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Here goes my first venture into writing again. Only this time, it's the first time I've actually written something gay. o3o Oh snap!

Anyways, yeah, bland title, couldn't think of a better one on short notice. For the most part, though, I'm just using this for practice, since I haven't done it in a while. So you may find some spelling, may find some grammatical issues. But hey, nobody can shoot from the half-court and make it after not having dribbled a basketball for over a year, ne?

Lemme know what you guys think. And don't worry, it gets saucy after this.

"What!? No way, there's no way you are gonna get me to go in there, Ren!" The young, white-colored husky whined.

"Oh come on Dana, what's the big deal, she's not home, your parents won't even be home 'til tomorrow evening. You're not gonna get caught if you just clean up your mess, afterwards." Replied his friend, the red panda. " lost the bet, and you know you can't back out or I'm gonna tell your big sis that it was you that ate her last know how much she loved those. She'd totally-"

"Kill me...I know. But if she catches me doing this I'm gonna be deader than dead. You know the saying 'six feet under?' Yeah...I'm gonna be another 12 feet below that if she figures this out."

Summer break was normally the time that most kids would be outside playing, or the time where parents take their kids around to go have fun. But in Dana and Ren's case, their parents were all partners in a business firm, and usually they worked very late hours. Because of that, Dana's older sister, Serena, would be the one to have to babysit. And much to the boy's dismay, Serena was rather strict, and wouldn't let either of the two outside, mostly because she didn't want anything to happen, because she'd be in trouble if something did. So, the two just did the best they could to find something to do when they were at the house. And so, what better thing for a pair of 11 year olds to do, but to play random games and make up consequences for the loser.

"She won't figure it out. No go, go, go. She's over at her friend Bon-Bon's place anyways, what I figure, they were gonna stick inside and watch movies, anyways, so from what I gather, we're totally safe." Ren grabbed the husky's paw, and actually tugged him up the stairs, stopping in the middle of the hallway, between the sibling's rooms. "C'mon, I know where all of her old clothes are that you can wear, and I guess, since you're not really sneaky enough to do anything, I'll get them for you, but you have to put on exactly what I tell you, okay?"

"...Wait. You know where my sister keeps her old clothes!? How did you figure out something like that? When have you even gone into her room?" The husky sounded rather...confused. He figured that, since Ren was a guest, well, a regular guest, but a guest nonetheless, he should not know where things like that were.

"You know that I don't need as much sleep as you do. And I did mention I was sneaky, right?" That foxlike grin slowly spread upon the boy's face. "Hehe..."

"No way. You've been SNOOPING?!" He'd shout. "How did...when did..." Finally, he'd just give off an exasperated sigh. "I'm going to my room, so just bring the bag in there." The canine would just huff, sounding defeated, dragging himself into his room and flopping onto his back. He knew that there was absolutely no way out of this situation for him, so he'd just take it and roll with the punches. Once he lied down, he reached over to grab his DS system, turning it on and just starting up his old game Magical Starsign, flickering his fluffy tail about on his bed as he awaited his fate. Even though he was trying to concentrate on his game, slashing and poking at the lower screen with his stylus, his heart refused to stop racing, mind refused to slow down, and he just couldn't help but to be nervous, wondering exactly what was coming his way. He was about to find out.

It took almost 5 minutes for Ren to finish doing what he was doing, and suddenly, he'd toss a large, black trash bag onto the bed, which would actually break the poor husky out of his concentrated state, actually making him jump out of his fur. At the very least, did make him jump to the other side of the large, queen sized bed. "Found it!~" He'd snicker. The boy was just so playful, sometimes it did manage to drive poor Dana crazy. This was probably one of those times.

"Ffff....c'mooon maaan!" He'd say, clinging to one of his pillows, having dropped his DS and just huddled in the corner of his bed, biting his bottom lip a bit. "Why are you so sneaky, you almost made me have to change my pants!"

"Not like that last part isn't about to happen anyways, hm, Dana? Hehe, it works out anyways...I mean...your name is Dana....which is practically a girl's name. So in the end, this all works out, don'tcha think?" He'd grin, hopping up onto the bed as well, laying his head over the bag, while his large, ringed tail just flickered back and forth as he looked at his friend.

"..." He'd just sigh, face palming himself. "You're having way too much fun with this, ya know?" He'd then grumble, sitting up on the bed straight. He took in a deep breath, and sighed out, then another. "Alright...go ahead and pick out what you want me to wear...and don't pick something stupid, okay?" The husky took another deep breath, standing up in front of the bed. "Make it quick."

"You sound soooo nervous." He grinned, crawling around the bag, almost like a sneaky snake. "Oh I'm gonna have so much fun with this. And first and foremost...eyes shut!" He'd say, pulling out a small headband, and then skittering behind the nervous boy, putting it over his eyes. "Now put your paws over it."

"Why must you make things so complicated?" He said, finally cracking a laugh, reaching up and covering his eyes that were already covered by the head band. It seems, at least, he had finally resigned to what was coming. "Okay fine." Now that his paws were there, he left everything up to his panda friend. This lasted a good 4 or 5 minutes. The husky found himself getting bored, until his ideas flooded into his head what the panda would be doing would easily kick his boredom to the curb, circling him back to being nervous, and, strangely to him, a tad excited. Eventually the rustling stopped, and the silence in itself actually startled him, his tail and ears perked once he stopped hearing things.

"Open 'em now." The panda whispered. When told, the husky would lift the head band off of his eyes, and he'd behold the clothing set out for him. His maw was agape, and that white fur on his face slowly bled into a deep red blush, in shock at what was picked out, especially since he recognized it so well. A cheerleading outfit. Not just any, those were his school colors. The same school his older sister attended years past and even was on the cheerleading squad for. He knew he was in for something, but he had no idea that he was in for this. "I've never saw your sister wear this, or at least, I was way too young back then to actually realize how awesome she would've looked with it on. And well...snooping around, I realized you and she look just alike at that age...and..." He'd get up, walking over to the purple-haired husky, and reached behind him, snatching the hair tie out of his hair, letting it fall down. "...You even have a similar hair style. So you'll be a spitting image of her."

Dana had absolutely no idea what to say. He knew Ren was right about it. More correct than he'd realize at the moment. See, Dana had this thing about him. He didn't necessarily hate his body, but he always did what he could to hide his figure. It was always so embarrassing for him to know that his body was shaped so...feminine. His hips were wider than the average boy, shoulders smaller and upper body more slim than his hips. So he always did what he could to try to keep himself from looking like a girl, mostly by wearing large tee shirts or baggy shorts. Not even his best friend Ren would know about it, even during bed time, it was always baggy pajamas, or during swimming, large trunks, and he even would wear a shirt in the water as well. But it seems his secret that's been quite well-kept after all these years was about to come crashing down. "Can you at least step out of the room while I get changed?" His voice was so much more quiet and timid than it normally would be.

"Hm?" Ren noticed the change in tone, and decided that, after all that he was gonna have to go through today, that he'd at least cut him some slack. So he hopped up, and slowly walked out of the room, slowly shutting the door, but calling in. "Just let me know when to come back in, and don't take too long, there are other things I want you to try on, too, okay?" After that, the door would close, as well as the always audible 'click' noise to let one know that the door was, indeed, closed.

Dana just looked down at the outfit, gulping once as he picked up the first thing he knew he needed. Panties. It would seem as though Ren had all of this thought out, and left absolutely no freedom in the clothing options for the poor doggy. But, he was a boy of his word and would do exactly what he said he would do. He stripped off his baggy tee shirt, and slid down his cargo shorts, taking those red and black Spiderman briefs off of his frame, looking down at himself as he usually did without clothes, as though his own girly body surprised him each time he looked at it. Once he sat down, he took a good look at the panties. They were white-ish, but they seemed to have a pink tint to them as well. He turned it around to look at the back. Hello Kitty. How typical that his sister would have those, more so, how typical that Ren would pick them out. "Well...let's see if they fit." He'd hold one leg out, poking his foot through the right hole of the panties, before doing the same with his left, and slowly working them up his frame. Once they were on fully, he'd look down, realizing, to his shock, they were a perfect fit, even despite the bulge that his sheath and orbs left in it. "And yet...part of me isn't surprised at all. The fact I can fit this says so much about my body." He chuckled, shaking his head, looking over the rest. "Guess the skirt is next." Everything said was quiet enough to make sure his little buddy outside the door couldn't hear him, even if he was trying to eavesdrop. He reached down to grab it, just stepping into it and sliding it up his long, slender legs. Once they reached his waist, he'd reach to the side, zipping them in place. He didn't spend too much time mulling this over, though, he did know he didn't want to keep Ren waiting, so he grabbed the shirt, poking his arms through first, then poked his head through after, straightening it all out, including his long hair, and pat himself down to ensure that it was all presentable. He'd look back to the bed, chuckling some as he realized there were no shorts to go under the skirt, although he knew there was supposed to be. "Oh that jerk..." He laughed quietly to himself. Well, judgment time. "Come on in..." He whispered.

Ren opened the door slowly, before stopping, looking absolutely stunned at what he saw. He was identical to his sister in almost every way. There was a bit of a difference. Where Serena, even at that age was energetic and out-going, Dana was still timid and quiet. It definitely showed. The husky had his head down, and his arms were down in front of himself, almost even covering his crotch, although he was really trying to hide as much of his body that he could while standing up. "Dana..." He'd whisper. "You look so cute like that..." In truth, that much was blurted out without thinking, and that would only cause Dana's face to glow a bright red again, this time looking away, trying to hide that, too. It was the first time anybody had ever seen his real body shape, and he wasn't expecting any positive feedback from it. In fact, he had been mentally braced for the worst. Berating, laughing, and even disgust were what he was expecting. But this...he could hardly comprehend it. He didn't speak, just continued looking to Dana. "I'm really surprised how this turned out. You look just like her...the same girl that I ended up getting a crush on the first time I saw a pic of her just like this...It looks so awesome on you Dana." Ren was really enjoying this, actually a lot more than he'd like to admit. Yeah, the red panda knew deep down that he was bisexual, but, his secret was always kept to himself, not even Dana knew. "Alright...stand in the hallway for a minute while I find something else for ya."

"Sure thing bud." He'd whisper, his bashfulness and surprise still so powerful, it almost seemed like an aura coming off of him. The two walked by each other in the room, eyes connecting for just a moment, before Dana shut the door completely.

The Best Week Ever

The Best Week " the LAST time...I do that." The fox boy mumbled as he found himself lying down on the ground, right in between the two inclines of the half pipe, a skateboard lying down on his butt. "Seriously...why am I even here? I...

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Forest Dwellers Ch. 10

"...What the FUCK!?" The wolf howled out as he exited their van. ...

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Forest Dwellers Ch. 1

"Man am I bored..." Whined Maverick, a young fox. "There's got to be something more to do around here." He leaned against a tree and began to wag his silver tail back and forth. Maverick was a fun-loving fox that was a native to this forest....

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