Dragonheart Part 51

Story by Rozar on SoFurry

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#23 of Dragonheart Part 29-58

"Our paths may be separated while now but I tell you, we will see each other again! We will fight together to laugh, and celebrate! We are a clan;! Which means that each of us must pledge to fight so that we can celebrate the day of our reunion together, "proclaim Surasshu ended a day before the paths of the members of the clan split dragon heart prematurely.

Three months earlier .....

Two weeks had passed since appeared Ranbu Surasshus sword from them in the fight against a group of statues that threatened during the excavation mission, the city stood by. After that fight, he joined the clan Surasshus quite quickly and made friends also with all. "One thing I know but like to have from you Ranbu." Began Surasshu.

"The would be" asked back Ranbu. "Why did you take just me? I mean, of all the people in Crystal Lake, "replied Surasshu, Ranbu interrupted him:" Was not there who had even begun, the same dreams as you " What do you mean? "Asked Surasshu him out.. Ranbu just sighed and answered: "None of them want what you want. Everyone was experiencing with his life the way it was satisfied at the moment, she wanted nothing to change their lives, not new. "

Naturally Surasshu nodded and went on with him down the aisle. Then he asked him if he could not teach him some of his techniques. "I bet you can really powerful attacks or determined?" Asked Surasshu him. "Yes it is. But one must say to you. I myself have taken years to master a technique, "replied Ranbu. "Do not worry, I'm fast in the master of things," said Surasshu it and took his sword.

"Surasshu, what are you doing?" Asked Ranbu surprised him. "Well, I wanted to get my sword, why?" Said Surasshu. Ranbu just laughed and said: "Before I show you how I mastered techniques such uses, we should first of all do a little body-mind training and do not you think so?" Surasshu looked at him and asked what he meant.

"Pack your things, we will work out a little." He said immediately. "Uh, what?" Asked him Surasshu scared. "I have just said: if you want to master my techniques, you first need to expand your physical and mental abilities. At the moment it is not nearly enough yet. "Answered Ranbu. Surasshu looked Ranbu noted that he meant what he was saying to him seriously.

So he went to his room, packed up his bag and went back to Ranbu. "And where are we going?" He asked. "We need a place where the body and the mind are stimulated to the utmost to's." Said Ranbu. "Maybe Raio know such a place." Said Surasshu immediately. They went to him and told him this, what they meant.

"Well, the Zenith Mountains should be quite good for such training. But I would be careful because the higher it goes, the colder it gets there at night. "Said Raio the two. "Does sound like the perfect place for our training, is not it Surasshu?" Ranbu said happily. Then Surasshu nodded what Raio did something suspicious. Somehow Ranbu made a rather strange impression on him when he would persuade Surasshu something he did not want to. Wanted to go as the two he gave him so and asked him what he had with him before.

"I train with him, nothing else." Said Ranbu. Raio looked at him and said: "I hope you have nothing else with him. Because you should bend it just a hair, then "Ranbu turned to him and said:". I would anyone who has such a great desire Surasshu like him do something "with this sentence, he followed Surasshu that already after him had called.

As she disappeared through the courtyard entrance Luso came walking by and asked what the two had before. "You go train." Said Raio. "For how long?" Luso asked him. "Did he not say that." Said Raio and looked like Luso for a while in the direction of the door.

"Hiita you were so kind and would train with me?" Said Rieder Hiita, who was just training with Eria. "Why me? Can you not ask my brother? "She asked. Rieder shook his head and said that Natsu is on his way to Alice and Shadow, and probably only come back in a few days. She just sighed and asked it whether Eria could also participate.

"So I would also agree. Because your magic refers to two different elements, it would be interesting to see from my point of view, how much different your combat tactics. "Said Rieder. The two ran on a challenge and got ready for training. Rieder, a circle marked on the ground, in whose midst he stood.

He set the victory condition: "Either you beat me to the floor or ground. How did this together and if you make is up to you, what counts is the result. "Eria Hiita and were compared with each of it and got ready. Then cried Rieder: "Here we go!"

Hiita began immediately with a hail of fireballs, which could easily evade Rieder. Some even suggested it back without batting an eyelid to Hiita. Eria the other hand, had almost all the ball, which evaded Rieder defend with a wall of water and therefore could not carry out attacks themselves. But at some point began to make her sign some kind of spin that any trapped ball throws back to the sender.

It must also pass the ball Rieder, why he was being attacked from two sides. Now it was fired upon from two sides Rieder harder to dodge the bullet. He has even met a few times: at the shoulders and the left leg. The sudden cooperation between the two was to endure for Rieder every minute in which he stood in the hail of fire more difficult, so he quickly grabbed a new tactic.

From the state, he jumped up and immediately made finger signs, but these were different than the one he used before. He stood on the floor and was surrounded by a stroke. "Jutsu of the snake bite of the cobra." His fingers were stained purple, which could only mean that there was poison in his fingers now. "Trying to beat me because when I touch you you are unable to move." Said Rieder and attacked Hiita.

He slammed his fist down, she leaned back and grabbed his arm. "Ha, your fingers may indeed be full of poison, but definitely not your arms!" She said, and lit a flame on his arm. Rieder flashed briefly in pain, be sure to Hiita fall down, kicked him in the stomach and wanted to throw him so out of the ring. What they do not, however, figured that was Rieder with your other hand on her shoulder and pressed her fingers clung to their skin.

Hiita let go of him and immediately jumped to the side away when she felt as fas feeling slowly disappeared into her right shoulder. "That was no joke," she exclaimed, looking at Rieder. "I have not applied without reason, a jutsu of the zodiac.", He said only. "A jutsu of the zodiac? What do you mean? "Asked Eria immediately. "The zodiac circle has twelve animals: ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and boar. Each of these animals has three jutsus that fits the nature of this beast. "Said Rieder and turned to her.

It seemed as if he would even want to attack them, which he did a few seconds later. But they waited until the right moment and then lifted Rieder with a wave of water over him. Then she did some arm movements, so the water gathered around his body so only his head sticking out. "How do you like my water prison?" She asked.

"Impressive, but how do you get to that right?" Said Rieder, and they took another finger sign. "Jutsu of the wild appearance, deep sap." Rieder ballooned formally and read the water ball burst. He landed on the floor and went into battle position. Eria was doing to it, and laughed Rieder. "Your magic is not so in effect you are trying to Nahkmapf?" He asked.

"I have mastered a fighting style that you will not expect from me." She replied. Rieder, they attacked, as Eria suddenly fell on his back. Suddenly she stood up and grabbed his hands with a wild combination of Rieder of dispute. With the arms in front of the face Rieder parried this, but Eria was unstoppable. She jumped up and bombarded him with another dispute, their arms were used only to keep the balance.

When she got back on his feet resembled her movements a dance that was opaque to Rieder. Suddenly he was careless for a moment, Eria him kicked off the legs and then kicked him in almost the same moment from the ring. Rieder was on the floor and watched as Eria was a backflip in the middle of the ring and then bowed.

Eria Hiita looked and asked that they might end the fight. "You ... or much more Eria has also won the Kmapf over too." Said Rieder up with. "But I would like to know what kind of a fighting style." Eria giggled briefly and then said: "It was Capoeira and it's actually much more of a dance style, as a martial art. He can also use them to fight. "

"And why such a martial art?" Asked Hiita that held her paralyzed arm. "Capoeira is like water: if you do it right it is a single, continuous fluid movement into each other, which can not be stopped." Said Eria. "I see. Oh Rieder. "Said Hiita. Picked "Yes", "When can I move my arm again?" Rieder short of her eyebrows and replied that it will take about three to four hours to abate the effect of the poison would.

"Oh great, this can also speed up somehow?" She asked immediately. Rieder shook his head and looked at the few fire wounds he had sustained during the fight. They were not particularly bad but it hurt tremendously. "Wait, I'll help you again." Said Rieder Eria and helped in connecting the wounds. Hiita only looked at it, hoping that she can move her arm again a little earlier.

"So that would be resolved." Rubino ended today's session of his clan. "Once we start the war to divide us and do what needs to be done." Everyone looked at him, and not only his clan, and Rain, which was something in the background listening. Similarly, there were thirty people standing in the shadows in the room listening to him.

"Once the attack begins on the south all of us will go to the main places where it can cause the greatest possible damage. I go through everything again: Arcade, you go with the Espers Setix and violet, Tror, Külan, Gregory and Annette after Herena. There you will destroy the judges and then penetrate into the royal palace, where you drive yourself to the kite center located there own. "Arcade Setix and looked at him and asked if he had not forgotten anything.

"Of course, take with Daimo. But please let him out only when there really is no other way to win anymore. "Said Rubino left. Rubino watched Daimo, who was imprisoned for almost two months now no longer in bandages, but in a jet-black coffin. Enveloped by several hovering Sigil of the coffin is moved an inch, except Rubino wanted it.

"In addition, Aqua will go alone to the burning mountain. There you'll encounter two dragons, which represent for the south in the living fire mages something as role models. Kill them and then tear up their dead bodies. . Up on the heads I would like my trophy wall "Aqua nodded, whereupon Rain asked:" And why he does not get this "Esper" with "?

Aqua looked at her and replied in an arrogant tone, "I need no help of such inferior creatures that I would stand with their useless lives in the way." Rain looked at him and nodded. "Fairy, you go with the twins after Biyori there and put everything into debris and ashes." Rubino told Fairy, who was sitting there, grinning broadly and bravely agreed.

"Black, you go to the North. The clans who live there should be a strong opponent for you. "Black nodded silently and watched as Aqua continues to Rubino. "Now to you, Storm will take you to the main army on the battlefield, where every enemy who is killing you in the way." "Roger, I will do my best," said Storm quietly..

"And what about you, Rubino. Where will you be? "Asked him Rain. "I'm going to go into the woods on wolf hunting. And with a little luck, I think even that which I seek. Then I'll join you Rain and conquer the world by your side and make it what you want! "Said Rubino. Rain looked at him and realized he was telling the truth.

"Well then I want to hope but you know where you stand, Rubino." Rain said to him. "But of course I know that I am under the great, all about rising goddess Rain Silves, which can change at will with whatever she wants." Rubino said, praising to the skies. The others looked at him, she knew that he wanted to log, it say not. She nodded and then recite the room.

But before they disappeared completely from the room she said: "And do not forget, you should tell me then I'll tear off your head and throw him pack your clan at the feet of" The door closed and Rubino said with a sigh: " I like this woman. "Some uttered a short laugh, in the Setix the question of these" Espers "presented. "This is the name of supernatural beings, already nearly gods. I thought it was just for this merry band of animals would be the correct term, since each of them has something that makes him special. "Said Rubino.

Setix nodded naturally and did not ask further, as well as so he had already heard enough of Rubinos talk and wanted to sleep. "That's a good idea for you from resting in three months because we are changing the world. And although we will make of it what it really is. "

A day later, and reached Surasshu Ranbu described by the Raio Zenith Mountains. Surasshu looked up at the top and asked, "Are we really that high," Ranbu already went and answered: "Absolutely. . If you want to be as strong as I then we have to start at the top "and ran after him Surasshu then asked:" If you catch will not usually at the bottom "

It took another day, until the two had made about half of the way. And could almost effortlessly while Ranbu came through the snow Surasshu hardly keep up. Sometime remained Ranbu and asked what was going on. "It's too exhausting." Said Surasshu exhausted.

Ranbu laughed. "Now that you're already exhausted? Then you will kill the workout for sure! "He said, laughing. Surasshu looked at Ranub. He knew that this sentence is not down to make special served to inspire him. He took a deep breath in and out and then went past him. Ranbu looked after him and thought to himself. "As a motivator, but I'm not that bad"

"I can do that! I can do it! I can do it! "Said Surasshu to himself and moved on. He felt like a new person, as he always higher and higher up the mountain was.

About a kilometer before the summit made the two then stop. There was a heavy snow storm. "A loud or bisschein?" Asked Ranbu loud. "Kannste say aloud," shouted back Surasshu. Ranbu looked towards the sand storm, took a short and then cried aloud. Shortly after the blizzard ended. Surasshu Ranbu looked in astonishment, "Cool, huh? If you want I can show you how you can do that. "

For Surasshu Ranbu was more than just a dragon that came out of a sword. Somehow Ranbu him like a big brother, a very cool, powerful big brother. And so it began soon after the training. For hours showed Ranbu Surasshu as he steels his body and can make his mind more. "In this posture is the most important that you stand with your feet firmly on the ground while your upper body free to move.

So you can even with opponents who are physically stronger than you stand up against them. "Said Ranbu him. "Let us try some of the same: you can stay fixed while I was attacking you." Surasshu took his sword, just relaxed and pressed his feet against the floor. Ranbu took his great sword and attacked Surasshu. While his blows were much stronger than his, but he could not keep them in that position pretty well against.

A short time later heard Ranbu then got up and asked, "Mind? You could stand me right? "Surasshu agreed, and only then trained further. One month left the two on the mountain. During this time, Surasshu a lot stronger and learned some new techniques. As they sat together one evening before the fire to be commended Ranbu Surasshu scheller learn during training.

"You learn faster than I did. I must say that I had to learn everything alone and now you'll learn everything from me. "He said with a laugh. Surasshu also laughed and praised Ranbu: "You're a really good teacher." He was slightly red and then said that she should go back again tomorrow for the clan. "Up here, it is still quite cold in the long run." Then laughed and went to sleep only Surasshu then. Ranbu looked at him for a while and then lay down to sleep.

The day after the two made their way home. "Wait, before we go I'll even show you something." Begged Surasshu Ranbu. They stopped and drew his sword Surasshu.He concentrated, and the energy gathered around him. Then, with a strong upward he grabbed a chair about three feet high from the Icicle floor. "Impressive." Commented Ranbu this.

But Surasshu was not finished, he rammed his sword to the hilt into the ground and struck the ground. In a small circle around him was a circle out of Eislannzen that looked like a shield. Ranbu more astonished, wondering where he had learned. "And to conclude with this!" Surasshu drew his sword from the ice, whirled it around his waist, where it changed its shape.

Ranbu was amazed when he saw what had happened to the sword. The sword was now twice as big as before, and gleamed blue in an even more intense than it did before. "I've learned that if I focus on the sword and the ice that will be always around me I can influence the size and appearance of the sword." Said Surasshu Ranbu proudly.

Ranbu just looked at him in amazement. "He has accomplished what I have failed." He thought to himself, and had to laugh. "You are really something special Surasshu" Surasshu smiled happily and then went back to Ranbu.

"When will they be at our borders?" Asked Ingus the Paladin, who was returning from a reconnaissance mission. "They will probably close in two months, enough for an attack." He replied. Ingus and nodded just go read the Paladin. "Immediately an emergency meeting convened by the judges!"

A little later, all the judges assembled in the hall and waited for Ingus opened the meeting. "What for you call bitter?" Fenix ??asked him immediately. "It's about the North Continent: his troops will be here in two months." He answered quietly. "Two months!", Asked three other judges. "In two months? Why were we not informed earlier about it? "Said Isador loud.

"Because our scouts have returned until now." Said Ingus. "But that's not important. What is important and I think we all know is the following: we must now strengthen our borders! Therefore I command that the seventh, ninth and eleventh judge may march to the main rallying point of the enemy, the field of unity together with the army. "Commanded Ingus.

The three judges participated in this command, and stood on the dungeon room. "What about the clan?" Asked Azere Ingus. Ingus relaxed short tete and then proclaim: "All the clans are so informed and invited to join the troops at key points of the country and fight for our country."

With this statement in all parts of the country were sent ambassadors, with the task of informing each clan. At the same time gathered at the square in front of the gates Herena thousands of soldiers. The king, put together with Ingus at the lectern and ended proclaim: "My dear friends, today I bring you the saddest news of the beginning of the last war: we are under attack from the North continent!"

The soldiers looked at him and heard him on. "But I tell you, we will not allow them to put even one foot in our country! We will fight until our end. For freedom, for our people and for the good of this world! "Ingus watched him erupted in cheers while the army. He'd never hear a Sergalen speak as honestly as he did just biem king.

Then the king gave Ingus the word. Taken as he was, he said: "We, the judges will fight by your side, on the welfare and the peace we have built up so laboriously and hard is allowed to exist" This, too, was answered with cheers, which Ingus brought a smile. "In addition, all the clans and all Freelancers will fight on our side! We are all as a clan, a people fight and defeat our enemy! "

After this speech, went the armies, led by the three judges on the way and ran behind an empty field in front Herena. "Ingus, what about the rest of the border?" The king asked Ingus curious and concerned. "Be anxious, your Highness, these parts are also protected by parts of the army. In addition, any resident clans are prayers to support the troops there. "Said Ingus reassuring. The king breathed a sigh of relief and went back into town with Ingus.

"Generälin, the time has come.", Informed a soldier Rain who docked their armor. She laughed at her reflection. "I'm on the road." She replied and left the room. She entered the square before the palace, thousands of soldiers were already waiting, while you may wish Rubino and all consultants were already sitting there and waiting for them. She stood at the lectern and shouted: "Today is a Memorable Day! Because today is the first stone that heralds the end of the miserable South! "

Jubilee was the answer to the Rain as both commented Rubino with a quick smile. Then she went on: "We are what we have quit at that time began! We will burn down their cities, slaughtering their soldiers to leave their streets drowning under the blood of their people! Showing no mercy, this is not a place! Instead, show them what the people of Sergalen is capable of! Tear Sergalen this breed in the south, wipes out everything, which suggests that there are traitors as they have lived! "

Rubino heard these words and thought to himself: "blood traitor? You talk so much rain, but you do not usually what you give at all because of you. "Shortly after the army marched off, heading south. "How did you like my speech, Rubino," asked him Rain. Rubino looked at her and replied: ". .... She was just perfect, Rain" He went to the consultants and over, into the palace, where he went immediately to his clan. He looked at everybody and said: "It starts, runs off and makes the world also, what it is: a hell that floats on a sea of ??blood." Arcade, Fairy, Water, Storm, Black, and all Setix nodded Esper and went on their way.

"Then it begins .... So." He said quietly. "Seems so." Agreed to the other and stood up. He looked up to him and asked where he wanted out. "I go and look for Fear. It is time that he gets what he deserves. "Replied the other. "You know, we can not leave yet." He replied. "And you know what happens if you go now."

The other took off his hood, turned and replied: "I do not care what happens if I go now. Also, I do not care what you think or what others think. I am now and there's nothing you could do about it. "He looked at him. The other was a dragon: red flakes, white hair and yellow eyes. "Well, then I wait until the moon has meanwhile gone and then come, Nayu." He said quietly. Nayu nodded, pulled on his hood and then disappeared.

Surasshu and everyone else was in the clan to be frozen when they heard what the judges announced their ambassadors. "War?" He asked softly. The ambassadors waited a moment before replying: "That's it. And all your clan in the country are invited to follow the call of the judges and the troops to join. "It took a moment to pull together again to Luso and was asked as to when you have to be broken at the latest.

The ambassador replied that they arrive at least one week prior to the need to break the enemy. "Then we have another month and three weeks time." Raio said quietly. "That's it. If you excuse me, then, there are three other clans that I must inform thereof. ", The ambassador, apologized and left the clan.

"How can that be? How can there be a war? I thought there would be peace? "Said Alice upset easily. "We had a cease-fire, nothing else. And as I know the Anführeren the northern Sergalen, Rain Silves it has recovered all these years after the war, only to strike back with full force. "Said Raio. "Do you know?" Said Bertram him.

Raio just sighed and told her about his past as a soldier of the North: "Over the last year of the war I've lost many comrades. At that time I believed in the superiority of our race over the other so much that I would have died without asking for it. But eventually I realized what a monster and it Rain "recite" the army. "

Since Raio the word "dungeon" particularly emphasized as Shadow hooked on it again. "I ran away. When the opportunity arose, I threw away my guns, my helmet and my pride as a child and ran away. '"That art thou not." Reported Ranbu themselves. Raio looked at him when he said: "You are not the only one who is then run away.

Trust me when I say that there were hundreds who were running away from this war. "Raio wondered where Ranbu knows. He looked into his calm face and just shook his head and smiled. "You're my one, Ranbu seriously." Was all he said, laughing. "But somehow I fear that this decision before the war was coming now taken."

"Why is that?" Asked Aussa him. "Because I now own free will and not fight, because I was forced to. "And because I have friends again, who will fight by my side." Surasshu looked at Raio and slowly lost as the fear of war. "You're right, Raio. We must have no fear because none of us is alone, never. "He said.

"And I therefore believe it is also the best when we are all one would expect now: we will be back after this war are all together here. '" To which I can only agree, boss, "said Wynn. "Chief," asked Surasshu. "Well, you're our leader, but is not it?" Retorted Wynn. Then Surasshu just laughed and said, "You are right. And as your leader, I say to you, we will survive! "

In the following weeks, and the ever-approaching day of departure all the time spent trying to improve their skills. "Come on Shadow, show me what you can!" Said Ryu shadow during their training. Shadow drew his sword, pointed out the blade with a gentle guitar melody rang out and attacked. Ryu dodged, struck back, what Shadow fending off quickly.

For several minutes they expressed their swords against each other before they both jumped back and then attacked again. But they took on not only with the sword: their fists were also involved in the fight. With black eye and some bruises they were so after about an hour compared to spent, but still nowhere near the end.

"You have become stronger, Ryu." Shadow said, nice. "You too." Returned Ryu. Their training was still half an hour so on, until the two were side by side exhausted and could not get up. "Ryu, do you really afraid of war?" Said Shadow Ryu. "Even great." Ryu replied only. "What for?" He asked again. "I'm afraid that I do not see anyone of you again." Ryu replied anxiously.

Shadow sat up and looked difficult to Ryu, whose face radiated a great concern. Suddenly he laughed aloud. Ryu looked up to him and asked what he found so funny. "Ryu, I laugh at your troubles!" Said Shadow. "How can you laugh at my worries? Are you nuts completely now? "Said Ryu him angry. "I do not.

But you know, we will definitely see us again. And you know why? Because we are friends, Ryu. "Shadow said with a grin. "Promise?" Ryu said it quietly. "Promise." Said Shadow and then lay down on the floor again.

Four days before departure .....

Surasshu, Luso and all others gathered in the common room, where Luso spread a map. "It says the time is every where he goes." Began Surasshu.

"Alice and I are going to Biyori. It is our opinion the only place where we know ourselves well except Coral Port. "Said Ryu, what Alice commented with a nod. "I'll go with you." Rieder announced suddenly. "What," asked him Ryu. "I need to fight very narrow streets. And as far as I know some roads and streets are quite narrow in Biyori be right? "Said Rieder. "Because he has a point." Said Alice. "All right, you can go with us."

"Bertram, I, Eria and Wynn go Herena. There are some helpers for the event that the city must be evacuated needed. "Said Luso and his group looked at. The three disagreed with Raio also reported. "Are you sure? In my opinion you'd be better off on the battlefield. In Herena only are we waiting for. "Eria said to him. Raio shook his head and replied: "Just trust me when I say that. I know what I do," Bertram looked at him, noticed the seriousness in his look and he was not swayed and could only nod in agreement then. The others then ran over to talk to.

"Lyra and I go to my home in the woods. My village is very close to the border, which means that it could possibly be attacked. "Said Shadow, watching Lyra."In the woods I feel better than when I fight in a city or something, so I'm going with." Said she. "Whether that's good." Said Hiita only half aloud. Lyra looked at her and replied: "Shadow and I may indeed different tastes in finding a partner, but they can fight well together," she looked slightly annoyed Hiita, then only smiled and apologized.

"I'm going back to Ilé. My father gave me a letter last week by asking micht written to come home. "Said Aussa. "Such a letter I got." Added Surasshu. "So it is clear that I also go back to Ilé." "And what about me?" Asked Ranbu him. Surasshu patted him on the shoulder and replied, "You're coming with, of course, knowing me" Ranbu Surasshu looked into the face, which had a wide and friendly grin and nodded just signed off.

"Natsu and I will go to this point." Said Hiita, pointing to a spot on the map. "What's that?" Ryu said it immediately. "There, gather all the fire mages in the country. Should as far as I know about the hundred and fifty or so. "Natsu said proudly. "I can not wait on it properly, all see that one again." "Do not forget that our big brother and will be there." Said Hiita yet.

"You still have a big brother?" Asked Aussa surprised. "Yeah, that's it. His name is Pyro and he is the strongest of the three of us. "Said Natsu. "You two are no longer normal, and dan you still have a big brother?", Rockwell asked the two. "You can not choose his family after all right?" Asked Hiita him.

"Even true again." Said Rockwell. "In my opinion, should make a wide berth around this fire mage." Quipped Alice then only. "Do not! Then we have no one to whom we could toast ", then only Hiita wailed. "On the answer I've been waiting for." Said Alice, laughing softly. "May I go with you?" Sylvia asked suddenly barely audible.

The two looked at her and asked why. "Well .... I'm a .... Feuermagierin." She replied nervously. "Please what?" She said Bertram. "It's true, I'm actually Feuermagierin. In Pythagoras taught me the magic runes, as they learn there is a lot easier. "Said Sylvia then. "Then your fire magic is there, but not really strong right?" She asked Hiita.

She nodded, Hiita would directly say no, but Natsu grabbed her by the shoulder and said: "It is not as strong as you or I Hiita but they can not make up for with a couple of cool fire runes right?" Sylvia began to smile and said yes. "But what about Khad", then asked Hiita only.

"He goes with us." Said Rockwell. Khad just nodded and turned to the remaining members of Rockwell and Shiba. "You realize that you hardly anything of what he says goes?" Said Shadow the two. "We know this, but I think that's the reason why he walks with us." Said Shiba. "We can teach even some of Khad on the way to the battlefield." Said Rockwell. Sylvia looked at Khad, asked him whether he really wants. He just nodded, which was enough for an answer.

Surasshu looked at his friends. Everyone knew who and where he would go. "Everyone should be prepared again for three days to go." He said. The others agreed that it was just spread out and then back around the fortress.

It was night when Rieder looked out of the room in his window. The stars twinkled and the moon shone into the room. "This night is for what they will unveil in the coming days too beautiful.", He thought, and lay down on his bed. Just when he wanted to sleep there was a knock on his door knocked. With a certain idea, he went to the door, opened it and saw standing before him Natsu.

"Nabend." He said. Rieder looked at Natsu and frightened as he looked at his hair. "Natsu, your hair!" Came out of it. Natsus hair was not as usual blood-red hair shone against a light orange Rieder. "Bertram told me." Said Natsu. Rieder laughed briefly and then bleated easy. "He could not keep it for themselves"

Natsu puzzled look on his friend. "You like not?" He asked. Rieder looked at him and replied: "On the contrary, it makes you even cuter" blush looked at Natsu Rieder. "Cute you say?" He asked again. Of all the words that he would have expected at this moment, the last would have been cute. Then he saw that Rieder trembled a little.

"Are you cold?" He asked and took a step closer to him. "... A little bit." Rieder said half aloud. "May I go to bed with you ...?" Said Natsu, and came a little closer. Rieder was also a bit closer to Natsu and hugged him. Although he was by the enormous heat that his body radiating warmer, but that was not everything he wanted in that moment of Natsu.

"But happy." He replied softly. Natsu took off his sandals, as the first lay in bed and waited for Rieder, who then put him and the blanket over him and pulled him. "Rieder, you can remember when we told ourselves that we with .... well ... you know what waiting until we're both really trust us?" Natsu said after about half an hour they lay.

Rieder's eyes are more than Natsu asked this question. "Yes. Why ... why are you asking? "Said Rieder nervous. Natsu suddenly pulled out his shirt, threw it out of bed and lay down on Rieder. He could only hear his heart racing, while Natsu he looked deep into my eyes. "Well ... I think we are so far right?" Natsu said softly, pressing his lips to Rieder.

Remained for a brief moment of time has stood as Natsu Rieder said this sentence and then he also kissed. He felt along his arms slowly Natsus painted and then he held his hands. As his tongue wrapped around his slowly and as Natsus warm saliva in the mouth Rieder ran. As Natsu then broke the kiss and looked at him like he was confused Rieder actually apologize, but what came next was more surprising than his action.

Rieder Natsu rolled so that it now lay on Natsu and looked into his eyes. "I'm ready, Natsu." She whispered softly and kissed Rieder Natsus chest. It was quite warm, as if he had been lying all day in the sun. After some kissing, the Natsu moan with a gentle heard Rieder commented on again and went back to Natsus face.

This then took to the waist of Rieder's shirt looked, played it only on mean and pulled it up then. As it was then stripped to his shirt, it threw Natsu and lapsed into a sensual love with Rieder game in which his body temperature rose again. During this game, in which the two also went out completely naked and they were curled up together one more time so that Natsu was again Rieder.

"I love you, Rieder." Said Natsu as he kissed Rieder. "I love you too, Natsu." Said Rieder and ran her fingers through his soft hair Natsus.Her two hot and slightly sweaty body trembled with excitement, their penises rubbed against each other for several minutes already, what are sure to Natsu getting wild while Rieder still remained normal.

Again and again, biting and licking Natsu from Rieder's neck in the hope that wild desire would disappear, but instead it was just this intense. Natsu wanted to stop by any time, if after a bite or lick Rieder moaned he did it again, a bloody vicious cycle. "Natsu." Moaned softly Rieder. "Yes?" Natsu asked excitedly. "Let's do it ....." Said Rieder.

Natsu stopped. He looked Rieder's face. At the same time he looked at the bite marks covered with small neck. Then he kissed her again inngigst Rieder and now felt a tremendous heat emanating from him. Then he broke the kiss and lifted Rieder's hips slightly and slowly guided his penis in bum Rieder. Slowly he forced his way into the body of his friend, acknowledged that the two of them with a loud moan and innbrünstigem.

Natsu leaned on the mattress, looked in Rieder's slightly pained grimace. "... Does it hurt? Should I re-"he asked, stroking his face and Rieder replied:" A little but it's not so bad. Go on, Natsu, please go ahead. "Natsu and Rieder is smiling for a moment before their lips met, and then a second time during the first shock Natsus were inseparable.

Then during the next two shocks resulted in the moaning, again and again pulled his penis out Natsu Rieder out to make it happen again into full-length in Rieder. This Rieder commented with such a groan that Natsu back to him, leaned down and kissed him. He thought that would Rieder from pain moan so loud and wanted this kiss to ease the pain a lot.

But Rieder groaned not of pain, much more he groan, therefore, that Natsu and he were connected in this manner. Natsus skin had become so wet with sweat that Rieder's fingers glided over his back literally. When the two felt then, as her climax came closer and closer to put Natsu Rieder, held him firmly so he could only watch him in the face and pushed on, while Rieder took his hands.

"Rieder, like the time has come!" Natsu moaned loudly. "Same with me, Natsu!" Rieder said aloud. Shortly after it happened: With a last groan of Rieder's name Natsu poured into Rieders body, which lasted for several seconds before turning it on ausstöhnte Rieder's naked torso. Rieder also could not keep up and came.

His semen shot between them and Natsu, was an incredible feeling at that moment. A few minutes later taught Natsu up a little, looked in Rieder's happy face and kissed him once. He pulled out and squeezed his penis against Rieder Rieder, what else was always a nice feeling. "That was ... amazing." Said Rieder, panting. "I am glad that I was able to experience with you, Rieder." Said Natsu and remained lying on Rieder.

They lay there for a while until Rieder said, "Natsu, you'll think of me when we split up?" "There is no second pass, which I do not think about you, Rieder," said Natsu, and then fell asleep.. Rieder, smiled, put his arm around and fall asleep Natsu said before: "And I will always think of you, Natsu."

One more day until the start of the war .....

It was time. Ready for battle, with a packed bag, all members of the Clan Dragon Heart met in the courtyard. They were all ready: Surasshu, Luso, Raio, Shadow, Ryu, Alice, Lyra, Rockwell, Bertram, Rieder, Hiita, Natsu, Aussa, Eria, Wynn, Khad, Sylvia, Shiba Nari and stood in a circle and held each one arm. "We hereby pledge that we will all come home and that we celebrate this day," shouted Surasshu. And we promise that each of us pay attention to the other, it protects and fights by his side. Because we are a clan, a family that can never be torn apart, not even through the war! "

After this speech, all went their separate ways: Ryu, Alice and Rieder went on to train Biyori. Luso, Bertram, Wynn, Eria and walked the walk after Raio Herena. Shadow and Lyra also went on foot to the forest where Schadow's home village was. Surasshu, Ranbu Aussa and took the train to Ilé. Hiita, Natsu and Sylvia went to the gathering point for the fire mage. Lastly flew Rockwell, Shiba and Khad on the back of the dragon Nari to the field of unity.

That was the beginning of the trip clans of the Dragon Heart.

To be continued .....