You Lost This Round

Story by Woot R. on SoFurry

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(Riley used here c/o Woot and Ulf c/o his player)

'Damnit dude! You and that frickin grenade launcher!' Riley grumbled after making his proclamation, standing up from the couch and taking a drink from his beer. The raccoon stretched and watched the television, which was currently displaying the scores for the game of HALO in which he was engaged in with his good friend Ulf. This had become a sort of weekend ritual for the raccoon and the sheltie. They'd hang out, drink a little, watch movies and play video games. Today was different, however, Ulf was down to his boxer shorts and having lost this last round, it was Riley's turn. 'C'mon now. Don't be mopey. Take 'em off.' The raccoon pouted but complied, sliding out of his jeans, leaving him in his blue plaid shorts. 'Whoo! Lookin good.' Ulf commented before downing the rest of his drink. 'Bite me.' Riley flopped back down on the couch next to the sheltie who very quickly adjusted himself to rest his dark brown feet in the raccoon's lap. 'Just be ready to ditch those shorts when ya get fragged into the floor, dude.' The raccoon said as he took up his controller. They went back to their game, chasing one another through the virtual chasm lobbing screaming leaden death at one another with testosterone driven fury. But it was Riley who fell. Letting out a whoop of triumph, Ulf stood, laughing. 'That's it! I am victorious!' The raccoon's ears sank some as he let the controller slip from his black hands. 'I can't believe it. You beat me.' he was stunned, his lip quivering. Riley stood and went to the kitchen for more drinks. They were both pretty buzzed already. Riley secretly chalked the loss up to slowed reaction time when he returned. 'You know what you must do, good sir.' Ulf grinned impishly taking his drink from Riley and laying on the couch, lounging while he drank. 'And make it good.' The raccoon sighed, he had no problems being naked. Just, he hated losing.

Riley paraded around the living room, his thick black and grey tail swaying behind him. He turned his back to the sheltie on the couch and slid from his plaid shorts, hiding his nudity with the bushy tail. 'Ya happy now, pup?' Riley said, using a sort of pet name for his friend. 'Nope, not quite. You're still all the way over there. And hidden, too.' 'Oy.' The raccoon turned, strategically placing his white tail tip over his crotch, continuing to hide himself. Riley was lithe, somewhat athletic and smaller than the sheltie. 'How about this? One more round.' The collie grinned devilishly and sat on the edge of the couch, 'The loser has to go down on the winner.' It was in the open. For a long time the two had designs on one another, but the alcohol must have loosened the inhibitions of them both. Riley needed no time to think. Only a moment after the words left Ulf's muzzle was he on the couch next to him. His tail covering his lap he took up his controller. 'One more round. This time yer goin down.' Ulf laughed, unsure if the words were placed like that on purpose or not. 'Last one.' The sheltie and the raccoon entered the area one final time. Both played their hardest. Guns blazed, lead flew...and the collie fell. 'Huzzah! The day is mine!' Riley leapt to his feet, his tail swaying excitedly behind him. Ulf groaned and leaned back into the couch, dropping the controller. He smiled, taking the opportunity to look the raccoon over in his entirety. Riley seemed not to notice he was doing his own version of a victory dance. 'So!' He stopped his dancing and flopped back into the thick red cushions of the couch next to his friend and looked over at him. Ulf stared back with aquamarine eyes before leaning in close and licking the raccoon's cheek affectionately then pulling him into a deep kiss. After adjusting his position, the collie ran his fingers through the soft fur of the raccoon's chest while they kissed. Riley busied himself by scratching his friend behind the ears. Ulf broke away from the kiss. One hand was massaging Riley's shoulder, the other had begun stroking the raccoon's now very erect member.

'Ya ready to make good on yer wager?' he asked, the twang of his voice belying the fact that this was more a statement than a question. Ulf didn't reply. His blue green eyes roamed down the raccoon's body to where his hand was slipping back and forth over his cock.

Without so much as a sound, the sheltie slid back onto his stomach. The raccoon also made use of the space, setting one black foot on the floor and lounging back on the couch. Riley purred as he felt the collie's hand slide beneath his rump, sneaking a grope of the firm rear end. Ulf had never done this sort of thing before but he wasn't about to let inexperience ruin a potentially good time. He leaned down and ran his lengthy canine tongue over Riley's tip, smiling as his friend shifted slightly. The collie bathed the raccoon's member slowly. Running his tongue all over its length just before taking him all into his pointed muzzle.

Tentatively he suckled the raccoon's cock, unsure of exactly how to perform this act when he noticed Riley's soft moans. His ears perked to the sound. He was doing it right, Ulf thought, and he's not faking it. Riley was in ecstasy. He had been on the receiving end many times but never had it felt so good so fast.

'Ya liar,' Riley spoke harshly in a whisper, 'ya said ya'd never done this before.' He slid a hand through the sheltie's hair, but Ulf didn't acknowledge him. Only did he wag his tail once and continue. The collie could taste his friend's precum, salty sweet, and eagerly lapped it from the tip before taking him all back into his mouth. Riley reached behind him, arching his back as to drive his cock more deeply into Ulf's mouth, and took up one of the bright red throw pillows. He brought it around and clutched it to his chest and not so much as bothering to muffle his moans.

Ulf went on him like a pro. Every touch expert, every motion perfect. The raccoon's toes and tail tip curled, 'Unless ya wanna mouthful..' Riley panted between moans. He didn't have to finish the statement, the collie moved back some and stroked him into finality. The raccoon loosed the pillow and took hold of his friend's shoulders as he came. Riley released a spray of hot semen onto his stomach and chest, following it up with several less powerful ones. His body relaxed. He let his arms fall from the large shoulders of the sheltie. Riley panted, letting his vivid blue eyes fall closed, his tongue slightly to one side.

He was broken from his reverie by the feeling of a warm tongue on his abdomen. When he looked down he found Ulf to be lapping up the rapidly cooling seed from his stomach and cleaning his chest with a finger which he plunged happily into his mouth. Purring, the collie licked clean his friend's body before realizing that he was being watched. He looked up to meet Riley's inquisitive stare before breaking into a smile.

'Ya said ya'd never done that before.' The raccoon extended his hand down tot he collie and stroked his cheek.

'I hadn't.' was the reply. The collie shut his eyes, nuzzling against the hand. 'I just know what I like having done to me.'

'I'll keep that in mind.' Riley reached for the pillow but instead his fingers found the game controller. After looking at it for a moment he cast his eyes back to Ulf, who was now staring at the controller with a smirk.

'What do ya say to one more game? Winner take all.' The collie sat up and finished his drink, then took up his controller.

'You're on.'