Tale of Dire Wolf Hunter: “First Rights!”

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Note: This smut tale is a throw-off of a smut story I wrote only for my mate D Ocelot, just to clarify for ya, Dire Wolf Females in this story have six breasts, just saying so you don't think I made a mistake! *giggles* Any of you straight furs want to play with one of my Dire Wolf bitches? *winks and flicks tongue*

Tale of Dire Wolf Hunter: "First Rights!"

Ice Age Alaska

A young teenaged dire wolf male known to his pack as Last-Born, looking out off into the distance at the herd of mammoth passing threw. He was excited and couldn't help but wag his tail at the thought about what was going to happen tomorrow. The pack alpha had finally deemed him old enough to join the hunters and prove himself a true hunter by making his first kill. This excited him because for after he killed his first mammoth, he would bring home a large supply of meat and more importantly, a mammoth tusk.

Only young hunters who brought back a mammoth tusk are allowed to go through the ritual that would allow him to be recognized as a full grown adult. The pack shaman would take this tusk, commune with the spirits and learn his true name. The shaman would then crave his name on the tusk, whisper his true name in his ears upon which, he would then bring it before the entire pack and shout his true name to the full moon. The entire pack would howl joyfully, his father would then approach, giving him his first spear and embrace him to bid farewell to his pup and greetings to his new brother. The alpha would then embrace him also to welcome him into the pack as a respected hunter and adult. He would no longer have to deal with being pushed around and endure being called 'Whelp' by the other adults, he would get the respect he so desperately wanted and more important, he would be aloud to mate with one of the females.

It was a serious crime for a none adult to mate with any female, if they were caught, the female would be banished from the pack for one month for the crime of shaming herself with a whelp, if she were impregnated, her young would be regarded as abominations the very moment they were born and she would have no choice but to leave them out in the wild to die. The male would get the harshest punishment; he would be stripped of his honor, bound and left standing naked to the totem of shame for many days, depending on how long the great spirits feel is required to restore his honor. The shamed male would be left there to the harshness of the elements till his time of penitence was up and only then would he be cut down and allowed back into the pack with full amnesty. Some have died, others took their shame greatly and it broke their spirits, they returned to the pack hallow and un-wanting to live, but there were others who learned their lesson and moved on as if nothing had ever happened.

Last-Born couldn't wait for the time when he would be aloud to mate with the future mother of his pups, granted that the law of the pack states that only the female chooses her impregnator, all the same he yearned to hold his chosen born in his arms, the only pup he would be aloud to take when it was weaned and train it to as he sees fit while the others would be left to be schooled by elderly and pack mothers as they saw fit. Last-Born was the lucky one out of the litter of eight, his father chose him despite he was the last born, something almost unheard of and he was grateful, main reason he was called Last-Born by the others.

Last-Born's favorite sister Star-Born, so called due to big white botch of fur on her chest that looked like a star, approached her brother and wanted to know what he was waging his tail about. Last-Born spoke to her in primitive huffs and grunts that translated, 'I cannot wait for the hunt!' His sister replied back in similar fission that translated, 'If you are hungry brother, I can get you some meat from grandmother!' Last-Born growled to signify it wasn't food he wanted and thumped his chest that strongly translated, 'I want respect!' Star-Born understood what her brother meant and stood close-by but at a respectable distance, even though she was his sister, it was looked down upon by the pack for a female to get too close to a male when they were out of season.

Last-Born grunted at his sister to go away, he loved his sister but didn't like the feeling of her eyes staring into his back. She drew her ears back and whined at her brother's insistence that she leave him alone but did so when he turned his head and bared his teeth at her signifying that she was only annoying him. She gave a loud whine as she tucked tail, lowered her head to show respect and headed back to the pack mothers so as to leave her brother alone.

Last-Born returned his attention to the herd of mammoth and resumed his fantasy of himself killing a great bull and earning great respect and more importantly, the attention of the more beautiful female's who only mated with perspective future alpha males. The one known as Sunlight-Fur he especially wanted to impress, her gorgeous golden shade of fur was something wanted his pups to have and she was in exceptionally good health due to her nice heavy figure unlike the others who looked too skinny and or had missed one too many feedings. Sunlight-Fur was going to be a challenge to impress, she had already gone two season's without choosing an impregnator and her standards are too high in the eyes of most. She wanted the father of her pups to be strong, who had gone at least one season without any sickness and he had to be the best hunter. She decreed that the first male to bring her back the heart of the alpha bull, she would gladly bare his pups, a challenge that already cost the pack fifteen good hunters, an alpha bull was a mammoth best left alone, only the young, oldest and lame were the prime targets of most hunters.

Just then he herd his father thumping his chest loudly, he turned and saw his father was annoyed, he thumped his chest fiercely which translated, _'Show me some respect whelp, I demand your attention!' _ Last-Born immediately tucked tail, drew his ears back, knelt down on one knee and lowered his head to show submission to his father. His father approached with bared teeth and gave a low growl that clearly showed he was not happy with his son's daydreaming when he was trying to get his attention. Last-Born only kept his eyes to ground and his head hung low to avoid any misinterpreted gestures of challenge, a lesson he learned last season when he dared to look his father in the eye when was being scolded for eating out of turn. His farther attacked and tore him up pretty bad with his claws and teeth after he interpreted his son looking him in the eyes as a challenge. Last-Born limped, bleeding, whining and crying back to his mother who like most mothers, welcomed her pup back with loving warm affection and forbid his father from touching him again.

His father regretted it also when he realized it was all a misunderstanding, but what he son was doing and did was an embarrassment and he needed to be disciplined, or else lose the packs respect. It took many days and many offerings in gesture of apology; commonly used ritual used by fathers to earn back the trust of their sons who were afraid of them. When his mother took him back, he was under the protection of the other den mothers and they would not hesitate to kill his father if he trespassed. The den mothers were ruthlessly protective of the young and were solely in charge of them, the right for a father to visit his pups was strictly a privilege. When the day came when he allowed his father to embrace him, he willingly acknowledged he was ready to return to his father and his protection.

When his father was satisfied his pup understood his place, he placed his paw gently on his son's shoulder, a gesture that it was alright to stand up and he had forgiven him for his lack of respect. Last-Born smiled and stood up, keeping his head low to resume showing respect. His father then embraced him and nibbled his cheek to show he was very proud of his boy, Last-Born couldn't help but let his tail wag with joy at his fathers show of respect. His father communicated with his son in paw sign langue, a skill that all hunters are trained since they are first weaned from their mothers and must master before they go out on their first hunt, paw sign was how the hunters communicated to each other in silence when they hunted together.

'My son, I see you are daydreaming again.' His father signed and his son replied back, also in paw sign, 'I'm sorry father, I did not mean to show disrespect, I am very excited about tomorrows hunt!" His father smiled and signed, _'I remember my first hunt, I killed a young with a single blow, remember what I taught you my son, always aim for the heart in the weak spot where the chest meets the neck!' _ Last-Born did not understand what his father was hinting, from the sound of it, his father would not be going with him.

'Are you not coming father?' His father drew his ears back, his face sadden as he hung his head low and signed, _'It is not permitted for the father to join his son during the first hunt, you must do this without me like a true adult!' _ Last-Born swallowed hard, granted he was over excited but he was also very nervous and now knowing that his father would not be there with him, he was scared.

Last-Born's father saw his son was scared and placed a warm, caring paw upon Last-Born's chest, covering his heart in a fatherly gesture that mean 'I will always be here to protect your life!' Last-Born risked backing a taboo in questioning his fathers gesture of reassurance by signing, 'How can you when you won't be there?'

Granted the question was out of place and often regarded as rude, but his father understood his son's fear and so overlooked the rudeness and tapped his son's head with his finger which was a common gesture of jest that clearly translated, 'Use your head stupid boy and remember what I taught you!' _ Last-Born giggled and touched his fathers arm that was a warm son to father gesture of thanks. _'The adults are done eating now, go eat your fill of meat with your fellow whelps, you will need all your strength for tomorrow!' Last-Born grunted he will and headed back down to where the pack was gathered.


Last-Born was busy gnawing the cooked meat off a mammoth rib he managed to pull from the almost stripped carcass nearby. The adults purposely left more then the usual pound of flesh behind tonight for the young hunters to eat, normally the whelps were left with almost bear bone that required a good strong rock to break open to get at the marrow inside. Makes-Others-Laugh, the clown of the young adults, was busy trying to make his fellow young adults laugh with sticking two bone shards in his nostrils and making mammoth like sounds. Giggles-A-Lot, so named because he was usually giggling, giggled loudly as watched Makes-Others-Laugh acted silly. Makes-Females-Fight, the most handsome male of the young adults and was so named because females often fought each other to get his attention, scoffed at Makes-Others-Laughed and paw signed, _'I hope your not going to use these childish jests to try and win a female when your an adult!' _

Makes-Others-Laughed pulled the bone shards from his nostrils and signed back, 'Females LOVE funny males!' He then stood up, looked off towards the gathering of young adult females, thumped his chest loudly to get their attention, when they looked over in his direction, he put the bone shards back in his nostrils and did his mammoth impersonation and ad-libbed some stomping around. The females laughed loudly, some clapped their paws and wagged their tails as they smiled at his humor. Makes-Others-Laughed sat down, pulled the bone shards from his nostrils and smiled at Makes-Females-Fight victorious for proving his point. Makes-Females-Fight playfully tossed a lump of meat at Makes-Others-Laugh and stuck out his tongue through his lips, a common dire wolf gesture in saying 'Fuck you!'

Makes-Others-Laughed tapped his lips with his for and middle finger in a jest gesturing response in saying, 'You have to kiss me first!' Makes-Females-Fight laughed and playfully tossed another lump of meat at Makes-Others-Laugh.

Giggles-A-Lot thumped his chest at Last-Born to get his attention and signed, 'You are very quiet tonight, last night we couldn't get you to shut up about the hunt and now you are as silent as the dead! What is wrong?' Last-Born only grunted to signify he didn't want to talk about it; he was upset because his father was not coming with him tomorrow. Makes-Females-Fight then thumped his chest to get Last-Born's attention and signed with a look of concern, 'Has your father hurt you again?' Last-Born only signed back angrily with one paw, 'No he has not, I want to eat in peace!' He then bared his teeth at Makes-Females-Fight to show he meant what he said and he wanted to be left alone. Makes-Females-Fight bared his teeth back and signed, 'You are being very rude, show me respect or I will beat it out of you!' He then thumped his chest hard four times to show he demanded respect, Last-Born wasn't in the mood to get into a fight with Makes-Females-Fight, he lowered his head, drew back his ears to show respect and signed, 'I am sorry, please forgive me, I just want to be left alone right now, please let me eat in peace!' Makes-Females-Fight placed his paw gently on Last-Born's shoulder to show he accepted his apology and signed to the others to leave Last-Born alone. The others grunted they understood and did not bother him any further.


Two hours had passed by, everyone had finished eating and had stomach full of meat. Makes-Females-Fight and Giggles-A-Lot, being brothers, had cuddled up together for warmth and went to sleep. Makes-Others-Laugh went to join the other young hunters in listening to stories told by Voice-Of-The-Past, the elder of the tribe and respected story teller. Last-Born shivered as the cold was starting to cut into his fur due to the fire dying down and he wasn't in the mood to go begging to the adults for a log of dry wood to throw on the fire, he instead gather up all the shards of bone that were broken to get at the bone marrow inside and tossed them onto the fire. Bone was a poor substitute for wood and it smelled when it got hot, but it did do the trick and warmed the surrounding air long enough to fall asleep.

Last-Born lay as close as he could, but at a safe distance, from the fire so as to warm himself. He eyed the two brothers who were warmly snuggled up together in each others arms and looked very happy and warm. He envied Makes-Females-Fight and Giggles-A-Lot for having each other to snuggle up to and keep warm on cold nights. Out of the litter of eight he was born two, he had only two brothers and both died long ago. Reaches-For-The-Sky died at five years due to water-lung, more commonly known to us as pneumonia. Likes-To-Chase died very young from infection due to a broken arm when he missed his step and fell out of a tree. In the end he was the last living male of the litter he was born to and knowing this often made him feel very sad.

As envied the two brothers cuddled warmly in each others arms, he shivered and hoped he would fall asleep before the fire went out. Just then he caught the scent of his favorite sister Star-Born and herd her foot steps approach. She knelt down, placed her paw on her brother, rocked him gently in a gesture to ask dose he want to cuddle with her. Last-Born scoffed that it would be inappropriate but she reassured him with crossing the pad of her paw with her forefinger to gesture the Alpha okayed it. Knowing that he accepted her invitation, rolled over and pulled her into a warm cuddle. He smiled, moaned happy and nuzzled his sisters neck in gratitude. She nuzzled back and held him close to herself till he stopped shivering.

The feeling of her six warm breast rubbing up against his body aroused him, but try as he could, he could not hide it and his sister giggled as she felt his male-hood throb and wet the fur on her belly with over excited pre. She flicked his ear in a playful manner to inform him he's getting too excited, but he didn't care, his body may have wanted sex but really he wanted warmth more and as awkward as it was having his male-hood rub escape from his sheath and snuggle in-between the lower abdominal two breasts of his sister, she didn't mind for she understood it was only natural for a male to get excited when he was in the presence of a female and that it was strictly a reaction and not an intended desire.


Last-Born was sound asleep when he felt his father shake him awake, he blinked his eyes open and saw that his sister was still locked in his arms and was sound asleep. He felt his father rock him again and as he turned his head, he could clearly see that it was still dark, he had expected the hunt to begin at twilight but he could have been misinformed. Last-Born pushed himself from his sisters embrace, she instinctively curled up into a ball when the cold air hit and shivered. Last-Born yawned, stretched himself out, stood up and signed to his father tiredly, 'Is it time to go hunting?' His looked very concerned and signed for his son to follow him.

He followed his father a short walk from the pack, he did not understand why his father woke him up so early but expected it to be some last minutes hunting tips. His father looked around to make sure that they were alone and signed to his son, 'I'm concerned, I have heard troubling news from the other adults and must prepare you!' _ Last-Born was confused and signed, _'What news?' _ His father was reluctant to tell his son at first but then signed, _'The females decided that there will be no mating this season, too many experienced birth givers have taken sick and requested the Alpha postpone this years mating cycle so they can recover!' Last-Born became concerned and signed, 'Is mom alright?' His father signed, 'Your mother is fine.' Last-Born sighed with relief but then his father signed 'I'm worried about you son!'

His father explained as clearly as he could in sign that when a mating season is canceled, males in rut will become dangerous and feral, to quell this rage the pack ancestors allowed, at the time, a questionable practice called 'First Rights.' The right sat their lust on a substitute. Last-Born never heard of such a practice and asked more about it, he could tell his father didn't want to explain, his father had his ears drawn back, his head hanged low. There was a long moment of silence between the father and son, but it was broken when the father singed with his paws.

'When you go out hunting today, there is a strong chance you may be called to First Rights. There is nothing I can do, it is pack law and I was told to prepare you and instruct you what you must do.' A sickly feeling rushed over Last-Born and he signed with trembling paws, 'What must I do?' _ His father's paws trembled and he then signed, _'When called to first rights, you must submit before the adult who called you and allow him to enter you.' Last-Born's heart raced for he did not like the sound of that at all and asked, 'What do you mean by allowing him to enter me?'

His father sighed and with his paws he clearly gestured 'You must let him penetrate you with his member and fill you with is seed.' That made no sense at all to Last-Born and said, 'I'm not female, how will he penetrate me?' His father placed his paw on his shoulder and signed, 'I will show you for I'm calling you to Fight Rights now, you now must let me enter you , forgive me, I don't do this to hurt you, I do this to prepare you for when someone else calls you to First Rights.' His father looked very sad as he saw the fear in his son's eyes. 'Will it hurt?' Last-Born asked in sign and his father said, 'Yes, it will hurt but you must endure the pain, whelps aren't adults so they do not have the right to turn down an adults request, I do this to make you stronger, you will hate me when I'm done and I will deserve it!'

Last-Born was shaking with fear at the news that his father called him to first rights and that he must let him penetrate him as though he was a female. 'I'm scared!' Last-Born signed and his father singed back, 'I know son, it is better you learn it from me then someone else, now get on your paws and knees, turn your tail to the side and prepare yourself, this will be painful!'

Last-Born could feel his heart race and he reluctantly obeyed his father, he got on his paws and knees, turned his tail to the side and dreaded what would happen next. Wasn't too long when his father mounted him, he felt something fleshy poke him in the opening under his rear and it was just then he understood how his father was going to enter him and as braced himself with clinching his teeth together, he felt his father rub him up and down his back to get him to relax, when he did so the next thing he felt was a sharp burning feeling as his father inserted his male hood under his tail with a slow hip thrust forward.

The pain was almost unbearable and he whined loudly as tears leaked from his eyes, the pain was bad enough, but what really hurt the worst was the humiliation in letting another male use him like he was female, paying no mind to his respected gender and inflicting their lust upon him. He remembered his father saying he was doing this to strength him, he trusted his father and tried to endure the pain as his father pumped him with steadily increasing hip thrusts, driving his member deep inside his gut, pulling back and driving himself back in.

Something unexpected happened during the humiliating of letting his father force his male hood in and out from under his tail; his father hit something inside him and it unexpectedly felt good. Last-Born repositioned himself so that his father's member would hit that sweet spot again and he did. Last-Born moaned as he felt the sudden rush of pleasure that overwhelmed the pain he was feeling. The feeling made his own member throb and jerk and he could not help but reach for his own male hood and began stimulating himself by rubbing his sheath.

Warm pre leaked from the tip and dripped, he moaned passionately and looked back over his shoulder to watch his fathers masculine frame work away as he held him by the hips and pump him with steady forward and backward hip thrusts. Last-Born licked his lips as he was starting to enjoy this inappropriate form of mating and pushed himself backwards so as to take his father's knot into himself. It hurt as his fathers knot stretched him wide open, but there was a sudden jolt of pure pleasure and his white seed shot out from the tip of his member with five hard squirts and sprayed the ground.

His father grunted and pulled and slammed his hips hard into his son, locking his knot deep inside him and ejaculated instantly. Last-Born's eyes rolled back in his head, his tongue flicked air as he felt his father's seed squirt inside him and trickle down lining of his gut.

He felt his father pull back slowly and as he did so, Last-Born relaxed his sphincter and his father's knot pulled free with a pop. The hole under his tail was gaping wide and when he closed it, he felt his father's seed ooze out and bathed his balls, something about his father's seed bathing is loins tickled him and he giggled to himself. Last-Born licked his lips, an unconscious gesture that signified he found the experience quiet enjoyable, granted it hurt like hell at first, but when his father hit that sweet spot, all he could do is want more.

Last-Born gave one last pleased moan, returned his tail to its normal position and stood himself up. He turned to tell his father that he actually like it, but his father was already a good distance away. His head hanged low and his tail was tucked, he looked very ashamed and Last-Born ran up to his father and thumped his chest hard four times. A young adult was not aloud to demand attention from his father in such a way, let alone any adult for that manner, but his father gave his son's demand for attention by turning around slowly and Last-Born signed, 'Thank you for preparing me father, I'm glad it was you who showed me!' Last-Born then embraced his father and nuzzled his chest lovingly. Tears leaked from his father's eyes in joyful relief that his son did not hate him for what he just did to him and embraced his son tightly in his arms and wept silently as he did so.


The first day of the hunt was a disappointment, the adults and young hunters just followed mammoth tracks a good full day and with no end results. 'We will make camp here for the night!' The alpha hunter gestured with his paws as he stomped the ground with his foot. Two hunting party formed by paring an adult with a young hunter were instructed to head out and track down some small game for food for the night. Silent-Wind and Giggles-A-Lot were sent north and Stone-Claws with Makes-Others-Laugh was sent south. Makes-Females-Fight and Last-Born stayed behind with the alpha hunter and Bright-Eyes.

After making a warm fire, Makes-Females-Fight asked Last-Born in sign did his father also told him about and called him to first rights. Last-Born was surprised Makes-Females-Fight was also called by his father and asked, 'How did you take to it?' Makes-Females-Fight's ears blushed, he drew them back, smiled and reluctantly signed, 'I like it!' Last-Born's ears also blushed and he reluctantly signed back, 'So did I!' It felt good to know that he wasn't the only one called and had taken pleasure in it, Last-Born decided to ask more and sighed, 'He enter you also?' Makes-Females-Fight smiled, fidgeted and signed 'Yes, but he sucked my male hood before he did and drank my seed!'

That aroused Last-Born, he felt his tail hole pucker and his cock twitch in wanting desire, 'He really drank your seed?' Last-Born signed, Makes-Females-Fight giggled and replied, 'Yes!' _ Last-Born was very aroused and wanted to know more, _'Did it feel good?' Makes-Females-Fight rolled his eyes back and moaned as he remembered and patted his chest that translated 'I loved it!'

As Last-Born and Makes-Females-Fight talked more about the first right encounter they had with their father's; they became more and more excited as they communicated, they unconsciously started stimulating themselves by rubbing their sheaths with one paw and communicating with the other. Last-Born was right in the middle of asking Makes-Females-Fight if Giggles-A-Lot had done it also, but was caught off by an odd sound coming from the direction of alpha hunter and Bright-Eyes. Last-Born's ears turned in the direction and he signed to Makes-Females-Fight that he would be right back and headed over to the two adults where.

As Last-Born approached the adult campfire, he saw something he could not believe. Bright-Eyes was on his knees performing oral sex on the alpha hunter, the sounds that he herd was the alpha hunter moaning loudly as Bright-Eyes had his shaft locked in his maw and was busy suckling him like a newborn nursing it's mothers tit. Last-Born crouched down low in the shadows to avoid detection and watched with intense interest at what he was witnessing. The Alpha hunter grunted loudly and suddenly white drool poured from Bright-Eyes lips, he let the alpha hunter's member escape from his muzzle, swallowed what was in his maw and lapped the alpha's male hood clean with his tongue. The Alpha hunter returned his member to his sheath and headed off somewhere in the darkness. Bright-Eyes stood up and went to tending to the campfire as though nothing had happened.

Last-Born whined for he loved what he was watching and wanted to see more, his silent request was answered when he heard low moans coming not too far away. He hoped it was more of this First Right action stuff as he sneaked over the next hiding spot and watched as two other adults were pleasing each other near a campfire of their own. Grows-Things was laying down on his side, his right paw was pulling his right butt cheek upward, his tail was also raised so as to expose his sensitive tail hole to Fast-Runner, who was busy stimulating it with tongue as he couched down his member was fully erect and dripping pre nonstop. Grows-Things moaned passionately as the other male tongued his tail-hole with slow easy laps and inserted it inside and out.

Last-Born started stimulating himself by rubbing his sheath as he watched, he enjoyed every moment of it and moaned as he rubbed himself. Just then Grows-Thing released his butt cheek and assumed a submissive position with is tail turned to the side so as to allow Fast-Runner to mount him and enter him. Fast-Runner wasted no time and as he quickly mounted Grows-Things, locking his arms around his belly and with a single hard hip thrust forward, he slammed his male hood straight inside Grow-Things tail-hole. Grows-Things yelped at first, he then started to whine but it quickly eased into a passionate moan as Fast-Runner started pumping him with fast split second hip thrusts.

The slapping sound of Fast-Runner's thighs slamming into Grows-Things butt cheeks was almost as loud as the loud passionate moans he gave off as Fast-Runner drove his male hood in and out from under Grows-Things tail. Just then a loud grunt bellowed from inside Fast-Runner as he threw his head back and slammed his hips hard into Grows-Things, locking his knot deep inside his ass and filling his gut his sperm. Grows-Things was in rapture he moaned, his eyes were closed and he lapped at air, Last-Born didn't doubt Fast-Things hit that sweet spot inside Grows-Things and he unconsciously reached around under his tail and started playing with his own tail-hole.

He wanted to feel a males member inside him right now, he was so tempted to walk on over and offer himself to be penetrated next. That thought alone made him lose control and he auto ejaculated from the intense excitement of imagining one of the adults entering him. Last-Born grunted as he ejaculated and started panting; he moaned as he felt the afterglow of the orgasm and watched on as Fast-Runner pulled himself free from Grows-Things ass, stood up and walk away panting and satisfied.

Grows-Things sat up, took hold of his member in one paw, reached around and inserted his fingers inside himself with his other paw. He moaned loudly as he ejaculated; streams of sperm jetted from the tip of his male-hood as he squeezed his knot and pushed his fingers deep inside the gaping hole under his tail. He pulled his fingers free from his ass, squatted down as though he was defecating and purged his anus of Fast-Runners seed. Large white drops splashed on the ground as his tail jerked up and down, he did this three times as he defecated the last drops Fast-Runners sperm from inside himself, closed his hole, stood up and went about his business.

Last-Born whined with want; he couldn't wait for one of the adults to call him to First Rights. Watching the action between the adults excited him to no end and he wondered why they didn't call him or Makes-Females-Fight, he could only speculate that they were being saved for something special. He watched Grows-Things gather up firewood, hoping that something else would happen, but nothing did and so he went back to join Makes-Females-Fights to tell him what he had just witnessed and watched.


Makes-Females-Fight trembled with excitement as Last-Born told him in sign about what the adults were doing. 'You should have brought me along, I want to see too!' Makes-Females-Fight signed with annoyed paw movements. 'I am sorry, I just wanted to see more!' Last-Born signed and lowered his head. Makes-Females-Fight laid a paw on Last-Born's shoulder and smiled to show him he accepted the apology.

A few silent minutes had passed, Makes-Females-Fight was busy trying to catch a big fly that was annoying him by buzzing in his ears, he missed every time as he tried to grab it out of the air, but didn't give up trying. Last-Born found himself looking at Makes-Females-Fight in a different point of view, normally when he looked at Makes-Females-Fight, all he saw was a male he had to compete with and respect, but right now, he found himself looking at Makes-Females-Fight the same way he would a female. Last-Born's heart started to race as the thought of mounting Makes-Females-Fight popped into his head and he became very aroused.

Makes-Females-Fight noticed that Last-Born was very aroused by the swelling in his sheath that outlined his hard member and signed, 'You are swollen and ready to mate! Why?' Makes-Females-Fight looked around and signed, 'You see the adults doing it again?' Last-Born smiled and pointed at Makes-Females-Fight, a gesture that translated 'You are why!' Makes-Females-Fight didn't have to ask anymore questions, he already figured out what Last-Born meant and felt a little weird by the gesture that Last-Born wanted to mate him. His ears blushed red and his stomach felt like a herd of mammoths were stampeding through it.

Last-Born decided to chance the question and slowly signed, 'I want to enter you, will you have first rights with me?' Makes-Females-Fight had to think about that, granted it was exciting when his father did it with him, but the thought of fellow young hunter mounting him made him feel very uneasy. The feeling to him was like having your brother all of sudden ask you if you wanted to have sex with him. 'It dose not feel right!' Makes-Females-Fight signed and looked very troubled. 'I will stop if you do not like it!' Makes-Females-Fight felt very weird, but in the end he decided to give it a try.

He replied by slowly and reluctantly, getting on his paws and knees, turned his rear in the direction of Last-Born and lifted his tail to the side to invite Last-Born to enter him. He felt very humiliated, but he also found the humiliation somewhat exciting. When he felt Last-Born take hold of his thighs, searched his opening under his tail with the tip of his member as he gave slow hip thrusts forward, he instinctively wanted to pull away and call it off. When Last-Born breached his opening and drove his male-hood deep inside him, hitting that sweet spot one the first thrust, he removed the thought from his head and moaned passionately as he flicked his tongue at air. Makes-Females-Fight then relaxed himself, closed his eyes, smiled big as he enjoying letting Last-Born have First Rights with him.


The experience changed both Makes-Females-Fight and Last-Born, they found themselves attracted to each other and embraced each other in their arms as they laid down on the cold ground. Makes-Females-Fight could not stop letting out pleased quiet moans as he buried his muzzle deep into the fur on Last-Born's neck, routinely tightening his embrace. Last-Born was all the while smiling big to himself as he wondered if doing this with a female felt just as pleasing. Makes-Females-Fight started licking Last-Born's neck affectingly, he could not understand the feeling he was feeling right now, it felt very good, like a ray of sunlight was trapped inside his chest and all he wanted to do was hold Last-Born in his arms for all eternity.

Just then the sound of footstep approaching startled the young hunters and they broke free of each other's embrace purely out of instinct. Giggles-A-Lot approached looking confused and his brother asked, 'What is wrong my brother?' _ Giggles-A-Lot signed back, _'The adults are doing something strange with Makes-Others-Laugh! When he dropped off the animal he killed with Silent-Wind at The alpha's feet, the Alpha told him to stay and that he wanted First Rights with him! The Alpha told me to leave and that I'm not allowed to watch!' Makes-Females-Fight and Last-Born started giggling after Giggles-A-Lot told them that and he then signed, 'Why you laughing?'

His brother explained to him, 'The alpha wants to mate with Makes-Others-Laugh, First Rights is an adults right to mate with any young hunter they want, they even mate with each other but young hunters cannot refuse.' Giggles-A-Lot cocked his head at his and signed, 'Is that what you and father did?' Makes-Females-Fight giggled and signed 'Yes!' Last-Born expected Giggles-A-Lot to be alarmed by this news, but ironically he instead looked jealous and he signed, 'Why no one want First Rights with me?' Last-Born jest in sign, 'Maybe because you giggle too much and it makes the adults nervous!' Makes-Females-Fight snickered at that and almost burst out laughing, giggles-A-Lot growled to himself and all the while looked green with envy.

Wasn't too long when Makes-Others-Laugh walked over to join the other young hunters, sat down and jest in sign, 'I'm going to give birth to a litter this spring!' Giggles-A-Lot could not help himself, like usual and started giggling. Makes-Females-Fight signed, 'The Alpha filled you with his seed?' Makes-Others-Laugh giggled and signed, 'Yes!' Last-Born then signed, 'Did you like it?' Makes-Others-Laugh signed, 'My father was better, Alpha was too quick and it hurt too much!' _ Makes-Others-Laugh just then remembered something and signed, _'I forgot, Alpha says no more First Rights will happen after tonight!'

Last-Born was disappointed by that news and signed, 'Why?' Makes-Others-Laugh giggled and signed, 'The adults aren't interested in us, Alpha wants to chance impregnating a female when we get back and says he must save what seed he has left. The other adults are only interested in other adults! They will only have first rights with each other!' Giggles-A-Lot looked angry and huffed loudly as he crossed his arms and drew his ears back with anger. Makes-Others-Laugh looked at Makes-Females-Fight and the look in his eyes translated, 'What's wrong with him?' _ Makes-Females-Fight singed, _'My brother is untouched, he feels like no one wants him!'

Makes-Others-Laugh signed, 'Didn't your father prepare you both as he was told?' Makes-Females-Fight giggled and when his brother wasn't looking he jested with a simple paw gesture that meant, 'My brother is too tight!' _ Makes-Others-Laugh burst out laughing and everyone but Giggles-A-Lot joined in. Giggles-A-Lot only stuck out his tongue at the other young hunters, a dire wolf gesture that clearly translated _'Fuck you all!'


Many days had passed and the young hunters with the help of the adults had made their first kill, a strong young bull mammoth. They had harvested more then enough meat to keep their pack well feed until spring, but more importantly, the young hunters had their mammoth tusk that would allow them to go through the ritual and become adults. Because they all killed the mammoth together, the adults divided a single mammoth tusk up between the young hunters, it was a great honor to share a mammoth tusk for in the eyes of the pack, it showed they worked together as hunters should and were successful.

When they returned to the pack, the ritual of adulthood went into full swing. Last-Born was with his mother who had tears of joy leaking from her eyes, she was so proud that her pup was finally going to become an adult. She painted the ceremonial markings on his face, chest and fur with paint made from crushed glowworms gathered when announcement of the young hunter's hunt was a success. His sister Star-Born was also very proud of her brother and helped her mother paint the markings upon him.

Last-Born was very excited and nervous, for after tonight he was final going to get the respect he so badly wanted and never again have to endure being called a whelp anymore. His sister placed a mammoth skin hide on her brother's shoulders, marking of a true hunter and full-grown adult. His mother hugged him tight and nuzzled his neck, a gesture of goodbye, for after the ritual he would not be aloud to cling to her anymore, he embraced her and returned her nuzzle. When his mother released him it was his sister's turn, she embraced her brother tightly and nuzzled him goodbye on the neck, for after the ritual it will be forbidden for him to make contact with her for she would soon choose an impregnator and be just another den mother.

When she released him he grunted to her, 'I don't care what pack law says! I will always be your brother and will miss sharing warmth with you!' Star-Born giggled and grunted back, 'I will find a way, don't worry!' He didn't doubt that for a second and looked forward to his sister's continued visitations when he is in need of her the most. Just then he herd the sound of the adults howling, this ment that it was time for him to see the Shaman and learn his true name. He touched his mother and sisters shoulder, smiled and proceeded out to begin the ritual.

The Shaman was up high on the mountain with Makes-Others-Laugh, the shaman raised the mammoth tusk to the full moon and chanting the sacred words to call upon the great sprits. Just then shaman lowered the tusk, etched something onto it using a stick of charcoal and whispered something into Makes-Others-Laugh's ear. Makes-Others-Laugh walked down the mountain, walked in the middle of the circle of adults and shouted to the moon his true name, _'Gives-Joy!' _ The pack howled in celebration and he approached his father who embraced him and gave him his first official hunting spear, he then approached the Alpha who also embraced him and it was done, Gives-Joy was now an adult.

Giggles-A-Lot and Makes-Females-Fight went ahead of Last-Born, Giggles-A-Lot true name was Laughs-Without-Reason and Makes-Females-Fights name was Many-Sons. The two brothers after yelling out their name approached their father together and received their spears. Last-Born was already on his way up the hill when the brothers announced their true names. When he reached the top where the Shaman dwelled and communicated with the great spirits, the Shaman approached him and holding out his paws, gesturing for Last-Born to give him the mammoth tusk. Last-Born did so proudly and waited as the Shaman turned around, held it up to the moon and chanted.

The when the Shaman was done, he lowered tusk, etched something onto it, turned and approached Last-Born and whispered into his ear his true name. Last-Born's eyes shot open went wide as the moon and his ears shot straight up, he blushed hot and couldn't believe what he had just herd. The Shaman then gave him his mammoth tusk, grunted at him and waved his paws that signified to go away. The Shaman returned to where he raised the tusk, raised his paws and preyed to the moon. Last-Born was in shock at learning his name and he felt very embarrassed by it.

His heart was racing as he stepped into the middle of circle of adults; he could feel their eyes pricing him like sharp spears as they awaited to her his name; he tucked his tail between his legs and trembled with fear. His father smiled proudly at him and motioned with his paws to go ahead and yell his name. Last-Born did not want to yell his name for he did not want anyone to know it, the name was very embarrassing and he only muttered under breath what the Shaman whispered to him. The adults started looking at each other in confusion for it was unusual for a whelp to hold back yelling his name.

His father motioned with his paws to yell louder and Last-Born muttered the words again but only a fraction louder. His father bared his teeth at him and signed angrily with his paws, 'I demand you to yell your name!' He then thumped his chest hard four times to show he meant it. Last-Born whined very loudly as he looked around at the adults staring suspiciously at him and he felt very pathetic. He had no choice for it was forbidden for a young hunter to disobey his father; he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, waited five seconds before he yelled and thought to himself,


_ ...The great spirits have a very cruel sense of humor! _

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