Sanrose Bio (Updated with birth history)

Story by Foxtrot Tactical on SoFurry

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this is basically my description of Sanrose in a nutshell. i most likely will be updating this every now and then. so yea. ^.^

Name: Sanrose Kigagjorian Dreagneos

Age: Aged for 25 Human Years, 1690 overall years old

Species: Anthrozil, Half Human/Half Dragon


Orientation: Straight

Height: 8' 3" tall

Description: Sanrose was a deep metallic blue scaled Dragon Anthro with sky blue scaled underbelly and markings. A prince of the dragon , he was never allowed to become king of the dragons since being only half dragon blood. trained in a style of sword play he taught himself from combining multiple different styles of sword fighting, his tone dragon body muscle structure is able to wield his massive sword, which he made himself during his with his father. while in training with the dragon scholars and teachers, he learned to be very wise and knowing in many things. during his time with the dragons, he fought in two wars, one he leaded the final battle against a evil army, with a final epic battle between him, and a corrupted dragon, leading to his near death. after the wars he recovered successfully and decided to move back with the humans to live peacefully among them. a noble and humble warrior, or guardian as many called him, he in now a lone traveler, riding on his custom built motorcycle he built. not usually staying anywhere for a long time, but stays if he is needed and makes sure everyone is safe when he is around. never in his life had he found love besides the girl he loved before the war, but was killed during the war. one thing to be warned about him, although he may be a gentle giant, every rose has its thorn. when he was angered to a certain point, his body would turn red and black and his strength would increase, but his love or kindness disappears, causing him to have a high possibility to attack anyone. during his years he has learned to control his anger and his actions, turning him to being a fun, loving and caring individual.

Perks: Strength, (able to lift and use heavier items)

Wisdom, (wise and knowing in many things)

Smarts, (can think quickly and solve problems so both sides can usually win in a conflict, but will side to help the needed individual)

Agility, (although strong he has also mastered abilities to run and use his body in with quick reactions, helping him greatly when he played a favored game with his dragon friends [Parkour tag])

Kindness, (most all times is he kind and loving towards everyone he meets, trying to make friends so they know he is not a threat but a friend. also enjoys helping other in labor tasks or helping them in emotional times.

Humility, (Ofter gives and helps wether the less fortunate or the wealthy in most needs. from giving to working. he respects all as equals and is ready to give and or help.


Rage, (when angered to an extent, he goes into a raged frenzy and will most likely attack innocent individuals.)

Hider, (Normally hides most feeling from everyone due to a troubled past of expressing feelings turning against him.)

Overly Modest, (Often he never promotes himself but always promotes others instead before his own needs, and denies any comments made to him that would improve his stature. ["Sanrose, you are a hott and attractive guy, and I think you are a really nice dragon and I love your eyes." "Thank you my'dear, but i do not understand how you may see me as attractive in any way, i am just a dragon, nothing special. and i am only being the way i feel i should")

Depressive, (although never physically hurt himself on purpose, he tends to mentally put himself down especially when he may make a mistake with stong ammounts of self discipline. he turns quiet and distant during his depressive state.)


Sanrose was born during the ages of king Arthur. During the time when the dragon/human crisis was just beginning. At the moment, the dragons and the humans weren't exactly kind to one another, caused by a dispute between a dragon guard and a 'merchant' as people called him. This 'merchant' was actually a well-known thief and murderer that terrorized the people in Camelot. While this guard was patrolling near the borders of the lands, he heard a scream. Doing his duty, the guard ran towards the scream to investigate. When he arrived at the scene, he noticed there was only a single man, standing over three bodies. The man had a bloody dagger in hand as was looting the bodies for their riches. Of course, the guard did exactly what he was supposed to do, he investigated. When the saw the dragon, he ran into the woods. The guard, of course, gave chase and quickly caught up to him. When the thief turned to face the dragon to try to kill him. The guard reacted and swiped at the dagger the thief had in defense. Not only did he hit the dagger away, but he also hit the thief's face, and sliced into it with his talons, killing the man instantly. When the villagers and city-folk of Camelot, learned of the 'merchants death, it caused a large dispute, and rumors spread about the dragons now hunting humans. These rumours began to spread all over the lands and to other kingdoms. The king tried tirelessly to calm his subjects and fellow royals in the surrounding lands, to tell them that this was not true and that the dragons are they're friends. The people would not listen, and raiding parties were created to attack the dragon homes to kill the dragons. Trying to be noble as possible to show that they were they're friends, the dragons did not strike back. But, even with the kings new law that makes dragon hunting punishable by death, the peoples blood-lust drove them even more mad into killing the dragons.

While this was happening, Sanrose's Father, the at the time Prince, was just a young adult dragon, still learning the ways of the noble and wise elders so that when he became king one day. He would be proud, just, noble and wise and be sure to keep peace throughout the kingdom. On one of the Princes' free days to just enjoy himself, he ventured toward the human lands, where he was forbidden. When he did, he met a young human woman, out doing chores for her father. She lived on a lonely farm in the country, away from the city of Camelot. Even though she heard the rumors and had seen the raiding parties. She didn't really have a opinion since she never had met a dragon, until today. When the prince found her, he at first sneaked to get close so he could listen to her sing as she folded laundry. By fate, he tripped and exposed himself into the open, startling the girl. The prince quickly grabbed her and hushed her from screaming, and assured her that he would not hurt her. The began to talk casually. After introducing himself, the woman began to trust the prince and after many visits. They became fast friends. After many more visits and after two months, the dragon prince, and the maiden, fell in love.

With love between them forbidden by both sides, they kept their relationship secretive. After many close calls. They finally released their secret to only the dragons. In after a large argument between the prince and the king, they both were accepted into the dragon world, especially since now she was bearing their child, which would be the later world-ed, Sanrose. The dragons now protected the woman with royal guards since she was impregnated with the next prince, weather dragon, or human, it shall be a prince in the dragons history.

When the city got word of what happened to the now missing daughter of a farmer, they were even more furious and rumors spread that the dragons now are kidnapping and raping women. This, now started, the dragon-human war.

Because of the number of dragons murdered by the humans before the war, their numbers were already small and only grew smaller with ever battle. Taking pity on the dragons and feeling responsible for the war, king Arthur himself, with longtime friend and advisor, the prophet merlin, met with the dragon king and prince to discuss a way to free the dragons from the cruelty the humans cause to them.

When the people found out about how merlin was involved with the dragons, the decided to go for an all-out attack into the dragons palace. To kill the dragons before they could escape. As the battle began, the king, prince, his lover, the woman, were in the main hall preparing for the sending to a new world, were dragons could live together in harmony and peace. The battles had moved from the castle gates to inside the walls, as numerous human hoards flooded the battlegrounds. Now, around a few dozen dragons living, it was time that they were to leave. But, at this same time, as the battle now at the door, the woman's child, was to be born.

After the birth, the woman died. The prince was happy to have brought a son, but had no time to mourn for his loss of his lover. He took her body and the new child and headed for the transport portal merlin had created for the dragons to escape. Merlin stopped the prince and demanded that the baby be given to him, so that he may care and look after it and make sure it gets the family it needs. After much hesitation, the prince submitted. He could trust merlin with his own life, and trusted him with his newborns as well. Merlin took the child, and closed the portal after the prince went through, as he was the last one in.

After the portals closure, the prophet quickly destroyed any way that the humans could get in and created an imagery that the dragons inside this room were slain and lay dead, just before he teleported away to a safe location, away to his own private home. It was there that merlin was revealed the prophecy of this child that lay sleeping in the prophets arms. That he one day shall bring peace between the dragons and the humans again. With council from powers beyond, merlin created a timeless capsule, and used his powers to make the baby appear fully human until that time came that he would be what he really was. The baby was placed in the capsule, and then was sent away.

At a hospital in modern times, a baby was born, and taken to the infirmary. At that same time, the baby from the dragon prince, lay in another bed. By fate, a mix up happened, and the prince's son was handed to the family as their own. They felt blessed and happy that their newborn was happy and healthy. Little did they know, that this baby was the dragon prince's son, and in time, after he grew, he would be the one to reunite the dragons and the humans as one.

As the baby that was now dubbed with a human name, grew up to a young man. He learned under teachers and attended school in the city. When one day, after an encounter with a thief, he was shot in the chest while rescuing a woman from the thieves hands. After being rushed to the hospital, he lay in a coma, Seemingly lifeless, but still breathing. As a nurse went in for a routine checkup on the patient. She found his bed to be empty, and a small circular burn on the floor. After many investigations, the prince's son, was nowhere to be found.

In another world, the princes son awoke, to be in a grassy field. Ahead of him, were two anthromorphic creatures that he ad only thought would be a dream. Apon standing, he now saw his body had changed. Fingers turned to claws, feet turned to talons, a tail and wings, all covered with scales. After much explaining from the anthros, he finally understood and was ready to meet his father.

Sanrose and Lania's Acceptance

# Authors notes: hey there, so honestly i have to say that NON of the Chapters i have written about Sanrose, are in line with one another. there is just so much i think of about the idea but yet, i don't always have my handy dandy laptop with me. lol....

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Sanrose Dream

| # Authors notes: sooo... believe it or not, this is actually a dream i had one night. no joke. lol. i actually dreamed this up one night about... sheesh... five years ago now? maybe? any ways. this is the dream i had that started my whole...

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Forgiven, Chapter 4

Author's notes: Back from camping, and i always keep my promises. so here is the next juicey slice into the apple pie of...

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