Other Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#5 of Snuff Stories

Warning the following story contains Male on Male snuff, view discretion is advised.

So here's just so snuff I got inspired to write after watching No Country for Old Men for like the millionth time.

So for those of you who read my series Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. you might remember that I said there was a thing I might write but I had to talk to a friend about it? Well an update on that. Wolfy76 and I are collaborating on a project right now, I'm not going to give you to many details but I am going to say that the story is like combining Hero's and Reservoir Dogs together. Well hope you like this story.

-Van Rorie

Other Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking

The snow leopard was in the eighth hour of his drive; he left Dallas not so long ago and was coming up like he was going to Texarkana. The sun was set across the flat landscape like was usual to the area of Texas. Forest was coming up holding off the sun, and it was sinking into the landscape too. That was the snow leopards natural position too, beneath the trees and in the hills and forest. He still had a ways to go, going past Hot Springs, but he would stop well before Fayetteville. The sun was slowly dying for the night, bleeding out shot right through by the moon soon to come.

The puma that the snow leopard was coming up on certainly fit the type for the land. He was wearing some leather boots that come up about mid shin. Blue jean with a white shirt, dirtied by the dust of the land was his attire. A brown duster and hat to match it finished the outfit. It wasn't particular or out of place but all the same it was a sight. Seeing another feline out there, and dressed for the country as he was, made the snow leopard stop the car.

He pulled up alongside the puma divining slower now, slow enough that he wouldn't outpace the cat that was still walking on the dirt and dust alongside the road. Soon both parties stopped, noticing not each other so much as the situation. The snow leopard rolled down the passenger window.

"You know it's dangerous." Said the snow leopard.

"What's dangerous?" The puma said back almost in a challenging tone.

"Walking like you are, when it's getting night."

"Hitch hiking's pretty dangerous too."

"Did I offer you a ride?"

"Well are you gonna?"

The snow leopard looked at the puma thinking for a second about the opportunity there. He was deciding in his mind what he wanted to happen. If fate willed him the situation he wasn't going to waste it.

"If you want a ride you better get your ass in here before I drive off."

The puma opened the side door getting in the car. His jeans brushed against the black interior of the car, warmed from the heat that had been collected from the cushion. The puma had a little tan satchel with him as his only source of luggage; it currently sat in his lap. The snow leopard drove the car off, he still had a ways to go if he wanted to be home by the morning, and he had to hurry even more so now that he had some entertainment to take care of.

The drive had taken them close now to Texarkana, and it was night now. The trees being the allies of the dark they were helped conceal the shimmer of the moon. It was eerie driving this time of night on a back road; there weren't a whole lot of people. The snow leopard let the windows down, letting the air in the car waltz with the air outside, and even though the muggy air made their fur a little damp the coolness of the night was worth it.

"So, do you have a name, Mr. Snow Leopard?" The puma asked.

"Name's Connor Ieatus, you have one yourself, puma?"

"No, not one that you could use for long anyway."

"And what would you mean by that."

Then the puma made his move, he took a paw out from his tan satchel and produced a standard looking black pistol. The snow leopard slowed down the car, moving toward the shoulder of the road. He didn't know how things would go down, but he knew he didn't want to be going top speed when they did.

"Looks to me like you were right about the dangerous of hitchhiking, puma." The Connor said carefully.

"I know I'm fucking right now shut the fuck up. Here's how this is gonna go down, I'm going to give you till the count of five to get out of this car, if you're out by then, then you won't die in this car you got it?"

"Got it puma, just one problem with your plan there."

"What's the problem you white and spotted bitch?" The puma leaned in closer as he said that, pushing the gun into the snow leopards stomach.

"You're going to be the bitch." The snow leopard whispered.

The next bit happened quickly, with the swift prowess that the big cats in the small car possessed. The Connor jerked his right shoulder pushing the gun out of his stomach as the puma fired the round going out the open window into the forest. Connor brought out his left arm pushing the gun around and up to the puma just as the puma fired the second round. The second round went through the pumas left ear as it sailed out of the window. Connor then brought his right fist into the puma's muzzle getting off a square blow that knocked the puma out cold.

Connor drove them to a little turn off, which was shielded by the woods from the main road. He got out and went to the trunk of the car, getting out a length of rope.

The puma awoke in a frightening situation, and a painful one. He had felt his jaw break as the snow leopard hit him. He came too groggily realizing with terror that he was spread eagle across the hood of the car, and he was completely nude. He saw that the snow leopard was coming up from behind him, also nude.

"See who's the bitch now you puma. It's okay if you can't talk, your mouth only needs to do one thing now, but you can enjoy that in just a moment."

Connor went back to the car and returned still nude with the gun. He went over to the puma and pointed the end of the barrel at the puma's temple.

"I want you to beg me not to kill you, you worthless excuse for a cat."

The puma began sobbing and tried to beg, though no coherent sound was heard due to his broken jaw.

"Well I'll take that as begging though it sounded like you were begging for my cock. I'd hate to take away something you want so much, seeing as you don't have very much time left."

Connor got up on the hood of the car where the puma was strapped down. He brought his crotch up to the pumas face.

"If you don't want the rest of your life to be miserable and filled with pain then you better get to sucking, you bitch."

The puma felt the snow leopards cock being forced into his broken muzzle. He tried to scream in pain but his broken cock filled muzzle just emitted a horrible gurgling noise. He felt the snow leopard thrust in and out of his mouth. He saw his ears point out in pleasure.

"Fuck, you have no idea how amazing your mouth is you puma bitch. The break in your jaw hits my dick every time I thrust into you, and it's driving me wild."

Connor withdrew his long member from the puma's broken muzzle and got into position. He cock poised just in front of the puma's tailhole. With one large thrust he sunk his entire member into the puma's tailhole hilting him on the first try.

The puma tried to scream out; put all that came out of his mangled mouth was a muffled whine of pure agony. He could feel the barbed penis of the snow leopard as he was violently thrust into.

Connor's paws moved up to the puma's throat, choking him the harder he fucked him. The puma's tight virgin hole was driving Connor crazy, that combined with that muzzle job he had made the puma give him earlier were ensuring that he wouldn't last that much longer.

Connor sped up his thrusts into the mangled puma, tearing into his soft throat skin with his claws as he choked him. The feeling as his cock was squeezed and heated from the puma's tailhole was incredible. He felt the puma's muscles pushing against his cock making the experience even more pleasurable.

The puma was starting to become faint. His pain was being replaced by a sense of light headedness and soon color started disappearing from his vision. His ears were also shutting down and soon he could neither see nor hear. All the blood in his body was being redirected to his brain, trying to keep alive a little longer.

Connor exploded into the dying puma, cum gushed out of his cock in tsunami like waves. He quickly pulled out wiping the cum off his dick and onto the puma's fur. He undid the rope holding the puma down and let him slide onto the ground in front of his car. He started to walk away to get in his car before he noticed that the puma was still breathing short shallow breaths.

He got into his car anyway, starting it up while he put on some pants. He saw the puma trying to rise futilely and made his move. He slammed his footpaw onto the gas pedal and heard a satisfying crunchy splat as the puma's head caved in on itself from the weight of the car.

"How's that for Deathproof Tarantino!!"

Connor drove off, basking in the sexual afterglow, and still having a long drive ahead of him.

Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter X

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Faces Come Out of the Rain

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter IX

**I believe in complete and absolute non-ownership of everything, and so I do not claim to own these characters but rather submit them to public domain. If you wish to use them feel free to do so in any way (though I would like to be notified if they...

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