Cethin's Forest

Story by VoraciousMischief on SoFurry

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Cethin, The Anaconda that escaped is now back in the forest and has found a girl in his coils and he is hungry.

The girl had entered the forest. She honestly had no idea what it was, but it was like the forest or something in it called her to the dark and mysterious place. She looked back at her home. She will be back there soon. She just had to know what called her in here. She didn't know the farther she stepped away from her home, the closer she got to danger.

The snake was not entirely feral. He had a mind to think, to plan. He had been watching the house from the forest. His dark eyes star. Cethin was his name. A large anaconda, stretching about twenty four or so feet long. He had spent his days in a pen at a zoo until he finally got out and stalked the forests. The trees and streams helped him get around like the would a jungle. He saw many things as prey. Including the animals that were known as humans. He didn't care how dangerous they seem to be. They were in the end his prey and that was it. The anaconda had been waiting and waiting until the humans or at least one human in that house came. After all, this forest seemed to lure people in and they get lost. Cethin saw that as a good thing.

The girl was named Lyfie. She didn't care for the name so she named herself Ly. She entered the forest, her barefeet on the soft dirt. She wore her long, green shorts that went almost to her knees. Her shirt was a black color and sleeveless. She walked, brunette hair going down her back which blew some in the breeze that blew throw the trees. This place was beautiful. No wonder people got lost. She would be able to hear a stream near by. What she didn't notice was there were no bird calls or any animals around. She also would have noticed the branch and tree that had a dangerous creature clinging to it and watching her.

He watched her. His dark eyes watched. He got into position to strike. His movements were slow. Making sure the prey didn't notice. He watched until she was almost under the branch that was only three or so feet above her head. He struck. His teeth latching onto her shoulder as his body followed, quickly coiling around the prey's arms, midsection and legs. His added on weight caused the prey to fall and struggle. Her struggle made his muscles tighten and constrict around the prey. He would only tighten them each time the prey tried to struggle. The prey seemed to know it to sense after awhile she stopped struggling.

Lyfie had no idea what hit her as she fell. She saw the scales and then fear filled her. She was in the coils of a snake! She cried out for help as she struggled hard. The snake had let go of her shoulder which now hurt from the teeth bites it left. The more she struggled, the more the body of the large reptile tightened around her. She gasped, trying to take in air and stopped her struggles. It was no use. She couldn't get away. She just let her tears stream down her face. "Let me go. Please! Please let me go!" She begged the snake.

He just stared at her. Her words were obviously pleas to be released even though he couldn't understand them. As if he'd let her go. She was in his coils now and he was going to devour. What else was there to do? He smirks as he opens his jaw wide, unhinging his jaw and taking in the girl's head into his hungry maw before she screamed so her screams would be muffled.

Her screams became muffled in the hungry mouth of the serpent. She struggled once again only to have those coils around her tighten more, cutting off her air and making her gasp. The coils untighten, letting her breathe. She saw it now. It wanted to swallow her.. alive. She sobbed, being pushed into the throat, slowly her body was swallowed into that throat. It was tight and moist with the snake's saliva but strangely felt warm around her head. Her brunette hair was soon matted down by the saliva. Her skin wet with her tears and snake saliva. She wiggled now. Thats all she could do. There was barely any air to breathe in the large snake.

He swallowed her easily. With his size, she was easy prey. She had no claws or anything that can hurt him. Thats why he took to hunting humans over animals. He reached her shoulders. He didn't like the shoulders of these humans but it never stopped him from rethinking his plan on his food. He opened his jaws wider to take in her shoulders. His mouth stretching over, swallowing her slowly. He knew it was only a matter of time before something or someone came. He swallowed down her chest. Her breasts were another little challenge but he managed to take them in. He noticed each time he came to a halt on her shoulders or breasts, the body would stop moving. Then when he swallowed and then the prey would struggle again. He guessed it was that the woman felt hopeful that if he couldn't swallow then he'd let her go. To bad for her. Besides even if he couldn't swallow her one way, he would swallow her the other way. He worked his way over her breasts, one coil removed from her chest. Each time he reached a coil he would remove it from her wiggling body.

She noticed that each time the snake halted and didn't swallow for a bit she became hopeful. Her hope shattered twice when the snake found it's way to swallow. She struggled as she was swallowed. Her arms pinned to her sides as she cried. Her words muffled under the snake skin. Her felt that maw take in her breasts and belly. She was begging, praying that someone will come. Her air was running out. The snake seemed to notice to because when he swallowed over her stomach he took in some air. She didn't feel thankful though. She figured the snake was a him. She didn't know why or why she would think gender at a time like this. What else was there to do? Her struggling tired her out. Along with his stomach, more of her disappeared in the snake's maw. Her hands in his mouth now. She felt the throat muscles pull her down closer and closer to the stomach.

Cethin continued. He had swallowed past her stomach and swallowed her wiggling hands that had tried to grab something to help. He was nearly there. Her rump was taken in easily. This was all easy now. Another coil removed as he swallowed. He noticed her struggles were getting weaker. She must be getting tired. He swallowed slowly to her hips. Swallowing slower but keeping his dark gold eyes on the look out. He couldn't lose his meal now. He swallowed to her knees. He to had to take a moment to rest. Just a moment. Her legs bound together by two coils around them. He removed the one below her knees. The last was around her ankles. He started working again. His hungry belly letting out sounds that now wasn't the time to rest. He took in her legs with ease and swallowed again and again. He pulled himself up, tilting his head to the trees. Gravity working in his favor while he swallowed. Only her feet remained. He removed the last coil and the feet tried to kick in one last attempt to get free. The snake just smirked some. He sucked in the feet. He licked over the toes, causing a little laugh and more muffles from his doomed prey. With one last swallow. The woman was no more. She was reduced to large bulges in his skin, going down until coming to a stop in his belly.

She was swallowed like she was truely prey. She was tired from the struggles. Her air was running low again. He could feel the breeze on her legs until it was only felt on her feet. She then felt nothing but that tongue tickling her toes. She laughed unwillingingly and cried out in anger. This snake was playing with her! She froze when she felt that swallow around her feet and knew then and there.. it was over. She was forced down by strong muscles into the stomach that had growled around her. Her body went through a tight area and slowed to a stop. She knew it was over. She was in the stomach and tried once again to struggle. Hearing a strange sound from the snake made her think he was murring in amusement. She whimpers. "I hate you.. I hope you burn for this.." She whispers. Knowing he wouldn't understand or probably couldn't hear. She sobbed more and held herself in the tight stomach. Her air ran out shortly after and she went unconcious. Lucky thing she did because a minute or so later and she would have felt the stomach acids start to come and burn her.

He lay, coiled around himself and around his new meal. He felt the sun peek through the trees and onto his dark colored scales. He hissed some in content. This meal would last him a few days at the most. His dark eyes looked around once in awhile for anyone or anything coming his way. Human taste seemed to get better and better each time he got one in his coils. For now he will wait until his stomach settled some before moving into a more hidden area to digest his new meal. He let a little belch escape his rehinged jaws. "You got that right stomach. She was the best food so far." He said through his hisses with a smirk. Though humans would never understand him, any animal would and they know to keep away in case he happened to want some dessert. For now Cethin lay coiled up, happily full and happily smiling.


The Easter Snake

_Contains: Vore, Underage Prey._ **The Easter Snake** Kaa sighs as he watched the park. He coiled up his large and long body under a bush so no one could see him. He hasn't had a decent meal in a week or two. He only had a few squirrels and...

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Breakfast In Bed Note: This was inspired by a picture by G2CutieX2 from deviantart. [http://g2cutiex2.deviantart.com/art/Pelican-Vore-198496429](http://g2cutiex2.deviantart.com/art/Pelican-Vore-198496429) is the picture. Hope you all enjoy. --- ...

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Helping With The Heat

Helping With The Heat. This is a Requested Story. It is about two anthro females in heat and they will be helping with it. This is my first story with anthros and F/F. Please be gentle with me. Contains: Heat, Adult Themes, slight M/F, F/F dry...

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