The Park of Unexpected Creatures-Part 1

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Parks of unexpected Creatures

And thus it truly begins

Part 1-A wicked idea comes in the most interest ways

Walking with vigor through a large open field and forest grumbling to himself the cane that he always carried with him striking the ground with sharp thuds each and every time it struck the dirt, Giovanni, the head of the infamous Team Rocket was in between two states of excitemetn and confusion. After returning back to his own realm being promised that whatever his wish on starting to take over the world maybe would be given to him all he had to do was contact the mysterious figure head with the outlines and what was needed. Given time he would be sent the items that were requested to allow for Giovanni to start his masterful plan.

Having gone over everything that he could think of of past operations, Giovanni found that things were a bit more complicated that expected. Having become a evil figured in every region of the world, Team Rocket, which was once very popular to the younger generatione, drawing in new recruits from every porition of the world causing the numbers to swell filling in the holes left by members getting arrested or worse which didn't matter to him. However now the recruiting offices where lines had been stretched around the blocks sometimes, had dried up with serveral well know members that were able to steal from the Pokemon Centers found it harder after news reports reported that Trainers were finding pokemon were becoming hostile toward them.

Upon further examination by Nurse Joy, it was reported that the pokemon had been sexually assaulted. In different cases it also revealed by some of the embarassed trainers that wouldn't reveal their names were raped over and over again both male and female. It got so bad that the ruined Pokemon that had come to a point that they were neither reclaimed by their trainer or the trainer went about setting them free without a further word which caused some heart broken pokemon to happen.

The pokemon once free, became fearful and alone feeling abandoned and surprisingly horny demanding attention to the point that they have been known to either lay in wait for a unexpecting human to wonder into the forest or break into homes for food and sexual relief. This is where Giovanni hoped on using it to his advantage of making a ton of money or take over the regions around the world.

Now the only problem was where to lure the trainers into the spot and how to use both the pokemon and their trainers to Team Rockets actual needs. Letting out a deep throated growl as he turned back toward his huge estate which was situated upon a forest/medow/valley/lake/beach area which offered a great view of each from his home.

There were many times where he thought about using the home to set up a park here and charge admission to allow for trainers to walk through to make a easier pass to another city that the only route around would take about three days of hard climbing and hiking. However that was one plan that was never put into effect nevertheless now that he was thinking maybe it could come into handy.

Before he could think further, his headset for incoming and outgoing calls beeped indicating that he had a incoming call being marked as urgent that he take it. Letting out a frustrated growl further, he hit the receiver jerking when the sound of the stupidity rant of the trio that had failed to catch a single pokemon for Team Rocket, rang out throughout the ear piece.

"SHUT UP, YOU IDIOTS!" He yelled into the receiver as the three voices stopped almost immediately. "Now, what is it this time? And only one of you speak this time."

Boy, was that a mistake as it turned out they were begging for money saying that they could catch a certain Pikachu with just a little more money. The throbbing in his forehead with a vein began getting closer to breaking as he finally had it with the three. "Come to my estate and I will put you to work for you to earn the money!"

"But sir-" James, the male member of the trio began to whine however a rather loud growl stopped him from continuing. "Yes, sir."

Before the group tried to say anything further, Giovanni continued on with his body tense he found himself aching with a rather secrective nature. The tension seemed to gain the Persian, at his side became excited knowing that his master after going through such a rough day that he usually like to unwind in a secretive way that most never knew about.

Pushing the door open allowing for the huge feline to enter first who bounded toward the 'special' room that was located in a series of hidden passages that twisted and turned ever whic way to the point that someone could get lost in it. That way he had made sure that unless the person that entered the maze either know how to get around it and/or be invited to enter the secret room.

Making sure that the workers that went about cleaning, cooking, prepping, etc. that not to expect him for sometime as he had a meeting and some plotting to consider. Pulling the heavy steel door shut behind him locking it into place to make sure that no one could bother him, Giovanni then turned his attention back to the long silent hall-way in which had little lighting which he liked and his persian enjoyed the most.

As he started down the hall-way allowing the click click of his walking cane to be the only sound to be heard announcing his whereabouts as he continued along a desinated path which would take to a single room in which was his target. Hidden among the shadows of the hall using the darkness to make sure his target didn't see him, the feline pokemon with his thick cock fully erect in anticipation of what was to come when his master or should he call the human his pet slave that loved to be abused and hammered.

Moving silently within feet of the human, the persian could barely contain his own excitement his lust for what was to come although he was becoming very irritated at Giovanni's lack of speed. To Giovanni, he was still wanting to think about what he was going to use the mysterious figures ideas and technology to his advantage.

Just as he started his approach to the intended room, the persion finally had enough letting out a deep throated growl which seemed to startle Giovanni as he jerked his head around to barely throw his hands up as the massive feline slammed its body into him sending him crashing to the floor. Laying there in a state of shock as the feline took the human's shock to his advantage his cock demanding that it needed attention.

"All right, my pet...I get the message." Giovanni called out pushing up with his hands pushing the feline off of him. The persian quickly complied although very hesitant about the idea moved off of the human tension growing as he watched his intended target get up and remove his pants moving over to a love seat that was again located in the room.

Kicking his pants off before dropping into the cushion, Giovanni relaxed into the soft cushion trying to get his body ready for what lay in wait. Reaching over to the nightstand that held a deactivated lamp on top, he pulled the drawer open retrieving the bottle inside small in size the contents in the bottle hidden by the glass being darkened.

Pulling the stopper off, a strong musky yet heavenily scent wavered up causing Giovanni to groan before allowing a couple of fingers to slip into the open drawing up some of the liquid that lay inside. Wasting little time as the liquid started to drip off his fingers, Giovanni went about applying the liquid to his ass hole which began to open and close accepting the liquid into his body.

The liquid itself, original designed for Pokemon breeders to help with breeding trained pokemon, was obtained when Team Rocket had breaken into one of the labatories. Although having to move very quickly to get the items as the alarms had sounded, one of the most impressive items turned out to be the liquid.

Being brought to their own scientist to be quickly studied, the same thing was revealed as it being a drug for breeding purposes. Having no real use for it, Giovanni had confiscated the bottle hiding it away in his personal estate finding no real use for it until one evening.

Thinking back on that as he turned toward Persian who sat there waiting for the call. "All right, get on over here and get to it since you have been demanding it so much lately."

Not needing a second invite, the persian jumped to its feet its nostrils flaring drawing in the eroctic scent that the human had applied to his hole. Moving rather quickly, the feline rammed its nose into Giovanni's hole its nostrils chasing after the enticing smell as it disappeared into the humans body.

Forcing his tongue out drawing its rough texture across the sensitive hole this action caused Giovanni to groan like a bitch in heat as he cast his mind back upon the poor unfortunate female research scientist that had been putting away the breeding solution. She accidentally stumbled causing some the liquid to spill out on to the chair nearby before she was able to replaced the stopper into place again being able to control the vial again.

Putting the liquid away, without knowing it, she sat down on to the chair in which the liquid had landed on. Wearing only a short blouse allowing the woman's underwear to come into direct contact with her crotch allowing the liquid to become embodded into the cloth as she pulled away the liquid was able to soak through and drip on to her pussy becoming embedded there as she stood up a few seconds later.

About a hour before the woman's shift was suppose to end, her shift leader a real mean bastard that mistreated both employees and the pokemon that the group had been studying and experimenting on, ordered her to go feed Experiment 6290. This experiment being one of the most important ones that were housed at the secret base.

Grumbling with little choice but to comply with the supervisors orders, the woman took the destinated food that had been working on for the experiment heading for the holding cells that were on the other side of the facility allowing for the events to happen.

Entering the holding area where the lights had been turned off to allow for proper sleeping time, the woman counted off the cells as she approached the cell in the very back a sudden chill running up and down her spine as she approached the locking controls.

Her hand reached up taking a brief second as she felt hesitant about going into the room as the uneasy feeling however she knew that if she didn't finish the job she would face punishment from either her supervisor or the head boss who actually held the pokemon in prize possession.

Groaning as a strange ache seem to appear in her pussy which she found strange as she didn't like the idea of uncertain things that lay before her. However something felt different now that compelled her to hurry up with punching up the proper lock codes.

The command console gave off a series of beeps each growing longer and louder each second before it stopped with a green light glowing bright indicating that the door was indeed was unlocked and she could proceed. The door hissed open revealing a pitch black interor hiding away whatever was inside and at this point, she was ready to toss the food into the darkness and leave without a second word.

However the job wasn't going to be that easy, she found that her escape was hampered by a invisible force field keeping her stuck in place. From the darkness, invisible tendrils began to crawl out of the darkness crawling along the floor its harsh cold tendrils reaching out toward her.

Upon touching the woman's legs the tendrils coiled around her legs giving them a sharp tug in which the woman in a state of shock found herself quickly on her back being dragged into the darkness. Just as she found herself envoloped in the pitch black, the woman just was able to let out one final scream before the door slammed shut the locks re-engaging cutting off the scream.

The research staff found the woman in the cell in a state of shock and disorenitation completely naked with a liquid that later test would reveal was semen from a unknown creature dripping from all of her openings. Her belly clearly bloated from what seemed to be from massive amounts of semen however later results would show that she was pregnant.

Months later it was revealed that the feteus in her womb was that of strange origins as the doctors never could get a clear image of what was growing inside her. Quickly Giovanni ordered that the woman be quaritined until she gave birth and then everything was to be kept quiet until further notice about what the feteus was.

From the latest report that he had received was that her pregnancy was closing to the end meaning that she would be giving birth any day now, and the poor woman when awake and aware of her surroundings begged to be released and that whatever was growing inside her right now to be taken out right away.

As Persian stopped its tongue job and rimming jumping up on to its hind legs placing his forward paws on Giovanni's belly as he gave the leaders cock a light lick before pushing its head up under the leaders shirt giving his stomach a tender lick kisses. The huge feline continued on as it pushed its body to the full length of Giovanni's body to where its head came up through the head hole coming face to face with the human where Giovanni offered it a smile.

"Perrrrsian!" the feline growled as it bent forward locking lips with the human as Giovanni went about wrapping his legs around the slender waist wanting to hold it there as he reached in between the feline's legs a hold of the barbed tip as he aimed it downward toward his ass hole allowing the tip to brush up against the pucker end.

The pokemon quickly felt the opening that seemed closed to any intruder and it took that as a sign of a challenge. Baring its fangs wrapping its forepaws around Giovann's chest bunching up its hips with a mighty thrust it shoved in with all of its strength into the hole.

Letting out a gasp as the massive organ began to put into his hungry hole that slowly began to open allowing the barbed organ began to push its way into Giovanni causing him to groan and moan as the barbs massaged his inner walls of his ass hole. His finger nails dug into the feline's fur as he felt a dull pain barely there as his anus clenched down on the massive intruder.

"Good beast, good lover." Giovanni growled as he purred himself his own cock throbbing wanting release itself as it began to rub up against the felines body as he groaned even further as the sensitive head rubbed up against the Persian's fur driving him closer to releasing.

However just as he came closer to release, the rooms comm channel beeped indicating that there was a message waiting for him. Growling out in frustration as his finger released the feline's body, he hit the comm unit holding back a tethered moaned before answering. "What is it?! I told you not to bother me!"

"Yes-yes sir, however you did say that you wanted to know if the woman gave birth...she just went into labor a few seconds was a difficult birth however she gave birth to something that you may be interested in seeing for yourself." the voice on the other end stuttered in shock and fear. The news was indeed interesting that caused a excited feeling rise up into his system.

"Very well, I will be there in when I get there. Have everything recorded and the woman put back into her cell." he ordered before closing the link before the person on the other end could answer. Giovanni wasn't about to let a item like that actually ruin a good time for him.

The persian began pumping away at the human's hole that continued to squeeze on the member causing the feline to continue growing closer and closer to letting loose once more. It reared its head back letting out a yowl that signaled the end as the pokemon bottomed out inside the human before releasing its massive amount of cumm that he had been saving for this moment for so long.

It bore downward biting into his slave's neck marking him like usual as Giovanni finally figured out what he would do with the mysterious figures offerings. After a while before he went about seeing the new creature that had been birthed by the human, he went about putting together a plan calling upon all Team Rockets to find pokemon that they had abused in the past and send them back to Giovanni's estate in which a new park was to be set up in which the pokemon that had been abandoned by their true trainers could get what he would use to make a profit and capture one region at a time.

More to come later on with the next part-

To be continued in Part 2.....

The part of unexpect Creatures-The encounters list

**Pokemon:** James(from Team Rocket) and Arcanine (two encounters at least) James(from Team Rocket) and Metwo James(from Team Rocket) and a Charizard (got a interesting idea for this) Ash and Female Charizard Ash Ketchum and Mewtwo (A even more...

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The Park of unexpected Creatures-Prelude to the beginning

Waving off the offer to be shown to offered guest room by their host which the pair insisted on spending the night together knowing that by tomorrow the pair would need to seperate and head for their own dimensions. With that in mind neither would...

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The Park of unexpected Creatures-Introduction

Introduction to series What do you get when villans and supervilians get tired of getting their asses kicked and any kind of jobs ruined? A very ticked off villan of any sort. All across galaxies, dimensions, universes etc. where there is a superhero...

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