Jewel of Eden - Pt. 2 - Argument

Story by ChaosTigerX on SoFurry

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Arguments (Pt. 2)

The tiger © ChaosTigerX

The fox © ArianaMoon

They stopped at the old ruined castle again. The long ride had tired them both. Her breath was short and quick, as the shock of the situation finally began to settle. He pulled up an old wooden bench, slightly charred on the end, and sat down heavily. She began impatiently pacing back and forth in front of him.

"Why am I back here?" She glared at him with all the hatred and anger she could.

"At least there's a roof over your head." He shrugged.

"That's stupid. I need to leave." She shook out her fur a bit.

"You're better off staying here until everything cools down."

Combing out her fur, she asked, "And why should I listen to you?"

"The king's men are after the jewel."

"So you want me to stay?"


"You're a real bastard."

"As I've been told."

"You can't keep me here."

"Whether you like it or not, you're in a lot of trouble right now."

"This is completely unnecessary."

"You're safe with me." He insisted.

"I need to find out about my past. I'll be going with or without your permission." She rolled her eyes.

"I cannot allow you to leave."

"You have no right..." She turned away from him.

"Do not test my patience."


He grabbed her wrist tightly and brought her down on the bench with him. She gasped as her bottom plopped right in front of him and he pulled his arm around her waist, bringing her close. Her breath quickened with the realization of their proximity, his deep musk, and the only separation that prevented their union, their leather chaps. She didn't move, her muscles tense, unsure of what would happen next. For those few moments, all she could hear was the sounds of their breathing and feel the strong beating of his heart. He shut his eyes and took in her lavender decorated female pheromones; unable to clear his mind of the thing he wanted most.

It was madness. Nothing but despair could be brought about by such a pairing. His grip loosened slightly. If she tried, she could have leapt back up and made a break for her waiting steed. Her thoughts ran quickly on how she could make her escape, but these quickly melted away by the calming effect of his warm chest. She felt his pectorals heave every time he took in air, they pressed against her back. His arms encircled her fully now, making a warm, comfortable prison. It was too late. Her resolve deteriorated as they sat. Her rump was pushed back against his crotch. Her legs fit neatly overtop his perfectly. He gave her a squeeze that jogged her slightly and brought her mind back to reality.

This would never work. He was an outlaw. A criminal. He'd steal her belongings and rob her blind in the blink of an eye. She knew that much. She knew, and yet...

What little shred of determination she had left, she mustered. In one motion, she kicked her heels down quickly into the dirt, getting enough leverage, and pushed with all her might. They flew backwards off the bench and she landed on top of his body, knocking the wind out of him. Scrambling up off the dirt, she ran for her horse, which had been patiently waiting at the old tree. She quickly untied the reins and volleyed herself onto the saddle.

"Ya! Ya!" She spurred the horse on and they began to speed away.

Within moments, he was within sight. She knew his horse was faster. Oh why, oh why did she think that this was a viable plan? As she thought to herself, she began to wonder about the possible consequences of her daring escape attempt. What would he say? What would he do? She didn't know anything about him. There was no telling what would happen, but she knew it was in her best interest to try to get away as soon as possible. The saddle was becoming uncomfortable as he pulled up alongside her. The two horses neck and neck, rushing through the forest path. He leaned over.

"ARE YOU CRAZY???" She screamed at him.

She looked on, but he leaned over more and more. She tried to steer her own horse away, but he had predicted it and moved alongside still. She was too amazed and before she realized it, he had snatched the reins from her, her own steed now slowing down to docilely follow the first. Unable to steer, she held tightly onto the saddle and gave him more dirty looks.

"This counts as you taking me prisoner."

"I guess it does." He shrugged.

"You could be hanged for it."

"I'll risk my neck for yours."



"You're nothing but a coward. A thief."

"Thief, yes. Coward, not so much."

"Damn you to hell."

"I'm already on the waiting list."

"All you're thinking about are your own cock aren't you? That's all you want. Sex. That's all you think abou-!"

He whirled around so quickly that she flinched at his ice-cold gaze.

"I have held myself back quite impressively despite all your seductive tactics. I suggest you hold back your tongue from now on, or I may not act so gentlemanly."

"Is that a threat?"

"You try my patience yet again."

"You don't have the balls to try anything..."

The horses stopped and he dropped down to the ground easily, tying up both horses to another old tree. She dismounted as well, seeing it futile to run any farther.

"I'm not a witch."

"Oh? Is that so."

"Well, I'm not. It'll be useless to turn me in. You won't get anything out of it."

"Did I not JUST tell you I was going to keep you safe?"

"I can't trust you. You're keeping me with you against my will."

He sighed exasperatedly. In her mind, she already began to formulate a new plan of escape.

"Are you hungry." He stated more than asked.

"No." Her stomach growled loudly.

He fumbled in his pack for a small package of raw meat. She couldn't help to lick her lips at the sight of it. When she noticed him looking at her, she snorted and turned away. He rolled his eyes and continued what he was doing. Within a half hour, a small campfire was blazing and the meat was cooking. They sat on opposite sides of it, neither saying anything. Her stomach growled a fourth instance by the time the meat was fully cooked. He grabbed the sticks and passed her one skewered hunk of meat. She took it without saying thanks and began to devour it, finishing it before he was done half of his.

"That was good..." She leaned sideways and lay on her left side.

"Thank you." He nodded slightly.

"I meant the meat, not you." She hissed.

The sky grew dim and few stars peeked under the canopy. Like all previous nights, she began to feel cold. The wind blew softly, but coldly through the old trees. He noticed once again and lay down next to her, covering her at the least with his arm, and her shivering subsided. This night, however, she would not sleep.

When his breathing had become steady, she lifted her head slightly and looked about. She wriggled and inched with difficulty out of his warmth and sat up in the cold night air. A ping of regret flew through her heart as she moved away from his sleeping form. Standing with unsure footing, she almost tipped over on the first step, but steadied herself and walked silently to his pack. Sifting through it, she picked out a few items of interest. A hunting knife, some candles, a flint rock and a small loaf of bread. She tucked these into the bag on her horse and was about to saddle up when she heard a voice.

"Leaving so soon?" He had stood up from where he was sleeping.

She whirled around to meet him, pulling out the knife and holding it out towards his chest.

"Don't stop me." She held the knife tightly.

"I have to." He didn't flinch.


"The king is after you. If not for your jewel, then because you are a witch."

"You just want the jewel for yourself. You know how valuable it is."

"So you really think that." He took a step towards her.

"Don't come any closer." She stared him down.

"You want to rush to your death?" He asked.

"I can take care of myself."

"But you're labeled as a witch. Witches aren't taken lightly." He was getting closer.

"You're an outlaw." She moved back a few steps.

"You pray to the old gods."

"You don't pray at all."

"Don't make this situation any more unfortunate than it already is."

"You're forcing me to. I swear I'll do it. You don't know what I'm capable of. I'll curse you. I'll curse you so that your grandchildren will be cursed, if you don't die before then." She backed up into a tree and could go no farther.

"It's too late to curse me." He reached out.

"Don't-." His hand closed over her left arm, but she brought the right arm back in a wide arc, ready with the sharp metal.

As he held her arm, she could have brought her knife to his throat and be done with it. She could have grit her teeth and done the deed. That way, he wouldn't be able to follow her anymore. On the contrary, she felt her iron will quivering under his eyes. She met his defiantly, taking his fiery gaze, but she could sense something within him that she didn't see before. A deep sadness, it ran hidden beneath his calm visage, under his expressionless face. The years of solitude which she did not know. Her arm went limp, the dagger hanging loosely at her side.

"You ass..." She started, but was broken off abruptly as his lips touched hers. He touched her face with his hands, bringing her chin up a little. No, she thought, this is wrong. His tongue began to infiltrate her mouth, but she didn't fight back. In fact, she wanted this from the very beginning. She needed this.

She dropped the knife completely and brought her hands up to his face and ran her fingers through his soft white fur. The navy stripes had intrigued her ever since she laid eyes on them. She wondered how he came about having them as he brought his hands slowly down her sides, stopping at her rump. They grabbed at her butt and pulled her in closer against him. She was in his power now. She could feel his form beneath his tunic and through her blouse. Her fingers ran through his black hair. Both their eyes were closed, going by touch and instinct. Her loins were on fire. She pushed hips forward, her body fighting against the tighter bonds of her leather chaps. It was excruciating when he pushed one of his legs up in between her thighs. She thrust against it instinctively, their kiss still continuing. A wet stain began forming at the joining of the legs of her chaps.

Slowly, they dropped onto the bed of leaves, with a roof of laced branches of the forest canopy. When he began to nip lower to her neck, she tilted her head far back and ruffled his head hair. Wanting and needing, they de-clothed at record speed, their hands flying everywhere undoing laces and unhooking buttons. At last they lay together, naked under the blotched out stars. The cold night air didn't cool either down. It was too late to go back, and both of them knew it. His white tiger fur contrasted with her deep orange vixen colour.

Their lips met again. She wanted to kiss him forever, to kiss his lips raw, to feel her own lips numb from the attention. He lowered himself down a bit more and massaged at her large full breasts. He squeezed them and rotated them, finally taking one of her erect nipples into his mouth, suckling on it. His teeth on the tip and his tongue dancing across it, she felt her loins stir even more, wanting to be taken by this outlaw, this criminal, this... male. He excited her even more when he planted kisses all down her tummy. Rising back up, they kissed again. Their fur was matted with sweat and heat. One of his hands rubbed down past between her legs to her sacred flesh. The opening was slick from such arousal. She pushed him up and manoeuvred herself directly under him. Without a word, they exchanged loving messages through their eyes, and he knew she was ready. He slowly rubbed the tip of his member at the opening and she moaned. Slowly and steadily, he pushed in, careful not to hurt her. She felt herself widen as the foreign object invaded, warming her slightly. Her arms reached around his back and tightened. Her legs hooked around his waist, encouraging him to continue and not wanting to let go.

Once fully hilted, he moved slowly. Sensually. Erotically. She was in heaven. She clenched down involuntarily on his member, providing extra resistance, making him work harder for what he wanted, what she wanted. Slowly, back and forth, back and forth. His hips strained to keep up a steady pace. She barely noticed that his thrusts became more desperate. They became erratic, harder, and wilder. She hit her peak first, clenching that much more tightly, spasming against his rock-hard cock. He moved a bit more before joining her in their ecstasy. They both panted, lying together for a long time. No words passed. None needed. As the night grew colder, he reached over for his mantle and used it to cover them both.

"You're a witch of the worst kind." He breathed into her ear. Her ears folded a little and she began to feel sadness.

"You've made me fall in love with you." He moved a little farther up to get a better look at her, his eyes were soft as they watched her. Her ears perked back up. Smiling, she pulled him back down into a warm embrace in the coolness of the night.