Third Steamy Day at Hortonville High (Entry #3 for Bad Fanfiction Writing Contest)

Story by Diogenes Shandor- Bio Major and Cynic on SoFurry

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#3 of Bad Fanfiction Writing Contest Entries

My third entry for Ausfer's "Bad Fanfiction Writing Contest"; In retrospect, I probably should've made one of these coprophilia related entries entry #2


One day Fox McCloud walked into the Hortonville highschool locker room. He/she was very hot and sweaty from the awesome workout he/she just did. "Hmm I want to take a shower," he/she thought and walked to the shower room where the showers were so he/she could take a shower. Fox McCloud had been here plenty of times not expecting anything to happen. Itt was just a normal locker room, and just a normal shower... or was it? Actually Fox McCloud could never ever have been prepared for what was really in the shower room that day....

Fox was shocked to find a naked Amy Rose standing in the shower, despite thefact that this was the boys' shower room.

"I hear your a starship pilot' She said


"You must be good at... space docking"

"Very good" replied Fox suavely

"Show me" saidAmy

Amy Rose sat down on the floor, exposing her vagina to fox. Fox lifted his tal and pressed his anus up against Am Roses vagina.

Grunting, Fox excreted a turd into Amy Rose's vaginal canal

"OOh, you ARE good at this" said Amy Rose

Fox's feces filled Amy Rose's vajayjay hole to the brim

"Oh yes fox yes''

"and now" said fox, "the real fun begins."

He turned around and pressed hi dick up against Amy's scheisse filled pussy hole

"Oh yeah! Fuck me fox!"

Fox thrust his turgid member into Amy Rose's shit filled pussy. The shit squelched around him. He began to thrust faster and as his wild thrusting chruned it up, the shit, that is. The force of Fox's wild fucking forced his shit through Amy's cervix and into her uterus, where would later cause an infection that would need to be treated with antibiotics, but Amy didn't careabout that now, she writhed in ecstacy as Fox ucked her doodoo filled pussy; shit rubbed between fox's rapidly thrusting body and AmyRose's clitoris, causing her to orgasm

"oh yes fox" she moaned.

"Oh yah!" moaned Fox as he himself orgasmed, shooting his jizz into amy and tying with her

"Oh Fox,that was amazing" panted amy

"yes it was" agreed Fox, "Yes it was".


Spacedocking: The act of defecating into a female's vagina. Also "Space docking".

See for Bad Fan Fiction Writing Contest group)

Second Steamy Day at Hortonville High (Entry #2 for Bad Fanfiction Writing Contest)

One day Sonic the Hedgehog walked into the Hortonville highschool locker room. He/she was very hot and sweaty from the awesome workout he/she just did. "Hmm I want to take a shower," he/she thought and walked to the shower room where the showers were...

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First Steamy Day at Hortonville High (Entry #1 for Bad Fanfiction Writing Contest)

Warning. This story cotains pornographic material. Do not read if you are underage. Do not read if such material is illegal in your location. This disclaimer does not constitute an endorsement of the regulations cited therein and under no circumstances...

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The Effects of Mantid Clutch Placement On Apiarian Reproduction Patterns

_This story contains sexual situations and so forth. It should only be read in locations in which it woud be legal for you to read such material and should not be read in locations where it would not be legal for you to read it or for me to provide you...

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