Dearest Husky: Chapter 1: REVISED
#1 of Dearest Husky
A cold winter breeze blew through the air as a small figure walked through the woods heading toward his cabin. Bundled up in a baggy coat and a pair of snow pants treading through the two and a half feet of snow. This husky was one of the kindest people you would ever meet. Gentle at heart and always willing to help. His soft hazelish blue eyes unscratched clear and beautiful as they stared off the shining blue snow on the ground lit by the light of the moon and stars over head. His sky blue tint fur fluffed up around his cheeks. While his long black shiny hair resting just in his mid back rest pin straight swaying lightly as the gust passed by.
"Damn.... C-C-Cold...." The male husky spoke in a shivered voice as he would look down his long strong snout pointed to the ground hiding his eyes from the wind as he slowly made his way up to the cabin stopping at the door and pulling it open.
"Don't you ever knock!" He was greeted by as a large easily foot taller dragon barked, looking at the door way standing by the couch as a gust of wind rushed in. "Oh Spike... Sorry...." The dragon set down his cup of coco and moved over to the husky wrapping a arm around him and moving him over to the couch after shutting the door. He was slender, for his size he didn't have much muscle on him. But than again Spike was none the same, scrawny and thin. Black and red scales covered his body. The dragon wore a pair of kacky cargo pants with a set of leather boots clicking on the floor as he stepped. Shirtless in the warmth of the fire while he held the husky saying, "I'll go get you a blanket..." walking off down to the closet.
Spike sat on the couch shivering as he would look to the fire in front of him "F-Fred?" he murmured hoping the dragon could hear him as he turned his head slowly still staring at the fire though as if hypnotized by it. "Where's Kiam?"
Fred pulled out a black comforter and shut the closet before saying, "He's in the kitchen making some grub..." the dragon walked back over to Spike and wrapped the blanket around him from behind tucking him up in it as he nuzzled the huskie's cheek, "Want me to get him?"
Spike shook his head before curling up close into the comforter to say, "No... J-Just tell him... I made it back from town..."
Thinking for a moment as he stared at the husky, Fred would sigh before saying, "Alright standing upright and turning around in the warm looking cabin, it was small but home made out of wood and held in heat, not decorated or any of that. But it kept things nice and cozy for the group of three living up in the woods. Fred would turn back and head down the living room hall turning into the attached kitchen just as a small raccoon bent over lifting his tail hiked high in the air as hums were heard from the other rummaging through the pans and cooking utensils under the sink his firm legs shown to the dragon before he would look away coughing lightly to say, "Um... Kiam?"
The raccoon hiked up instantly turning back to look at the other before blushing his apron hiding most of his chest, but he was shirtless. Wearing a pair of skin tight leather pants that clung to his every feminine curve. "Yes?" He replied softly, his voice light and gentle as he would stare at the dragon for a few moments wondering what he wanted.
Fred turned back slowly before smiling to look at the brown eyes of the small coon, "Oh... It's Spike, he just got home..."
"Spike!" Kiam yipped, "He's been gone for two weeks! Is he okay!?"
Blinking at the response alittle startled by it all Fred could really do was nod before watching the coon dart past him running into the living room and yelling, "Spike! I'm so glad your back!"
Spike turned around in his seat warmed up now by the blanket as he saw Kaim run around the couch hop onto it and then throw his arms around Spike before saying, "I was so worried... I thought my best friend was dead! Thank god your alive!"
Fred blinked from a distance able to hear the coon from so far away, sighing he just turned to the half made food before saying, "I guess... I'll just make dinner then...." walking up and reaching for a pan under the sink...
"I'm fine... but... I have some bad news... town might be kicking us out of our home..." Spike mumbled as Kiam nuzzled Spike's chest through the comforter. Though he stopped almost instantly as he heard this.
"What? But this is our home... they... they can't take this?" Kiam murmured leaning back. "That's not right...." looking down Kiam would say, "Alright what's the reason for this... it better be a good one..."
Spike nods and looks to the fire curling up in the blankets as he said, "They don't want anyone out here in fear that it could risk lives due to a storm that is coming... but it's only from a prediction they are unsure of.. you know weather forecasts these days..." shaking his head before sighing.
Kiam frowned, "That's a load of crap! You know that.. a load of CRAP! Why would they take us out of our home for that."
"I asked the same thing..." Spike murmured lowering his head alittle before saying, "But.. What if a storm is coming... this is just a cabin... I would rather not die up in the forest like some dog...." he thought for a moment...
Kiam laughed a little before murmuring, "But Spike... technically you are a dog...."
Spike snorts and murmurs, "But your missing the point I would rather be down there, in town with people holed up somewhere safe. Instead of being up in this cabin while a blizzard class of a storm runs us over."
Thinking Kiam sighed and nods, "I see... but... we've lived here for four years... we can't just run out on this place and hope for the best?"
"What else can we do?" Spike mumbled slowly uncurling from the blanket, and setting it to the side of the couch.
"We could stay here and head down to the basement?" Came a voice from behind the two. They both looked over the couch to see Fred standing with a pan in his hand before he said, "I built this place... you didn't think I wouldn't have thought about some safety measures... did you?"
Sighing Spike turned away before standing up and looking back at Fred slowly he unzipped his jacket and pulled it off one sleeve at a time while he spoke softly under his breath. Though Kiam was the one that made the apology for him, "We're sorry... we probably should have called you in here for a conversation like this... it's not our place alone to deal with this..."
"Right" Setting the pan on the table in the living room Fred moved up behind the couch resting his hands on the back of it as he would say, "So... what we do? Hole up here for the storm? If there is one... or head to town.... and possibly lose our home?"
Spike frowned dropping his coat on the couch over his blanket, under neath it had been his favorite red fleece sweat shirt that always kept him at least a little warm in this kind of weather. "Well... Honestly... I don't want to lose this home as much as you guys... I really don't..."
"So we're staying here?" Kiam piped up cheerfully looking to the husky with a wide smile spread over his lips.
"Well I never said that...." Spike shook his head before saying, "I mean... how much effort did you put into building a place where we could hole up if there was danger... did you... like or half ass it or something?"
Fred thought for a moment, "Well for one... it's underground... so... It should be away from the wind... though... we haven't saved up much food over the years.... Only what we have in the kitchen and the pantry.... So... I guess it's kinda... 'Half assed' as you put it..." turning away feeling rather hurt about the words used to describe the work he put into the house.
Frowning looking between the two males, Kiam hated being the youngest one. A year younger than Spike, and three years younger than Fred. It always made him feel like he was little part of the argument, but he wanted in this time... he loved this home and wasn't just gonna lose it to some stupid forecast of a storm. "You know... I really want to stay here... we've been here now... what four years? It's seen a lot of rough times for us... And I'll be serious... if you two leave... I'm not going anywhere... I'd be fine if I died in this house... after all... it was my first home...." Kiam smiled looked between the two before leaning back on the arm of the couch to say, "In other words... I'm not leaving without a fight."
Silence filled the room for a few moments as Fred and Spike stared at the young coon who spoke his mind quite freely just now... It took a moment before someone seemed to find the courage to say something against it, But Spike finally shook his head smiling as he said, "Fine... we'll stay here... what have we got to lose...."
"Our lives?" Fred joked...
"Ah wouldn't be the first time... every time you head to town in the winter your risking that... might as well be a rebel aye?" Spike chuckled and looked to Kiam before patting him on the shoulder and walking by toward his room as he called back, "Prepare for war troops! We have a storm a coming..." disappearing into his room with these words said.
There that's chapter one complete... Hope you like it! :)