Freshmen Year: Madison's Heroes

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Freshmen Year

Part 3 of the series, Freshmen Year!

Chapter 3




Friday was the day everyone awaited, so many things happened on this certain day of the week. Weekends started with this day; parties thrown; football games. Today all three would be partaken in Madison, making it the biggest day of the year.

August came and went. Every student that attended Madison High received assignment after assignment, homework were teachers favorite thing to give, even on weekends. Today would be different. The school announced no homework would be assigned today, since our football team would be playing their first game against Madison's High's rival, the Maple Oak Warriors.

I threw a set of covers from my body, exposing my chest as I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling. I wanted to stay in my room, not wanting to be bothered by anyone, but that wouldn't happen. In a few seconds my brother would burst in the room and drag me out of bed for school.

"Get up FAG!" The door flew open to my room, and a pit bull poked his head in. Right on time.

"I'm up!" I growled, a little miffed from being called a fag.

The pit bull was my adopted brother, Shaun. We were both adopted, and the same age. Our parents adopted him first when he was three, and I came into play at the age of seven.

Shaun was spoiled before I arrived. When they brought me home he was constantly jealous, always working extra hard to be approved and accepted by our parents.

James and Martha, the adoption parents, a wolf and squirrel, were carefree and loving. They loved both my brother and I the same. Shaun never understood that, and with that a void was placed in our relationship.

After removing myself from bed, I readied myself for school, showering and picking out a simple outfit: black shirt and khakis, throwing on a pair of Vans to finish it off.

Next I fixed my head fur and mane, combine through the light brown hair. It wasn't long before I was grabbing my back pack and leaving out of the front door without Shaun, since he left without me.

I walked to school alone like all of my other mornings. I use to have friends to do walk with me, but things happened that tour us apart. Now I strolled to school alone each morning. It didn't bother me.

I grabbed my phone and flipped it open. The first name that came up was Amber, she had sent me a few text, and I just noticed the alerts. Damn vibrate function.

The messages all asked if I would be attending the game and parties afterward. Each message contained many emotion icons, mainly a winking face. I texted her back, replying, 'IDK', since plans haven't been set in stone.

I wanted to go, but Caleb and the crew probably had plans to go, and for that reason I did not want to go in fear of running into my old gang. I just wanted to avoid the old gang, especially Drake.

I arrived at school slightly before the bell, able to sneak into class without the teacher noticing my entrance. First period was biology, one of my favorite classes. It taught the structure of our bodies in vivid details.

My main choice of study is medicine. The plan was to finish high school at the top of my class, and get into a prestigious school, with a good medical background. I worked hard, and no one would get in the way of my goals, not even myself.

Sadly, Shaun shared first period with me. He thought that this would be a great way to start his GPA. While I am seeking out my goals, Shaun fell in with the stoner kids, not as focused on there future. The pit billed figured he would have me do his work for him -so far he was right.

Max was also in the class with us. Him and Shaun always sat together, chatting in class. I usually just sighed, embarrassed that he was my brother.

When the bell rang, kids scattered, leaving a wind of paper in their trail. I was the last fur in the room, besides the teacher, so I thought. As I was gathering my things, Max came over and leaned over my desk, giving me a cold stare.

"You know we're in the same class?" Max folded his arms.

"Yeah... So?" I said, fumbling through my belongings.

"So... You're being a douche... Why, I dunno, but you need to get over yourself."

I clenched my paws.

"Who the hell are you calling me a douche. The only douches I see are the ones who waste there life smoking illegal substances and not being responsible for there future!"

Max chuckled, setting off a spark of anger. I wanted to lash out and rip his throat out, but my civilized attitude would not allow me.

"You're an stereotypical, asshole, you know that?" He said, causing me to growl. "Those douches were your friends who had your back through everything. Everyone loved you like a brother, it was always us.

"And Drake... Drake was the one who protected you... That guy would give his life for you, and what do you do? Tell us all to fuck off, that we're scum of the earth, and leave a great set of friends... All over something so simple..."

I looked away and snarled, barely noticeable.

"You all were just going to hold me back..."

Max stepped up so swiftly and grabbed my shirt, twisting it within his grasp.

"No! You're holding Drake back..." He growled. "Drake, Caleb, Brandon, and me... We are all doing just as good as you, no better, no worse... You're not better than us... We never forced drugs onto you... But you sure forced us to get rid of it."

I stared at the floor, defeated. Max was right, they never forced me to try anything, and they were actually respectful towards my beliefs of not doing drugs. It was something else that pushed me away -something I can never forget...

"Is there a problem?" A female hawk, our teacher, asked.

Max let go of my shirt and walked out of the room, not looking back.

"No, not at all..."

I watched him walk out of the room before picking myself up, and grabbing my backpack, eyes focused only on the ground beneath -defeated.

Max was right about a lot of things, and to be honest I didn't have an argument. My old set of friends were not like the normal stoners. Their grades remained high, and they always had the energy to play sports, or do other fun things. I knew they would succeed in life, but I couldn't be around them anymore. There was a certain fur I did not want any part of...




Weeks of practice and sore nights would be paid off tonight. The hype Madison High received was more than it could handle. We would play our first game of the season, and our intentions were to murder every team.

Over the weeks of practice, coach, a German Shepard, was impressed with the performance Jakob and I displayed. We already had a few games, but junior varsity was nothing in the eyes of Madison. Coach noticed how well Jakob and I worked together and immediately put us on Varsity, being the only Freshmen to ever make such a large leap.

Nervousness and excitement coursed through my veins. Today was the day I shined. We were going to make everyone proud to represent us, and to top it all off, Ace would be there.

The anxiety got the best of me. As I sat in 8th period, my eyes glanced at the clock every five seconds, just waiting to leave and regroup with my team. Tonight, I would shine.

Every girl in class had their eyes on me. Word spread quick when Jakob and I moved up to Varsity. Chicks continued to scratch at my feet, but little did they know, they were barking up the wrong tree. Not one girl interested me at this school.

Out of all the girls, one made herself known -Amber. The cheetah and I shared eighth period. She always entered the room by brushing her hair over my back, and often came over to my desk to rub my arms, or feel my biceps.

Today was no different.

Amber walked over to my desk unnoticed. My mind was completely in the game. She tapped me on the shoulder with her tail, giggling.

"Hey sexy! Ready for the bit game"

I turned around and forced a smile, a bit annoyed with her consistent bothersome behavior.

"Of course, I'm ready for them!" Amber giggled. "Plan on scoring a few tonight to increase my hype, and to show my uncle how good I am... Are you coming?"

The cheetah grinned ear to ear.

"Hell yeah! Me, Amanda, Christina, and Tyran are all going to the game and Victoria's party!"

Tyran was going? I couldn't believe he was going to spend his evening with a bunch of girls, instead of the furs who were his friends. I didn't understand the kid.

I never enjoyed the lion's company, especially when his brother, Shaun was around. Shaun's favorite word was fag. He used it in every way possible, and nine times out of ten it was abused in a negative way. The pit bull had no class, and was only around when we were smoking marijuana.

"Cool, I'm hitting up the party with Caleb and Drake tonight as well, so I'll see you there." I said, not wanting it to be true. The last thing I wanted was to bump into Tyran and Amber.

"Sure!" She said smiling and whipping out her cell phone before walking away. "See you tonight sexy!"

I shook my head and continued to wait for the bell. When class let out I made my way to the locker rooms, where the team had gathered. We got into our gear and practiced, then was served burgers from Mr. Donald's. Everyone sat around talking, nervous, yet excited, as we waited for the game. The time we all waited for was eight.

7:55 hit the clock. Coach K stood in front of us with a serious expression, looking at the team. He placed his paws on his waist, his tail motionless.


"YEAH!!" The team screamed in unison, filling the locker room with bone-shivering yells.



The team was now jumping up and down, getting louder with there screams. Tails wagged from excitement, batting anyone in it's reach.


Furs ran out of the locker room and onto the field, shoving helmets in the air. The stadium was packed, everyone and their mom was here tonight to witness this game. Today was the towns biggest event of the year, almost everyone from Madison would be in the stadium tonight.

The only fur that mattered was sitting front row, looking in my direction. This fur was none other than Ace. The wolf saw that I noticed him and he waved, giving off a wide grin.

A smiles formed. To be honest, I did not think Ace would come tonight. He always said he would do something, but had more important things to attend to, but tonight was different. There he was with the best seat in the stadium, waving at me. At that moment a surge of confidence shot through my body, and the determination to win was stronger than ever.

The coin toss was underway, resulting in us having first possession of the ball. Everyone went to the line, including Jakob and I. I looked at him, at the team, then to the crowd directly at Ace. I smirked and looked forward, my eyes only focused on one goal.





Music echoed down a few blocks, not interrupting any peace. Multiple parties went on tonight, all celebrating the victory of Madison's High victory. The ending score was thirty to eight.

Caleb, Brandon, and I walked down a long, dark street, on our way to the party. The three of us were a little louder than normal. We jumped around patting Brandon on the back and giving him playful punches to the arm.

Brandon was the star of the game, scoring four touchdowns, and running over four hundred yards in one game. Of course he was carried off the field when the team won, especially after such a great victory.

"Tonight!" Caleb yelled. "Is your night buddy! Four touchdowns? What an amazing display of effort!"

"Yeah, you know we had your name on blast the entire game! The town was HOT!"

Brandon shrugged. "I had that extra boost man. When I saw a opening I took it!"

"Great job man..." I placed a paw on his shoulder. "To bad Max didn't get to see it... He would have been crazy hyped! Why wasn't her there?"

Brandon looked away and then returned with a smile, obviously forced.

"I don't know, he's been distant with us for the last few weeks... Probably focused on his transcript..."

Caleb chuckled and ran behind me, slipping out a small sac of Loratab pills. He then retracted a bottle of NyQuil.

"All work and no play makes Max miss out on a the fun!"

The three of us laughed as we approached our destination, a large house with furs pouring out of it. We looked up in amaze, only imaging what the house had to offer. The structure was so massive that it could be mistaken for a small mansion.

Caleb, Brandon, and I flicked a pill in our muzzle, each drank a portion of the NyQuil, and made our way to the house, awaiting it's surprises. The things that we would get into tonight was limitless.

Once inside, we split up. It was better to surf for chicks without being around one another, so we set off on adventure. The house was bigger on the inside, having a large entrance, followed by halls of decoration, and an indoor pool. It seemed like more people were near the pool.

I walked around aimlessly at first, talking to any girl who would respond. The NyQuil kicked in pretty quick, leaving me with this lazy feeling. I wanted to fall asleep were I stood.

The house contained many, many furs. The place was so thick and alive, at times furs could not move, stuck in a certain spot dancing and grinding on one another.

A few drinks were being served, but nothing strong. I emptied a couple in my muzzle, but the feeling from the NyQuil ended up being dominant, making everything else I consumed have no effect. This was expected at a High School party.

Caleb and I ran into each other. We were both bored out of our mind, but mostly angry at the drinks being served. Tonight was suppose to be about having fun and getting wasted, but how we're we suppose to accomplish that if the drinks all had the effect of water.

Since the drinks were a waste of time, Caleb and I went off to a secluded part of the house, not far from the party itself, and decided to smoke. Caleb produced the materials. A cigar, marijuana, and lighter all came from one of his pockets.

I prepared it this time, rolling it nice and tight. We passed it back and forth, going on and on about the chicks at the party, who was easy, and furs we saw. A long discussion came up about the drinks, both upset and disappointed with the choice of servings.

I sent Brandon a text message telling him where we were located and he came in to join us, also not pleased with the beverages. He told us about all the girls coming onto him, and bragged a little about how beneficial playing football could be.

Time passed and we sat in some random room, looking at the ceiling, completely faded. The room was barely lit, only a shimmer of light could be spotted, and a soft beat could be heard from the music. Everything seed nice and calm until a loud voice could be heard, and the music disappeared.

My ears shot up and I brought myself to my feet, with Caleb and Brandon close by. We ran out of the room and back to the party, hearing someone shout again as we came into view.

"Go home... Y-you... fucking faggot!" Shaun could be seen with a bottle of vodka in his paw, slurring and pointing a paw-finger at a small lion -Tyran.

"Leave him alone! You're drunk, he didn't even say you were a Freshmen, even though you are!" A bright feline said as she jumped between Tyran and his brother. Amber looked at Shaun ready to pounce.

"Stop being such a douche and leave me alone!" Tyran said in the background.

Being called a douche set Shaun off. He pushed passed Amber and grabbed the lions wrist, yanking him. Tyran tried to pull back, but was overpowered by his much larger sibling.

"W-whaat did yew call me, you little faggit!?"

Tyran wiggled and flailed, but his smaller frame was no match against the pit bulls larger build. It wasn't long before he gave up, but fight still lingered.

"You're a douche and no girl will ever let you fuck them!" Tyran shot. "Think girls will like you if they think you're a junior?!"

Shaun was now really angry. He shoved his brother into the wall and mashed a fist into his side.

I looked in anger. Angry that Shaun was bullying his brother for no reason. I couldn't let this drunk mut throw his brother around in front of all of these furs.

I took one step and felt a law grab my arm. I looked back and saw my Caleb, shaking his head. I sighed and looked back at the two brothers go at it.

"STOP!" Amber screamed in attempt to stop Shaun. It worked.

"You're being a bitch. Picking on someone smaller than you!"

Shaun turned around and almost stumbled.

"You dumb broad." Shaun chuckled, but lazily. "No one hereair has a problem wit meh disciplinin' muh lil brother, and if they dooo then waats stoppin' am from doin summin?"

The pit bull looked around them room, everyone just staring at him, most cheering, in hope of a fight, but no one stepped in. Shaun laughed and turned back to his brother, raising a paw, with the bottle still in the other.

"I taughts so..."

He swung a paw at the little lion's muzzle, but was stopped. I ran across the room as fast as I could, intersecting the punch. Shaun turned around furious.

"What tee fuck duude?!"

"That's enough... You've had to much to drink." I said, letting go of his arm. He jerked back and looked me in the eye.

"So youu err going to swoop in to his rescue like old times, huh Dwake?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Just doing your job."

The pit bull growled. I could tell he was angry, his nose flared up, and he dropped the bottle. The canine was in fight mode now. Sadly, Shaun and I both knew how this would end. I wasn't the middle weight champion from just pushing daisies.

"You don't want to do this, Shaun. We both know the outcome."

Shaun moved back, looking around at everyone. They also knew what would happen. When it came to fighting, I was the man. Everyone knew just how dangerous I could get, even Shaun, who was coming to his senses.

Everything seemed light it would resort in a calm manner, but Shaun wasn't giving up that easily. He relaxed his body to catch me off guard, and swung, aiming directly for my muzzle. I ducked and gave him an uppercut to the chin and finished him with a powerful haymaker, landing it directly at his jawbone. Like a dead light bulb, he was out. The pit bull hit the ground with an audible thud, and the crowd went crazy.

I leaned down and grabbed the bottle of vodka on the floor. The bottle contained under half of it substance. I took the bottle and raised it in the air, causing the crowd to cheer even louder. The furs watching were now excited. Ending such a great day with a fight is what everyone longed for deep down.

Through all of the commotion I looked over at Tyran, bottle still in paw. I walked over to him with all of my pride, shoulders back, and standing tall. As I was passing him I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"You're welcome..."




The body just laid there, no movement whatsoever. For a second I thought he was dead, but I knew he wasn't, even though his arm was across his back.

What happened? Well, Shaun was being a douche to his little brother, Tyran, and Drake came to the rescue, knocking the pit bull out. The canine wouldn't be bothering anyone else that night.

I was in complete shock. Everything happened so fast I had no idea what was real. Did the fur that hated me and Tyran's guts just swoop in and save us? I always knew the hybrid had a heart, but now he proved it.

At first I viewed Drake as a loner. He didn't speak or try to interact with anyone I knew, but instead just stared. Behind those dark black eyes was a heart cub that longed for something, but it always seemed like it would never be obtained.

Now Drake was my hero. He showed such bravery, and stepped in when no one else would. It made me wonder why exactly did Tyran give up such a good friend. One who would leap to his rescue.

I didn't know, and at that moment I didn't care. All I wanted was to find Drake and give him a thank you he would never forget. For some odd reason, the swift movement while he was fighting, and the hybrid's composure turned me on!

Finding Drake took a while, fumbling through Veronica's large house was a pawful. It was like walking in an unfamiliar mall, not knowing where the good stores are located.

After a bit of searching, Drake was spotted, along with Brandon and Drake's cousin, Caleb. They were deep in a conversation. A bottle of vodka was passed around as they talked. I stayed out of sight, eavesdropping.

"I had to jump in dude... He was asking for it..." Drake whispered and folded his arms. They were near the indoor pool.

Brandon sat at the edge of the pool, his feet in the water. He looked up at Drake.

"You're right, he was..."

"So!?" Caleb hissed. "Tyran is NOT our problem anymore! This running to his rescue is getting old. That little fuck made his decision the moment he thought he was better than us!"

Brandon nodded, agreeing with Caleb.

"He's right Drake... I did enjoy seeing Shaun get his ass handed to him, but we can't stand up for Tyran. He's not apart of us."

Drake's ears splayed against his head. A light growled escaped his muzzle as he walked away, head down and tail tucked. He was coming straight towards me.

I took a couple steps back and started walking, to make it seem like I had just stumbled across them. When Drake came around the corner, we bumped into one another.

"Excuse me..." He said, walking around me.

"Drake!" The hybrid stopped. "Thank you for tonight... Despite what happens between you and Tyran, you're a good friend for never abandoning him..."

Drake sighed and looked me dead in the eye, his chill-bringing stare touched my soul.

"I didn't do it for Tyran, or a lost friendship. Shaun is just a dick, so I decided to showem who's top dog around here."

I felt bad for him. He did something so heroic, and yet the furs that matters told him that it was wrong. I could only imagine how he must have felt, the confusion that he had to work through.

I stepped up and extended my arms, wrapping them around Drake's much larger torso. This was the first time I noticed how fit the hybrid was, almost containing no body fat.

"You're still the hero of the night."

Drake froze, momentarily. He grabbed my arms and held me in place, staring back down with his soul piercing stare.

"Stop it!" He shook me within his grasp. "Leave me the fuck alone! I don't need Tyran's friendship, or... or this!"

Anger bounced around his face. He was so lost at that point, and a little drunk. I didn't know rather to be scared or confident, so I went with the closes one I felt and reacted.

I leaned on my foot-pads and planted a kiss on the hybrid's muzzle. He didn't expect this, not one bit. Neither did I, but it happened.

Drake stared at the floor and whimpered, before closing his eyes and pressing his lips against mine this time. A wave of comfort washed over me, as his paws slipped around my back and held me in place. When the kiss ended, I let out a sigh, and held onto the hybrid.

"Can... C-can we go somewhere more private?" The hybrid asked, blushing.

I nodded and we went off into the house, deeper than I thought allowed. We came to an empty bedroom, but it looked as if it was a guest bedroom. It didn't matter, before we could actually take in our surroundings Drake and I was on the bed kissing.

The school gave me a bad name. I was the cheerleader slut, so you could only image what happened behind closed doors with me. I loved pleasing a guy.

I broke the kiss and pushed Drake on his back, unzipping his pants and grabbing his sheath. He moaned and groaned, having his sheath fondled with.

The hybrid's sheath, grey and stripped, had girth. Once I wrapped a paw around it and gave a soft lick, I knew I'd have fun with him. I licked and massaged his sheath until the Hybrid stood at full attention.

He had a nice size on him, around seven in a half inches, very thick. Compared to all of the bigger species I've dated, he was the most 'blessed', if you know what I mean?

I wrapped my paw around the base of his cock, now throbbing, and shooting out Pre. He laid down and arched his back as I lowered my muzzle onto his canine meat, tasting a mild, salty taste run down my throat.

Drake moaned. A few pants could be heard, and an occasional, "This feels amazing..." I just slid my maw up and down his thick member, feeling his barbed cock graze my throat.

He placed a paw on the back of my head, gently holding me in place and grabbing some of my head fur. A slow hump-like moving began, and the base of the hybrid's cock began to swell, his knot forming. This would be my first time seeing a barbed cock with a knot.

"Awwhh!!! I'm......awwhhhh!"

Drake leaned back and released his seed, filling my mouth with every drop of semen. He still had that paw on the back of my head, so I was unable to move, leaving me with one option... To swallow every drop of his cum.

I did just that.

With one huge gulp, all the mini Drake's were in my stomach. I pushed myself away from his cock, still holding the pink member in my paw, looking up at him.

"Next time I wanna feel that barbed, knotted dick!"

Drake rolled his eyes. A small smile was there, but more of an accomplished grin. He fell back on the bed with his arms sprawled out and fell asleep, cock flopped to one side, leaking leftover seed.

I stood up and grabbed my things, before walking to the door, looking back once to catch sight of the hybrid again. He was cute, but so many problems lurked around every corner with him. But even so, one thing was for sure.

"You really were are hero tonight... Drake..."

Freshmen Year: Just Friends

**_Chapter 2_** \*\*\* Caleb \*\*\* School sucks! Everyone knows this, and deep down, they all feel the same. Class after class, assignments being pilled... The best part of school is when the last bell ring! From the time I step into...

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Freshmen Year: First Day of School

**\*\*\*** **Drake** **\*\*\*** Exhaustion. Fatigue. Hunger. Each feeling was present as I threw one foot paw in front of the other, inhaling and exhaling at a steady pace. I pushed forward, breaking the limits the body sets, with sweat dripping...

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Daddy's Boyfriend: Brandon's Boyfriend

_Daddy's Boyfriend_ _By: Ace Wolf_ _ **Brandon's Boyfriend** _ Where does love come from? Everyone falls in love, life itself is like a journey to find that loved one. Most stumble across it on accident; others spend an abundant amount of...

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