My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 3

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#3 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Chapter 3 up and ready for your enjoyment. This one is much longer than the previous ones, and I think much kinkier, but I won't say too much cause I don't want to spoil any of the surprises. Enjoy and thanks for reading.

Edit: I really wish this text entering system accepted tabs...

Chapter 3: "Rebounds Abound"

Max winced as the morning sun streamed through her window. With a groan she rolled over in bed, looking over the unfamiliar room with drowsy eyes. She didn't know what time it was, but she knew it was too early to be awake.

She looked around the room again with a sigh. All her belongings were still boxed up, making the place feel more like a storage depot. She had managed to get the bed made, but it was still a different bed than what she was used to, and she hadn't slept well.

Max wanted to try and go back to sleep, but something was keeping her awake. A wonderful aroma was wafting through the room, and try as she might she couldn't ignore it. With another sigh and a stretch, she dragged herself out of bed and through the door.

The smell led her to the balcony railing, where Max found Aiden busy at the stove, fully dressed and ready for the day. "What are you doing at this ungodly hour?" She asked, though it sounded more like an annoyed complaint.

Aiden turned at the sound of the groggy voice, seeing Max leaning against the railing, eyes half open, hair all disheveled. With an extra long shirt hugging the curves of her body, emblazoned with the Spiderman insignia, Aiden thought she looked rather cute. "I'm making pancakes, for breakfast." She answered with a grin. "And it's almost nine thirty. I thought you were gonna sleep all day."

"Well I didn't sleep well." She grumbled back. "And I usually sleep till ten."

"Well, maybe some breakfast will help you feel better." He smiled warmly before turning back to the stove. "They're just about ready, too, if you're interested."

Max let out a big yawn as she descended the stairs. "Yeah sure, but I gotta take a wicked piss." That took Aiden by surprise. A wicked piss? So much for being cute.

She returned a moment later, leaning against the counter and seeming slightly more coherent. "I didn't know you could cook."

"I dabble." He responded, shifting some pancakes into a plate.

"Do you dabble in coffee?" She quipped, sounding grumpier than she meant to. Aiden ignored it however, pointing to the small Keurig on the counter.

The sleepy skunk zoned in on the machine like a zombie. She ignored all around her until the brew was complete and she had taken a sip. "Oh thank god for coffee. I love these things."

"Hopefully you like pancakes, too." Aiden replied as he finished setting the table. "Breakfast is served."

Max wandered over to the table, more interested in her coffee. "You didn't have to go through all this for me." She said, sitting down and admiring Aiden's hard work.

"Well, I felt bad about yesterday." He admitted. "I didn't really give you a proper welcome. So, I thought I'd make up for it with a nice breakfast."

Max shrank in her seat, practically blushing through her fur. She was used to attention, but not like this. Unsure of what to say, she decided to just eat instead.

One bite and she had forgotten all about her embarrassment. "Oh my god." She sputtered, her mouth still full. "These are fantastic."

"Thanks, glad you like them."

"Like them? These are the best damn pancakes I've ever tasted. What kind are they?"

"Just the regular kind." Aiden shrugged. "I made 'em from scratch."

Max took a pause from stuffing her face. "You made these yourself? Where'd you learn to do that?"

"I took a cooking course in college. I thought it would help with dating at the time, but it's nice to be able to cook for myself. It's better than take out and frozen dinners all the time."

"Yeah, I guess." Max chuckled. "That would probably be me right now. I can't cook to save my life."

"Oh, you couldn't be that bad at it."

"Oh no, I'm a total disaster in the kitchen." She explained between mouthfuls. "I can't even make soup from a can, never mind anything as good as this."

"It takes a bit of practice." Aiden admitted. "It took me a semester to get the basics down, and it's not like I could be a professional or anything."

"If you say so." Max was too busy enjoying her full stomach and lamenting her empty plate to argue. Knowing there were no more pancakes to be had, and feeling much more awake, she stood up from the table. "Well, thanks so much for breakfast. It was great. Now I think it's time for a show."

"It was my pleasure. Oh, and the vent in the bathroom is busted, so if you like to take hot showers, leave the door open a bit."

"Why? So you can peek at me in the nude?" She giggled as Aiden stammered for a response. She was feeling playful now that she was awake, fed and caffeinated. "I'm just kidding. Not that I'd be too mad if you did peek." She teased, sticking out her tongue and wiggling her hips as she made her way back up the stairs. He was too much fun to tease, she decided, and a great guy on top of it. Living with Aiden was a roommate was going to be a lot of fun.

Even with the door cracked, Max was able to take her shower in peace. While part of her was glad that Aiden respected her personal space, another part of her felt a little disappointed. "It's probably for the better." She told herself. "I'd hate to ruin what could be a good roommate with awkward sexual tension."

It was nearly eleven by the time Max was dressed and ready to start the day, which was typical for her anyway. She was hoping to talk more with Aiden, learn more about the apartment and her new roommate. But Aiden already had his nose buried in his laptop, his full concentration on whatever he was working on, so she decided to leave him alone.

It took her about five minutes to figure out how to turn on the T.V. and all the assorted gizmos connected to it, only to zone out to the crap it displayed. She was trying to work up the desire to unpack her thing when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." She called out, as Aiden hadn't even registered the knocking. She didn't bother to check the peephole, not used to even having such a thing as she opened the door. Had she, Max may have been prepared for what came next.

"Maxi!" The young girl on the other side of the door cried out, pushing it open and tackling the unprepared skunk. Max found herself pinned against the back of a chair as a familiar set of lips pressed against her own. She didn't even think to resist when the other girl's tongue invaded her mouth. It was one hell of a hello after all.

"Ahem!" It took Aiden's rather audible cough to bring the two girls apart. Max turned to see a very confused, and slightly aroused fox standing nearby. She shrugged apologetically, finally pushing the other girl away.

"Aiden, this is my best friend, Cheryl. Cheryl, this is my new roommate."

"Hiya! And sorry about that. It's just that I haven't seen my Maxi in weeks." She turned to the skunk. "Sorry I couldn't help you move yesterday, but we didn't get back from our vacation till late last night."

"It's okay, hun. Glad you're here now, though."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Aiden interrupted while he could. He couldn't help but look the energetic young girl over. She wasn't like anything he had ever seen before, with her cat-like tail and eyes, but her canine face and ears.

His confusion brought a smirk to her face. "I'm a Torgy." She answered his unasked questions, which only made his confusion grow. "My dad's a Welsh corgi and mom's a Tabby cat. Together they made me, a Torgy. I came up with the name myself."

"Right, that makes sense." Trying not to think too hard on that, he turned to Max with a smirk. "I thought you said you didn't have any friends."

"What? Oh no, no..." Max stammered. "I just meant that I didn't have a lot of friends."

"Having lots of friends is overrated." Cheryl was quick to add. "Quality is what really counts, especially with friends like us." She quickly pulled Max in close, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, I can see you two are very close. You make a cute couple, actually."

"Oh no, it's nothing like that." Max was quick to counter, drawing a look from Cheryl. "We're just friends. We just have really open boundaries, or something?"

"We're not dating. "Cheryl explained. "But we've been friends forever, and we share certain...benefits."

Aiden rolled his eyes, thinking of a response, when he caught site of the time. "Oh shit!" And he bolted for his laptop, shutting it down as he began packing his bag.

"What's wrong?"

"I've got a meeting with my editor." He hastily explained. "Dammit, I'm gonna be late. Uh, it was nice to meet you, and I'll be back later. Bye." And with a few more expletives under his breath, he was gone.

"Well, he's cute." Cheryl commented after the dust settled. "Have you jumped him yet?"

"What? I just met the guy!" Max stammered defensively. "And I'm not going to sleep with my roommate just because he's cute. That will only lead to trouble later."

"Waiting for him to make the first move, huh? That's probably a smart plan."

"Cheryl!" Max shouted, stomping her paw. "There is no plan, and I'm not trying to sleep with Aiden."

"Alright, alright." Cheryl conceded, then flashed a coy smile. "That works better for me anyway."

Max just shook her head, ignoring the comment. "Come on, help me unpack my stuff."

Before Cheryl could object, Max grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs to the loft bedroom.

"Wow, this is your new room?" Cheryl looked around the moderately sized yet bare room. She grinned when she saw the bed. "Not bad. And a nice size bed, too. Plenty of room for late night fun."

"Would you quit it?" Max scolded, turning her attention to a nearby box. "Help me go through this stuff."

Max nearly jumped when a pair of hands fell on her waist. Her friend had snuck up behind her, and was pressing her body against Max's back. "Cheryl, what are you-"

"I've missed you." Cheryl purred in Max's ear, eliciting a shiver from the skunk. "Two weeks is a long time. And I didn't have even one moment away from my parents for...release."


"Are you seeing anyone?"


"Then why not?" She slowly brought her hands up along Max's body, bringing them up to grasp the skunk's large breasts. "Don't you want it as much as I do?"

"It's not that." Max admitted, shivering again as Cheryl blew in her ear. "It's just, I've Barely been here a day. It doesn't feel like my place yet." She didn't say it aloud, but Max also didn't want to give in too easily. She didn't want Cheryl to get too dominant.

Cheryl didn't stop though, massaging Max's breasts as she whispered in her ear. "Then maybe it's time we break the place in." She brushed her lips along Max's cheek, coming down to kiss her along the back of her neck.

Max couldn't hold in her gasp, bringing a grin to Cheryl's face. She had learned all of Max's more sensitive spots, and knew how best to exploit them.

Max knew it too. It wasn't the first time they had played this game, and she needed to do something before her knees buckled. She couldn't let Cheryl get the upper hand again. Her fur was matted for days after the last time.

Before Cheryl could gain any more ground, Max turned around, wrapping her arms around the Torgy's shoulders and kissing her deeply. She took advantage of the surprise change to back Cheryl towards the bed, then pushed her onto it. "Sit." She ordered when Cheryl tried to stand back up. "Stay. Good girl." Cheryl pouted at first, but that quickly turned into a grin as Max took off her shirt and tossed it to the floor. With a flick of the wrist, her bra was gone as well.

Cheryl added her own blouse to the pile as Max knelt down between her legs. "Let's see what's in here." She cooed, slowly undying the zipper on Cheryl's shorts. She hooked her fingers into the other girl's panties and pulled the garments away, leaving Cheryl wearing nothing but a grin.

"Look what I found." She teased, looking over Cheryl's' sleek body and ending her gaze on her erect, throbbing penis, nearly six inches long and already at full attention. The hermaphrodite's balls hanging low between her legs, and Max couldn't help but chuckle, imagining them swollen with the girl's spunk. "Aw, you poor girl. Two weeks and no release? These things must be aching from all that pressure." She reached out and grabbed the large, fluffy orbs, gently rolling them about in her palm. "There so full and heavy, too. Do you want me to help you get it all out?"

"Yes." Cheryl whimpered, kneading the bed sheets with her hands. "I wanna cum. Help me cum."

"Oh, we'll get to that." Max grinned, gently blowing on the tip of Cheryl's dick, a stream of precum already running down the shaft. "But first, I'm gonna have a little fun." She let out another gentle blow, then lowered her head, bringing her nose down under those balls to find the warm, soft vagina hidden behind them. She inhaled deeply, taking in the musky scent. She could also feel Cheryl shiver as her tongue glided over the soft lower lips. The herm gasped, purring and moaning as her best friend ate her out ever so slowly.

"No fair..." Cheryl managed to gasp, a hand coming up to play with her breasts despite her protests. "I don't wanna cum from just my pussy."

Max raised her head, licking her lips as if savoring the flavor. "Aww, then what would you like me to do, babe?"

Cheryl propped herself up on her elbows, her face looking almost tortured. "Could you...would you use your tits?"

"This is what you want?" Max teased, wrapping her large, soft tits around Cheryl's dripping dick. In an instant her dick was lost between the mounds of black fur. "Does it feel good when I do this?"

"Oh god, yes." Cheryl moaned, trying to keep herself propped up on her elbows. "They're so big and warm, and your fur is so soft. Oh god I could cum at any minute with those babies."

"Oh no you don't." Max said, pulling away quickly.


"You are not getting two weeks worth of spunk all over my face and in my fur." Max declared adamantly. "I already took a shower today, and I don't feel like taking another one. You wanna spooge on someone's tits? The bathroom's downstairs. Help yourself."

"But...but Maxi..." Cheryl whined, a pathetic, pleading look in her eyes that Max found difficult to say no to.

"Alright, I'll use my boobs for a bit longer. But you have to tell me when you're about to spooge, okay?"

Cheryl nodded, and Max went back to work, rubbing her breasts over the slippery dick. She fell into a gentle, fluid motion, hoping to keep Cheryl aroused without making her blow her load.

Cheryl leaned back, with a moan, supporting herself with her elbows. "That really does feel great. Your tits are so perfect, Maxi. I bet that cute guy, Aiden, would like this, too."

"Cheryl, stop it. I'm not sleeping with Aiden."

"Have you...oh yeah...have you stripped for him yet?"

"No! Well technically yes...but I was working! That doesn't count."

"I bet he liked it." Cheryl gasped, eyes closed tight as Max smothered her dick. "I bet you liked it too. You gonna give him a private show?"

Max shot her friend a scowl, not that Cheryl noticed. "I did mention that I only moved in yesterday, right?" She started getting rougher with the titty fuck, and that Cheryl did notice, wincing a bit.

"Not so hard, please babe. It's already kinda tender."

"I'll make you tender..."


"Nothing." Max huffed, giving up entirely. "I just don't like being teased like that while I'm doing this for you."

"Sorry, I'm just...I'm trying to distract myself so I don't, y'know...blow my load." She fell into her back with a sigh. "I feel right on the edge, and holding it in is so...frustrating."

"Then maybe we should just get it all out then." Max gently grasped Cheryl's dick, rubbing her thumb over the tip and smearing the pre around the sensitive head.

Cheryl gasped and moaned, her body tensing with shock and pleasure. "Oh Maxi, I'm gonna..."

"You go ahead and let it all out when you're ready." Max cooed before slipping the tip of Cheryl's cock past her lips. She formed a ring with her thumb and forefinger, stroking the shaft as she sucked on the head, tickling Cheryl's frenulum with the tip of her tongue. Cheryl could only gasp and moan in response. She grasped at the bed sheets almost desperately, as her hips slowly rose, trying to thrust deeper into Max's mouth.

"Oh Maxi...Maxi...I can't...I'm...I'm cumming!" Her hips bucked suddenly as a thick stream of cum shot into the skunk's mouth. Max held on, never slowing in her stroking motion as Cheryl continued to buck. Each thrust filled Max's mouth with even more of the thick, strong spunk. She was surprised by how much there was and by how strong it tasted.

After six or so thrusts, Cheryl finally calmed down, panting heavily as her butt fell back to the bed. Max continued to stroke and suckle for a few moments more, trying to get out every last drop. Finally she pulled away, and it took several attempts to swallow all of it. "Damn girl." She gasped, panting a bit. "Where were you keeping all that spunk?"

Cheryl only shrugged in response, still coming down from the high of her orgasm.

Max crawled onto the bed next to her friend. "Feeling better, hun?"

"Yeah, much better, thanks."

"No problem. Though you did have a lot in there. I almost couldn't swallow it all."

"You swallowed all of it?" Cheryl asked, feeling bad and slightly aroused at that thought.

"Well yeah. What else was I supposed to do with like a cup of spooge? It was already in my mouth anyway."

"I'm sorry, babe." Cheryl pouted. But a grin quickly spread across her face. "You want me to return the favor?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Max grinned back. She turned in place, resting her head on the pillow and pulling her panties off, bearing her already dripping pussy to Cheryl.

The Torgy placed her hands on Max's thighs, keeping her legs spread and getting a good view. "Wow, I still can't believe you had your clit pierced." She gazed at the golden bar running horizontally through Max's clitoris. "I think it's bigger than it was before."

"I just can't wait until I can put a ring in." Max held her breasts up, examining the matching pierced nipples. "I still have to wait a few weeks before I can change them out."

"That will be really sexy." Cheryl grinned, bringing her muzzle close to Max's pussy and feeling the heat emanating from her."Though it's hard to imagine you being any sexier."

Before Max could respond, she plunged in, her rough, cat-like tongue gliding out of her canine muzzle and across Max's wet labia.

Max groaned with pleasure as she reached down and spread her mons, giving Cheryl even easier access to the juice lips within. She couldn't help but think how Cheryl had gotten the best of both world with her hybridization as that rough tongue of hers glided over her again, sending sparks of pleasure through her body.

Cheryl placed her hands under Max's soft, firm butt, lifting her friend up a bit as she continued to drink from her. Slowly she dragged her tongue up the skunk's pussy, then focused on her enlarged clit. She pressed in closer, tightening her lips around the fleshy nub and suckled, drawing a surprised gasp from her friend. Max couldn't help wiggling her hips and thrusting into Cheryl's face as she used her teeth and tongue to twist and pull, causing Max to squirm with excitement, moaning and gasping uncontrollably.

Cheryl gave Max's button one last, long suckle before pulling away. She didn't stay back for long though, lifting Max's butt higher and diving back in. She lapped up the overflowing juices and started working her way down this time. Her tongue glided through the fur between Max's legs until it ran over her tailhole, sending a few shivers up both their spines. "You always manage to keep it so clean down here." Cheryl moaned, giving Max's rear a kiss then running her tongue around the tight hole. "It tastes so good, too."

"Don't say things like that." Max managed to gasp between breaths. As good as that rough, flexible tongue felt on her pussy, if felt that much better on her ass. The feel of it tickled her in all that right ways, sending waves of pleasure through her body as Cheryl circled and crossed over the sensitive hole. She suddenly gasped, her eyes going wide as that tongue managed to snake its way inside.

Even Cheryl was moaning with pleasure as she wriggled her tongue across the moist, velvety folds of Max's ass, her nose pressed tight against her friends dripping pussy. Every breath filled her nostrils with the musky scent, and that only enticed her to try and dig her tongue deeper. Max's breath was coming out in heavy gasps a Cheryl worked her tailhole. She reached down with one hand, messaging her clit, which was begging for more attention, while her other hand worked her breasts, twisting her nipple studs and clit piercing simultaneously, enhancing the waves of pleasure she was already getting from Cheryl's tongue.

Slowly, Cheryl curled her tongue around and pulled it out, running the tip around the quivering hole. She gave a few more tender licks before working her way back up to her pussy, thrusting her tongue in and out as Max picked up intensity on her clit. She moaned and gasped as her body tensed up, feeling her arousal fast approaching its limit. Her moans turned into begging whimpers until finally she hit her crescendo. She lunged up into Cheryl's face, who pressed her tongue in as deep as she could. Max squeezed her tit hard as she climaxed, rubbing her clit furiously to keep up the intensity. She held it for a few moments before giving one final thrust, spraying a small amount of fluid on Cheryl's face before collapsing to the bed, panting heavily.

"I love it when you do that." Cheryl smirked, licking the fluids from her nose as she sat up. "It's so kinky."

"Oh shut up." Max managed to say, practically blushing through her fur. "It's just 'cause you happened to hit the right spot."

"I'll have to remember that spot." Cheryl giggled. "But I think we have a problem." She sat up on her knees to show Max the hard, throbbing dick once against standing at full attention. "It woke up again."

Max just shook her head with an exasperated chuckle. "You are insatiable. Alright, what do you wanna do about it?"

Grinning, Cheryl crawled on top of her friend, giving her a kiss on the nose before leaning near her ear. "I want to bury my bone in your backyard." She whispered in as sultry a voice as she could manage.

"Cheryl..." Max groaned, face-palming at the bad innuendo. She was used to Cheryl calling her penis her 'bone', in fact she rarely called it anything else, but that line was particularly groan worthy.

"Please?" Cheryl begged, nipping at Max's ear as she rubbed her bone against the skunk's still sensitive pussy. "I need it." "Alright, just get off of me." Max couldn't help but laugh at Cheryl's begging as she pushed her away. "If we're going to do THAT, then I need to get something." Flipping her tail across Cheryl's nose, she hopped off the bed and headed towards her boxes. "I think I packed it in this one...I hope."

As she leaned over and reached into a box, Max inadvertently flashed Cheryl her rear end. The Torgy perked up quite a bit at the sight of Max's wet pussy and tailhole. She had to resist the urge to dive right back in, reasoning that it would only delay in getting the true prize. "Oh, go ahead and take your time." She didn't mind enjoying the view while she could, though.

"Found it!" Max immediately sat up triumphantly, holding a bottle of lube. She turned to Cheryl with a grin, tossing her the bottle. "You want this, you do the prep work."

"Yeah, yeah..." Cheryl was already rubbing the lube across her palms. She started stroking her bone as Max crawled back into bed. A shiver ran through the herm's body as the warming lotion went to work, already increasing her sensitivity.

"Now make sure you get it all nice and slippery." Max teased, leaning back and spreading her legs wide open. "We want it to be nice and slick before you stick it in, don't we?"

Cheryl nodded in response, looking over Max's body longingly. "Could we do it the other way?" she asked, twirling her finger. "You know; on your knees with your ass in the air?" Max rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I guess we can do it that way, since you're being so pathetic about it." She couldn't contain her smile as she tolled onto her knees. She didn't want to give in to Cheryl too easily, bit she also wanted this, probably just as much as her friend did, and she didn't want to say no to anything Cheryl wanted, not that she'd let her know that.

Cheryl couldn't hide her grin either as that plump, black furred ass rose up before her face. Again she had to resist the urge to dive in and eat her out. Luckily, she had more exciting plans for that ass. "Guess I have to prep down here too, huh?" She leaned in and blew gently on Max's holes, causing her whole body to shiver. She reached her lubricated fingers up and rubbed around her quivering tailhole. With a gentle push, her finger went in. Max let out a gentle gasp, hugging her pillow as Cheryl slowly pushed her finger in deeper. She managed to get her entire finger in with ease, twisting and turning at as she went to spread the lube. "Damn girl, it's already pretty warm and moist, and soft in there. Maybe I didn't need to do this."

"Sh-shut up." Max stammered, already wiggling her hips slightly as Cheryl continued to finger her. "Just hurry up and stick it in already."

"Needy, aren't we?" Cheryl teased. "Looks like someone wants it more than she's letting on."

"You were the needy one a minute ago." Max whimpered, though her rocking hips revealed her eager expectation for what was to come.

"Well, I guess we shouldn't keep that quivering hole waiting any longer, huh?" Grinning, she leaned up against Max's rear, rubbing the tip of her dick against her friend's asshole. She rubbed it around gently, then pushed the tip slowly in. Max gasped at the feeling, trying not to tense up against the penetration.

Slowly, almost painfully so, Cheryl pressed in. She gasped at the feeling of it all; of the warm, soft embrace of her innards, and the occasional squeeze as Max tensed up and relaxed, gripping the length of her shaft and sending shivers and sparks through her body. She pressed in deeper, moving inch by inch until her hips pressed tight against Max's soft rear, her ass practically chewing on Cheryl's bone.

"You're so soft and tight." Cheryl teased, gripping Max's ass cheeks and giving them a squeeze. "Your ass is just the best." She pulled out slowly, going until just the head was inside, then pressed in, quicker than before, slapping her hips into Max, who gasped and moaned in response. Soon Cheryl fell into a steady motion, thrusting away as Max tightly hugged her pillow, only able to moan with pleasure. Cheryl was moaning and grunting as well, keeping time with the sound of her hips slapping against her friend's ass. Her balls slapped against noticeably against the skunk's dripping pussy, her own juices running down the backside of those orbs and along her inner thighs.

She gave Max's ass another squeeze, then grabbed her long, fluffy tail and hugged it close, inhaling her friend's scent deeply. Cheryl had never figured out how, but she always thought Max's tail smelled faintly of peppermint. It was somewhat calming and exciting at the same time. "You know," she grunted, breaking the rhythm of slaps and moans, "we left the door open. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if that cute roommate of yours came home right now and caught us?"

"Aiden?" Max managed to turn her gaze to the bedroom door, wide open, and offering a full view of the bed and the two girls. Anyone who walked into the main room would surely hear them. And anyone who walked by would get quite a show.

"Do you think he'd just stand there and watch?" Cheryl teased, picking up the pace and hugging Max's tail a bit tighter. "Do you think he'd be a gentleman and close the door? Or perhaps he'd pull it out and start fapping right there in the doorway." Suddenly Cheryl stopped, her dick buried deep, as she leaned over Max's back to whisper in her ear. "Oh maybe he'd even join us. Though I bet you'd prefer it if he just watched."

Max whimpered, imaging Aiden standing there, eyes wide, pitching a tent, watching as her ass got pounded by her best friend. She started rocking her hips, trying to get Cheryl to start up again. Cheryl was happy to comply, thrusting at an even greater speed than before. Max only moaned as her fantasy played out; Aiden coming home, perhaps with all his friends even. They hear the noise and come to investigate, and find Max getting completely plowed by Cheryl. She imagined the whole group just standing in the doorway, watching her, seeing her completely naked and exposed. Her moaning picked up as she tilted slightly to one side, as if trying to show even more of herself to the empty doorway.

"You're such a perv." Cheryl chuckled without slowing down. "You really do want him to see." A grunt escaped her lips as she began thrusting harder' clinging tightly to Max's tail. "Well, he's about to see the best part. Oh, Maxi, you feel so good. I...I can't hold it much longer. Should I...out or in?"

"I-In. No mess." Max managed to say, her breath a heavy panting now. She was barely able to think, but held onto the image of Aiden watching from the door, pawing off to the sigh before him. She was practically lost in the pleasure and ecstasy of Cheryl's dick plowing away at full speed in her tender ass. She was close herself, and the thought of Cheryl filling her up, of others watching her get stuffed, it was almost too much to handle.

"Maxi, I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." Cheryl was practically growling as she thrusted away, lost in her own feeling of ecstasy. Her balls were pulled up tight against her body, dripping with fluids and groaning for release. She thrust harder and faster as she felt her climax approaching. "I'm...I'm cumming!"

With that final shout she thrusted in as deep as possible, her body jerking as she filled Max's ass with stream after stream of her thick cum. Max tightened up at the feeling of all that spunk filling her up. It was so much, and so deep. She let out a loud whimper as her body tensed up with her orgasm, quivering all over in release as Cheryl continued to jerk and pump her full.

They remained locked in place for what seemed like forever, lost in the post-orgasmic bliss, until Cheryl finally collapsed on top of Max, panting for air. "Damn...that was a lot."

"Yeah..." Max was able to mutter, still feeling all of Cheryl's hot, thick spooge deep in her belly. She groaned a bit, enjoying that full feeling, and the warmth it brought her.

"Too bad he didn't come back." Cheryl pouted. "You might want him to just watch, but I wouldn't mind if he joined."

"You're hopeless." Max shook her head. "A real pervert."

"You're the one who wants to be watched, Miss Exhibitionist."

Max didn't respond to that, because she knew it was true. She did get off at people seeing her naked, and at the thought of others watching her as she had sex. It's why she loved her job so much.

They lay there together for a few moments, silently enjoying a bit of the afterglow, when Max noticed that Cheryl's bone was still buried inside her, and still quite hard. "Um, are you gonna get off of me anytime soon?"

"Well, I could." Cheryl smirked, rubbing her hips against Max's butt and leaning in to give her ear a nibble. "Of course, I think I could go again, too."

Max just rolled her eyes. So much for getting anything unpacked.

As much as Max had wanted Aiden to come home and walk in on her, Aiden wished he could just go home and crack open a beer. Hell, he wished he could be anywhere other than his editor's office. The antelope was thumbing through his latest manuscript, his brow furrowed in thought as he read over Aiden's work. Aiden fidgeted nervously, trying not to panic in the silent room. He swallowed hard, wishing the man would say something, anything, just to break the tension.

Eventually the man grunted, putting the manuscript down and rubbing his weary eyes. "Well, it's better than the last version at least. But it's still not there yet."

"Oh c'mon, Jim." Aiden leaned forward, his voice full of frustration. "This is the third revision you've had be do. What do I need for you to like this thing?"

"That's not the problem, Aiden. I do like where this is going. But once I hit chapter eleven, it's like you lose focus. I have no idea what's going on or why."

"What don't you get? If I can just explain it to you..."

"No Aiden, it doesn't work that way. You're not going to be around to explain things to your readers. Your story has to speak for itself."

Aiden slumped back in his chair, exasperated by the whole ordeal. "Well what parts are confusing? At least tell me that much."

"Everything from chapter eleven on."

"But I'm up to chapter sixteen, Jim! You want me to rewrite five whole chapters?"

"If that's what it takes, yes."

The defeated fox slumped deeper in his chair. He had barely had the motivation to write as it was, since Layla had dumped him. How was he supposed to rewrite almost half his novel and finish the damn thing? "I don't know Jim..."

"Listen Aiden; maybe you should just forget the novel and go back to short stories. Your first collection did fairly well."

Aiden scowled at him, and the small book he now held. "No, I can do this. I just need a little more time."

"Alright." Jim shrugged. "You're lucky I like you Aiden, but you have to step up. This isn't college y'know."

Aiden was about to respond when a voice on the intercom interrupted him. "Mr. Miles, your one o'clock is here."

"Well, I guess that's all for today, Aiden." He stood and handed the manuscript to the defeated writer. "Just, try to relax and take it easy, and let the ideas flow. Or maybe try a change in your life. Go on a vacation or something."

"Yeah sure." Aiden muttered, taking the papers and sulking out the office.

Jacob was waiting for him in the reception area. He had come to support his friend no matter the outcome, though he could already tell it wasn't good. "So, what's the verdict?"

"He wants me to rewrite everything from chapter eleven on."

Jacob nodded. He had read the story already, and had also found it hard to follow starting at around that part. "Well, I'm sure you'll get it eventually."

Aiden just grunted in response, already heading towards the elevator.

"Now don't get all depressed, Aiden." The coon came up alongside, clapping a supportive hand on the fox's shoulder. "How about we go get some lunch and talk it out? Maybe you'll come up with some new ideas."

Aiden shrugged but managed a smile. "Yeah, why not. It's not like it could hurt, right?"

"That's the spirit." As they waited for the elevator, Jacob could help himself. His eyes gazed down at Aiden's tail, and building up his courage, the hand he had placed on his friend's shoulder slowly began to drop. He tried to be discrete as his hand moved down Aiden's back. "You know, I'll always be there for you Aiden."

"I know, man." Aiden nodded, and when the elevator dinged, he stepped on without even noticing Jacob's wandering hand or defeated face.

Jacob suggested they go to a small diner just a few blocks away. It was a cozy little place that was popular with young couples and locally known for their reuben sandwiches. "So did he say exactly what was wrong this time?"

"Not really." Aiden muttered, mindlessly stirring his drink with a straw. "He just said it didn't make sense with the rest of the story. Something about a lack of focus."

"Yeah that sounds like you." He couldn't help but chuckle at Aiden's confused expression. "Face it Aiden; you haven't really put your heart into anything for a while. At first I thought you had just fallen into a rut and become complacent, and all you needed was change. But when...when you became single again, you just shut down. It shows in your writing."

"Not much I can do about that."

"I know, but maybe you just need a positive change, something to cheer you up and get your mind off things, and get over her."

"I am over her!" Aiden snapped defensively, drawing a few looks from nearby patrons. "I've moved on already. I couldn't care less about Layla."

Despite the claim, Jacob could tell Aiden was still struggling to believe it. He reached across the booth, placing his hand atop his friend's. "Maybe you just need to find someone new, someone who cares about your, and will always support you, always be there for you." He wanted to add 'Someone like me', but was too afraid to take that step now, with Aiden so vulnerable and confused. Besides, in his experience, it was painfully ineffective to hit on straight guys, no matter how much you cared about them.

"Maybe." Aiden muttered after some silent thinking. "Though, it's not exactly easy to just find someone like that. Besides, I don't think I'm ready to date again just yet."

"Well maybe you just need to date someone outside of your normal comfort zone, to help perk things up." 'Like me' he thought again, but swallowed the words back.

Aiden just shook his head. "I just don't feel up for that kind of effort right now."

"Is that how you feel about writing?" Aiden just stared at him blankly. "Well, it feels like you're not really putting any effort into that either. It's like you're just trying to finish the novel, instead of telling the story."

Aiden just snorted in response, as if the whole idea was ridiculous. He was thankful when the sandwiches finally arrived, hoping that eating could help change the subject.

But Jacob wasn't going to give up so easily. "Maybe if you talk things out? I've heard that can help, especially with someone else listening."

"Oh, who would want to listen to me rant on about such things?"

"I would." Jacob replied without hesitation, his heart leaping to his throat when he released how that sounded. "I mean, I'd really like to help you work through this. And since I've read it all so far, maybe I can help sort things out."

Aiden didn't seem to notice any subtext, deep in thought as he ate. "Eh, alright." He finally conceded. "It's not like it could hurt anyway." He offered a slight chuckle. "Y'know, you're a good friend, Jacob, putting up with all this shit with me."

"Yeah, well I'm more than happy to help." Jacob managed to get out as his heart sank. He was still just a friend. Well, if that's the case, he would be the best damn friend he could be.

They talked about the novel for hours, Aiden explaining where he was attempting to go with the story, and Jacob trying to make sense of it all. They eventually made their way back to Aiden's apartment late in the afternoon.

The sound of laughter greeted them as they entered, Max and Cheryl entertaining themselves as they got the new room in order. "Guess I'll have to get used to that." Aiden muttered, opening the fridge and tossing Jacob a drink. "So, where were we?"

"The protagonist's love interest and why I think you need to pick up the pace with them."

"Yeah, explain that to me again."

"It's completely out of character, the way you have them pussyfooting around each other. You've got a strong-willed, adventurous woman who takes whatever she wants, and a brave, dashing hero who accepts any challenge and isn't exactly shy with the ladies. Just get it over with and have them fuck."

"Who's getting fucked?" They looked up to see Max leaning against the railing.

"No one's getting fucked." Aiden sighed. "We're just talking about my novel."

"Hello Max, nice to see you again." Jacob waved.

"Oh, nice to see you again too...Jacob right?"

Just then, Cheryl burst out of the room, grabbing Max from behind. "So what's this about someone getting fucked?"

"No one's getting fucked." Aiden reiterated, already playing through potential scenes in his head.

"It's for the novel he's apparently writing." Max explained as the two made their way downstairs.

"You're a writer? That is so cool. No wonder you don't have to go to work on a Tuesday."

"Hey, wait a minute." Max cut in. "I thought you said you were a teacher. Shouldn't you be working today?"

"Oh, it's Spring Break." He explained. "I've got the whole week off. Though I do have papers to grade...and assignments to do." He hung his head at the thought of all the work he had to do during his vacation.

"What about you, Jacob? Are you a teacher too?"

"Oh no, I don't think I have what it takes to be a teacher. I work at a small bookstore downtown. I just happened to take today off as a personal day and ran into Aiden in his way to his editor's office."

"Oh really? That's quite a coincidence." Max smirked. "The odds of that must be pretty slim. How lucky for you."

Jacob swallowed nervously at that. This girl was pretty perceptive, or just really suspicious. He glanced at Aiden, but the fox wasn't even paying attention. "Yeah, guess we just got lucky today." He tried to laugh it off. "So, what do you do for a living? Aiden said something about being a waitress."

"Actually, I'm a stripper." Max just came right out and admitted. "But I'm guessing you already knew that."

"Yeah, sorry. You're really good at it though. You have some very impressive moves."

"I'm surprised you think so." Max genuinely admitted.

"Just because I don't enjoy it like the others might doesn't mean I didn't appreciate it."

"Well thank you, Jacob." She smirked. "Maybe I could teach you a few moves sometime."

"You might want to hold off on that." Cheryl interrupted. "You still seem a bit stiff." She suddenly smacked Max on the ass lightly. Not enough to sting, but enough to make her wince and squirm. She shot Cheryl a dirty look, trying her best to keep her composure. Her glare and obvious discomfort just brought a mischievous grin to Cheryl's face.

"Don't you have to go home or something?"

"What?" Cheryl feigned a hurt look. "My parent's gave me the day off just so I could see you, and you want to kick me out? I was even hoping to stay the night, if you wanted me to." Her shy grin was met with an exasperated sigh as Max instinctively rubbed her already sore butt at the thought of more fun. Wasn't twice in one day enough?

"So Aiden, what was all that about your book, or whatever?" Max was desperate now to change the subject, before Cheryl got any new ideas.

The question brought Aiden out of his stupor. "Oh, I'm just...revisiting some parts."

"Sorry Aiden," Jacob interjected "but I think the whole second half needs a serious revisit. It's just not going anywhere."

"I know, Jacob, I know." Aiden sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I just don't know where to go with it anymore. I'm too distracted."

"Well, take some time off then. Don't think about it for a while, until you get your life back to normal."

"I am back to normal." Aiden insisted rather defensively. "I am completely over her and have moved on with my life."

"Wait, I'm not distracting you, am I?" Max asked, suddenly feeling guilty. "Did my moving in distract your writing process or something?"

"No, it's not you." Aiden dismissed her fears without hesitation. "And I'm not distracted."

"Alright, well how about we just talk through it some more?" Jacob offered. "Until you makes some progress at least. I don't have to be anywhere tonight." Nor did Jacob want to be anywhere else. He'd stay the night if he could.

"Maybe we could help, too?" Max added. "Not that I really have any idea what you're talking about."

"Maybe you just need to get laid." Cheryl muttered, and though all were silenced by the off-hand remark, none thought to argue the point.

"I'll be alright." Aiden shrugged. "I just have to think the story through some more. Just, not anymore today. I think I just need some Call of Duty or something, to clear my head."

After a couple of weeks, a normal routine fell into place around the apartment. Their conflicting schedules gave Max and Aiden a lot of free time to themselves, with Aiden working during the days and Max at night. When they were home at the same time, they found each other to be pleasant company.

Despite his new and energetic roommate and the help of his friends, come Friday night Aiden still felt rather alone. His refuge came in the form of a small, quiet bar within walking distance of home. Not needing to drive there meant Aiden could get as hammered as he pleased and not worry about anything, which he thought a rather clever idea.

The bar was a dimly lit place, filled with quiet couples, old regulars and bleeding hearts. It was a rare scene compared to the raucous sports bars and wild night clubs found throughout downtown. And Aiden enjoyed the peace and quiet. Here he felt he could keep to himself without actually being alone. Most nights he was left to himself.

This night was different.

As he sat at the bar, nursing a gin and tonic and lost in thought, a young and very attractive tigress sat in the stool beside him. She was sleek and curvy, wearing a little black dress with slips on all the right places. She had a sensual and mysterious air about her that Aiden took particular note of. He could use that in his novel.

She ordered a dry martini and brushed her thick, auburn hair aside as she angled towards Aiden. "Hey there, handsome. You looked like you could use some company." Her voice was deep and inviting, and Aiden found himself momentarily stunned. "What brings you around here?"

"It's been a long week." He managed to respond after finding his voice again. "I just came here to unwind a bit."

"And someone as nice as you doesn't have a girl to unwind with?"

Aiden hung his head at the reminder. Why did he still feel so bad about losing Layla? He was starting to wonder if he would ever feel right again. He glanced up to see a sad look in the tigress's eyes. Pity? Or did she just feel bad for bringing up a painful memory? "It was an unexpected breakup. But it's been about a month, and I'm over her. At least, I thought I was." He finished the thought with a heavy gulp of his drink.

"Sounds like I was right." She smirked, sipping her drink. "You do need some company. I'd be more than happy to fill the role, for now."

Aiden shrugged, not really feeling up to arguing the point or refusing her company.

"So, what's on your mind, handsome? I've been told I'm a pretty good listener."

"I've just been wondering if there's anyone out there for me, and if I even know what I want. Perhaps what I've thought I've liked, even loved, is just what I'm convincing myself I needed. Do I really know what I want, need, to make me happy? Do I even know myself? Can I find love without knowing myself? Or do I need love from another first, before I can find myself?" He shrugged, taking another hit of gin. "Or maybe I've just had too much to drink, and I'm just over thinking things."

The silence eventually made Aiden glance up. The tigress was starting at him, her hazel eyes wide in surprise. "Well, I wasn't expecting that." She suddenly smiled at him. "There's quite a deep, poetic mind hiding behind those baby blues." "I'm a writer; it's how my mind works." Aiden explained with a shrug. "What about you? I couldn't expect to see someone like you at a hole-in-the-wall place like this."

"Someone like me?"

"Yeah. I'd expect to see someone as beautiful and well-off as you at some exclusive night club uptown."

"Well thank you, handsome. But that makes you think I'm so well-off, as you put it?"

"That dress is a designer label from earlier this season. And your jewelry is the real deal, no knockoffs. That stuff isn't cheep." She gave him an inquisitive look, and he just shrugged. "My girl...EX-girlfriend came from money. I picked up a few things about the upper bracket."

"Intelligent, handsome and attentive. That's quite a deadly trifecta you've got there." She smiled coyly, leaning closer to him. "As for your question: those places bore me. The men in those places bore me. They think so very highly of themselves, and love taking charge, like they know what they're doing. It's nauseating really. I much prefer places like this, where the men are more timid and less self-absorbed." She glanced at Aiden, stirring her drink with the skewered olive. "I prefer a tamer and more humble prey." She purred as she slowly, teasingly, used her teeth to pull the olive off the pick, and Aiden felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, as a shiver of excitement ran through his body. It had been a long while since he had felt like this. It was refreshing.

She swallowed and smiled warmly at the fox, and he felt any and all defenses crumble, not that he was trying all that hard to resist. The woman was awakening something from deep inside his heart; something he hadn't felt in a long while. She leaned in close, placing a hand on his thigh. "So what do you say, handsome; feel like enjoying my company for a while?" Aiden could only nod in response, unable to speak around the lump in his throat. "Glad to hear it." She breathed gently in his ear, and keeping her smirk she sat up in her seat. "Another round here, bartender. And I'll be paying for handsome's drinks tonight."

They talked about nothing for a few hours, the tigress playfully flirting with Aiden the entire time. She was a master of the tease, too. With every toss of the hair or glance his way, Aiden was left practically speechless. And the way she would only touch his arm or thigh, he was left wanting more. He found the woman fascinating, though he wasn't quite sure why. She was a mystery, and he was attracted to every aspect of that mystery. He wanted to be involved in it, completely enveloped in her confidence, allure and charisma.

He went through two more gin and tonics in the time it took her to finish her second martini and a club soda, leaving the fox just a bit loopy when his new lady friend stood and paid the tab. "Come on, handsome; let me take you home."

"I just live a few blocks away." He muttered, stumbling to his feet. "I can walk it."

"I'd feel much better if you let me drive you. Wouldn't want anything happening to you, and I assure you I'm quite sober by now." She moved in close, a hand placed gently yet firmly on his arm. "I insist."

Aiden found it difficult to refuse her, so he didn't. Without the slightest hesitation he let her lead him out to her car; a high end convertible.

It was only after several minutes of driving when Aiden realized he had never told the tigress where he lived. It was then he noticed they were heading in the wrong direction, making their way uptown. "Hey, where we goin'?"

"I told you, handsome." She smirked coyly. "I'm taking you home."

Normally this would be the time to panic. What had he gotten himself into? But her sly look and calm demeanor, along with the sobering night air, kept Aiden at ease. He knew what he was getting into, well now he did anyway. He was this predator's willing pray, and the idea was admittedly exciting. He had always had a thing for dominant women anyway.

Aiden lost track of time as they made their way through the city. He barely paid any attention to where they were when she finally parked, too distracted by all that was happening and the sensual looks his companion kept throwing his way. He did note that she lived on the top floor of a very nice apartment building, and was stunning by the size of her penthouse. Reproductions of fine art hung from the walls, and expensive looking statues and vases lined the shelves. The entire place the look of an overpriced, flamboyant interior designer. This woman was better off then he thought. How the hell did he end up in a place like this?

Make yourself at home." The tigress interrupted his thoughts. "I'm going to go slip into something more comfortable."

Her enticing look left Aiden with a shiver, and slightly tighter pants. He sat down on the couch, feeling incredibly out of place. Needing to preoccupy his mind, he grabbed a random designer clothes magazine off the coffee table and thumbed through it. He had to chuckle when he came to this season's new swimwear and saw Terra modeling a skimpy bikini. Marcus never hesitated to gloat about dating a model.

"Aw, is that the type of girl you prefer?" The tigress purred in his ear, having snuck up on the poor fox and giving him a scare.

"Oh, no." he stammered, tossing the magazine back onto the table. "That was just my friend's...girlfriend." Aiden was left stammering as she stepped in front of him, wearing nothing but a sheer camisole, black lace panties and thigh high leggings. In his buzzed state, he didn't even think to look away from her breasts visible through the soft fabric. Not that she seemed to mind, straddling his legs and hugging his head between the furry mounds.

"Now that I've got your full and undivided attention, the fun can really start." A playful grin spread across her muzzle as she rubbed her hips against the firm bulge in Aiden's pants. He moaned in response, pressing against her breasts and letting her have her way. It had been weeks since he had any of this kind of attention, and he was going to enjoy every second of it.

"Oh, somebody's a big boy, isn't he?" She teased, rubbing and grinding against him. Her hips wiggled and swayed about in his lap, leaving Aiden whimpering, a tortured look on his face.

"That's it, handsome. Get nice and hard for me. I want you to beg for it." She took his head and forced him to look up, kissing him deeply, passionately. Aiden couldn't help but moan and whine as the tigress worked her magic. She nipped at his lips and tongue, never stopping her hips as they ground into his aching dick. Finally she broke away with a moan of her own, smiling seductively at her prey. "Not bad, but let's see what you can really do."

She stood on the couch, leveling her hips in front of his face. Her panties were mere inches from his muzzle, and he could already smell her intoxicating musk. "If you do well, I'll give you a reward." She smirked, gently placing a hand on Aiden's head, then holding it there as she pressed her groin against his nose. Aiden shivered as the scent enveloped him. His tongue snacked out, lapping away at the already moist crotch of her panties. He licked and nuzzled at the tigress's pussy, just barely able to taste her through the fabric.

He let his hands slip up her long legs, enticing a moan from her as he grabbed her firm as cheeks. But as he hooked his fingers over the waistband and started to pull down, she pulled his head back. "No, no." She scolded playfully. "I didn't say you could take those off, did I?" Aiden just shook his head in response. "That's right. Now leave them where they are and get back to work."

Aiden whimpered in response, though it was partially muffled as she pushed his head back into her crotch. Still he did as he as told, licking her panties and suckling her pussy through the soft, now soaking wet material. She rubbed against his nose and lips in response, moaning and purring away as Aiden did he best to please her.

Aiden lost track of time, enveloped in the warm, most, musky fabric. He fell into a rhythm that could have continued for hours. But with a sudden shiver, the tigress pulled him away again, stepping off the couch with shaky legs. "Good boy." She purred. "Now, I think you deserve a reward." She moved towards the bedroom, beckoning Aiden to follow, and he did so without question.

The bedroom was much like the rest of the apartment, with a large round bed covered in dark satin sheets as the centerpiece. Were he sober, he would have thought the room rather impersonally, but as he was Aiden's full attention was on the woman before him.

The tigress grabbed him by the shirt and turned him around, putting his back to the bed. Purring hungrily, she undid the buttons to his shirt, then did the same to his belt and pants. Within seconds Aiden was standing there naked and at full attention. "Oh my, you really are a big boy." She purred, tickling the underside of his dick. "Long and thick, firm yet smooth. Even better than I expected." She collected a bit of precum on the tip of her finger, then brought it to her lips, giving it a taste with an arousing moan. "Now, let's see if you now how to use it."

With a smirk she pushed him onto the bed and indicated for him to get comfortable. As he shifted to the center of the soft sheets, she slipped her panties off, leaving a faint, slick trail of juices on her thighs. She crawled on top of him, straddling his waist once again, pinning his dick under her dripping pussy. With a moan she began rubbing along the length of his shaft, spreading her hot juice over it. Aiden couldn't help but moan and whimper as she continued to torture him. How he wanted to stick it in and feel the full embrace of a woman again. It had been much too long.

"Hold on just a bit longer, handsome." She purred, as if reading his mind. Or perhaps just his longing expression. "Don't worry; you'll get all you want and more." She crawled off of him, leaving a moist trail along his stomach, and made her way over to a nightstand. When she sat back up, she was holding a plastic square between her fingers, a familiar circular indentation easily identifying the contents. It had been a long time since Aiden has used a condom, but he remembered that they didn't feel nearly as good as going bareback.

And he didn't do a good job of hiding his disappointment. "It's this, or nothing." The tigress stated with no room for argument. "Trust me; neither of us will be dissatisfied." She had the latex rubber out and wrapped around his dick in mere seconds, positioning herself over the fleshy tower. She was practically growling as she lowered her body, and the both gasped as he penetrated. Even through this condom, Aiden could feel her heat and the soft, velvet folds of her dripping pussy. She devoured his dick easily, taking him all the way to the base, over seven inches, then sitting and grinding on his hips, as if chewing on the meat, savoring every last bit.

She growled lustfully, pressing her hands down on Aiden's chest, holding him down as she began pumping and riding his cock. Aiden tried to thrust up in return, but she pinned him down, taking full control. He was nothing more than her sexual prey now, a meal for her primal hunger. There was something exciting about it all; about being used as someone else's sex toy. Well, if it was what she wanted, who was he to argue. It felt way too good to protest.

She hunched over, picking up speed as she pinned his hands to the bed. Her lustful growl grew in intensity as she increased momentum, slamming down on the fox. He groaned and whimpered in response, as the tip of his dick kept striking the back of her pussy. She suddenly stopped, purring loudly, grinding deeply as he head rubbed against her cervix, practically entering her womb. She pulled his hands up over her body, along the smooth material of her camisole, and pressed them against her soft, plump breasts.

She stated riding him again, torturously slow at first, then building in intensity as he grasped and fondled her breasts. He soon focused in on her nipples, pinching and twisting them between his thumbs and forefingers, and drawing out gasps and wails of pleasure. The two began to fall into a rhythm; Aiden thrusting up in time with the tigress as she rode his dick. Aiden became swept up in the heat and passion, thrusting away as his lover called for more, harder and deeper. Her moans and purrs became great wails and growls as she pounded away, until finally reaching the height of pleasure. Aiden felt her clamp down around his dick as she let out a yowl of intense euphoria. Aiden kept thrusting, pushing her orgasm higher as he pushed her body higher off the bed. She cried out with each great thrust, throbbing and tightening around his swollen, aching cock until it was too much for him to bear. With one last thrust he unleashed his seed. The tigress cried out in great ecstasy as Aiden filled the condom with more and more of his cum, thrusting slightly with each pump.

They remained frozen in place for what seemed like several minutes, before the tigress finally came down, collapsing onto Aiden and gasping for air. "Damn..." was all she managed to get out, doing her best to sit up and get off the equally exhausted fox. "Damn... she muttered again when she saw the massive load of fox-seed contained in the condom, now slightly larger than a golf ball. She collapsed next to Aiden, curling up to him. "Oh god, that was amazing." She purred, kissing him tenderly. "Way better than I ever imagined."

Aiden managed a nod, but was unable to find his voice. Between the sex and the alcohol his head was spinning. He closed his eyes to clear his vision, and finding comfort in the warmth of gentle purr of the woman at his side, fell into a deep sleep.