From Both Sides of the Field (Part 1)
#1 of From Both Sides of the Field
Warning: SO if you're under 18 or do not like spoogy adult male on male action get out now. But if you love it, please, do enter my kingdom!
He began feeling his cock strain against his jock strap and cock piece. "crap" he though, "not now"
The black and white husky, with neon green highlights over the black parts of his upper body, looked up from his drumming for a moment to take a look and see what was going on down on the field. He saw John staring right at him, his eyes looked glossy and filled with lust. "hehe" the husky said to himself, "he's checking me out, I knew that QB was a sucker for a tight ass haha" He looked the wolf in the eyes for several seconds before the wolf panicked and broke the gaze. The husky chuckled "I should catch him after the game and see if he flirts as well as he stares...hehe".
After the game ended it was something to something, who really gives a shit we won. Kyle marched up to the band room, leading the cadence on the way up. The football team had to go into the locker rooms, get changed, showered, lectured by the coaches, then they could leave. For the band they went up the parking lot into the band room and got changed.
Kyle got finished changing and walked outside down to the outdoor exit for the locker rooms and waited for the wolf. "jesus Christ" he muttered "It's freezing as hell".
Inside of the locker room, John was stripping down, being careful not to let his eyes wander. This wasn't the night he wanted to get into a fight over something stupid like that. He wrapped a towel around his waist and headed for one of the shower stalls. He stepped in and turned on the shower before quickly backing up against the wall because the water was cold at first. Once it was heated up, John took off his towel and hung it over the door. He began subconsciously stroking himself. He started moaning and he hear someone yell, "What the fuck is that noise?!" He jerked up and yelled back, "It must be a fucked up pipe or something!", "gotcha" the voice replied. "Phew" he thought "that was a close one."
Kyle heard more footsteps coming from the hallway, and he jerked up from the wall he was leaning against and saw John walking towards the doorway. "hehe" he thought "here we go." The door slowly opened and out walked the white woof, wearing some tight under armor and sweatpants. "Hey John" the husky said. The wolf looked up and felt his cock twitch and his insides turn upside down when he saw the neon green spotted husky standing there wearing a black under armor t-shirt and some tight black sweat pants. "Uh..I..uh..hi there?" the wolf replied. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" the wolf thought to himself. "Good game you had there dude." The husky said. "Uh thanks, you too..I mean uh..oh God". "It's cool dude, I know what you mean" the husky broke in.
"So what exactly do you want" John asked.
"Just to talk a little with our superstar QB" Kyle chuckled. "So you doing anything tonight?" The husky asked.
"Uh...well...I don't think so..." Answered the wolf.
"Well...I was wondering if you maybe wanted to head out for some pizza or something and maybe we could just get to know each other."
"Um, I guess that would be cool, I got a ride here, you got a car?" asked the wolf.
"Yeah, here, follow me" he whipped out a set of keys and began messing with their switchblade like opening ability as he walked John to his car.
His car was a silver, nice looking, 2006 chevy Impala. He pressed a button on the keys and the car made a 'cha chunk' noise, indicating that it was unlocked. "Climb in" the husky gestured. The wolf timidly climbed into the passenger seat, as the husky started up the car. He turned on his mp3 player that was hooked up to the stereo and started playing some hip-hop beats, tapping along with them on the steering wheel. "So, pizza?" the husky asked. The wolf simply nodded back. And at that he began pulling out and heading east on the road, towards town.
They pulled into the pizza parlor, and got out of the car. "Here we are" The husky smiled. "The wolf timidly smiled back. "Not much of a talker tonight?" asked the husky. "I'm just tired I guess" replied the wolf, trying to repress the earlier thoughts about the husky. They walked into the restaurant and the husky looked over at the wolf, who was blushing with great force. They went and grabbed a table and waited for someone to take their order. It was kind of late and most kids in the town were celebrating at victory parties. So the pizza parlor was empty.
John ordered 3 slices of cheese and Kyle ordered 2 slices of pepperoni. John looked up and started to stare at the husky again. His cock twitched under his jock strap. "damn it damn it damn it!" he thought. "I doubt he's even gay"
The husky noticed the wincing scared/confused look on the wolf's face. He was ready to take advantage of the wolf's obvious confusion. He began to smirk to himself. "So John..." he leaned over the table and went face to face with the wolf. "How are you these days?" asked the smirking husky.
"I uh...well..uh..."
Kyle broke the wolf's stutter with a long passionate kiss.
The husky knew the wolf wanted it, he understood these kind of things. And the husky was all for it too. He heard the wolf moan something through the kiss but he just passed it off. It seemed like their muzzles were locked for an eternity. They opened their mouths and began exploring the other's muzzle to every last detail. The other's tongue intruding on very, very forbidden ground.
The husky broke the kiss, and stared the wolf in the eyes. Both of their eyeballs, were creamy and cloudy, willed with lust, glimmering in the shitty lighting of the old pizza parlor.
"I uh...I" the wolf tried to make out, only to be stopped short of another passionate kiss.
"Would you like to head to my place? My parents are out" Asked the husky through another kiss.
The wolf simply nodded, and they stood up, and dropped twenty bucks on the table and head outside. Holding hands.
As they pulled into the husky's driveway, a thousand thoughts raced through the wolf's brain, but those thoughts were pushed out by that one, much bigger, lustful side of his brain again.
They walked into the house and the husky flipped on a switch and the living room lighted up. He led the wolf to the couch and sat him down there and the wolf put his arms around the huskies waist and they began kissing each other. They pressed their groins against one another and they both felt the other's hard-on pressing against their stomachs.
The husky murred and pressed his muzzle against the wolf's firm chest and nuzzled the wolf. He began taking in the wolf's scent, noting every aspect of him. He felt a hand going down to his crotch and he yipped a little.
"You wanna head up to the bedroom?" asked the husky
The wolf nodded, his eyes still creamy with lust.
The husky led the wolf up the stairs and around the corner into a slightly messy room, with drumsticks lying about. The husky grabbed some lube from some hidden place. He pushed the wolf back onto the bed and began to fumble with the wolf's drawstring. He loosened up the pants and saw the bulge in the sweatpants twitch at every touch. He lowered the pants down the wolf's legs and threw them aside. He saw the black jock strap still on there and began to play with the now very large bulge trying to poke out of it. He jumped up and stood over the wolf and began to strip himself after he pulled off the wolf's shirt, he tore off his own and threw it aside. Then he grabbed hold of his sweats and pulled them down, the bulge twitching as the elastic moved over it.
He now moved down to his jock strap and slowly slid it down around his legs and he kicked it aside onto the floor. He knelt on top of the wolf and began straddling his bulge. He started humping the wolf's groin and he motioned to the wolf to remove his jock strap and the wolf did so and kicked it aside.
They went into another passionate kiss and Kyle reached across the bed and grabbed the bottle of lube and a long, thick drumstick. He began to lather the stick in lube and stuck the tip of the stick at his tail hole, and he began to pump away at his tail hole.
With the drumstick still in his love hole, the husky lowered himself to the wolf's fully erect man hood and placed his muzzle onto the twitching cock. The wolf twitched and moaned madly as the husky did this.
He began to bob up and down on the wolf's cock. The drumstick in his tail
hole bobbing up and down with him. They both moaned in unison. As they continued to hump each other and before long they both felt a twitch come from the other, and the wolf cummed very strongly into the huskies mouth and the husky came all over the wolf's lower body, the drumstick falling out of his tail hole in his large tremors as he came hard.
The husky licked his lips of cum and went up to the wolf and began kissing him hard on the lips, the wolf tasting his own cum.
The wolf caressed his little drummer boy in his arms as they drifted off to sleep, kissing here and there. They fell asleep into each other's arms.
They woke up in each others arms and the wolf suddenly jerked back to reality.
"Shit!' he said
The jusky woke up at that.
"I...I gotta get home now!" he said "god damn it god fucking damn it!"
"what is it?" asked Kyle.
"My parents are going to fucking kill me!" He grabbed his clothes and pulled them on and ran outside.
"Let me give you a ride" said Kyle.
"No, that wouldn't look good, I'll run." and at that the wolf was dashing out the door and down the street.
The next week on monday, he didn't see John in any of his classes, nor did he see him come out of the locker rooms after football practice.
Kyle was worried for him, he wondered what could have happened to him, what things may have happened, if his parents found out he had sex with another guy, and if they were one of those radical parents. What if they were, oh man, this was all his fault.
As the wolf drove home, he began sobbing and praying, for the safety of his wolf friend....