Freshmen Year: After The Storm

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Freshmen Year

Sorry... Had this written for a month now, just no laptop...




Madison was slowly dying down. The excitement that sparked had shimmered down. Everything had gone back to normal; all of the decorations and monuments vanished.

The halls of Madison High had also declined in spirit. The work load picked up, again, now leaving everyone to feel normal, as the town went back to it's original state.

My buddies, Caleb, Drake, Brandon, and Taylor were all doing great. Over the past three weeks, the gang buckled down. With midterms right around the corner, everyone tried to spend extra time studying, instead of goofing around.

Caleb and Drake spent most of their time together. Studying, hanging out, and getting wasted was their day-by-day agenda. The two hybrid's were closer than brothers. It was rare having one without the other, and when it did happen, there would be a weird atmosphere.

Brandon seemed to avoid me. Ever since that night we spent at Ace's, he hasn't been the same. I hated it. The bear barely communicated with me, and when I ask him to hangout he's busy, so he say. I knew why he avoided contact, and the reason itself made me feel horrible. The only thing I could do is wait until Brandon decides to began our friendship again.

In the meantime, Taylor, the wolf, kept me company. On school days, we worked in the library together. A strong friendship was in the making. I enjoyed having the wolf around. He was funny, laid back, kind-hearted, smart, and kind of cute...

October 26th, 2015, a Monday afternoon. Like every other Wednesday afternoon, I was stuck at the library, reorganizing books. It amazed me how furs were incapable of placing a book in its original spot. School was over, and with the work I had, I would be here for another forty-five minutes.

Taylor and I worked hard, but also putting time aside to chat and have fun. We talked about a lot of things, but mainly about video games. The wolf loved video games. It was something we shared a passion for, spending a lot of our free time discussing Halo.

One thing struck me as 'odd' about Taylor...

He never talked about girls, or his dating life. The conversations always consisted of video games and books. I, myself, never brought up the subject, yet I had a reason. At times I wondered if he had the same reasons...

"This is a lot more than I expected..." Taylor walked around, picking books from shelves, and placing them in their correct spot.

"Stop complaining, you know we're meeting with Calen and Drake after this." I sat down at an empty table, taking a quick break before finishing up.

The wolf nodded and took the seat across from myself.

"True... But I really don't need a smoke session today, especially since I have a test tomorrow!"

"Then go home and study." I said, shrugging.

I had a few midterms myself, but from all of the stress I've been through lately, I did not want to be sober. I only smoked because of the test, clubs, basketball, and school jobs.

"Eh... I probably will." Taylor looked away and folded his arms, defeated. "What are you guys going to do, besides the obvious?"

"Not much... Probably gonna chill at Drake's..."


As Taylor and I got up to finish working, a fur walked into the library -a skunk. The skunk wasn't your normal fur. He had jet black fur, with blue head fur, and two parallel green stripes running down his back and tail. The skunk was on the short side, standing around five foot five. He wore a black and green t-shirt, with black cargo pants, and purple high tops, resembling a colorful shadowIn a paw as a skate board, with Furry Pride painted on the bottom.

The skunk walked over and gave a bright smile, despite his dark look.

"Hey! I'm Dozer!"



Taylor and I introduced ourself, returning a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you too... Hey, I'm looking for a club to join, could you help me?"

"Sure," I said. I'm always willing to offer a helping paw. "Are you wanting to join any club, or do you have one you're looking for specifically?"

"Well," The skunk looked away, his smile slowly fading. "There is a club that stood out..."


"The GSA?"

I could hear a gasp from behind, coming from Taylor. I guess he knew what the GSA was, and so did I. The GSA, or Gay Straight Alliance, yop is for kids who are gay, bit, or straight, but mostly gay and bi. A group of students would get together and try to make a safe environment for gay and bi kids. I wanted to join myself, but I did not really want the school to know my sexual orientation.

"Oh..." I scratched the back of my head and blushed. "They usually meet Thursday in room A103."

"Thank you, very much!"

The skunk walked off, his little tail swaying.

I just stood there, stunned. I knew the club existed, but in my mind the GSA would hold a lot of unattractive furs. By the looks of it I was wrong.

In a way, I was jealous of the Dozer kid. Even though he was a little shy about asking, he still had the courage to ask two strangers about something so personal. He was open, and because of that my heart filled with envy.

"Let's get back to work..." I turned around and began the library aid job, once more.




October 29th fell on a Thursday. Today was a dark and gloomy day in Madison. Rain clouds stretched over the entire town, dropping a few drops of rain, enough to tease everyone who made plans for the evening.

I sat in a large classroom, accompanied by six other furs, four guys, two girls. I was positioned at the front of the class, everyone else faced me.

Today was one of many meetings the GSA held. The GSA was for kids of Madison who maybe gay or bi to feel comfortable as they walked the halls. It was the GSA's responsibility to keep peace, and my responsibility as president of the GSA to make sure everything went as planned.

Since I am president of the club, that could only mean one or two things. I'm gay or bi. The answer to that question is I am bisexual, taking a liking to both genders. It felt right with guys most of the time, but action between to females made me hot!

School ended. We all sat in the room, waiting for members to show up. Once I felt there would be no more to show up, I started the meeting.

"Let's get started." I said, standing in front of the GSA members. "So far we have been able to keep the violence down throughout the halls... The principal has also been able to help with that goal as well... He is here to help us, so if they are any problems you can go to the principal and he will solve them.

"With that being said," I continued. "Is there anything you feel should be changed?"

A Dalmatian, Colby, raised his paw. He was tiny, standing at least five feet, and had many spots, covering his entire body.

"I don't know if the principal can help this cause, but it's a certain student that strolls around and calling everyone a 'fag'." The little Dalmatian said, his voice cub-like.

"Who's doing this?"

Colby shrugged. "All I can tell you is he's a pit bull... The same guy who was knocked out by that Hybrid a few weeks back!"


"Yeah! That's him!"

Everyone whispered to the fur next to them.

Shaun, a pit bull, was the GSA's worse enemy. He tormented everyone gay and bi student, forever calling furs fags, even the straight kids. The ignorant canine would definitely be taken care of.

"I'll deal with him, personally... Anyone else having any problems?" I asked looking around. A blue-haired skunk spoke up.

"Yeah... My Name's Dozer, and I want to know is this really all of the gay and bi kids at this school?" Irritation could be sensed in Dozer's voice. "This school is big as hell! Why are we the only queers here? No offense, but none of the guys in this class are my type, and I don't want to be alone throughout high school... I know this is my first meeting and all, but I need to know if my shot at happiness to far off?"

"Great question," Which it was. The exact same question probably lingered in everyone. "The odds of this being all of the gays and bi kids are slim to none... Other kids are out there, they just need to be found, and brought in. The best thing for you to do is make friends, and hope to find someone..."

Dozer shook his head, arms folded. The answer to his question wasn't the best, but it was the best I had.

"Next question?"

The room was now quiet. No one raised a paw or speak up.

"Ok, since that's all said and do-..."

"I have a question..." I looked up to find a fur walking into the room. Everyone turned their head.

Walking into the class room was a tall, jet black wolf. He wore a button up shirt and blue jeans, carrying a backpack as he walked in and took a seat.

I knew this wolf, his name was Taylor. Taylor and I had spent time together once with a group of friends. I did not know him personally, but we met.

"Is there room foyr one more?" The wolf smiled and scratched the back of his head, slightly blushing.

"Of course, of course... Take a seat!"

Taylor sat down and I began the real meeting. Usually I would start off with a discussion, then follow up with the class socializing with one another.

Everyone paired up. I went to the group Taylor joined. He sat with two other furs: Colby and Dozer. The skunk and Dalmatian sat next to one another, both facing Taylor with grins on their muzzle.

I put myself beside Taylor.

"Wow..." I said.

Taylor cocked his head to the side, looking at me with a frown.


I shook my head. "I just didn't know you batted for the other team?"

The wolf folded his arms and grunted.

"Well this is a horrible welcoming! That's hurtful, and a very wrong of greeting a new member, especially in a club like this! Now I feel like shit..."

My jaw dropped, quickly realizing he was right. To come at a new member like that could take away self-esteem, not to mention putting the fur in a tight spot.

"I'm so, so, so sorry! Please forgive me, that was unprofessional!" I said, also begging for his forgiveness. Tears could be felt surfacing, but they were sucked back up when I heard a light chuckle coming from the wolf.

"I'm kidding... Just yankin' your tail!" Colby and Dozer gave light chuckles, as I sat their still in shock.

"Oh... Well, Ok..."

"Yup!" Taylor said.

"Just a little shocked because... Well you hangout with Drake and Caleb..."

Taylor nodded, a small smile formed.

"For one, I'm not gay or bi, I'm pansexual, meaning I'm not attracted to the gender for their appearance, but rather feelings and such..." Taylor explained. "Just looking for my soul mate, really."

"As for my friends, they don't know... But then again they never asked."

This was new. None of the other furs here were pansexual, usually gay or bi. It was interesting to learn that some furs actually pick their mates through sheer feelings.

"How do you know if a fur is your soulmate?" Dozer asked.

"If we click... Have multiple things in common, around one another a lot, you know, the simple things that makes a couple... The only difference is that I'm not constantly looking for someone, I just become attached to that one person."

It was a lot to take in. A love that had no limits. Normal relationships end because a partner find someone new, but being pansexual made it do you're set with one person for life. It was quite interesting. I would have to look into this a bit more.

"Well!" Dozer said grinning. "I like skateboarding, music, sports, and movies... Does any of that match up with you?"

We all had a good laugh, causing the skunk to blush under his dark fur...




The streets were decorated, cubs ran around flaunting off costumes, and porch lights flicked on. It was that time of year when cubs and adults would dress up for one night to receive candy, or go to parties. It was Halloween.

As I walked down the illuminated street, cubs ran pass with bags of candy swinging at their hips, giggling in joy. Cars followed close behind, as parents watched over their kids, carefully.

Everyone in Madison had plans tonight, and I was no different. I was meeting Brandon, Max, and Drake at Kanker Park. No one would be there, since the kids were knocking door-to-door. It was perfect time to lay back, relax, and let the stress fade away.

The sky was dark. A chill was in the air, breezes washed through my short fur causing me to shiver. Kanker Park was no different, engulfed with shadows. I met Drake and the others at the parks center.

"Took you long enough..." Drake said as I walked up. Brandon, Drake, and Max all sat on a bench.

"Traffic is horrible..." I replied, standing in front of them with my paws in pocket.

"Naw, you just slow as fuck!"

They all laughed. I didn't, since the insult was directed towards me. I just flipped Drake off and took a seat.

"Screw you... Did you bring everything?"

Drake fumbled around in his pocket and pulled out a large have of marijuana and a glass pipe. The moon reflected off of the piece of smoking equipment.


The hybrid took out a small amount of the illegal substance and mashed it into the glass pipe. He turned it around in his paw a few times before passing it to me.

"I don't have a lighter... Spark it up." Drake said as I apprehended the pipe.

I fetched a lighter from my pocket and put fire to the marijuana. I placed the pipe to my lips and inhaled a large amount of smoke, and exhaled, blowing the smoke into the air. The smooth feel kicked in instantly.

Max and Brandon sat on opposite sides of Drake, neither looking in the others direction. They said nothing, just rambling with phones, or gazing off into the distance. It had been like this for a while. The husky and bear barely spoke to one another, and it became difficult getting them in the same place at the same time.

The pipe was given to each member of the group once before Drake filled it with another bud. Conversation was made, but it quickly died when Drake and I noticed an absent of Max and Brandon's attention.

The night seemed to be calm and relaxing, minus the tension between my two friends. That all ended when a familiar voice crept up on the four of us, causing our ears to perk up and heads turn.

"H-hi guy..."

There stood a five foot seven lion, smiling as the wind blew through his mane. Drake, Brandon, Max, and I stared at him, dumbfounded, and shocked. But lingering in the shocked expression was anger. A low growl escaped me.

"What are you doing here?" Brandon hissed. I wasn't the only one angry.

Tyran scratched the back of his head, blushing. "Well... I kinda came here to see Drake..."

Drake's shoulders extended as he pointed at himself. I didn't feel comfortable letting the lion converse with him, but in the end I was rendered powerless, as Drake stood up and walked in the direction of Tyran.

"Hey... umm guys, I'll be back..." Drake and Tyran walked off, leaving Brandon, Max, and I to wonder what was going on. We haven't had a conversation with Tyran in months, so why now?

The three of us sat in our spots, glancing over at Tyran and Drake ever so often, trying to make out their words before they could see us gazing.

Minutes rolled by, and the night was getting older. Cool breezes ruffled through my short fur, causing a chill to jump through my body. The wait was killing me. I did not want my cousin talking to that guy, but at the same time anxious to know is being said. Little did I know a new set of problems lurked in the shadows.

As Brandon, Max, and I waited, a group of furs walked over, heads high. The faces could not be made out, but seven bodies was counted, all heading in our direction. The group gave off a sinister aura. My natural ability to sense danger kicked in.

The unknown furs came into view, and only one could be identified -Shaun. The pit bull stood in the center of the group, a smile plastered on his face, and his eyes gave off hate, but joy at the same time, as it he was satisfied. He glared at the three of us, paws in pockets.

"Looky what we have here..." The pit bull stood abroad, wind blowing through his head fur.

Freshmen Year: Madison's Heroes

**_Chapter 3_** \*\*\* Tyran \*\*\* Friday was the day everyone awaited, so many things happened on this certain day of the week. Weekends started with this day; parties thrown; football games. Today all three would be partaken in...

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Freshmen Year: Just Friends

**_Chapter 2_** \*\*\* Caleb \*\*\* School sucks! Everyone knows this, and deep down, they all feel the same. Class after class, assignments being pilled... The best part of school is when the last bell ring! From the time I step into...

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Freshmen Year: First Day of School

**\*\*\*** **Drake** **\*\*\*** Exhaustion. Fatigue. Hunger. Each feeling was present as I threw one foot paw in front of the other, inhaling and exhaling at a steady pace. I pushed forward, breaking the limits the body sets, with sweat dripping...

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