My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 4

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#4 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Surprise! Chapter 4 of My Roommate's A Stripper?! This chapter focuses a bit more strongly on Max, and I hope you all enjoy it. And I really don't have much more to say than that. Enjoy!

Chapter 4 "A Hard Day's Night"

Aiden awoke with a splitting headache and only a vague recollection of where he was. He lay in the bed, eyes closed, waiting for the pain to subside as he tried to remember the previous night. It took a while, but he did remember the bar, tigress and wild night. Sober, he couldn't believe it had actually happened. He'd never done anything like that before, not even in college.

With a groan he sat up, moving to the edge of the bed, where he had to pause and let his sense catch up with him.

"Morning, handsome. I was afraid you were going to sleep all day." Aiden looked over to see the tigress smiling at him through a vanity mirror. She was wrapped in a soft looking robe and brushing her thick hair. "Was last night too much for you? It's too late for regrets now."

"My only regret is that last gin." Aiden muttered, surprised by the truth in the statement. Other than a hangover, he didn't feel bad at all about sleeping with a complete stranger. In fact, it felt rather liberating. But he'd contemplate that feeling later. "My head is killing me. You got any aspirin or anything?"

"Sure thing handsome, but would you mind being quick about it? I have some errands and important plans today, and I'd like to get you home and not be late for any of them."

Aiden grunted a response, already reaching for his clothes. Of course she was kicking him out. It was just a night of sex, with no requirements or expectations attached. Nothing more than a one night stand, initiated from too much booze and a touch of loneliness, or perhaps just horniness.

She didn't even let Aiden shower, having already taken one herself, she gave him enough time to dress and let his headache subside a bit. Then they were off in her convertible, racing back downtown to his apartment. "Thanks for a great night, handsome." Was all she said, blowing Aiden a kiss before racing off, leaving the stunned fox in the dust. As he turned to head inside, he realized that he had never even gotten her name.

He walked into the apartment to find Max already awake, flipping through a magazine and enjoying a bowl of cereal. She wore a large shirt with 'Wicked' written across the chest. She didn't seem surprised when he walked through the door. "Welcome home. Have a fun night out?"

Aiden didn't respond, making a bee-line for the coffee. His head was still foggy, and he wanted to clean it up a bit before dealing with the energetic skunk. Her melodious voice was pleasing to the ear, at least.

"Well, from the looks of it, you either got plastered and spent the night on the street, or went home with somebody and had some fun."

"The latter, thankfully." Aiden muttered while searching for quick and easy food. He still didn't feel like talking, bit it was easier than ignoring her and leaving her to her own conclusions. Especially with options like those.

"Well good for you. Glad to see you're putting yourself back out there. So, who was she?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know? You slept with her and you don't know who she is?"

Aiden just shrugged, not really sure how to explain it. Events had just happened with one thing leading to another. The tigress had been in control from the very beginning anyway. "I need a shower." He finally decided; ignoring Max as he made for the bathroom.

Few things can clear one's head like a long, warm shower. Aiden just stood there, eyes closed, letting the water run over his red and white fur, soaking through to the skin. He was so relaxed that he didn't even notice he had relieved himself until the scent of urine hit his nostrils, and even then he didn't really care. His thoughts were still on the night before. It had been the first time he had sex since Layla broke up with him, and it was great. He always figured one night stands were often filled with regret the next day, but Aiden felt more like a fog had partially lifted from his mind. Sex, with someone other than Layla, was still good. Great, in fact, as that mysterious tigress had shown him. Perhaps other aspects of life would be just fine without Layla, too. Aiden sighed, reaching for this shampoo, now buried behind a myriad of feminine shower products. It was somewhat ironic that he had to get used to being a bachelor and living with a woman at the same time.

He laughed to himself as he lathered up, running his fingers through his hair and fur, his hands gliding over his lean, toned body. His tall frame was soon covered in suds and foam as he worked it all in, messaging it into his stomach, then thighs, and eventually getting to the one bit of exposed flesh on his body. "I bet you really enjoyed that last night, huh?" He asked rhetorically, holding his flaccid yet still impressive penis in this palm of his hand. He chuckled, rubbing his soapy hand along the length of the shaft a bit before moving on to wash his balls and the rest of his body. The more he thought about the previous night, the better he felt about what happened and about himself. Perhaps he really would be alright after all, he told himself, and this time he actually believed it.

"Your friends called while you were cleaning up." Max informed him sometime later, after Aiden had enjoyed his shower and gotten dressed. "They want to meet up at the mall around one. Something about a sale at a book store or something."

"Oh right, thanks for reminding me. "Aiden was in much higher spirits now that he had really eaten and was no longer hung over. "There are a couple books I've wanted to pick up."

"Can I come along? I want to look at body rings, and maybe get some new summer clothes."

Aiden of course had no objection, and the two met up with Marcus, Terra and Jacob as planned, where the girls promptly dragged the men to the nearest clothing store. Max and Terra seemed to get along perfectly, like old friends, which only prolonged the shopping as they gabbed and gossiped while trying on all manner of outfits. Jacob occasionally offered his own opinion on things, while Marcus and Aiden simply tried to keep themselves entertained and out of trouble.

"This would look cute on your." Jacob commented, holding a green blouse up against Max. Terra was off modeling for Marcus as Aiden wandered about nearby. "It really brings out your eyes and...oh no."

"What? Something wrong with it?"

"No, but we've got serious trouble coming." Jacob pointed behind Max, a look of hatred and contempt masking his face.

Max turned to see a young and attractive fox vixen perusing the Ralph Lauren designs not that far from Aiden. "What, you mean that woman over there? Who is she?"

"A vile succubus of Hell." Jacob spat, his animosity surprising the skunk. "That's Layla, the bitch who used Aiden for years, toyed with his heart, then ripped it out and left him to rot."

"You're exaggerating, right?" Max asked, concern in her voice. "It couldn't have been all that bad."

"He asked her to move in with him and she dumped him over a text message."

"What? But Aiden's such a great guy." Her concern was replaced with anger and a bit of pity for Aiden. "What a bitch."

"Yeah, luckily they haven't seen each other so...dammit!"

As he spoke, Layla turned and saw Aiden standing around, lost in thought. A wicked grin quickly flashed across her face, which she masked with an innocent look of surprise. "Aiden, is that you?"

Aiden turned at the sound of his name, and his entire body slumped as he recognized the source. "Layla? What are you...I look good." He stammered, lost in a flood of memories and emotions.

"Why thank you. I'm feeling great, too. I've been so busy these past few weeks, living life to the fullest and all that." She couldn't hide her mischievous grin, truly enjoying the pained look on Aiden's face, as he stumbled to find anything to say.

"We've got to do something." Jacob growled, unable to watch Aiden suffer like that. "I'm going to smack her so hard..."

"Let me handle this." Max calmly interrupted, handing Jacob her things. "Time to fight fire with fire." Straightening out her skirt and fluffing up her breasts, she darted over to save the day. "Aiden!" She called out sweetly, glomping his arm tightly and surprising both foxes. "You said you'd help me shop. Oh, who's this? An old friend of yours?" She made sure to put extra emphasis on the 'old'.

"Max? Uh, this is Layla, my...ex-girlfriend."

"Oh, she's the one who dumped you?" Max turned an innocent look Layla's way. "I never understood how anyone could dump this cutie. Oh well; you're loss is most definitely my gain."

"You're dating a skunk now?" Layla scoffed, though Aiden was too dumbfounded by it all to answer. "That's an interesting trade down...I mean, trade off."

"There are a lot of perks to being a young skunk." Max responded without missing a beat, thrusting her bosom out with the word 'perks' and adding emphasis to 'young'. She'd use all her assets to get under this bitch's skin if she had too. "For one thing, I never have to worry about my clothes clashing with my fur." She looked Layla over and winced, as if what she wore was an offence to her eyes. "All of the designer labels match with black. Red must be so difficult to shop for."

Layla narrowed her eyes at that, not used to being told off in such a way. "Why you little..."

"Come on, Aiden." Max interrupted in her sing-song voice, completely ignoring the seething vixen. "You promised to help me pick out bikinis." And before Layla could say another word, Max dragged Aiden off, leaving the stunned and irate woman to fume in solitude.

"Oh that was so fun." Max laughed as she watched Layla storm out of the store from a distance.

"That was amazing." Jacob compliment, joining the two. "I snuck up and heard the whole thing. You really got her good. I've never seen her so speechless."

"Did you see her face?" Max was crying from her laughter. "I thought she was going to explode right there."

"Excuse me, but what the hell just happened?" Aiden looked between the two of them, still trying to make sense of it all." What was with all the hugging and bikinis and stuff?"

"Sorry Aiden, but I had to save you from yourself." Max giggled, giving the man a nudge. "Jacob told me who that was, and you were floundering out there. I had to do something before either you broke down or Jacob started a fight." When Aiden didn't respond, she started feeling nervous. "Don't be mad. You just looked so helpless and pathetic out there, I had to step in. Sorry if I overstepped or anything."

Ultimately Aiden shook his head, chuckling as he made sense of it all. "It's alright. I was lost out there, wasn't I? Just as I finally get her out of my mind, she has to show up right in my face. Thanks for the save, Max."

"Anytime, Aiden." Max smiled warmly. "It was fun messing with that bitch anyway."

"So, your only just now getting over her?" Jacob joked. "I knew you were struggling with that. What happened; finally see the light?"

"He had a one night stand." Max answered for him, drawing a glare from Aiden. He didn't usual discuss his sex life publicly, especially something like this.

Jacob was momentarily stunned by the news. "You're kidding, right? She's kidding, right Aiden?" He couldn't believe it, Aiden had never slept with stranger before. A part of him was also a bit jealous. If only he could have been where ever Aiden has been the night before.

"It's true." Aiden shrugged. "But it not like a planned it or anything. I had a little to much to drink and things went a little out of hand. Nothing to get worked up over."

"Who's getting all worked up?" Marcus asked, walking up with bags in one hand and Terra on his arm.

"Aiden had a one-nighter last night." Jacob filled them in, still letting the news sink in.

"What? Not our Aiden?" A big grin spread across his face, which Terra was already rolling her eyes at. "Way to go man! I knew you'd get yourself back out there! Who was she? Was she hot?"

Aiden just shook his head, resigning himself to the fact that he'd now have to share every juicy detail, or at least the ones he could remember, with his closest friends. Though embarrassed by it all, he did feel bolstered by their encouragement. After all, how could he be so down with friends like these around?


They spent so long out shopping that Max didn't even have time to stop at home before going to work. Luckily Aiden volunteered to driver her in and take her new purchases back home, or most of them anyway. She had picked up some new body piercing rings and wanted to put them in as soon as possible. She had waited months for the holes to finally heal completely so she could replace those boring studs with something a little more interesting and attention grabbing.

The dressing room was always busy right before opening, with half-naked, or completely naked women rushing around to be ready for the first shift. Even the waitresses, who weren't required to strip, were working to look as sexy as possible, without looking like whores. Everyone was busy doing their hair and makeup, choosing outfits, and of coursing gossiping about work and personal lives, and Max went unnoticed as she stripped in front of her locker. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hey, Maxi D. How's it shakin'?" a slim fennec asked the skunk as she sat her nude self down at her vanity. The fox, who used the neighboring seat, was D.J. Double X, one of Stardock 69's resident D.J.'s, known for her slick music skills and wearing little more above the waist than nipple tape.

"Hello Marcy." Max greeted warmly. Maxi D was her own stage name; a less than clever result of her full name, Maxine Douglas, and her bust size, 44DD. Like most nicknames it had started as a joke that managed to stick, and she had long ago grown used to it.

With the customary greetings out of the way, Max got to work removing her piercing studs. Fiddling with them gave her a slight shiver, and she couldn't help but pull the post out slowly. It was her first time removing them, and her nipples were surprisingly sensitive. She'd just have to hold on to that feeling for later. Max had originally intended to just get some standard rings, but then she had found a pair of drop shield jewelry with clasps and short chains, free to dangle from her nipples, and just couldn't say no. She shivered again with a slight shock of pleasure as she slid the bar through her nipples one by one. But that shiver was replaced by giggles as she attached the short chains to the U-shaped rings. Each one hung an inch below her nipple, ending with a small, heart-shaped charmed.

"Nice hardware." The half naked D.J. complimented. "I bet the customers are gonna love those. I approve." This was saying a lot from Marcy, who had around two dozen piercings in her head alone. Both of her large ears were loaded with studs, rings and dangles, and a chain extending from her right ear to her right nostril. Studs ran along her muzzle, and her lower lip and tongue each had a stud. It was safe to say she knew a thing or two about body jewelry. "Those will definitely draw attention to the nips."

"I hope so." Max sighed, holding her breasts up and examining them in the mirror. Max had dark skin, almost as dark as her fur. Without the bright jewelry her nipples were lost in the black fur of her tits. She liked to think that they helped accentuate them, plus they were just really sexy. "Now for the other one."

"You got one of those for your clitty, too? Bold move, but the customers won't really see it."

"This one isn't for the customers." Max grinned. "It's all for me." Her attempts to remove this stud were not as smooth, as the metal barbell was slick with her fluids. And the more she tried to loosen it, the more aroused she became. She couldn't help but think that anyone walking by would assume she was just playing with herself, which only made things worse. Finally she managed to undo the bar, an electric shock running up her spine as she pulled it free. She didn't pause to enjoy it though, quickly slipping the new jewelry in with another shock and a slight gasp. 'Great, now I'm horny.' She thought, attaching the matching chain and heart charm. 'Not the best way to start my shift.'

Trying to ignore the itch between her legs, she made her way to the clothing rack to find a nice, provocative outfit. Something enticing without being too slutty. Accounting for her bust cut down the choices drastically, but Max eventually settled for a lacy, light blue ensemble; a simple bra and panties combo with matching thigh highs and long gloves. The light color would stand out nicely against her dark fur.

"Well what have we got here?" A cool, condescending voice called out from behind her. Max groaned as she turned to face the speaker; an older, though still very attractive wolf who went my the name Diamond for her very diamond like icy blue eyes, which stood out against her dark grey fur. "Looks like Maxi here is trying a new gimmick. Anything to get attention, huh kid?"

Diamond enjoyed picking on Max, and many of the other younger girls and table dancers. She had started there herself, like so many others, but had managed to move up to poll dancer and now worked the main stage. She was also one of the most popular and talented women at the club, which she had no trouble flaunting in front of the less experienced dancers. She was an expert at both stripping and being a bitch, and she made sure all the other girls knew it.

"There's nothing wrong with accentuating one's assets." Max countered, remaining calm. "It's just like properly applied make-up or perfume. Besides, the customers have never complained about my jewelry."

"Face it, Maxi; those trinkets are just there to make up for your lack of skill. Why else would someone with utters as big as those need help from trashy gimmicks?" Diamond chuckled, leaning in to get right in Max's face. "You're second rate and you know it. You'll be stuck on tables your whole life, or until Mistress finally sees your lack of talent and kicks you to the curb." She straightened up, looking around the dressing room. "Most of you should consider yourself lucky to even be here, getting to be side performers for a star like me." And with that she sauntered off, with more than a few middle fingers raised at her departure.

"Bitch..." Max muttered as she sat at her vanity. "She really thinks she can do and say whatever she wants."

"Unfortunately, she sorta can." Marcy responded, affixing her usual X-shaped nipple tape design. "She brings in a lot of customers, and that gives her an edge on top of that ego." She finished up and threw Max a sly wink. "Don't listen to her though. She's just mad 'cause her implants aren't as big as your naturals. Knock 'em dead out there, babe."

"Thanks, Marcy." The young skunk called out, feeling a little better. "Implants? What a hypocrite." As she got dressed however, she couldn't ignore her other annoyances. "Great, now I'm frustrated in two ways. Definitely not a good way to start work." She could only hope for a stress free night.

Stardock 69 had a simple yet effective layout. When a customer first enters, they are asked if they prefer male or female. The building is divided in half as such, with male performers to the right and female to the left. A large, well stocked bar divides the massive building. Each half was set up symmetrically, essentially offering the same services, with a different flavor. A series of booths with large tables are set up closer to the front of the club, where the table dancers, such as Max, perform. Most of the performers start here, and if some show greater potential they get to move on to other sections. The stripper polls and main stage are further back, where those who prove themselves, like Diamond, can perform for larger audiences, more tips, and a bigger paycheck. The piece de resistance are the VIP rooms along the outer walls of the club. Only the best, and most personable dancers get a chance at these private booths. Few who go to the stage, a rather impersonal position, transfer to the VIP rooms, despite the exclusive clientele and significant payout. It took a real people person to handle the job, and it's where Max was hoping to one day go.

But for now she had to put her full focus in her work, without making a wet mess in her panties. Marcy, D.J. Double X, was already in her booth at the back of the club, at the end of the bar with a full view of the whole building. A row of mirrors above her booth blocked the view into the managers office, where Mistress Vanessa ran the whole show, out of sight but always watching.

The music started up and the stage dancers got to work as the first few customers found their way in. Max made her way to the back of the bar, where she'd have to wait until a drink order for her table came up. Table dancers where all assigned a table or two, and would bring the first round to said table, then the fun would being. A waitress would handle all subsequent drink orders while the stripper performed. Max had started as one of those waitresses, but had quickly been given a chance for a promotion thanks to her assets.

"Order up, Maxi D. Table seven." Max was surprised at how quickly her table came up. Doing her best to ignore her frustration and turn on the sex appeal, she grabbed the drink tray and swayed her hips on over to her table. Three fruity daiquiris; most likely girls out for a good time, though an in-the-closet gay guy wasn't out of the question. And while the guy would tip more, trying to prove his straightness, girls were more fun.

Sure enough, three young girls were seated at her table: a coyote, a red panda and a timid looking collie in the middle. The first thing Max noticed were the blue wristbands, identifying the girls as minors, old enough to get in but not old enough to drink alcohol. The daiquiris were virgin, she figured, and handed them out.

"Oh my god she's even cuter in person." The coyote whispered, bringing out a giggle from the panda. So that's how her table came up so quickly. When customers ask for a table, they can simply be brought to the first available table or choose form a list of dancers, complete with picture, measurements and a small bio. These three had specifically chosen Max to perform for them.

"So, what brings you three here tonight?" Max asked in a playfully seductive voice, posing with an outthrust hip and letting her boobs jiggle a bit. The collie hadn't taken her eyes off them since she had approached. "Special occasion, or just out for a good time?"

"Our friend just turned eighteen." The coyote declared, giving the collie a hug. "We wanted to treat her to her first strip dance."

"Hi." was all the collie manage to squeak out, blushing profusely. The red panda girl just giggled, seeming more interested in her friend's reaction than anything else.

"Well happy birthday." Max grinned, stepping onto the table. "I'll make this one extra special just for you." She knelt down with her legs spread right in front of the collie, whose eyes went wide as they focused on Max's crotch. The panties she had picked were tight and accentuated her plump mons. The other two girls leaned in for a better view as Max ran her hands across her inner thighs, pulling attention inward as she caressed and tugged the underwear, purposefully created a camel-toe effect.

"Do you prefer girls, hun, or are you just open minded?" Max asked softly, tracing her fingers along the edges of her panties, She figured she already knew the answer, but getting customers talking usually eased their nerves, and comfortable customers always tip better.

"I, uh...girls I guess." The young girl stammered, unable to pull her eyes away from Max's body, watching as the dancer's hands glided over her body and through her fur; precisely the reaction Max was looking for.

"We don't care much for franks and beans. "The coyote grinned.

"What's that?" the red panda finally spoke up, pointing to the skunk's pussy. Max had pulled the panties so tight that the silhouette of her new jewelry was showing. It looked rather odd pressing against the fabric.

"That's just some body jewelry." She brought her hands up behind her head, rotating her hips in time with the music. "I have my clit pierced. The way it presses and rubs against me, it's just so exhilarating." She moaned softly as she spoke, trying to create that feel of excitement. It seemed to be working as all three girls stared at her hips as if hypnotized.

"Can we see it?" The collie asked, too distracted to be bashful.

Max quickly glanced around the room. No one seemed to be paying attention to her table, too distracted by everything else going on. But she knew that the cameras were always watching, intended for her safety. "I wish I could." she admitted with a sigh. "but I'm afraid I can't. You'll just have to use your imaginations for that."

The panda seemed to lose interest with that, focusing more on her drink. The coyote was undeterred however. "Well, maybe there's something else you can show us then?" She held a rolled up bill, a fifty by the looks of it. Plenty enough to cover the first round of drinks and get things started.

"Oh hun, there's plenty I can show you." She winked, taking the bill, then slowly running her hands up her inner thighs. She slipped the cash into her legging, then moved her hands slowly upward, glided across her stomach, then ran her finger tips over her breasts. This was one of Max's favorite parts, teasing the clients. All three girls once again had their eyes locked into her hands. The attention was causing her heart to race, as she slipped her thumbs under her bra straps and slowly pulled them off her shoulders. She could hear the collie whimper as her breasts where ever so slowly exposed. She pulled the straps lower, deftly slipping her arms out of the bra in one fluid motion. She paused and leaned forward, giving the girls a better view as she rocked back and forth, letting her boobs sway a bit. With a grin she grabbed the straps again, slowly peeling the bra away from her body. The collie gasped, eyes wide with amazement, as those pierced nipples and jewelry came into view. She left the bra on just enough to keep providing support, pulling out the heart shaped charms to let the hang freely. Max moaned as she ran her fingers along the underside of her breasts, giving the chains a slight tug. "So, what do you think? Like what you see?"

"They're great." the collie gasped, her own nipples starting to show against her blouse. The other two simply nodded in agreement, which brought a smile to Max's face, but enhanced the itch between her legs.

Max began moving her body to the rhythm of the music, letting her swaying hips and breasts do the work for a bit. The way these three girls watched her every movement with unblinking eyes was almost adorable, and more than a little exciting. 'That's right,' Max thought, 'watch my every move. Undress me with those hungry eyes. Want me. Need me. Take me.' She couldn't help but lick her own lips as the arousal built up inside her. How she wanted to strip clean down and climb onto the girl's lap, while everything in the club watch her.

The sudden appearance of cash brought Max back to her senses. The coyote was holding up another fifty, though her eyes were still locked onto Max's boobs. With a sensual moan the stripper took the cash and tucked it away. She leaned forward to accentuate her breasts as she reached behind and undid the clasps to her bra. She batted her eyes and let out a soft sigh as the garment fell free, her breasts falling to their natural position. "That's better." Max teased, tossing the bra aside then taking a breast in each hand. "Those nasty bras can be so tight and restricting, don't you think?"

"Yeah..." the collie muttered, unable to look away as Max fondled herself. "That's why I don't wear one." The inadvertent admission seemed to catch her friends by surprise, but explained the easily visible, perk nipples.

"You never wear one, Amy?" The coyote asked, leaning in close against her friend. "Guess you were right, Ling."

"Told you, Trish." The red panda leaned in from the other side, sandwiching the poor collie, who was suddenly look for a distraction.

Max was more than happy to provide one of those. "Now girls," she teased, getting on her hands and knees and letting her breasts hang free, then charms glittering in the club lighting. "You have to be nice to the birthday girl, and give her whatever she wants, right?" She winked at the coyote, Trish, who nodded with a grin and slid another pair of fifties across the table. "So, Amy, what would you like to see me do?"

The collie fidgeted nervously, looking back and forth at her friends, who remained pressed close against her. "Actually, could you turn around please?" She squeaked out. "I...I'd like to see your butt, if that's okay."

"I always knew you were an ass girl." The coyote teased, bring out another giggle from the Ling.

But Max just smiled. "Of course, hun. Anything for you." She sat up and turned in place, bringing her paws right up to the edge of the table and lifting her tail, giving the three girls a full view of her ass. She leaned forward, resting on her elbows and turning to glance over her shoulder. "How's this, honey?"

"It's great..." Amy the collie muttered, leaning in to get a real close look, her hands grasping the edge of the table near Max's paws. "You're panties are so tight, I can almost see the outline of everything."

That comment brought a shiver through Max's body. She would have loved to take off those panties and bare it all to those three. Just not enough to risk loosing her job, and getting arrested. With a sigh, she settled for leveling her rear with the girl's face and resting her head on her arms. There wasn't much dancing she could do in this position, but it was more about what the customer's wanted. Still, she found herself rocking her hips in time with the music. She felt so vulnerable in this position, presenting herself to these young girls, as if waiting for someone to take her from behind. She couldn't keep her mind from wandering with that thought. Some young stud just jumps onto the table and takes her ass right in front of the girls, and everyone in the club. "God, I hate working while horny." She grumbled to herself, then quietly joked. "If you're gonna be back there, at least eat me out."

She nearly yelped and jumped off the table as something cold and wet suddenly pressed against her butt. Keeping calm she glanced down between her breasts to see Amy sniffing away at her read end. Apparently she couldn't hold back anymore either, and just dove right in. Her nose rubbed up and down the panties, inhaling deeply, the collie practically drooling over Max's scent. 'What is it with dogs and sniffing butts?' She thought, looking around to make sure no one had noticed. As weird and unexpected as it was, Max didn't want the girl to stop.

With the coast clear, she ducked her head back down to watch. The collie was still breathing deeply, her nose hovering around the skunk's tailhole. Her friends weren't just sitting idly by either. Ling, the red panda, had managed to slip her hand under Amy's shirt, and was now fondling one of her boobs. Trish, the coyote, was blowing and nipping at Amy's ear. One of her hands hand disappeared under the table in front of the collie, and Max could only imagine what was going on down there. If she wasn't careful, this whole thing was likely to turn into a lesbian orgy. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but this was hardly the time or place for it. Oh, but how she wanted it to continue.

It was when Max felt a tongue slide across her panties that she knew it had to stop. There were rules about customers touching the dancers, and she didn't want these sweet girls to get in any trouble. Or herself, since she could get reprimanded or even fired for allowing it to happen in a public setting. She let the girl get her one lick in, enjoying the feel of that warm, think tongue as it glided across her covered pussy, then quickly pulled her rear away, turning to sit facing the girls. "I'm sorry, bit I'm not supposed to let you do that." She herself was breathing hard from the rush.

All three girls suddenly looked very guilty, like they had just gotten caught stealing cookies before dinner, the collie still licking her lips. Max quickly sat up and started swaying to the music, not wanting to attract attention from security. "I won't tell anyone." She tried to console them. "Just think of that as a little birthday present from me to you." She offered a disarming wink, and the collie perked up a bit.

"I'm sorry, it's smelled so good. I'd never done that to anyone before, or been so close to someone's...y'know...I just could help myself."

"It's okay, sweetie." Max smiled, leaning over so her breasts hung right in front of the girl, and whispered sensually into the girl's ear. "If I had my way, I'd let you do whatever you wanted to." The poor girl swallowed hard, seemingly unable to respond. Max sat back up and returned to dancing. She could see that all three girls were just as hot and bothered as she was now, the two friends leaning against the collie, rubbing her thighs while watching Max perform. 'Well at least someone's getting laid tonight.' She thought, certain these three were going to continue the celebration once they got home.

The rest of the dance was pretty standard after that. Despite her desire to, Max didn't give the girls any further chances to touch her, though they could barely keep their hands off each other. Five hundred dollars later the three girls were forced to leave, their savings spent, though Max assumed they just couldn't stand it anymore and needed release. Her own itch nagging her, Max returned to the bar to hand in the cash. The price of drinks would be deducted, and the rest returned to her at the end of the shift, minus the club's cut.

But all Max cared about now was a few minutes and a quiet place to take care of business. It was a bit unprofessional to do that at work, but she could already feel her juices soaking into the panties. If she could just get five minutes...

"Table seven, Maxi D, order up!"

"Dammit!" She let slip out as she turned back to the bar. As she took up the drink tray and looked around the club, she realized just how busy the place was. She would be lucky to get a descent lunch break tonight, never mind five minutes to finger herself. "Oh, it's gonna be a long night."


Luckily the rest of Max's customers that night were of the more usual fair; business men looking to unwind after a long week and single men just looking for a good show. There was one gentleman, an equine, who didn't even try to hide the significant tent he was pitching, watching as Max fondled her breasts and sucked her own nipples. The aroused skunk spent the entire time trying to imagine the shaft pressing so tightly against the man's pants, groaning for freedom and release. Though she usually preferred smaller men, it was one pole she wouldn't have minded dancing on.

By the end of her shift Max had pulled in almost two thousand dollars, not bad for a night's work, but her mind was elsewhere. Her panties were quite sticky when she finally got to remove them, and she couldn't get dressed and out of the club fast enough. And even with her shift over, she still had what she feared would be a tortuous bus ride home.

It was a little after two in the morning, and the buses at this hour were usually rather empty, save for a few drunken slobs and other strange night owls. Max always took a seat near the front, away from other people, and tried to keep to herself. Not always easy since she knew she must smell a bit strongly of alcohol and sex by the end of her shift. More than once some drunk, old creep mistook her for some cheap whore, and though she wanted some release, she still had her dignity.

Fortunately, the bus was empty tonight, and Max managed to make it home in short order. She was also pleased to see that Aiden hadn't chained the door. For the first few weeks she was forced to call and wake him up because he had latched the chain on the front door, locking the poor girl out of her own apartment. He was getting better about it though.

She didn't bother lounging about though. Once inside she simply tossed her coat and bag aside and made a quick stop in the bathroom, where she learned that she was so horny even peeing sent a shiver through her body. She was in her room and naked in a flash, collapsing onto her bed with an exasperated sigh. She was exhausted, mentally and physically, but she had to do something about this itch or she would be up all night.

"At least now I can go all out." She giggled, rolling over and searching for the drawer of her nightstand. After a bit of rummaging she emerged triumphantly with her favorite toy: a small finger vibrator. Fingering yourself was good and all, but doing it with a vibrating finger was so much better. "Probably should take these off first." She mused, tugging on the chain hanging from her clit. Each tug sent a spark through her body, but she didn't want them getting in the way, or getting caught on anything. She'd still have the rings to play with, and those were always fun.

"Now, on to business." Her anticipation growing, she slipped the toy onto her right middle finger and turned it on. After being tortured all night she was going to take her time and really enjoy this. She dipped her finger between her mons and gasped instantly as the vibrator touched her oversensitive flesh. Her left hand instinctively grabbed her breast as she moved the toy up and down along her labia. She could hear her juices being splashed about and feel just how wet she really was as she let her fingers explore the warm, familiar folds. She left the vibrator against her swollen clit for a moment, enjoying the flood of pleasure, before pulling away and turning the toy up to maximum speed. She couldn't take it anymore, the girl needed to cum and bad.

The faint buzz of the toy filled the room, though it was soon drowned out by moans of pleasure. Max used her ring and index fingers to spread her lips wide, rubbing the vibrator across her pussy and clit with steady motion. Her other hand made it's way to her muzzle, where a couple fingers invaded her mouth. Her moans grew louder as she sucked on her fingers, running her tongue over her finger tips and across the length of the digits. She got them good and wet before freeing them from her maw, a thin line of saliva stretching from one finger to another.

The skunk groaned in eager anticipation, gently pressing the vibrator against her clit. She reached her other hand down and without hesitation slipped her moist middle finger up her waiting tailhole. She gasped and her body arced slightly as she pushed the finger in as far as she could, up to the second knuckle. Biting her lower lip, she pressed her index finger against the middle one and slowly pushed in as well. The second finger was a little tougher, but she was able to ignore the slight sting of stretching her ass thanks to the pleasure it brought, and the constant teasing of the toy. The good most definitely outweighed the bad.

She managed to get both fingers in to the second knuckle, messaging her innards as she pressed and rubbed the vibrator along her pussy. "Oh yes..." she muttered, unable to contain herself. "Oh god yes. Yeah right there baby. Oh, that's the spot." She was lost in fantasy, imagining someone, the cute collie from earlier, doing all manner of naughty things to her body.

"Oh yeah, faster! Faster! Oh that's the spot baby! Don't stop!" Max didn't even realize she was calling out to herself, or just how load she was being. She was too lost in the throes of self pleasure to even care. She pressed the vibrator in hard, rubbing her whole hand across her wet pussy as fast as she could as she pushed her other fingers as deep up her ass as she could. Everything working together perfectly, she rocked and swayed in the bed, panting and crying out to no one as she brought herself closer to the release she hand been waiting for all night.

She planted her paws firmly on the bed, lifting her butt into the air. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she hit the height of pleasure. "Oh god! oh god yes! Yes, right there. Yes!" She let out a great shout as her body thrust into the air and a stream of juices shot forth from her pussy, soaking into her hands and tail. She kept up the motion, extending the orgasm, and resulting spray, for as long as she could. It was glorious, one of the best feelings after holding out for so long. The release was sinfully sweet, and Max enjoyed every moment of it.

She didn't know how much time passed before her mind settled and her vision returned. Slowly she removed her fingers from her tailhole, which quivered with a slight sting, and finally turned the toy off. She then just lay there for a few moments, still coming down from an epic high.

Max sighed contentedly, examining her now wet and sticky hand. She didn't always squirt of course, only when stimulated properly, coinciding with some of her best orgasms. But now that the itch was gone, and while she certainly felt pleased and relieved, she couldn't help but also feel just a bit lonely.

"I need a boyfriend, or girlfriend, or whatever." She mused, sniffing the various scents that now coated her fingers. "Someone who I could pounce and fuck silly when I get home from work. That's what I really need."

With another sigh she tossed the toy on her nightstand and curled into the sheets, wrapping her tail around her body and hugging it close. Her exhaustion was catching up with her, and she wanted to fall asleep before a lonely depression sunk in. After all, she was still young, she told herself. there had to be somebody out there for her, and she just had to wait to find him, or her. Probably, when and where she least expected it, she'd meet the person of her dreams. "All I want is someone I can snuggle into after work, until I fall asleep. Yeah, that would be nice."

My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 5

Chapter 5 "Close Friends and Distant Relatives" The weeks passed quickly as spring turned to summer. The two roommates had grown so comfortable with each other that Max rarely thought twice about walking around in her underwear, or less, so long...

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My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 3

Chapter 3: "Rebounds Abound" Max winced as the morning sun streamed through her window. With a groan she rolled over in bed, looking over the unfamiliar room with drowsy eyes. She didn't know what time it was, but she knew it was too early to be...

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My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 2

Chapter 2: "The Truth 'Revealed'" Aiden just couldn't believe it. There was no way this woman could be the stripper from the other night. That was just too much of a coincidence. But the longer he looked into those eyes, and down at the cleavage, the...

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