1.6 - The Thaw

Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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#6 of Luminous - Relaunch

While repairing the ship at a snow rabbit station, Luminous' resident predator has a romantic encounter.

"You're of the snow?"

Assumpta tilted her head, blue eyes sharp and unblinking. "Yes."

"You're a predator," stated the snow rabbit. He had a soft, white pelt, looking like the ivory ice.

"It would stand to reason," was her reply.

"Yet you serve aboard a ship of prey? Why?"

"Because," she replied enigmatically. Stopping there. And asking, "If you'll beg my pardon: you are a rabbit. Are you not prey, yourself?"

"I am."

"Then why inquire about me?"

"A fur of the snow," he said, politely, "is a fur of the snow. Predator or prey. And you have not antagonized me yet. You are actually surprisingly agreeable." A pause. "Also, I've never seen a snow leopard before."

Assumpta looked him over. They were aboard Luminous, which was circling a small planetary outpost. Docked at one of the stations in orbit. The only station, in fact. This was a very remote settlement, just on the other side of the Federation border. The snow rabbit's territory (their government was known as the High Command) was just as large as the Federation's: about a month's travel from one side to the other, with the Home-world being toward the center. It had taken Luminous two weeks to get to this point. They hadn't intended on crossing the border at all, but the ship's dire situation necessitated repairs. And this was the closest facility.

Some of the crew had been ferried down to the surface. To see the snow. To see the local capital. Assumpta, as of yet, hadn't gone. Though they would be here for several more days. Perhaps she would do so before they left. This rabbit, Oliver, was part of a visiting repair team. They were in engineering, in one of the corners, and Assumpta was helping him to reinforce the structural integrity grid. Juneau, the chief engineer, was blabbing about something to one of her officers a level below them, her bushy squirrel-tail flagging about wildly.

"Will you be visiting the surface?" Oliver asked.

"I hadn't planned on it," was Assumpta's cool response. "I had been considering it, but ... "

" ... you should."

" ... I've no reason to," she continued.

"It is winter down there, currently. You might find it refreshing."

She hesitated. "Perhaps." The cold was pure, certainly. It stripped away your excesses. Showed you who you were. And she did miss it, in part, but ... " ... I have been away from such climes for too long a time. I have not necessarily had a desire to go back."

"Interesting." A slight nod. "I need the phase adjuster," he told her. His demeanor, his way with words, had that crystalline, emotional detachment, typical of Northern poetry. Typical of the country Assumpta came from. And yet this rabbit was light years from Home-world. And he was prey. How could she possibly think she was relating to him?

She fished for the adjuster with her paw, found it. And gave it over.

"Thank you," was his nod.

She nodded back at him. "Your species ... "

" ... yes?" A raised brow.

"You do not act like other prey."


"Prey are ... " How to phrase this. " ... excitable. And overly-emotional. You are not."

He nodded, looking at some circuits. "My species developed on a very harsh ice world. Survival was ... " He licked his lips. " ... difficult. Under such intense conditions, we evolved a sort of mental shield. A block. We call it 'the freeze.' It protects us from our harsher instincts. Without it? We would be almost feral."

Assumpta's turn to say, " ... interesting."

"Indeed." The rabbit's ears waggled, slender and tall atop of his head like antennae. Their interiors were soft and pink. Lined with that snowy fur. The tips a charcoal-color, as if they'd been dipped in black soot. He peered into the open bulkhead. The sealing panel lying on the floor beside them. They were both on their knees. "Your ship is impressive, I must say."

"Yes. She is."

"I do not have a high opinion, usually, of Federation technology. The High Command is clearly more advanced."

She gave a slight frown.

"But your 'Luminous' is an exception. It is unfortunate," the rabbit said, fine-tuning the adjuster, angling it at some power conduits, "that she took the damage that she did. But I assure you," he said, turning his gaze to her, "that we'll have her at peak performance by week's end."

Assumpta met his gaze. "I've no reason to doubt it."

He looked back to the conduits, the wires. The little, blinking lights. "When we're done here, I'll need to go back to the station to get additional supplies." A hesitation. "Would you like to assist me?" His bobtail flickered behind him, like a ball of cotton.

"You need help locating your supplies?" A blink.

"I need help carrying them." He handed the adjuster back to her. Reaching for a spanner, now. Making bold eye contact in the process.

She, adjuster in her paws, frowned a bit. She knew enough in the ways of snow furs, being one herself, to know when 'interest' was being shown. She could read his body language. His tone. He may have had a mental 'freeze,' but he was still a rabbit. And the rabbit family was infamous for their virility. I am being propositioned. He wants to get me in a more private space. Does he really think he could handle me? And why would he wish to? Isn't he at all afraid? Does his 'freeze' run that deep that I do not intimidate him at all, even instinctually?

"Snow rabbit décor is very crisp and clean. Not to say that the Federation's designs are, uh ... distracting. But I am sure our station will be to your liking," the rabbit continued quietly.

Assumpta felt a flush inside. A rare thing for her to feel. He was persistent. "Very well. I will accompany you," she told him. Besides, she hadn't bred in, what ... a week? More than a week. Not since that iguana on Pelios Station. The crew was still in the process of pairing off into mates, but the pool was thinning out. She doubted anyone onboard wanted her. (And she'd just as soon use her paw as resort to simulated partners in the holo-suite.) And this Oliver here? He was rather handsome. Smelled healthy. And rabbits had great lower body strength. Great legs.

Both of them were quiet for a minute. But the room, itself, wasn't. There was always the hum of the warp core. The quiet glow of it, too, casting a blue/lavender shadow, lightly. And the quiet chatter of the other furs in engineering. Juneau, still. She is quite the squeaker, Assumpta thought.

Oliver looked to her. Done 'spanning' with his spanner. If that's what one called it. Not smiling with his muzzle, really. Only halfway. Mostly smiling with his eyes as he got to his knees, and then up on his big bare foot-paws (built for hopping). "Follow me?" he said, phrasing it as a bright suggestion.

She nodded and did so.

"Oh, my gosh," Field whispered. Sitting on the couch in Wren's office. "They're, like, the most predator-like prey I've ever seen. You notice their demeanor? They all act like ... "

" ... like Assumpta?"

"Yeah, like they need to be thawed out. You can't quite read their expressions."

"So, you'd rather they be open books like the rest of us?" Wren asked, smiling, sitting in the chair behind his desk. Wincing a bit. Still sore from his injuries incurred during the space pirate attack.

"No, I just ... I don't know." His voice faded. "They intimidate me," Field said. Whispering honestly.

"I think they're hot."

"Well, yeah ... " The mouse wasn't going to argue against that. Even if he already had a mate. " ... but, still."

"And they're giving us shelter and supplies. They're being tremendously kind. It's a good thing we have the High Command as allies. I'm surprised the Federation Council hasn't alienated them yet."

"Give it time," Field joked. Well, half-joked. "I was talking to one of them, and their eyes ... his eyes? Bore right through me. Like diamond/ice crystals."

"Field ... " Wren sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I'm actually trying to work on some things. Reports and stuff."

"I'm sorry. I just ... "

" ... came in here to give me an update?" the squirrel asked, looking up. Eyes widening, waiting for the mouse's report.

"Oh. Yeah. Um ... well, everything's going okay." An innocent, whiskery smile. With dimples on top.

A laugh. "Wow. Maybe you should file my report for the fleet admiral? It'd be done in no time."

"Mm, no thanks. I already did our own internal ones." Whiskers twitched. "I was about to head for the mess. For supper. Adelaide's on the surface. With Rella. They're collecting ... or buying? Supplies. Is the Federation going to reimburse the High Command for what we take? How does that work?"

"With a bunch of red tape. Is how it works." He made a face. "More reports, probably."

"I'd imagine." A slight squeak. Trying to corral his tail with his paws, but missing. "Anyway, with all the repairs going on, you're the only one of my friends who's ... "

" ... talk to Ketchy. She's not on duty."

"I don't think she wants to talk to me," Field said quietly. "Or, at least, we don't have anything to talk about."

Wren squinted. Wondering why those two were so awkward around each other. Had they always been that way?

"She told me Adelaide was a 'Miss Perfect'," Field said, with a sigh.

"Mrs., now, technically."

"Yeah, that's what I said." Eyes widening insistently.

Wren couldn't help but smile. His buckteeth showing.

Field fidgeted. "Anyway, then we got into this verbal sparring thing, and Adelaide went all wings an' fangs on her, and ... backed her off." A pause. "It's like Ketchy resents that I found a mate so fast. Or that Adelaide's so composed and confident. I mean, she's telepathic. Of course, she's gonna be poised. She has an advantage over everyone."

"And that doesn't bother you?" Wren asked.

"I'm kinda submissive. And kinda anxious and ... kinda, like, all weird and artsy in the head? I have no room to be judgmental. We have chemistry. We fill each other's gaps."

A slight giggle from the captain.

"I didn't mean it like that ... "

Wren gave the mouse a friendly stare.

" ... but, uh ... that, too, I guess."

"You guess?"

"Well, okay. Fine." Ears blushing. "But ... you like Adelaide, right?"

"Of course I do. I'm glad she pounced on you." His tone was genuine. "But you know what it's like to not have love, and not have things go your way. That's what Ketchy's feeling right now."

"Cause she thinks I have a charmed life? I've had plenty of pain. And failures."

"She doesn't know that."

"Well, I don't have to explain myself to her. Or to anyone," Field said, passionately. "And if Adelaide's perfect, what's wrong with that? I guess I should tell my mate to 'flaw it up' some more, you know, to make everyone else feel better."

"I think Adelaide's rubbing off on you, already." An amused wink. "You're more confident than I've seen you in ages."

"I guess, uh ... love does that, huh?" Saying it softly, shyly. With a smile of his own.

Wren looked into the mouse's eyes. Nodding. " ... it does."

A deep breath from Field. "Um, how's Rella? Only, when we were running the ship together, we talked a lot. She was worried I might buckle under the pressure." A pause. "Did she say anything about me?"

"She said you handled yourself well enough."

"That's it?"

"That's a compliment, coming from her. When it comes to duty and such, she can get pretty intense."

"I noticed ... " Another trademarked mousey smile. "I think you two make a cute couple, yourself."

"H-heh ... what makes you say that?"

"Just all those squirrel-tails. For one. And ... "

" ... heh."

" ... also, you have a good chemistry. I don't know. You just do. You're so at ease when she's around. I like that." A pause. Changing subjects. "Uh, I think Kody is feeling a little down, though. That we both have mates and have 'moved on,' sorta ... " The mouse didn't say 'completely,' because that wouldn't have been the truth. " ... and he doesn't have anyone."

"He's a resourceful rabbit. He can work his way into anyone's pants."

Giggle-squeaking. " ... yeah. I know." From experience. "But, I mean, it hurts me to see him sad." More serious, now.

"I know." Breathing it. "He's not exactly monogamous, though. That's a sticking point with many on this ship."

"Surely, there's someone ... " A blink. Not saying it out loud, but thinking: Assumpta. Hmm ...

" ... like who?" Wren asked.

"Uh. I dunno." A quick breath. "Will you join me for supper? Please? I don't wanna eat alone ... "

"I really have to finish all this."

A cute, pouty face, eyes big. Whiskers a-twitch.

A sigh. "Give me half an hour. I'll meet you down there."

"M'kay ... " Field smiled, bounced up, and scurried out the door, thin tail trailing.

Wren just shook his head. He couldn't say no to Field. Saying 'yes' made him feel too good.

The snow leopard breathed in deeply as she left Luminous and boarded the station. The corridors were colored pearl and ivory, with little streaks of grey. Lots of bluish lights adding further atmosphere. A very smooth 'Arctic' motif.

"We believe in uncluttered design," Oliver told her.

She nodded quietly.

"The Arctic foxes hate it. They believe it lacks intimidation. That it is 'soft'," the snow rabbit said, hop-stepping ahead of her.

She watched his white, bob-like tail, his slender ears. Lithe legs and foot-paws. Built for bursts of speed. "Arctic foxes?"

"Predators near our space. Very adversarial. We are engaged in somewhat of a 'cold war' with them. No pun intended. And no offense, also," he said, in regards to the 'adversarial predators' remark.

"None taken." A pause. "I am a predator, yes. But I am not representative of the majority."

"So, I have gathered," Oliver said. "Perhaps that is why you intrigue me so."

She wasn't sure what to say in response to that. Just purred, instead.

His ears waggled at the sound. He rather liked it.

They walked through some blue-hued corridors, the walls turning greyer, and reached a larger, more open space. Must be the Promenade, Assumpta thought. With all the shops and restaurants. Assumpta felt the eyes on her. Immediately. It had been the same on Pelios Station. It was the same on Luminous. Always, the eyes. Wanting her, or fearing her. But looking at her, all the same. All of those eyes casting their own, silent judgments.

Oliver was wordless as he led her to another door. The main lift. Which led to the opposite side of the station. To more lifts. Which led to the habitat ring, eventually. It only took a minute or two. The air began to smell (or scent, rather) distinctly of rabbit the further into the station they got. Assumpta didn't find it at all unpleasant.

They reached a door. The rabbit pressed a button, and it slid open at his body signature. "My quarters," he stated, whispering levelly. "My things are in here."

"Oliver." She put a paw on his arm.

He looked up (for she was taller by a few inches, not including his ears).

"You did not care that they saw you with me? The furs on the Promenade? They will probably ... "

" ... think what they will? You are correct. Let them do so. What we feel, I am positive, will outshine their opinions."

If predators blushed, she would've done so then and there. She just swallowed, instead. Nodding respectfully.

"After you?" he said, gesturing with an arm. A black-padded paw.

And she entered his quarters first.

Field entered sickbay and looked around. The lights were dimmed. And experiments were being performed in little chambers.

"What?" was the demand. And then seeing who it was, an immediate, " ... oh. Field." Softer tone, now. "Sorry."

The mouse, blinking, saw the doctor on a bio-bed. He was staring at the ceiling. Curling and uncurling the toes on his bare foot-paws.



"Um, I was headed to the mess hall. For supper."

"Yeah?" he repeated. Craning his neck, this time. Nose giving a singular sniff.

"Yeah. With Wren." A pause. "Wondered if you might come."

"Does he want me there?"

"Well ... I don't know." Whiskers twitching. "I didn't ask. But I want you there."

A warm, little smile. " ... thanks."

"It's the truth."

A nod and a sigh.

Field padded up to him. "You okay?" he asked, with genuine concern.

"I don't know if you wanna hear about it."

"I do."

"It's embarrassing."

Field sat on the same bio-bed Kody was laying on. "I won't tell anyone," he promised.

The rabbit closed his eyes. " ... I went over to the station," he admitted. "Visited their infirmary. Their doctor. She's adorable. I mean ... well, not adorable, exactly. But she's svelte. I guess you'd call that 'hot' ... "

" ... yeah. Wren and I noticed that snow rabbits are hot."

"They are. It's a natural law." A huff. Clearing his throat. "Would you say I'm fairly charming? That I know how to woo?"

An emphatic nod. "Mm-hmm."

"Well, I tried my stuff, you know, on her. This doctor. This snow rabbit." He flushed, earns burning. He stared passively at the ceiling. "She turned me down."

"Oh ... " The mouse went quiet.

"Oh," Kody agreed, nodding. Sighing. " ... I mean, a fellow rabbit! I'm healthy. I'm ... safe." He rubbed his eyes. "I like to think I'm fairly good at it, too. I guess I'm not used to rejection ... "

"Did she give a reason?"

Some mumbling. " ... doesn't matter. I think she was coming into heat or something. Her scent was pretty strong. Maybe that's why. Mm ... she probably has some other male on the station, who can satisfy her for days on end, during her heat. I can just imagine. Matted fur, and going, going. All day long. Lucky bastard. Whoever he is." Pause. Stretching. "I'm just glad the holo-suites are back online."

"Well ... "

Kody turned his head and asked, quietly, "How are you and Adelaide?" Getting the subject off himself. He wasn't being sarcastic, either. It was a genuine question.

"We're good."


"And I don't wanna 'blabber-mouse' about it. I'll get swoon-ful, and I'll make you jealous."

"Maybe." A pause. "But I'm just glad you're happy," Kody confessed.

"I am," Field admitted quietly.

"Mm ... so, she's telepathic. And she bites you ... "

" ... not all the time." A pause. "How do you know about that?" Getting shy, suddenly.

"I'm a doctor, remember? It's my business. I know all about the sexual quirks of hundreds of species. Including bats."

Field blushed, eyes darting.

"So, you have this 'union' thing ... "

" ... uh-huh."

"So, she knows about us? Wren?" Kody asked.

"She knows everything." A short breath. "She's okay with it."

"I don't know if I could handle a relationship where I couldn't keep any secrets," the rabbit admitted.

"I guess bats are an acquired taste," Field said. "That sounds sexual, doesn't it?"

"Heh. It does, actually." A smile, now, from the rabbit. Gosh, he wanted to kiss the mouse right now. But suppressed the urge. Barely. "So, we still on for supper?"

A bright, squeaky nod. "Mm-hmm."

"Let me tidy some things in my office. And then we'll go," Kody said.

"Oh, can I help?" Hopping off the bio-bed, full of mousey motions. Twitches, swivels, wavers, and more. "I love tidying."

"Sure. I forgot that's a mouse thing, isn't it? Being all tidy and stuff ... "

" ... mm-hmm." A pause. "By the way, what do you think about Assumpta?"

Oliver lifted his muzzle upward, sighing. Almost moaning, really. Their attire having slipped away. They were existing as their bare, natural selves, breathing ruggedly, both from anticipation and need.

Assumpta, the bigger of the two, arched her exposed, grey-furred belly, pressing possessively against his back. Reaching around his trim body. She pawed at his belly. Then sought to toy with his sheath. It began to plump, almost immediately, as her finger circled the opening, slipping inside.

Oliver leaned back. "That feels good." A sigh. "When I saw you, I knew I had to have you ... "

"I didn't know you were a romantic," she said, sharp teeth grazing his nape-fur. A light growl. Coaxing his tip into the air. Tapping it a few times. Prompting the shaft to follow.

"Is that a problem?" Words strained by pleasure.

"No," she answered, dragging her scratchy tongue up the back of his head. Making the fur to stick up. "Not at all." She, using her stronger muscles, turned the male around.

"Not many of my species are. Romantics, that is. And even I am not a romantic in the traditional sense. I am an open-breeder, but ... " He trailed, looking up to her, ears twiddling with distinction. " ... I find 'romance' an enjoyable construct," he finally finished.

"How enjoyable?" Beginning to nuzzle him. Her prey. She nuzzled and purred into his ears.

"Let me show you ... " The rabbit's muzzle, waywardly, found it's way to her breasts. The tops of them. The mounds. Where he opened his maw, making a slow, sensual show of kissing and mouthing. Inching closer to her nipples. Especially the one above her heart. They were getting hard.

She swayed with a primal heat, putting her stronger, much bigger paws on his shoulders, pushing. She pushed him down.

He sank to his knees, obediently. Bobtail flickering like a flame behind that pert rump.

The snow leopard licked her lips and swallowed, having nothing to hold to but his shoulders as Oliver, with little hesitation, dipped his muzzle below her waist. Holding to her hips. Nosing her thighs apart.

She shuffled her foot-paws, lazily.

And down he went, between. And up. And with a flitting tongue, through her petal-lips. With luscious little licks. Teasing her clitoris, wetly, and lapping as best he could into her increasingly wet opening. He'd done this before. On enough females to know ... oh. Gosh. Twisting, as if kissing her lower lips, with pecks and smacks, and finally ...

... a little 'meow,' as she arched, trembling. "Ah-h ... "

Suckling sweetly, with careful reverence, on her precious nub. Two fingers working into her vagina, slowly penetrating. Deeply. Curling, so that the tips were pressing to her upper wall. Fishing for a certain spot ...

... 'til she came. In a little over five minutes time. (She'd been quite worked up.) With warm, rippling spasms. And a trickle of fluid. Nectar, as Oliver saw it. His nose was flaring. His ears were beginning to wilt with heat. And he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her lower half as she hunched over, gaping ...

" ... h ... hah. Ah." A whimper. "Mm ... " It wasn't one of those overwhelming orgasms that had been building for an hour and, as a result, blew your mind. But it didn't need to be. It was tender. Simple. And so satisfying. " ... O-oliver," she went, hazily.

He backed off, kissing her mons. Her thicker, more tufted groin-fur. Tongue washing through it. Eyes rolling up. " ... mm? You approve?"

"Yes," she blurted.

" ... then, my dear, perhaps we should move to my bed?"

No words. Just a fervent nod. The tables having been turned, now. She'd been in control just a few minutes ago. Hadn't she? But, now, the prey was taking the lead. She was following his bidding. But when he could make her feel like this? Well. He could have all the leeway he wished.

It wasn't two minutes later, therefore, that she was on her back, writhing atop his sheets.

The heat of him, his essence, sliding into her, flesh into muscle, hilting, grinding, and swiftly pulling back. Then slowly returning, filling her once more. The wet, slick sounds. The huffs of breath. The pattering of hearts. She bit the scruff of his neck. And didn't let go, growling like an animal.

This made his pulse quicken. Both from prey anxiety and from arousal. Feeling her breasts squish down against his chest, hips hopping, no ceasing, no stopping. A rhythm built. There was no disrupting it, now. His arms around her for better purchase, sharing their warmth.

She took the thrusts. Eyes closed. She had to let go of his pelt to pant in pleasure. So tempted to meow. Holding it back, barely.

Oliver, though, could not restrain his noises.

The air seemed to spark. Seemed to flare. Like hot and cold forces were coming together. Creating a storm front. His male organ so slick with sensitivity, practically marinating. And she, her tunnel, serving as the oven, cooking him to perfection. She was like velvet. The friction was deliriously good.

Without warning, her claws unsheathed. Digging into his back.

He whimpered, but 'played through' the pain, and his strong hind legs, his long, slender foot-paws, his hind-quarters propelled him into her, manically. He was a rabbit, alright. He had perfect legs.

The snow leopard's lungs deflated. His hips smacking hers, and clitoris tingling, once more. And she was gone. It hit. Orgasm. Again. Stronger, this time. Less like flutters. More like a body-quake. And she could make no sounds other than airy, intermittent mewing. Whimpering like a kitten.

Oliver gasped, arching, quivering like lightning in a bottle. Burying so deeply. And shooting his seed so squarely at her cervix, filling her womb. Mewing, himself, in pleasure, and ... " ... oh-h. Oh." A shiver down his spine, making his tail raise. " ... m-m-h ... h-hn ... "

She held him. Helped him through it.

The rabbit slumping, limply, was tempted to do a 'binky' of bliss. But that might freak the snow leopard out. Or make her laugh at him. So, he kept still. Savored every second with her. It was unspoken between them that this was a casual affair. When Luminous left the station, they might not see each other again. Every second counted.

Nothing was said as they recovered their breaths.

He eventually withdrew from between her legs, laying on his side.

Assumpta remaining on her back, knees bent. They nuzzled. They stroked each other with their paws. For the first time in a long, long time, if ever, the snow leopard felt shy. Almost bashful. That was prey reaction. "Oliver. I ... I must ... "

" ... thank you."

"Thank you," she purred, in turn. Almost echoing him. She'd been afraid to say it. Predators normally didn't thank their partners after sex. That was a prey habit. "I am sorry I 'clawed' you ... I hope I did not leave marks."

"They will heal," he assured.

"Still ... " She swallowed. "I do not wish to move."

"You will spend the night with me, then?" he asked.

A hesitation. But she couldn't bring herself to say anything but, "Yes." A swallow. Licking his cheek with that raspy tongue.

He tilted his head, vulnerably, whiskers glistening with her saliva.

" ... let me call Juneau on my comm-badge. Tell her I've gone off-duty."

He nodded.

And she sat up, looking around. Her badge was on her uniform-shirt. Which was probably in the other room. And she didn't want to pull away from the snow rabbit's body heat. Not even for a second. She was still in 'afterglow,' after all. Why disrupt it? "On second thought: if Juneau needs me, she'll call me. She'll simply assume I'm being 'difficult.' She often tells me I am." A purr. "Besides, I have been working double-shifts since we arrived at your station."

"Yes. You deserve some relaxation," Oliver insisted, toying with her tail. Fingers dabbling through the fur.

A slow smile spreading across the feline's muzzle, swishing her fluffy appendage. Eyes sparkling. "How could I possibly feel more relaxed than I already do?"

Oliver responded, promisingly, "Give me another twenty minutes to recover, and we shall find out."

"Rabbits. You are insatiable."

"Cats. You are curious." A sigh, pressing his masculine body to her feminine form. "By daybreak, I aim to satisfy that curiosity." He was rubbing one of his foot-paws up and down her shin.

"And what then?" she posed, playfully.

"I will find ways to make you curious all over again," the snow rabbit insisted. Kissing her shoulder, erotically. Giving a little mew-sound.

A purr. Closing her eyes, stretching all her limbs as if awakening from a long thaw. As if the spring had arrived. It had been a long time coming, but it was worth it.

Trevor Story 2

"You're an asshole you know that?" But even as the words left Trevor's mouth he couldn't help but smirk as Logan proceeded to tower over him, flexing triumphantly all the while. "Maybe you should lift more often. Then you'd be swole like me and ass...

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Mousebait (Part 2)

[Part 1](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1409792) The situation, and the mouse involved, proved dynamic still, and in a split moment her snout was nuzzled back against his warm sack. Her nostrils overwhelmed by the male's scent as he pressed her muzzle...

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1.5 - Flared Embers

Adelaide rolled, only half by choice, out of her chair. Chittering, slumping to the floor as sparks flew and smoke billowed where she'd been. Her plum-colored eyes stung, even as she shielded her face with a wing-arm. The whole ship was quaking. Her...

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