The Pool

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#10 of Underwater Fantasies

This is a long one, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway. The Pool is about a group of college swim-team students on a secret journey to visit a mysterious, idyllic swimming pool in the middle of nowhere. The path instead leads to self-discovery, lust and passion they have never felt before. This is a reminder that we really still know nothing about the world around is still just as mysterious as it ever was. ^^ Scrimno is a character that belongs to a good friend on FurAffinity.

There were five of us.

I know. It seems an odd and incredibly vague way to start a story, but when someone asked me about the pool the first time, that was all I could really think of to say.

There was me, Tanya, Scrimno, Mark and Becky. Five people, your average college students. We made the swim-team our freshman years, and grew to become pretty fast friends. You'd probably see us mingling outside St. Marys, sharing a few sodas and laughing about something we'd seen on television.

We tried really hard to invite others into our group, but it just wasn't the same. We were so used to one another's company - well, you know how it is. When you're around someone a lot of the time, you start to know them so well, that you feel like you could swim around in their trunks or bikinis for a while and not feel any different.

So when Mark came up to us girls one day after practice, and asked us if we'd like to go someplace that evening, we didn't really think twice about it...


"Hey, Lani, girls, wait up..."

The otter and the two vixens stopped chatting and looked behind them, watching the husky puff up to join them, still dripping a little water.

"Honestly, Mark, can't you towel off first?"

"Sorry, I was in a hurry...look, I just talked to Scrim. He says if you still want to go, count him in too. How about tonight?"

Lani's green eyes sparkled with curiousity and the canine quickly looked away, finding something interesting on the tiled locker-room floor. It was hard to not feel something electric when he looked at the otter, and he noticed that she too had just showered, and her bronzed, short fur shimmered. He focused his attention on her feet then, beautiful, comely footpaws with the distinct webbing between perfect toes, blessed with matching shark-took anklets. He swallowed and forced his gaze back up again, this time trained on the vixen next to her. "What do you say, Tanya? You're still in?"

The vixen smiled softly, looking beside her at Lani. She knew the two were secretly smitten with one another, and she had in fact once caught Mark fantasizing in the deep end of the school pool while Lani practiced laps. The vixen had dove down to the bottom to collect a few weights from swim-class, and there was the husky, his head tilted back, eyes closed, swim trunks around his calves, pawing a luscious eight-inch length practically bursting from its sheath, all while holding onto the bottom rung of the ladder with the other paw.

Tanya had stayed underwater long enough to watch a jerk of his seed jut from the tip on a floating tendril, and she swam away again, blushing hard. A little later on, in the comfort of her shower stall, the vixen stroked herself into a frenzy, climaxing hard enough to leave her breathless on the floor. She found it hard to look at Mark the same way after that. Sure, she was a little horny for him, but it seemed like it was more of a sexual need to be fulfilled with him. With the otter, on the other hand, there was something special between them, one could see it.

Tanya pulled herself from her thoughts, a little perspiration collecting along the top of her breasts, still covered in a towel. "Sure, um, yeah, sounds like fun!" She waited to see if Lani would answer, then turned to the other vixen. "What do you say, Becky? Can you break curfew tonight?"

"I'm not sure...Mom's really been keeping an eye on us lately, what with those stories flying about..."


I should explain about Becky. She was one of the few on our swim-team that still lived at home, and her mother was a bit of a tyrant. To her, she saw the girl as the next Animalympic sensation, and would do anything and everything in her power to make sure Becky ate, drank and bathed in pool-water 24/7. Maybe her mom was trying to live off of her daughter's wealth and success, or was a closet-swimmer that never was, or something like that. Nevertheless as freshmen, you really don't take college or sports that seriously unless you see a long-term career in it. Becky was the only one, I think, that did.

Oh, you want to know about the stories, don't you? Not much to tell honestly. Some news reports about strange lights seen in the sky, and a few trails of sparks coming from behind clouds. With fake smiles pasted on their made-up faces, the bubbleheads of Cayone, Michigan's WMRE-TV news-team insisted it was nothing more than weather patterns in the sky, two fronts moving together, hot and cold, yadda yadda. Nothing to worry about...


"Your mom afraid you're gonna be carted off by aliens?" Scrimno smirked as he came up beside the group, having dressed already in a pair of tight, faded blue jean cut-off shorts and a white t-shirt with an otter-surfer emblem on the chest, emblazoning "Surf and Churrf" in bold red letters. His swimmer muscles rippled from his chest in waves, and the other girls found it a little hard not to stare.

Becky giggled, her fox-tail coming up from under her towel to bat gently at the otter's leg. "No...I just don't know if this is such a good idea..." Her brown eyes looked into Scrimno's, and sheepish smiles passed between them.

She had an absolute crush on the otter. Ever since he'd saved her from an embarrssing moment in the pool, she'd felt she owed him a great deal. During a diving meet, in front of hundreds of people, Becky had done a clean two-and-half somersault off the 10-meter platform, hit the water perfectly, barely a splash, and glided like a stone all the way to the bottom - unfortunately topless.

Without a word to anyone, Scrimno had dove in after the vixen, found her bikini top and quickly came up behind the girl while she was still underwater, tying it around her, then giving her a hug and swimming away again before the cameras could flash as she surfaced. She'd finished the meet in third place that day.

Lani smiled, watching the look pass between the other otter and the vixen. Michigan was so new to her still. Hawaii seemed like a million miles away; her first look at snow that winter had delighted her and pleased her. Where other animals had seen pain and torture and headaches, the uprooted island-girl saw beauty and poetry. She blessed the gods every day for her good fortune. "I think," she said casually, "it'll be okay. Gods knows we've been dying to find a new place to go, and besides, Scrim says it's quite safe. We can just tell your mom we're going for swimming practice in another part of town, and she'll be none the wiser..."

Scrimno smiled at the beautiful otter. To say he was smitten was a bit of an understatement. When he'd been introduced to Lani by the swim-coach and was asked to be her synchronized swimming and diving partner in a few events, it was the thrill of his life. How could anyone not fall in love with those long, dark tresses, the deep-tan fur, green eyes that you could drink from...


Okay, okay, so I'm pouring it on thick, but it's MY story, remember? You asked me to get it all down and so I am. Now you must be wondering to yourself, 'Lani, there's more sparks flying here than a chainsaw on concrete! Why in the name of the gods didn't you all just pounce on each other - or at least go out on dates?!'

We were on the swim team, remember? We hardly got a break from practice to do much of anything. And of course, sex was out of the question. The coaches saw sexual activity among the swim-team to be as bad as pnuematic fever or rabies. If anyone was ever caught fraternizing in carnal exploits, it meant being dismissed from a few meets, and even suspension from classes. It was the strictest tabboo in college, and one of the hardest to avoid. Seeing one another in tight bikini briefs, or bikinis, dripping wet, or walking around in just towels, all the time, was a temptation not unlike the seven pillars of Hell.

And I may as well admit it, I loved showing off for the guys. I loved it when I'd swim up behind one of the guys, or girls, and give them a playful hug - and instantly get aroused. More than a few times, I had to stop swimming, turn my back away from the others and paw my crotch until I got a little relief. Just seeing Scrimno or Mark in a tight bikini brief, with an erection neatly molded underneath it, was enough to drive me crazy. I would wonder sometimes just how far I could shove my paw up my pussy...but...I'm digressing here...


"So we're set then..." Mark broke the uncomfortable silence, his eyes once more on Lani's. "Tonight, about 8:00...Scrim's got the Charger from his folks for the weekend, so he can pick us all up..."

"Maybe we could bring some food, and music? Make it a real party..." Tanya's fox-tail had started to sway faster, and it kept hitting Lani's thicker one. "You said there's a deck there and everything?"

Scrimno nodded, "Yep, even a few tables...I think I saw some chairs too. We really couldn't tell a lot from the window and I didn't want us to get caught there."

"Are swimsuits optional?" The otter giggled softly, stepping up on her toes and clasping her paws behind her. "I'm kidding..." she rolled her eyes at the discomforted looks she received. "I'm kidding, honest!" She clutched the towel around her, suddenly realizing she was bare naked beneath it. "Well, let's get dressed and get back to the dorms. Becky, tell your mom the coach is picking you up about 7:30, and Mark, you and Scrim meet us at the parking lot a little while later..."


I should stop a moment and explain how we came to plan this evening. Mark and Scrimno had his Charger a few weeks prior, and in their haste to visit a tavern on the far edge of town, had somehow gotten lost out on the backroads. And being stuck in the boondocks of Cayone, Michigan was the last place you wanted to be if you were an innocent college freshman, especially a jock. The townspeople treated us like gods and goddesses, but straying too far from the familiar, and you took your chances. Two soccer players, both steller wolves, found themselves stuck in a backwoods jail cell for a weekend on trumped-up drug charges. It took a lot of double-talk by Dean Vernon to get those two boys out, or they might still be in there.

Mark didn't really explain everything to us, but as he tells the tale, Scrimno wheeled the Charger down one particular backroad, nothing more than a dusty trail, hardly wide enough for one lane, and saw a dilapidated building in the distance. As they drove closer, he says they saw a glimmer coming from the windows, as if several tiny strobe lights were flashing all at once, or it was one hellaciously-huge disco ball. They stopped the car in a gravelled area just beside it and got out...


"What is this?" Mark said softly, padding up to the house, the otter behind him.

Scrimno shrugged, "I don't see a number for it or anything. You didn't happen to see a street sign, did you?"

"Oh, NOW you want me to navigate. What happened to 'shut the fuck up, doggy, and let me drive or you're walking?' He was royally pissed. The sun was setting in the horizon behind them, and they'd be in danger of breaking dorm curfew in a few hours. No chance to make it to the tavern now. His sandal kicked at one of the larger rocks and sent it scittering towards the rotted, wooden stairs.

"Hey!" shushed the otter, "Will you keep it down?" He reached a paw out to the husky's tail to grab. "Wait for me, would you?"

Mark's mood seemed to lift a bit as he felt the otter's touch, and he blindly felt for his other paw to hold. Their fingers gently closed around each others, and the husky turned to nuzzle the otter's cheek. "I'm sorry..." the canine whispered, and Scrimno's arm slipped around his body. "I just want to go home..."

The otter grinned, his own mood having lightened, and gave Mark a kiss on the cheek. "We will soon...let's just see what we got here..." Holding paws, the two crept up the steps. The light they had seen from the road was almost dazzling now. The boys stalked up to the only window and peered inside...


It's here where the story starts to get strange. Stories tend to get that way. Either through exaggeration, misconception or a complete misunderstanding altogether, the tales we tell grow, expand and warp until they hardly resemble the originals anymore. I'd like to think that when Mark and Scrimno burst into our dorm later that night, wild-eyed, out of breath and soaking wet, they'd come back from a very intense adventure; something that quite likely would put a full blush on this otter if she knew all the details. We three girls curled up together quietly in the lobby and listened to the two boys talk about this amazing pool they'd found...


"Absolutely the most fantastic water, ever," Scrimno was swallowing hard, his light-brown eyes electric. "I mean, it's like silk..." He reached out a paw to Lani's nightshirt and she flushed, shying away a little. "Softer than this. And so fucking WARM. It was like being in a bath-house. And deep, at least twice as deep as the pools at colleges around here. Mark and I took turns diving several times and -" He suddenly looked over at Mark, and his eyes softened a little. "and...and..." His mind suddenly swirled with images and he felt incredibly hot. And hard. Unconsciosly he pawed over a thick arousal building in his shorts, his eyes lidding briefly.

"We...we just really want you girls to come," Mark spoke up, his eyes flicking back and forth between them. "It's totally empty. I don't understand why the pool is even there, but it is, and there's been no one there recently. Hell, they had the door's bolted; we had to crawl through a second-story window to get inside-"

Becky gasped. "Breaking and entering?! What in the world makes you think we'd want to be a part of this? That's also tresspassing besides. We'd be nailed for sure, and then it's adios to our career. No way. Count me out."

Scrimno nodded and curled up beside the vixen on the sofa, petting her leg. "I know it's wrong, Becky. I agree with you 100%. But there's NO ONE there. There's just one big pool room with an upstairs deck and platform for diving. It's like some crazy billionaire decided to build a mansion, built the poolroom first, then abandoned the project. Come on, we all deserve a little night to ourselves. God knows we push each other enough. We're missing a lot of fun, and believe me, if Mark and I hadn't" he swallowed nervously and looked at the husky again, "experienced it for ourselves...we wouldn't have even come to you with this. Please...we'll go late at night, on a weekend, when we have time off from meets; no one will ever know we left..."

Something in the otter's words forced a smile from Becky's lips and she looked at him, rolling deep-blue eyes. "Alright, alright. I guess a little R&R won't hurt..." She shyly covered his paw with hers. "Just please promise me nothing will happen. My mom..."

Scrimno grinned, giving the vixen's paw a squeeze. "You got my word, beautiful."

Tanya got up and stretched, her tail bouncing. "Sounds like fun to me; definitely count me in..."

Lani smiled at the other otter, nodding. "And me...I'm not leaving my swim-sisters alone with YOU two." She giggled and the five shared a quick hug before saying goodnight...


Strange. Now it's all coming back to me again. I guess I just had to write it all down first; get my thoughts all together. Memories have a way of turning brown and faded, like old Polaroids left out in the sun too long, unless you really strive to keep them. The images going through my head now, gods, they make me so heated. It's hard not to think about them even now...

It was a tight squeeze in Scrimno's Charger, but I didn't mind it too much, snuggled between Tanya and Mark in the back seat. We were all strangely quiet as the city lights behind us faded, giving way to a cool, starlit night sky and the endless silhouettes and shadows of the country road. I leaned against Mark briefly, looking out the window, and noticed that the boys were certainly telling the truth about how out of the way we were. We passed our last farmhouse maybe 10 miles back, and all I could see were rows and rows of empty fields and crops of corn, beans, wheat and others.

I realized I was still leaning against the husky, and my hair was pressed against his muzzle. He playfully blew at a few strands and I laughed, pawing at him, sitting back.

"That's it...up ahead, that's the road," Scrimno almost whispered as he turned the Charger down the barely-noticable stretch of dirt and four tires churned on gravel. The cut-up and class clown of our group had not said a single word since the trip started, which was really the oddest of all. It made our trip that much more intense, like we were on some mission for ghosts or thieves.

Soon the headlights washed over a beat-up structure in the far distance, and the other girls and I caught our breaths. The house was maybe the size of a small mansion, and it looked entirely out of place in the middle of nothing but wide-open field. But that wasn't what caught our eyes first.

Coming out of the window was a strange blue and fluttery beam of light. It bounced and swayed and twinkled, like someone had let the Fourth of July into the place, and the fireworks had no place to go. In silence, we rode up towards the front of the house, along a very run-down porch, and got out, stretching our legs. Mark brushed past me and opened the trunk to get towels, a radio and some bags of chips and water bottles. "You girls are totally going to love this," he grinned, leading us up the porch.

"Don't we have to-" Becky started, then blinked as Mark went up to the front door and turned the knob. "Oh."

The husky grinned behind him. "Scrim's idea. He rigged the lock so we can get back in again."

"So this is really breaking and entering alright..." The vixen sighed, folding her arms.

"You want to go back now? Come on, Becky...we'll be fine," Scrimno came up behind her and massaged her shoulders, and she visibly relaxed, taking in a few breaths.

Mark stepped into the house first and I was immediately taken aback by the incredible water before us. I'd been in so many swimming pools, and the beautiful deep blue depths of the South Pacific, but this water was different. I could look down through the surface and not see the bottom. Nothing moved on top. I mean that in the most literal sense. Even with our entry into the house, we should have seen several ripples rolling across the surface, maybe an ocassional trickle, anything. But the surface of the pool was mirror-smooth. For a second or two, it didn't look like water at all. It looked like glass.

I felt Scrimno coming up behind me, his paw tentatively touching my arm. "Well, what do you think, diver-girl?" I chuckled, my thick tail bobbing a bit. I'd earned the title "diver-girl" because I coud stay underwater far longer than any of my team-mates. Usually after a meet or practice, I was the one asked to stay after and clean the bottom of the pool of leftover coins, trinkets, anything that could get lost and then sucked up by the vaccuum. I'd never actually timed myself, but Scrim had once joked to me that he'd seen me stay down long enough for him to read "War and Peace" twice.

"I think it looks quite fantastic, just as you said." I was thrilled. The water looked so inviting. I was dying to take a dip and see if the crystal effect went on and on, all the way down. I couldn't quite judge the distance to the bottom, but the boys were telling the truth: it looked a lot deeper than the pools we were accustomed to.

The boys had pulled off their shirts, shorts and sandals, stripping down to red bikini briefs, and Becky shyly slipped out of her pants and tie-on shirt to reveal a slinky blue two piece that went perfectly with her russet fur. I'd always been fond of Becky for taking our swim meets with such importance, and her drive was immeasurable. Whether she was spurred on by her mother or her own personal wants for achievement, she was quite a fast swimmer in the pool. One look at her body erased any doubts. She shook tangled blonde hair from around her bikini top and padded over to the edge of the pool, looking down.

And still the water didn't ripple.

"Going in, Becky? Time to break the pool cherry, girl," Mark laughed, coming up behind her and threatening to push her in. The vixen squealed and jumped away, laughing, shying back towards one of the tables and sitting down. "Perhaps later...I'll just watch for now..."

Mark nodded, and then turned, diving in head-first into the water and coming up near the center. All told, the pool wasn't actually very big; about one-third the size of a standard 50-yard Olympic-sized pool. I was filled with a lot of relief when I saw the surface of the water splash up in the husky's dive, and start to ripple and bobble waves normally. I padded to the edge and grinned at the canine. "So? Was it worth it?"

He splashed me with both his paws and I started to back away, wiggling out of my shorts and cut-off shirt. The water WAS warm. It was like he'd giving me a brief hot shower. Tanya was already out of her clothes, in a beautiful floral print bikini bottom and tankini that shaped and molded her like a tight glove. She smiled at me as she walked past, waved to Mark, then dove in almost on top of him, sending them both under the surface briefly. I kicked off my sandals, leaving the anklets around my feet and dove in.

I felt the most amazing sensations the second I hit the water. It was a luxurious bubble-bath, warm, silky...I can't describe with words. I never hesitated. I kicked deeper and deeper, my legs pumping behind me, the white jungle-bikini I'd picked out already riding up my crotch in the back, flossing my butt. The pressure of the water began to change the deeper I swam, clinging to me more tightly, giving me a tremendous hug.

I let out a bubbly whimper of pleasure as the bottom finally came up to greet me, and I pumped my arms upwards, arresting my descent and kneeling. I looked up at the surface I gauged to be about 50 feet up, and then around me. The water was mirror smooth even down here. There was no sense of a current, a filteration system, nothing. Just crystal-clear, completely unagitated water. I waved my arms side to side, to see if the water moved, or shifted at all in front of me. But it didn't. I blew bubbles up from my mouth, and again felt a little better. At least I knew I was still in water!

I pushed off the bottom, dolphin-kicking lazily towards the surface - before a hard splash nearly sent Scrimno knocking into me. We giggled as our bodies turned and twisted together, and I suddenly made a grab for his thick tail, letting him pull me back down into the depths. I watched his back muscles work gorgeously all the way down to his tail-base, and I trembled a little, climbing up his back from his tail to brace my paws on his shoulders. He smiled and churred, taking the hint, and leading me back down to the bottom, where we both settled briefly, looking at each other and fanning our arms. "Do you notice anything odd?" I churriped to him in our language.

He smiled, floating nearer to me, "About what?"

I smiled back then gestured around us. "This!"

My jungle bikini was nearly transparent, almost see-through, the thick dark areolas and nipples easily discernable. My swimming partner's briefs were equally so, shaping a thick, full bulge of arousal. I started to blush, thinking maybe we should join the others at the surface. But something stopped me...

I was absolutely horny. There, I said it. Yes, I was filled with a sudden lust and passion I don't think I ever have felt before or since. My netherlips had swollen, forming a rather tight camel-toe between my legs, and my nipples were hard points. I lifted my tail behind me, feeling as though the water was stroking against the small of my back, sliding down inside my swimsuit, trying to plunge into my tight tail-hole.

I trembled hard again and felt Scrimno's arms around me, nuzzling my cheek. "You alright, diver-girl?" His brown eyes showed concern - but there was something behind those eyes. They were twinkling, warm, the eyes of someone who truly, deeply cared for me. I couldn't stand it any longer and pushed my face hard against his, my mouth suddenly longing, aching for him, my lips parting enough to let my tongue dart in and out of his mouth. Scrimno had enough time to chuuurf, startled, and then kissed me back, long and full, his arms wrapping around me tightly.

We knelt there, on the bottom of this glorious pool, kissing each other hungrily, letting a million feelings out of the depths of our fantasies burst to the surface. I eagerly snuggled into his lap, floating, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist even as he was fumbling for the zipper of his briefs, wrenching them down his hips. He was in full arousal; his hard sex bobbled, completely out of its sheath.

"Yes..." I churriped a gentle moan against him, pulling my bikini bottom to one side, letting the delicious water suddenly caress and flow over my exposed sex. I felt the waters rush into me, and then I was sinking down onto him, taking his heat, his hot, hard lust, deep, so deep into my folds, my legs strangling his hips as we started a perfect rhythm, making love, continuing to kiss lustfully, our bubbles mingling and dancing around each other as they floated slowly upwards.

I'd never made love underwater. The feeling was incredible. I don't know how long we stayed down at the bottom, two forms joining over and over again in hard thrusts, my head tilted far back, letting my air supply burst from my lips in spurts and chokes until I could suddenly feel a new warmth, so pleasurable and so meaningful.

I brought my head back down level to Scrimno's and kissed him again as my orgasms began, causing me to buck and writhe in his arms, my feet gripping around his butt to hold myself against him. He looked into my eyes and churrrrrred softly as he came into me, his seed filling me in several jerks and spatters. My silky, fleshy folds closed tightly, clenching around his throbbing shaft, rhythmically squeezing, muscles deep inside me massaging, kneading my new-found lover until he was spent as well, trembling against my body.

Suddenly...we had no air left to hold. With startled bubbly whimpers, we pushed away from the bottom, arranged our suits, and clawed for the surface at once. For a moment, it seemed like the water wouldn't let us go, that we would be dragged back into these comforting depths and drowned - and then we were both gasping and coughing out water, arms around each other as we hit the surface.

"Geez, you two!" Tanya cried out, standing up from the stairs at the shallow end of the pool, watching us swim weakly over to catch our breaths. "What are you trying to do, break a world record?!"

Scrimno was first to speak, still panting. "We the's deep; we were just..." He suddenly swallowed hard as he looked over at me, "We were...exploring the bottom...just to see. Didn't realize how...long it was..."

Mark laughed as he swam over to the trio, giving my hair a stroke. "Figures. The otters. You guys don't have to show off for us; we know already you're both like freaking fish."

Tanya giggled softly, nodding. "Yeah, guys, please be more careful, huh? You were down a while, and we were getting worried." She gently touched Mark's arm and smiled, getting up from the steps and diving back in, the husky right on her tail.

"So what was it like down there?" Becky asked, coming up to us and kneeling by the side, running her paw through the water. Neither of us could answer right away, and before we could, the vixen shrugged and launched herself into the water in a shallow dive, swimming underwater gracefully, meeting Tanya and Mark in the water and splashing them. The three giggled and pressed close to each other, rubbing noses.

I looked over at Scrimno, still panting wildly. I wanted him again, and badly. My insides still ached; my body still tingled from the wild, explosive sex we'd had. I murmured softly as I curled up against him, holding my stomach, leaning against him and nuzzling. "Gods...what...oh, Scrim, what happened down there?" I was so hot, burning. I rubbed my legs together, sliding my anklets back and forth. I felt so sexy right now - and I again desired his throbbing flesh inside me.

I waited a few moments for him to answer me, my head resting on his shoulder. But he didn't. I tilted my head up to look at him. He was looking at the water, eyes wide.

Tanya was now wrapped naked around the strong husky in the water, her toned legs bucking as Mark started kissing her passionately, his paws coming down to the back of her thighs to support as they sloshed and splashed water back and forth. Becky was naked behind the husky, moaning loudly as she wrapped her arms around his waist, humping herself against his butt.

"Oh...gods..." I whimpered against the otter, moaning, watching them intently. I reached for his groin, pawing his stiff arousal through his briefs until he was bursting from his swimsuit again. "Mmmm..." I started to kiss him hotly, grabbing his length and sliding him into my fist, pumping my paw hard and fast.

"Oh...oh god...L-Lani...Lani...ohhhh..." he suddenly exploded in my grip, pumping a hot, creaming mess against my fingers as I continued pawing him off, giving him firm strokes from the base of his shaft up to the thick crown until he was soaked in fresh cum.

I never hestitated. Growling, I ripped off my bikini bottoms and top, and straddled him there in the shallows, balancing my toes on the steps as I jammed his sex deep up into me. My eyes clenched tightly as I wrapped my paws around his neck, kissing him deeply. I pounded on his groin, slapping my wet mons against his sac. I was so close to orgasm again. I begged him to kiss my breasts and as he did, I let myself go around him, cumming even harder than before. "Ohhh...h-hhh-hhhhoneyy...ohhhhh..." I shook so hard, my body refusing to co-operate, to balance, and I slipped and sat down on his shaft, filling my creamy sex and triggering one last powerful climax from me. I grabbed his head tightly and screamed.

In the pool, Tanya was approaching her own orgasm, her head thrown back in passion as her legs spasmed and then tensed around the husky's body, and as I came down from my own high, I noticed Mark's groin suddenly jerk several times and I realized right away he was cumming inside of her. All the wild fantasies I'd had of Mark in the past rose up and I moaned, pulling off of Scrimno's length and padding on unsteady feet down the steps and into the deep end with the others.

The other otter followed me, his erection raging, nestling up against my bare ass as I walked towards the trio locked together in sexual throes in front of me. The otter and I took a breath and dove down, swimming up against Becky's crotch, tracing her bare netherfur hiding aroused folds with our tongues, licking her petals hungrily.

Within moments underwater, she was climaxing, squeezing her juices against our tongues. Scrimno quickly grabbed at her legs in mid-scream, pulling her underwater, and I watched him force her, burbling hard, onto her back and jamming his hard shaft deep inside of her.

I moaned as I watched, caressing myself, then felt a paw touch my left breast and smiled. It was Tanya. The vixen pressed up against me under the surface, our breasts mashed tightly together, and we kissed deeply, our paws beginning to explore. Mark swam up between us mid-kiss, taking turns at each of our breasts, lavishing our nipples with broad licks, taking us into his mouth to suckle in turn.

I faintly heard a bubbly cry and looked over to see Becky writhing and jerking under the otter, cumming wildly around his shaft as she grabbed on to his shoulders. She quickly shook her head after another scream and pumped her legs, pulling away from his body and swimming frantically up for a breath. Mark smiled and nuzzled Tanya and I, and then pushed off and swam over to Scrimno, kissing him hard and taking his spent shaft into his paw to stroke.

We two girls stopped kissing, whimpering at one another before we turned to watch the otter and husky. I let Tanya catch a breath as I swam over to the two boys, immediately closing my mouth around the otter's stiff sex as they continued to kiss. I heard Scrimno moan with delight, and then Tanya was joining me, taking turns with me, our mouths pulling, tugging, suckling and swallowing his length.

Then we each took turns bobbing our heads back and forth. Mark stroked along my tail as I took his team-mate in my mouth again, and I got the message quickly. I grinned and kissed Tanya again, floating over to take my hot, horny husky's length into my mouth, deep-throating him.

I stayed underwater for the longest time before I felt the warm spurts of Mark's cum filling my cheeks as my canine lover orgasmed, his legs spasming hard against my breasts as I fought to hold onto him.

And then he was pulling away from me, grabbing Tanya in mid-gasp and pouncing her backwards. I moaned, bubbles escaping my mouth in a flurry, watching the husky kick powerfully into the depths, dragging Becky down underneath him. I could clearly see his butt thrusting back and forth as he pounded against the vixen, who was struggling, beating at his head, bubbling hard and kicking, all the way down until they were lost in the depths. Before I had a chance to surface, I felt a something brush against my ankle.

It was Becky. She had her paw locked tightly around me and wasn't letting go. I struggled, fighting the urge to breathe for as long as I could as the strong fox started to pull me deeper. I could feel her soft muzzle dipping tenderly into my folds, finding my heat, and I could feel hot lust and desire rising to the surface.

I needed air!

I kicked hard at the vixen's stomach, hearing a bubbly grunt, and then I was free, pulling hard for the surface several feet above me. I swallowed water and in the next instant I was gasping and coughing hard, trying to catch my breath. I heard bubbles behind me and turned to look in horror as Becky slowly rose up in front of me, face down and motionless.


Suddenly Scrimno came up behind me, wrapping his arms about my body, trying to slide his sex inside me again. "Scrim..." I panted, "Wait...w-wait...Becky..." I moaned, feeling his full length fill me once more, and in spite of myself, I squeezed him inside me several times, still moaning. "Scrimmm...please..." It took all my will to pull away from his shaft and stroke towards Becky frantically, rolling her over onto her back and trying to revive her.

Something snapped inside the other otter. I saw it. His eyes lost their intensity, and in a moment, color came back to them. "Lani?" he gasped, breathing heavily, "What...happened...?" He swam over to join me, and together we pulled the vixen's bedraggled, lifeless body to the side of the pool, lifting her out together.

"Help me...oh God, please no...Becky..." I straddled atop of her legs, pumping her chest slowly in and out while Scrimno gave her mouth-to-mouth. After about a minute or so, Becky suddenly opened her eyes and vomited a ton of water, coughing uncontrollably as we held her tightly, nearly crying.

I looked around. "Where are...Mark? T-Tanya!" Taking the biggest breath I could, I jerked away and dove back into the pool, kicking and pumping my arms wildly, clawing down several feet of warm, silky water until I could make out the bottom. Below, I could barely see the shimmering forms of my friends. Tanya was pinned beneath the large dog, her arms out to her sides, in an almost silent surrender. Mark lay atop of her, his sex buried within her. Neither of them were moving.

I burbled wildly, and swam for Tanya first, pulling at her arms, pushing at Mark until he rolled away and sank to the bottom on his back, still in full arousal. I looked at his sex, so full, hot, ready to be loved, to be held, and squeezed...

No! I shook my head hard, grabbing under Tanya's arms and lifting her up. Already I could feel my tired lungs protesting. I took a sad look at Mark lying there, and quickly started to kick upwards, dragging Tanya with me. I was so tired and spent. I'd get a few feet up then sink some. I was getting so scared. The thought of drowning while carrying Tanya to the surface began to dig into my mind, and I felt my eyes closing, my body relaxing...

Strong arms suddenly hugged around me and I saw Scrimno's face close to mine, pressing his mouth to my lips. I took it in a long deep kiss, and felt some of his air pushing into my body. Becky tugged at my arms and wrenched Tanya from my grip, starting the long swim back to the surface with her.

After the underwater kiss, I nuzzled Scrimno and churrrred, then led the way back down to the bottom to collect Mark...


Why are you looking that way at me?

You're all red in the face. Oh, if only I had a mirror...

Sorry, I don't mean to giggle...

Yes, we were all okay. Mark was almost a lost cause, but a hard slap on the back and he finally came to. The five of us huddled around the pool, naked and shivering. The water, which had once been so warm and serene, and inviting and blue, now looked murky and dark, and so cold.

Scimno was the first to find his voice as we lay there, panting hard. "Oh my God...what...what HAPPENED to us?"

No one answered. We just shook our heads.

He suddenly realized I was snuggled naked against him, and I felt the warmth of his arousal pushing gently into my stomach. "I...we..." he rubbed noses with me. "we'd better go...before...before curfew...I..."

"Curfew?" Becky gasped, rolling over onto her side, bumping into Tanya. "THAT's what you're worried about?!"

My paws had come down, unconsciously caressing the otter's sex and I felt him jerk with pleasure against me, a little of his pre trickling forth to wet my finger as I slid the digit across the tiny slit. "We go...he's right...Scrim's right..." I swallowed, looking at him, and my eyes almost glittered, I thought.

He slowly pulled away from me and we started to shakily get dressed, wordlessly. As I reached down and adjusted my sandals, I thought I saw something suddenly flash in the water. Like a huge lightning bolt that had somehow gotten trapped down there. Or a hundred flash bulbs from a camera had gone off at once. I looked at the water intently, waiting to see another flash.

I felt Scrimno wrap an arm around me and nuzzle my cheek. "What is it?"

I kept staring at the water. "Did you see it? Like...a light...?"

"Sorry, I didn't, no...let's go, Lani...we got a long drive ahead, and...I think we need to talk..."

I nodded, turning to look into his beautiful brown eyes. "Yes," I whispered, nuzzling gently at his nose. "I think...we do too..."

We hardly said a word on the ride home. But at one point, I looked back just as we pulled away from the run-down, beat-up building. And I saw one more bright flash from the window, just as spectacular as any streak of ligthning in the sky. I was about to tell Scrimno about it, and then I guess I never did because I fell fast asleep in his arms.


What happened next? I know, that's really what you want to know, isn't it? The past is prologue, as they say.

Well, we never did go to the pool again as a group, for one thing. Becky's mother, on a tip from one of the other students, found out she was not at a practice meet anywhere to be found, and pulled our friend from the swim team. I guess her mom finally realized she couldn't control her vixen anymore, and it was time for her to move on, because I last saw Becky a few days ago, working retail at a rather high-class department store. She seems really happy.

Mark and Tanya, as you might expect, got a lot closer from the wild experience we all shared, and as far as I know, they're engaged now, living together off-campus. Both of them had to quit the swim team, as you might expect, which was a death-blow to the whole school. We never won another meet, to my knowledge, though our team did place third in an all-around reunion event last summer.

Scrimno...well...forgive my blush. We made love as soon as we arrived back at the campus. It was absolutely wonderful. He begged me to marry him that same night, and I know in my heart, just like I did then, that we are meant.

We kept our love to ourselves, enjoying our last few years of college together. He's a marine biologist now, studying the lake. And as you know, I'm the author of the novel "The Pool", which this story I'm telling you is based on.

Oh, thank you! I'm expecting our first child in a few months.

I'm glowing? I know, it's so hard to keep that secret!

The pool? Ah, that's really the whole story, isn't it? Is it so odd that I can remember every detail of our adventure now? Every caress, every kiss, every...tender moment? Scrim and I did try to go back to the pool once, just for the sake of curiosity, but the building was gone. I don't know if we took a wrong turn amid the criss-cross labyrinth of dusty roads or not. Everything certainly looked familiar.

But we just never found it.

Oh well, it's really not important. I think it's possible we just had so much pent up sexual frustration inside of us, so much lust and need pounding on our bodies to get out, that we just relented and gave ourselves in to it all.

Maybe the pool helped us explore those feelings.

Maybe it was a conduit of sorts, connecting love and lust and passion with our favorite activity in the world, swimming.

To this day, I still wish I knew what I had seen in those depths as we started to leave. You know, I haven't told anyone this yet...but I swear the flashes looked strange, almost like...

...shapes...of light...

and they were shimmering and... moving...

They looked

I keep thinking about how the water had felt when I first dived in.

Like silky hands were caressing me, holding me...loving me...

God, I suddenly want a swim so bad...



Summer. It's a wonderful time to be a sea-otter, especially when you consider that the hotel swimming pools around the island are a lot more crowded, with a bevy of beautiful and handsome individuals of every color, size, shape and species. The...

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The movie was as awful as the video store manager had said. He'd warned us, in fact, about the utter lack of plot, the gratuitous implied-nudity in some places, and the shaking camera work. He said it rivaled Ed Wood in production values. We...

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Tequiua Sunis took a moment to record a few readings at the console, tapping a paw impatiently against one of the glass spheres and watching the gauge level off to an acceptable level. A little something for maintenance to look at when they got back,...

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