The Saga ch.3

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#3 of The Saga

Okay so this has adult content in it if you're not of the age of majority in what ever country, territory, or place that you currently reside don't look at this.

So now that that's out of the way.

Here is ch.3 of the saga, again this series is just a reimagining of something else, by this chapter the series I based this off of should start to be more apparent. I hope you like this, as this is my favorite story I have written yet. For those of you that ready Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. I probably wont have the next chapter done till Friday. Also in this story I screwed up kind of the character Baylea Niesen, well her name should be Baylea Sempta as she is Desnes Sempta's aunt. shouldn't be to much of a problem story wise though. Any kind of feedback is appreciated. Hope you enjoy.

-Van Rorie

The Saga ch.3

Characters introduced in this chapter.

Xentse "the crooked" Yersit - current dictator of Wassera, he is an old tom with amber fur, and a crooked jaw from a badly set injury.

Marron Sempta - gray tom cat, half-brothers with Desnes Sempta, William Flareus's closest friend.

Lilac Yersit - beautiful silver she-cat, only daughter of Xentse.

Milic Yersit - sliver/gray she-cat, daughter of Lilac Yersit and Marron Sempta.

Fitec Yersit - gray/black tom, son of Lilac Yersit and Marron Sempta.

Rajitel Lerya - golden yellow she cat with some black spots, current Deputy Commander of Wassera, Is main feline running the country due to Xentse's old age.

Setting: Kingdom of Layorra capitol, main fortress.

Marron franticly knocked on the door to Williams's room. "William open up this cursed door, they've told me you're the Deputy Commander now, what in the name of the ancestors happened to Razen?!"

The door quickly fell away from Marron's paw as William opened it hurriedly.

"What in the heavens name is the matter with you Marron?"

"The new I receive upon arriving back from my campaign, that's what, is the matter. How are you the Deputy Commander, where is Razen?"

"Come inside please, I have grave news for you I'm afraid."

William explained the situation to Marron, the betrayal of Razen Sart, and the death of Baylea Sempta. At that he stopped to give his condolences to Marron, he knew that Marron and Baylea were related, but not entirely sure on what line, perhaps she was his aunt and nephew, or cousin. He finished summarily and they sat in the silence of the room for some time.

"Marron, forgive me for asking but you don't seem to be as distraught as I had expected of you."

Marron laughed in an awkward and tense way, failing in his attempt to clear the tension in the room.

"William, all the way traveling back here after the campaign I thought I had the most unbelievable news to tell you, but, well, you've got me beat. I fell in love while I was away."

"What do you mean fell in love, Marron? Surely not with some common whore, Marron you're nobility and you shouldn't fraternize with commoners like that." William said patronizing him somewhat.

"NO! I mean no, William she was nobility and oh so gorgeous."

"Was? What happened to her?"

"Dead, dead and gone, and" at this point Marron started crying tears that he had his with his awkward laughter rolled down his muzzle quietly "I loved her, and she's dead William." He dried his tears then continued "But, all is not horrid, she gave me something in return, if you would listen to my story."

"Of course, my dear Marron."

"Well as you know I left a year and one half ago, so I shall start there."


Marron hated this time of day, the hot noon heat scorching his fur. Worst was his leather armor which made the simply hot day a veritable oven of heat. He was glad though that he wasn't walking, he was provided with some limited Calvary during this campaign though he doubted he would use them. After all his main objective was to clear out the savages that had been harassing the kingdoms southern border, the one they shared with Wassera. The feral horse was a rather slow animal though; he thought he could have made better time on paw.

He arrived at the port of Vencha late in the day. The port city was to be his base of operations throughout the campaign, though the enlisted men would stay out of the city camped around it. His own temporary apartment had a splendid view of the river Wass (pronounced Vase); the river served as the primary border between Wassera and Layorra, though he would soon try to make his way to Wassera, or at the least send a messenger to alive their fears of an invasion. After all a large army on any border is nerve racking.

The next day was a somewhat nervous and hurried affair; Marron had decided to go to Wassera in person. The two kingdoms were of even strength and Marron didn't want to offend old Xentse by sending a subordinate with such important news.

They travelled for a few days, Marron and some of his officers, till they arrived at the capitol of Wassera. They had sent messengers to warn of their arrival so that they wouldn't seem hostile. They were lead into the main fortress in the capitol fairly easy, after all Wassera and Layorra were on good terms right now. This was mostly a result of Xentse; the old cat had made Wassera strong after his predecessor had died of some unknown illness. Having come into power slightly before Rain Furl they made a pact of neutrality towards each other helping their nations grow.

Marron met with Xentse very briefly, the old cat was very gray around the muzzle and he felt worried for him slightly. Two important things came out of there meeting though, Xentse allowed Marron to use the land just outside of Wassera territory if needed for hunting down the savages that had been causing so much trouble. Xentse also sent a dispatch of soldiers to help Marron, though they had their own commander and it was none other than Lilac Yersit, old Xentse's daughter.

So he was back at Vencha waiting there for Lilac to muster her forces and join him at his command post. Marron stayed busy though, planning the main attack forces. He was chosen by Rain Furl to go because he was a foot soldier by trade and his experience of that was the best for engaging loosely organized and trained savages. And each general had his own strength, Pluvus Daject was an artillery commander, and Razen Sart was in Calvary.

Some short and few days later Lilac arrived with a force of about three hundred infantry and a handful of Calvary; not a large force by any means, but quite a formidable one. The infantry was to be especially prized for most Wassera infantry was amphibious and this gave Marron many new strategize to try in the campaign.

Marron soon met Lilac in person, as the moment she arrived she was ushered into the command center. She made her way in a pillar of beauty in a sea of male officers. She was wearing the custom reed armor of Wassera infantry. The armor however was not what was captivating the toms though, that was what was wearing the armor.

It was love at first sight. The first time Marron saw Lilac he fell madly in love with her.

Her fur was as if the greatest smiths of all the heavens had smelted and crafted the finest silver for her fur, and it glistened and shone like a radiant chandelier of gems which could out shine the sun if they so choose.

"Commander Marron" she said politely as she greeted him.

"Commander Lilac, I thank you, and your father for the dispatch of extra troops."

"Of course, these savages hurt our land as well so we should be just as joyed as you to see them gone."

"Thank you Commander Lilac" he motioned with his right paw at the table where the maps and plans for the campaign lay "If you would like to view the strategy I would be joyed."

"You would joyed commander?" She said with an underlying innuendo and mock questioning.

"I *cough* yes I would Commander Lilac."

They reviewed for the rest of the day, until Marron dismissed the officers for the night.

"Commander Marron, do you know of any good lodgings in this port, I had not been able to get a residents yet."

Marron thought for a moment, all of the proper places for a lady of Lilacs caliber had long since closed in the night, and she couldn't well stay here with a camp full of horny enlisted men, that was just asking for trouble. His mind proposed a solution and he asked her of it.

"I am sorry no, I'm afraid all of the places of rest have closed for the night. You're welcome to come to my apartment though, I have a spare bed there, and you shall not be disturbed."

"That would be most pleasant I think Commander Marron, thank you for your hospitality."

"It is the least I may do for your and your father's assistance in this campaign."

So they went to Marrons apartment for the night. When they arrived at the apartment Marron showed Lilac to the bedroom that he had been using. He had lied slightly when he said he had a spare bed. He had a bed and was happy to give it to Lilac; he would just sleep on a couch in the front room of the apartment.

"Marron Where is your bed, if I use this one?" Lilac asked.

"I will be sleeping in the front room" he saw her look of slight worry and so assuaged it quickly "don't worry it's not a problem, I don't mind really."

"Marron you are such a gentle cat you know that?"

Marron blushed at her comment, and just mumbled something of agreement before exited the room to go change out of his armor.

He sat on the couch in the front room, wearing a loose fitting robe. It felt cool and comfortable in the night atmosphere that was cooled by the river reliving the heat of the day from the suns tyranny. He heard Lilac enter the room, though she was behind the couch so she couldn't see her.

"I was thinking of getting some supper, would you like anything Lilac?" he asked casually to her.

"Yes, you."

Suddenly Marron felt lips press against his as Lilac came from behind him; leaning down over the couch to kiss him. Marron was shocked, and stumbled from the couch.

"Lilac! What in the heavens name?" he managed to say but she was fast and quickly trapped him in another kiss.

"Marron I love you, and I know you love me why are you shocked?"

He broke away from her lightly.

"If your father finds out he"-

"Father loves me, and I am his only kin, he dares not alienate me."

"And you do love me?"

She rested her front paws on her chest, glancing up at him with her precious eyes; her eyes which were a river of sapphires with the sun's rays reflecting over them in absolute brilliance.

"With all my being Marron, my love."

He kissed her with a passion so intense it would have startled even the most readied receiver; however she loved him in equal amounts so that their passion matched each other and grew in mutual nourishment. His tongue slipped into her mouth and vise-versa. They explored each other, with a large and burning desire to know the other perfectly.

He used his paws feeling her fur, and for the first time realized she wasn't wearing anything. He gazed upon her nude figure and saw her pure brilliance. She was a sliver as the finest jewelry; her belly fur was cream and the color of a fantastic full moon.

He broke away from their kiss partly to obtain a breath in which to continue their love.

"Is something wrong?" she asked him.

"I swear by all the heavens and souls in it, you are the most beautiful thing that they have created."

She nuzzled him under his chin. And they did that for some time, nuzzling each other trying to get as physically close to the scent of their lover as possible. Hands groped each other finding the bodies of their lovers perfect.

He lightly messaged her breast with his right paw, tweaking her nipple between his slightly unsheathed claws. She let out a moan of pleasure and licked his face. She ran her own hands down his chest slipping the robe off of him as they went.

She massaged his furred balls, rubbing them pleasurably. He murred into her fur as she did. They were soon giving each other mirror moans of pleasure as they explored each other, and took each other to a new level of pleasure.

He teased her slit with his left paw, slowly dragging a claw over it probing the folds. He slipped in a finger and slowly started to rub her with it; using his thumb to gently press against her clit.

She responded by slowly rubbing his hardening cock, he was already well out of his sheath but he wasn't anywhere near completely hard. All the while they continued kissing and nuzzling each other.

"Please fuck me" she whispered sensually into Marrons ear.

He jumped on the situation and they lied down upon the couch together. He quickly lined up his member with her hot, tight slit.

With one swift motion he tore into her, grasping her neck in his jaws as he did to claim her. She yelled in pleasure full pain. He kept in her pumping his length in and out of her with no respite.

There was no need for words now as both of them knew what the others body wanted.

She screamed with pleasure as the spike studded member of Marron filled her completely. She could see only colors as her brain took away oxygen from her eyes to process the immense pleasure in her body. She squeezed at his cock with the walls of her vagina trying to milk him of his precious seed.

He felt and equal pleasure, as her hot and slick walls enveloped his feline member. She was so tight Marron could hardly believe it. The little yelps of pleasure she gave were also serving to turn Marron on as he felt to dominate her.

He quickened his pace, going faster, and faster. He could feel his release approaching. He grabbed her by the scruff of the neck as he exploded into her, he felt as if all his energy left him, only to be replaced by pleasure. He gave out one mighty roar as he came inside of her.

Lilac felt his barbed member pull deeper inside of her trying to pass her cervix. Suddenly she felt his cock twitch and spasm in her as he released he potent seed. She felt it spray her walls with such force that she came and felt pleasure like never before. The whole world seemed to disappear as she felt time die and was left with just pleasure.

They lied there on the couch basking in their combined pleasure. Marron leaned into Lilacs ear to say to her.

"Sweet dreams Lover."

He got no response as she was already asleep from the immense strain and pleasure her body had received.

They spent many more nights together and developed a love that would last the rest of their lifetimes.


"So what happened to her?" William asked him.

"She died in childbirth. I tried to save her but they said there was nothing to be done. I had her buried there next to the river; we both loved it so much."

"Childbirth? Marron are the kittens?"

"Yes they're fine; a wet nurse is taking care of them. Oh, but William I don't know what to do, Xentse knows about the kittens and he wants them, they're his last kin. I don't want to deprive him of his grand kittens William, everyone knows he doesn't have that much longer to live, but if we go to Wassera I know he won't let them leave."

"Marron whatever your decision I want you to know I'll support you."

"William thank you, you are the greatest friend anyone could ever have."

"What are their names Marron?"

"Milic and Fitec Yersit."

"They carry their mother's name?"

"Yes, William if we go to Wassera and then Rajitel Lerya comes to power I want her to know that, and remember always that these are the grand Kittens of the mighty Xentse "the crooked" Yersit.

"Marron I hope that they will never be judged because of their lineage. I mean it to I will protect them."

So the two friends sat in the night and slowly they wound it down and Marron made his way to his room, to sleep and to look upon his kittens with absolute love, for he was determined to love them enough for both himself and Lilac.

The Sea of Beige

Beige and seas of the damn shit; and in the beige lie wallowing, and do so toil the souls of by not their choice reside. In this beige, in this country of the young, for it is a country of the young were they do become old, or at least mature though...

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter IIX

**I believe in complete and absolute non-ownership of everything, and so I do not claim to own these characters but rather submit them to public domain. If you wish to use them feel free to do so in any way (though I would like to be notified if they...

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The Saga ch.2

So James9 seemed to like this so I wrote some more of it. Again this isn't original it's just a reimagining of something else. I do hope everyone enjoys though, sorry there isn't much yiff in it. The Saga ch.2 Character introduced in this chapter ...

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