A trade Commission-The most painful things happen to the innocent ones

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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This was done for a good friend of mine for a trade commission in exchange for a piece of art that should go well with the Soulmate series. Enjoy

The most painful things happen to the innocent ones


Dropping her backpack filled with school books needed for day to day school stuff, off beside the door to her room to be put away later on allowing a slight thump to sound in the process, Adelle let out a exhausted sigh followed by an almost loud yawn a lot louder than normal in the process. Having come home from the library that she had found herself attending whenever she got a chance

With her muscles tense and exhausted from the long walk home, the 16 year old found although having done the walk more than once finding it rather enjoyable for some time Adelle was more tired than normal, which was unusual. With them being as such, she truly looked forward to getting out of the day, old clothing and taking a nice soothing hot bubble bath. The entire evening planned looking forward to a wonderful weekend ahead of relaxation without many problems.

With only a few class assignments for school that needed to be done which was the main reason, why she found herself at the library so late was to gather the needed items for a project due in another week. With the hard part done, which pretty much left a full weekend up to her leaving the possibility of fun more likely.

Adelle coming from a loving family as she only sibling at that point, with her father and mother having divorced at this time although she never tried to think about why they had. Just because they were separated at the time, that did not mean that her mother, who currently worked at a clinic to help make ends meet, were not willing to spend time with her child.

At one point, she started dating again meeting a nice man that showed a nice fatherly appearance about him. They had been going out for some time in which it came to a point that at the time being which made the weekend something more to look forward to was that her mother and boyfriend were currently planning a weekend getaway where they jobs finally allowed them to get away without anything to come back to in a hurry. This also left her in charge although in the beginning Adelle thought that she would be stuck being left with one of her relatives when her mother revealed the getaway. With smiles and grins, they revealed that although they were leaving her alone, Adelle was to have the house completely to her showing that they trusted her completely.

Shedding off her out clothing leaving only in a simple undershirt and underwear, which would allow her to move out of her room more freely toward the bathroom that was located nearby. The quiet silent night continued to ease in on the house as she passed by a single window that looked out across the open yard of the home, Adelle allowed a smile to play across her face as she allowed the fond memories of why she loved a peaceful night like this.

Watching it for a few more minutes noticing a harsh glare start to appear causing her throw up her arm to block out the glare just as the outline of the cause came behind the clouds. Lowering her arm as her eyes adjusted to the unusual harsh light coming in, she found her eyes locked on the outline of the moon...full and almost alluring to her.

The light continued to hammer at her eyes, which would normally cause her to look away or try to shield them away from the harshness however something strange seemed different about the night and the moon.

Even though she found it strange on how the moon is light seemed a lot brighter than ever, an open window nearby allowed the evening wind to blow into the hallway blowing up against her skin. This action sent a shiver through her body feeling a strange almost mystic voice going through the wind that ended up in a whisper almost.

"Adelle...Adelle..." the voice seemed to call out to her causing her to shake her head trying to push away the voice finding it almost strange and a bit terrifying if she wasn't into the whole mystical thing. The voice continued to call to her almost like taunting her in the process. "You know you want to release your inner beast and to run free! You know you want to, just allow it to happen."

Looking around finding the window that was allowing the breeze and strange voice to come in, moving over to it quickly gripping the edges tightly feeling her nails begin to dig into the wood of the sill. The voice continued to taunt her again although it was becoming harder to hear as she pressed down on the window slowly closing the window sealing off the strange voice.

As it came down within inches of being closed all together, the clouds parted enough to allow a stream of moonlight to shoot down through it hitting her hands causing an almost stinging sensation to run through them. Jerking her hands back from the pain looking down to see if a spider had bitten or were nicked on, something at way has been sticking out.

Turning her hands over looking for anything, Adelle was amazed to find nothing there except for cracked fingernails indicating that she had hit something to make them begin to crack. Shrugging as everything seemed fine allowing the window to stay there figuring that it was good enough where it was at that moment. Brushing her hands off, she continued on toward the bathroom feeling like she was ready to fall asleep causing her to hurry wanting to get a nice bath before heading to bed.

Stepping into the bathroom allowing the haunting voice pass to disappear from her mind as she went about getting the water turned on setting the hot and cold to the right settings before adding the bubble soap to the stream.

Pulling away from the bath turning around to allow her eyes to scan over the room finding the strange voice almost left her nervous but it gave her a sense of ease. One of two bathrooms set up in the house, this one was set up for Adelle at that time with her mom allowing her to decorate it. Going with a simple style keeping it organized with a bit of clutter of creams and lotions sitting below a medium sized mirror that sat on top of a sink situated against the wall sitting next to the door.

Against the wall to her left sat a medium sized bathtub that stood just about to her thighs and long enough to fit a person comfortably for however long she wanted to stay in there. With a nice size window and toilet in the room added to the mix of a comfortable feeling to the room.

Making sure that the window was closed and locked with the strange voice still running through her head, Adelle drew the shades just allowing enough to allow the dim moon light to stream into the room. The sharp pain from the closed window barely staying in her mind as she pulled off her remaining clothing from her body revealing a slim built although athletic from her time in gymnastics.

Taking the time to look at herself in the mirror, Adelle allowed a smile to cross across her face showing that she was proud of her look. Allowing her to stretch out a bit before turning toward the tub shutting off the water just as it was ¾ of the very full allowing her not to splash any on to the floor.

Dipping her hand into the water allowing the soothing warm water sooth her fingertips as the slight ache from before disappeared leaving only the slight feeling of heat radiating up from the combined water and bubbles. Certain that the temperature was just right to lie in comfortably for a while, Adelle put one foot in allowing it to rest on the bottom before the second joined the other. With them shifting back and forth before, she allowed her body to slip in into and under the gentle bubbles disappearing soon into the water.

The bubbles, when she was finally settled into the tub, came up to a few inches of her neck completely concealing her body under the water. Allowing her arms on to the outer edge of the tub laying her head back on a towel that was usually left there for her to rest her head back on it if she wanted to and enjoy the bath allowing her to pretty much fall asleep.

Outside a once calm and quiet night that had, only a brief breeze blowing into the area just occasionally quickly became a howling growl of wind coming rushing through the woods pushing aside leaves and nearly breaking the branches. Like an evil force with harsh intent in mind, the wind raced out of the forest into the clearing pushing through grass and anything able to push past, charging toward the near silent house still howling like a raging wolf & bull in the process.

Within seconds, the beast like wind slammed into the outside wall of the house with what some may expect to cause a thunderous crash breaking into the house like an intruder on even further intent. However, the mysterious force shot skyward crawling up the walls gaining speed as it continued toward the clouds aiming for the slight outline of the full moon covered by the clouds. Once again as soon as the wind hit the clouds instead of being redirected like the wall, it slammed into the clouds breaking them apart allowing for the full moon to shine out across the landscape below.

However another force seemed to be at work once again taking control of the moon with it being simply directed toward the single window that that allowed the moon to shine its full light into the room. In the bathroom, Adelle had pretty much fallen into an easy sleep ready for the weekend allowing for the first beams of the moon to break quietly into the bathroom window striking the floor just inches away from the tub.

Once again, the night became silent with the wind dying again with the unknown force having disappeared into the night leaving the moon free roam. The mMoon in the night sky glowed brightly illuminating the ground below barely something that could be seen by Adelle, as the light did not shine down on her with a wall standing between it and its possible target.

Once again, after a few minutes of waiting with no results, the strange force came back again almost redirecting the moon's light again angling it correctly to shine into the window hitting the tub where it was left. The time seemed to slow down as the water around her began to boil however, the temperature of the actual water never changed at all to Adelle staying at a cool temperature. With the boiling water being the only sound to be heard in the near silent house, she slowly became aware of it coming with a fowl burning smell coming finally waffering up to her nose, which forced her to stir from the slight slumber.

Scrunching her face from the unbearable smell where it was not able to clear out which filled the room within mere seconds causing for an automatic response. Jerking her eyes open finding a horrific sight unfolding near her, letting her mouth fall open on reflex to let out what was intended on a startled scream, she found that she was a loss of her voice only allowing a sharp gurgle to escape her lips.

Jerking her body quickly over and out of the tub into the ice-cold air that had filled the room although it seemed to have been a different temperature when she had gotten in. With a slick water film having coated over her smooth skin, the cold just seemed to get worse.

Once more, the moon's light began shifting its position this time following Adelle as she rolled out of the strange boiling water coming to a stop casting its light directly upon her staying motionless. To her, the light was blinding although her back was turned to it the intensity of it didn't make any difference and within minutes a strangely warmth started to cast upon her body drying the wet skin a bit driving away the cold that she was feeling. Shaking her head with this night becoming stranger every minute, Adelle found herself trying to move away from underneath the light however she found herself locked in the position on her hands and knees unable to move from under the strange light.

Again, she found herself trying to say something hoping that it would be loud enough just to wake up her mother or her boyfriend, although she deeply hoped that it would be her mother that came. Opening up her mouth, she found a groan or what could be considered as a growl escaping from her lips.

At that moment, whatever was in control of the moon took its opportunity finding a new target for whatever its goal was, charged out of the moon toward the window. With its sights set upon Adelle following the moonlight straight down much faster than before an urgency in its speed. Within seconds, whatever the force that had been working that night to create such weird events to happen slammed into Adelle is body signaling off the first night of the rest of her life.

Upon the mysterious force entering her body, the spasms and nerve racketing pain began coursing throughout her body causing Adelle to slam her eyes shut in pain gritting her teeth trying to hold back the pain. After a while, she tried to scream or make some kind of noise that would alert her mother to the trouble that she was in, however the only thing that left her mouth was an animalistic yowl that was barely audible to anyone in the house.

Deep in her mind, she trembled with the spasming muscles and pain still flowing throughout her body with the binds that held her there holding her tightly making sure she couldn't even think of escaping from her terrible fate. The terrible pain seemed to continue by this time though she figured that she would have passed out by now however something kept fueling adrenaline into her system that allowed her to experience the pain. At that moment, the changes began taking over for the pain...


Barely able to hang on to awareness the sharp snap and crack of bones breaking and/or snapping rang throughout her ears becoming that new changes to her body were starting to happen. The new bones began to shift her form as her once slender form began to bulge rippling throughout her once human form causing her arms and legs to grow massive becoming muscular and very strong by the looks of them.

Stretching up and over the new bones as they healed together becoming nearly steel reinforced feeling completely weird and still painful to Adelle compelling her to open her eyes through tear laden eyes looking down taking true stock of what had happened so far. Looking down upon her hands or what use to be her hands, Adelle looked on in surprise as the nails broke completely allowing blood and skin to drop away from the reformed hands.

Looking closely with her mind wrapping around what was happening to her, the hand began to twist bending in on itself the fingers curling up into her palm as the claws that had taken place of the nails moved upward staying upright locking into a comfortable position as her fingers melded into her hand.

Hidden from sight, Adelle could continue to feel the hand continue changing as new digits formed behind the new hand after a few minutes she realized that the new limb looked exactly like a dog's paw. ~Oh my god, what is happening to me? ~ She cried in shock as the pain continued to wrack throughout her body. Up and down along her back her spine pushed down and out extending her ribcage allowing for bigger organs (lungs, heart, etc.) to grow. All along her back, there came several bubbles as her spine shot up from the base of her neck racing down the middle of her back disappearing just beneath the skin. They were soon joined by her shoulder blades pushed upward growing higher than her new spine although it soon followed in hot pursuit. It almost came like a competition between the two both trying to outdo the other, although the event was becoming more painful for Adelle as her head jerked from side to side almost trying to make some sense of what was going on with her mouthing jerking open and closed trying to make a sound.

As soon as her spine and shoulders finished their own change or 'competition' with the spine being the true winner almost leaving her with a hump on her back although it didn't feel like a tumor but true muscle mass adding to her new strength. There came a sudden pulling sensation on both her upper and lower portions of her distorted body forcing her to straighten out from a somewhat crumpled form to straight.

Pulling her to standing up on her new limbs with her paws, which she came to realize at one point had become and legs, which from what she could tell, had yet to change but unable to really turn her head to see she had to guess. Adelle came to find her standing in an awkward all four positions on the tips toe of her limbs.

To her surprise, her limbs didn't dislocate or break from the sudden strain as bind were wrapped around each bind making sure that they were locked in place with her limbs stretching longer allowing the muscles that were once strain to fit right in her unusual form. At one point the unknown force allowed her to relax on her front legs/hands however before she could even consider relaxing further there came another series of sharp snaps from her now hind legs.

The once knee caps of her human form pushed backward causing her to become very unbalanced forcing her to fall completely forward with her rear raised in the air. Taking a few seconds to try to recover from the sudden drop, she found that she was mostly able to move however the binds Adelle was not able to move that much when she came out straightened out in her new form.

Trembling unsure about several things, the changes stop neither...still naked and at one, she had become dry but now sweat laddened her body completely. She looked like a deformed creature to a point that she looked an unwanted dog that nobody wanted, however she was definitely not a dog or creature that someone actually wanted to mess with. Once more, she felt a sharp jerk at the base of her spine as it started extending breaking through the skin allowing a trickle of blood to seep out before it healed over but not before allowing a new limb to shoot out sitting above her ass crack limp as if lifeless.

The final few changes came forward was nearly quicker than the initial changes that had racked her body. Still going through the motions of pain with her eyes shut tightly closed, her mouth and nose began snapping and pushing forward against the skin of her face as a much more painful wave shot throughout her face. Her teeth began growing as soon as her face had pushed out far enough to allow them to, Adelle found her voice finally working in her favor almost as a rather weird yowl/growl came streaming from the newly formed muzzle forming a snout. The last two items that changed were her eyes and ears, with her eyes glowing to take on an appearance of golden while her ears became pointed and very sensitive to the night sounds outside her window.

From the pain that had been running through her form, she collapsed finally on the carpet of the bathroom panting like an animal finding the binds holding her in place were lessen enough that she nearly had control of her form when a terrible itch began to swarm all over her form.

All along her form, a series of weird patterns of fur began shooting up through the skin. Starting on her back at the tip of what could probably be called a tail, a thick bush of light brown fur started at the tip starting up a few inches before a combination of dark brown and white fur joined. With the white fur staying on the lower portion of her tail continuing along her under belly to come to about her chest where it stop but had continued down her four legs staying on the back ends of them ending at the paws padded underneath.

The dark brown shot up her back becoming mixed again with the light brown as it crisscrossed around her back before becoming blended in a swirl of white that surrounded her four legs. In time, Adelle's new form came to reveal itself to looking like an Eastern Timber wolf however; she came to later believe herself as a werewolf.

As sudden as the bindings fell into place over her legs and body keeping her in place while the changes took place under the moonlight, Adelle found her finally able to start moving. Shifting her weight from side to side allowing herself to become use to the unusual stance that she found herself in, Adelle found being bombarded by enhanced senses. All around the house movement came from unknown sources, strange and unique smells although strange scents were playing havoc with her brain.

Closing her eyes as the harsh moonlight slowly passed over on to its nightly routine without the unknown force in control of it leaving only the bathroom's single light that was hanging above her head. Tilting her head looking for a chance to see what exactly she had become, Adelle found that the only surface that could possibly give her a good idea of what she had become was the bathroom mirror situated above the sink.

With no possible way to actually push herself, back up on to her hind legs she went about putting her forepaws up on to the slippery side of the bathtub using it to go about pushing herself up. Just as her horribly deformed body raised up her legs causing pain to shoot up through her body, it signaled off that the darker presence to start to emerge from the subconscious part of her new body and mind. Just as she caught sight of the creature that she had become the presence took control shoving the Adelle part deep down under it. The image in her mind would stay hidden and would not surface for some time...the image of what looked like a timber wolf but about the size of a Great Dane with glowing red eyes that seemed to pierce into her soul.

Dropping back down on to all fours once more, the wolf looked around the room getting familiar with her surroundings knowing that she needed to get out of here with the possibility of being discovered by the host's parents.

Spying the open window, she allowed the energy to pool up before making a flying jump out the window barely touching the drawn blinds disappearing into the night a lone howl ringing out throughout the night as if welcoming the new wolf as it ran into the night.


Running at full sprint across the open plains toward the forest that border between Adelle's home and the town itself which spanned about a mile or two offering safe distance for the new wolf or werewolf to run freely. The events in the bathroom being far from her mind as something made her feel that by morning when her mother came to check up on her before her and her boyfriend went out on the weekend getaway would find that the tub empty water having dried up and her clothes on the floor. Normal things for a girl her age, which would allow her some safe thoughts although she did check in Adelle's bedroom to find that the bed made or not slept in which gave her the idea that Adelle probably decided to get up early for the day.

That was what the dark presence figured as it neared the outer edge of town again not really carrying about if its hosts parents wondering why Adelle wasn't in bed. For that moment, it was in full control and without a single care in the world the wolf was going to spend the entire night causing trouble and enjoying the energy that the full moon brought out into her body.

All around her the animals that lived in the forest big and small scattered away from her even the ones that could possibly make her as a meal or kill her were afraid to be near her. The smell and sounds of the forest life all around her would've probably caused her senses to go into overdrive and might've caused her to go unconsciousness since she wasn't use to all the changes to her body.

Letting out a harsh laugh that sounded like a howl and growl than a human laugh as it came to a small road that the creature was able to realize was one that ran to a four way intersection nearby with one way heading toward the hosts family farm, another toward the nearest town and the others leading elsewhere.

Since she had already been to the host's farm and since the creature didn't have all night long to explore the other routes, the creature headed for the road that leads for town. Taking what time she could not wanting to use all of the energy on just getting to the town to explore enjoying the calm night life as she ran dodging through the trees and brushes causing several of the animals that were either hiding from the creature or settling down for the night.

Drawing the jacket up around her as the icy chill of the night wind blew on through the city streets on her way home, Sierra couldn't believe on how bad her timing was. A late night school project had taken a lot longer than originally thought making her a bit later than she had wanted.

Her parents were going to kill her for being late but at least this time she had an excuse and hopefully they would believe her this time to the point that they wouldn't grounded her to ruin the planned weekend that she had planned with her cousin.

Having planned it for sometime since Adelle's parents had announced that the pair was leaving for the weekend leaving the house to Adelle, the pair decided to make plans for a fun and exciting weekend.

After chatting with both sets of parents, they agreed to allow for the two to stay together to keep each other company over the long weekend. Immediately after getting the final okay, Adelle and her cousin went about making plans about what they wanted to do.

With both being considered shy and not that many friends the two had a pretty good idea what they wanted to do for the weekend with the schoolwork easy to finish up when you have a friend or relative to do it with. Although basic in ideas from staying up late, eating junk food until they puked, going to town for however long they wanted to without a curfew. The actual thoughts caused her to quicken her pace nearing her home just praying that her parents weren't up to chewing her out for being late although it wasn't a school night they still worried.

Slowing her approach as she reached the driveway adjusting the strap to her backpack noticing that the lights inside were on causing her to groan almost, she came to a abrupt halt fearing that her parents were inside waiting for her. Letting out a sigh as she was to step inside, she could've sworn that a new set of eyes were upon her causing her to stop and look around.

Hidden inside the darkness watching from the safe confines of the bushes nearby, the creature that was once Adelle felt a hunger deep inside her form up...a hunger for terror and fun almost and she had found her first target. Deep inside the creatures mind, Adelle that was just starting to surface after finding herself in a state of shock, Adelle slowly began to focus on the creatures intended target.

Out of focus at first, Adelle's new eyes slowly adjusted to the low light, she became a bit more confused by what she saw. Studying what the creature was looking at, she slowly realized who the person that the creature was watching and after a bit of prying the creatures true intentions surfaced. "NO! Not her!" Adelle thought fighting very hard to either change the creatures mind or take control of the body once more.

"You can't control this new power, stop fighting me! All I want to do is have some fun!" the dark presence challenged letting out a harsh laugh taking that moment to burst through the bushes making a flying leap at Sierra. At that moment Sierra started to turn toward the bushes to see the rather large and dark form charging toward her.

Letting out a sharp cry of surprise, Sierra fell backwards as the creature pounced on her. With a heavy thud, the strange creature landed on top of her pushing its full wait down upon her offering a snarling growling the creatures muzzle just inches away from her throat.

Sierra looked up at the snarling muzzle in a state of shock and confusion, she found her eyes lowering to the lower part of the barrel chest she noticed a single shiny object that was hidden among the creatures fur. "What the-? "she called out looking closer noticing that the creature seemed to stop itself allowing Sierra to get a closer look at the object hidden among the fur. After a brief few seconds, she came to realize it was necklace that was given to her...and soon came apparent to her.

"Adelle?" Sierra asked in confusion causing the creature to jerk backwards in the same instant the presence lost control of the body allowing Adelle to take control of it. Shaking her head quickly, she jumped off her cousin sprinting at full speed toward the forest...one thing playing across her mind that she wanted to go home.

Watching as the strange creature that she believed may be Adelle or have had killed Adelle charged off in the process, Sierra began picking herself up dusting herself off when the front door opened revealing her father. "Sierra honey, are you all right?"

"Yeah, some weird dog wanted to play, I guess." she answered brushing and straightening out her clothing looking toward the bushes where the creature had disappeared. "I'm alright though."

"That's good, you are a bit late though hon. you were starting to worry both me and your mother." her father told her stepping off to the side allowing her to step inside questions running throughout her mind about what she saw.

She knew right off the bat that starting tomorrow the pair would have some serious talking to be done.


The early morning chirping and breeze blowing through trees over her head rustling through her hair slowly drew Adelle out of her deep slumber. Letting out a groan wanting to sleep some more after a restless night of tossing and turning with the events of last night seemingly like a dream to her. Nevertheless when a drop of rain splashed down on her face followed by another it caused her to stir even more until the point that she slowly allowed her eyes to open allowing a new set of confusions started racing through her mind.

High above her surrounding her also were trees that she came to recognize were the same as having been planted around the family's farm having been added to the trees that all ready surrounded it. Further more the slight thunder and thunderous sound in the background caused her to wake up fully. Laying down on a bed made out of pine tree needles in a small batch of trees that blocked out the sun only allowing for a slight glimmer to appear with the occasional breeze allowing the branches to part to allow for the occasional rain drop to come through.

"What the heck? What's going on? Why am I outside?" She asked in a state of confusion as she picked herself up on the ground. Remembering back on the strange dream, Adelle found that instead of being dressed in a nightgown that she usually wore wasn't there. Instead replaced by sports bra and workout underwear leaving her in a state of confusion.

This was getting even more confusing by the second as she picked herself up off the pine bed looking around a bit more. Surprisingly enough the location that she suspected she was in, in the forest that was bordering the families home. "At least I don't have to go that far to get home and no one will see me...hopefully. Plus I hope mom has left all ready so I don't have to explain why I am outside in my undergarments this early in the morning."

Letting out a sigh deciding that best to get back home now and hope that she could sneak in without being spotted by her mom or her boyfriend. The trip to the farm was relatively easy and uneventful noticing that everything seemed quiet on the outside with the horses and other farm animals having been let out for the morning.

The farm hands would come in later to help with the farm although Adelle would still have the house to herself with her cousin by herself. The thought of her cousin suddenly brought back a series of memories that jolted her awake even further.

With a quick succession of straight shots, Adelle found herself in an almost dream like state where she found herself running through the forest but she was a lot lower to the ground than normal. All around her the forest was lighted up showing her every detail of the forest and the wildlife to her.

The memories began jumping to different sceneries and memories stopping upon a memory of her hiding in the bushes beside a house that almost look familiar. Suddenly a new figure stepped into view blurred at first before coming in focus revealing Sierra which stopped the memories from storming in on her mind.

Just as she reached the front door of the house, Adelle could've sworn that in the back of her mind she felt a dark presence there that seemed to laugh out in humor about Adelle's confusion.

Commission for Zohaku-A twist of events are great for love

Ears offering a twitch & an almost stun look upon his face with the sudden change of events that was supposed to be an experience in which the day was to end with a rather nice especially after a rather long day chasing after Team Rocket for multiple...

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Alone in a harsh world-Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 Sleeping in knowing that his duties would be shifted to the graveyard shift of duty might've been the best idea in Tirol's mind at that point however he found himself getting up earlier than Miri with several things in mind that needed...

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Alone in a harsh world-Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 Going about explaining the situation about wanting to leave pack grounds to attend a reunion back in town this time planning on just staying the night and then coming home the next day. When the question of where they could stay that...

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