DreamCloud's Café (Part 2 of 3)

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#2 of DreamCloud's Cafe

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. Try not to get caught. If you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!


"You have..." Somber's robotic answering machine started speaking once he had

pressed the button. It flashed the number 2 on its red-tinted LCD screen. "...2 new


"...really?!" Somber said under his breath, making himself giggle a little as the first

message played.

"Somber..." It was Grace's voice again, and the tone hadn't changed from her previous

messages. Nervous, almost to the brink of crying. "... I know I told you that I was

pregnant... and I am... and if it is yours... I want you to come back for me so we can...

support it... together..." The message finished with a beep.

"Ha..." The fox chuckled to himself. "Can't do it, toots. I'm quickly forming a life here,

and even if it was my kid... That's just tough shit for you. We were both drunk, so it was

both our fault. Build a bridge and get over it. Or... Get an abortion." He spoke to the

machine like Grace could hear him. It was like her was took the place of it, listening


"Second New Message," The answering machine cut in on the fox's rant, which brought

him back to reality. "Hey fag..." The voice was deep and burly, but unrecognizable. "Just

want you to know that if the kid's yours, I'm finding where you live... and ringing your

neck with my bare paws. You can't hurt my Grace like that and expect to walk away for

it." His voice was growing with anger. "Your days are number fox..."

"Oh good one," Somber replied as he slapped his knee. "Threatening me through my

answering machine. I'm deeply terrified of what's next... A threatening email perhaps?"

He narrowed his eyes and shut off the machine. "Stupid butt-nugget..."

He walked past the table and plopped down on his overstuffed leather couch.

Sprawling out, he pulled his cell phone and the slip of paper that Solemn had handed to

him and began punching in the numbers.

"Perfect," He smiled as he saved the precious code into the databank in his phone. He

placed it on his glass coffee table that sat in front of the couch and stared at the

smooth ceiling, taking in the feeling of excitement mixed with slowly sinking into the

depths of his couch.

He then turned his head, saw that it was only 1:30 in the afternoon, and closed his

eyes while humming a mixed array of pitches that came to him randomly, which formed a

pretty catchy tune. This is... if he could ever remember how it went.

"Maybe I can get a nap while I'm here..." He thought, already feeling the sandman run

his fingers along his eyelids. He gave a yawn and then began dreaming about how the

night was going to unfold.


Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a certain wolf was unlocking the deadbolt that

kept him from walking in to his lonely apartment. He jiggled and turned and eventually

got the door to open for him.

Walking in, he took in the scent of his own musk that had been left there from the

previous night. He had to admit... he was glad he showered before his "date" with the

fox because he didn't smell too great. It wasn't overpowering, but he figured he would

have to do something about it some day.

Today not being that day, he ran into his room and jumped onto his bed, bouncing


"What a day..." He stretched and sprawled all over his warm blankets. "And it's not over

yet." He thought about his next encounter with the fox and thought if he should make a

move. The "cliché goodnight kiss" perhaps?

Then he sat up and saw himself out of the corner of his eye in the mirror that hung

over his dresser.

"What should I wear...?" He thought as he rose out of bed and opened each drawer out

of his dresser. He picked a couple choice selections out and threw them over to his bed,

each landing on the last, forming a small pile of random clothes.

When he was finished slinging, he pieced together six different outfits that looked

fantastic when spread amongst the sheets, but when he applied each and every one of

them and looked at his reflective self, he couldn't help but feel either embarrassed for

thinking this would look good on him, or feel embarrassed for owning such clothing.

When he was finished with the sixth outfit, which now lay crumpled with the other five

corpses that had been rejected, he sat back on his bed, feeling a shiver from being


"Ugh..." He sighed, not satisfied and feeling annoyed from it. "Damnit, usually I don't

care about things like this... but now I'm all self-conscious and everything..." He thought

hard as got up and searched through his dresser again, hopefully looking for that one

special outfit.

Failing, he returned to his bed and slithered under his covers, where he figured out his

next move.

"Guess there's only one thing to do..." He smiled and reached an arm for his wallet,

which lay in the back pocket of the pair of jeans he wore for lunch. He felt it and

retracted back into the fort of warm air his body heat was making under the covers.

"Looks liked I'm... going to the mall..."

He sighed again, not wanting to get up, and then he checked the time. "1:30... plenty

of time." He stretched again and lifted himself up, feeling the cold air rush in, giving him

goose bumps. He leapt back under the covers and shivered till his comfortable warmness returned.

"Kay, maybe I'll just lay here for a little while longer..."

After pulling his jeans and t-shirt under the covers with him, warming them up, and

then, with some difficulty, dressing himself under his sheets, he was on his way

downstairs for the third time today.

He didn't come across the female he met that morning, and he was glad about it. Partly because it would probably end up with another part of his body throbbing as he backed out of the parking lot.

"Oh I'm sorry!" He giggled as he played a scenario in his head. "I didn't mean to

impale you with my flamingo lawn ornament!"

"It's okay," He heard himself say. "It happens all the time." He then envisioned

himself pulling out the pink lawn dart and simply handing it back to her, his own blood

dripping off of it.

"Oh wow..." He brought himself back as he searched for his Jeep key on his key ring.

"Better stay off the cartoons..."

He cranked the ignition and felt the whole machine fire to life as he backed out,

switched to "drive" and headed out of the parking lot of his apartment building.

It took him approximately eighteen minutes to make his way all the way to the

building known as "Tin Man Mall". He didn't understand why it was called this, but he

didn't really feel like looking into it to much.

"Probably some deep rooted legend..." He grinned as he talked to himself while he

locked his car. "Like... some person dressed up as the Tin man from the Wizard of Oz and

killed all the building workers while they were on the job..." He stopped again, right in

the middle of the street.

"Kay what's wrong with me..." He thought, holding his arms out and raising his

eyebrows. "That's the second sadistic thing I've thought about today... I think I'm

developing a sick sense of humour..."

His thought was cut short by a skunk in an SUV honking his horn at him, causing him

to jump and run across to the sidewalk. Solemn just shook his head and headed towards

the entrance, pulling open the giant glass doors, which glided smoothly on their hinges.

Inside Tin Man, the floors were made of slick tile, the walls were smoothly polished

metal, and furs everywhere trafficked with each other like they would on a highway. They

accelerated to pass, and would slow down to turn, and there was even the odd kid who

followed his own way down the hall, bumping into everyone else that was going the

opposite direction.

"Now..." Solemn thought as he put his paw to his chin, fumbling with the fuzz that

grew out of it. "Where do I find... some decent clothes?" Looking around again, along

with being blinded by all the fluorescent shop signs that lined the hallways, he noticed

he was blocking the exit of the door and was being shoved aside by the increasingly

annoyed fur population that wanted to leave. All of which had at least four designer

store shopping bags strung on each arm, and for some, who were graced with prehensile

tails, they carried an extra two or three.

"HEY!" He heard a voice shout, but he ignored it. He then felt a tug on his tail and

was pulled towards the middle of the hall, where he was plopped on a bench.

"What the..." he said as he craned his neck and stopped in the eye contact of a vixen.

"Hey I remember you? You're the girl who..."

"Smacked you in the face?" She giggled as she held out her paw. "I just remembered I

don't know your name, and I saw you walking in and you looked like you needed a paw

out of there."

"I was fine," Solemn said as he got up and shook her paw. "I'm Solemn, and your

name is...?"

"Mmmmm," The vixen said as if she was savouring a piece of chocolate that was

melting on her tongue. "That's a good name, Solemn." She then grinned again. "I'm


"Isabella?" Solemn repeated. He then dropped his ears and smiled. "That's a very nice

name, Isabella."

"Thanks!" She shouted, raising her arms. "So what are you doing here at the mall

today, Solemn?" She pushed him back down on the bench and sat beside him.

"I'm..." The wolf recovered himself and restrained from growling. "... Looking for some

new clothes."

"OH GOOD YOU CAN COME WITH ME!" She screamed as she grabbed him by the arm

and pulled him down the hall. His feet just skidded along the polished marble like the

legs of a sleigh as the vixen pulled.


~"Oh Somber," Solemn said as he lay naked between the fox's satin sheets. "I want to

lay here forever in this rouge shaded haven. Forever and ever." He stroked Somber's

belly fur as he rested his head on his chest.

"Oh me too," Somber replied as he breathed deep, taking in the sweet scent of wolf

that now shared body heat with him.

What a perfect image it was. Two boys lying together, entangled, as the breeze blew

in sweet perfume from the open window. The curtain danced and waved to them, giving

them it's blessing, while their clothes littered the floor.

"Oh... me... too..."~


"WHAT THE HELL!?" A sadistically annoyed Somber shouted as he jumped up and

ripped the phone from its charger. "HELLO?!"


"UGH?!" The fox threw the phone down and jumped over the couch, taking his cell

phone off the glass and tore it open. "...hello." He was done with rage, and felt drained

and tired.

"Excuse me," A timid-sounding boy squeaked. "... but is this Somber?"

"Who's asking...?" The fox sighed as he brushed his head fur back with his paw.

"This is Grace's father speaking, Somber," It sounded like he gulped down some water,

and during this pause Somber could see it was. He was a scrawny man who wore

sweater vests on top of dress shirts and kept his bed supported with stacks of comic

book doubles.

"Why are you calling me Mr. Kent...?" Somber got up, feeling his eyelids heave,

begging for a swift shot of caffeine.

"Well I have grave news..." He sniffled and sneezed, then continued. "It appears that

Grace, your love, is pregnant."

"Mr. Kent..."

"Please! Call me Seymour."

"Mr K... Seymour. We broke up, and there's no way I can do anything about her being

pregnant. We only had sex once, and who knows if it's even mine in the first place."

"But," Seymour stuttered. "You love her, Somber. You have to come back and see if

she's ok..."

"Look," Solemn snapped. He was acting out each word with his paws as he spoke. "I

don't love her, I can't. I'm gay Seym..." He paused and cleared his throat. "Mr. Kent, I

can't call you by your first name... It's too weird..."

"Understandable," Seymour agreed, bringing on an awkward silence between them.

They both cleared their throat at least two times each before Somber cracked the


"So..." He searched for the right way to word it. "I can't come back, sorry." He felt the

urge to hang up and end it right there, but the respect he still had for her father froze

his arm like liquid nitrogen.

"I..." Seymour seemed to be searching for his words as well. "I didn't realize you were...

ya know..."

"Yeah, well," Somber began to blush as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You learn a

lot about yourself when you walk 4,000 miles for college."

"Jesus, Somber," Seymour gasped. "4,000 miles?! You're that far away? All for school?"

"Yeah," The fox began checking his nails for dirt as he leaned against the wall,

supporting the phone with his shoulder. "I needed the art courses here, and I needed to

get away."

"But you walked...?"

"More like... hitch-hiked most of the way..."

"Oh well that's not that bad then?"

"You'd be surprised what truckers ask for to let you sit there in the passenger's seat."

"So that's how you realized..."


And again, an awkward silence tapped each mouth shut as they sat there coughing.

Then, this time, Seymour broke the silence by dropping a glass of some sort on his

kitchen floor.

"Well, Somber, I'm glad you took this time to talk to me." He stuttered as if he was

nervous. "I'll keep you posted on the pregnancy situation."

"Don't feel obligated," Somber scoffed. "I'm not coming back..."

"We'll see," Seymour chuckled as if he was talking to a best friend of his. "Goodbye


"Bye Mr. Kent." Somber said as he hung up the phone and threw it to the carpet.

Sliding to the marble floor of his kitchen, the fox sighed and began to think.

"I'll be damned if I go back... I can't forgive Grace for what she did to me..."


"Turn around please," A suave feline commanded as he focused on, what seemed to

be, Solemn's inner being. He was a French grey cat with black stripes running up his back

and limbs, which were covered by a woolly green turtleneck that complemented his

burning red beret.

"So what..." Solemn could only get out before he was wildly shooshed by Mr. Know it

all French guy. He then turned to Isabella, who smiled and waved to him as the cat kept

circling him wildly.

"I have it!" He said in his thick French accent and then floated away into the back to

get who knows what.

"Kay..." Solemn sighed as Isabella came over and jumped up and down.

"Isn't Jack just simply amazing, Solemn?!" She still bounced and grabbed onto his arm,

shaking him until he stumbled off the podium he was placed on.

"If by amazing you mean... Weird," Solemn said as he readjusted his t-shirt and stood

back on the podium. He really didn't want to, seeing as it was surrounded by a hundred

lights and mirrors, like he was on display in the window of a topnotch shop.

"Shoo Shoo!" Jack said as he nearly pushed Isabella off her three-inch heels. He had

several expensive articles of clothing slung over his arm and he wasted no time in

getting back into the circle of lights and mirrors the wolf was seemingly trapped in.

"Now! Strip!"

"...excuse me?"

"Did I stutter wolf boy??"

"Well... no..."

"Then off with your clothes?"

He was in the middle of a clothing store in a public mall and this cat wanted him to

just strip like it was nothing more then taking a jacket off. Solemn didn't know what to

do, so he just stood there and looked as confused and innocent as he could.

"Ugh!" Jack said as he put down the clothes and began to manually undress Solemn

with an uncanny mix of guile and swiftness. He could barely feel him lift his arms to take

off his shirt before they were by his side again, and before he knew it he was standing in

his boxers, lights on and everything. He felt the brush of clothes by his feet and looked

behind him. "I hope I don't have to dress you too..." He crossed his arms and looked at


"Well..." Solemn said, thinking. "Seeing as you did such a nice job removing my

clothes, it would only be right."

"UGH!" The French cat shouted as he pick up the clothes and began dressing the wolf

again, and within another flash, he was dressed again in a pair of shredded jeans, a

tight band t-shirt, and a sweater that just barely fit him. "Walla, I am a genius. Just

look how you work this outfit." His accent was like syrup running down your ears.

"It's a little..." Solemn said as he checked out his rear. "Revealing, wouldn't you say?

You can see my boxers..." He turned several time on the pedestal, seeing himself at

every possible angle.

"You must not worry about that," The feline reassured him as he filled out a bill. "The

outfit just sings on you, now will that be cash or credit?" He handed him the slip and

waited for his response.

"You want me to pay $600 for some shredded denim and a band t?!" He said as he

immediately began to undress and look for his own clothes. "What kind of goon do you

think I am?!"

"Solemn," Jack said as he put his paw on his shoulder. "These clothes belong on you,

how can you deny them a home? Only for some pocket change..." His voice was now

sincere, now more like soda running down your ear.

"600 bucks isn't pocket change?!" Solemn shouted as he threw on his own jeans, still

warm, and wrestled with his own t-shirt. "And I could make that outfit with a pair of

scissors if I really wanted to show off the button that keeps my boxers shut!"

And with that, Solemn stormed out of the store with Isabella pulling on his arm, trying

to get him to stay and try on another outfit.

"Solemn give him another CHANCE!" She shouted, pointlessly pulled on him, which

only ended in her sliding on the polished marble like she was skating on a frozen lake.


After spending who knows how long contemplating if he should really feel guilty for

what he said to Grace's father, Somber casually looked at the clock, which read 6 o'clock

on the nose.

"Heh," He chuckled to himself as he smiled at nothing. "I guess I better get in the

shower then. Can't be late for my second date, ya know."

He skipped more then he walked, first hitting up his bedroom for some clothes to

wear, then to the bathroom, feeling lighter then air itself. Well, more like a champagne

bottle ready to be opened. His suds of excitement where about ready to burst open the

cork and the foil that wrapped it.

He washed faster then normal because of the excitement and was out and dried at

6:15, which meant he had forty-five minutes to waste before he had to be waiting in

that parking lot of the café where they started this whole story.

So, naturally, he spent ten of it in front of his mirror, making sure he was perfectly

perfect for the seemingly perfect boy of his perfect dreams. He spent eight minutes

making a grilled cheese sandwich, which was close to being perfect, and seven minutes

consuming it, which left him twenty minutes to just sit on his couch and watch the

second hand on his clock mercilessly take its bloody time in doing its job. Which,

ironically, was to tell time accurately.

"Oh come on..." The fox groaned in anger, turning on his back and arching it, stretching

every muscle that he had conscious control of. "Just hurry the hell up!"

He contemplated on throwing something at it, but then realized.... What would that

accomplish? Except an unwanted trip to his nearest clock store to spend more money on

a replacement.

Somber then grinned and pulled out two tickets from his pocket and held them towards

the ceiling, reading them out loud.

"The Tiger-wolves," He giggled. "Only the best band on the face of this or any planet."

He jittered with excitement and pictured the surprise look on Solemn's face when he

pulled out floor tickets to the most impossible band to get tickets to. "I hope he likes

them... I needed to find someone to go to this concert with me."

By the time seven rolled around, Somber was sitting beside his car with the windows

rolled down listening to The Tiger-Wolves' new album, sort of giving off the hint of what

he had planned for that night.

Three minutes later, Solemn pulled up in his Jeep, waving ecstatically at the sight of

the fox.

"Oh yeah," Somber thought as he waved back. "I know you missed me." He gave off a

sly grin as he walked up to the wolf and gave him a giant hug when he stepped out.

Each could feel the warmth of the other as their tight shirts charged the static. The only

thing that was needed afterwards was a "hello" kiss.

"I missed you," Solemn said as he looked into his eyes.

"I missed you too," Said Somber, grinning so hard he couldn't control it.

"So foxy," The wolf went back to his jeep and pulled out a chocolate bar, broke it in

half, hen gave the bigger half to him. "What's the plan for tonight?"

"We're going to a concert," Somber giggled as he graciously accepted the offer.

"A Concert?" Solemn did a double take. "The only concert that's on tonight is The

Tiger-Wolves and their tickets have been sold out for months?" He then lost some

excitement. "...Unless you mean like... a classical concert or something."

"No you were right the first time," Somber stuck his tongue out of the side of his face

as he whipped out the two good-time slips. He then counted down in his head for the

reaction he was hoping for. "3...2...1..."

"You have tickets?!" The wolf started, jumping up and down. "How did you... Where did

you... HOW DID YOU..."

"Calm down, calm down," Somber said as he hugged the jitters right out of Solemn

and made him almost melt down to the pavement. "My dad mailed them to me as a

"Going away gift"."

"That's amazing!" Solemn said as he smiled as wide as he could. Then, having a crazy

idea, he placed his paws on the fox's cheeks and kissed him on the muzzle, sending his

heart into a beating marathon. He blushed and pulled back with a grin. "Hope that

wasn't too out of line."

"Not... at... all..." Somber gasped as he tried to catch his breathe as he blushed as well.

"You surprised the shit out of me..." He felt his chest and his heartbeat was going wild.

"...in the best way I could ever imagine.

"Well I'm glad," Solemn said as he kissed him on the cheek again. "But we should

really get going." He checked his cell which read "7:19". "The concert starts at 7:45,


"Yeah," Somber sighed, not wanting to leave. "Let's head out. You know where to go?"

"Not really," Solemn admitted. "I'm new here, remember?"

"Yeah," The fox said, getting into his car. "Follow me then, ok?"

"Alright," The wolf replied to him, heading back towards his jeep.

"And Solemn."


"Try to keep up."


"Did you see that, Boomer?" A sleek black panther asked his friend as he lit up yet another cigarette. He had already smoked half his pack and they had only been there for about an hour.

"See what, Ralph?" Boomer, the rhino with the leather jacket, asked him, looking

around. "All's I see it those two standing together in the parking lot together holding

two slips of paper."

"So you didn't see the wolf kiss that fox?"


"Oh... Well that wolf just kissed that fox..."

"So what?" Boomer said, flicking his massive hand at them, shrugging them off as

nothing. "They could be brothers or something, and they haven't seen each other in a

while." And then took a second to think. "Or the wolf could have just won the lottery...

and he was so happy his kissed the fox?"

"Or they're fags?" Ralph said, mimicking the innocence of Boomer's excuses.

"Yeah..." Boomer sighed, letting his small leather ears fall to his head. "That too... but

what's your point?"

"The point is, Boomer," The panther gritted his teeth and blew smoke through his

nose. "We don't appreciate their kind around here."

"I don't mind them?" Boomer looked to the dusky sky, as if waiting for inspiration to

come to him so he could finish his poem that's due for English class the next day.

"Well... Just as long as they don't hit on me, ya know? I mean, if you know I'm straight

and try to turn me, we have a problem." He playfully tapped the panther on the bicep

with his fist and almost sent him off his seat.

"Wrong again Boomer," Ralph said angrily as he recovered. "We hate fags around here

and beat the shit out of any that we see. This is the way of the Biker."

"But Ralph," Boomer said, looking back to him, confused. "You don't even have your

leather jacket yet? How do you know all of the ways of the Biker?"

"Boomer, I told you." Ralph said sternly, lighting up another cigarette. "I'm getting my

leather jacket from my mom when she gets her pay check on Thursday. Then I'll be a

full-fledged Biker."

"Oh," Boomer said, not really understanding how he could expect to achieve such a

high rank in their new religion in such a short time. "I forgot, Ralph. So does that mean

I'm the boss of you, then? Because I'm already a full-fludged Biker?"

"No, Boomer," Ralph grinned. "I will always be our alpha, must I keep saying it? And

it's FLEDGED, you dolt..." He then looked back to the parking lot and noticed the two furs

had left already.

"Well, Ralph," Boomer said, laying his enormous hand upon him. "Looks like there will

be no fights tonight."

"I guess not," Ralph said, throwing his cigarette to the ground where it met all the

others that had called the plastic pack in his paw home. He then pulled out a slip of

paper and held it up in the air. "I guess we'll just have to get our anger out by moshing,

eh Boomer?"

"Right, Ralph," Boomer took out his ticket from his jacket pocket and held it up in the

air. "I love The Tiger-Wolves!"

"Me too buddy," Ralph said as they walked to their bikes and started their engines.

The sound of the motor rang in the small parking lot as they walked their back

backwards, revving the engine the whole time. Then they shot out onto the street,

almost causing a seven-car pile up, all the while heading for the biggest building in town where their favourite band was going to play in twenty minutes and counting.


Part two finished, which leaves one part to go. A lot's gonna conclude in that one i think. Well i guess it'll have to, seeing as it's only 3 parts lol! Anyways i hope you enjoyed it and are on the edges of your chairs for the last installment.

If i don't get it out by xmas i wish you all a happy one and i hope you guys get everything on your lists XD.

Thanks a bunch again!
