M3llo the Vixen - Free Art Raffle Prize

Story by Jacob King on SoFurry

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#1 of Free Poetry for Others

This is the bonus prize for M3llo, the winner of a free art raffle I held in this journal: http://www.sofurry.com/view/367307

This poem goes along with this art piece: http://www.sofurry.com/view/368627

There was once a vixen

By the name of M3llo.

She's quite reserved, though kind

Was this charming, young soul.

Soft and delicate was

Her crimson-coated fur.

Every male who saw

Her would begin to stir.

Her personality

Was one to be unmatched,

Though her shy demeanor

Made her appear detached

From many of life's throws

And turns, causing most dismay.

Her preference of old

Methods and songs could say

A tale of a classic

Beauty, one hard to find,

Though if one were to meet

With her, he'd see her mind

Is of a gentle and

Sweet nature. Though many

May never meet this girl,

I'm glad I did. Any

Day now, she will find her

True calling and be great.

Who knows, maybe some time,

I'll ask her on a date.

Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - rough draft form

Once upon a time, there was a lion who could not really make sense of the world. Why? Because her was the only normal one around. Every one was fucking crazy. No shit. Now, I order to tell you the story, I have to think straight. No gay. I'm drunk...


Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - Part 3/3 (in honor of AW451)

_Everyone, including the football players, were waiting in the conference room, sitting in the seats with the other slutty cheerleaders, whom each had a mutation of HIV. You know what I'm sayin'? The cough...the conference room was filled with furs:...

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Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - Part 2/3 (in honor of AW451)

_So the half-blind, half-deaf teacher then looked over at this students and said, "Alright, class...today, we're going talk about binomials." Then a random student asked, "Teacher-bitch, what are binomials? Is that when two bisexual gnomes are getting...

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