Author's Freedom

Story by Medli on SoFurry

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So to make that clear, Odiak's story is a poorly written, bloody and gorey waste of data I once made to see if I could write something bloody and gorey. >3>

Note: This was written BEFORE Cave Johnson came around. However, I cannot stop reading the Author's(my) part in his voice now. Damnit, Cave. >:I

Author´s Freedom!

Aaah, yes, such a wonderful thing. Let me tell you about it!

It´s a place.

It´s an ability.

It´s an item.

AND it consists of two halves.

It will be hard to describe it, though the name tells you a lot already, I think.

The place Author´s Freedom, for example, consists of two hills. Or not, if you want it!

Because THAT is the great thing about it: It is exactly how you need it.

STill not sure about what it is?

Well, me neither. At least I have no better description than "Author´s Freedom" for it.

The two hills of Author´s Freedom as I have it each carry a tree, also there is a tree between the hills.

Author´s Freedom is awesome. It´s the place where you go to create. The first hill of Author´s Freedom has a nice green apple tree on it, and the sun shines!

The grass is green, and there are birds to be heard! It´s the hill of the nice and bright ideas. Here they come to life.

And as long as I(or you, that is), am around, whatever I want to happen happens.

Let´s say, for example, there is Brian. Brian is a boy from the neighborhood, and he walks down the street happily.

Suddenly, he sees a burning house, and in one of the windows, there is a cat to save!

Brian saves the cat.

"No, I don´t! I wont go in there for a CAT!"

I said, Brian saves the cat.

"Hell no. I´m even allergic against cats."



Suddenly, Brian is hit by a car and dies.


See? You can do whatever you want, mostly. Sometimes the characters you create don´t exactly want as you want, but you can solve that.

Solution a bit violent, you say? That´s correct. Brian and his neighborhood come from the first hill of Author´s Freedom, where the nice ideas are born.

As you may have guessed, the second hill looks pretty much dead. Dead apple tree, no grass, undead birds screeching. Odiak came to life here.

Also, the sudden car accident came from there! Dark Hill spawns such small violences nearly constantly, the big ones like Odiak are rather rare.

Usually, a good story consists of creations from both sources, which meet at the tree in the middle between the hills. That tree is the portal into the world,

where the ideas - now merged together as a story - bring joy or horror, sadness or glee, and in all possible cases, entertainment to the people.

Yes, entertainment. That´s what fuels this very place. If I didn´t get the laughs of the people at my silly ideas, or the rather shocked ones when they read Odiak, this place couldn´t exist.

The feelings I get back. Art that was inspired by me. All this is turned into motivation to do it, without it Author´s Freedom was a completely gray flat area.

Of course, a good story can end peaceful too! Let´s get back to Brian.

Brian, somehow, was very lucky and survived the car accident.

The car drove away, the drivers were some Junkheads who didn´t want to get caught.

As Brian stood up and dusted off, he realized that the cat was still in the burning building!

Also, he realized how lucky he was. After all, he could have been smashed by a meteor, an insane chainsaw murderer could have come and gotten him,

or even worse, Kalashkanar, the child soul eater could have arosen from the depths of the hellish abyss dimension, capturing him for eternal torture and-

"YEAH OKAY, I get the idea! Can we proceed?"

Oh, yeah. Brian saved the cat.

"Wait what!? I´m still allergic!"

By his unselfish deed, Brian turned un-allergic to cats!

"WHAT? That doesn´t even make sense! I would have burned!"



If you don´t stop complaining, I can do horrible, horrible things to you. Odiak wasn´t the worst, there are others yet unleashed, y´know?


See? Happy ending. Bet that made you chuckle!

No? At least smile, maybe? Meh, it was just an example story anyways. Brian is not important at all, I mean, he is faceless!

"What, why!? I want to be in other stories too!"

No Brian, shut up. You have only been made for the sake of example. Maybe you will have another appearance in a different example story, but NOT in an important one.

"But I-"

Kalashkanar , Brian. Kalashkanar.


Good boy. Now, I think that´s it for today! Now go ahead, visit Author´s Freedom, and the many adventures you can have there!

Also, I hope it´s clear now what the place Author´s Freedom is. I´ll describe the item and the ability later, okay?

Oh, and for a last and final explanation: In here, >I< have the power. Over everything. I could do whatever I want!

Suddenly, Kaido had a tutu instead of a shirt!


Just look at yourself, what a pretty tutu! Kaido started dancing like a ballerina.


...And spazzed, it seems. Suddenly, bricks appeared and tossed themselves at him, but Kaido evaded them by ballerina dancing so elegantly, swans died.

Poor swans.

Anyways. Have fun! Suddenly, the audience moved away slowly from Author´s Freedom, and the screen faded into black!

Visions 2

...And amidst the desert, there was a pyramid. It was of truly great proportions, Nothing was I but a bit of dust in its shadow. It was a pyramid worthy of gods. And it was beautiful, Each brick was made of a gem Only the top was made of gold....

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Before I met a He-Fox, Who said his name was "Ki-Fox", Or something resembling of that, Sadly, he did wear no hat. Because if he had worn a hat, Or anything else on his head, I would still remember his name, Hatless folks all look the same! ...

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How Kaido saved Christmas(2010 Christmas...Ballad?)

The winter was cold and snow was in the air, But it was Christmas, so love was everywhere! ´Tis the tale of Kaido, a little cat boy Who was filled with all but joy! He had a family, loving and warm, Wasn´t missing leg or arm He had a meal,...

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