Si vis amari, ama: At the Corner of Lux and Main

Story by vyletrakun on SoFurry

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#1 of Si Vis Amari, Ama

The first chapter of a cute romantic story I am writing ^^ I am working on chapter 2 right now and that will be a bit naughtier hehe

Chapter 01

I hated this school, always so crowded and noisy, rarely a quiet moment to think and gather your thoughts. Especially when they concerned a certain someone you wanted some time to think about. Now I'm gay, but by no means am I a screaming ball of rainbow fire plunging through the rainbow flags and exposed genitalia that people tend to expect. I am a bit loud, happy and always smiling but most assume I am an extrovert and when the question of me sexuality comes up, I never lie. I have always told the truth and always will, it has cost me friends and even a few family members but I am not going to lie about who or what I am.

Now this particular brisk autumn morning, I was walking the mile to my college, my neck wrapped in a black scarf my mother gave me for Christmas accompanying a yellow shirt and dark, near black, slacks and my messenger back filled with textbooks and my laptop slung over my shoulder. As I came up to the one major street crossing, at the corner of Lux Ave and Main St, that's when I saw him. Now let me go back a few months, once I was out of high-school and decided to attend the local junior college, instead of jumping to a large university, I saw him. His name is Mal; he is a beautiful black wolf, with splotches of neon green and yellow. He had the most gorgeous green eyes and that almost perfect body, not too fit and not too flabby, just perfect. We have had a couple classes together and I have never had the nerve to speak to him directly.

When you have a secret crush on someone who may or may not be gay, it is kind of tough to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Now as I got up to the street crossing and pressed the button, waiting for the light to change, I saw him coming down the street headed for the same crossing. I have been walking this route every day but I have never seen him walking. Now as he came up to the light, our eyes met and I swear I almost asked him out on the spot, instead he gave me the sweetest smile and said hello. Now normally I never freeze up but today apparently was not my day...I froze up. I simply stared smiling and blushing faintly into his eyes, deep pools, lit with intelligence and mirth. After a moment or so I giggled under my breath and managed a faint hello. He smiled warmly at me and stood next to me warming his paws with soft bursts of hot breath.

We stood in awkward silence, well awkward for me anyways, until the light changed and we started across the street. About halfway across he looked at me and smiled again "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?", he looked away and then he lit up, "Oh I know, we had Math 115 together last year, you sat a few seats away from me." At first I didn't know what to say but he seemed so friendly that I couldn't help but warm up to him. "Yeah we shared that class and I have seen you around campus, you hang out with a girl, I don't know her name but I see you two in the cafeteria." He smiled again and we kept on walking. "Major?" he piped suddenly and it took me a second to switch from large brawny men in military uniforms back to the real subject at hand. "Oh...I'm an art major, I want to either be a cartoonist or story board artist, you?" I washed my paws, slightly nervous. "Oh me well I am not sure the exact area but I am a Computer Science major with a double minor in Chemistry and Engineering. I either want to be a teacher or design computer hardware."

I almost melted mid step, not only is he drop dead sexy but he is obviously smart, you could tell from the bulge in his sack...MESSENGER bag I mean. I giggle and strain to think of something else to say but he beat me to the punch. "So my names Malcolm but you can call me Mal, everyone does." And he extended his paw. I took it and we shook hands as I introduced myself "Oh yeah, I'm Colin, nice to meet you." His hand was large and firm, almost engulfing mine. You would think since me being a fox and coming from a lineage of predators originally, that I would be large and bulk but alas no I was the runt. Thin and almost feminine, I could be described as lean instead, all except for my pert round bubble butt.

"So I haven't seen you on this route before, I walk this everyday so..." I keep trying to push conversation, not wanting him to lose interest in the off chance he might be gay. "Oh yeah well I recently moved out of my parent's house and into an apartment right down the street. It used to be a 45 minute drive for me but now it is just a short walk. Do you live around here?"

Damn, he is sexy, smart and he has his own place, please whatever deity, creature energy particle created the universe, please let him be gay! "Oh that's cool, I live in off campus dorms right down the street but I hate it, I share it with three other guys and they aren't the most...Cleanliest of people." Shit now he probably thinks I'm gross or something, I am two seconds away from a face palm but he saves it. "Oh well you don't seem the type to follow by their example." I am slightly confused, "How do you figure?" I pose the question a little intrigued. "It is basic psychology, one you are quite sharped dressed so you must iron your clothing every day, two the tone of voice. It sounds like you detest that life."

Yeah he was right; my roommates were the bane of my college life. If they weren't getting high and eating what groceries I have purchased, they were leaving clothing and jockstraps around, not to mention the occasional used condom I find. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a prude but still...gross. Our conversation continued with our banter back and forth until we got to the college I had Color Theory and he had Micro computing so we said farewell and we went to our own classes in opposite directions from each other, well he walked away and I watched him go, striped tail swaying as he left and I was sure that would be it.

So again I was wrong, I saw him today but it was odd I was sure I saw him standing where we met at the street crossing. I was sure I saw ignore the light change, just standing there smoking a cigarette and occasionally checking his phone. No there was no way he would be waiting; maybe he just wanted to finish his cigarette before moving on. As I walked up to Mal, he smiled at me, "Morning Colin." He chimed, smiling afterwards as usual. "How are you today Mal?" He took the last hit on his cigarette and threw it to the ground. "Oh you know, just another day leading the rebels to defeating the empire." I was above to make a Star Ward reference immediately but he beat me too it, "Oh sorry my nerd is showing and it gets lonely if I don't walk it occasionally..." He laughed a hearty laugh as I giggled and we walked to school.

I honestly figured at first that this was just another interest that would fade for him as the days passed but no, with each day I walked to school he stood in the same spot, almost always smoking a cigarette and waiting for me, it was probably one of the most romantic things anyone had ever done for me, up to that point in my life. I loved our early morning conversations, him delving into my life and me into his. His parents were divorced and lived in the same city, peacefully. He had three younger brothers and he was afraid of moths. Now I personally thought this fact was adorable because he always seemed so sure of himself and never wavered in his convictions but one day he was standing and an errant moth accidently dive bombed him and he flipped.

Now after two weeks of walking to and from school we finally decided to hang out after school and he invited me over to his apartment. Now at first I was a little nervous because of my parents installing a fear in me of being raped or killed but things with him just seemed right. Though by this time I had given up hope of him being gay, there were a few things that would seem like flags such as: he could cook, sew, match colors, spot knock off designer wear and more but Malcolm doing it didn't seem out of place, it seemed him. Now once we arrived at his place I was expecting a tiny apartment building but he was actually renting a one bedroom house, needless to say I was quite surprised. "Hey how can you afford this on a college salary?" He smirked "Well you know I work. I have a part time job with the county and even part time I make pretty good money."

Though once he let us into his house, his financial situation was the least of my surprises. It was a nerd haven, from replica models of a Firefly class ship to the Millennium Falcon. There were numerous original film posters, novels, manga and DVDs lining the walls. "" I was near speechless as I stared at the different items representing many hours of my own life devoted to different TV shows, movies and novels. He gave me his same cute as a button coy smile and he set his backpack down, and taking my messenger back. He just had to become better and better, from his hobbies to his hosting skills. "So uhm what would you like to do?" I queried, having never been alone with a guy I liked before. "Well I figure I can make some proper lunch and we can watch a movie?" I smile at him, "Sounds great Mal."

After he whipped up a four star lunch, we sat on opposite ends of the couch and we decided for a B movie horror film marathon. Malcolm had drawn the currents and turned off all the lights to give the films the proper atmosphere. We sat chomping on popcorn and watch cheesy rubber suited monsters chase bumbling heroes for a few hours and I started to get drowsy, it had been a long exhausting day of tests, studying and stress, since I was nearing the end of the semester and I was set to receive my Associate of Arts. Well I laid my head back for a moment and decided to catalog the inside of my eyelids and the next thing I knew it, I was asleep.

In my dreams, I was laying in his lap with a large warm quilt covering me, my paw gently stroking my hair and cheek, whispering unintelligible but definitely sweet things to me. He was so warm and inviting that I cuddled closer, his bright smile warming me and I decided to go for a kiss. I figure, if I can't have him in real life I can always have in in my dreams. Scooting up our eyes lock and before I can move he leans in for a kiss first. Now I was half expecting a lust driven kiss full of tongue and his paws reaching places no one else had but it wasn't. It was a tender kiss, his lips as soft as velvet with the tiniest hint of a tongue but no more, just a tender and endearing kiss. It was then a scream from the TV woke me up with a small start and I was disoriented for a moment.

I realized that my head was in his lap and a big warm quilt was covering me, but we weren't kissing, I was just nuzzled into his lap with his hand on my shoulder. I looked up blushing so hard I thought my face would burst but I realized he was asleep too. Head back and snoring softly, I realized that my clothes were still on and he didn't try to ravage me in my sleep. I was relieved and quite embarrassed, so I tried slowly to extract myself from him without waking, I intended to leave and hide my shame. As I lifted my head from his lap he woke with a soft snort and rubbed his eyes, he looked down at me frozen in place, blushing like mad. "Good morning sunshine," he again gave me that bright special smile "You looked so tired I didn't want to wake you so I covered you up." I stutter trying to form words "I ... uhm ... Sorry for the uh ... cuddling and uhm ... It won't ..." He put his finger on my nose, "Oh shush you were tired and it was kind of nice, I admit." He then blushed which was the last reaction I expected. Now anger, violence or screaming, that would be the normal reaction.

He giggled and ruffled my hair, "Well it's getting late, I can walk you home or you are welcome to crash here if you want..." He blushed again faintly. "Oh no...I should be going home..." shit, shit shit...He offers me a night away from the bastards I room with and I mess it up because I'm embarrassed. He smiles again, "All right well I will walk you home." I wave him off "Oh please don't trouble yourself, I can make it home alright plus it is quite a walk for you, I want to save you the trouble."

*OOOMF* "Oh shush, it is a short walk and it gives us more time to talk." He stands up and offers me a paw up. I walk over and collect my bag and head towards his door, as I reach for the knob I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn and Mal is standing there. "Yes? Wha..." He grabs me and kisses me, pressing his lips into mine; I melt into him and wrap my arms around him. My mind racing, confused as ever as he holds me, pressing me into his soft body. His musky scent filled my nostrils, causing a stirring in my loins and igniting a deep hidden lust for the brawny wolf. This was the last thing I expected from him. My lips part and our tongues twin, meeting together gently, his hot breath brushing against me in waves as he pants heavily, his large arms encircling me, making me feel safe. As we break from the kiss I look up into his bright green eyes and I whisper something even I didn't expect. "I love you..."


The Silver Mirror

Soft winds of an imagined horror echoed through the minds of four scared boys. Creaking boards and lofty roofs greet them as they entered the rotting decrepit building. Their jaws agape as they stood in silent awe of the archaic structure. Four teens...

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