerge completely. He heard the mare gasp slightly as his smooth and tapered shaft introduced itself to her. The dragon himself was feeling like he needed more then just her tongue. Sels obviously recognized that fact, whether through intuition or some outward signal, and nodded to Cornel to indicate it was fine.

"Get up," Cornel grunted, a more aggressive side emerging compared to the previous night when he'd been surprised. The mare did as told, looking worried and seemed about to say something when Cornel continued with, "Bend over the railing and spread." Her eyes widened slightly but she did as told, positioning herself over the hand rail separating the patio from the street. She spread her legs, revealing her tight cunt, the pink lips practically an engraved invitation for the herm dragon. He moved into position, putting his front paws on the railing to steady himself and not crush the mare. His hips adjusted their position, placing his cock up against her lips.

Cornel felt her shudder at his size, but his mind was already lost to more basic, feral desires. Without any warning, he shoved himself in as far as he could fit easily. The mare gritted her teeth, having been trained to not cry out as many found it ruined the moment. Once he was in, the dragon pulled back a few inches only to thrust harshly back in, burying more of himself into her. With each thrust, he sunk a little deeper and the mare gritted a little harder as she was stretched around him. Cornel was in feral bliss as he felt her tunnel, tight to begin with but all the tighter because of his size, around his rod. Her muscles clenched in slight pain, heightening his pleasure and driving him to thrust harder.

While this was happening, Sels was brought his coffee, which he made in his usual style. He thanked the waiter and sipped the beverage, watching the street and the people passing on it, paying only a fraction of his attention to the mating occurring next to him. That fraction was merely to make sure Cornel didn't cause any troubles.

Cornel was now working the last quarter of his cock into the mare, pulling out more before thrusting back in as she stretched and loosened around him. He had built up a solid rhythm, each thrust lifting her feet off the ground. Suddenly, the dragon gave one large thrust and hilted himself in the mare. Now fully inside her, Cornel began to pull all the way out before hilting again. The mare's eyes were tearing up from the brutal mating, her body clamping down to try to force the intruder out. Cornel rolled his eyes back slightly at this, the feeling of her cunt contracting around him only driving him to mate her harder as his peak began to approach.

As Cornel grew closer to his climax, his rod began to leak pre, the watery fluid splashing against the mare's insides the only warning she was going to get that he was almost done. Her body tensed up in preparation of the impending climax, muscles rippling along the length inside her. Those ripples where what drove Cornel over the edge. His cock throbbed, swelling slightly before exploding into the mare. Rope after rope of cum were fired into her belly as Cornel shuddered above her. It was several seconds before he came down.

Groaning slightly from the exertion, the dragon dismounted the mare and nodded his thanks before returning to his place at the table. Sels was finishing his coffee and said, "There, you're already adjusting to life here. You took control of that slave, told her what you wanted, and did as you pleased. I think we'll make a proper noble out of you yet." He seemed pleased by the dragon's performance, a touch of his own pink cock showing outside its slit. Cornel, meanwhile, was looking thoughtful, if tired. "I think I'll do fine, with a bit of guidance," He said, though he truly meant guidance from Tanaya, not her father.

Sels smiled and replied, "That you will, that you will."

Story Stats: Start Date: 27/02/2012 End Date: 22/03/2012 Total Write Time: 98 hours, 26 minutes, 17 seconds Pages: 12 Paragraphs: 127 Lines: 465 Words: 7322 Characters: 40012

C-Tech Product Meeting #536: Sim-skin - Rewritten

**Author's Note:** This story is written in a "you're the character" style. Other then that, enjoy the show. ## C-Tech Product Meeting #536: Sim-skin Written By: G'lek The meeting room is full of whispers and muttered comments as the last of the...

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C-Tech Product Meeting #536: Sim-skin

**Author's Note:** This story is written in a "you're the character" style. Other then that, enjoy the show. ## C-Tech Product Meeting #536: Sim-skin Written By: G'lek The meeting room is full of whispers and muttered comments as the last of the...

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G'lek's Encyclopedia: Farmier

## Overview Farmier is a planet with a single super-continent that covers roughly 45% of the planet's surface. The primary four species of Farmier are the Dwrain, Humans, Lagric, and Dragons. The planet's surface ranges from sub-Arctic conditions in...

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