Life in Yiggow Chapter 5

Story by Zachious on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

It was nine 'o' clock at night after the incident at the frat house, before that time, the furs cleaned up the kitchen and helped Douglas gain back any lost fury composure due to Nash's taunting. None of the furs spoke to each other after the incident, Nikoli hopped over and looked out the window. Thunder just sat in a corner muttering about Nash, Jack imagined he was head butting a fox, Berkeley took his weary lizard body up to the showers, while Douglas, still rubbing his wolf boys stared after him.

The night was anything but thrilling, it was often like that at the frat house where there would always be someone's mess to clean up after. But mostly the mangy fox Nash's mess! As Berkeley entered the bathroom showers, he decided to put the night's bad tidings behind him.

Berkeley turned the faucet and started to let the shower warm up. Berkeley took out his expensive bottle of Lizard Perm: For Adult Lizards. Berkeley then put his towel on the bench outside, he then shut the glass door. The shower in the frat house was an unusual one, it had no privacy, it was a huge square shower with five shower heads. Every fur used this shower except for Nash, who had his own shower two doors down. The water was quite warm for Berkeley to use now, he then took a large scrub brush that was hanging on a hook in front of him. Berkeley started scrubbing him self up and down, pieces of scales were flaking everywhere. The door to the bathroom suddenly opened causing Berkeley to stop scrubbing.

"It's just me babe." said the familiar wolf voice, the glass door opened revealing the naked wolf body of Douglas. "Has anyone ever told you, you have a magnificent lizard body?"

Berkeley tried to cover his private parts, Douglas grins, "Babe, you know it's nothing I haven't seen before." Douglas walks over to another shower head and turns the faucet, "Whoo! Nothing like that cold blast to get you all loosey goosey!" Douglas looks back at Berkeley who was in the middle of adding the Lizard Perm to his body. "Berkeley, you alright?"

"No I aint really alright, I'm a little up set." Berkeley stared at the shower wall.

"It's not your fault babe."

"How do you know!" Berkeley wheeled around with the Lizard Perm all over his body, "I know Nash, is an ass of a fox and everything, but he's right! I'm a coward!"

Douglas turns around with shampoo all tousled in his wolf hair mane. "Okay now who's believing in the Self Fulfilling Prophecy?"

"Berkeley points his brush at Douglas, "Don't bring our Communications crap into this!" Berkeley goes back to scrubbing his scales, "Besides, I don't like confrontations."

"Well, neither do I babe, but their going to happen regardless." Douglas started smoothing in the shampoo to his hair mane.

"Well, I know that, but when a worthless roommate of a fox comes in at seven 'o' clock at night drunk with hookers it adds tension on us." Berkeley started to rub the brush across his chest furiously, "Plus, why do you think Nash, picks on us more than the others?"

"Because we are emotionally shallow and an easy target?" guessed Douglas.

"That's correct, Nash goes for us because we don't like confrontations!"

Douglas was washing his hair mane when he was struck by the obvious. "It could be that we don't really stick up for ourselves Berkeley."

"Berkeley began cleaning his lizard nails as he heard the comment, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that Nash, picks on you and me because we just sit there and try to make the best of a bad situation." Douglas starts scrubbing his wolf chest with Wolf's Bane Lather Ointment, "While the others mind you, stick up for themselves and fight back."

"Berkeley quit cleaning his nails and gave Douglas a wayward glance. "You think we can't stick up for ourselves?"

"Yes babe!" Douglas began rinsing his wolf body and started moaning entranced by the good clean feeling. "God I love this warm water!"

Berkeley was taken aback by Douglas's theory, he let his lizard body sit under the shower and completely let the warm water soak his scales. "We just sit there? Can this be true? Could it be possible that I don't stick up for myself and say nothing because I'm afraid?"

Berkeley closed his lizard eye's and started thinking of tonight and how Nash entered the house and caused a ruckus. Berkeley thought intently, his lizard tail began wagging back in forth. Berkeley thought back and saw how Nikoli, Jack, and Thunder, all held their ground with the malicious fox. Berkeley then thought of himself and Douglas, one just sat there in his chair without saying a word and the other who piped up a little but was too frightened to get involved. Berkeley decided to clear the thoughts from his mind. Berkeley started breathing deeply clearing his mind, nothing was bothering him, Berkeley was at peace, then there was a sudden stroking on his tail, It was very comforting.

Berkeley hadn't felt this good in a long while, the tail stroking felt much like the way his mother used to comfort him when he was a child. Berkeley couldn't contain himself any longer he started making lizard sounds of arousment.

"Oh mommy, you've always known how to get it just right!" The stroking started becoming more gentle and slow Berkeley started to moan. "Oh mother you know I have had a tough day, one of my roommates Nash doesn't know how to keep himself out of trouble with my friends and me."

As the rhythmic tail stroking continued, Berkeley was totally relaxed by the warm water hitting his scales and not a muscle ebbed in his entire lizard body. Berkeley then felt the massage on his tail subside. "Oh mother, don't stop just another five pleases me!"

"It pleases me too, babe!"

Berkeley's eyes popped open and he twisted his body around to see Douglas. Douglas had a hold of Berkeley's tail and his you know what guy was totally erect.

"WHAT IN GODS NAME ARE YOU DOING!?" screamed Berkeley yanking his tail away from the wolf's hands.

"I'm just relieving you of your stress," replied Douglas, "You're one tense lizard!"

"Don't give me that crap!" retorted Berkeley, "You were trying to have sex with my tail again weren't you?"

The wolf inched closer to the lizard, "Well, I have to relieve some stress that's been bothering me!"

"You can do that by just getting you're shower! You don't need to have a sexual thing with me!" Snapped Berkeley.

Douglas slides up against Berkeley starting to caress his body, "Do you know what I've always wondered? I'm wondering if you're a poof too?"

Berkeley with full force shoves Douglas away from him, "What the hell is your problem? I know you want to relieve some of your stress, but having sex with me isn't going to do it!"

"Come on, babe! Just one kissy wissy!" pleaded Douglas his wolf body started twitching uncontrollably.

Douglas starts inching toward Berkeley, his wolf tail wagging in anticipation. Berkeley grabs a hold of Douglas and is holding him back with all his lizard strength.

3."Look as much as I'd like to humor you, I'm not just that kind of lizard!"

Douglas stares down at Berkeley's hands, "You're hands are touching my chest, babe!"

Berkeley takes a look at where his hands are, a sick feeling goes into his mind. He quickly pulls his lizard hands away from Berkeley chest and starts shaking on them. Berkeley then sticks his hands under shower faucet which was still running, Berkeley's hand scales start to bubble and crack. Berkeley shudders at the reaction of his scales and he starts to blow on them.

"What's the use of being at fault when you deny yourself the pleasure of love?" Douglas said sexually coming towards Berkeley once again.

Berkeley holds up his hands in self defense, "Look Douglas, you're a nice looking wolf an all. But I'm not in the mood for sex!"

Suddenly the shower doors open and in come Nikoli and Thunder. Nikoli shut the door and snuck over to the left of Berkeley and Douglas. Thunder snuck over to the right of them. Both the husky and the rabbit had smirks on their faces, they were holding towels.

"Well, look what we have here, Nikoli! Some furs who didn't think of inviting us to a towel whipping party!" said Thunder with a grin.

"Oh indeed my dear husky!"

"Hey, guys I'm in no mood for a towel whipping, plus you guys stripped off several of my scales the last time!" Berkeley gestured to his arms rubbing them.

Thunder starts giggling like he found a treasure of garbage, he whips the towel hard into the lizard stripping off several pieces of scale. "Ow, quit it man! Ow!"

As Thunder continued his whipping of Berkeley, Nikoli looked over at the wolf with an evil little smile. Douglas turned his back facing Nikoli, Douglas raised his tail and pointed to his but. "Right in the ass man, give it to me!"

The rabbit has an evil little smirk cross his face and he then cracks the towel right into Douglas's ass. A howl of pleasure comes back and echo's throughout the shower room. Douglas gestures to his bare but. "Give it to me slothy, O O!" Several more towel whips hit Douglas right in his wolf but crack. "Oh god that feels good!"

Nikoli continued his towel whipping on the pleasured wolf, as Thunder continued to towel whip the cowering lizard on the shower floor. Suddenly the door to the bathroom opens and there is a large moo that echo's throughout the bathroom. The other furs were completely silent and the towel whipping subsided.

"I'm coming in!" yelled the voice of Jack.

Thunder, Nikoli, Douglas, and Berkeley turn to look at each other. Each of the furs has a look of fear on his face. Douglas and Thunder cover their gentiles with their tails. "Oh shit!"

Suddenly a huge figure of a male cow came jumping over the shower wall blocking out the bathroom light. The rabbit, husky, lizard, and wolf all with huddle together frightened. The whole thing seemed to be in slow motion, Jackie decent coming closer to the other furs slower and slower. Then with a huge thud Jack crashes into the other furs, shower water was splashed all inside the shower.

Jack who is on top of the other furs, smiles gleefully, "So how you guys all doin?"

All of the other furs struggle beneath Jack's cow body, "Get off of us you big cow!" Nikoli said shaking his rabbit fist while under Jack's body.

"Don't make me towel whip you!" yelled Thunder who was trying to push the cow off him.

Douglas and Berkeley stick out either end of Jack, the lizard's eyes go goggily, with fear as something seems to be going into his but. "What the hell is going up my butt?"

"Did I also tell you that you have a nice smooth as Berkeley, even though it's all scaly!" cheered Douglas.

"Douglas, get you're furry wolf hand out of my lizard ass!" yelled Berkeley.