Wishful Thinking, Chapter 7.

Story by MitchKenzo on SoFurry

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#6 of Wishful Thinking

Perry is going to meet up with Morton, who introduces his to the footpaw world, and Perry gets to open up and learn a bit more about the anthros. Debating on the macro vixen thing, possibly find the first non-Protector, an anthro otter disguised as a human?

Wishful Thinking

by Mitch Kenzo

Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo, but Emerald is copyright my friend Emerald Wolfe, used with her permission; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me in an e-mail or something. What, you just thought I had a bellybutton and gore fetish alone?

Extra tags:

-Lots of bellybutton fetish stuff!

-Godmoding magic.


-Footpaw fetish.

-You know the drill by now.

Chapter 7: Summer Wishes.

"...Nngh." Perry's eyes opened to the darkness of his room. It was quiet and comfortable, a furry little ball inside his navel, as well as a heavy coat that had wound itself all about him in the night, tangling him up in feline belly, arms, legs, neck, and tail. He rolled his eyes, mentally giggling that the lioness had become so attached to him in such a short period of time. Her warm fur pressed in against his bare skin and made him feel comfortable, even drowsy again, but something wouldn't let him sleep. It was something missing, and a feeling of things being almost too peaceful. He looked at his computer, his door... No, everything was in place, until his glancing eyes fell upon the smashed remains of his alarm clock.

Then, it hit him like when Lila tackled him onto the bed.



"Erf... Wha?"

Perry blushed. He hadn't meant to shout that out, waking the other two furs from their peaceful slumbers. "Er... Nothing, you two can go back to sleep." He felt Lila start to uncoil from him, sitting up on the bed. Emerald's little head popped up from the center of his navel, and he actually laughed out loud in the dark. There were two glowing pairs of eyes looking back at him, something out of a horror film.

Then, it started becoming almost exactly like that. "Arrrgh, Perry! I was having the best dream!" Emerald's shrill voice sounded extremely aggravated, in a mocking way. Lila was stifling her own laughter as the wolf dove down into the depths of the hole and bit him right in the middle of an extremely sensitive spot in his bellybutton, making him yelp in surprise. He quickly melted into relaxation as the wolf's bite turned to a gentle gnawing of his flesh, the tiny teeth not penetrating through his skin very far at all. He could feel the old skin in that area being licked and nibbled away by the tongue and teeth of the tiny canine, and the small droplets of blood from the bite being suckled on. "At least this bed can be turned into breakfast." After she said that, Perry couldn't stop snickering as he just imagined how much she was enjoying herself.

"Hey Perry, when you don't go to school, what do you do? You have a job?" Lila's head was a bit cocked to the side, a cute little gesture she'd obviously picked up from the furry websites she'd visited. It suited her perfectly, though Perry had thought it impossible for her to get any cuter.

"Hmm... Well, I just put in my quitting notice a little while ago, because I was saving for a road trip with some friends this summer. The plans got cancelled though... I still need to run in and pick up my last check anyway. Maybe I'll use the extra to take you out for some more human cuisine." Lila made a purr of enthusiasm, clearly liking that idea.

"What, and I don't get anything? Hmph, some gentleman you are!" Emerald's mocking came again as she gave him another hard bite to his umbilical walls, this time actually chewing a small hunk out of the flesh. The sensation sent shivers down his spine as he could even hear her growling as she tugged on the fresh meat, the soft outer layer proving a bit tough to handle for a micro-sized furry!

"You keep eating like you are right now and you won't have room." Haha, take that! He smirked and laid his head back, and Lila leaned against the railing at the foot of his bed. Her silky legs stretched out, and she put her footpaws up onto his chest as a rest. Perry looked down at them and realized he'd never gotten a really good look until now. They were beautiful works of life, thin and slender for the female lion's frame, but very large by human standards! They looked just like her feral counterpart's feet, beautifully shaped pads surrounded by the violet fur, which was actually more of a lavender about them to have some distinction. He reached his fingers up and gently touched in the centers of the main footpads on each paw, making the lioness jerk back a bit at first, not expecting that.

Perry looked up to her face and saw a beaming grin, so he returned to what he was doing. He touched again, the feline toes only clenching slightly to reveal her claws, curved knives of organic material. The tips barely touched his skin, yet he could already tell that it wouldn't take much pressure from them to cause himself harm. Nonetheless, Perry ignored the claws and kept touching the leathery surface, enjoying the feeling quite a bit. It was quite interesting, a strange feeling of extra softness in the pad's fleshy interior. It was a bit like touching a cross between a pillow and a water bed. Squishy, but just firm enough when you pressed on it.

His finger traced around the lumpy shape of the pad, Lila having her eyes closed and purring quite deeply now. He traced up to the smaller pads of the toes, braving the claws and running his digits up between them, his knuckles resting next to the warm and hard nails. They exuded a comforting feeling though. Perry could imagine the deer that Lila had hunted down and eaten hadn't actually suffered when her claws hit it in the least. These pads were even more tender feeling, and made Lila's claws extend even farther when pushed on. His other hand went above her fuzzy toes and rubbed the tops, making the claws extend as far as he could get them by pressing on pad and toe. Each one he did made the others flex as the feline moaned on the other end of the bed. Her other paw was rubbing itself against his bare chest, the soft pads and fur tickling his skin wonderfully as he began to use one of his weak nails to scratch at the bottom of Lila's foot, tracing down the long length to her foot joint. Her paw jerked around, claws catching him on his hand as Lila laughed from the tickling sensation.

Lila really was enjoying the sensations of Perry's teasing fingertips, and she pressed her entire paw hard into the palm of his hand, ignoring the slices her claws made in his flesh. It didn't look like he minded either, the smile on his face said that much. He let the dark orbs of flesh squeeze into the bare skin of his hand, his fingers intertwining with her toes. The slim digits slipped between her thick ones, and she let Perry experienced the sweaty insides of the area between them. A scent of wet lioness drifted up again, and he scraped inside through the wet fur, picking up little bits of lint and dirt. He pulled it back and smelled it, finding it to be the exact opposite of what his foot would end up smelling like!

He gave a jolt of his own as he felt one of his own feet being lifted into the air. It was raised to Lila's face, and she pressed her cold nose gently against his instep, the foot curving about her muzzle as much as it could as she did that. His own toes clenched, and the nails on them scratched at the bridge of Lila's nose, drifting through the thin fur there and wriggling in front of her eyes like little olives. Her lips parted and her pink tongue drifted onto the soft flesh of Perry's foot, running around the small area of instep and heel. It pressed out the creases in his skin, softening up the hard parts of his foot. Tensed muscles from ages of standing at a low paying, boring cashier job let loose. Hardened flesh on Perry's heels gave way to the soft foot skin he'd once had, before he'd gone into the office supply business.

The cold nose withdrew, and Perry felt the tongue slide all the way up and down the length of his flesh. He was sweating with pleasure, which he could tell Lila was enjoying. He was becoming salty meat again, evident when the lioness stuck his toes in her mouth and began suckling on them gently, running the tongue over each of them in succession, and letting the thin, fleshy organ slip between each one and wrap about it, encasing them like the meat of a burrito, only the burrito was doing the tasting! He felt the teeth clenching together, the sharpest and longest ones snaking through the holes between each toe. Lila had magically changed her dental structure, making her teeth now interlock like a cage around all the digits, trapping the bulbous tips like prisoners in the village stocks of medieval times. Sharper small teeth pressed up against them, and the lioness chewed his fleshy toes, squeezing them all together and making him clench his eyes shut in the pleasurable sensations. He groaned and let his other foot snake up to Lila's belly and rub around on it, especially over the round outie she had, feeling the large orb pulse against his foot. It felt incredible to him, all these sensations at once... He couldn't help it.

He leaned forward and involuntarily took one of Lila's own toes into his mouth, carefully avoiding the clawtip in the process. He sucked on the sweet fur and skin, the wet area between her digits a trove of feline flavor, smelling like a freshly picked pear today. His mouth squeaked and squicked around Lila's footpaw, and his tongue slathered her pad with saliva, softening it even more and making it slippery wet to the touch, an interesting change to the dryness of it before. He felt his own toes being chewed to oblivion above and had to bite on the pad, just to see what it felt like. The feeling was everything he'd wanted to do when he was little and felt something soft like an egg-crate mattress, or a sponge. He'd always wondered what it would feel like to just bite down on one of those, but never got around to it. Now he knew, the softness appealing to his jaws, just begging to be chomped upon one more time, and then once more after that.

Lila decided it was about time to finish... She let her short teeth start growing again, to fit the shape of the rest of them. They pressed harder and harder into Perry's skin with each bite, pressing the dimples they'd made in it farther each time, until they broke through the soft flesh. The red human blood flowed out of the wound, flooding her tongue with its flavor. The copperlike taste was quite a quirk, she'd never even thought about a creature having metallic flavored blood, but it worked nicely. Her teeth kept frowning, spearing the flesh up from both sides, leaving the toes attached by no more than bones, which were being scraped and gnawed upon by her teeth, until they finally splintered and fell down to roll about inside her mouth. She let them do that for a while, feeling them and tasting their presence as the five spots on the human foot dripped more of the red liquid into the large maw. Her lips were clamped tightly shut about it, raised outside in a way that made her look somewhat like a feral devouring toes and getting ready to start on the entire foot. However, the toes reversed their rolls, lifting into the air and rolling up Lila's teeth, which had returned to normal. They reattached to the foot and stopped the bleeding up, flesh and bone knitting together to create a seamless and scarless foot once again. She released it and relaxed for a bit longer as Perry finished his gnawing of her toe pads, and chewed on the main footpad, Making her toes curl once more. They sliced Perry's face in a few places, but he could hardly feel it.

Lila finally retraced her paws from his grip and moved over top of him on her handpaws and knees, licking his face and hand to heal him up for the day. The bloodstains caused by her claw injuries disappeared from the bed linens, leaving them smelling fresh and new. Lila took a few more licks, snickering as Perry rolled his eyes and let her taste as much of him as she wanted. Suddenly, she acked and rolled off the bed, giggling and clutching her outie. Emerald was standing up in Perry's bellybutton, a bit of Lila's purple fur hanging from the corner of her mouth as she grinned with the most innocent (as well as bloodstained) grin on her face that she could muster.

"Hah, you should come out of there and explore my room at least once, you crazy wolf." He snickered and reached to pluck her from the hole.

"No, don't wanna!" She jabbed her claws into his navel wall and bit his rim with her teeth, giving a fake growl as he tried to pull her off. He eventually gave up, sighing as Lila healed herself and knelt by the side of the bed.

"Time to start the day then, the bank must be open by now. If you're staying in there, keep well hidden and try not to cause any bulges under my shirt-OW!" He gripped his navel as he felt Emerald begin chewing the floor vigorously, finally getting a good enough hunk of it in her jaws that she could reveal what she was looking at. Perry smacked his forehead, he'd completely forgotten that he even had that in there...

It was a deep hole in his bellybutton, quite large as well. A fold of his navel had always covered it up though, and it was constantly filling with lint and other umbilical gunk. This time though, it had a fuzzy wolf squirming her way down into it, wedging herself tightly into the hole. God, her fur tickled like nothing else inside there, and he moved carefully to avoid bursting into a laughing fit. The feeling slowly subsided as the navel became accustomed to having something forced into there, and Perry got up to get dressed.

He threw on some loose-fitting jeans and a shirt, and let Lila minimize herself and ride up in his hair. "Perry, I'm riding up here from now on. I like the way it smells!" The oily, yet strangely sweet smell it always got when he hadn't washed it in about 18 hours? Well, it wasn't any stranger than anything else she liked about him so far!

A short drive across town later, and he was at the Fax Shack. He hated that place, but had stayed as long as he had because it was much better paying than the few other rarely-hiring places in town. A shame really, outwardly the place came off as a wonderful store to shop and work at. The associates were required to be nice and helpful to every customer that walked in, especially going around and asking anyone if they needed help. It was also in stock of almost anything, and also a very clean store.

At least, that's what it looked like. The managers, however, treated the employees as lower than shit. Perry had frequently worked longer shifts than he was supposed to, often going without lunch breaks, or breaks of any kind. He was supposed to be working in the Office Equipment part of the store, helping to sell computer and printer accessories. However, because he just couldn't talk customers into buying the excessively overpriced and worthless Fax Shack warranties, he had been stuck on the cash register since his second week at that job. The wait had paid off though, as even with Terrence's extortion he had been able to save about two thousand dollars, more than enough for the road trip if he was still going to go. However, it didn't matter anymore. He probably wouldn't have gone now anyway with Lila and Emerald about!

A quick trip to the bank and a few fast food joints later, Lila and Emerald were letting out satisfied belches. The two had been arguing for the past half hour over which place was best.

"Mmm... Those Chicken Niblets are obviously the best!"

"No way Lila, the Foot Long Foot Long is about ten times better! Besides, hot dogs in general just completely rock."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you like anything with a dog in it. That reminds me of this joke I found on the internet. Two Pollocks come to America to make their fame and fortune. After settling in and making some money, they took a walk down the streets of New York. One of them saw a stand and said to the other 'Look! I'd always heard that Americans eat dogs!' The other one just shrugged and walked over, ordering two of them. They walked off and opened the foil. One looked at the other and said 'What part of the dog did you get?'"

Even Emerald was cracking up at that one, her giggles resounding in the car. Perry fed another little bit of one of the hot dogs down to his bellybutton. He was amazed at her persistence in staying in there, but didn't mind it a bit. He finally glanced at the clock. 1:00 in the afternoon, perfect. He pulled up his driveway and immediately raced out back to the wooded area, Lila right behind him. He went a little ways in, far enough to where he couldn't see his house anymore. He looked around and waited, looking at Lila and shrugging.

There was a sudden noise in the underbrush behind the lioness, who whirled about and pounced into it. Perry grinned as he was sure Lila would be giving her long-lost friend plenty of feline love. However, he felt a series of small pinpoints on his shoulder. "YIPE!" He jumped a bit as two furry arms circled about his chest, and he saw a rodent's muzzle peek over his shoulder.

"Good to see you Perry, I figured Lila would be tagging along, ready to pounce me the minute I walked out. The only thing she got..." Lila came up out of the underbrush with a plush mouse doll, smiling from ear to ear. She raced up to Perry and tried to maneuver around him to get at the fuzzy mouse, whose belly kept bumping against his back. He scurried around Perry as Lila lunched to one side and laughed, standing directly in front of the human and giving him a gigantic lick on the face. His breath smelled of cheese, but in the way that Lila's had smelt good to him as well, not a rotten or rancid bit in it. However, the mouse's expression changed to one of surprise as two things happened at once. Emerald launched herself from Perry's navel at bullet speed, tearing a hole through his shirt and striking Morton directly in his own fuzzy bellybutton, clinging inside and rubbing her muzzle into it. Lila decided she'd had enough of the chase and pounced into Perry, using her force to knock him into the rodent and send them all thudding to the ground. Once again, Perry found himself in a pile of furry bodies, his face squished into Morton's shoulder fur as the mouse chuckled below him. Lila raised up enough to bump Perry to the side, and then latch around her target in a lion's equivalent of a bear hug, making his eyes bug out of his head from the pressure.

Muffled sounds came from his belly as Emerald had been squished between the two bellybuttons, Lila's outie pinning her against Morton's shallow innie. Perry found that he really envied her right now, and he was certain she didn't mind her position either. The third Protector returned the hug, and gasped for air when Lila finally loosened up. "N-nice to see you again, Lila. You... too, Emerald. Whew!"

Perry didn't waste any time snuggling back up against the mouse. He felt the thin arm snake under him, and the sniffing nose nuzzle his cheek gently. A rumble from his belly pushed Lila up, Emerald finally returning to her original size and giving the mouse a lick from chin to nosetip. The lioness clawed onto the lupine back and rolled off to the side, the two mockingly play fighting and biting each other, allowing Morton to give Perry the squeezing hug he'd wanted to. Perry rubbed his hands through the comfy mouse fur and took a whiff of the more normal scent, enjoying it as a subtle change from Lila's wonderful perfume. Sometimes the simple things in life were the nicest...

"Wow... Really everyone, even with all that's happened in the past few days, I still have trouble believing this isn't some kind of wonderfully long dream." The fighters stopped, looked at each other, and pounced him and the mouse again, smothering their bodies onto his face and pushing him into Morton's soft gut. Lila and Emerald each too an arm, nipping his fingers, and then using their own to pinch sensitive places under his arm.

"Real enough for you yet?" They'd spoken almost in unison, but he vigorously nodded.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I wish it was, but this is completely mind blowing to me. A lot of what's happened so far has only been in fantasies... Heck, your world existing has only been a scientific theory to the world, and they didn't even know there was life on it! Think about it, a human like me being surrounded by not one, not two, but even three furry friends he'd only dreamed of ever meeting. It's... It's truly like a miracle!"

He couldn't stop himself, but tears of joy were running down his cheeks. There was silence as he quietly sobbed, releasing the years of stress from himself, the shock of such amazing experiences starting to wear off of him. The tear flow increased as his mind accepted the fact that his friends were real. Lila was real. Emerald was real. Even Morton, under the disguise as a strange school janitor, was real. He could see, feel, hear, touch, and even taste their reality... Heck, he felt their presence about him, more vibrant than life itself.

The three bodies crowded around him, furry arms interlinking in a hugging, healing circle. The woes of his life were melting away, the mental scars healing through the tear flow. His scrunched face relaxed as his friends melted away all the pain and suffering of the years of his life. Even death itself hadn't been as scary as it was always made out to be with the three of them existing.

Perry took a deep breath, and squeezed the last tear out of his eye. Two tongues dried his face, another one grooming his hair from behind. His arms were beside themselves trying to give hugs and pats to every one of the furries at once, when a bubbling laughter rose from deep inside of him. It was different from all the other times he'd laughed in his life, the laughs at the stupid jokes and the all-too-common situation of someone getting kicked in the balls or injured in a stupid way. The bleak, violent humor was nothing compared to the good feelings that this true friendship brought. The laugh burst forth in the woods, the laugh of acceptance of his new reality.

Perry was the happiest he'd been in his entire life now, to a limitless point which he no longer strived to comprehend. He just accepted that it was happy, and didn't want to know why. It didn't matter anymore.

This could only be the happiness that was love.

"...Thanks everyone. If it weren't for you, I don't know where I'd be right now." He gave a kiss to each of the females, and rubbed behind his head, stroking the fur of Morton's muzzle. "Let's go somewhere else more desolate and also more convenient to talk. Besides, I think Morton and Emerald will like the scenery." Lila and Emerald got off of him, and he let Morton get to his feet. Lila and Perry took the lead, letting Emerald have her fun on the way with Morton. He tried unsuccessfully to avoid her nibbling and poking, but gave up, offering to walk backwards so she could poke into his bellybutton as much as she wanted. She was delighted and agreed, immediately sticking a finger inside and letting loose a growl of appreciation.

A fee miles later, and the group came to the edge of the little pond where Perry and Lila had seen and chased down the deer. It was nowhere to be found, probably hidden in the forest somewhere. Perry was watching Morton's ears twitch. Today was breezy, and every time a little gust would come up, the ears would jitter about like a neurotic ADHD kid on his fifteenth cup of coffee.

Lila and Emerald were both latched onto Morton now, who sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm happy to see you two too, but can I have a little breathing space?" That only made them move in closer, and he laughed while shaking his head. Perry giggled as he watched them look at each other. that must have been what he looked like when Lila and Emerald were both trying for his attention. He saw them constantly glancing at each other and every so often whispering short bursts of growls, barks, or other animalistic sounds between each other. They finally noticed him watching, and he could see Lila blush. "Sorry Perry, we got carried away, discussing old times and stuff. If you really have any questions for us, now would be a good time to ask them. Morton was the brains behind a lot of the final plan for our world in that time of crisis, as well as record keeping. Go ahead, ask whatever, probing as it may be."

Perry thought for a bit. Anything? Hmm... There had been one thing that was bothering him. "You said that the Protectors all had to be released by a moonbeam reflected through a tear... Emerald, Morton, you two were like that too?"

Emerald spoke up first. "Not me. Mine was set to the first lick by other sentient life. I hadn't really thought it out too much."

"Uh... Mine was sunlight on a world after my rock crumbled. As our world was nearing its end, I was encased in a magma flow from the cracking crust of the planet, and had to really think fast to not be burnt to a crisp." Morton shrugged and twitched his ears some more.

"Oh, and what about the seal on that dimension? Where did everyone go once inside it? How come the ones that didn't make it were brought back to life on that side?"

Lila's turn, this time. "One question at a time! Sheesh. I'll take the first one. Yes, we did seal the dimension as best as we could at the time, but it wasn't a full seal. It can't be reopened very much, but from what we've guessed, others of our kind have made it through, but not back. It takes an enormous amount of magic energy to break the seal we placed, though it also takes a significant amount to open it enough to get around it. Another thing that has to do with it is the flow of time. Playing with the fabric of the universe is a tricky thing to do from our magical standpoint. Screw it up, and you could end up with a total catastrophe in that region of reality. Any other questions on that?"

"What happens when or if you screw up?"

"You know what a black hole is, right? Think of those, but on a very muchly increased scale of disaster. Say you mess with the fabric of space enough, you can tear it just like a sheet of paper. There's nothing on the other side. A very, very real nothing. The one time that happened... Well, had it not been contained, we wouldn't be here, and neither would you, your planet, your solar system, or your galaxy for that matter."


"Okay, my turn. I was the last protector to get into my frame." This time it was Morton. "You're probably wondering what we did in lieu of a planet inside there. Well, in the pocket dimension, we played around with the matter inside, and made a makeshift planet of our own. Very crude and more or less a ball of dirt and rock, but still a planet. Hey, we didn't have a whole lot of planning time. We also took chunks of our planet and threw them inside too so we could preserve some things about it."

"How'd you fit all that in there?"

"Like Lila said, space is a really strange thing to work with. You know how gravity is like putting a ball on a plastic sheet, and how smaller balls will be attracted to it and stuff? That's how the universe works too, but only in a more three dimensional format. We learned how to stretch and cordon off a small section of it. What we found was interesting was that once we did that, the edges of that universe kept expanding just like this one does. It'd hard to explain, but I think you get it."

"Kind of. I think I get enough."

"Good. My turn. My job before the end was to cast group spells on everyone. Now, sure, we're talking billions of furs here, but you remember that magic is just one of those weird things that you can use to make about anything you want with it. It's like modeling clay. Mold it enough, and you can do some crazy stuff. So, I devised a spell that had three parts. Everyone had been through the afterlife thing at least once back then. I talked to the Gateway, the orb of light you probably saw. We came up with a plan to be able to send those souls over that would die in the cataclysm. I figured out how to put a stamp, so to speak, on the souls of all the world's inhabitants. It was a very simple concept, too. I gathered about ten million furs from each continent, and cast a group magic on them. It spread through the crowd much like a cold or virus works here on Earth, but as in instant transmission. So much as just looking at another furson would transmit the spell to them. With ten million furs spreading it like wildfire, the entire planet was easily gone over in a few hours after dismissing them back home. The second part of the spell told me that much. The third part was to give each fur a one-way burst of afterlife energy to get them through the barrier we'd placed and into our universe. The nice thing is, after that they could die and still be revived over on the other side. We made sure to test it, and it worked perfectly."

Perry nodded. This was all incredible knowledge, but he accepted it instead of trying to comprehend it. His next question was again directed at Emerald. "So, I've noticed that you have your special little thing you like... Did everyone have their own little fetishes, and were they all accepted?"

"Oh, definitely. As you can tell, we don't have the limits or barriers in communication that you humans have developed over the years. Two males could come up and hug each other, and still be a perfectly acceptable greeting. Nobody would think anything of it. It was common to see us cuddling together like we are right now. For the most part, so long as it was okay with the other furson, fetishes were widely accepted, all kinds of them. There were a few that nobody did or even thought about though. Most of those had to do with our children. Even between our species, something bad happening to one of our cubs could make them shy away from a certain fetish, person, or even a whole species. Think about it... If you were five, not really even thinking about anything besides having a good time and playing with your toys, and I were to come up and lick your bellybutton for a very long time, you might get scared, or even not like it. I know for a fact that some humans have such sensitive ones that they feel pain instead of pleasure from having theirs touched." Emerald finished with a sad sigh, thinking that those humans didn't know what they were missing out on.

"Hmm... I see. How about you, Lila. You have anything in particular you like?"

"Well, eating you is usually at the top of my list. I don't know, I'm kind of an anything goes."

"I'll keep that in mind, though I'll still be asking you permission first. And so, we come to Morton. I think I may have figured yours out..."

"Ooh, the guessing game like we played at school! Okay, so what is it?"

"You have extremely sensitive ears, I can tell by watching you."

"Very perceptive, Perry. Yes, yes I do like having attention given to my ears, and I don't mind it in my navel, I'll go ahead and tell you that now." The mouse giggled as Perry blushed quite visibly.

"Hehehe..." Lila gave Emerald and Perry a sly smile. "I know Morton here also loves snuggling close to people more than any of us."

"That's true..."

Perry grinned and got closer to the mouse, crouching down, and then jumping at him to tackle him to the ground. Emerald and Lila howled with laughter at how funny it looked for Perry to be doing that for a change, and even Morton loosed a few guffaws. He nipped the human's nose with his front teeth, tasting Perry's flavor once again. Morton liked it quite a bit, as he liked that hairless feeling against his fur. He grabbed the human hands in his mouse paws, feeling them over and shivering a bit. He moved them over his chest, and down his sides, against his face, and through his headfur. Perry took the hint and began to scratch through Morton's fuzzy face and head with one hand, and explore his soft belly with the other. It was a tad firmer than Emerald's or Lila's, but still like the perfect mattress for one to sleep on. Perry could feel the mouse breathing blow him, the round stomach moving up and down with him on top. It felt quite wonderful to him, and he could have stayed like that for hours.

Lila had other plans, however. The lioness and the wolf crept up to Morton's head, his eyes closed and not seeing the two predators. With lightning speed and pinpoint accuracy, they both grabbed an ear with their handpaws, the big, thin flesh sheets instantly twitching away as they touched and rubbed the pink inside with their paws. Perry couldn't let them have all the fun, and decided to rub as well. That was the straw that broke the mouse's will, as he started giving a little churr of enjoyment. The three pairs of paws and hands moving over the slightly waxy flesh, scritching with nails and claws was incredible. Perry quickly withdrew his fingers as the two mouths belonging to the girls descended, running long tongues over and into the mouse's ears, making him squeak and try to get away. He squirmed about below Perry, his soft fur brushing all over his skin and making him giggle, only adding to everyone's fun.

Stroke after stroke of tongues passed through the pinkness, going deep into the ear canal as if to lick the mouse's brain. He tossed and turned his head violently as they did that, the insides of his ears at least ten times as sensitive as the outside. He couldn't catch his breath since he was laughing so hard. Perry felt himself sliding off, and finally let off when Morton had tears streaming down his face from the tickle torture, begging to be let up. He quickly fended off his attackers, freeing his dripping wet ears and folding them to his head.

That wasn't all though. the mouse quickly rolled over on top of Perry, lifting his shirt. "Revenge is a dish best served cold. Human is actually better warm. Plus, though I might not be a bellybutton fanatic like Emerald, I definitely know where to go for the best flavor..." His nose plunged into the little hole when he finished speaking, taking the longest sniff yet of Perry, and letting out a fluttering sigh. The navel had worn off of both the lioness and wolf's scent, Perry's sweating having replaced it with his own natural human smell. He got it into his mind, and as he was thinking, he realized it reminded him of something, that scent. It was something he ate on a daily basis. A quarter of a second later, his brain told him it smelled a lot like cheese, instantly setting the mouse's mouth to watering. He couldn't wait to taste Perry really well before, but now... He couldn't wait at all! His mouth opened, and he shot his thin tongue into the center of Perry's navel. Though it was small in comparison to Lila's or Emerald's, the tongue was still bigger than a human's, and much longer. It filled his bellybutton snugly, and twisted around in a small circle like a mixing beater, painting the insides with saliva and getting the first real taste of flavor from the human.

The expression on Morton's face was priceless. He had drool just streaming down his tongue, a silly look of bliss on his closed eyes and opened mouth. Every so often he'd suck the saliva out, and go right back to stirring his tongue about inside. He poked and prodded the farthest little corners and crevices of the navel, even taking his sweet time to go over the texture of the button itself, feeling thousands of small lines in the skin, little wells that held sweat, oils, and flavors mostly! They were like little veins or scales almost, but soft like flesh. That was the other thing he could really appreciate, the flesh feeling of the bellybutton. It wasn't furry in the least, it was actually a nice, smooth surface for his tongue to work on. Smooth in the sense that it didn't catch on strands of fur that could get caught in his throat if his saliva didn't dissolve them.

Perry didn't know if it was minutes or hours that the sensation was going on, but he didn't care. It felt so good to have the slimy pink thing wriggling about like a worm inside his bellybutton, tickling all the sensitive nerves of the flesh knot, and being sucked on to cause even more fun sensations for him. He never wanted it to stop, though it eventually did, Morton ever so slowly removing his tongue, running it around the walls, and then a final few times around the rim of the hole. He gave it one last suck, drying most of the saliva out of it while still leaving it damp and saliva-scented. Morton just nuzzled Perry's nose with his own, a gesture of affection towards the human. Perry could feel that the two of them really connected well together. Maybe it was because the mouse was in his age group, or just some unexplainable thing, but he felt like he could tell Morton anything.

The two rose, Perry's shirt falling back down to cover his belly. Lila was tweaking her outie as she had been watching, while Emerald had been fingering her innie. It was quite evident that the two had each gotten a bit of the other's while they'd been busy, by the fur strands on each face; green on violet, and vice versa.

Lila stood up and faced Perry, a more serious look on her face. "Now that everything's out of the way... We've got something to talk about. We've all noticed it. Perry, you seem to have the uncanny ability to find us, or bring out the furs from hiding."

"Er... Nah, I think I was just really, really, really, really lucky! I mean, I just found your picture, and then Emerald happened to be in the forest, and Morton smelled your scent all over me."

"Perry, Emerald was eating humans in her werewolf form at that time. Why would she have been in the forest, a few miles away from the nearest human home?"

"That's a good question... Maybe she wanted to be herself? Still, Morton was pure luck."

"Not really, Perry. I was really taking a gamble on that one. I've smelled perfumes just like Lila's scent before."

"...Okay, so I seem to attract furs then. I'll believe about anything now."

"The moon is made of cheese!"

"Oh shut up, Emerald. Anyway, that's cool."

"Yes, and quite helpful. Perry, this world is a big place, but we think you might be able to help us locate more of the Protectors. We think they're probably still all here. It seems like the gravitational pull of all that matter still brought us back to Earth, one way or another."

"Hmm... So you think I'd be able to help you find them, huh? Why me, why do I seem to have this skill?"

"Well, yeah, but you've got your life here and everything." Lila frowned a bit. "I can't pull you away from that. your mother would be worried sick if you turned up missing... So, maybe we could just use your house as a base of operations or something. As for why you, there's some things in the universe that can't be controlled or explained by even magic. Sometimes there are things that go beyond our powers. We shield ourselves from most humans with our magic powers. However, that also has the side effect of making us undetectable by magic as well. There's just something about you that seems to attract us."

Perry nodded, and then thought about what Lila had said first. "Two things wrong with that. One is that no matter how careful we are, we'd probably get caught by my mom. The second is that I have the perfect excuse to not have to stay at home this summer."

"Oh? What's that?"

Perry explained how his road trip plans had been cancelled, but he hadn't told his mom. A slow smile spread across everyone's faces as they came to full realization of what this meant.

"I need to stretch for a bit. I'll let the smart one in the group come up with the beginnings of our plan." He laughed and stood.

Perry stretched out and yawned, looking about him at something besides furs for a change, and that was when he saw it.

Someone had been watching them, and that someone was now heading this way.

Blagh, sorry this took so long. I've been incredibly busy lately. I also wrote this on one of my off nights when I was tired. Since then, I've figured out that I should actually be writing rather than paying attention in my math course at college. Whee! :3