The Second Kind

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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So I had a dream and this was pretty much the story. The story is my first to be written in first person, and the first to be about a werewolf, I don't usually like fantasy so I don't write a whole lot about them. While there is some yiff in the story It's not well written or good, mainly because the story isn't about the yiff it's about the werewolf element of it. I probably won't continue it unless I get a comment or feed back on it so yeah do that if you want to see me continue it. Hope you enjoy this.

-Van Rorie

The Second Kind

Chapter 1: First Alone

This year will be my two thousandth eighty six birthday, based on the Gregorian calendar anyway. Lonely, that's how I feel now. I'm a werewolf you see, just the second kind. There are two kinds of werewolves; the first kind is the one's many people know about, they come out during full moons and kill people. Then there is my kind, the second kind. We change based on time, and the intervals get longer and longer every year. When I first became a werewolf I changed once a day. It's painful, but you don't understand how painful it is, and every day is enough to drive a person mad. I guess you want to know my story? Well, It's a sad one, and I've only told it all one other time, but I might as well tell it to you, I don't like being lonely it's almost as painful as transforming.

My birth name was Gaius Markus Ieatus, but I changed that after the empire fell. I liked the empire, well some of it anyway. I've only been to Rome once, and that was more than enough, crazy people, and all those flags, it's just not a fun place to be. I'm guessing you really want to hear about me being turned into a werewolf though, that's understandable, after all there were hundreds of thousands of Roman soldiers, but few that became werewolves, and I think I'm the only one who is still alive. I'm not the oldest werewolf by the way, a china man has me beat for that record, and he's almost five thousand years old as best he can figure.

I was transformed into a werewolf near a place now called Andernach, some place in Germania; sorry they call it Germany now. Back when I was still a human I was a soldier under Gaius Caesar he was a consul before he commanded our legion, and five others, though he's now remembered as the first dictator of Rome helping it transform from a republic to an empire. I was in Legio VII, I wasn't a particularly great soldier, but it was a good occupation for citizens of the republic. We had for the most part secured Gaul after fighting off various Germanic tribes, and then Caesar wanted to explore past the Rhine. We built a bridge in ten days at a site slightly up and across the Rhine from Andernach.

The bridge was probably two hundred meters all together long, and about eight meters wide. The way we built it involved using these mechanical drivers to put in logs and the like, I didn't fully understand the system but I know that it got its power mainly from counter weights. I learned later that Caesar built a second bridge like that one two years later, before he crossed the Rubicon.

I remember my last night as a human well, that night was the last one we would spend on this side of the Rhine before we went over to try and pillage a few villages. I had paid a whore to spend the night with me; she was some kind of barbarian that had gone into the prostitution business instead of becoming a slave, a good choice for her. I remember asking for her services that night because my favorite boy was already taken. She was paler than the girls I was used to, the ones from the Republic. She was tan, with brown hair, and she was rather thin. That wasn't so good of a sign then, but she wasn't there to breed she was there to lay with me for money. She had the most wonderful breasts, just slightly more than a handful, my personal favorite amount. We lied on my cloak kissing and generally warming up for the main event. I was pinching her nipples, I love hearing that little moan they give out when you do that. By then my manhood was firm and rigged wanting nothing more than to dominate her cunt. Thrusting into her warm and went slit I moaned out in pleasure, the sound was repeated in other tents around the area. She wasn't as tight as the boy I usually had, but she was tight enough. Gripping me with her hot, damp flesh I couldn't hold out for very long, which is what I'm certain she was counting on.

The next morning was a dreary one, overcast dominated the sky. We marched on, over the bridge and onto Germany. The entire village we encountered was already abandoned when we got there, obviously the locals had heard us constructing the bridge, the sound of trees being felled by axes is a loud one especially on the scale in which we operated. By that time I had to piss like hell, so I wondered off from the rest of the Century I was with. That's when he tried to kill me. Just after I finished pissing a large wolf jump me, biting into my armor. I jerked around and threw him off, finding he had not pierced my thick armor. He jumped me again, but this time I drew my gladius just as he was mid jump. The blade easily sliced through his fur and found his heart. His momentum still struck me though and the blood from where I had slain the insane wolf splashed over me. I had gotten it in my mouth, which was how I became a werewolf. To become the first type of werewolf you have to get bitten by one, but to become the second kind you have to have a werewolf's blood get in you somehow.

It started fairly quickly after that, the change I mean. You feel every bone break, and let me tell you the worst ones are the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. Your back twists becoming more curved, and you lose your collar bone. The tail rips through your flesh, first comes the bone then muscles then the skin. Then you can't stand up on your legs. Then you lose some of the color in your vision, not all of it, but enough for it to bother you. Finally comes the fur, it feels like fire ants are biting every inch of your body, inside and out. My armor had busted apart, but it left bruises all over my body which made everything even worse.

That happens every time I transform, and it hurts just as much every time. The first type of werewolf makes you an anthropomorphic beast that has no control it just kills; they don't usually last too long. Then the second kind makes you completely feral but allows you to still have your normal thoughts and control. It's Ironic though, one makes you less of a beast with a beasts mind, and the other makes you a beast with a humans mind.

I was afraid, very afraid, I was a beast and I know that my century would kill me if they saw me so I ran. It took a little while to get used to running with four legs, but I got the hang of it. I ran into the woods of Germany, afraid and in pain, never to see any of my comrades again. That is when I was first alone. I was hungry too, the transformation takes a lot out of you, and that's when I realized something. Though I had lost some colors I had gained an entire world of scents. I smelt one that was fairly fresh so I followed it. The scent smelled of musk and earth, and of meat. In a way you almost smell in color, or at least some smells give you a particular feeling that you can't explain, similar to trying to explain what blue is in a non-poetic way

I went deeper and deeper into the woods, until I found the source of the scent. A Vulpes Vulpes, a red fox. It was a den, and it smelled like more than one. I made a very foolish mistake then, but I was hungry and desperate. I went into the den, which was a small cave made by a large recess in a granite rock, covered mostly by a fallen tree. I went in and was greeted with a slash across the bridge of my nose. I panicked and started to randomly throw my claws out trying to kill whatever was attacking me. I was also trying to back out of the den at this point. Finally my claws connected with something, and I felt it drop to the ground. In the dark I found the neck of the bleeding creature, I saw that I had scratched it across the throat and that it was bleeding out. Realizing that I didn't have a way to cook my meat, I decided to at least eat it while it was still warm. I sliced open the belly and started to feast. It was delicious especially the liver.

After I finished I heard a small cry, looking to the back of the den I saw four small fox kits, and not wanting to pass up desert I went over to them. They were still very young and helpless, but I was hungry, and I didn't want them to be orphans and starve to death. I stretched my jaw over their little heads one by one and snapped them close, crushing the little bitty skulls. Let me tell you something kit meat tastes way better than the adult kind; it's lest stringy and way tenderer. I cleared out the bodies as best I could and curled up in the tight space. It was very claustrophobic being meant to be a fox den and being used by a wolf. I took a nap there, tired from my changing and from the full stomach.

Late in the evening I awoke to the change happening again, only in reverse. It's exactly the same amount of pain both ways only this time I was able to scream instead of just give out a wolf like whimper. I just sat there naked, and then I realized for the first time that I couldn't go back.

That I was alone.

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