Proving Himself

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#3 of Poke'mon Lovers

Proving Himself

The trainer knew that she hated him, and he wouldn't really call himself a trainer because he never battled with Pokémon before, he would care for them like a daycare would, but he cares for a different kind of Pokémon, he cares for the ones that were abused and/or raped by their old trainers. It wasn't against the law for Pokémons and humans to have sex, not anymore after the bound between the two races grew more and more. It was a pretty known fact that at least two out of three trainers had at least one sexually Pokémon on their team. But that didn't stop many trainers to abuse this way of life. The only way people would've known that the Pokémon was being raped or abused, they would send a Pokémon with a officer to the house of questioning, with a list of Pokémon they had by asking for their Pokédex, the Pokémon who could read minds, would then first check the Pokémon's mind, and if the Pokémon felt even the smallest thought of what the trainer did to them, they were revoked of their trainer ID, thrown in jail for about four years, and when they came back out, could never own another Pokémon again.

When this type of rule was made, many of the Pokémon abuse crimes went down by ninety percent, but that last ten percent was still out there, and not everyone told everyone of the Pokémon they had. The young man of nineteen slowly cooked the meal that he and the Pokémon he had taken in until she was better mentally slowly while blinking his lush green eyes, his bread neatly trimmed along his cheek and jaw line and under his nose. Once done, his tan skin hand went out to grab two plates, one for him and one for her, going out to the living room, is black hair swaying because of how much he had. Once he made his way inside the room, he came face to face, nose to nose with the Pokémon that he was taking care of, her large body mass that could easily crush him with just the weight alone, but he would never say that for fear of her killing him, two set of orange horns on her head, red eyes glaring at him, her tail flame flowing, though it didn't burn anything in the house. Her blue inside wings out to make herself look larger a slight snarl was seen as she grabbed her food and slaked to the sofa and sat down. How her old trainer abused her, he had no idea, and in truth he didn't want to know how. He slightly sighed but said nothing else on the sort, taking his black leather chair and sitting down, the Charizard watching him with her large red eyes, now letting out the narrow like glare at him, the human gave a small smile, but she snorted and looked away as the human rolled his eyes.

Another Pokémon slowly made her way down the stair case with ease and slowness because of her large size, being a Pokémon what was close to his size, just a few inches shorter of five-eleven but a weight of almost two hundred and fifty. She smiled as she saw her trainer and he smiled back and nodded his head to her, her green rock hard scales glistening from the bath she gave herself horns on the side of her head black and red, and her belly and leg black. The Haxorus came down and before she could even let out a voice that her trainer would know as to the point where her food was, he pointed to the place he came from thinking she wouldn't be done till later, she nodded and then went off to get the food and came and sat in front of him, her back to him making that his legs were beside her head. The Charizard snorted and looked away while the Haxorus growled back as the human sighed.

"Tundra, don't please," he spoke while his Pokémon looked up at him. "It will be a while before she can understand that humans and Pokémons can love each other like we can, alright?" the dragon Pokémon looked up and made a small sound that sounded like she was sorry, her trainer smiled and rubbed her head slightly. "Now I have to go and get the package we've been waiting for, do you mind doing the dishes for me?" the Pokémon smiled and nodded her head as she moved so he could stand up, slipping his shoes on and a blue jacket, he then waved the two goodbye and left, as soon as the human was out of sight did the green dragon slammed her claws on the table, not enough to break it, but enough to make the fire Pokémon look at her.

"Listen here!" she snarled in the Pokémon talk as Charizard glared at her right back. "What is your problem with me and my Master?"

"Everything!" the fire tail Pokémon roared back standing up. "All my life I was treated like a piece of meat to different humans, and then when I'm sent here, I see that you and that weakling are mates!" it was true, the human and Pokémon that owned this home were mates, they loved each other even before the rule thanks to Leo's convincing everyone that human and Pokémon love was nothing to keep away. "You have abandoned your race!"

"I have not!" she screeched back while glaring harder, her own red eyes turns into silts. "And don't you dare talk aboutBrandonbeing weak! He was the strongest fighter in the world!" it was true, Brandon use to fight around the world while training with his Pokémon, at such a young age he was named the King of Iron Fist, but after earning the title he retried, saying that he wished to make something of his life then pounding the snot out of someone. "Listen here," the dragon Pokémon sighing calming down. "My mate brought you here to help you, and you are making it harder for him, when he comes back, talk to him please?"

"How?" she questioned still holding her glare like face. "He is a human...what was your name...Tundra?" the Pokémon nodded and then sighed rolling her eyes.

"Today his package he spoke of came in, it's a needle that when he injects it he will be able to understand our words, it cost him quite a lot to mind you!" The Charizard didn't seem to care and when she did ask why Tundra had feelings for him, she then asked.

"So did he rape you and then you fell in love with him or something?" Tundra smiled and slightly blushed looking away.

"It's the other way around.

"You see, Brandon had me as his Pokémon since I was but a egg, after I hatched we went out on our adventure, soon he too started to fight for the extra money, if you didn't know, my kind choose our mates base on the scars of battles and their power, Brandon does have scars, some from keeping me safe from wild Pokémon who tried to harm me, and he is strong since he is, or was the King of Iron Fist. It happened about three years ago, I was ranked with a hard heat, I could've held it easy before, but that day I was so horny and needy, that when he came though the door I tackled him and took him on the bed hard...I still remember what he told me the next morning..."

Flash Back

"Tundra," The human said when seeing his Pokémon, the one that somewhat raped him the night before sat on the floor curled up on the floor hiding her face. His scars on his chest looking like a claw mark and on his side like a knife dug into him. "Did you do what you did last night because of your heat?" she gave him a simple nod of her head. "Is that all...or is it that you have feelings for me...?" Tundra looked up at him; her red eyes glistened with tears as she slowly nodded her head as Brandon sighed softly kneeling down. "Then...I don't think I should be your trainer anymore." Her eyes grew wide, she knew this would happen, the human she loved and wanted to prove she was strong, was not going to take her but throw her out! She was about to jump on him and pray he could understand some of her words to know that she was sorry until he touched her cheek and leaned closer. "Because...I want to be your mate." He then moved closer and pressed his soft lips on her own, her eyes grew wide, she had kissed him last night, but that was forced and hard, this one was tendered and soft, she melted in his arms as she sighed and closed her eyes, her arms wrapping around his body and pulling her closer to him.

Present Day

Tundra shivered as she remembered that day and smiled.

"He didn't care that we were of different species, he told me love knows no bound, and even though after that day I tried to show him my power, he told me that I didn't need to, that I was all he needed, strong or not." The fire Pokémon looked away, seeing that the human who was caring for her was now coming back, a look of dread on his face, and when he came in Tundra saw his face. "Oh no..." she breath as he closed the door and kicked off his shoes. "He didn't get it..."Brandonsighed and then turned her back to her and hung up his jacket until he chuckle softly.

"Didn't know you had such a sexy voice Tundra," he answered turning his head to look at her with the biggest grin ever.

"B...Brandon?" she stuttered as the human laughed and nodded.

"Yup, I understand you!" he answered as Tundra then ran and hugged her mate tightly, the Charizard looked away as the two shared a kiss, and when they broke, Brandon was let down and went over to the fire Pokémon. "So I have to ask," he sated while looking at her; the two were of the same height so it was easy for her to look at his eyes. "Do you have a name?"

"Charizard," the Pokémon answered asBrandonsighed.

"No I mean, like I'm a human, but you don't see me calling myself Human right? And she is Tundra, so what is your name?"

"I have no name like that,"

"Would you like one?"

"Whatever," she snorted asBrandonthought for a moment and then snapped his fingers.

"How about Twilight?"

The Pokémon at once turned to him with a surprised look on his face, her face turned into dread as she lowered her head.

"What is it?" he asked in slight confusion.

"That was my mother's name," the human then felt bad, knowing that she was taken when she was only a Charmander.

"Well uh...if you want another name..."

" I want this name..." she answered looking at him, turning to go to her room upstairs she stopped and looked at Brandon and nodded to him. "Thank you."

The weeks went by smoothly after that, Twilight would still keep herself away from the two as they would cuddle at times on the same chair, at one time she caught herself smiling before she then thought that maybe they truly loved each other.Brandonnever put her down or yelled at her when she set aflame one of the curtains by mistake, he told her it was a mistake and asked if she was alright. One day, while out and about on her own, she flew over the hiking trail that she, Tundra and Brandon went though a lot of times to clear her head. As the weeks went by, she started to notice that she looked at the human differently; she couldn't understand these feelings at all. She didn't want to tell his mate, himself or anyone because she felt that it was a sigh of weakness. Landing on the ground, she started to walk, when she lifted her nose and smell the air, a smell she hadn't sniffed in a while coursed though her mind until she slowly backed away. In front of her walking was a human, a little smaller the Brandon, pale but looked quite strong, his long blond hair flowing behind him as he spoke with a Pokémon beside him, a large blue crocodile Pokémon with red spikes and large teeth. The two stopped and looked to Twilight, the human then narrowed his eyes until he then smiled.

"Well, well, well..." the human snarled with a wide grin as the Pokémon beside him also smiled making Twilight back away slightly. "If it isn't our old toy, huh Fang?"

"Yes Master," the Pokémon answered, he could not doubt understand him, but he no doubt got the idea. "And how is my little fire toy?"

"I am no one's toy..." she snarled back as Fang laughed.

"You didn't say that the last time we tied you up and took your tail hole now did you?" Twilight snarled, she thought her old owner was in jail, why was he out?

"So Fang?" the human asked looking up at the blue Pokémon. "Wanna have some fun?"

"Oh yeah...I know she can't fight so this will be fun..." he started to creep closer and closer to Twilight as she backed away, it was true, she couldn't fight, all she was used for was sex. She was about to fly off until Fang grabbed her neck and slammed her on the ground, the breath knocked from her throat as Fang grinned, his claw trailing down her belly a she closed her eyes and softly began to cry, but before his claw could get to his prize, he was kicked off the Pokémon with such force it threw him behind his Master. Twilight opened her eyes to seeBrandonstanding in front of her, her eyes grew wide as she noticed his hands up to fight, feelings claws on her shoulder, she jerked and saw it was only Tundra.

"Tundra," the human sated without looking at them. "Get her back, ill deal with these two."

"AlrightBrandon," she answered as she helped Twilight up and dragged her back slowly as Fang got up and snarled.

"You damn human!" he roared. "Who do you think you are?"

"Who do you think you are?!"Brandonroared back. Fang recoiled, knowing the human could understand him as he smiled slightly. "Listen here, I don't know who you two are, but as long as Twilight or any Pokémon are under my care, no harm will come to them!" Fang's trainer walked forward smiling as Twilight growled slightly.

"So you are the one taking 'care' of her now, I bet you love it when she sucks dicks don't ya?" he gave a small smirk asBrandonglared now knowing who he was dealing with.

"And you're the asshole who abused Twilight aren't ya?" he asked as the trainer slightly smiled as he played with his hair.

"Abuse, HA! That bitch begged for me and Fang here to fuck her, that's all females in this world are, Pokémon or human, they are all cum buckets for us!"

Brandon's hands shook with rage as he looked toward the trainer, Fang was moving forward with his claws out as he got ready to fight,Brandonturning to his side, one hand up to his face the other straight and behind him.

" going to fight him?" Twilight answered with the look of shock on his face, she didn't want the human to be hurt, she didn't know why, weeks ago she didn't care what happened to him, but now...she did.

"Just watch..." Tundra told her keeping a hold on her. "He'll be fine,"

Fang roared and ran forward, jaws opened and claws out, he went to grab the human who slipped under his legs, rolling forward on his hands and then pushed making him jump back. Spinning a bit, he brought his foot on the back of the Pokémon's head, the kick sending the Pokémon forward a bit. Flipping his body backwards with such grace, Twilight thought he was dancing then fighting, landing lightly on the ground, he went back to his stance, his eyes closed as he opened them slowly, flicking his wrist forward and backwards in a teasing matter. The water Pokémon growled and charged again, slashing, clawing, doing whatever he could to hit the annoying human before him, but he was too slow. Brandon easily dodged and weaved though each of his attacks, bringing his fist forward he made connection to his rib cage, then again to the other side, then he jump, kneeing him under the chin sending him falling backwards in a roar of pain. Once on the ground again,Brandonjumped back a bit, keeping the distance from him and the Pokémon he was fighting, he flexed his hands, Pokémon body were indeed stronger and able to withstand more damage then what a human could withstand, so he would have to be careful.

"Fang you idiot!" the trainer yelled and screamed. "Get up and plough the shit out of him!" the Pokémon slowly stood up, growing deeply as Brandon gave them both a blank look, he closed his eyes, he never like doing this, because he didn't like to risk really hurting someone, but this might work to stop them. Clicking his legs together, he slowly raised his hands to the air; his eyes closed the whole while as he brought his hands forward, clicking the wrist together and then moving his hand backwards to his side. He steadied his legs out, widening his stance as Fang opened his jaws wide to charge up a Hydro Pump. Twilight saw with amazement asBrandon's hands started to glow, a small ball of pure power growing within his hands as he snapped his eyes opened to look at Fang.

"He's really doing it..." Tundra breathed as Twilight looked to her. "The Aura Spare that he was taught by his fighting Master!"

The ball grew brighter and brighter with each passing second, sweat drenching his head as he forced himself to hold onto the attack, Fang then fried, the turret of water coming large and fast toward the human, who then yelled and snapped his hands forward, the ball now as big as his chest shot out and collided with the water tower. The water stopped dead where it was as well as the Aura as both parties did their best to push their attacks forward, Fang's trainer was shocked, hearing only a few humans could do such an attack, but to see one first hand, it felt him in a sate of awed. Brandon eyes narrowed into a glaring looking, pushing more and more, he would put everything into the attack to be sure he won, roaring out in his own way, he pushed as hard as he could, his attacking more inch after inch until the water broke apart and slammed into Fang's chest.

"You won't have to worry about those two again," it was later that night, Twilight was still shocked, with just his power alone, Brandon not only knocked Fang out, but somehow her old trainer as well, the police were later called, Fang would be taken somewhere to be held, to see if he could be changed, and if not, then put down, the trainer going to jail for a very long time. Brandon was now washing the Pokémon back, having needed one for a while now, Tundra was watching, making sure Brandon wouldn't black out again like last time when he used such a power, Twilight looking back under her wing to look at him. She didn't say anything, only nodding her head at him as she then looked back down at the water. Even though her body looked clean, it was in fact very, very dirty, already even though only she was inside of the tub for more then thirty seconds, the water became brown with filth. Tundra watched all the closer as he rubbed her back, Twilight softly sighing at the feeling but didn't say anything other then that. When she was done,Brandonstood and dried his hands, passing the fire Pokémon, a towel to dry her off as well, the human leaving as Tundra turned to follow.

"Wait," she stopped and then turned to look at Twilight. "May I speak to you...alone?" the dragon nodded her head and followed after Twilight to her room, when the door was closed, Twilight offered her a sit on her bed which Brandon gladly gave her, it use to be Tundra's bed, but now since the two shared one room, it didn't make much sense in her to keep it.

"What is it?" she asked looking at the fire dragon. She didn't blame the Pokémon for what happened between her old trainer and her mate, luckily they were there at the right time, but still, she wished that the Charizard could've done something.

"I like to say, I'm sorry,"

"What for?" Twilight sighed and sat beside the green dragon Pokémon as she looked down.

"For the weeks I've been here, I've been nothing but rude and uncaring of you or your mate, but...for the while, I've seen something between you two, that I now know is true love, and I like to say I'm sorry for saying your betrayed our race." Tundra just listened as Twilight went on. "And well, I like to ask you this first, but will you allow me to stay here, with you and your mate?"

Tundra blinked her eyes for a moment, slightly confused at what the fire tail was asking her. She didn't feel threatened that the female would take her mate away;Brandonwas very loyal when it came to her, but still. As she watched this Pokémon, a Pokémon who had her pride and honour away by a filthy human who used her as a toy, she couldn't help but feel a sort of sadness and clinginess to her. Crossing his claws together and bringing them to her chin, she pondered, she did come to her first, a law in Pokémon world that meant that she was treating her as the Alpha female of the home.

"If I do allow you to," she asked looking at her. "Will you try to bed with my mate?"

"WH...what?" she stammered as Tundra held eyes to her.

"Answer the question."

"Well..." she answered looking down. "I never went though a heat, much less a day when I was with my old master, without any sort of sex, and as you know and no doubt smelt by heat is coming up." Tundra nodded, she smelt it very well. "If...if you wish I will lock myself in my room until it passes."

"No it's fine," Twilight looked over at her as Tundra smiled. "I trust you, I trust you enough to ask this of you, would you like to be his second mate?"


"You know how our kind work, when a strong male is around, that male can have more then one female, Brandon is strong in both the body and heart, and he should have many mates, but I will only allow you beside myself to have him. Of course," she then waved her claw. "We must getBrandonto agree first, and I know just the way, if you're up for it."

Twilight gave it some thought, she never did feel loved before, and Brandon did care for her, but she didn't know if this was because he was watching over her and then let her go when the time came for that, or if it was true feelings. She remembered back when he fought, seeing the power that he released as he stopped the Pokémon that use to help her old trainer rape her. Never had she seen such a power even from the Pokémon who COULD do such an attack to someone as strong as Fang. Seeing him risking his life to keep her safe, risking his life fighting a Pokémon where the law of reality made it close to impossible for a human to stop, much less beat a Pokémon, she felt a need to be with him. She was always told by her mother that when a male who she believed was strong that she should be his mate. ThoughBrandondid have a mate already, she was willing to have her with him as well. And she didn't have to worry about having eggs with him, since he was truly only a human. Looking back at the wingless dragon before her, Twilight gave a small smile and nodded, as Tundra smiled and nodded back to her.

"Well," she answered with a soft chuckle looking to Twilight as they sat on the edge of the bathtub. "You see, a while ago, I askedBrandonif he could pay something for me, as you know, the humans have found a way to give us females and males more of a human body. Like if a Salamence wished to be with a human, they would pay for his or her body to shrink a bit and having more of the human body of that gender...well..." she started to rub her chest, soon Twilight watched with amazement as the chest plate slowly pushed to the sides, like double doors opening, showing a pair of perky breast and nipples to the Pokémon before her. Twilight blinked and looked up at her face as she blushed, seeming only showingBrandonthose and never another male much less a female. "If you want," she went on. "I know a human who does this that stills owes me for something, and I can get him to gives you some too." Twilight hummed as she thought for a moment, looking at Tundra's for a moment before grinning.

"Let's go then."

"So how do they feel?" asked the wingless dragon as they started their way back toward the house, it wasn't that late out, but since it was closer to winter, the day was shorten, being almost close to eleven at night, Twilight would at times rub her chest, not enough to bring out her new breast, on which the human said would grow out of her chest slowly when heighten on arousal. She knew they were there, just like she knew that's Tundra's own were within her, but she couldn't even see the scar that was once there, just a small feeling that it was under her scales.

"It feels...weird..." she commented as Tundra nodded, waving to two humans who walked past that her and Brandon knew as they walked back. "And do you believe that he will take me as his mate as well? I mean, he seems pretty wanting to you only."

"Oh I'm very sure that he will," she answered. "Brandonmay not have showed it to you, but he has a thing for Charizards."

"What do you mean?" Tundra chuckled as she tapped her claw.

"It is true that me and him mate pretty much a lot over the weeks, well, not anymore since you stayed with us, but we find time at least once a week, anyway, before we became mates he would release himself on his own, and to pictures and videos of other Charizards." She chuckled once more remembering the day she caught him. "I remember when I caught him, he was stammering and blabbing like an idiot, I told him in my own way that it was alright and I wouldn't judge him, for I had a little crush on him before I 'raped' him so to say. And even sometimes we had threesomes, one was with a female Charizard who went into heat, my best friend before she and her trainer, alsoBrandon's ex-girlfriend, moved.Brandontold me the night after that he had a fun time, and wouldn't mind doing it again, more if it was another Charizard." Twilight was glad she was orange, because only a small blush was seen as she thought about mating with the human with Tundra watching or in with them.

" know...big is he?"

"For a human? Pretty big I think when I asked him with sigh language that he was about ten inches or so."

"Not bad," the fire lizard commented as Tundra nodded.

"Not bad at all...hrm, the lights aren't on." They were before the house and true enough, the lights were not on, they were small light grunting noises coming from the back, and the two looked to each other, going though the house and out back to seeBrandon.

He was shirtless, wearing only his loose jeans and barefoot as he punched the air before him with his right arm, his left to his side as if to was glued in place, they could smell the sweat pouring down his body as he then jumped back and kicked forward, his foot almost at a ninety degree angle. Doing more complex moves, he stopped after a while, his chest heaving as he fell onto his rear, letting on leg lay out before him, the other pushed up to his chest. Twilight looked to Tundra, asking with her face ifBrandonwas alright, she nodded whispering to her that he did this from time to time to keep his body fit. This was the first time Twilight had seen the human bare, his muscles rippled as he rolled his shoulders, showing small marks of teeth and claw marks around his neck and sides, some being from when he and Tundra mated when she was in heat, other from battle. She remember Tundra telling her that Brandon once fought off a Nidoking to keep her safe, which baffled the Pokémon at first, but now seeing the way he fought and how well his body was toned, now she could believe it. But she gasped softly looking asBrandonstood up looking at the pale full moon as he crossed his arms over his chest. Along his back, deep red lashes were seen covering his tan body, some were lighter then others, some so red that she thought it was his blood about to pop from his back. She again looked over to see Tundra looking away, her eyes closed as if she knew how he got the scars. Before she could ask, Tundra answered,

"If you wish to know," she went on leaving her alone. "You must talk to him about it." And then she was gone.

Twilight, her mind going into overdrive trying to find out how the human got so many scars, slowly made her way outside the back door, bending down slightly so not to hit her head. She walked up to Brandon who sighed loudly.

"The scars right?" he asked as she stopped dead in her tracks. "I know you two were watching me, so don't be alarmed, want to know about them huh?" Twilight didn't answer at first, but when he turned and offered her a seat under a large oak tree, he closed his eyes as she sat beside him, as he thought back to when he was younger.

"My father really hated me," he started while keeping his eyes closed his hands on the grass on ether side of his body. "After my mother was died, he took all his rage on me, at first it would be yelling, that I could take, then he started to hit me, again I took it feeling I maybe deserved it...but he grew bored." He sighed and took a deep exhale of air though his nose. "He got his Pokémon to start hurting me, a grass type did these you know," he traced the scars on his back. "Each day the Pokémon wiped me only once, but it was hard and somehow slow, maybe it felt like that to me, but still...It still stung badly. Another Pokémon would heal me in case the cops came to see if anything was wrong, the same Pokémon controlling my body so I couldn't cry, couldn't call for help...and then as a reward for helping my father keep me, my father allowed them to have their way with me...and they were male."Brandon's hands clutched at the grass below him as his rage slowly grew. "Years this went on, and at last I had enough, I couldn't take it, I snapped like a twig pushed and bent to far. I went to my father's room, a bat in my hand, held high over my head, and bashed his head. I couldn't remember if I was indeed screaming, but the cops came and soon claimed me down, I overheard one say they got a confession from one of his Pokémon from one of their own going into his mind, saying what they did and my father. His blood on my hands, legs and chest, I think I smashed him one hundred times." He lifted his hands, they were shaking. "I can still feel the bones breaking under my hands as I smashed him...I was only ten at this time." He sighed and went on as Twilight listened with wide eyes, which were glistening as she thought she had it rough.

"Tundra lied you know," he told her. "I never had her as an egg, but as a young Pokémon. I was taken to a place to help cope, for me to be known that Pokémon were not all bad, but every time one would come to help me, I would scream and attack them. I think after a year of staying there, Tundra came, she was in a bloody mess, it seemed her trainer had enough of her losing and almost killed her from his beating. I followed close by, being a kid I wanted to be nosy. They worked on her, helping her by putting tubes in her. When they left, I heard them say she wasn't going to make it." He shook his head slightly. "She was much like me, so when they were gone, I went in the room, standing beside her bed as she whimpered in fright and pain. She thought I was going to hurt her. I took her little paws in my hand, and whispered that I was much like her, someone who thought they loved harmed and beat them, I showed her my scars, and I just talked, it felt good to talk to someone that felt something like me. One nurse found me, watched as I spoke to the Pokémon, who soon fell asleep; I looked to her and asked her if she was going to be alright. She answered back with saying that she didn't know."Brandonlooked over at Twilight who was still watching him as he smiled. "She made if of course, and soon was healed, she was free to go a few weeks later, but she clung to me like glue, as I did to her, I almost yelled saying I wanted her to stay with me, and soon, they allowed us, and when I left when I was of age, I got this house after winning a few fighting matches and retried from fighting, and know the rest."

He took a large sigh, his eyes closed as he brought his two fingers up to his nose, breathing at a steady pace. Just telling the story seemed to take some much out of his will power and strength. Twilight saw something new about Brandon, she felt his power coursing though his body, like a lighting bolt ready to fire at any moment, now she truly knew, she wanted him as her mated as well.

"I am deeply sorry for your past Master Brandon," the human looked over, the first time she had ever called him master. I thought that all humans were bad, and now, I see that you are not, even after what my kind," she held onto her chest lightly. "Did to you...and now you've taken Tundra as your mate...I envy you both." Brandon watched her before putting an arm around her neck and pulled her closer in a hug. "And well...I and Tundra were talking and uh..." she started to stammer a bit. "She told me about...your things with Charizards, and I was would be willing to also be my mate?"

"Hrm?" he asked looking up at her as she smiled.

"When a male is strong, many females can be with that one male, Tundra was your first, so she would be your Alpha, and I know this, I would be your Beta, if you will allow me."

"But what about..."

"She was the one that suggested it," she interrupted. "So...will you be my mate now Master?"

He agreed, now sitting on his bed, which was now larger since Twilight brought her bed and made the king size the Pokémon and human shared even larger to hold all three now. Brandon was shirtless, having not had a threesome since before his ex-girlfriend moved away and he mated with the in heat Charizard then. Now he was about to have yet another threesome, with his two mates.

Tundra was the first to walk in, a wide smile on her face as she moved closer, moving her hips slowly back and froth as she walked, leaving Brandon's pants to tighten as he always loved it when she did that. Climbing on one side of the bed, she leaned closer and pressed her lips over his cheek, nipping his ears softly while playfully growling which she knew he also loved. Straddling his body, she bent down and started to kiss him as he too kissed her back, both eyes closed as the human's hands roamed up and down her body, causing her to shiver lightly at the feeling of her mate loving her body only he knew how to love it. their tongues meeting halfway out to wrestle with each other, her over size muscle easily over powering his own, but that didn't bother him for not trying ether way. His hands went to her chest, causing her to hiss slightly as he rubbed her chest plate, and like always, they opened up to allow her breast to grow slowly, nipples slowly forming as her heat of body grew hotter and hotter, and moaning out loud as he took one of these green nipples into his mouth to softly suck. She rubbed the back of his head softly, her claws trailing though his hair as she moaned as he nipped at her nipple, her hips slowly moving forward as her mound glistened with her wetness and eagerness to mate. Twilight watched from the door way, her breast which matched her scale colors already out as she rubbed one with her right claw, watching Tundra and Brandon making out made her loins feel as if they were on fire! She could see that Brandon was already at full mass, and she was impressed by how large he looked, even with his pants holding him back. She moved forward, also climbing on the bed as she heard more clearly the two kissing and sucking on each others lips and tongues. Looking down she hooked his zipper and pulled it down, removing his pants as he tried to help by lifting his legs for her, he was not wearing any boxers at all by then.

Twilight eyed his tool, Tundra was very much telling the truth, his member was indeed long, longer then her old master's were and she liked it all the same. She watched as it bobbed in the air, almost begging for attention, and attention she was going to give it. Brandon gasped loudly in Tundra's mouth as the Charizard brought the head into her mouth, sucking the head for a moment before releasing and licking the underside ever so slowly. Tundra had to move off of their mate so that the fire Pokémon could easily lick and suckle him with ease, but she didn't mind. The green dragon watched as Brandon shook under the feeling on the tongue of his Beta. Tundra was never a fan of giving oral, though she liked it when Brandon gave her oral sex, she only gave him a few blow jobs before, glad that at least one of the females didn't mind giving their male what he liked, she watched for a moment, sitting on the bed as she slowly rubbed her damp sex.

Twilight by then had made his member nice and slick for what she wanted to do next. Moving away, she sat on her knees and brought her chest down, taking each breast in each claw, she opened them slowly before wrapping them around his cock, slowly pumping the two orbs up and down. Taking the head in her mouth every time it came close, licking at the underside while still eyeing him, while giving him a nice tit job the whole while. By then, Tundra was panting loudly, her pussy leaking more and more juice as she was now fingering herself watching her trainer and mate be pleased before her. She couldn't help it anymore, she needed him as well. Almost pouncing on her human, she straddled his head, her wet snatch right before his eyes and he knew just what to do.

Diving forward, he grabbed onto her hips with his hands, his tongue deeply inside of her as he licked and sucked quite loudly as he ate her out; the dragon moaning and hissing from bliss as she was licked by the only male she would ever love, her claws ranking into the groove of the bed posts, the bed rocking as she humped at his face. He was so deep inside of her sex, that his nose would bump her nub every time she humped onto his face. Twilight stopped for a moment of her sucking and tit job, leaving Brandon a little upset, but he didn't mind too much, he knew he was going to cum at least inside of them, or on to them soon enough. Tundra turned back to see why the Beta female had stopped loving their mate's cock, when she was taking by surprised. Twilight wrapped her arms under her arms, the orange claws gripping at her breast as she was kissed by the horny female. Never doing something like this before, Tundra was a little confused when it sent her heat up and over, ether she was really horny, or she was turned on by kissing a female.

Tundra panted, breaking the kiss she reared her head back and let out a yell no one could really hear at all, her tongue outside the side of her mouth as if a dog was panting from heat. Her insides tightened, her sex quivered as she let loose her orgasm. Brandon was use to this by now, her juices flowing out of her as if a dam had broken, flowing down his cheek, inside his mouth, and down his neck. The dragon moaning and riding out her pleasure filled feelings, her knees buckling almost were making her fall fully on the human below her. Before that could happen she rolled to her side and then her back once her cum came down to a slow trickle. She let out a soft exhale of breath as she panted, both Brandon and Twilight looking over as Brandon chuckled, Twilight giggling.

"Does he always make you feel that good?" asked twilight as Brandon sat himself up on the bed, it was still rock hard, and it wouldn't take something like denied touching to take him down.

"Oh yesssss..." she trailed off at the last word. "The way he uses his tongue and makes you just want to die!"

"You know," Brandon chimed in. "I'm still here." Twilight only rolled her eyes as Tundra caught her breath and looked up.

"Hrm, hey Twilight, how about you have some one on one time with him for a while until I get back my breath?" Twilight smiled and agreed with her friend, looking over to Brandon, she crawled up to him, her breast moving slightly as she did as she straddled his waist, his cock hitting and staying on the side of her tail. She leaned closer, her neck vibrating to a purr which surprised Brandon, he had heard of some Pokémon purring, but he thought it would've been in the cat family, not like Twilight. He reminded himself to ask her about it, but as of now, he had a female that needed to be mated with.

Leaning down, and him laying up, the two kissed, Twilight tilting her head slightly to the side as Brandon held her chin in one hand, they didn't use tongue in this kiss, just opening their mouths to suck on each other mouths, their groans and moans easily heard. The human's other hand went to her rear, softly rubbing each of her ass cheeks softly as she sighed; his hand trailing under her tail and rubbing the bottom of her pussy as she shivered and arched her back for him. He smiled, his fingers dancing lightly over her lower lips as she begged for more, on any other day he would've gladly played with her more, but the last time he got any pussy was nearly three days ago, and he was horny as hell. Using all his strength he could muster, the human flipped the Pokémon over onto her back, the tail lying limping on the bed, the flames not burning the blanket as so many trainers and people would think that they would. Again that same purring sound was heard as she leaned up to lick his neck and cheek before whispering in his ear.

"I love it when a male takes me as he sees fit." She licked at his earlobe softly as he shivered. It did make sense, since she was pretty much used a lot by her old trainer and Pokémon. Brandon softly smiled down at her, peeking her softly on the lips with his own as he scooted down, cock in hand, he slowly drew himself inside of his new female.

Like he thought, her insides were hot, not a surprised for a fire type, but what he didn't think of, was how tight she truly was. She even gasped as he tried to forcefully push more and more of himself inside of her, her legs spread as well as she could, tail twitching as inch after inch of his human cock slowly made it's way inside of her. When almost all of himself was inside of her, he started to mate. His hips pulling back and then moving forward, he would gasp at each time, because she would tighten her grip on him with every thrust inside of her. She would gasp and moan as each time his hips grew closer and closer to meet her own. The sounds of wet splashes were heard with each thrust as the dragon like Pokémon curled her tail up, the flames heating up his back, but he was too far gone in their love making that he really didn't care at the moment. And like she thought, her hips and his met as one.

It was an amazing feeling, having sex when she wanted to, when she didn't have to fight, and the human, caring for her to wait until she was ready. When she told him that she was ready, he only gave her a small nod and started up again, his hips slowly pushing out of her, his member glistened with her natural lube before pushing back in hard causing her breast to bounce and the bed to rock. She moaned out loudly, hugging his back with her arms as he did this, his body fully on her own, moving only his hips as he pounded into her hard and fast, this was not just a simple love season anymore, this was full out mating! The way he pounded into her, his hands gripping tightly to her arms which he held over her head, made her feel as if another Charizard was taking her, but a male Charizard would only care for his own release, no, Brandon was working her over to make her cum with him, his head leaning up to take a breast in his mouth as he suckled like a newborn pup Pokémon, his tongue lapping at the tip before nipping at the tip. She squeaked and gasped as he did this, before moving his hands under her, lifting her rear in the air as he thrust downward into her. Soon she started to move with him, rocking her hips to meet his own, their precum flowing out of her like a river as she was fucked by the human above.

Tundra on the other hand was having just as much fun on her own watching the two. Her claw deep inside of her as she fucked herself at the timing of Brandon's thrust, her own cum flowing out. by then Twilight wanted to be the one in control now, she was getting close to cumming already, but wanted the feeling to last all the longer. Gripping his shoulders, she flipped him over hard onto his back, and before he could protest, she slammed herself hard down on his cock as she gave a small roar lifting her head up. Now Tundra saw her chance to join back in, watching as Twilight grinded her hips slowly on Brandon, who was moaning all the louder as he was fucked now. Twilight slowly started to ride his cock, her hands on his chest as she pumped herself up and down on his wet hard cock, the only sounds that were heard from the room was the panting sound of the sweating human, the growling purrs of the Charizard Twilight, and the whimpering of need of Tundra, who moved over to lick at his cheek as he closed his eyes, one hand going to rub her cheek before she made her move.

Once more straddling his head like when he ate her out, she turned as if they were going to do a sixty-nine, Twilight opening her eyes as she felt Tundra rub her breast, she purred and also started to rub the other female's breast slowly rolling her hips making Brandon quiver as Tundra looked back, lifting her tail so Brandon could see.

"Does this turn you on Brandon," and when she asked this, she took her lips and pressed them to Twilight's. Brandon's cock jumped right inside of Twilight, sending a thin rope of pre inside of her as the Pokémon gasped at the feeling, but moaned and melted in the kiss as the two started to kiss al the stronger. Then both moaning out as Brandon held onto Twilight's hips and started to hammer himself inside of her, his tongue lashing out as ate out his Alpha female once more as both broke the kissed and screamed out.

Since she was already rubbing herself, Tundra easily came a second time over her loves mouth, soaking him once more as if it was the first time. Twilight on the other hand roared even louder then before, as her inner walls milked and worked their magic to coax the human's seed out of his body and into her own, trying to make him seed the eggs on which would never be; her juices slowly all around his waist and the bed, soaking though the sheets easily. And at last, Brandon also came with a muffle cruse.

His cum shooting out hard, painting the inside of her pink walls white with his spunk, pushing more and more inside of her as that too started to leak out; Twilight and Tundra moaning as they leaned to each other, panting and also licking at each other's body. Brandon's hips jerking every few moments as his cum slowly came to an end, panting heavily as Tundra got off his face, and Twilight off his cock, which was still hard. Tundra eyes the cock, she so wanted it inside of her now, and Twilight, she wanted to test the female's mouth in another place this time. The two looked to each other, and if by some force they knew what the other was thinking they got into their positions.

"Oh Brandon..." Tundra called in a lustful tone as Brandon sat up on his forearms to see what she wanted, his jaw dropped as he saw her, hands and knees, ass facing him tail up and her slowly licking the cum out of Twilight's love hole who grinned and patted her head.

"Hmm...hey Brandon?" Twilight asked as she was eaten out. "How about you come fuck this female and also play with me, my tits and mouth could really use your work right now." Tundra moved her head away and looked back, a thin trail of his cum from Twilight's pussy dripping down her chin.

"Yes, come fuck my pussy like if I was in heat!" she hissed rubbing her ass with a claw. "Be as rough as you want with me, I don't care, I just want that dick inside of me!" this was a part of Tundra Brandon always loved when they were having sex, she just got to the point where she wanted to be fucked silly, to the point where she couldn't even talk or stand, and boy, was he going to do as she asked. Standing up, he got up behind her and knelt on his knees, giving her rump a sharp slap as she moaned loudly at it.

"How about you put your face back in that pussy and maybe I'll fuck you good," he answered her with a grin as Tundra only smiled back and did as she was told. Twilight gasping as Tundra took her jaws open and covered her whole pussy, licking at her fast and deeply, coaxing the human cum out. Brandon grinned and rubbed her ass slightly for a bit, before easily slipping inside her soaked hole, and began to pound her.

Brandon brought Twilight head over with one hand behind her neck and kissed her strongly once more; this time they used tongue, slobbering over each other as some drool landed on Tundra green armour like back; his hips thrusting into her so hard that it force her to go deeper inside of Twilight's snatch. Tundra moaned and groaned as she was taking hard from behind, feeling his hands on her tail as he hugged it to his chest, Twilight moaning as she felt the tongue go even deeper then before, And Brandon from watching the two below and before him. The bed rocking back and froth as Twilight began to move her hips into Tundra face, face fucking her in a whole different way then when Brandon would when they did oral sex. The human breaking the kiss as he then took the fire Pokémon breast into his mouth and started to suckle, sending Twilight over the edge once more. Her cum splattering over Tundra face as she came, the dragon Pokémon lapping up all she could before she too moaned inside of Twilight pussy as she came, her pussy tighten up around her invader.

"F...Fuck!" Brandon once more cursed loudly as he came inside again, but this time inside another female. Not as much cum as the first, but still enough to leave his lover quite happy all the same. Brandon pulling out and rubbing himself quickly, more cum coming out as he shot his load onto Tundra ass who moaned at the hot then cold feeling of cum, and even Twilight moved her self over so that some cum could land on her, who then started to rub the cum onto her body until as if none was there.

"Now I am marked but you," she grinned as Brandon groaned from how hot that sounded and looked. He fell on his back with a grunt, his cock slowly going limp as he panted, his body drenched in cum and sweat as he felt two set of tongues licking up his body, looking down with his eyes, he watched as Tundra and Twilight licked him, before Tundra kissed him deeply for a moment, and then Twilight. None of them going for the blankets, too hot after such a thing they were doing, each arm wrapped around the females, he kissed them both on the cheeks before falling asleep with, to him, the most beautiful women in the world.

After that night, almost a day went by where they didn't have sex; Brandon would ether be sitting down watching TV when Twilight would suck him off or ride him on the sofa. Or he would walk in on Tundra with her tail ranked up high begging to be taking. He even walked in on the two females fucking each other's pussy at one time or another, soon joining in by taking ether both of their pussy or ass, or just whacking himself onto them. A year went by, and it seemed both Twilight and Tundra heat hit them at the same time, so Brandon spent pretty much that day with each of them to help them with their needs, and after the heat was done, she felt weak, lightheaded and even sick at times. Brandon called his friend who outfitted them with the breast, since he was also a Pokémon vet, when he heard something he never thought he would hear.

"I forgot to mention something too," he told Brandon while on the phone. "Since those breast I implanted on them are human like, they would also gain a bit of human DNA, meaning that they would be able to have children with a human."

"Are..." Brandon started as he gulped slightly. "Are you saying...they might"

"Pregnant?" the vet answered as Brandon stayed silence. "It is a possibility, how many times had you mated with them when they were in heat?"

" kinda lost count after the second day."

"Bring them in regardless." Was his answer as Brandon nodded and hung up the phone and helped the girls out and made their way to the vet.

Being the only one there, Brandon paced back and forth in the main lobby, even the women who usually stood behind the counter to hold phones calls was not there. Soon, after about an hour, both females came out as Brandon rushed over to them, their muzzle showing a hint of a smile as Brandon looked to each with confusion.

"Well?" he asked as they both smiled and answered.

"You're going to be a father."

He fainted, falling on his back as both mother's to be looked to each other with slight concern, but other then that, they knew that he was just surprised was all. Each held a claw to their bellies, wondering how their child would look like.

The End?