A Strange World Chapter 5

Story by Zack_Wolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of A Strange World Series

Chapter 5: Pick up arms

"Oh yes more I'm almost there!" Krystal panted out as her orgasm flooded her body. She began to convulse and slowly settled down. The morning sun was rising. The two of them had been together as a couple for about a month now. "That was amazing." Krystal said nuzzling John. "Yeah, but shouldn't you be getting ready now?" John asked. "Yeah I guess so." Krystal said stretching her white fur quite messy. John hopped out of bed and showered. Krystal was dressed and John went with her to the research center.

He parked the white hovercycle and helped her off. She gave him a quick kiss and thet walked into the building. Once they were inside the main room John pulled up a chair and leaned back in it, sipping some coffee. Sky walked in and started to chat with Krystal. "Where is Red?" Krystal asked. "Oh he is using that training facility." Sky said rubbing his chin. "Oh ok then, so how is the High output Low energy warp drive coming?" Krystal asked. "Well we have the basic componets worked out now we just need to tune it and modify it." Sky said sitting in his chair. The two began to discuss how to work out some of the kinks. John walked around looking at some of the other technological fascinations that they were working on. Many of these were ways of producing more abundant food sources in agriculturally dead areas. There were a few more things like a communication device, and some type of new vehicle.

One of the doors opened and a loud bang could be heard all throughout the building. Everyone looked at the door. It was Red, the wolf was furious he drove his fist into the wall leaving a huge dent. "What the hell Red!?" Krystal said. "JOHN!!!" he yelled his voice deep and full of feral rage. John instantly got up as Red came over to him. "I'm going to rip you to pieces, you pathetic piece of SHIT!!" He yelled. John pulled out his knife as the wolf picked him up. The wolf then put him down. "Krystal is MINE." Red said really emphazing the last word. "She is my mate and chose ME." John said calmly. "I am going to kill you!" Red said. "I don't love you Red! I love John!" Krystal interjected. "I will fight you!" Red said. "NO DON"T JOHN PLEASE!" Krystal begged. "You have to John." Sky sighed. "Fine." John sighed. "What are your terms?" Red said growling. "A sword battle." John said. "Fine a week from now." Red said storming off.

John was a little shaken. "Why did you do it? You could die!" Krystal said. "He had to that is one of the laws, you know this." Sky sighed. John began to walk outside. "I need to get ready." He said walking out the door. He then went to the armory were they gave him a collapsable sword. He went out to a small place outside of the city to start his training. Krystal had her muzzle buried in her arms. Sky's long cat tail began to swish about. "Is it true that you mated with him?" Sky asked his curiousity killing him. "Yes." Krystal said. "Was he any good?" Sky asked. "Sky!" she said hitting him on the shoulder. The day seemed to pass so very slow. Krystal couldn't wait to go home to see John. John was refreshing his skills once more. He took off as night came. The night air was cool, he soon arrived home. Krystal ran towards him. She hugged him. "You can be so stupid sometimes." She said a few tears falling from her eyes. "I don't want him to hurt you." John said. "He has been trying to mate with me for 5 years now. I have kept him away by myself for that long I am sure I can for more." Krystal said. "Is that why he is working at the research lab?" John asked. "Yeah, he is way to stupid to contribute to anything. He is mostly used as a test subject." She said. "I love you, don't worry I can handle this." John said as they lay down on their bed.

The next few days were all the same. John woke up at sunrise and went to go train until it was dark outside. Krystal would go to work but her mind was always somewhere else. They would come home and she would cuddle with him. Finally the day of the duel had come. Sky had accompanied John to the large stadium like training room where many furs had come to watch the alien to see how he would fair. A large dragon walked over to Sky. Sky was the first to speak. "Are you sure you wish to continue with this?" sky asked the other wolf. "Red does not want to stop." The dragon said. "Fine then we shall continue. What are the rules?." Sky said. "They shall continue until one person wishes to stop or a lethal blow could be struck." The dragon said. "Fine then." Sky said. "Kick his ass." Sky said in english giving John a pat on the back. A cat and a sheep both presented a sword to Red and John. John grabbed it and was ready. Red struggled to hold the sword, having to push both paws together to hold it. They walked within ten feet of each other.

A loud bell sounded and then Red swung at John, John ducked the blade and kicked Red backwards. Red stubbled a bit as John gave three swift strikes. Red blocked two of them but the his paws couldn't grip the sword. It began to wiggle in his hands. John side stepped as Red swung an angry blow towards John's head. John used the unsharpend side of the sword to strike Red's head making him fall to his back and stunned him. John went over and pressed his sword against the wolf's throat. Red let out an angry howl. "The Human is the victor!" The dragon bellowed out. John put down his sword and held out his hand to help the wolf back up. Red swacked his hand away and walked away his face full of shame and his tail between his legs.

"You did it, oh thank god you're alive!" Krystal said running up to him kissing him. "Let's go home." John said.