The Incontinent Coach 3

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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The epic conclusion is here!

When his boyfriend didn't answer the phone, Steve was concerned. He dialed Michael's home number. No answer. The buck paced back and forth in his kitchen, asking himself, "What happened?" He knew something was up -- something disconcerting. Frustrated, the coach grabbed his car keys and dashed out of the house. He slammed the door behind him and walked hurriedly to his car in the driveway. When he got inside the car, Steve slammed his hand angrily on the steering wheel and shouted, "Fuck!" after he rolled up the windows. Steve realized that he made a mistake.

The problem with being in a relationship with a former student or player is that the responsibility to look after them never fades away. Steve hoped to mask his priorities as a responsible adult by being a doting, older companion to Ray. But when he let go of that responsibility by asking Ray if he was interested in housesitting. He saw Michael checking out his boyfriend when they watched the playoff game together. It didn't seriously dawn on him until recently. He zoomed around in the car, paranoid and preoccupied. All he could think about was Ray and his safety. As someone who was around young students, Steve had the inherent desire and obligation to keep a watchful eye. He felt that, in this case, he failed.

But Ray was not concerned. He got out of the shower and dried himself off. He walked around the house with a towel around his waist, looking sublime and oblivious to the oddity known as Michael. In his mind, Ray thought the gator was part of the "diaper scene." He felt very comfortable and liberated after engaging in sexual play with his former assistant coach. The roo felt like he could do whatever his heart desired and Michael would encourage it. He didn't have to worry about privacy and the suspicions of his family. "Housesitting" was the perfect excuse to get away from everything that considered remotely normal. He thought about Steve until he realized that his former coach was more restrained, more cautious. The roo wanted to be with someone who was adventuorous, took risks and was proud of taking them. Michael was more than willing to turn everything upside down if it were to intensify his partner's desires. He was fascinated by Michael's extreme, seemingly otherworldly sexual curiosity.

And nothing stopped Michael from aggressing on the roo. To the gator, Ray was the perfect slave; the perfect diaperboy. He was young, handsome, vibrant and showed a willingness to push the envelope. He liked how Ray was so determined to be the best at everything he set his mind to. There was no resistence, no hesitation with the exception of Michael triggering Ray's desperation. Not only was Ray a basketball prodigy, he was also a sexual daredevil. It was like Ray knew exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it. On his computer, Michael watched the recorded video of Ray being restrained, and fully wetting his diaper. The diaper swelled up so quickly, it provided the illusion that he was incontinent. The unrestricted wetting reminded Michael of Steve and his incontinence. Knowing that the buck wasn't able to control his bodily fluids, Michael was always impressed with how spontaneous the "accidents" were. It was so "offensive," yet the bold offensiveness was what turned the gator on so immensely. And watching that offensiveness unfold helped activate his voyeuristic impulses. That explained the camcorder.

After he watched the video, Michael sat at his desk and rubbed his diaper suggestively. The leather-clad gator tilted his desk chair back, closed his eyes and listened to the crinkling of his diaper as he rubbed himself up and down. He played the whole basement scene in hid mind and visualized the roo filling his diaper on command. That got Michael hot and sweaty. He started breathing heavily and grunting under his breath. Suddenly, his cell phone rang -- exactly at the moment he was about to climax. He cursed to himself and answered the phone. It was Ray. He informed Michael that he was ready to be diapered. Michael took a deep breath, stood up from his desk and walked back into the main house. Michael accidentally left his cell phone on his desk. It started to vibrate. On the phone, a screen popped up with a phone number and the label "Coach" above it.

"Thank you," Ray said to Michael as he was being diapered in Michael's bedroom.

The roo laid on his back and looked at Michael, who was diligently applying the diaper on him. The gator didn't say anything as he was putting on Ray's diaper. He resisted the temptation to undo the diaper he was applying and fuck Ray. The problem was that Michael wasn't very good at restraining himself. For as long as he's been alive, Michael was impulsive. If he saw something that piqued his interest, he would pursue it aggressively and almost obsessively at times. In this situation, he was aware that Ray was dating his best friend. He already breached the coach's trust by exploiting Ray's sexual tendencies. At the same time, Michael was so horny that he didn't mind if he self-destructed if he could experience that sweet, sweet climax that has eluded him for so long. He started thinking that he could accept the consequences, the slings and arrows that would come his way if he were caught. It was decided.

Before he could apply the diaper tapes, Michael stopped suddenly. The roo sat up briefly to see what was going on.

"Daddy is very horny," said Michael in a low baritone voice.

"What are you going to do about it?" teased Ray, who rubbed his fuzzy rear suggestively. It was clear that Ray was caught under the gator's sexual spell.

Without receiving any orders, Ray got into position and laid on his stomach. He hiked his tail. Michael hurriedly tugged the front of his diaper down to fetch his dick. The gator's eager shaft was throbbing in his hands. His low-hanging balls were aching with pent-up sexual frustration, waiting so miserably for the epic conclusion. This was Michael's first time having anal sex with another male. He was nervous. For the first time in his adult life, Michael showed trepidation. He was shaking a little when he guided his dick through Ray's tailhole. The roo yelped because he still wasn't used to it. Once he was in position, Michael grabbed onto both sides of Ray's waist and humped him slowly. Ray felt the big guy drilling into him. It was fun, a little painful and rather spontaneous.

As the gator plowed into him with an increased tempo, Ray thought of Steve. When he had sex with Steve, it was purely out of love and nothing more. Love played a prominent role in his relationship with the former coach. He loved nothing more than to be cared for by someone who could relate to him. With Michael, it was about chasing the thrill and seeing how many buttons he can press at once. He enjoyed that too, but it was starting to feel like a cheap substitute to a loving relationship between two people. And his eagerness to relish in Michael's sexual whims started to erode. Ray suggested that he was no longer willing to meet Michael's rabid pace by relaxing his muscles and biting down on his tongue. Michael noticed the change in Ray and interpreted it as a sign of total submission. So the gator fucked him harder until his balls slapped against the roo. He made his way deep inside Ray.

Michael continued to lay into Ray when he heard a knock on the door downstairs.

"Fuck off, Steve!" Michael shouted.

The gator didn't stop. The humping was getting faster and faster. Michael's head was sweating profusely. He was losing stamina. His pacing was off. He just wanted to pop. His desperation led him to some heated dirty talk. He mumbled to Ray that he liked "fucking the pants-wetting faggot." Finally, this set Michael over the edge. As he was about to cum, he heard the bedroom door swing open behind him. He froze, turned around and saw Steve. The buck stood in the doorway, horrified and speechless.

"Wait, no... I..." Michael stuttered. "How did you get in?"

"You left the front door unlocked," Steve replied tersely. "Get off of him."

The bondage gear Michael was wearing was an usual sight to Steve's eyes. For years, he always considered the gator a friend who wore diapers as a sign of their friendship. It was fun to do, it seemed. Apparently, it was more than that. That was startlingly clear. Michael was deep into Ray. The quarrel Steve had with Michael was the lack of honesty. Had he known that Michael wanted to spend time with Ray like that, he would have consented to it. Truthfully, Steve didn't completely object to what was happening because he knew how much Ray enjoyed the deviant side of diapers. Steve was used to monogamous relationships, but the notion of two diaper-loving males having sex was too hot to ignore. Still, the scene he stumbled into was a shock.

"Oh, Steve!" exclaimed Ray.

"Come on, Mikey. Let's go. I don't have all day," Steve told Michael. Ray was surprised at the remark. The remark was awkwardly received, but there was a strange tranquility that manifested from it.

Michael was also surprised. He knew he had to wrap it up, but his libido was assisted by the fact that Steve was watching him. Michael's voyeuristic pleasures were injected into the sex. The gator channeled his newly recharged sexual vigor and banged Ray mercilessly. He quickly escalated the sex by hugging the roo from behind and fucking him with all of his might. There were no restrictions or lingering concerns anymore. He was all in. Michael's heavy, domineering body had forced Ray down.

The pace was frantic. Ray's spirits were renewed. His tailhole was getting ravaged by the horny gator. In a bold move, Ray yelped to Michael, "Harder!" Michael responded with a frustrated push into the roo's prostate. Ray's eyes rolled to the back of his head when he felt the pleasure and pain intertwine at that very moment. He felt the sex was a success, regardless of what the outcome would be. The adrenaline caused Ray's dick to throb uncontrollably, anticipating the inevitable climax. He could feel every drop of sweat in his fur, especially his headfur. He could barely see the pillows in front of his face because the salty sweat was burning his eyes. In more ways than one, he was blinded with pure ecstasy. This was the feeling that propelled Ray to win the games he played. This was his reward. It was a powerful incentive for him to do well.

While he was being fucked viciously, Ray felt his dick explode with seed. The roo injected four considerably large spurts of cum onto the gator's blanket. He felt every hard throb of his member as he came. He rode the euphoria as long as he could before experiencing the downward drag of exhaustion. Shortly after that, Michael pulled out and ejaculated all over Ray's back. Ray felt the sticky matter splash onto his backfur. He felt an exceedingly large amount of semen on his back; it was clear Michael had a lot of it pent up. Finally, Michael felt relieved. A great burden was lifted off of him.

The gator's sexuality was left dormant for many years. There were impediments that prevented him from showing off his sexuality, including his marriage, raising children, and the obligation to be the reliable, moralistic "family man." He had to withstand years of living a secret life within his very own home. He would wait patiently until the weekend so he could have a small taste of sexual gratification. As an assistant coach, Michael had to work on campus on weekdays. On some weekends, his wife would take the kids out for grocery shopping and other errands. He would take the opportunity to spend time in his basement, which he converted into his own bondage playpen. The desire to construct a playpen was the result of pent-up sexual exasperation. The gator felt entitled to act out and let his fantasies evolve. The desire for gratification was fueled by his experimentation. If the drive wasn't there, Michael was concerned that his life would fade into deathly cynicism and regret over not living the life that he truly wanted. He didn't have the courage to sexually experiment with Steve; he considered the buck to be a "brother." He saw Ray as an opportunity, and knew that Ray would be interested.

Ray was exhausted. He laid in bed motionless, tilting to his side only a little so he can relax in a better position. He felt like he just endured a lengthy workout at the gym. He slipped into the afterglow haze. He wanted nothing more than to cuddle beside someone, tune out and relax. Steve sat at the end of the bed and looked at his tired boyfriend. The buck slowly crawled toward Ray, petted the side of his face and assured him that everything was fine. He told Ray that there was nothing to worry about, despite the unusual circumstances. Watching Michael dominate over Ray, Steve felt inadequate and thought about his sexual stamina. Would he had delivered with the same fiery intensity as his best friend? He didn't know for sure. Regardless, when he saw Ray's smile, Steve felt content. He accepted the risk that he may have raised the bar for himself by allowing his boyfriend to be with more sexual resolve than he did, but it was all in good fun.

Several minutes later, the gator removed his bondage gear and stored it away in the basement. He believed the bondage persona was the external projection of his sexual desperation. Now, he no longer needed that facade. The clothing was feeling a little heavy on him; it caused him to get overheated. He wanted to make sure that he wasn't standing in his own way. Yet the clothes and the gear surrounding him added to his mystique. He was like a kinky superhero with a secret identity. His duties were completed for now, but there would come a time when he could put on his cape again and save himself from sexual solitude. He enjoyed the polarization between the life of a hard-working, loving father, husband, and the life of a lustful daredevil with nothing to lose.

By the time Michael made his way upstairs, Steve and Ray were curled up in bed together. Steve remained dressed while Ray was wearing the diaper that the gator didn't finish putting on earlier. They sat up in bed and watched Game 7 of the playoff game between the Thunder and the Stars. They watched the Thunder take control of the second half by forcing turnovers for the Stars. The Thunder defense, which had been lacking in previous games, had tightened up and made the adjustments that it needed to. They swarmed the paint and forced the Stars to make contested shots from outside the perimeter. They implemented a new zone defense that even Steve wasn't familiar with. Nonetheless, he was impressed. The game had successfully distracted the couple from what happened earlier.

For his relationship with Ray to grow robustly, Steve needed to stay calm and supportive. Deep inside, he was certainly agitated that his childhood friend never told him that he was a hardcore diaper fetishist. He was also disappointed that he loosened his grip on Ray ever so slightly and allow the roo to "housesit." But all the negative feelings Steve had melted away when he witnessed the sex unfold. However, Steve realized he had some outstanding flaws that needed to be resolved. For one, his pursuit for sexual happiness had corrupted his initial desire to be a loving partner to Ray. He only wanted what was best for the roo, and from what he could see, Ray wanted to be part of the game. Steve related to that desire since his personal circumstances sidelined his career prematurely. Steve was heralded as the best in the league and he saw Ray as his successor in a way. He didn't have a chance to talk about Ray's future with him until now.

"You see yourself there? In the game? Right now?" asked Steve, pointing to the TV screen.

Ray grinned. "Yeah... yeah I can see that," he replied.

"You should go for it."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

Standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, Michael watched the couple contently as they talked to each other. He quietly walked into the master bathroom so he could change out of his dirty diaper.

"But what will happen to us? What's your plan?" asked Ray.

"I'm not going anywhere, and you're in charge of the plan. I'm going to throw the question right back at you."

"My family even doesn't know that I'm gay or that I'm in a relationship. All they know is that I'm always out doing something. What should I do?"

"Focus on the goal first. Once you achieve it, then you can have that conversation with your family."

"Thanks, coach."

"Call me Steve."

Ray felt he was growing up a lot faster than before. When he was part of the varsity basketball team, Ray was focused solely on the game, but he was so caught up in the action that he forgot to assess his personal life. Before he witnessed the coach inadvertently humiliating himself in front of his players, Ray was sexually repressed. He had relationships here and there, but nothing consistent or truly meaningful. It was diapers, of all things, that brought him together with Steve. By the time he started to physically invest himself in a relationship with his former coach, Ray knew that he established a bond that was unbreakable. When he spoke candidly to Steve about his prospects, Ray knew that by signing onto a professional career early, his bond would not be tested. He would always have that person to tell him, "I love you," and change him whenever he needed it.

Whenever Ray was around Steve, he felt that everything made sense no matter how bizarre the circumstances may be. He understood that there was still a lot to learn about diaper fetishism and the ways people harness it, yet the lack of predictability was what led him to believe that he would have an interesting life. The issue was whether or not he could control all of his interests and lead a successful career in basketball. Steve assured him that it was all possible, yet the buck had to deal with similar issues. Taking that into consideration, Ray was unsure whether he was truly talented at overcoming the odds. The only way to find out was to jump right in.

Crackling with life and enthusiasm, Ray arrived home later that evening. The rest of the night went flawlessly. He made it home by the time his mother was serving dinner. Everyone gathered around the table to feast on some rotisserie chicken, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy. His sister, Carla, sat across from him, staring at him relentlessly and suspiciously. Every other member of the family remained neutral and positive toward Ray because of the outpouring of good news he's received for the past several days. In fact, he was the topic of conversation at the dinner table -- and his father kept telling everyone how he was proud of his son. Ray humbly reveled in the praise and went silent as his parents mused about his prospects. His sister was cautiously optimistic. She knew, better than anyone, that Ray was still conflicted. It would be a miracle if Ray shed his anxiety issues, which had been part of his life up to this point. She loved her brother dearly, but she wasn't ready to jump on the unconditional support bandwagon just yet.

The next morning, Carla approached Ray for the third time, hoping to get some answers from her sometimes reclusive brother. The siblings were folding up laundry in the laundry room as part of their daily chores. She tried a different approach and appeared nicer to Ray. She tried to avoid being confrontational.

"So what have you been up to?" she asked him cheerfully.

"Gosh, I don't know," he replied. "My mind's been spinning like crazy over everything, y'know?"

"Yeah. I can't believe it. I mean, I knew that you'd go far -- but wow! I'm really excited for you!"

"It's just that's a lot to think about," said Ray with a sigh.

"Not to add to all the things you need to think about, but... consider tying up your trash bags a little better. The one with your diapers spilled out the other day after the trashman came by."

Ray blushed suddenly. "Did you clean it up?"

"Yeah, but I never want to do that again."

"Thank y--"

"Instead of thanking me -- you're welcome, by the way -- you should talk to me. I know you're still nervous about everything, but you can confide in me. I'm just saying... But please, don't run away."

Ray stopped folding laundry and calmly inhaled. "You want to come with me to the park? I'm going to shoot some hoops. We can talk there."


A few hours later, Ray drove with Carla to a park nearly where he practiced his shooting and dribbling. His sister was much more animated this time around, cheering him on when he made his shots. Ray cracked a smile when she whistled at him and playfully yelled, "Airball!" when he missed. Any moment he could have without his sister interrogating him was something he cherished dearly. He anticipated that the conversation between them was going to turn personal, but he was ready to endure it this time. He wasn't going to run away. He wanted to have the conversation on his own terms and in a familiar, comfortable setting. As Carla cheered him on, Ray showed off some of his spin moves and his cross-dribble techniques. He wanted to show his sister that he was still on top of his game. He took a break and walked over to his sister, who was leaning up against the chain-link fence that surrounded the court.

He streched his arms and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "That was fun," he said.

"It looked like fun. So... you dragged me out here."

"I wanted to be away from the house."

"Why? You think mom or dad would eavesdrop on our conversation?"

Ray shrugged. "I like the fresh air," he said smugly. "So what do you want to know?"

"Are you seeing someone?" she asked.

"Yes I am," he admitted. He shot an annoyed look back at Carla.

"Who's the lucky guy?" She crossed her arms, anticipating that he'd bark at her for asking that question.

"His name is Steve," he calmly told her.

"So you really are gay then?"

Ray shrugged. "I can't help it, I guess."

She laughed. "I would have never imagined, in a million years, that my brother would be gay."

"You're taking it well," he chuckled.

"I'm happy if you're happy. I don't know what mom and dad would think, but I love you no matter what."

Ray relaxed his shoulders and smiled at Carla. "You don't know how much that means to me."

"I always wanted a gay friend anyway."

"Oh shut up!"

It was all-too-easy to poke fun at her younger brother for coming out of the closet, but Carla felt truly honored that he chose to speak to her first about it. The whole idea of "coming out" was laughable to Carla. She was very accepting of the revelation. However, she, too, was concerned with how his sexuality would square with his professional basketball career. She didn't know about the kind of relationship he had with Steve nor did she know that Steve was also his former coach. She wasn't entitled to that information, thought Ray. There were personal boundaries that still needed to be observed and respected. Carla respected his privacy. On the positive side, she liked the fact that she didn't have bland brother whose life revolved around the game and the ridiculous machismo attached to the sport. Ray was always introspective and unique. She didn't realize how unique he truly was. Because of his openness, Carla's curiosity was easily satisfied and decided to not pursue any overly personal questions.

"Does he know about the diapers?" she asked him half-jokingly.

"Eh... he'll get used to it," he replied with a wink.

Steve watched his partner evolve from afar. He knew that the roo had a long road ahead of him. Of course he was nervous about Ray's future. Steve grotesquely compared the situation to his incontinence: life is unpredictable, but it's more tolerable if you know how to improvise and improvise well. Interestingly, it was Ray who made his incontinence more bearable. Finally, he had someone that he loved who not only appreciated his "defect," but stayed by his side in spite of the awkwardness. The incontinence never got in the way. In fact, it was considered an mutual opportunity for them to be intimate. The couple spent their summer going out and enjoying themselves. What they lacked in public displays of affection, they made up for it in general silliness. The friendly wrap around the shoulder and the occassional stroke of the face was a polite acknowledgement that they were a couple.

One Summer evening, the buck warmly greeted his partner in front of a movie theater downtown. Steve had a conveniently discreet shoulder bag that carried several diapers "in case of emergency." After they purchased their tickets for the show, the couple snuck into the theater and took a seat in the disabled section. They were only a few others in the theater at the time. Steve kept harping about how he rarely went to the movies because of his condition. He was always concerned about having an "accident" in the theater, but Ray assured him that he "got his back" if anything were to happen. They watched an action, shoot-'em-up flick that kept them on the edge of their seats. Steve felt emboldened by being within Ray's force field. The coach's insecurities faded that night and transformed into child-like bliss with mischevious undertones.

"Is anyone around?" Steve asked Ray.

"No. You're good. Are you --?"

Steve nodded. The buck closed his eyes and grunted softly. This time, he tried filling the seat of his diaper as much as he could. Ray heard the seemingly foreboding fart from his partner. The buck unleashed a large load into his diaper. He anticipated that it was coming a few moments earlier, but he pushed it out so it created the illusion that he soiled his pants intentionally. He leaned back in his movie seat, sipped on his soda and displayed a playful-goofy facial expression. Ray chuckled softly.

"The bathroom is just a few steps away. C'mon now!" Ray teased.

"That felt good," Steve whispered to the roo. "I'm not going to lie."

"Come on, baby. Let's get you changed."

Ray grabbed Steve's hand and led him into the men's restroom. Steve reached around to his fully loaded rear end and rubbed the mushy diaperseat. It was fairly obvious that he pooped himself. The back of his pants was sagging, wrinkled and bulky. He imagined that he was an oversized toddler who was forced to stay in diapers. This time around, the manly buck allowed himself to partake in a more diminished role. It was a rare display of submission for the coach who was always used to taking the initiative. Their relationship had grown increasingly unpredictable, and he allowed himself to let instinct carry him somewhere. Ray took him by the hand and led him into the restroom. There, Ray spotted a stall reserved for handicap use and changed Steve's diaper there.

When they got into the stall, Ray locked the door and started unfastening his coach's belt. Ray's clothes, however, remained intact. Both men were standing up and facing each other. When the pants noisily dropped to the tiled floor, Ray assessed Steve's diaper. The diaper was obviously wet and sagging in the front. It wasn't fully tinted with the urine-colored stains that Ray was used to seeing. Steve was also a heavy wetter. The buck started using more hospital-grade diapers that could withstand multiple wettings while not making it look so obvious. However, the diaper was so wet that it displayed a glossy, seemingly moist cover. The new diapers gave him peace of mind. Ray felt around the diaper. For good measure, he playfully squeezed Steve's diapered crotch, which caused the plastic backing to rustle almost suggestively. Ray wanted to rub his nose in it and indulge a little, but he didn't want to miss too much of the movie.

As he was about to undo the tapes, Ray was stopped by Steve who started shaking his head. The buck blushed.

"What's wrong?" Ray whispered to Steve.

Steve rubbed his stomach. "I have to go again."

Ray rolled his eyes and smirked. "Alright. Bad stomach? Did you eat too much popcorn?"

Steve stood quietly as he pooped his diaper for a second time in five minutes. The back of his diaper was more soggy than the front side. Because of his incontinence, this was a common sight for the buck. Before he was with Ray, Steve was obsessively concerned about having a full seat diaper -- and rightfully so. He was always concerned about the smell, the bulge showing off his dirty deed and the natural embarrassment he felt when he relieved himself. Before Ray, he didn't have someone else to rely on or understand what he was going through. When he pooped his diaper and rubbed his backside, Steve looked into Ray's eyes. The roo kissed him on the forehead and told him he was a "good boy." Steve went quiet. His bold resistance to having these "accidents" was steadily declining. It was a spontaneous game, and Ray didn't mind playing along. He took the shoulder bag that Steve was carrying around, unzipped it and pulled out a fresh diaper.

It didn't matter that his former player was changing his diaper. It was a mutual appreciation. Ray carefully unfastened the tapes, and removed the heavy diaper from the coach's waist. The fecal odor was a little distracting for Ray, but he was slowly getting used to it. This motivated him to change Steve faster. He used the inner-front side of Steve's used diaper to wipe his rear clean. That was a daunting task because Steve's mess got into his fur. He wiped Steve down enough so that he was relatively clean. He took some toilet paper and wiped Steve down some more. Steve stood half-naked with an erection. Ray couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle softly when he saw it. No words were spoken, though. He asked Steve to lean against the restroom wall. He placed the new diaper on Steve by having the buck lean against the inside-back of it. Ray expanded the back wings of the diaper and connected the wings to the front. Changing someone in a standing position proved to be more difficult than changing someone who was laying down. When he was done, Ray playfully swatted his partner's rump and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"All done?" asked Steve.

"You're good to go."

As he walked back to the theater room with Steve, Ray thought about the responsibility of taking care of someone else who is incontinent. Incontinence is not a condition that is easily resolved. Often times it's permanent and being the caretaker or lover of someone suffering from that condition can be taxing. In some ways, Ray felt the responsibility was something that went over his head. When he saw it as a "game" or a spontaneous encounter, it was more exciting. He stood ready to take on the challenge. In return, Ray expected the coach to change him. That was the agreement. What made Ray accept the agreement even more was what led up to the change. He loved nothing more than to feel up Steve's diaper when it's wet and warm. Because of his sexual rendezvous with Michael, Ray liked the idea of coaching, forcing or approving diaper use -- and Steve noticed how his partner liked getting off on that.

It was a great system. The diaper-loving couple devised a scheme that broke the tedium of responsibility. They were going to do everything they can to enjoy the calm before the storm. Ray decided to join the big leagues and pass on the full scholarship. He wanted to spend the quiet time he had left with Steve. The most important thing for the two was having a relationship that worked; they were going to do everything they could to sustain it. Even if it meant changing each other's dirty diapers.

After the movie was over, they returned to Steve's house and passionately made love. Dressed down to their diapers, Ray and Steve kissed each other in bed. Ray breathed a sigh of relief when Steve accepted the roo's request to take on a more submissive role. Ray laid down on his back while Steve crawled over him, ultimately sitting on top of the roo's thickly padded crotch. There was constant fulminating from the young, rising basketball star that he wanted to take the lead in the bedroom. Steve never objected to Ray's pleas, but he always remembered them after sex. Ray's sexual tension was obvious when he rubbed the coach's diaper very slowly but aggressively. He wrapped his paws around Steve's diaper and casually felt the warm, damp diaperfront. Ray learned to compliment Steve when he wet his diaper. Steve always wanted assurance that he was well within his boundaries of good taste. Ray smoothly grazed his diapered crotch against Steve's bottom and exhaled calmly.

"You're always so wet," Ray muttered as he felt Steve's diaper getting warmer and richer with musk.

"True, true," Steve admitted flippantly. "Am I wet enough for you?"

Ray growled. "You're such a dirty boy. You get me so rock hard." He almost broke out of character and chuckled momentarily at his cheesy sex talk.

Eventually, Steve was riding on top of the roo's hardened cock. He stared at Steve while he was riding him. Up and down. Steve was enjoying it immensely. The sex was ferocious. In Ray's mind, Steve was his dirty diaper slut. Covered in sweat, Steve huffed and huffed. He whined when he felt the roo's lengthy member ravage his prostate. Ray humped into Steve while feeling his own diaper, which was now laid flat underneath his rear and brushing against his backside. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt the frantic friction of his member sliding inside Steve. The euphoria from the quick, manic fuck overwhelmed the roo's senses. Sexually, Ray felt like he was on top of his game. Meanwhile, Steve felt that trying new avenues of affection with Ray was finally chipping away at the coach-player awkwardness.

For a while, Steve felt he was being deprived of unrestricted love because of the awkwardness he felt, being with a former player of his. So far, the relationship was steady because both men were capable of satisfying each other's sexual needs; filling a void that was so prevalent in their lives before. He interpreted the outcome of their former-yet-formal relationship in high school as inevitable fate and not at all exploitative of Ray's willingness to test his sexual curiosity. For all intents and purposes, they were madly in love with each other -- and that wasn't going to change any time soon. When they had sex, they immediately felt a strong connection with each other than transcended mutual appreciation in certain kinks and conditions.

Ray appreciated Steve's passionate romp and cemented it by cumming inside of him. When he felt the familiar, sticky goo flooding inside of him, the buck bit on his tongue, closed his eyes and panted heavily. Ray was exhausted as well. He tilted his head back, looked up at the ceiling and smiled as his heavy partner slowly disengaged from his position. It didn't matter much that the sex was quick and dirty. It the perfect way to conclude the evening. Ray considered sleeping over at Ray's house, but ultimately decided not to because he had to sit down with his family and discuss his future plans with more clarity.

Only a few short months later, Ray Johnson was drafted into the Major Basketball League (MBL). The draft was televised live. When his name was called by the owner of the Redwood Nationals, the fine-dressed roo stood up and confidently walked toward the stage to accept his team hat. After shaking hands with the owner, he looked over to where he was sitting. His mother, father and sister applauded for him excitedly. They stood up from their seats and cheered Ray on. Ray grinned and waved to his family. Sitting next to them was his coach. At the time, the family recognized Steve as a mentor and a friend and nothing more than that. It was very hard for the family to imagine him as anything otherwise -- and Ray preferred to leave it that way.

Things changed fairly quickly. Ray moved out of his house and into an apartment in Redwood. Though the next season was still several months away, Ray wanted to take his time settling into his new surroundings and getting to know the city that he was going to play for. Before leaving, Ray promised his former coach that he would maintain communications and visit when it was convenient. Both men understood that having a long-distance relationship would be emotionally taxing, but they vowed to work through that issue. There were big stakes riding on the long-distance relationship, including the possibility that Ray might have trouble maintaining a gay relationship while being in the spotlight. Steve recognized this as a problem as well, given the challenges he faced when he was a player. It would be shortsighted to say that they were at a crossroads, but like any offense play that came their way, adjustments needed to be made.

Ray's absence was a blessing in disguise because it allowed Steve to reflect on his personal circumstances and not get caught up in the everyday romantic endeavors. Like Ray, Steve reached a turning point. He finally found someone who was compatible with him, accepted his incontinence and turned it into a spontaneous -- albeit inconsistent -- romp, and made life generally interesting again for the recently retired player. He didn't like the "retired" label much, especially now that he was with someone that injected him with vitality. He was decided to rebuilding his life when he had enough time, on his hands, to do so -- starting with basketball.

Since he retired, Steve was sidelined with two issues: his torn ACL and incontinence. The buck started noticing spring in his step, and he wasn't wincing in pain. There was discomfort, but that discomfort was fading over time thanks to his patience and determination to recover. Ray got Steve to play a few one-on-one matches. Every Sunday, when he wasn't preoccupied with coaching duties, Steve spent time practicing basketball in the Evergreen High School gym. He was one of only a couple of faculty members who were entrusted with keys to the gym and men's locker room. He could access those two areas at any time. He liked practicing when school was out. Because he was alone, Steve took the liberty to wear his old jersey, his diaper, socks and shoes. "Who needs shorts anyway?" he thought. The buck repudiated the obligation to hide what he once considered his "personal shame."

His movement was slowly returning to an earlier era of prosperity and promise. He stared at the basketball and pretended that he was being double-teamed. He dribbled the ball and cross-dribbled between his legs. He switched his footing quickly and kept practicing his steps until his movement was a blur of lightning-fast speed. He pump-faked, spun around his imaginary opponents while driving to the basket. He tossed up a teardrop and waited anxiously for the ball to fall into the hoop. It spiraled around the rim for a few-but-lengthy seconds before swishing in. Encouraged, Steve tried some trick plays, including throwing the ball off the glass to himself for a self-assist followed by a classic layup. Swish. In one play, he attempted to dunk the ball with his trademark reverse-tomahawk slam. He nailed the dunk and felt the energy rushing to his fingertips when he hung onto the rim. When he landed on the ground, Steve was surprised that he felt no pain. All his joints were moving the way they should. He stretched his arms wide, clenched his fist in victory and shouted at the top of his lungs.

However, the celebration was short-lived. Steve wet his diaper so much, that he left a trail of urine; it continued trickling down his leg. He mistook it for sweat. A common mistake.

By the time school was back in session, Steve reprised his role as coach but he was in talks with his agent to "unretire." The varsity team consisted of some returning players and new faces. Everyone on the team talked about Ray "The Ripper" Johnson, number 8 of the Redwood Nationals. The roo had a shaky start at the beginning of his rookie season, but he quickly became a force to be reckoned with. He drew freely from the style of play that Steve passed down to him, except Ray had an emphasis on power over speed. Steve touted his boyfriend as an example of what success looked like. Ray exuded confidence, despite wearing diapers during the game. It was never an issue. Inspired by the roo's confidence, Steve revealed to the team that he wore diapers. This time, nobody flinched on the team except for Michael, who was taken by surprise at his friend's sudden candor.

On the eve of Evergreen's first game of the season, Steve sat down with his team in their locker room and spoke candidly about it. "I have a disability," he told them, "and you have every right to think that it's funny. The truth that we all have something that we feel could hold us back. For me, I wear diapers -- and I wear diapers because I suffer from a medical condition called 'incontinence.' It's when you lose control of the way you go to the bathroom, but I'm not going to bore you or disgust you with the details. When I played basketball, when I was your age, I obsessed over my weakness. I had problems with my confidence. Similarly, one could be skeptical about their playing ability. We may start out clumsy, airheaded, confused or otherwise deficient in our execution -- but we can always improve. In fact, we will always improve. We will always get better. We may look at our 'weakness,' or we may take those weakness and pivot strongly toward greatness in spite of them. We can achieve so much. I look at everyone here, I look into everyone's eyes and see evolution. If you're at your lowest point, you can go higher. If you are reaching for that brass ring, grab it. If you reach that brass ring, grab it and propel yourself up, over and beyond the voices that say you can't do it. And I'll tell you this: you can do it. Get up and give them a show."

The team applauded. Everyone shook Steve's hand in agreement. Confessing that he wore diapers, Steve anticipated that the scene in the locker room could turn chaotic, but it didn't. Of course, it would be unrealistic if nobody joked about it. But there was so much momentum behind Steve, that disparaging words about his condition didn't matter. He was going to win no matter what. He began the season with a disclaimer that he was previously too scared to give. The team had a mutual and powerful attraction to the young coach, who spoke with such authority that any blemishes and irregularities were swept under the rug. Powered by the spirits of love, passion and sexuality, Steve Markos improved on his legacy. And realizing that he was no longer alone in this world, Steve came back from the brink of eternal loneliness to, once again, reign over the court.

The Incontinent Coach 2

With only four losses for the entire season, the Evergreen High varsity basketball team finished the year on a high note. The team was in good spirits. Coach Steve Markos was energized, enthusiastic and maintained a great relationship with his players,...

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The Incontinent Coach

Our Incontinent Coach The varsity basketball team at Evergreen High School had a coach that was unlike any other coach. He was a tall, masculine buck who used to play basketball professionally as a point guard. He was forced to retire ten years into...

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The handyman woke up at seven. Oscar, a red fox, rubbed his eyes while he sat up in bed. He was still a little sleepy, but a nice hot shower would help shake out the cobwebs. After enjoying a ten minute-long shower, Oscar put on his work clothes -- a...

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