My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 2

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#2 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Finally, the long awaited Chapter 2 of My Roommate's a Stripper?! Sorry it took so long. Totally my bad. Hopefully you guys enjoy it. Finally we continue from chapter 1, and get to learn a little more about our characters.

Chapter 2: "The Truth 'Revealed'"

Aiden just couldn't believe it. There was no way this woman could be the stripper from the other night. That was just too much of a coincidence. But the longer he looked into those eyes, and down at the cleavage, the more he was certain it was the same person.

"You can let go of me now, if you don't mind."

Suddenly snapped back to reality, Aiden realized he was still holding onto the girl's arms. "Oh, sorry! I was just...uh..."

"Enjoying the view?" She smirked.

"What?" Aiden backed up a step, blushing with embarrassment. "I mean...I was just..."

"It's okay, I don't mind." She grinned with a wink. "You can look all you want, just no touching."

"Yeah, right." Aiden chuckled nervously, still blushing. Was she for real? No, she was probably just teasing him...right?

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Aiden moved to help Max with her belongings. A plan was now forming in his head; a brilliant, cunning plan to determine if this girl really was the stripper form the other night. "So, Boris said you make decent money. What is it you do for a living?" Okay, maybe it wasn't such a cunning plan.

Max hesitated for just a moment as she repacked a fallen box. "Oh, I'm ...a waitress."

"See, she's just a waitress." Aiden thought with an inward sigh. "Who...makes more money than me?" He slumped at the thought, feeling utterly defeated and pathetic by the sudden realization. He busted his ass for a four year college degree, and was being out earned by a waitress? Where the hell did she work?

"So, uh, you must work pretty close by then. Any place I might know?"

"I work at a pretty exclusive, high-end club, actually. Pretty expensive and what not. Oh, and I work at night, so I kinda keep strange hours. I usually don't get home until around three in the morning or so. I'll try to keep quiet."

"That shouldn't be a problem. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper, and the walls are insulated really well. Though I do get up somewhat early in the morning, so I'll try to keep quiet too."

"Well, I sleep pretty soundly, too, so it shouldn't be a problem." Max winked, collecting herself and making her way towards her new room. She was secretly glad for the change in topic. "So, what do you do for a living, Aiden?"

"Oh, I'm a teacher, a professor, at the local university." He announced proudly. Maybe he didn't make as much money as her, but he worked hard to get to where he was.

"Well that sounds interesting. You much be pretty smart then. What do you teach; math, science?"

"Oh no, nothing like that." Aiden chuckled as he carried a few of her boxes. "I teach some introductory creative writing classes, for lower classmen."

"Oh, well that sounds...different." She responded seeming much less impressed than earlier.

Aiden was about to defend his career choice, not for the first time, when the phone began to ring, "Excuse me." Aiden said as he turned to leave the room, somewhat glad to be out of that failing conversation.

Max let out a sigh of relief after he was gone. "Nice guy, but a bit nosey."

Aiden managed to get to the phone just in time before the machine picked it up. Why didn't he keep a phone at the top of the stairs, he questioned himself. "Hello, Aiden Snowtail speaking...oh, hey Marcus, what's up?"

"Hey man, are you still up for pool tonight?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Aiden paused, almost afraid to ask the question on his mind. "Hey, do you remember that stripper from the other night?"

"Hell yeah! I don't think I could ever forget those gorgeous melons. Why, you wanna go back and get a lap dance from her or something?"

"What? No! It's just...I'm not sure but I think she may be my new roommate."

There was a moment of silence after that, and Aiden could almost here the gears turning in Marcus' head on the other end of the line. It was making him nervous. "Marcus?"

"You old dog." The feline finally chuckled. "No wonder you've been in such a good mood. Tell me you've been hitting that ass."

Aiden could only slap his forehead in response. Of course Marcus would jump straight to sex. "No, you idiot, listen. Boris moved someone into your old room today, behind my back, and I think it's the skunk that danced for us, but I'm not sure."

"Not sure? Just slip some bills in her panties, and if she takes off her top, well...she's a keeper either way."

"Marcus, this is serious!" Aiden huffed, trying to keep his voice down. "She says she's a waitress, but she's being vague, so I think she's hiding something."

"Well, bring her to the pool hall tonight."

"How's that supposed to solve anything?"

"Simple: You bring her tonight, and Jacob and I can get a good look at her. Between that three of us, we'll have this mystery solved by the end of the night."

"That's ...actually not a bad idea." Aiden admitted thoughtfully. "Assuming I can get her to come."

"Oh, I'm sure you can do it. " Marcus snickered. "Just use your charm and wit, and I'm sure you'll have her 'coming' in no time."

Aiden grimaced as he hung up on Marcus' laughter. But while the pun may have been bad, the plan was sound. Now all he needed to do was convince Max to come with him tonight. Easy, right?

It turned out to be a lot easier than Aiden expected. "Though, I don't know much about playing pool." She had admitted. He promised that they would go easy on her, and with a grin she went off to get changed.

Thirty minutes later and Max emerged from her new room wearing an even lower cut blouse than before, paired with a tantalizingly short skirt.

The drive to the pool hall was awkwardly silent, and Aiden was thankful that it was a short one. Marcus and Jacob were already there, along with Marcus' girlfriend; a slim and sexy Siamese cat named Terra.

"Aiden!" Terra called out warmly as they approached. "You look like you're doing much better than last week." She gave him a warm hug before noticing Max. "Oh, a new girlfriend already?"

"Oh no." Aiden chuckled. "This is Max, my new roommate."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Max." Terra smiled, surprising the young girl with a hug.

"Don't panic, she's just a big hugger." Marcus laughed.

After a round of laughter and introductions, it was time for a round of pool. "So, how are we doing this, teams?" Jacob asked, his eye already glancing at Aiden.

"How about men versus women?" Terra responded, an arm around an uncomfortable Max's shoulders. "We can't lose."

"Actually, I don't really know how to play." Max admitted. "I'll probably suck."

"Nonsense. I'll teach you as we go. I'm sure the boys won't object, right boys?"

"But, then the teams are uneven. "Marcus grinned. "You two okay with a player disadvantage?"

"Oh no, you guys are taking turns." Terra was quick to counter. "And since you're such a smartass, you can wait for next game. Aiden, Jacob, you're up."

"Sounds good to me." Jacob grinned as Aiden grabbed some pool cues.

"But, what am I supposed to do?" Marcus pouted.

"Simple; fetch the drinks. You know what I like."

"Yeah, yeah I got it. What you would like, Max? A beer, or maybe something lighter?"

"Huh?" Max looked up, awkwardly holding a pool cue. "Oh, just some water for me, please."

Marcus shrugged, making his way to the bar as Jacob wracked the balls.

"You go ahead and break, Max." Terra smiled, patting the skunk on the back.

"Sure, I'll give it a try." Knowing vaguely what to do, Max stood at the end of the table, clumsily attempting to line up some semblance of a shot.

"Hold it." Terra interrupted, moving in from behind. "You need to relax more. Spread your stance, bend over, and put your hand here, like this. "As she explained, Terra mimicked the moves with Max, her body pressed against the younger girl's back. Marcus returned just in time to join Aiden in staring down both girls' shirts.

Max's low cut top was barely about to contain the mounts within, which threatened to spill out at any moment, while affording the guys a view straight down between her ample cleavage.

Terra's shirt wasn't cut as low, nor were her breasts as large, but the view was no less spectacular. Pressed against Max's back, the feline's boobs were pressed together teasingly. A wonderful display of tight, supple cleavage and soft, smooth promises.

Marcus somehow managed to hand Aiden a beer successfully without either one taking their eyes off the divine girl on girl scene before them.

Jacob could only shake his head at the two, not understanding the hold breasts held on straight men. His eyes wandered down, however, landing squarely on the firm curves of Aiden's ass. Oh how he could stare at the fox's tail all night long, fantasizing about what was contained in those tight jeans.

"Alright, take slow, even breaths, stay relaxed, and just visualize the shot." Terra continued. "And most importantly, take your time."

"Yeah, go ahead and take all the time you need." Marcus chimed in, barely able to keep from drooling.

Terra's eyes glanced up, and a disapproving stare crossed her face. "Did you know that there is more than one way to break balls, Max?"

Max couldn't help but laugh when she saw the shameful, busted faces on Aiden and Marcus, as they both moved to casual cover their crotches.

Max soon learned that she enjoyed shooting pool. Or more accurately, she enjoyed all the chances to flash her opponents while playing pool. Every shot was a chance to show off, and she made sure to bend over and lean forward as much and as often as possible, until most of the pool hall had seen her ample cleavage and knew the color of her panties. The young skunk was smart enough to go easy on Marcus though, not wanting to pick a fight with her partner. Terra seemed like a nice girl, and Max didn't want to ruin her relationship just for a quick thrill. She was also surprised to catch Jacob looking her way more than once, when he could tear his eyes off Aiden. She thought it was rather cute, actually. The first game went by quickly, with the ladies defeating the easily distracted men hands down. "Beginner's luck." Jacob grumbled more than once."

"Just be glad there's no money on this game." Terra teased, flipping her tail at the losers.

"That was fun." Max chimed in. "But I think I'll sit the next one out."

"Aw, really? But you were doing so well." Marcus had particularly enjoyed her technique, especially the shot when her boobs almost fell out of her top. He swore he saw some nipple on that one.

"Oh no, I think I'll take a break. Besides, I need to use the ladies room."

After she was gone, Aiden gave Marcus a nudge. "So, what do you think?"

"Yeah, it's her." Marcus nodded. "Well, at least I think it's her. I'm pretty sure it's her."

"It's her." Jacob confirmed, sounding much more confident. "The face and voice are the same, or very similar anyway."

"What are you guys babbling on about now?" Terra asked as she racked the balls for the next game.

"Well, Aiden thought that Max, his new roommate, is also the stripper who performed for us at the strip club the other night." Jacob explained.

"Right, so Aiden brought her here so we could get a good look at her and tell him if he was right or not." Marcus added.

Terra stared at the three males in disbelief. "So, instead of just asking her, you decided to come up with this little scheme? No part of this plan, at any point, may have seemed just a bit rude and insulting to the poor girl?"

"I...guess not." Aiden admitted, the guys looking rather guilty and foolish already.

"Why are men such idiots?" Terra sighed. "Aiden, just ask her."

"I did. She said she was a waitress or something, but I was so sure that she's the dancer from the other night. I thought she might be lying."

"Well if she is, then maybe she doesn't want you to know." Terra scolded. "She seems like a really nice girl, so just leave her alone, and treat her like a normal person. Or, better yet, as a friend."

"Yeah, you're right, Terra." Aiden admitted, hanging his head in shame. "I'm sorry."

"You should be apologizing to her." Terra muttered. "And as for you." Her tone rising again as she turned her attention to Marcus. "I can only assume that this whole scheme was your idea." She paused when she saw Max returning. "I'll deal with you later."

Marcus could only gulp in response, already envisioning the lecture and night on the couch that was to come.

"Did I miss anything?" Max asked sweetly, seeing that the next game hadn't started yet.

"Not really. I was just reminding the boys of some rules of conduct." Terra explained, eyeing the men as she handed Marcus a pool cue. "Now break."

The ride home was even more awkward for Aiden than the ride to the pool hall. He couldn't help feeling shameful for his little stunt, made worse by the fact that Max was unaware of the whole thing.

Her silence the entire ride back made him feel even guiltier, like when a girlfriend uses the silent treatment as punishment. Though, Max was simply lost in thought.

As soon as they got home, Max plopped down on the couch with a smile. "Thanks for bringing me. I haven't had that much fun in, well, a long time."

"No problem." Aiden shrugged, not thinking too much about it as he headed towards the fridge.

"No, I mean it. It feels good to go out with other people again, so thanks."

Now she had Aiden's attention. "You make it sound like you haven't been out in years. You must hang out with your friends sometimes, right?"

"Well I don't really have that many friends anymore." Max confessed.

"What? I don't believe it. You're way too nice of a person to not have friends."

"Yeah well, high school friendships can be rather...superficial. They were all too worried about their reputations."

"Why's that?" Aiden asked as he walked around the couch and handed her a beer.

She moved to take it, then hesitated. "Um, I'm not exactly legal for that yet. I'm only twenty."

"So, you trying to tell me you've never had a drink before?"

"No!" Max retorted, grabbing the bottle before you could walk off with it. "I just don't want you to get into trouble."

"I won't tell if you don't." Aiden said with a shrug, sitting next to her. "You're welcome to anything in the kitchen."

"Wow, thanks." Max was surprised by the sudden burst of hospitality. It was like being at a friend's house, and the feeling made her smile gently.

"So, why'd your friends bail on you?"

Max shrugged as she took a drink, her mind drifting back to the conversation. "I guess they didn't approve of my career choice."

"They were worried about you being a waitress?"

"Yeah, I guess." Max quickly brought the bottle to her lips, using it as a reason for being quiet. She found herself hoping for a conversation change again.

After a few moments of silent drinking, Aiden decided to take a chance. He just had to know the truth, hoping he was right. It would be really insulting if he wasn't. He took a deep breath, and just spit it out. "Was it because you're a stripper?"

Max's eyes went wide with a mix of shock and fear. "I, uh, I don't know what, um...what?"

"My friends, Marcus and Jacob, took me to that strip club, Stardock 69 a few nights ago, to cheer me up. The woman who performed for us was a young skunk." He glanced at Max somewhat apologetically. "I'm pretty sure it was you."

Max just stared at him for a few seconds, and Aiden began to inwardly panic. Did you just wrongly accuse the nice young girl of being a stripper? Not exactly the best way to start a friendship. He braced himself to the inevitable yelling that was potentially coming.

But instead, Max lowered her head, her eyes full not of anger, but despair, even shame. "Yeah, it was probably me. My friends all left because...because they didn't want to be seen with a, a slut." She barely got the last word out. How she hated that word.

Now Aiden was shocked. He had only known Max for a short while, and he could already tell that, while she may be a lot of things, slut was definitely not one of them.

"Well that's just stupid." He finally responded. "There's a big difference between stripping and being a slut. And you, well I can already tell you're not a slut."

Max perked up a bit at that. Very few people took that stand on the matter. "So, you don't think less of me? You know, for taking off my clothes for money?"

"No way." Aiden was quick to respond. "I think of it as a kind of performing arts thing. And you know, you're really good at it."

The bright, warm smile finally returned to the young girl's face. "Thanks Aiden. And, sorry for not being exactly truthful earlier."

"Hey, it's alright. I probably shouldn't have pushed so hard about it anyway."

Max blew out a sigh as she leaned back into the couch, giggling to herself. "Y'know, I'm kinda gladyou know. I don't know how I was gonna keep it a secret. It was tricky enough keeping my parents from finding out. Plus, now I don't' have to worry about accidentally flashing you."

Aiden nearly choked on his beer with that one. "Uh, why exactly where you worried about that?" "Oh, I have a habit of going around underdressed from time to time. I got used to it at home, since my parents worked during the day, and I mostly kept to myself there. I was worried about doing it here, but since you've already seen my tits, it's not really a big deal, right?"

Aiden really couldn't think of a response to that. With her playful smile, he couldn't tell if she was being serious or not.

Regardless, both Max and Aiden were feeling much better by the end of the night, and by the time Aiden want to bed, he no longer had any problems with Max as his roommate, even if she was a stripper.

As she had warned him, Max stayed up later, not turning in until almost two in the morning. She still felt out of place in this new apartment; Aiden's apartment. It didn't quite feel like her place yet. More like she was staying at a friend's place for a while. She knew it would take a while before it felt like home, but at least for now, she felt welcome

My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 3

Chapter 3: "Rebounds Abound" Max winced as the morning sun streamed through her window. With a groan she rolled over in bed, looking over the unfamiliar room with drowsy eyes. She didn't know what time it was, but she knew it was too early to be...

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My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 1

Chapter 1: "Turning a New Page." "Oh, hurry up Aiden." The young fox femme moaned in her lover's ear as she pressed her body against his. "I can't wait much longer." "I'm trying, Layla." He stammered, his body shaking. "But you're distracting...

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The Dishes Can Wait

"Is there anything more boring than dishes?" I asked myself, running a soapy plate under the hot water. Just another daily chore, another tedious act that must be done, especially when you least want to. If only there was a way to make it more...

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