The Incontinent Coach 2

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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Ray graduates from high school with a full scholarship to a nearby college. The power forward is excited that he'll be able to stay in close proximity to the coach, but a few surprises will change everything.

With only four losses for the entire season, the Evergreen High varsity basketball team finished the year on a high note. The team was in good spirits. Coach Steve Markos was energized, enthusiastic and maintained a great relationship with his players, including one in particular. Ray Johnson graduated high school with honors and was accepted to a local college on a full scholarship. His family was overjoyed when they found out. However, his sister remained cautiously optimistic. Something was going on with her younger brother -- and for good reason. Shortly before Christmas the year before, Ray was nervous about someone he "had a crush on." When she inquired who the person was, Ray accidentally described the "crush" as a male. Since that day, Ray was more relaxed and confident. Why the sudden mood change?

Throughout the season, Ray lived a secret life. He visited the coach at his home several times a week. Outside the coach's house, he was the team player with ambitious aspirations. Inside, he was a lover; a boyfriend and a proud deviant. Surprisingly, Ray was able to handle his double-life almost seemlessly with the exception of whispering, "I love you" to the coach after some games. Fortunately, nobody heard that small, loving exchange. After most of the games, Ray visited the coach at his house and they would celebrate in a very intimate way. As soon as he felt that he was overstaying his welcome, Ray left and returned home. When his parents asked about his whereabouts, he lied to them. He would tell them that he was "out with his friends." After a while, his sister wasn't buying it.

Ray arrived home late one evening. It was a week since he graduated high school. By the time he arrived, his parents were sound asleep. His sister was turning off all the lights in the house and was getting ready for bed. When she heard the front door close, she knew that her brother returned.

"Hey Ray!" she greeted him cheerfully.

He smiled, waved and walked toward his bedroom without saying anything.

"I haven't talked to you much. What have you been up to?" she asked.

He shook his head and shrugged. "Not much, really. I'm kinda beat, so I'm going to sleep. Good night!"

When he was about to turn away from her, Ray felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hold up," she said in a lowered voice.

"What is it?"

"Ray-Ray, I can read you like an open book. You're hiding something."

Ray sighed. Normally, he confided to his sister about everything. But not this time. "I'm not hiding anything."

"You are. Yes, you are!"

"I was out having dinner with some of the team. It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

She huffed and walked up the stairs to her bedroom. He walked to his bedroom, shut the door behind him and undressed immediately. This time, he was wearing thicker disposable diapers. When he wore diapers before, Ray wore diapers that were normally obtainable at the local pharmacy and chain stores. That's before he knew that the best diapers were readily available on the Internet. Because of Steve's fecal incontinence, he preferred wearing diapers that were sufficiently absorbent and best suited for heavy loads. Ray's sister had no idea that her brother was still wearing diapers. He was able to keep that a secret as well, but barely.

Overall, Ray calmed down enough to reduce his anxiety attacks. He also stopped wetting the bed completely. However, he made the conscious effort to wear diapers all the time. He felt more comfortable being this way. In fact, it felt like something that was missing his entire life. Despite being the macho basketball player who masquerated as the popular jock, Ray liked being the "baby." He saw it as the ultimate defiance. By soiling his diaper, he was making a statement: "I'm not using the toilet, and I'm not going to do what you tell me to do." And not only did he have a boyfriend who encouraged that mentality, he also had a boyfriend who made that philosophy a major part of his life.

The diapered couple struck a mutual agreement. Ray would wear only the diaper he was given and would visit Steven when he needed a change. The challenge was to use the diaper sparingly -- no flooding, and messing only when it was necessary. Using the toilet was, of course, prohibited. This, said Steve, was something that he got accustomed to mostly because he didn't have much control over his incontinence. Ray was curious and wanted to know what life was like for Steve, so as a result of that curiosity, the agreement was formed. Ray rose to the challenge. However, this resulted in Ray visiting Steve more often. Fortunately, Steve lived roughly a mile away from him. He was walking distance.

The next morning, Ray decided to walk to the coach's home. His thick diaper was a little soggy, so he developed a waddle walk. Hoping that nobody would notice, Ray looked ahead and didn't change his facial expression. Little did he know, Steve had an unexpected visitor at his home. Michael Dupak sat down with Steve in the coach's living room and relived memories from the recent season. Steve sat on his sofa chair and laughed with the gator.

"When Jerry tumbled into the stands, that was hilarious," Steve said to Michael.

"Yep. That brought a few tears to my eyes. First there were tears like, 'Shit, our center is injured,' but when we found out he was uninjured, I cried tears of laughter," said Michael. "So what are your plans for next year?"

Steve shrugged. "I'm good for another year. I want to keep the momentum going."

"Please, let me know if I'm crossing any boundaries with you, but --"

"No, not at all!"

"I noticed that you and Johnson are a bit, well, close."

Steve grinned nervously. "I... well... I think he's a talented guy. Did you hear he got a full scholarship?"

"No, I haven't," said Michael sharply. "But Steve, seriously man. Cut the bullshit."

The buck lowered his brows. "What do you mean 'cut the bullshit?'"

"You damn well know what I mean. I saw him in diapers one game. I see how you two look at each other. What did you do to the kid?"

Steve's usually chipper demeanor suddenly turned very serious. "Excuse me?"

"Be honest with me, Markos! What is going on between you two?"

Steve crossed his arms. He knew that if he was too defensive about the situation, Michael would increase scrutiny. Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. He heard a knocking at his door. He knew who it was. His eyes quickly shifted to the source of the knocking and then back at Michael.

"Answer the door," said Michal sternly.

Steve slowly got up from his chair and walked to the door. "Hope it's not you, Ray," he thought.

When Steve opened the door, he was relieved. It was the mailman. He had a package in his paws and asked the coach for a signature. Steve happily obliged. Little did he know, Ray was already at the house, hiding behind a corner. From an open window, Ray could hear the conversation between Steve and Michael. He heard only what he needed to hear. He was a little surprised by the assistant coach's admission that he noticed Ray wearing diapers during one game. He felt that his privacy was invaded. Agitated, the roo continued hiding by the side of the coach's house to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Michael was more assertive than before. "I think it's wrong -- I mean, morally objectionable -- that you would engage in a relationship with one of your players. Are you going to sit here and tell me that Ray shares the same problem that you do? There's something very unsettling about this."

"You're making a lot of assumptions, Mike," snapped the coach as he walked away from the door with the package in hand.

"Do you think I have 'stupid' tattooed on my forehead?" said the croc, pointing to his forehead.

Suddenly, the door swung open. Ray stood in the doorway with his arms crossed. Steve shook his head at Ray nervously. "I believe the coach is just protecting me," the roo told Michael. "What's going on between us is none of your business."

The gator was surprised to see Ray. "Didn't expect to see you here," Michael muttered.

"Do we have a relationship? The answer is yes," said Ray boldly.

"And do you know how ridiculously unethical it is for a coach to be in bed with his pupil?" the gator shot back.

It was ping-pong. "Do you know how creepy it is to be checking out young players on a team?"

Realizing that Ray overheard parts of the conversation, Michael refrained from continuing the current line of argument. "I wasn't, but -- look, I'm just saying that if the press catches wind of this, it's going to bring the whole school down."

Ray pointed to his chest. "I have every right to love him. I approached the coach. I was the one who started talking to him... It's not his fault!"

Steve raised his hand and gestured Ray to stop talking. "He's right, Ray. The circumstances surrounding our relationship are suspect."

"Have Ray sign a non-disclosure agreement," Michael suggested.

"What about you?" Ray asked Michael.

Michael went silent. The gator rubbed his chin and looked at Ray with his beady eyes. He reached for his belt, unfastened it and then pulled up the elastic waistband of his own diaper. He flashed it and got the roo's undivided attention. "My lips are sealed."

Shocked, Ray took a few steps back and stuttered, "What's going on, Steve?"

Steve walked over to Ray and put his hand on the roo's shoulder. "I think you deserve an explanation."

The friendship between Michael Dupak and Steve Markos went way back. The two were childhood friends and neighbors until Michael moved about fourty miles away from Steve. This happened around the time they were in middle school. Both men were basketball players and avid fans of the sport. They attended many professional games together and were very close friends. Before he attended high school, Steve didn't wear diapers often. But when he did, he wore them around Michael, who was used to it. On a whim, the young gator declared to the future superstar that he wanted to be his "diaper buddy." The two wore diapers as a symbol of their friendship. It was never a sexual thing, and neither of them were attracted to each other because of it. Though they went their separate ways, they kept in contact with each other once in a while.

Time passed. Michael got married and had two children. He didn't pursue a professional basketball career, though he was talented in his own right as a menacing center and record-shattering shot blocker. He graduated from college with a Master's degree in Business Administration and opened up a small but popular restaurant in town. By the time Steve suddenly retired from playing professionally, Michael applied for the basketball coach position at Evergreen High. As luck would have it, Steve applied and got the job right away. When he found out that Steve returned to his hometown to coach the high school team, Michael phoned the buck and congratulated him. Little did Michael know that his childhood friend put in a good word with the school administration. Steve convinced the school to hire Michael as an assistant coach. The friendship was renewed and Michael returned to diapers as a sign of solidarity.

"Wow," said Ray, who could barely comprehend the back story. He sat on the couch next to the scaley, brutish gator. Everyone in the room, including Steve, was wearing nothing but diapers.

"So can we trust you to not talk about this publicly?" asked Michael. "I want some assurance."

The roo nodded and sighed. "I'm fine with it. This is just weird."

"It's weird that Mr. Casanova-Playboy, over there, would be with another man. You never cease to amaze me, Steve."

Steve shrugged. "It just happened. What can I say?"

The diapered trio settled down and enjoyed the rest of the day like nothing ever happened. Steve and the gang watched one of the major league playoff games with Ray and Michael. When stomachs started to grumble, Steve ordered some pizza to be delivered. When the delivery rabbit arrived, the big gator answered the door. The rabbit lowered his ears as he came face-to-face with Michael's thick, wet diaper.

"What? You haven't seen an alligator in a wet diaper before?" said Michael before he handed the rabbit money including tip. The gator grinned and slowly closed the door. He shouted to the guys in the living room, "I gave the poor boy something to remember. Nothing a long, lonely night at the bar won't fix, right? Ten to twelve shots. Memory erased. Mission accomplished."

As it turned out, Michael was an easy-going person. Behind the somewhat intimidating exterior was a gator who wanted to have a good time. Ray realized this and he was getting more relaxed as time passed that day. He didn't feel any pressure to be someone that he wasn't. He even snuck in some time to cuddle with his boyfriend and eat pizza. Michael didn't mind the displays of affection between Ray and Steve, though it wasn't a sight that he was used to. When it dawned on him that his childhood friend was truly in love with Ray, Michael apologized for his abrasive attitude from earlier. Ray quickly forgave him and dismissed the drama as a "misunderstanding."

They sat around Steve's living room, eating pizza and watching the playoff game between the Provincetown Thunder and Louis City Stars. Steve watched his old team, the Thunder, struggle on the offense. The buck picked apart their plays and cursed at the television. He saw his former teammates getting pushed outside the paint and forced to take long, awkward jumpshots. He shouted at them, "Do the pick and roll! Pick and roll!" At the end of the half, the Thunder was down by 12. Steve admitted to his friends that he was the "playmaker." He would call the plays for each possession, and force the team to adjust. Steve got into coaching because he was credited for improvising good strategies on the court. He once joked that timeouts "killed the rhythm of the game." Michael reminded Steve of that quote. The buck smiled and nodded affirmatively.

Ray laughed at Steve's outburts. At first, the roo was irritated with his boyfriend's self-infatuation and his opinion that he would save the game. "You act like you can save the world too," he joked with Steve. But Ray watched his coach when he played on the team. He was good. He was so good that every team had to double-team him, yet he would somehow pull off that fadeaway jumper from the corner. Nothing but net. Steve was a master of the clutch plays. He caused his rivals great agony in the fourth quarter. This was required. The Thunder did not have a good bench lineup: several young, second and third-round draft picks with inconsistent results. By the end of the game, Steve was exhausted and wanted nothing more to return to the locker room and change out of his wet, sweaty diaper.

Because he had more minutes of playtime than most of the starting lineup, Steve was always concerned about his body. His incontinence was, of course, very unpredictable. Some games, he would play completely dry; that was the best scenario. Other times he would literally mess his diaper in the middle of the game -- on live television, no less. He did so in front of millions of people watching the game at home and in the stands. The worst scenario was having to play with a solid, squishy loud dangling around the seat. On the flipside, whoever was guarding the buck was in for a very stinky surprise. There was always a silver lining.

While they were watching the halftime report, Steve went silent, looked coldly at the television screen and let out a fart. It was like clockwork: there was a moment of dead air silence on the broadcast when the fart was cast. The buck blushed and looked over at Ray. It was official: Steve soiled his diaper. A relatively large load slithered into his diaper seat, causing the diaper to bulge more dramatically. The smell came right after.

"Big baby needs a change," said Ray.

The gator crossed his arms and looked down at the floor. "I'm not doing it." He chuckled to himself and smiled. "Age before beauty. Change the coach. I'll let you know when the game comes back on."

Steve followed Ray into the bedroom. "Got a clothespin?" Ray asked Steve half-jokingly. "My nose needs protection from you!"

Ray was not used to changing someone else's diaper. He's had some practice with Steve, but he still had a horrified expression on his face when he had to change Steve's messy diapers. Wet diapers were a different story entirely. He was very meticulous and slow in changing Steve, and Steve was completely fine with it. When he untaped his coach's diaper, Ray made sure to rub all the contents off his older boyfriend's fur with the diaper. He did this in a very careful, loving way. When he found some momentum, Ray took some baby wipes from the top drawer of Steve's dresser and wiped around the crotch. Steve was clearly aroused by the time Ray wiped around his sheath.

"Again?" said Ray as he looked at Steve's erection.


Ray chuckled. "It's alright. Maybe after the game, we can --"

"Sounds good."

Next came the baby powder. Ray rubbed the baby powder on Steve. The buck remained deeply aroused. He loved that Ray was so accepting and passionate about taking care of him. For years, Steve was used to being the one who changed himself, taking care of himself. When he dated women, they often pitied him for his condition and made him feel worthless. Ray was different. Despite being intimidated by dealing with his boyfriend's messy diapers, Ray was extremely compassionate. It showed a maturity that went well beyond his years. And yet he was young, vibrant and full of vitality. Steve felt very fortunate to cross paths with Ray, though that path was very unusual and -- to an extent -- morally ambiguous.

"Thank you," Steve said to Ray in an unusually low, whispered tone.

As soon as Ray finished taping up Steve's new, clean diaper, he gave the coach a kiss on the lips. At that moment, the game they were watching was irrelevant. Michael called out the score as the two men made out with each other in the bedroom.

"53 to 42! Red was called for a technical! The raptor son-of-a-bitch might be ejected from the game if he doesn't shut the Hell up!"

The kissing and fondling went interrupted. Michael figured out what was going on. "Okay, got it!" he shouted playfully.

That snapped the two lovebirds out of their trance. "We can't leave our guest," Steve said to Ray.

They wandered back into the living room. The Thunder were now up by four at the start of the fourth quarter. Michael was glued to the couch, eating pizza and watching the glowing television screen. He excitedly threw his hands in the air when one of the Thunder players performed a successful reverse alley-oop. Because the game was played at Thunder's home court, the crowd stood up almost in unison and roared. The Stars had to call a timeout in order to freeze the Thunder's momentum. Steve shouted, "Yes! Yes!" for every stop the Thunder defense made. He cheered when they made the defensive rebounds and swarmed the half court. He was living the game in his mind. Though he wasn't on the court, the buck broke out in a sweat from just watching.

During the commercials, Michael and Ray talked to each other. Steve got dressed and headed out to get some soda for the group.

"So, what's your trip?" Michael asked.

Sitting beside Michael on the couch, Ray shrugged. "I guess... that..."

"No, I mean, how did you get into diapers?"

Ray sighed. "I used to have anxiety, panic attacks as a result of stress. That stress came from years of being bullied at school for this and that. Because I got stressed out a lot, my body couldn't deal with it. I'd have, well, accidents at night. I wet the bed. After my sister joked that I should wear diapers, I got some. Around the time, I was placed on meds, which would calm me down. But anti-depressants have side effects. You take 'em long enough, and you feel like you're slipping away. But at the same time, this reduced the accidents I had. So I was caught between a rock and a hard place in that I either had to wear 'protection' and cope with my condition on a day-by-day basis or I could take this medication and feel numb for the rest of my life."

"So Steve didn't encourage or coerce you into wearing, then?"

Ray shook his head. "No. Actually, that day when he accidentally showed the team his diaper, I felt more encouraged to talk to him. He was someone I could talk to. I knew, right away, that he could relate to what I was experiencing. What I didn't know was that he was also a nice guy, and a lot of fun to be around."

"That he is. And hey, I'm really happy that he has a good guy watching his back," said the gator.

Ray pointed to himself, surprised. "Me?"

Michael nodded. "Not a lot of people understand what Steve has gone through. Imagine living every day, every minute of your life, not knowing when you're going to have that 'accident.' You don't know when, but when it does happen, you feel very self-conscious. He needs to be around more people who not only understand his circumstances, but share them as well. Me? I wear when I'm around Steve because, hey, why shouldn't I? But I'm not incontinent. If I was, gosh... I wouldn't know if my kids would ever take him seriously? 'Hey mom! Dad pooped his diaper! Hardy-har-har-har.'" The gator took a deep breath and exhaled. He continued. "You know, I still can't believe that you and the 'Thunder Kid' -- that's Steve's nickname -- are together. It seems... almost incestuous. Don't get me wrong."

Ray nodded. "No, no. I get it. He's my coach. I'm on the team. He's my mentor too."

"But he loves you."

"And I love him."

"Then take care of him. We've entrusted you with this -- oh, how should I put this -- special bond. Don't screw it up!" said the gator. He chuckled and patted his young diapered friend on the back. He turned to the roo and grinned. "Hope I didn't scare the shit out of you too badly. I have that effect on people," he bragged. "Fortunately you got a diaper on."

Ray rolled his eyes. "Big, diapered scalies don't scare me."

The Thunder came back and won the game to advance to the finals. The diapered trio celebrated by eating some cold pizza and guzzling several cans of soda. While he was distracted, Ray forgot to change out of his now day-old diaper. He realized his negligence when his diaper started to leak onto the couch. He started peeing in his diaper and noticed that his side of the couch was warmer and damper than usual. He blushed and stood up suddenly. Steve saw a steady stream of piss oozing down his partner's leg.

"Someone's sprunk a leak!" exclaimed Michael.

Steve got up, fetched a towel from his bedroom and placed it on the couch where Ray was sitting. "I should invest in some incontinent pads," he said to Michael.

"I'm so sorry!" Ray lowered his ears and sat down on the towel.

"It's alright."

Ray's diaper was no longer absorbing the liquid. When he peed, the urine splashed back onto his shaft. It was a very pleasant, warm sensation. With a clean diaper, you don't necessarily feel "dirty" when you wet the first time around. It's the second time around when you feel like you need a change. The erotic feeling of being on the brink of leaking stirred the roo up, and got him blushing mercilessly. Steve knew that Ray was turned on by the humiliating experience. Ray got off on the need to rely on someone else to change him. He could easily do it himself, but with two able pals in the room, getting changed would be an easy task.

Ten minutes and a fresh diaper later, Ray thanked Steve by giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"That's the second time you bailed me out," said Ray.

"We all have our ups and downs," said Steve dismissively. "Don't sweat it."

It was mid-afternoon and the sun started to set. Michael and Ray got dressed and left Steve's house together. Michael got into his car, which was parked in front of the coach's place. Ray casually strolled over the car as Michael was buckling up in the driver's seat. Michael turned the ignition and rolled his window down. He looked at the roo and smiled.

"It was fun hanging with you, kid," said Michael. "So, hey, how did you get here? Did you drive or --"

"I walked."

"You want a ride?"


Ray gave Michael directions back to his house. After hanging out with the gator, Ray considered the assistant coach a friend. But Michael wasn't on the same wavelength. He saw the roo as a caring, playful yet submissive roo. The gator was entertaining some interesting thoughts about the now-former Evergreen High player. He couldn't help but enjoy the moment Ray's diaper was leaking. In his mind, Michael played the scene in slow motion. Piss ran down Ray's legs; it splattered onto the carpet and created a small stain on the carpet. Then there was Ray's wet diaper. It was already dark with wetness before, but when he was flooding it, the outside of it was already sparkling with a wet, pissy dew. Michael had to hold himself back from squeezing Ray's diaper and feeling that wetness with his fingers. Then there was that bulge. The bulge appeared to be pointed upward as if the roo was horny from the awkwardness. It looked like Ray had leaked his diaper on purpose! But he looked at the roo's face, and saw him looking down at his diaper with a concerned expression.

"No wonder Steve fell for the guy," Michael thought. "What a nasty guy!"

"Are you alright?" asked Ray, who noticed Michael was preoccupied.

"Yeah. Should I turn left at the next light?"

"Yep! Over there..."

Michael's interest in wearing diapers wasn't as innocent as he made it out to be. It was true that he got into diapers with Steve as a way to bond with him, but the interest was much more than that. The gator was always a deviant in one form or another. As a youngster, Michael actually liked wetting his pants. He liked doing so because he was a contrarian; he liked to do the opposite of what he was supposed to do. Need to use the toilet? No. He would go in his pants. His parents were understandably upset with his habits. They hoped that their son would get out of that "phase." Eventually, he did -- with the help of diapers, of course. As he got older, it was clear to Michael that he developed a diaper and pants-wetting fetish. After he moved away from Steve's neighborhood, Michael lost his diaper supply. By that time, he learned to keep his strange habits dormant. From time to time, he thought about the adrenaline rush that he got from wetting himself: the feeling of letting go entirely while soaking up the warmth like a sponge. And for that duration, he's constantly reminded of what a bad boy he is and how he deserves a spanking.

When he reached adulthood, Michael's tastes became more abstract. He was heavily into bondage. He liked to be the recipient of punishment, but he preferred to administrate it. He got a sexual charge from assuming power or someone, especially someone who was willing to relinquish their independence. He often entertained fantasies of forcing someone into diapers and manipulating their bathroom control. Until Ray came along, most of his fantasies involved females and rarely males. Ray piqued his interest. When Ray's diaper started leaking, Michael noticed how the young roo continued peeing and did nothing to stop it. It was clear that Ray pretended to be helpless and desperate. He could have wandered to the bathroom, which was only a few steps away, but didn't. This turned the big gator on. It was almost as if Ray knew what buttons to press. As he drove Ray home, Michael felt his libido send a sexualized jolt throughout his body. He wanted so badly to act on his impulse, drive Ray somewhere quiet and tie him up -- just for fun, of course. But the responsible adult side of him prevailed and drove him home without incident.

Ray arrived home. After he was dropped off in front of his house, the roo checked the family mailbox. Inside it was a letter personally addressed to him. This was the letter that would change his life forever.

The Redwood Nationals, a professional team, expressed interest in signing him. The letter couldn't have come at a more awkward time. He was recently awarded a full scholarship to a local university, which was conveniently located near Steve. The problem was that Redwood was located nearly six hours north, and he had no intention of being any further from his boyfriend. He figured that he could attend the university, sharpen his skills for a few years and complete his education should he decide to pursue another career beside basketball. There was always that possibility. Yet he always dreamed of playing in the big leagues. If he started playing in the fall, which is when the next season starts, he could generate some significant buzz. The question is whether he could meet or exceed the hype. Though all the possibilities yielded very favorable results, Ray wanted to maintain his relationship with Steve.

Ray's evolving affections for Steve impaired his ability to make an objective decision. He walked into the house and spent some time quietly reflecting on his life. He sat down on his bed with his crinkly diaper softly cradling his rear. He looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand. 5:35 PM. He sighed and studied all the posters on his wall. Each poster consisted of a basketball player that he admired. Then his eyes were fixed on one poster in particular; that of Steve Markos. Jersey number 8. Most Valuable Player of the year from 2003 through 2005. Ray could barely tell that the buck was wearing a diaper underneath those shorts. The poster was a photo of Steve dunking the ball with his signature tomahawk slam. Then Ray's mind went blank. He looked at his posters and grew restless. Without thinking twice, Ray stood up, went to his closet to retrieve his basketball and left the house. This time, he took his car.

He drove to a nearby basketball court to shoot some hoops. The court was located in a park a few blocks east of his high school. This always helped clear his mind. He pretended that he was being guarded by someone so he could practice his spin moves and making contested shots. Ray was getting into the practice with some intensity. He felt that he needed the workout. It helped ease the tension. Every time he thought about his personal situation, the ball slipped out of his hands. Every time the ball slipped out of his hands, the ball bounced to the opposite end of the court. The act of retrieving the ball took him out of his element. After about an hour of shooting around the ball, Ray got exasperated and left the court. When he got back in his car, Ray buried his head with his hands and leaned over the steering wheel. A lot was going through his mind, and he could barely deal with it all.

The roo took his time driving back home. He drove by the coach's house and headed downtown. He drove around aimlessly for a while, looking around. He wanted to park somewhere random and walk until his legs gave out, but he didn't want his family concerned. He came across a medical supply store, parked in their lot and walked inside. There, he looked for a couple of things: a bag of adult diapers and a waterproof pad. He felt that his diaper dependence was more of a distraction than entertaining foreplay. He also wanted to make sure that any leaks were contained. The supply store had a surprisingly unique array of diapers to choose from. There were common store brands and the "hospital-grade," as they were referred to in the store. He reached for the "hospital-grade," which were similar to the diapers Steve wore for his incontinence. He found the pad, which was conveniently located next to the "incontinence aids." By the time he got to the checkout stand, he pulled his hooded top over his head to conceal his identity.

Steve cleaned up his living room, vacuumed the floor and put all the trash in a big trash bag. He wanted to make absolutely sure that the house was nice and tidy -- as if there were no rambuctious diaper boys around. The coach felt more comfortable with the fact that everyone was getting along. He was concerned that the assistant coach Michael would be disapproving of his relationship with a former player. He was very nervous about others finding out about the relationship, including his childhood friend. What Steve didn't know was that Michael kept a close eye on Ray, and that he kept a close eye on him since he first saw the roo in diapers during a game. Steve was under the impression that the gator was a family man; a big guy with a gentle soul and a penchant for wearing diapers once in a while. Little did he know that diapers, to Michael, was a practice in bondage: something that the perverted gator appreciated.

Suddenly, the phone rang. The buck just finished cleaning the living room and was about to check his e-mail. He answered the phone. It was Michael. He called to inform Steve that his wife was going on vacation for a week. She planned on taking the kids to their grandparents' house, which was located a few hours away. Michael was wondering if Ray wanted to housesit for a couple of days and earn a little cash on the site. Without thinking twice, Steve told Michael that he would relay the message. Michael told Steve that the roo could watch over the house and "pad around" if he wanted to. It seemed innocent enough. After he got off the phone with Michael, Steven called Ray's cell phone and left a message on his voicemail. As he was leaving the message, Steve felt that something was amiss, but he couldn't explain why. Steve and Michael knew each other for years, and it didn't feel like something ominous was going to happen. He spent a lot of time at the assistant coach's house and thought nothing of it. Nothing ever happened between them.

Ray was already back at his house when Steve called him.

"Housesitting?" Ray asked Steve in disbelief.

"It shouldn't be a big deal. He'd kick you a few bucks if you helped out," said Steve.

Ray paced back and forth in his bedroom while he conversed with Steve. "And what about Michael?"

"He's the coach for the summer leagues at school. His hours are about... I think... eight until six, so he has a ten-hour shift there. Someone's got to watch the house for him. He also said you could diaper up to your hearts' content. You do have the place to yourself."

Ray rubbed his chin. "Okay, sure. Why not?"

It was Monday morning, and Ray arrived at Michael's house. Steve provided him with directions, and told him that a set of house keys were located under the doormat of his front patio. Ray found the keys, helped himself inside the modest two-story home, and brought his backpack of supplies with him. He turned on the lights to the living room and looked around cautiously. The house was peaceful and quiet. Ray was still waking up, so he stretched his long arms and yawned. He wasn't used to getting up this early. But he was more than happy to, given the fact that he had the whole house to wander around in his diapers: a luxury that wasn't conveniently available to him at his parents' house. He also had some time alone to think about his personal situation as it was evolving.

He toured around the house and studied the rooms. The first floor consisted of the living room, the kitchen and a hallway leading to the bedrooms of his kids. Also in the hallway, there was a bathroom door and a door that led to the basement. The basement door was locked. Upstairs was where the master bedroom and bathroom were located, and there were a pair of hall closets. Ray respected Michael's privacy and left the closet doors unopened. However, the roo was curious about where the big gator stashed his diapers. When the coast was clear, Ray undressed in the master bedroom. He took off his shirt, pants and underwear, leaving only his thick diaper and socks. The first order of business was to perform carwheels around the bedroom while shouting, "Free at last!" When he calmed down, Ray turned on the television in the master bedroom and sat down at the corner of the bed.

Ray watched the local news. The sports segment came on, and the sports anchor talked about the score between the Thunder and the Stars. It was Game 2 out of 7, and the Stars were up by nine. The Thunder had been struggling in their transitions. Still, analysts predicted that the Thunder would rally later in the game. As he watched the news, Ray kept thinking about his future. A professional team was interested in him already! He couldn't believe it. The one thing keeping him from appearing before millions of fans on the basketball court was his hesitation. He would have no choice, but to move out of the area. However, moving away from parents was always desirable. Moving away could result in complete independence, and he could do whatever he wanted. The problem, obviously, was Steve. His relationship with Steve was the first serious one he's ever had. He loved the coach dearly. He didn't want to leave Steve's side. The sex was good too.

Jogging downstairs, Ray fetched his backpack and brought it to the master bedroom. He sat the backpack down on the floor once he returned and took out a waterproof pad, which covered the entire bed. He rolled out the pad and laid comfortably on top of it. He kept his hand on his diaper while he relaxed in bed and watched TV. After an hour, he got bored and the cure wasn't immediately within reach. He walked back down the stairs to check out what was in Michael's fridge. He entered the kitchen and helped himself to a bowl of cereal, toast and orange juice. The roo made a nice breakfast, sat at their dining room table and took his time eating. He enjoyed every bite. The only thing that bothered him was the ticking of the grandfather clock nearby. Tick, tock. Hearing that -- and nothing else -- reminded him that he was alone. Or so he thought.

After Ray went upstairs, Michael returned home. He told school officials that he felt "a little under the weather," so he cut practice short and left the campus. He snuck into the house, closed the front door gently and tiptoed into his son's bedroom. There, the gator put on a black spandex hood, took off his overcoat and stood in front of his son's mirror. He was wearing a harness with a shiny metal chain, which complimented the soft leather and metal snaps. He also wore revealing leather chaps and a diaper underneath. Clearly, this is part of Michael's plan -- and all the moving parts were moving just as he intended. Judging by his appearance, it looked as though Michael was well-versed in bondage play. And nobody -- not even his wife -- was aware of his kinky, devilish side. And there was Ray, innocently watching television; having no idea what was about to unfold.

Michael wandered up the stairs. Ray couldn't hear the footsteps because the door to the master bedroom was closed. The leather-clad gator arrived at the door and slowly turned the knob. Ray saw the doorknob turning and jiggling. His heart skipped a beat. The door swung open slowly.

"It's me," said Michael. "I'm not a burglar!"

Ray exhaled and reached for his chest. "Geeze. You scared me, man."

But when the door opened all the way, he saw Michael dressed in intimidating clothes. He wasn't familiar with the costume. He had a sinking feeling that something was going to happen. The roo froze, but not before he sat up in bed. Michael approached him, grabbed his arm and led him out of the door. They went downstairs. Ray was only going along with it because he felt the appearance was sexual in nature. He was warming up to the idea of some sexual experimentation. Eventually, he figured it out -- only when they went visited Michael's basement. The gator turned on the lights in the basement. The basement was a workshop that doubled as a bondage area. Hanging from the wall was a series of chains, shackles and suspension cuffs. Bondage gear was littered all over the floor. In one corner of the basement, there was a pair of collars, rubber hoods and mitts. In another corner, there were bags of adult diapers of different varieties, piled up on top of each other.

"This is weird," Ray said innocently. "Now I know the extent of your 'friendship' with the coach."

"He doesn't know," snapped Michael in a raspy voice. "Put on that hood." He pointed to one of the hoods located in a nearby corner. Ray walked over, retrieved the hood and put it on his head. It fit perfectly. "Now sit on the table. Raise your arms."

Ray did everything he was asked to do, but had difficulty accomplishing the tasks. The roo couldn't see anything, so he felt his way through the basement. Finally, he sat on a large metallic table. Michael put mitts on the roo's hands and subsequently attached those mitts to cuffs. The cuffs were connected to the chains hanging from the ceiling. Ray's arms were bound. His movements were restricted. Once he was done, Michael teased the roo. Michael massaged the submissive roo's shoulders, and allowed his hands to slide down to the waist. He squeezed Ray's diapered bulge. The diaper was still dry, but Michael detected the roo's erection. Then he held onto Ray's waist and pushed it up against his own diaper, causing sensual friction. All they could hear was the sound of two diapers crinkling against each other. Ray felt his heart racing, and at times, seemingly leaping out of his chest. This was something he never experienced before, but being restrained and teased was absolutely invigorating.

Their diapers grinded against each other. That blossomed into Michael fondling Ray, groping him very suggestively. Every grope, the squeeze was stronger. For every squeeze, the diaper tightened around the roo's hardened member. The crinkling got louder after Michael latched onto his diaper-covered dick. The friction of the diaper brushing up against his foreskin was akin to masturbation, but the feeling was significantly more stimulating. While his brain was thinking, "What's going on? This is weird, man," his hormones added, "But I like it."

"Why... all of this?" asked Ray.

"Cocksuckers don't talk," Michael replied.

The gator stopped what he was doing and walked to a black-colored trunk that contained a tripod, camcorder, laptop and accessory cables. He set up the tripod in front of Ray, placed the camcorder on top and turned it on. He connected the laptop to the camcorder with the intent to capture Ray on video. Ray had no idea this was happening. There were some clues that Ray picked up on. For one, he heard the startup sound of Michael's laptop. It was a familiar chime. He could hear the clicking of the keys as Michael set up the stream parameters on his laptop. When he heard Ray squirming on the table and his chains rattle, Michael turned around. He smiled and told his "slave" that "millions of people will be watching you now."

To Ray, the sexual game was no longer fun. He feared for his reputation. There he was, bound in restraints and in diapers. What was once private was now going to be very public. He started thinking about his future in light of this fear he was developing. He imagined playing in the big leagues, dribbling the ball with future hall-of-famers and players that he looked up to. He imagined people in the stands cheering his name followed by the chant, "MVP! MVP!" He imagined being the one who banked that seemingly magical-yet-contested shot with ten seconds left in the fourth quarter, putting his team in the lead. He imagined hearing the overwhelmingly loud cheers and cries of joy the moment the ball swished through the net. All of these visions in consideration gave Ray extraordinary happiness. However, all of it could be taken away. Filled with anger, Ray tried tugging on his restraints, but it was ultimately futile. As he resisted, Michael quietly walked away and went up the stairs. Ray could hear the footsteps of the gator going upstairs. He shouted, "Fuck you!" to Michael before he heard the door to the basement close.

Ray suffered from a panic attack and started breathing heavily. He struggled and jerked his body around. It was no use. He knew it was no use. The roo was out of breath, exhausted and was already resigned to hopelessness. Still, Ray didn't feel like he was kidnapped. He knew that Michael wasn't going to risk his reputation. He knew he wasn't going to be held indefinitely.

The only thing preserving Ray's dignity was the fact that his diaper was still dry. However, his anxiety had weighed heavily on his full bladder. He needed to pee. The urge was rising by the minute. He tried desperately to calm down. Ray managed to lay perfectly still and take deep breaths. He tried dropping all of his thoughts, fears, and everything in between. He focused on nothingness. There was a serenity that he was able to tap into, despite the circumstances. However, he let go too much. He started wetting his diaper. Because the basement was relatively small and packed some reverb, he could hear the hissing of his diaper. He wet with a consistent, thick stream. The camcorder picked up on his diaperfront swelling with piss while it turned dark. The wetness indicators faded away. He moaned in agony as he uncontrollably unloaded into his diaper. The relief felt great, though. His diaper was warm, damp and it sagged so dramatically before the camcorder.

Meanwhile, in the family garage, Michael was watching Ray wet himself on his private video feed. The garage was sectioned in half. The other half of his garage was his office. Still dressed in his bondage outfit, Michael sat at his desk and rubbed his diaper suggestively. The gator could feel his diaper tenting up. The tension was mounting steadily. He watched as his "slave" profusely wet his diaper like a big baby. When he started feeling his crotch getting tighter and tighter with pulsating arousal, Michael rose from his seat and went back to the basement.

When he walked down the stairs to the basement, Michael heard Ray whimpering and muttering to himself. He approached the table and saw Ray drenched in sweat, appearing lifeless. When he heard the gator's footsteps, Ray lowered his ears. He knew that if he said anything or protested, he could make the situation worse. But deep in the back of his mind, Ray wandered what other forms of torture the assistant coach had at his disposal. He sighed heavily when he realized the horny gator stood before him. Michael tilted his head and reached for the roo's hood.

"What a baby," teased Michael with a low growl. "A big fucking baby. Look at you."

Michael suddenly squeezed Ray's wet diaper. He stirred the roo's musky urine scent with his fingertips. Ray moaned.

"I-I have to poop," he softly confessed to Michael. "Let me go."

"Let you go? You're going to use your diaper."

Ray felt his heart beating from the exchange. "Right now?" he asked Michael.

"Now. Shit your diaper."

Ray was ordered to soil his diaper. It was a strange order to give someone, but Ray had no choice but to comply. He wasn't sure how he was going to do it. He knew that Michael was watching him so he had to act soon. He closed his eyes and imagined that he was sitting on a toilet somewhere. He pretended that he was holding it all day and it had to come out. Michael moved his hand to cup the seat of Ray's diaper as he sat on the table, attempting to force the mess out. He passed some gas, but it was muffled. Michael rubbed the Ray's diapered rear as a means of coaching him. The diaper puckered up in the back for a moment as the roo tightened his muscles. And finally, after five minutes, a solid mess dropped suddenly in the back of his diaper. Michael muttered, "Good boy!" to Ray and rubbed the fairly large mess. He squished the mess with his hand and pushed it against the roo's tailhole.

Michael unhooked Ray's arms from the chains, but his hands remained restrained.

"Lay down. On your back. Now," Michael commanded. The roo complied.

Michael untaped the dirty, heavy diaper as Ray laid on the table. Showing some care, the gator wiped the mess off Ray's rear with the diaper's piss-side. Ray felt a warm, wet sensation around his tailhole. It felt nice. When he was done "cleaning" Ray, Michael took the dirty diaper and dumped it in an odor-free diaper pail beside the table. The diaper landed on the bottom of the pail with a loud thud. Naked, Ray laid motionless. He didn't know what was going to happen next.

It started with a playful swat on Ray's bare rump, but it quickly escalated into a series of sharply felt spanks. A few minutes before, Michael ordered Ray to lay on his stomach. Ray still couldn't see anything, but he felt the pleasurable jolts of pain -- one after another. Despite having a fuzzy rear end, Ray could hear the slapping nose from the hand to the skin. Fhwap! The spanks came in rapid succession; every half-second. Michael told Ray that spanking was punishment for "having to use diapers." Michael playfully teased Ray for being a "baby who peed his pants and couldn't help it."

The bondage-loving gator stopped spanking after a while, crawled onto the table and stood up. He towered over the roo, looked down at him and smiled. He physically flipped the roo onto his back. When he stood back up again, he pulled down the front of his diaper to retrieve his dick. The gator was well-hung and obviously excited. He aimed his member at Ray's torso. His bladder reached a boiling point after being forced to stay dormant for several hours. Michael waited for this moment. A stream of urine came charging out. It poured mercilessly onto Ray's stomach. Combined with the idea that "millions" were watching the experience unfold on a live feed added to the humiliation, but the roo was completely infatuated with the sexual adrenaline that the humiliation created. The roo wanted so badly to jerk off to what was happening to him, but he couldn't. The tension was overwhelming. His natural instinct was to get off as soon as possible, but Michael kept holding the poor boy back. He wasn't done yet.

Crawling off the table, Michael told Ray, "I had to go, and you were the nearest toilet."

"Ohhhhh!" Ray moaned.

Michael knew the roo couldn't take it anymore, so he changed his plans a little. While he laid on the table, Ray felt his diaper being squeezed. This time, he felt Michael's hand grope his shaft. The gator removed his hood to suck on Ray's dick. He crawled back on the table and sucked him passionately. The roo curled his toes and moaned as he felt the gator's talented tongue wrap around his throbbing member. It didn't take long before Ray came into Michael's maw. That was the purpose of the exercise. He graciously swallowed the roo's thick, hot seed and didn't think twice about me. Michael pulled away, wiped the sticky spunk from his lips and cleared his throat. He looked over at Ray who was panting and moaning graciously.

"Wow" was the only word Ray could muster.

Michael removed Ray's hood and restraints. "I have a confession to make," said Michael. "I taped you, but only I was watching -- not 'millions'."

Ray sat up and looked at the camcorder, which was turned off. He sighed.

"Ray, get yourself cleaned up. Shower's on the first floor. First door to your right. Call me on the phone when you're done and want a diaper. I'll be in my office."

As Michael sat in his office, jerking off to the video of Ray wetting his diaper, Ray took a shower. As he lathered his body in soap, Ray's mind was working overtime. He thought about the strange encounter with Michael in the basement. Just thinking about everything that happened was exhausting to the young, diaper-loving roo. He had an orgasm that was so strong, it caused his legs to buckle once he ejaculated. He was spent, but he also felt surprisingly peaceful. At the same time, he wasn't sure whether or not Steve knew what happened. He felt slightly uncomfortable, not knowing about Steve's role in this. He didn't know whether his experiences in the basement constituted "cheating," and he doubted Michael's claim that Steve didn't know of his S&M preferences. He was very unsure about a lot of things. But there was one thing that he sure of: whatever happened down there, he loved it. He concluded his shower with a faint smile, just thinking about all the dirty deeds that he took part in.

Meanwhile, in Michael's master bedroom, Ray's cell phone rang almost continously. It rang and vibrated on Michael's dresser. The first missed call was from Ray's sister, asking where he was. He left the house several hours earlier, and didn't tell his family where he was going. The second missed call was Steve, who also expressed concern. Nobody truly knew what happened to Ray. He was very much alive and well, but his intensified lust for sexual deviance started to take control of his consciousness. While he couldn't predict what his future would be, Ray was fully content with living in the moment. And that made things even more complicated.

The Incontinent Coach 3

When his boyfriend didn't answer the phone, Steve was concerned. He dialed Michael's home number. No answer. The buck paced back and forth in his kitchen, asking himself, "What happened?" He knew something was up -- something disconcerting. Frustrated,...

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The Incontinent Coach

Our Incontinent Coach The varsity basketball team at Evergreen High School had a coach that was unlike any other coach. He was a tall, masculine buck who used to play basketball professionally as a point guard. He was forced to retire ten years into...

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The handyman woke up at seven. Oscar, a red fox, rubbed his eyes while he sat up in bed. He was still a little sleepy, but a nice hot shower would help shake out the cobwebs. After enjoying a ten minute-long shower, Oscar put on his work clothes -- a...

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