Move with the music
Vinyl scratch from the MLP fandom masturbating. Yeah it's a bit crap but please read and comment, I need comments.
Move with the music.
By Jessy Toph aka Jessy3017 and Fillyfooler
Another masturbation story, slight shipping. So R18 story again and as always MLP belongs to hasbro and the new series belongs to the wonderful women Lauren Fluast.
Vinyl was angry. Bored and angry. She had just come back to her recording studio from a very loud talk with her manger, well when I say talk, it was really more of a screaming match. Apparently her manger wanted her to expand her image. Talks about softer music and other crowd pleaser crap. Vinyl hated it, she wrote music because it made her feel good. It gave her freedom, she didn't want to be seen as a sell out who reached the top then sold their soul for money. That wasn't her style, she made music that moved ponies, brought ponies to their collective knees. What her manger was talking about was just pure crap, utter crap, pure utter crap.
Didn't she understand that Vinyl wasn't like that, they had been together for 5 years. Vinyl's music had brought them both fame and fortune, and now she wanted to turn her back on all those dedicated fans who went to every show, brought every record and always played her music loud. 'Pah' She thought, 'I don't need her, she needs me. If it wasn't for me she'd be representing some third rate garage. She's nothing with out me'. A sudden wall blocked her way, she looked up "SP room", looked down and said aloud to her hooves "Your right I've had a hard day, I deserve to relax".
She pushed open the door, it was dark inside. She turned on the light and looked on to the specially made room. It wasn't her recording room, in fact to all but her it was where she kept all her biggest speakers. The speakers she only used for really big and wild crowds. She went to the first one and pushed it over. Now it didn't land with a thud, she grinned, or a massive boom but silence. The floor did wobble, but much more then it would of normally. The floor was special, it had a special spell that only worked when she was in the room, alone.
The spell made the whole floor like jelly, making it wobble like crazy, and when sound was passed through it, it vibrated. Vinyl beamed, that's why it was amazing, it vibrated. And that vibration was the main reason that Vinyl had made the room. It was her own personal massager and it fantastic, it also severed as her special 'toy' on days when she needed release. 'Todays one of those days' Vinyl thought, a blush quickly coming to her face. She quickly went about pushing over all the stereos in the room, then lay down in her special spot.
It was a nice spot right in the middle of the room. She used her magic, know exactly where the records were stashed, and turned on the record player and turned all the bass, volume and tune nobs up to max. She then closed the door, she didn't want somepony to walk on to her, and dimmed the lights. She took her favorite out, the one that was a mix of her DJ music with a more classical bass at the end, she blushed. She knew exactly who the classical artist was, a certain mare by the name Octavia Harmonic. A furious blush lit up Vinyl's face, almost rivaling her dazzling red rubies. 'But enough of this blushing, lets get started' her mind told her, she nodded to the celling, and place the record on the player then placed the needle at the very start.
The vibrating started. Vinyl cooed, this is what she needed. It felt wonderful as the music based vibrations passed through her spine releasing the tense mussels, to the rivalry of any masseuse. Because she knew every note and beat of the record, it was playing in her mind. As always it sounded great, the mix of techno and classical coming together at the right moments, creating wonderful melodies. 'Ahh, this is the life' her mind stated and it was true, this was one of the very rare moments when she could relax and just 'vibe', she smirked at her own use of words.
Then she started to laugh as they record hit a particular part that always ticked her, her laughter sounded high and unnecessary compared to the heavy vibrations that went through the walls and floor. Her laughter begun to die and then faded as she became completely relaxed, with her mind relaxed, she started to drift. That was until her brain hit a certain idea or pony in this case, Octavia.
She felt her hoof travel to her belly, playing with a few tuffs of pearl white fur. Her blush was visible through her white fur, and she started to smile to the ceiling as her own said hoof traveled down, past the slowly erecting nipples. She often clopped to ease her tension, once reading that it helped sleep and relaxation. Well she was relaxed, but she wanted that afterglow type of relaxation that only came with orgasm. She so started, nothing new just the usual 'warm ups'.
Playing with her self was fun, in fact it was down right awesome. But she knew some times in the afterglow or even in the middle of the act, she would wish that a certain mare was there to complement her soft clopping. She, in all simplicity, wanted another pony with her. Somepony to duet with her solo, somepony who would hold her afterwards and whisper sweet words. And she knew completely who she wished that was. Her hoof was speeding up as the thoughts of Octavia did their job, she was now friction-less where it mattered. The vibrations helped, their wonderful pulsing helping Vinyl slip into the memory of her first meeting with Octavia.
It was a cool night as Vinyl stepped into the anneal Equestrian musicians convention. It was where all the music ponies from all over Equestria came to announce new comers, see who was still in music, who had dropped out and the catch up. Vinyl was mainly there to promote her new album 'DJ nights' but had wondered from her booth to "stretch her legs". But really she just wanted to see the other musicians, she soon found herself in the classical music section. She didn't really like classical music but some were good and some tracks they made were awesome mixing material.
She then found her self in front of the ponies that were scheduled to play at the Grand Galloping Gala. And then she saw her, a soft gray coat, purple irises scanning over the crowd in front of her assemblies booth and a single, flowing black cleft for a cutie mark. Vinyl was in love, her heart was beating. She remembered this feeling, it was exhilarating.
Her breathing was forced by now. It came to her in short bursts, but she didn't want it, her head was spinning as she turned herself over. Laying on the floor sent the vibrations right into her hoof, which in turn sent them to her vagina. She started to shiver, it was becoming too much. Her breathing became erratic,she was close. She closed her eyes as the warmth spread through her, it was amazing. She took a deep breath of floor, as she relaxed in the afterglow, the vibrations still well vibrating. But now it was again soothing, this was her time.
She wouldn't leave the room for a good hour, after which she had to get a mop. Her head full of Octavia, the mare that she didn't really now and who filled her thoughts, she went off to once again take on her idiot of a manager.