New Found Filaments

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#7 of New Found Form

New Found Filaments

By Von Krieger

Penelope as everyone called her, though she preferred Penny, hummed happily to herself as she browsed through the museum's storage building. Originally meant to be a collection of labs in name of the funds donor, it had been abandoned when a larger, state of the art building had been provided some years down the line, and with Verath J. Bloodwright well in the ground.

Penny spent most of her time in the Bloodwright Building. The daughter of the museum's long time curator, she had originally been given a job by her father when she was 12, and had made herself indispensable in the thirty years since. Ignored by most of the staff, she seemed to exist only when something needed to be found.

Right now she was looking for the hard copy of notes for an archeologist down in South America. Kelly Crane had a CD scan of them, but her e-mail had said sometime about spilling honey on it.

Frankly Penny was a bit surprised. Despite the solar battery charger and the satellite phone, she didn't think that with the rainforest canopy and such that there would be a place high and clear enough for sustained data transmission.

She'd found the document up in the archive library, and was browsing through it as she walked to the computer lab to set the thing in the rapid document scanner. Though rapid was a relative term. It took a good ten minutes to scan the 100 pages, which gave Penny enough time to take a look at each page once it was done scanning, checking out the images of the runic writing, anyway.

Her brow became increasingly furrowed as symbols tickled a memory of something that they had in the university's collection deep down in the subbasement of the Bloodwright Building.

She wracked her memory to find where exactly the item was. It was labeled as an ancient fertility idol. Bottom floor, back in one of the storage closets where it was sitting on a shelf.

She copied the scanned files to her USB drive and began the long walk to put the document back where she found it, and then back to her office in the Bloodwright Building, converting the images to the a more e-mail friendly format and smaller size, followed by attaching an e-mail and beginning the process of sending the large files over the plodding internet connection.

So with nothing else to do for awhile, Penny stepped out of her office, locking the door behind her, and making the climb down several flights of stairs into the seldom visited, and even more seldom cleaned, subbasement.

She picked up a broom left in a corner, holding it in front of her to gather the strands of spider web that had been spun since the last time she'd been down here. If it was down the far, odds were that no one would want to look at the thing; though Kelly might want to study it when she got back, or could possibly want pictures of the object to study while she was down in Brazil. First Penny had to find the stone phallus.

Penny had quite a collection of webbing on the broom before she got to the closet, and opening the closet and clearing out the inside made quite a ball on the end of the bristles.

Kept in darkness, there was a soft, golden glow coming from one of the long forgotten storage bins. Oddly enough, it was the one that Penny remembered the item as being in. She slid the plastic bin off the shelf, looking down at what was inside.

It confused her greatly. The black penile shape that she recalled wasn't present. The same runes were there, but what was in the bin in front of her was a well sculpted, obsidian spider with runes on its legs and abdomen.

Three runes glowed on the abdomen, positioned in a triangular shape. Despite the urge to pluck it out and look it over, she patiently carried it back to her office, opening up her personal webmail account to send Kelly a message about the spider and its runes, and a small JPG of the three glowing runes.

Penny stared at the stone spider on her desk, she wanted to pick it up and look it over. But she wasn't about to possibly ruin an ancient treasure with the acid and oil on her fingertips.

She got up and went to one of the archive rooms for a pair of cotton gloves to handle the spider with. Much to her surprise she found an e-mail waiting for her from Kelly. The lit sigils meant "Absorb Animal Essence." Kelly said that it was some sort of storage device with writings inside. There were instructions included to unlock it.

Penny bit her lip and did as instructed. First was finding a rune that looked like a person's head and shoulders with a circle around it. It meant 'Self.' She pressed it, followed by something similar with a dot inside, "Mind", neck and torso with a dot inside, "Body", and one that looked like a dotted outline of the head and neck 'Spirit.'

Next were the runes for "Enhancement", a bunch of outward pointing arrows, "Fertility", a trio of circles arranged in a triangle, two little over one big, "Sensation" wavy lines over a pair of circles, and "Desire", wavy lines over a Y shape.

The dust got to Penny and her nose tingled. She sneezed, her fingers pressing several more runes, including the final in the sequence, "Release Stored Energy." What she had pressed where a trio of small figures by the "Self" rune, Fertility again, and the large glowing sigil on the spider's abdomen that represented 'Animal.'

With the sneeze, she had instinctively pulled the spider to her chest. She cried out in pain, the obsidian legs, ending in sharp points, drove themselves into her neck and breasts. But though the eight sharp points shredded her turtleneck, there was no pain, only a soft, comforting warmth.

The black spider began to sink into hear, tearing through her clothes. Penny yelped and removed her shirt, looking down at the spreading gray coloration over her skin. The muscles on her back writhed. The gray taint spread down her arms, reaching her hands; Penny's eyes widened in horror at the sight of her short nails turning dark and extending into pointed claws.

The spider's abdomen pushed effortlessly into Penny's sternum, the head at her throat. The skin where the spider touched directly turned a grey-blue. She rubbed at it in disbelief, gasping softly at the pleasurable sensation it gave her. She traced the spider totem's legs on her breasts, curious. Her fingertips followed the narrow legs that trailed over her rather flat chest. She moaned with pleasure, a heat flooding her loins.

The spider's warmth had spread through her torso, the tickling sinking into her insides, her internal organs squirming a bit. For a moment the spreading seemed to stop, and then it returned with a vengeance, centered on her sex.

Penny tilted her head back, hips bucking at the strange pleasure that cascaded through her as the spider vanished completely into her flesh. She tore off her shirt with her sharp, black claws, gripping her breasts. She wanted to reach into her pants, to douse the growing heat that was building in there, but she didn't have enough hands to do so. She couldn't bare to pull a hand away from her chest.

She felt her fingers change, shifting, becoming thicker. And then her hands started to split. Still caressing her breasts, which had begun to expand, Penny watched the gap between her middle and ring fingers extend down her hand, down to her wrist. She felt the bones reform into a new configuration, the radius and ulna splitting as well. She now had four bones in her forearm.

Forearms. The skin and muscle continued to split, giving her two arms below the elbow. Though smaller at first, they continued to grow until they became equal with her first pair, and then beyond it, the fingers growing even thicker.

Now new arms entirely! The split continued past her elbow, the humerus dividing into two bones, the muscles of her back, her shoulder blades, and her rib cage all shifting to accommodate the new limbs.

Then they began to split again. The two fingers of each lower arm began to slip, each finger becoming two, the two original fingers parting as they had from the upper pair.

The four new limbs quickly grew to mirror her uppermost hands, two slender fingers, each tipped with a sharp, black claw. The only thing missing were the thumbs, and just as Penny thought of the missing digits, they began to appear, growing outward.

She smiled and began to tear her pants away from her gray skinned frame as a jolt of pleasure made her stop. Her eyes virtually rolled back with the sheer power of it. There was a ripping sound, and something pierced through her slacks of its own accord. It was a foot and a half long, deep black, glistening, and had what appeared to be small claws on the back of the head.

Penny gasped softly and wrapped two hands around her long, thin member, the other two slipped into her pants, stroking her sex. Her slacks, shoes, and socks began to grow increasingly tighter, but Penny couldn't possibly stop. It felt so good.

Black claws tore through her old, worn sneakers. Penny slide from her chair, dropping to the floor, her pants torn from her body as her legs split, much as her arms had. She caught herself with two of her new arms, her body shaking with both pleasure and change.

Something grew from her tailbone, engulfing her rump and hips and continuing to grow and swell. Penny's eight new legs shifted to the sides and continued to grow. She opened her mouth and let out a pleasured hissing sound as she continued to masturbate, short grey fur sprouting over her body, covering her skin.

As her new abdomen grew backwards, her face popped and shifted, moving forward, creating a longer, narrower shape, more predatory. Penny's tongue traced over her new fangs and she closed her eyes for a moment. Her face shifted further, and she opened her eyes all eight of them, all bright blue.

She pushed herself up on her eight spidery legs, testing them for the first time, her large abdomen providing the perfect counterbalance to her humanoid torso. Penny hissed again as she felt the sensation of change over her body begin to fade. She rolled onto her back, allowing her legs to caress her member, as they too ended in a trio of clawed digits, though they were more claw than finger.

Penny caressed the spots on her chest and belly where the change was now centered, four new nipples appearing, the flesh beneath then expanding, blossoming into two pairs of new breasts. Six of them to match her six arms. Tears leaked from her largest eyes, she felt so good, so horny, so sexy, she had to climax, but her body just wouldn't.

Her breasts continued to grow, to swell, to become more sensitive, increasing her pleasure to greater and greater peaks. Larger still, until they reached the size of her original breasts, and then all six continued onward.

Penny's member joined in the act, lengthening, thickening, odd shapes appearing on its length, to better provide pleasure to anyone she mated. She realized what the glistening, black, back-facing spines were for. She was a hunter, she would stalk and pounce her prey, and make sure that they would be unable to get away.

The spider-taur felt the warmth of the change dimming, all that remained was a faint tickle over her skin that spread into her fur. Dark blue designs appearing and then... knowledge. Oh the wonderful things she could do!

Penny cried out as her climax came at last, the result of her climax a thick gush that rocketed up and clung to the ceiling, quickly drying. On exposure to the air, her seed would quickly dry into a sort of webbing, keeping capsules of it active in thin bubbles, able to transform anyone unlucky enough to wonder into it.

With her large spider-body provided a great deal of storage for climactic fluids and for... a predatory grin crossed her face. The spider was fully aware of what all the runes that had been on the obsidian carving meant, and the effects that had been unleashed upon her body.

For years what she remembered as a stone phallus had sat in the isolated storage closet, set to absorb the essence of whatever animals happened to touch it. For decades all that it had seen were spiders. And upon her touch, it had released it all into her, making Penny more spider in body than human. The power that now filled her wasn't supposed to be able to do that.

Penny giggled and grabbed a stand of cum-webbing, bringing it to her cunny, the strong muscles pulling it in. She would need reinforcements to be able to accomplish what she had in mind.

An entire museum full of fossils and samples of long extinct species.

An entire college campus to inflict them upon.

Oh the possibilities.