Newfound Purposes: Chapter 2

Story by Jaki-Kun on SoFurry

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#3 of Newfound Purposes

We're almost there. Characters, action, and a bit of a plot incoming.

Chapter 2- Interactions

"No! No! NO! This isn't happening! This can't be happening!" Shane shakily states in her new feminine voice, holding her head the best she can with her front paws. "There's just no way! I'm a male human! Not a female Pokemon!"

After a few minutes of panicking, Shane slows down, takes a deep breath, and takes a moment to soak everything in.

"Oh... Okay... I just need to calm down. If I'm going to be stuck like this for a while, I might as well try my best to get used to this new body... Let's see how it compares to my old one."

The fur... it feels so strange to her. While Shane petted plenty of animals back home, and knows what animal fur feels like, wearing it and having it attached to her was completely different. It makes everything touching her fur feel different. She knows getting it wet or dirty will suck, because it will take forever to get out, and until she does, she'll have to deal with feeling her fur sagging down or having things stuck in it. And her least favorite thing about it is that it makes her feel unnaturally warm all the time, and unless she wants to get wet, she has to bear it.

The tail. It was like adding another limb. It takes a moment for Shane to realize exactly how to control it, but once she realizes that, she feels like she's had that tail her entire life. She can feel with her tail like any other part of her body, though it is more sensitive than most, and many times she is surprised when she first feels something different touch it.

Her face. While it's not completely noticeable by sight, she can feel a small muzzle protruding about as far as her human nose did. It's nothing major, but it could make eating food tricky for a while. Her ears, though, are a different story. They feel so large compared to her human ears, and she can hear things much better now, but not uncomfortably so. The only other things she notices are a heightened sense of sight and smell.

Shane gulps, flipping back over onto her back. "Well... the only thing left is..."

Her stomach. Using her front paws, she feels six protrusions, sensitive to the touch. Whenever she lays down or something touches them, she can't help but be just a little pleasured. And on her lower stomach she can see her opening, the most defining change she has. Unwilling to experiment with it, she rolls back over onto her feet and wobbily stands up.

"So... where to from here? There's got to be a town around here somewhere. Maybe I can find food and shelter there... I just hope I don't get caught before I get there..."

Shane shudders, shaking it off, and begins exploring the area around the lake. It's not long before she spots a town not far in the distance, and a dirt path leading up to it. Staying a safe distance from the path, she cautiously approaches the town, now able to get a clear view of it.

The town, though small in size, has a number of tall buildings, some in the shape of Pokemon, and most with leaf-covered roofs. A river flows around the edges of the town, coming from what seems like a waterfall to Shane's left. With her new hearing, Shane can hear voices coming the middle of the town, the town square, and while she can't make out what any one person is saying, she recognizes the language- English.

"Well, I guess that makes me a bit luckier...Assuming I can still speak English, and that I'm not speaking in Shinx right now. If I can just find someone who won't freak out at a talking Pokemon, I might be able to get them to help me... But I have to be careful. I don't want to cause a scene. I can't just walk around in plain sight... I have to be sneaky."

Now at the outskirts of the town, Shane checks to see if the coast is clear, and initiates her plan. Darting from one cover to another, she makes it behind a stump, into a bush, under a tree, and behind a house, and she only falls a couple times. Stopping to catch her breath, she plops on the ground, already exhausted.

"Stupid body... Why does it have to be so hard to run on four legs? There are definitely a lot of things I still have to get used to... But at least I made it here unseen, right?"

"Uh... Hi there!" replies a cheery voice, coming from behind her.

Even though the voice was warm and welcoming, the words sent a chill down Shane's spine. Jumping up, Shane immediately spins herself around defensively.

"St... stay back! Don't make me fry... you?"

Confused, Shane doesn't see who the voice could have come from. In fact, the only thing she CAN see is a brown haired, green-eyed, yellow-scarfed Eevee staring curiously at her, taking a step back. The Eevee cocks its head, frowning.

"Well... that would be unpleasant..." says the Eevee, in a distinct, human male voice.

Shane couldn't believe her ears. "Did... did you say that?"

The Eevee turns around, looks on both sides of himself, and turns back to Shane.

"I don't see anyone else around here... Hey, are you okay? You're really out of breath."

Shane stands up, trying her best to ignore the fact that she's talking to a Pokemon.

"Um... I'm fine, thanks," Shane says, shaking off some of the dirt she got on her.

"That's good to hear!" the Eevee says, smiling heartily. "I can't help but ask, though... What were you doing back here?"

<Uh... Shit! Shit! What would a Pokemon be doing here?>

"I was just... uh... practicing... my battling techniques! Yeah!"

The Eevee laughs. "Well, keep at it! I could always use new members in my Rescue Team."

Shane cocks her head confusedly. "Rescue Team?"

The Eevee grins from ear to ear. "Yeah! You know, teams that rescue injured and trapped Pokemon?"

Shane slowly shakes her head no.

"Oh! Well... Now you do!" replies the Eevee, smiling.

<Wait... He's not joking, is he? Would there really be a team of Pokemon that did that? Where are all the trainers? Where are all the PEOPLE?... I don't understand... This is nothing like any of the games I ever played.>

The Eevee calmly looks up to the sun, only for his expression to quickly change to one of panic. "Oh, no! I forgot why I was out here in the first place! Sorry, but I have to go! Hope we meet again!" he says, smiling while running down the dirt path away from the city.

Shane stands awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what just happened.

<Well, he certainly changed in a hurry... I wonder what that was all about.>

Shane slowly steps to the corner of the building, hiding behind it.

<I still have a lot of other questions that need answering, though... So I might as well start out with finding out what's around this corner.>

Shane gulps, slowly peering her head around the wall.

The city itself wasn't too different from the cities Shane was used to. There were tall buildings lining the busy streets below them. There were stands covering the sidewalks, selling all kinds of different objects. There were even newspapers and mailboxes in front of the houses.

<Oh my God...>

There was just one major difference.

<This city...>

Shane steps out from behind the corner, seeing everything all the way down to the city square.

<It's a city for Pokemon!>