Tales of broken fang, blue feather and silver moon - Night of Festival

Story by Elia on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of broken fang, blue feather and silver moon

"When the Balance filled the world with essence, Haunnan came to the earth and filled it with life and beauty of many kinds. One of the creatures she created caught the eye of Fearress, he took it and filled it with his blood and his wisdom, and so our ancestors were born, Fea'ehn the 'children of Fearres'. "

"Thanor saw beauty in his brother creation and decided to do the same. He choose another creature and, like his brother filled it with his essence, giving birth to Hrshes. Wise and peaceful kind, living among our ancestors."

"When Haunnan saw what they both did, she asked Balance for a drop of essence, and from that drop, her finest creation was made, Hun'ahns. They didn't look like any other creatures that were created, their skin was bare, their bodes, thin and fragile, their hands clawless, their eyes colorful."

" Weak and defenseless? No they were not. Haunnan gave them the most precious gift from all, they could wield the essence, bend it to their will, and make wonders by the power of a simple thought."

"That power soon change them, they became greedy. First they started fighting against each other, but soon were killing everything and everyone that stood in their path. A terrible war has thorn apart the world, and darkness was born. "

"What has happened was so horrible that the Haunnan herself put an end to it. She cursed all Hun'ahns, she took away the power to control the essence from them, she made them blind in darkness, and off all she made them forget. Then she hidden herself from them, made herself deaf for their plea, and she cried, cried in pain as her finest creation betrayed her."

"When Hun'ahns lost their power, war changed into bloody massacre of their kind. We were born predators, excellent hunters and fighters, they became our prey."

"Thanor to protect his children from this madness, put his hand between our lands, and the land was thorn apart, pushed far into the outer seas. From that moment no one has ever seen Hreshs again. Our ancestors were left alone with Hun'ahns, which soon were outnumbered and defeated."

"However that did not stop the slaughter, wherever found, they were hunted down and killed, so were their womans and children. That must have upset our father, or as they say he couldn't stand the cries of Haunnan. He took her and they both returned to Balance. Before he left he took a handful of her tears and throw them back to the earth. Hun'ahns on which those tears had fallen, regained some part of their control over the essence and thus were able to defend themselves..."

I stood there listening to the story i knew so well, listening to the voice i loved so much, the first voice I've heard in my life. My mother was sitting in an armchair near the fireplace, dressed in a simple robe, cowered by a woolen blanket. Her voice was soft and peaceful, transfixed cubs and youths were sitting around her, listening intently. She looked at me and paused for a second.

"... I think that will be enough for today, it's getting late, so you're better go back to your moms, before they'll start worrying"

"But you promised to tell us about Sheiah!" Small cub cried nearly bursting in tears "you promised!, promised!"

I've moved closer and nudge his ear.

"You know it is impolite to talk like that to your elders?"

"He kind of reminds me of you" Mother was looking at me, her eyes were smiling.

"Now off you go, I want to talk with Sia now, we'll finish tomorrow"

I've watched as fluffy cloud of cubs left the room.

"Sia... "

I've moved closer and kneeled in front of her, putting my head on her knees, as I always did when I was a child.

"I've missed you so much mom..."

She stroke my head as if I were still a little cub.

"Sia... I'm so glad your back..." She sighted, pulling me closer " ... oh, enough with that, curse the old age I'm getting to sentimental. Stand up already and show me your self"

" O my, o my, you grown up so much, you're no longer my little kitten. I'm so proud... You're so beautiful, boys must be fighting for you? Do you have a mate already?"

"Mom!" She smiled.

"Any way you must be hungry and tired, come I'll ask Nirrlle to make you something... " she tried to stand up, but couldn't.

"Mom are you alright?!"

"... Oh.. I'm fine... it's just... my legs have fallen asleep... old age ya know..."

She smiled and I help her up, holding my arm she slowly walked out of the room

We sat waiting in the dinningroom, few candles were sending dim light across the table.

"I've so many questions and so much to talk about, will the others join us?"

Suddenly her face changed, she lowered her head and looked away from me.

"... no..." she finally said.

"No? Why? Where are they?" her hands were trembling "What happened?! Mom?! Please tell me!"

"It's been a long time since you've left Sia... Many things have changed, some for worse... You're father is very old now, his health got worse lately..." tears were building in the corners of her eyes.

" I'm afraid he will not least this winter... If it wasn't for Ferr we wouldn't have managed, but lately he was called to the capital to represent our clan during the gathering... and it's been long since I've heard from him..."

"Now when he's gone everything is falling apart, i don't have enough strength anymore to keep everything going..."

"It's okay mom, it's okay... but where's Seira? She should have helped you." She clutched her fists, her hands were trembling, her ears lay flat on her head.


"She... " She sighed and lowered her head even more.

"Two years ago she has chosen her mate, and moved to live with his clan, they loved each other so much, she was going to have cubs this year, she went to the forest... but... She never came back..." her muzzle was covered in tears

"They searched through the forest for many days, but they haven't found her body, nor her baby, not even blood... her traces suddenly disappear"

"Mom..." She was crying, her face buried in her hands.

I've held her in my arms until she calm down a bit. We ate in silence, somehow the food had no taste for me at all.

Nirrle walked me to my room, i stared aimlessly at her butt as we were walking, she was only wearing her small apron, and her firm, round buttocks were jingling up and down, her tail swing to left and right, as we walked to my room.

She shown me the door to my bedroom, then looking a bit concerned, she asked.

"Is something wrong miss?"

I put a fake smile on may face.

"No it's nothing, I'm juts tired, everything is alright, you may go now." She nodded, and then slowly walked away.

Of course it wasn't! My sister was dead, my brother was gone, my clan was falling apart, and all I was thinking about was her ass, and how it would taste... Fucking hypocrite was I.

That night i thought that my world was falling apart, but worse was yet to come by.


_**Part 2

Tales of broken fang, blue feather and silver moon - Night of Festival**_

Sharp humming in his ears woke him up, indicating that he was still alive, kind of... Having in mind his earlier experience, he didn't even bother to move but lay still, waiting for another round of convulsions, to pull him inside out. Much to his surprise, nothing happened. Also the humming finally died so he could hear again. Bored of waiting, he slowly opened his eyes, cautiously looking around. Snow seemed to be reclaiming the circle they were laying in, which suggested that the protective spell he had put around them, was fading already, leaving them at the mercy of weather.

Already?! He was shocked, that spell was supposed to least for couple of days, a week, maybe one and a half. Was he unconscious for so long? Apparently his drayed throat was trying to prove it.

'No sudden moves' He thought to himself as he carefully tried to move, his muscles were sore, but somewhat worked.

He reached for some clean snow, then melting it in his hands he sucked the moisture, drinking it as if it was the finest wine in the entire world. After that he carefully sat up and looked around. The area protected by the spell was shrinking as he watched.

He looked at the sky, dark heavy clouds were lazily advancing towards them. The storm was coming. How long would it take before it reach them? Hour maybe two, it seemed. Going back to his camp was out of question, not in his current condition, not with her. He looked at her, she was laying on her side, one arm stretched in his direction, her eyes closed, was she dreaming? He shivered, the air inside the circle was getting colder, the spell was definitely fading away. They must find another shelter before the storm reaches them.

'Maybe I could renew the spell?' A thought crossed his mind.

That would gave them few more days, however in his current state, he wasn't quite sure if he could do it. He thought of something easy, something to check if he recovered enough to use essence again.

His hands felt really cold by now, maybe he could... Yes, a warming up spell, that should be easy enough. He closed his eyes, concentrating and... he nearly choked himself, blood was running from his nose, his world was spinning

'...or maybe not' That little test gave him much to think about, using essence was out of question for a while.

Suddenly he realized something, where did she came from? He was sure that when he was walking down the valley there was no one out there, she just appeared from ... nowhere? Well either this or she just came from the underground... then it struck him, caves! He scanned the surroundings, there it was, black spot i the massive whiteness, unmistakably, cave entrance.

His legs were shaking as if someone had removed bones from them, but he was moving foreword. It wasn't far, however he felt as if he had just run a mile.

The entrance was so small that he had to enter on all fours, but inside was enough space for him to almost stand up. He sighed, it was hard to call this place a cave, it was rather a shallow hole in the mountain, well at least it was dry and it offered some shelter.

"Will do..." he muttered, and went back for his new friend.

It took him ages but he pulled her as deep as it was only possible, holding her in his arms he covered them with his cape and waited, outside the cave thunders roared in anger for many restless hours, finally his body gave up as he fall asleep.


"After Hun'ahns regained their power, they were able to fight back and stop the massacre. However they were too weak to destroy us, and we weren't able to fight their magic, a draw."

"Then came Dia, peaceful goddess, she couldn't stand the pain of those who died but yet could not return to the essence. So she took em all, she covered them with her cloak, she pulled them to her womb, she eased their pain so they could return to the essence."

"As for those who lived, over the time, our ancestors have made pace with Hun'ahns. We shared with them and they shared with us."

"Unfortunately it did not least long, again Hun'ahns reached for power. They enslaved us, they put themselves above our kind, and by the power of their magic we ware forced to obey"

"Then, one night, Sheiah was born, a child that saved us all, Sheiah ai Tarril, a 'Light from silver moon'."

"From the beginning they all knew that she was 'unique'. Her eyes were blue as a sky can be, her silver fur, as soft as silk, her tail different from ours, longer fluffier, more like a fox would have. Apart from that there was something more about her, a power that slept inside her, power that our ancestors were not aware of, until that day... "

"One day a powerful spell was put on our kind, a spell that turned our proud ancestors into mindless slaves and forced them to obey any Hun'ahn they've meet"

"That day Sheiah was caught and brought to one of the Hun'ahn lords to entertain him, as she was famous among many for her beauty and the way she danced."

"She was chained and brought in front of him, and as he demanded from her to submit and dance, she just looked at him with disgust and simply said 'No'."

"In that second they froze, looking at her in disbelief of what she had done, she resisted, the spell had no effect on her. The lord, now terrified, jumped backwards and screamed terrified 'SUBMIT!'"

" 'Why should I submit to a pig?' she asked and stood up. She shocked her body as if she was trying to shake of water from her silver fur, the chains fell on the floor, she was free and no one could stop her now."

"She made a strange, swift motion with her arm, and suddenly the lord chocked and seconds later his head fell on the floor, fountain of blood rushed from his neck. His guard attacked her, she killed them all, as it seemed neither arrows, nor swords, not even fire could harm her. And then she disappeared."

"No one know what happened back then, a lot of stories was told, until, a year after that incident she reappeared in the capital of their kingdom."

"She was floating high above the ground, her body surrounded by the essence, her fur shining with it's own light, and then she spoke, and her voice was clear and powerful."

"I release you from the chains they put on us, be free and go home, leave this land of injustice, let it rot in the hands of the greedy ones."

"In that single moment the spell was broken, the souls and minds of our ancestors had awaken. They gathered their families and left leaving Hun'ahns behind"

"Armies were send to stop us, but with no success, they all were crushed by the power of Sheiah."

"Than a man have come, a nameless one, whose presence shall not be forgoten. He stood at the gate she made, a gate to our new home that no one bout us have known, he challenged her in a voice of our own, calling for equal fight. She came, he bowed, a thing any Hun'ahn have never done."

"They fought... He won..."

As she said those words my mother lowered her head and closed her eyes, as many times as she did when this story was told, to honor her death. The room was silent, no one dared to spoke.

"He picked up her body and left as we watched, before he did, he gave us his word,

'Leave, no one will come...'

So we did, and the gate was closed as soon as the last of our kind had passed. For many days we walked, scared of Hun'ahns army, however no one had come, he kept his word."

"As we reached this land and claimed it our home, those who survived mourned those who were gone. We paid our respect, and when all was said and done, we started new life and so, the story goes on."

"All what you've heard is true for what i give you my word as my mother did when she told me this as her mother told her so, from generation to generation this story is passed from those who have seen to those who live, so they would never forgot..."

My mother was overtaken by cubs asking about every tiny bits of knowledge she had about Sheiah, especially girls were very curious and asked many questions. No wonder they did, the festival was coming. I slipped away from the room, Nirrlle was waiting outside.

"Milady, the commander of local guards is waiting for you, I've shown him to the library."

"Thank you, make sure no one should bother us"

She bowed slightly and walked away. In the library, Harrnan ai Tohrr, was waiting for me. He was five maybe six years older than me, large, handsome male, whose body was covered in many scars. His fur was black as night, his leather armor looked a bit worn out.

"Milady" he bowed in my direction

"Capitan" I gave him a polite nod. "Please sit down. Would you like something to drink?".

I've put a glass of ale in his hand, without waiting for his answer, that gaught him a little bit off guard. I walked, across the room, letting him observe me, then, taking a place on sofa in front of him.

"You probably wonder why wonder why I summoned you? Well, until my brother returns, I'm responsible for my clan and my land, so i would like you to report to me everything you might consider above ordinary, or any, hmm how to put this, 'interesting' incidents that occur in my lands."

I've took a sip from my glass, taking a more comfortable position on sofa.

"So is there anything i should be aware of?"

There was a second of hesitation, but then he started to speak.

"Milady, when lord Ferr left, he gave me orders to follow until his return, which I did up to this day. However things are not as good as I would like them to be. Strange things have started to happen short after the lord left."

"Strange? What do you mean by that?"

"Guards and villagers missing, reports of bandits attacking traders caravans, but nothing was stolen, or a local drunkard telling stories about large enemy army he saw in the forest near village, and day after he is found dead, drowned in a well..."

"I've strengthen patrols, and investigated every unusual event, but i haven't learned anything valuable, and day by day more and more disturbing reports were coming. Then suddenly everything stopped..."

"Just after my arrival? What a strange coincidence..."

"Unfortunately, yes... Whoever is behind all of this, was probably taken of guard by your arrival Milady."

"You consider that all this was planned by someone?"

"Yes Milady, I can not exclude that..."

A silence fell between us, the situation was even worse than i thought.

"Thank you, I think that it will be all for now. If anything else will happen, please inform me."

He bowed and left, i walked to the window and looked outside, the storm was coming.

"Ferr where are you?"

If I knew my question will be answered so fast and in such way... I'd never asked.


He woke up late that morning a bit surprised that he is still alive. Actually, he couldn't remember when was the las time he felt so good, so warm and cozy. Oh? So it was almost the end? He heard stories from people that almost froze to death that close to the end, they felt a strange and pleasant warmth, their pain was gone, they felt so happy...

That must be it, Dia was covering him with her cape... Strange, he felt like something warm and heavy was laying atop of him and... it was purring?! He opened his eyes and froze, the whole cave was filled with strange dim light, yet he couldn't find it's source. The walls, his cape, his cloths, even his body was emitting a strange aura. Another shock struck him, that feeling... It was as if extreme amounts of essence were flowing through his body, a river... no! A whole ocean of essence was flowing through him. Her body twitched, it nearly made him jump. His heart was definitely trying to escape from his chest.


It took him awhile to push, the image of her fangs ripping his throat, out of his mind. He felt her steady breathing on his neck, she was unconscious, asleep or doing whatever her kind did to rest... But... All that essence... Was it coming from her? He tried to determine the source of it and sighed with relief, whatever was the source, it wasn't her. Well, whatever was the source, a lot of essence went through her, did she felt it? He wondered. A faint, rumbling sound was coming from her chest. Definitely she felt something, but... His thoughts were interrupted by a strange wetness around his groin

"What the....?"

He reached there with his hand and almost instantly pulled it away, his hand was covered in sticky and smelly substance.

"Great... just great... Did I told you already that you've chosen a fucking great time for having a wet dream..."

"Damn, you leak more than a pierced bladder..."

He pushed her aside and got up, half of his pants were socked up already, he looked at her, her juices were glittering in the dim light, the tip of her tongue was sticking out of her muzzle. He smiled, she looked kinda cute, poor little kitty.


The town was looking fabulous, houses and streets decorated with flowers and colorful lanterns, silver ribbons were tied in trees branches, small round bells were ringing in the wind.

"Milady... ummm... can we go to the temple?"

For a second i wondered why she was asking, then i realized.

"A! So you wanna dance?" I moved my face close to her.

"Y-yes..." She really was a shy one.

"Common, let's go then." I grabbed her hand and pulled her, we ran to the temple.

Today was haji'ra, 'the day before festival'. It was a very special day, a day when the choosing was made. Every year, a young girl between sixteen and twenty one, was chosen to perform the Dance of Sheiah, the main event of festival. Her fur would be dyed and combed to represent the one of Sheiah and she will lead a procession from the temple to the city square were on stage she will dance one of the dances Sheiah performed to open the festival.

Every little girl was learning this dance, to perform it in front of the whole town, was a great honor, and a perfect opportunity to find a nice and handsome mate...

I've written my name on a piece of paper and throw it into a wooden box. An old priestess nodded to me and smiled, the sun was setting, we made it in last moment.

A lot of girls gathered in front of the temple, the box was shaken a couple of times and a small cub came and pulled out one piece of paper, then handed it to priestess, she gave him a cookie and he run away happy from a bargain he just made.

We looked anxious at the Priestess, she slowly unfolded it and read aloud.

"Sia ai Sherri"

I was stunned, i didn't know what to do, i couldn't believe my own ears.

"Sia ai Sherri" She repeated.

Nirrlle pushed me forward so I faced the priestess, she looked at me and said.

"Sia ai Sherri, do you accept?"

"yes" I finally managed to say.

"Very well, please, tomorrow morning come to the temple".


I couldn't sleep well that night, now I'm not sure it was because i was chosen or because my time was coming. I woke up early and went straight to the temple. I knocked on the gate and that old priestess opened. She looked at me and sniffed.

"You reek..."

"It's not my time yet!" I tried to defend myself

"Very well, come this way..."

They bathed me, combed my fur and dyed it, then dressed me in white, silk, skimpy, see trough costume, my tail... I don't know how they did it, b but it exploded with fluffiness.

"It's time... please come this way"

I was cowered with a long, silver cape, my body hidden from everyone, the procession started. We walked from the temple, people joining on the way.

We finally arrived at the town square, I've entered the stage accompanied by four armed guards and waited, everybody went silent. A priestess in a blue robe came, and stood in front of me, i kneeled before her and lowered my head, she put her hand on my head and whispered her prayers, then she removed my cape and left the stage, guards followed her. I was left alone, a familiar tension started to form in my abdomen,

"..oh gods not now..." I've muttered to myself.

The orchestra began to play, I slowly raised from the ground, stunned gasps came from the audience, I took the pose and another accord was hit. The years of practice took in, my mind switched off, my body did the rest.

When i finished, i felt like i had just woken up from some sort of crazy dream, I was panting hardly, my vision was blurred, i felt so tired. The roar of cheers was coming from the audience, they stood up and were clapping their hands in delight.

I slowly left the stage, my legs were trembling. Below the stage Harrnan ai Tohrr was waiting

"Wonderful performance Milady, I've never..." he froze, I've clung to him, the smell of his fur almost made me wet myself.

"Please... take me home..." Without a word he picked me up, and carried away from the crowd.


He put me on my bed and was going to leave when i jumped and embraced him, digging my claws into his armor.

"...please... stay..."

"M-milady... I-I can't.."

I touched myself, then i smeared my juices all over his nose, his eyes widened, his manhood was rock hard already. I've ripped away his kilt, kneeled before him, groping his buttocks I've licked his shaft. He roared in pleasure, then grabbed my butt, and took me from behind.

He visited me couple more times until my heat was over, those were one of the happiest days i spent at home... also the last ones.

Soon after my performance, my father died peacefully in his dream. My mother... After he left us, something had died in her, they loved each other so much.

I lay curled in my bed, sobbing. I've felt so lonely... Nirrlle brought me some food, she put it on the table then walked to bed and hugged me.

"I-I wish i could do something for you miss, your parents were always good for me, they took me in when my family died..."

"Will you stay with me tonight? I don't want be alone..." I clung to her.

"I - I.. " She sighed and look away scared.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't..." Wait, that smell...

"Nirrlle, is it your time?" She nodded, and lowered her head, she tried to stand up but i held her down.

"M-miss?!" She asked, unsure of what was happening.

"Um... Is someone waiting for you, i mean, do you have a mate for tonight?" I said gently stroking her thigh.

"N-no..." She suddenly realized where this was going.

"M-miss I'd never... " I closed her mouth with a kiss, my tongue lipped in and played inside her mouth. My hand went between her legs, stroking her hot sex.

She was panting heavily, i knew she couldn't think straight so I stopped, i didn't wanted to force her to anything she might regret later.

"...N-no... p-please... don't stop"

"Are you really sure of it?"

"... Y-yes."

I've laid her on my bed and spread her legs with my hands, I've massaged her thighs until she relaxed a bit. I've leaned closer and spread her pussy lips with my fingers, in an instant her juices flooded my hand. I've licked her making her yelp in pleasure.

She just lay there while i gave her pleasure until she felt satisfied. After that she fell asleep in my arms, soon her steady purrs erased my pain, I fell asleep.

A scream woke me up, in front of the bed there was a hooded figure pointing crossbow straight at me.

"...M-miss..." was all Nirrlle said, her numb body was laying in my arms, bolt standing out of her back, she covered me with her own body...

He dropped crossbow to the floor and advanced, pulling his sword out. The the doors were kicked wide open, and Harrnan ai Tohrr jumped in, pinning the stranger to the floor, braking his neck with his jaws, his fangs went in deep.

"Capitan! Quick! They're com......" He chocked and fell on the floor, arrow went straight through his throat. Harrnan, grabbed me and pulled me out of bed, holding me in his arms he jumped out of the window, breaking it on the way.

We ran through the forest, they were chasing us, we heard their voices all around us. Suddenly, a bowman appeared in front of me, i saw him let go of the arrow. Harrnan put his own body between us and roared in pain as the arrow hit him.

"RUN!" he roared at me, so i did, i run as fas as i could. He pulled out his sword and killed many of them, before archers pinned him to the tree. So loyal he was, he sacrificed himself so i could runaway...

Something hit me in the back of head, i fell landing face in the mud. Some one was standing above me, his sword touched my back.

"NO!" Someone else shouted

"He want her alive"

