Mistakes and Honesty

Story by Riman on SoFurry

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#3 of Grounded

Hey everyone, this is the third installment of the series "Grounded" this chapter is almost 2,700 words of smut and plot development, so I hope you enjoy it. I know I defiantly did.

Thank you all for reading, Please, if you enjoyed the story, vote for it, and watch for more installments of "Grounded!"



Character copywrite: Riman 2012

PS: If you enjoyed this story, please check out the writers: Gruffy and Kyell, as they are my inspiration in furry literature. Thanks!

----Special thanks to Kingsy for giving me pointers on this story :3

"whoa dude this room is hu......"

I glanced back at the arctic fox, Fred, my best childhood friend, half expecting to watch him turn and walk out of my life forever. My immediate reaction was utter fear, "what was he going to think?" I thought to myself, hoping that the incident might blow over. Instead there was just silence, the cold kind, the 'I don't know what's going to happen' silence, the bad type.

"Oh, um... heh, my mom must have left a magazine in here..." I said, walking towards my bed, immediately cursing my stupidity at the statement.

"Oh, um, right, so, how have you been?" he asked, walking into the room after me, averting his eyes from the bed.

Grabbing the magazine, I strode over to the trash, dumping the damning contents of my paw into it, "Oh, you know, Busy with school." I said, looking back at him. I hoped that the incident would just blow over but Fred's awkward stance seemed to assure me that this wouldn't be forgotten for a long time. "I've ruined it," I thought, trying to catch Fred's eyes, which were pointedly looking at his shoes, "I see him for the first time in almost 6 years, and I've ruined any chance of rekindling our friendship."

"Same," he said, "I've been... good I guess, Busy, but Good." He said, concentrating on what must have been an interesting spot on my floor.

"So how do you like the area?" I asked trying to start some small talk, hoping that talking would bring back some of the ease I had felt with him earlier in the evening, But I didn't have much hope. Fred and I had grown up best friends but due to my father's job, I moved away when we were only 10, and to be completely honest, I had missed him. Now, he stood in front of me, with an awkward look on his face after catching me with a gay porn magazine open on my bed, and my room smelling faintly of my earlier pawing. I looked up, hearing only silence at my question.

All I saw was an awkward look, brought on by this awkward situation, one that I needed to explain. "Hey, so Fred, I..." I started, looking awkwardly at the ground, but the words only died on my lips when he walked over to me, sliding a hand behind my head kissing me full on the mouth.

"Muumf" I tried to speak, only to have him kiss me harder before letting go of me, he looked into my eyes bashfully, almost as if trying to explain. He waited for a reaction, seeing only my confused and shocked face for an answer. If only he could have seen my sheath which had bulged back to life as soon as I felt his lips on mine.

He looked like he wanted to say more, before frowning slightly, and lowering his head. "Hey, uhm, it was nice to see you, but I need to go..." he said bashfully, turning toward the closed door, yanking it open and lightly jogging down the hallway.

And I stood there with that stupid look on my face and let him go; I was frozen, unable to understand the rush of feelings flowing into my brain. I was overloaded to say the least.

"I...." I said to myself, only realizing then that the room was empty except for myself. I raced over to the door, looking down the hallway, seeing nothing except the silent landing.

Turning back I raced for the window, looking out in time to catch a glimpse of Fred rounding the corner of our yard, heading down the sidewalk, "Well, this blows." I said, pulling off my shirt and pants before climbing into bed, my cock hanging out of its sheath.

I regarded it silently for a moment, before wrapping my paw around it again for the second time that night. I moaned slightly at the touch, remembering the way Fred's lips had felt pressed up against mine, the warm, moist feeling. His scent of Old Spice™ and musk, a mixture that was associated with power, and pleasure. Even the feeling of his hand, pressed up against the back of my neck, pulling my into the tight embrace before meeting my lips in only the way another man knew how.

I moaned, stroking myself slowly, reaching over to my nightstand, opening the drawer, pulling out a small tube of lube and a tube about 6 inches in length and about 1 inch wide, that once held a copy of the Constitution, before I repurposed the container for a much more... pressing matter. I sighed, letting go of my cock, reaching over to flip open the tube of lube, lathering up the end of the container. Getting up on my knees, I lifted my tail, pressing the tip of the plastic against my tight hole, slowly lowering myself down onto the blunt end of it.

I moaned in pure ecstasy at the sensations reverberating from my tail hole and filtering throughout my body as the tip slowly slid into my ass. "Oh, Fred!" I moaned, lost in my internal fantasy, not even caring if it was weird to be fantasizing about my best friend. I groaned sliding more of the 6 inch pole into my ass, whimpering slightly as it pushed its way past my prostate, sliding in to settle itself at 5 inches deep. I feel back onto my bed, raising my feet into the air to provide me with access to both my throbbing cock, and the pole buried in my ass.

Reaching around, I grasped the final inch of the makeshift toy, moaning slightly at the slight movement it made when my hand made contact. Using my other paw I reached down, grasping my engorged knot, squeezing it just enough to send a ripple of pleasure up my spine. Drifting my hand slowly up to the tip of my throbbing cock, I began to slowly slide the toy out of my stretched ass, whimpering at the sensations coming from both of my most private places. My hand grasped down on the shaft of my cock, adjusting to the feel of my dribbling cock rubbing my precum over the very tip of my dick.

I started stroking myself, sliding my hand slowly up and down, matching the thrusts of the toy in my ass. I moaned, my tongue rolling out of the corner of my maw as I slowly fucked myself. It wasn't long however before I began to feel a distinct pressure building behind my balls; I knew I didn't have much time left. I rotated, bringing my legs up above my head, pointing my dick down at my mouth, increasing the tempo of my strokes.

I groaned, thrusting the toy with its angle adjusted to pummel my prostate, I felt my balls pull up to my throbbing cock, with the instinctive flood of pleasure washing over my brain. I thrusted with the toy one more time, feeling the splash of my cum shoot into my maw, which I swallowed. I opened my mouth after swallowing, feeling the cum flow into my mouth directly from my throbbing cock into my waiting maw. I shuddered in the excitement of the taboo behavior I was performing, slowly feeling the frequency of my spurts slow. I rotated back around, licking my paw clean before reaching for my blankets, putting them around me.

"Only the weekend left to my grounding then I'm going to see what is really going on with Fred," I thought, snuggling into the coolness of my pillow.

It was Monday, I had gone the entire weekend without talking to Fred, his mom had stopped by earlier on Sunday to say hello to my parents, only to crush my hopes of seeing Fred, by telling me he had opted to stay home and unpack his room. Packing my bag for school, I looked up to see my mom enter my room,

"Hey honey, I can't give you a ride to and from school today, I have to drive your father to the Airport, So you can use my car."

I jumped up fist pumping the air, "Thanks mom, I promise I'll careful, Ill drive the speed limit too!" I said crossing the room to hug her.

"I'm going to have to put in some overtime tonight because I'm dropping him off so don't expect me home until about 10 or eleven tonight" she said, returning the hug before going to the door, "And do be careful" turning back to me.

I smiled; "Yes mom I will," today was going to be a good day.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I can say that this was the only time in the history of school that I was excited to go, "Come on," I nearly screamed at the clock willing time to drop off the remaining ten minutes. I sighed, resigning myself to the stupidity of the situation.


I glanced over at the phone waving it off because I didn't recognize the number.

"Call From, Unknown, Number, 1, 774, 867, 5309"

The phone squawked in its awful electronic voice, I glanced at it again telling myself that whoever it was would leave a message. Soon the phone stopped ringing, leaving me in blissful silence.


"Phuh," I thought, "If it's the same person I'm going to..." I glanced over at the phone, only to here the phone squawk in its ever persistent electronic voice.

"Call From, Unknown, Number, 1, 774, 867, 5309"

I snorted, rolling my eyes while reaching over for the phone, picking up,

_ _

_ ~"Hello, Galloway residence, Sam speaking."_

~ "Hey Sam, its Fred."

~"Oh, hey Fred, are you on your cell?"~

~"Its my house phone, it was hooked up yesterday.... Hey do you think your mom could give me a ride to school, my parents had to go into work early."

_ ~"What?" I asked "the line broke up a little there for a second, can you repeat that?"_

I heard a sigh on the other end of the line,

~"I asked if your mom could give me a ride, my parents had to go to work early."

_ ~"Oh yeah sure,"_ I said, "I'll be there around 7 o'clock, 429 Sycamore right?"

~"Yeah, that's right it's a big white colonial, see you at 7."

I said bye, hanging up the phone. Setting the phone in the cradle, regarding it thoughtfully, "Well, that sure went better than I expected it to... at least it wasn't awkward." I mused, giving the phone one final glance.

I looked up at the clock, reaching for the keys to my mom's Mercedes 'S' class. I walked into the garage, locking the door and arming the alarm system. Sliding into the car, reveling in the feel of the plush leather interior under my khakied rump, I reached up punching the button to open the garage door, starting the car at the same time.

I looked up catching myself in the mirror, "Damn I'm fine," I thought to myself, admiring my blue eyes hidden partially sloping trimmed hair. I adjusted the mirror, putting an arm behind the passenger's seat and backing into the driveway. Stopping, I reached into my bag pulling out my Ipod, and plugging it into the AUX jack on the stereo system picking out 30STM. I put the car in drive turning out onto the street.

_ "Into the night, desperate and broken, the sound of a fight, father has spoken...."_

I raised the volume, persuading it to serenade me with reflective, yet catchy lyrics blasting through the speakers of the car, I turned onto Sycamore, looking for the mailbox which would dutifully have the number 429 stamped on it. Arriving at the correct one, I swung the car in, rolling up the sloping driveway to a beautiful colonial style home. "Boy, they must make some money now." I thought to myself, admiring the architecture of the building. I slowed to a stop, shutting off the car and cutting off the lyrics mid sentence. I opened my door, getting out and doing a quick stretch before shutting it and making my way toward the front door.

*DIIINNNGG.... DOOONNNNGG* the doorbell rang,

I glanced at my watch, 6:57 am, "well I am here a little early," I thought, pausing before ringing the bell again.


The door swung open, and I was confronted by a pair of striking green eyes, attached to the body of a very attractive Arctic Fox. "Hey," He said, stepping out onto the porch with a bag slung around his shoulder

"Hey" I said, feeling the creeping sensation of awkwardness being to take me. "Ready to go?" I asked, hoping that he was so I could head back to the car to wait for him.

"Yeah, just let me lock up," he said, climbing back into the house grabbing the door handle, pulling it shut, and locking it. "Where is your mom?" he asked glancing to the empty car in the driveway.

I smiled, holding up the keys in my paw, "Got it two months ago" I chuckled seeing his eyes widen in surprise, and awe. "What?" I asked, "Cat got your tongue?"

"So you can drive?" he asked disbelievingly, eyeing the license with disbelief "Argh, my parents won't let me get mine for another three months. Something about getting to know people around here, I guess they're afraid I'll drive back to the other side of the valley or something."

I chuckled, silently praising my luck at having the interaction in my bedroom forgotten. I walked down the steps, Fred close behind me. "Yeah, but the only thing that sucks worse than not having your license is not having a car." I said, turning to smile at him.

"Oh yeah, I understand that," he said, walking over to the passenger's side and hopping in.

Other than an accident involving a car and a truck, it was an uneventful ride.

I pulled into the student parking lot outside of the Walter G. Hubert Senior High School, sighing at having made it to the school without incident. The school itself, rising out of the ground north of the parking lot, looked like a replica of something you would find in France along the hills of the Loire Valley, with its front entrance surrounded by columns and supporting a huge arching dome where a single wrought iron chandelier hung, Accented by the arched windows, and stone engraving along the east and west wings of the building. Like I said; France right?

"It's so... big!" Fred exclaimed from the seat next to me, staring up at the building in disbelief. "Is this really a school, because I feel like I just drove up to a museum."

I couldn't help but smile at him, the child like excitement coming from him was too much. "Yeah, I thought that too, the first time I looked at it." I said, looking up at him.

He glanced at me, meeting my eyes for the first time since that last Friday night. "Yeah, I bet you did." He said smiling bashfully in a way that I found completely adorable, and arousing.

I looked at him, staring into his green eyes, seeing the confusion and delight, it made me happy, to feel that I had my best friend back. "Hey, Fred," I began, looking into the pools of green, "About last time..."

He interrupted me just then. "Hey, it's no problem, it was my fault." He said, looking back at me, "I guess I just read you wrong, but whatever, hey I think the bell rang, let's go." He remarked getting out of the car, and closing the door with a slight bang.

He couldn't have been more wrong.


-From Sam's viewpoint- "Fred?!" I gasped, startled at the sudden and random appearance of my old friend, an arctic fox named Fred Thompson, below me on the grass outside my house. "What are you doing here?!" I nearly shouted, struggling with being...

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It was just one of those nights, an uninteresting, boring, dead night. It was Friday, normally a happy time for the 16 year old Timber Wolf, but due to an unfortunate incident involving his report card from earlier in the week, he was grounded, or as...

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