A Detective Snack

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The detective Conan tries to figure out why people have been going missing recently, not knowing he may be the one going missing next!

This was a request from soki92 from deviantart.

A Detective Snack

It starts out with a few children and adults missing. Just strangly vanishing out of the blue. There are always some traces left behind, cloths, shoes, hair accessories, etc. But no sign where they went or what happened. Whoever it was that was kidnapping them knew how to be sneaky. The attacks centered around the town but mostly in the park. So Conan was now on the hunt for the kidnapper. Which was a little harder then it seemed for him. He was trying to think who is the suspect but everyone around here didn't seem suspious. "... Gee its like trying to find a needle in like ten haystacks."

But Conan wasn't going to give up. He walked around the park and did discover something strange. He kneeled down to the grassy ground and reached out, picking something up and looked at it strange. It was a little bit of a shedded snake's skin. "Hmm strange. Never thought there were snakes around here." He looks at the skin. It was a piece of a snake but the scales seemed to look bigger. "Hmm could be a python that escaped somewhere." He didn't think it was that very python that was causing the people to vanish. I mean, that didn't sound logical at all.

Little did he know. The large python was watching him with a growing amusement in his dark-golden eyes. His body was wrapped around the tree branches and all around the tree. He could see Conan but the little Detective couldn't see him. Kaa looked at the boy with hunger. He needed another little meal and what better then to silence a nosy little pest.

Conan was thinking of the snake through the entire case. He started to think. What if the python was big enough to be able to swallow a child or a adult? Than it'd make sense why people are vanishing. "Still surely it wouldn't be that smart and sneaky.." He tapped his pencil on the paper that he had taken some notes on. He had to somehow see this snake and see how big it really is.

So he planned to go out and keep watch. He walked out and into the dark. Already knowing this wasn't the smartest idea he had. Going out at night after a possible predatory python. He had his bow tie and glasses to help. He was sure his homing device would show where he was in case he got in trouble.

Out in the dark he was immediatly wanting to go back to the place he was staying for a little while. This was insane already. But he stayed, looking around the park. His eyes close, listening.

Kaa had taken the scent in on his tongue that tasted the air. It was the same little boy. He tilted his head as he slid along his belly toward the boy, holding in a hiss and trying to be as quiet as the night as he stalked his prey.

Conan couldn't hear anything and that is what made him on edge. No owls, or any night life sounds. Just silence. He knew that something was around. Hunting. And Conan looks around through his large glasses. He could barely see a thing. But he did he a sound and he turned to see the very thing that had made the missing vanish. And he knew it was to late to even scream for help or do a thing as it strikes.

Kaa had raised the upper half of his body up when he was close enough and hissed at Conan which had turned around and looked like he froze for a moment, allowing Kaa to strike and coil around the boy who cried in surprise. It was obvious the little man cub had miscounted the python's size and now Kaa had him coiled up. "Mmm hello little man cub..." He hisses some and looks him over and then at those blue eyes behind the glasses.

Conan was surprised to hear the snake speak. A voice with a almost melodic hiss in it. It made him confused and look at the large serpent. He believed he would've been squeezed to death by now yet he wasn't. "Umm hello.. mind letting me go?" He asked. He also felt it weird to be called a man cub, a kid yes but a man cub?

Kaa nodded his head. "Of courssse. Your eyesss are nice you know, little man cub..?" His tail moved carefully to take off the boys glasses and put them onto the ground but made sure the cub wouldn't escape. His eyes moved back to look into Conan's and started to go into different colors, blue, yellow, green. All becoming like swirls that would reflect in the boy's eyes.

Conan's glasses came off and though he tried to escape while the snake was doing that, the coils tightened, making his breathing a little harder but not impossible to breathe. He tried to breathe and tried to yell at the python when he met those swirling eye colors. He could only stare though his brain kept trying to tell him to look away. "What are you doing..?" He asked, not able to look away and follow Kaa's moving body and head.

Kaa was hypnotizing his prey. He did this with mostly all of his prey. Unless he believed he could trick them into willingly being eaten. He was sure this cub wouldn't be tricked so easily. Already he could tell he had a smart mind even though he was a cub. He continued to move his head and kept his eye colors changing. He smiles a almost friendly smile. "Trusssst me. Young one.. you are going to be okay. Hmm sssleeep, resssst in peace." He held back a snicker and kept going, hissing a melody. "Trussst in Kaa..."

Conan's mind was getting tired and his eyes getting heavy. The sound, the colors, the movement of the snake was somehow making him feel relaxed and tempting him to sleep. A strange little ding sounded in his mind and he closed his eyes. "Alright... Kaa... it sounds nice.. to sleep." He fell asleep, not knowing this was sealing his fate.

Kaa made sure the boy was falling asleep. Only when the soft breathes come did Kaa loosen his coils, helping Conan sleep more better. Kaa smirks. "Sleep my succulent cub." He whispers, knowing the boy was to far in his sleep to hear him. Kaa looked around for anyone or anything before he opened his maw wide, unhinging his jaw and moving in over Conan's head. He pulled the smiling boy into his maw and closed it around his head, tasting his face and hair with his tongue, matting down the brown pieces of hair that stuck out with his saliva. He pushed him deep into the back of his mouth, working over his small shoulders and swallowing his head. Beginning his tasty meal.

Conan was in his dreams, dreaming about Ran-neechan and him in a hot spring and caused his smile. Not knowing at all where he really was and that Kaa was swallowing him whole and alive.

The python worked his way over his chest and over his stomach, taking his arms into his hungry jaws with ease. He ignored the taste of the cloths. Still he always wondered why man and their cubs insist on wearing them. He swallowed his stomach. With each swallow he took, he took off a coil around the sleeping detective. His meal was stiff as a board minus the breathes he was trying to take now.

Kaa worked his way more slowly over his legs, swallowing them while lifting his head up some. His coils were all off Conan now that there was no hope of escape, not that there was to begin with. Kaa let the legs and his feet slide into his maw and slowly disappear into his throat. His red shoes were the last thing seen descending down into his maw and disappeared into his throat. That was the last of Conan.

All that was left to show of Conan Edogawa was the small child size bulges of his head shoulders and some of his body moving under the scales of the large python who licked his mouth with his forked tongue to get the last bits of taste of his small detective meal. His jaw rehinging just as the Conan bulge came to a stop where his stomach was, awaiting him.

Kaa waited a moment to get settled before he moved on with his prize. All that was left of the detective was the pair of glasses Kaa had taken off. The homing device would soon fade as Kaa moves under a bush to begin digesting his meal. Really happy he had gotten a little detective snack.


Cethin's Forest

The girl had entered the forest. She honestly had no idea what it was, but it was like the forest or something in it called her to the dark and mysterious place. She looked back at her home. She will be back there soon. She just had to know what called...

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The Easter Snake

_Contains: Vore, Underage Prey._ **The Easter Snake** Kaa sighs as he watched the park. He coiled up his large and long body under a bush so no one could see him. He hasn't had a decent meal in a week or two. He only had a few squirrels and...

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Breakfast In Bed Note: This was inspired by a picture by G2CutieX2 from deviantart. [http://g2cutiex2.deviantart.com/art/Pelican-Vore-198496429](http://g2cutiex2.deviantart.com/art/Pelican-Vore-198496429) is the picture. Hope you all enjoy. --- ...

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