Poker Night

Story by Warnndog on SoFurry

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This was a story I came up with a long time ago. I wrote it at the beginning of March, and I'm just now posting it. I hope to have more post, I'm trying to dedicate to releasing stories like this one, once a moth. I do want to thank all my BETA Readers who have helped me out, I really do appreciate it. If your interested, send me a private message on my FA (same name) with your email and I will add you.

Before you go, please help me out. If you liked the story, or have been watching me for some time now. Please make a shout on my So Furry, it looks empty and I would like to have it filled in. Thank you.

Tonight will be the night. Ray guided his car around, parking it in the driveway of Evan's home. He had looked forward to this night all week, but then again when hasn't he been looking forward to it? Only three months had passed since he'd met the huge tiger and was invited to join his poker game. Like clockwork, on the second Tuesday of every month, his life became pure bliss. Reaching over, the canine opened the glove box, grabbing a small golden band. Pausing for a moment he looked at the dull metal, and then he placed it on his finger and gave a long sigh. 'Yep,' he thought, 'tonight will be another great night.'

Ray stepped out of the car, walked up to the front door and rang the bell. Standing there for a moment, he looked himself over. Straightening his fur, ensuring that his shirt was tuck in, looking over his personal attire in general, Ray wanted to leave nothing to chance for this moment, he wanted to be ready. You would think as a German Sheppard, a breed of who were once known as stout warriors, he would be able to conceal his emotions more easily. Despite his lineage however, his tail betrayed him, wagging back and forth with very little restraint as the tiger came into view, Evan D. Garman. A strong, well built tiger that has been going to the gym for at least four years, works as an IT specialist for LTN Industries, charming, handsome and probably his perfect guy. There was only one problem.

"Evan, honey, I'm heading out with the girls." A female tiger came up behind him.

"Alright, Dana," Evan said as he turned, as if he was caught in some trance. "I'll see you later."

Her! Evan was married.

"Ray," Mrs. Garman stated as she headed out the door. "Nice to see you, how's your fiancée, Rachel?"

"Well Mrs. Garman. She's doing well," Ray stated very monotone, as he looked at Evan. The tigress smiled and then looked behind her to face her husband. "Well, keep an eye on your cell phone; we might be having a short night tonight"

Dana smiled and then turned to look at Ray, finally walking off to her car.

"Anyway, why don't you come in" Evan stated, looking relieved.

Ray sighed again as he stepped into the house, considering all the lies he had to tell. He headed straight for the dining room. Immediately he saw Jim, a small lanky fox, shuffling through the deck and Ray could see all the poker chips had been separated into their proper denominations. Greg, a large grey wolf, was next to him calmly drinking a beer. Both were wearing golden bands on their fingers, he figured they were probably married. Ray never did ask, he tried to not to prod into peoples lives unless they volunteered the information. Though Greg and Jim never talked much about their home life, at times they would make little allusions to a wife or a kid, especially if they were around Dana. Jim and Greg both looked at him as Greg motioned him over to sit in the chair next to him. Evan came lumbering in and Ray quickly glanced at him. Evan smiled, maybe a little longer than he should have as he reached for the chair on the other side of Ray.

"It took you long enough," Greg stated as he took a swig of his beer.

"Had to find my cell phone, let's just get started with a game shall we?" The tiger said looking over at Jim.

"So what will it be boys?" Jim began as he held the cards.

Ray was concentrating on the four aces' he held in his hand, his eyes darting about the room. Jim looked frustrated, Greg wasn't focused on his cards and Evan was always a puzzle and he knew it. Ray hated that, luck was never on his side. Though he felt he could win this one, the moment of truth was at hand. He was going to do it; he was going to go all in. Reaching over, he grabbed his stack of chips and was about to push it into the center of the table when he felt Greg's familiar hand grope him. Ray looked over at him. The huge wolf had a big smile and then Jim gave off a slight whimper.

"I don't know about you boys," Greg stated with his eyes concentrated on the fox, who responded with a louder moan of pleasure. "But I think the real poker game should begin," Greg finished.

Evan looked at his watch. "Hmm, brand new record, longest game we've ever played."

Greg couldn't have cared less as he lunged at Jim's ear, slathering his tongue down his fur, toward his neck. Jim moaned even louder. Ray then turned toward Evan, seeing the tiger dropping his cards and reaching for his shirt, taking his time as he began to unbutton it. Ray couldn't believe how hot Evan was to him. Even though he constantly went to the gym he could never keep up with the tiger, but he was close. Ray's mouth dropped and his tongue hung by a thread as Evan's large chest and plump biceps came into his view. There was no stopping the German Sheppard as he jumped out of his chair and pounced on Evan, nearly knocking him back but the tiger stood his ground. Ray's tongue began to lap at the tiger's nipples as Evan just wrapped his arms around the dog and began to moan. Then reaching down Ray grabbed Evan's package through his thick brown khaki pants. Evan responded by grabbing a hold of Ray's shirt and began to pull it over him, eventually throwing it to the floor.

"You've made some nice gains, haven't you?" Evan stated looking at Ray's chest.

"I'm glad you noticed." The dog smiled.

"I've been noticing a lot more things lately." Evan then took both of his hand and began to unbuckle Ray's belt. "Like your cock, I would love to see it again, before you bury that bone up my fucking ass."

It was unbearable now; he had to reach down to assist Evan, exposing himself before the big muscular tiger. The huge tiger stared at the canine tip, peaking out of its sheath. Ray watched as the tiger licked his lips and knelt, slathering his tongue all over the dog's sack, eventually sucking at it. Ray whimpered, his eyes only catching a glance at the other couple in the room. Jim had relieved himself from all of his clothes, as the wolf was about to bare his chest. Jim was tawny and light, but flexible. Greg may not have been big like Evan, but he was big enough, and his cock made up for everything he lacked. Greg, being a fellow canine, had always seemed to have an effect on him, especially when the wolf striped.

Ray's head flew back as he felt a deep moan make its way up his chest and out of his muzzle; Evan's tongue had made contact. It was amazing, a cat's tongue lapping at his cock, many canine's would think it unpleasant, but to Ray it was one of the perks associated with Evan's poker game. For a few minutes, all Ray could do was enjoying the amazing feel of Evan's tongue lapping up at his base and pushing his tongue upwards. The canine whimpered more and more feeling his passion rising up within him. Bringing his hand up he began to pinch his nipple, sending him deeper and deeper into pure ecstasy.

"Mhmm," Evan said, pulling back and licking his lips. "I love it when you pre, I guess that's why I love to suck you off."

Ray smiled at Evan's words. Opening his eyes Ray glanced around the room. Greg was naked, no doubt keeping up with Jim, who was now on his knees slathering his mouth all over Greg's flaccid penis. The wolf, like always, tried to look tough, resisting the few moans of pleasure he uttered in response to Jim's actions. Ray then looked up at Evan as both of their eyes meet, locked in a deep stare.

"Men," Evan said loudly. "I think we need to move our game to the bedroom."

Everyone nodded, or in Jim's cased, grunted. Greg started heading in that direction, Jim, for some odd reason, began to walk toward Evan. Then without warning Ray felt the tiger's hand caress his balls as he leaned in toward Ray, whispering into his ear.

"Promise that you'll fuck me." Evan then drew back, his eyes locking on the canine. Ray didn't say anything, he just nodded his head.

"Good, now get the bedroom," Evan said with a smile, as his hand came up behind Ray, slapping the dog on the ass. Ray just rushed forward blushing, looking behind him for a moment he saw Jim already talking to Evan.

Ray made his way to the bedroom and found Greg sitting on the bed, stroking himself. Ray stood there as he stared at Greg's lengthening cock, reaching down to touch himself, his length almost at its full height. Ray stared at Greg for a moment; his eyes couldn't escape the wolf's long and thick piece of meat. Greg acted on instinct and whined, then his eyes shot open and both caught each other's lustful gaze.

"Do you want to help each other out?" Greg asked leaning back into the bed. With Greg's massive length why would he pass up an opportunity like this? Though he felt the wolf had other plans in mind and Ray wasn't interested in "helping each other", his action were pure emotions and instincts now. He began to kneel down in front of the wolf, taking in a long and deep breath, immersing himself in Greg's scent. Without further hesitation, Ray began to fondle at Greg's balls as his tongue found its way to the base of Greg's cock.

Ray, now drunk with Greg's musk, continued up and down the wolf's thickened length. He savored every scent and every taste, never feeling satisfied and desperate for more. Despite Greg's attitude, Ray could hear him moan and howl much like he did earlier, but this time it was louder. Soon he felt the wolf's soft warm hand placed upon his head. A small chill ran up his spine as he felt Greg taking control, guiding his actions.

Then he pulled away for a moment and Greg gasped. Ray placed his muzzle only a few inches away as he began to open his muzzle and engulf the wolf's long flesh into his mouth, taking all he could handle at the time. Greg gently squeezed his hand, scratching at Ray's brown fur, adding more fuel to Ray's lustful desires. Taking another deep breath through his nose, the canine caught more of Greg's musky scent. Intoxicating his mind more, his desire exploded as he continued to work on the wolf's shaft, immersing him with his own saliva.

"Well, well, getting a little ahead of ourselves aren't we?" Evan stated as Ray froze in place. Ray felt somewhat embarrassed as he eased away from Greg's now towering shaft, afraid that he revealed himself as too much of a slut.

"Aw, Evan, can't I have a little fun with your toy?" Greg said with a grin, while Evan grimaced.

"Greg, he's not my toy, and besides." The large tiger pulled on a leash, pulling Jim out into the open. Jim now had a collar on around his neck and the leash that was attached to it. "Jim will be our toy for tonight."

"This game keeps getting better and better." Greg smiled. The fox now fell forward; his hands and knees were on the floor. He gazed upward, looking at the wolf. His eyes were very eager, very servile.

"Greg, I think you know what to do." Evan smiled as Greg stood up. Ray felt a little jealous watching the huge wolf walking away from him. The fox looked eager as he raised his tail to the hung wolf, who was positioned at his backside, his large cock mere inches away from his tail hole. Evan then turned his attention back onto the German Sheppard who was still sitting at the foot of his bed.

"Ray, since you seem to know how to pleasure a man's cock, I think Jim will need a little help if he is to reach his orgasm." Evan's voice reverberated. Ray just nodded, still within his submissive mindset and began to position himself under the fox. Evan made sure to position himself in front of the fox, pulling Jim with the leash and guiding him into position. Then with a quick extension of his arm he handed the leash off to Greg. 'Figures' Ray thought, but was soon distracted by Jim's soft moans as Greg was just starting to push himself in. It was almost painful hearing Jim's moans of pleasure. He envied the fox and for a moment he imagined himself in Jim's position, taking on Greg's cock, all of Greg, as it would be slowly slipping inside of him. The idea sent another set of chills up his spine, a fantasy he will have to make a reality at a later time. He was on his back; his elbows were on the carpet for support as he raised his head and began what he did for Greg only a few moments ago. His muzzle inching closer to the fox's groin, again taking a deep breath intoxicating himself with the vulpine scent. It didn't have the same affect on him as the wolf did, but it aroused him none the less as he began to prod at the fox's balls. Then without further hesitation, he opened his muzzle and began to lather the fox's half erect cock with his tongue.

Ray was pleased at its growing length, even though he wasn't quite sure if it was attributed to his skill or Greg's forward thrusting. Ray could imagine the huge grin the wolf had right now. Knowing him the leash was being used to further guide Jim, shortening the slack as he forced his way deeper and deeper into the fox. Jim on the other hand, was probably having a hard time starting on Evan's cock as he heard him whine with every push Greg gave, seemingly shaking with pleasure. Finally he heard Evan's deep, soothing moans indicating the fox's tongue had found its way onto the tiger's fairly sizable length. Ray didn't exactly know who turned him on more, Greg's huge piece of flesh or Evan's built body. Ray continued to lap at Jim's shaft, realizing that it was completely erect.

'Not too bad Jim,' thought Ray as he now worked on certain areas of the fox's cock, hopping that would push him more over the edge. Jim moaned in response which caused Ray to swell with some pride, feeling a little more dominant than usual as he increased the frequency of his tongue. Then he heard it, Greg's piecing howl as he pulled on Jim's leash. The fox yelled in orgasmic pleasure as Greg gave one last push, driving his thick cock deeper into the fox, no doubt spilling his juices. Encouraged, Ray decided to up the stakes. Opening his muzzle, he took all of Jim, savoring every sweet drop of pre that he had to offer. Jim's moans grew louder and louder with every stroke until he finally came.

The fox exploded and his load gushed forward from his cock into the canine's mouth. The taste was amazing, there was nothing like it in the world. Ray froze, for a moment, holding his position, absorbing all that he could. His pink tongue guided itself around his muzzle savoring of what little remained of Jim's sweet seed. Ray fell on his back as a deep and powerful roar filled the room. Evan's scent overwhelmed Ray as he tried to see Evan emptying his wonderful load all over the fox's face. A huge grin started to creep across the canine's face as his mind's eye switched his and Jim's position. Ray could almost feel Evan's warm cum drenching his muzzle as he savored the taste. Ray raised his head, eager to catch a glimpse, but only catching the tail end of what he believed was a wonderful show. Jim raised his head only to catch more of the action, wanting to cover himself in Evan's thick and rich milk. Ray was completely jealous now considering the pleasure the fox had been given; the tiger's thick cum spread all over Jim's face and Greg's cock pounding firmly into his ass. Ray saw a huge grin sweep across Jim's face as he felt Greg pulling out. Greg then fell to the floor, dropping the leash as Jim fell forward, his face still drenched in Evan's seed. With a slight urgency, the wolf licked his lips and crawled over to Jim's side, repositioning himself as he lapped up the cum drenched fur.

"Oh Evan," the wolf said, still taking a few licks at the fox. "You're so tasty, mind if I can maybe have a direct sampling myself?"

Evan just fell backward, sitting up on his bed. "Fuck you Greg, you've sampled me before"

Greg laughed a bit and smiled, and then his gaze locked on Ray laying on the floor, his fully erect cock exposed. Ray caught sight of the wolf as he crawled over the exhausted fox.

"My... My...I think our game isn't over yet, someone is going to need some attention," Greg said as his muzzle was only a few inches away. "What do you say, Jim?"

"I think I can manage a few licks," Jim said as he got up.

"Hold it guys, you need to both take a shower, I can handle our friend," Evan stated sternly. "Besides, Jim needs to remove that collar."

"I'm fine guys really, I can take care of myself," Ray said as he sat up.

"Seriously." Greg smiled. "Not in this house and not on poker night"

Greg, without warning, lapped at Ray's cock. Instantly, Ray felt the tendrils of pleasure begin to enter his mind. Jim, who was still somewhat covered in cum, came up behind Greg and joined in. Ray's emotions went wild as the two tongues washed over him, filling him with ecstasy. Jim was focusing his attention at Ray's base, while Greg was more focused on his tip. Sometimes they would sync their movement compounding Ray's pleasure. The Sheppard moaned and howled as he felt his desire grow.

"Okay boys, you've had enough, go and take a shower," Evan said as he stood up.

"Fine," Greg said as he took one last lick at Ray. "But just you wait Ray"

"As long as I'm involved," Jim said taking another lick for himself, but looking at Greg with a half hearted smile.

"Move it boys," Evan said as both stood up without saying a word.

Evan just stood there; watching them, as the wolf slowly got up and as if to show his continuing dominance over the poor fox, grabbed the leash again and pulled Jim all the way over to the bathroom. No sooner than they closed the door, Evan turned his attention onto Ray and began to walk toward the dog. His eyes were only focused on the one thing the Sheppard had to offer, revealing nothing but desire. Evan stopped a few feet from him, and then bent forward slightly; tilting his head downward the tiger began to lick at the canine's nipples. Ray felt a chill run up his spine as he felt the rough but gentle tongue press itself against his body. Then he felt the tiger pads again, cupping and playing with his balls. The smooth pads rubbing up against him sent another wave of pleasure throughout his body. Ray's head tilted back as he closed his eyes, absorbing the moment. Soon the coarse tongue, the fondling of his balls, the pure moment of ecstasy that Ray was completely engrossed in, just...stopped. Ray lifted his head and opened his eyes only to find the soft green eyes of Evan staring at him in the face.

"Remember what you promised me?" Evan said softly. Ray only nodded. "Now it's your turn to keep that promise to me Ray." Evan paused as he leaned in closer; his left hand began to wander, plowing through the fur on the dog's chest, adding to more and more of Ray's excitement.

"I want you to breed me Ray." Evan's voice was now barely above a whisper. Ray could feel his heart beating faster as he continued to stare into Evan's hungry eyes_._ He felt himself inch forward, his muzzle only a few inches away as if they were about to kiss. Then without warning, he felt the tiger's teeth as he lightly bit at the dog's neck. He didn't know how but there was skill to the bite, it was just enough to cause the emotional effect needed without piercing the skin. Then breaking away from his neck the tiger moved ever so slowly down the entire length of his body. This time suckling at his nipples and lapping at his fur, the pure scent of tiger was all over him now. Taking a deep breath, Ray began to savor the tiger's strong musk, again it didn't do too much to him physically, but emotionally it sent him over the edge. Evan's body was godly and his techniques were divine. Ray felt like he was loosing his mind with all the sensations that was bombarding him at once.

"Now, what was I looking for again," Evan said, now staring at his erect member.

"That's right, you haven't got much attention, haven't you...well let's fix that"

Evan's tongue was amazing, again the harsh tongue only added to Ray's pleasure as he felt his muzzle stroke his member. His desire, his passion climbed and instantly without thinking, Ray placed his right hand on Evan's head. Giving him a slight push, guiding his muzzle; Evan didn't resist but took his time, probing and finding the right spots on his way up, while his hand was groping and fondling Ray's unfulfilled sack.

"That's it Ray," Evan said as he paused. "I'm a bitch, I'm your bitch," Evan echoed as he opened his maw and covered Ray. The dog whimpered. Even though this was a married man that was sucking at his cock; one would think by his skill that he was gay all of his life. Evan alternated, at first moving his muzzle a certain way to make the dog squirm then moving his muzzle the other way to make the dog whimper. Ray closed his eyes and he kept his hand on Evan's head, the sheer amount of pleasure overwhelming his senses. He was close, he felt it, and he knew it. Breath was short, and his howls were deeper and elongated. There was no doubt what would happen in the next few seconds, and then like clockwork Evan stopped. Ray's eyes shot opened to find a huge tiger's ass leaning on the bed, tail raised.

"Fuck your bitch Ray, breed your bitch," Evan moaned. Ray couldn't think of anything else and reacted as any sensible canine would do; he jumped up, grabbed Evan's tail and pushed his cock inside the tiger's ass. At first it took some time to find the spot but once he did, he was in.

"That's it Ray, fuck your bitch, bury your bone deep in me," Evan yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Ray growled as he yanked on Evan's tail. The tiger complied.

Ray wanted to hold back, but he had very little control over his actions and Evan was making it easy for him. He pushed his cock forward surprisingly easy. The tiger roared. Ray leaned over, letting go of Evans tail and latched on to his fur at his hips and pulled. Evan grunted but he pushed himself back, driving more of Ray's cock deeper.

"That's it, use me, use me like the toy that I am" Evan bellowed.

"Didn't I say shut up and let me FUCK, you damn slut!" Ray yelled, driving his claws in, scraping Evan's skin. Evan moaned. Ray pushed harder, drove deeper, moved faster. Ray was amazed at how warm Evan felt, how easy Evan was. Every push gave Ray more and more of a rush. He growled with every thrust as Evan purred. Ray felt invigorated, encouraged as he drove his cock further and further, deeper and deeper inside him.

"That's it, does kitty want his milk?" Ray shouted.

"Yes, Oh Yes, give kitty his milk" Evan responded. Ray clenched his fist, grabbing as much as Evan's fur as he could and pulled driving his cock as deep as he could into Evan's body. His purring transformed into long and deep growls as the tiger pushed back, forcing himself more onto Ray. The dog could feel him, more than just in his loins; he felt Evan's deep voice vibrating through out his body. Finding himself at his peak, Ray couldn't hold himself back any longer. Ray howled as he felt a wave a pleasure enveloping his whole entire body as his cum flooded into the tiger. Evan raised his head and roared loudly. His seed overflowed into the tiger's fine ass, the orgasm lingering in his mind.

Ray couldn't go on anymore as he pulled himself slowly out of Evan. Falling to the floor the canine could feel his fur soaked in sweat.

"Wow, that was amazing," Jim simpered. Ray looked up and saw the wolf and fox standing by the bathroom door, both of them staring at him with strong erections. Ray didn't know whether he should be honored or embarrassed. He was never good with words, so he choose to say nothing. Ignoring his emotions, the dog just sat there as his eyes focused on the carpet beneath him and his ears folded back.

"How long have you guys...been standing there?" Evan just stared at them; his face bared no emotions. If anything his eyes were frigid. Jim gave Evan an odd glare, looked at Greg, and then looked at the floor.

"Long enough," Greg said with a little concern. "By the way you got a text message"

Evan just stood there for a moment hesitating, then with a long and deep sigh the tiger walked forward. Ray slowly got up, feeling as if his legs were real weak, exhausted from their current workout. Greg and Jim looked at each other and began to wander out of the bedroom, passing Evan and eventually passing Ray. The canine seemed confused as their demeanor was slightly less enthusiastic. Ray glanced back over at Evan, still standing there, transfixed to his mobile device.

"I guess I should be on my way?" Ray asked.

Evan just stood there. "Yeah," He began still looking at his phone. "You should start getting ready".

Ray nodded. He always felt awkward for leaving Evan in this state, but he knew how stubborn Evan was. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to see that Evan was unhappy, but the biggest problem, Evan didn't see it himself.

It didn't take long for Ray to find his shirt, in fact as he entered the kitchen he found Greg and Jim already clothed. They were mainly silent as they exchanged glances at one another. Ray was almost dressed when he saw Jim walk up to him.

"Hey Ray"

"Yeah?" Ray responded. Jim then paused, reached into his wallet and pulled out a business card and extended it out to him. Ray took it, looking at it for a moment.

"Give me a call if you need anything." The fox smiled, placing his wallet back into his pocket. Ray smiled back. "Oh by the way, how's that girl of yours?"

Ray just stared at Jim. "She's fine, Rachel is doing fine"

"Good, I'm glad to hear it," Greg said as he stood by the back kitchen door.

"Well, I'll see you later," Jim said as he exited, Greg followed suit.

The German Sheppard stood there for a moment and then took one long sigh as he approached the back door himself.

"There is no girl, is there?" Evan's voice rang behind him. The dog turned around and looked at Evan, who stood there wearing nothing but baby blue boxer shorts and a sincere face. Ray paused for a moment.

"Yeeeah. Sorry..." the dog responded, looking down for a second, wondering how Evan was going to take it, knowing that he broke a cardinal rule to the poker game. Then as he looked up, he saw Evan coming toward him and without any warning wrapped his arms around the canine giving him a huge hug. The dog just froze, not quite understanding exactly what was going on, and then with some hesitation he returned the hug, wrapping his arms around the big tiger. It was odd, seeing Evan like this, exposing his emotions to him. He always had such a dominant personality in his social life, and such a sub in his sex life, it was strange to see anything that contrasted those images of him.

"Tell Rachel that she has a wonderful man," Evan said, breaking his hold on the dog. Ray looked confused for a moment, but he began to smile as he turned around and reached for the door handle.

"And Ray," Evan said as Ray stopped. "Thank you...Thank you for making me feel whole again, even if it is only on poker nights" Then Evan turned around and began walking back to his bedroom. Ray didn't know what to say or how to make sense of his statement. Ray turned around looking back only for a moment, and then exited out the back door.

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