The Easter Snake

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Contains: Vore, Underage prey

Kaa is hungry this Easter and he seems to have found some snacks and I don't mean the chocolate bunnies.

Contains: Vore, Underage Prey.

The Easter Snake

Kaa sighs as he watched the park. He coiled up his large and long body under a bush so no one could see him. He hasn't had a decent meal in a week or two. He only had a few squirrels and rabbits but they never filled him all the way.

In the parking lot a yellow bus pulled up and let kids out. Along with their teacher. This morning Kaa had noticed some grown men hide eggs all around the park and have fun afterward. They were plastic eggs, not the real kind. Kaa noticed they opened them to put some candy inside of them before hiding them. He was confused on why they did that.

Now it was after noon and Kaa finally saw a bunch of children around. Cubs, so many. And only one teacher. He watched them, hidden still as the teacher explained. The eggs were to be found by the kids. And Kaa figured out that the man cubs would spread out everywhere and look. He than got an idea as his empty belly rumbled hungrily. "With ssso many cubsss ssspread out... I can have a few.." Kaa whispers to himself as he flickered his tongue, tasting the air and scents his prey gave off.

The children spread out happily, unaware of the danger. The teacher sat on a bench and read a book, enjoying herself. She can go in about an hour because the children's parents will come to pick them up or they walk home if its a short distance. Some of the kids even brough lunchbags to eat while playing.

The snake was careful when beginning to move around, seeing which of the children were alone. He had to be careful no matter how hungry he was. He didn't want to attract any attention. He also was a good tricky snake. With cubs, he could hypnotize them or trick them into being willingly eaten by Kaa.

Kaa found two cubs sitting down and eating some apple slices. A boy and girl. They smiled and talked about the flowers that grew near them and how sweet the apple slices are. Kaa moved toward them and moved up, whispering to them in his almost melodic hissing voice. "You have sssome good sssnacksss there."

The two turn there attention to the large snake and once they did they saw a mixture of green, yellow, blue... many colors that reflected in their eyes and as the snake moves his head from side to side they couldn't help but follow the colors. "Ye..yes...?" They whisper in reply.

"I'm hungry to. I would love to have a tasty treat.. or two. If that isss okay?" He hisses softly.

The two children couldn't help but nod. Their young minds were lost in a sea of colors. Not knowing how much danger they were in. They were at the snake's mercy and the snake didn't want the tiny apple slices either.

"That'sss good.." He said as they smiled at the snake even when his colored eyes went to their dark gold color. Kaa snickered softly and looks around, seeing no other child around before turning his head back. He looks at the cloths and didn't want them removed. They won't be that hard to digest after all.

Kaa moves to the girl. "Can you lay down. The grasss isss soft... Letsss all lay down and lay ssstraight..." He watches as they lay down, still smiling like this was a nice dream. Kaa moves to the girls head. He opens his mouth and his jaw unhinges, moving to the girl's head and taking her head inside of his mouth, moving over her small body with ease. Kaa moves past her neck and shoulders before the first swallow. He swallows her head down into his long throat, a little bulge of her head shows on his brown and green scales. He swallows her shoulders next, working his way down toward her chest and stomach.

She felt the comforting tightness around her. The wetness around her made her feel like she was in a wet and warm sleeping bag. She tried to breathe best she can and just thought it was just her. She didn't have any idea where she was and where she was really heading. She felt some pressure as she seemed to slide within this long tight sleeping bag.

Kaa worked his way past her stomach and lifted himself up so he legs would be up in the air, helping him swallow her tasty form quicker. He gently coils his tail around the boy, patting his head softly. 'Don't worry. Your turn is coming up.' He thought to himself just as her legs slid down into his hungry maw and into his throat. Her feet twitch some but were slowly taken into his maw and he swallows one last time before sealing the girl's fate to be his little snack. "Mmmm she tasssted like applessss." Kaa whispers, hearing the little boy laugh softly like it was a joke.

The girl felt the last of the spring air around her feet before all of her was inside the sleeping bag. She tried to move some as she slid, showing some of her bulging form outside the snake that devoured her. She came to a stop and relaxed again sense it felt a little wider but the air she breathed was a bit bad. Not knowing she was really inside Kaa's belly that welcomed her.

Kaa now turned his attention to the boy that was smiling at Kaa in his coils. "Mmm your turn. You can sssleep. Would that be nice?" He asked and the boy nodded his head, closing his eyes and within moments he was asleep in Kaa's coils. "Cute little cubsss that man have..." He moves to the boy's feet, taking off the sandles with his teeth. Kaa moved to the feet and opened his mouth again, jaw still unhinged and he took his feet into his warm and wet maw, taking off a coil as he moves up his legs and swallowing, beginning his second meal. He works his way up past his legs and to his stomach where he gently swallowed again, being careful not to wake the boy from his dream land. But continued still, taking in his arms and consuming him to his chest.

The boy believed he was in some sort of warm water tube and was slowly going down. It caused another little smile on his face and even a giggle. Sure it was a little tight but it felt warm and inviting. His legs, stomach, arms and chest were brought into the tube and slowly his head was brought inside the tube and with some pressure he went inside the tube and though he could hardly breathe, he didn't awaken from his nice dream. Even when he came to a stop his dreams led him elsewhere.

Kaa swallowed the boy's head and sent him down to meet his friend again. He looks at the small bulges and grins some. "Both tasted like sweet applesss." He moves to hide the sandles and lunch so no one would think they were gone until Kaa left and wasn't seen for awhile.

His stomach was happy for two new meals. It was strange why kids went to find plastic eggs. Maybe it was for the goodies inside but Kaa continued to move along, being a bit slower due to not wanting to get a stomach ache from moving to fast.

He wanted at least one more meal. These would suit him about a week or so before he went to find more meals.

There was a lone boy sitting down on a rock, thinking to himself as he watched other kids play on the swing set. He closed his eyes, looking tired. A small basket near him with three of the plastic eggs.

Kaa found the boy and moved to him. He was careful to hide his slightly bulgy belly from him and hisses gently. "Why are you ssso alone?"

The boy turned to the snake and tilted his head before looking at the kids. "Just resting is all. I'm tired." The boy didn't know snakes could talk, and grow so big. "How can you talk?"

"Hmm tired. Sssorry to hear of that." He looks at the boy's form. This will be his third and last meal before he leaves to digest. "I learned your ssspeech. Itsss not hard." He moves gently around the boy, starting to coil around him. "I know a place where you can sssleep?"

"Really? Can you show me?" He asked. Kaa smirks, uncoiling and slowly moving away from the boy. Hearing the boy follow he continued on. Getting farther and farther from the other kids that didn't notice them.

Kaa led the boy to a soft patch of grass with some flowers around. The boy moved to sit down and grins happily. It was nice. "I have a nicer place to ssssleep... but first you need to trussst me.." Kaa whispers, getting the boy's attention and recieving a nod and a curious face. "Trussst me and clossse your eyesss. It'll be a great place."

The boy agreed to trust the snake which was a mistake. He closed his eyes and felt something wet and tight around his face but he didn't open his eyes. He trusted Kaa and was sure somehow Kaa was helping him out.

Kaa opened his maw and took in the boy's head the moment he agreed that he would trust Kaa. Well Kaa wasn't entirely lying. He has a place where the boy could sleep. But not the place the boy believed to be the best. He gently moved the boy some so he was laying down and Kaa resumed swallowing him whole. Swallowing slowly over his shoulders, down his arms and chest to his stomach. All the while the boy lay there, not knowing he was being eaten alive.

Kaa swallows down his stomach and down his legs to his feet. He gave the the ankles one little lick before he swallowed and watched the boy slide to his awaiting stomach to reunite with his fellow class mates.

The snake grins. "Sssee? Its a nice place isn't it? Sssleep."

The boy let out a okay that was almost to muffled to hear. Kaa was full and good as he hid the basket under a bush before silently moving to a tree that had a rock near it. Kaa carefully moved the rock revealing a hole that was quite large and slid his body inside the hole, using his tail to pull the rock over the hole and moved deep under ground.

This wasn't really Kaa's home. But more of a place he could hide or stay in to digest his food. There are three more wholes, another leading to another side of the park. One leading to the town and the last to the forest nearby. Kaa wasn't the one who had dug the tunnel or the holes but it was his now and no animal dared enter.

For now Kaa would lay in the hole and sleep off his meals that were sleeping inside of his bulging belly. Soon enough the digestion will begin and Kaa will have a week or two of feeling full. No one will think a snake had eaten them.

Hours later the kids had gone home but worry came. Three children were missing and though there was a search party they only found some apple slices, food, sandles and a basket but no sign of where they were or a sign of the large snake that no one knew about.

Pets and children along with some adults have gone missing these past few months and no one ever believed a snake was the cause of it all.

But today, Kaa was full and happy. If he had known it was Easter. He'd have been happy to have had a Easter Feast. A great day indeed.



Breakfast In Bed Note: This was inspired by a picture by G2CutieX2 from deviantart. []( is the picture. Hope you all enjoy. --- ...

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