New Found Family

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#5 of New Found Form

New Found Family

By Von Krieger

It was the defining moment of Kelly Crane's career. Deep in the Amazonian rainforest, deep inside and ancient temple of a long vanished civilization that she'd only been able to find tiny scraps of information buried in other sources. But she'd found their holiest of holy temples. She had done what would have been unthinkable in those ancient times; entering the sacred rooms where only the highest of priests were allowed to go.

And now she looked upon their most sacred artifact and she was trying her very best not to giggle. The most prized artifact of the entire lost kingdom was, essentially, an obsidian dildo.

From the looks of it, they had known quite a lot about pleasure. It wasn't just a smooth representation of a human penis, it had ridges, ribs, and a line of spheroid lumps right down the middle.

Kelly took a few pictures of it on the pedestal, a little awed that after several thousand years the thing hadn't been disturbed at all. She took a breath and blew some dust off the base, her eyes widening in surprise.

Some of the runes on the thing were GLOWING! They had their own source of light even after being removed from sunshine for centuries. Incredible! The used a soft brush to free a bit more of the object's base from the concealing coat of grime.

Her theories on the writing were correct! The very symbols she had extrapolated from hours of painstaking research were right here on the object! The glyphs for 'Infusion', 'Enhancement', 'Mind', 'Body', 'Spirit', 'Desire', and 'Sensation' gleamed with a golden yellow light. She ran her finger over the golden glyph representing 'Spirit,' and blinked suddenly as the glow vanished. She gave the rune a gentle prod again, astounded to see the tiny squiggle come back to full radiance.

She did the same for the darkened rune of Fertility, which also blazed to life. She poked another, located near the top of the base, where the animalistic member seemed to leave the sheath. This one she wasn't quite sure of the meaning of, but it lit, regardless. It meant something akin to 'Look around for something' but condensed into a single word. She grinned as it lit up.

She might not have been grinning if she knew what the rune on the bottom she awoke meant. That particular rune meant 'Self.' The runes were all contained in evenly spaced rings around the base of the artifact. There were at least two hundred, Kelly could not possibly have known all of them. She might not have poked them if she did. It would have prevented what occurred next.

A golden light flashed. It appeared to be a momentary burst to Kelly, but if one were to see how the light moved, it was a narrow line that went from floor to ceiling, making its way around the room before seeming to center on something that buzzed through the air, rather attracted to Kelly's perfume.

The archeologist felt funny for a moment, an incredible hunger for something sticky and sweet making her cry out as a pain filled her sugar-empty stomach. The hunger and the pain passed, but Kelly felt a little dizzy and off balance.

She then did the unthinkable, reaching out and grabbing the artifact with her bare hand. It was hers, the obsidian dildo belonged to her, and she needed to keep it close to her at all times.

Kelly rushed out of the temple interior, up the centuries old steps, through the wide open entry hall, and then out into the open air. She panted, taking in deep breaths of fresh air. She had set up her camp site just outside the temple. She crawled inside and zipped the thing shut, collapsing on her sleeping bag just as she began to sweat.

She felt hot, uncomfortably hot. She set the dildo in her lap and quickly began to strip off her over shirt, shirt, and then her bra. The archeologist moaned softly as the cool, humid air met her nipples.

She untied her boots and kicked them off, following them with her socks and pants. Sitting in just her panties, Kelly no longer felt overheated. She sighed contentedly and flopped down onto her sleeping bag. Using her t-shirt, she began to wipe her artifact clean.

It was warm to the touch and just having it touching the skin of her hand sent a thrill through Kelly's body. With the grime removed, the obsidian dildo glistened. The archeologist smiled at placed it between her breasts, delighting in both the warmth on her chest and the delicious sensation it gave her.

She felt herself growing aroused, her panties growing quickly soaked with her juices. She slipped fully into a semi-conscious, lustful haze. She grinned and pressed her breasts together around the artifact. She was rewarded for her actions by a jolt of pleasure that flowed through her body, making her buck her hips in delight.

Kelly scooted the stone phallus up, taking the tip into her mouth. She found herself reward with another bolt of pleasure, as well as a sweet taste that made her moan. Her hunger for something sweet returned, and Kelly began to lick the obsidian cocktip, craving more.

She curled her tongue around the black length, and kept curling, and curling, and curling. Her tongue extended until she'd spiraled it to the artifact's base. Her tongue had become long and narrow, and also quite strong. She used it to pull the stone cock upwards and push it back down, essentially tit fucking herself with it.

The pleasurable pulses continued with regularity, as did the slow, steady drip of sweetness from the member's tip. The sweet, thick fluid, rather like honey, tingled pleasantly as it trickled down her throat. It made her body feel warm, hot, and liquid. She could swear she felt the honey trickling through her veins.

She was so hungry, she craved more, needed more. She pulled as much of the dildo's length into her mouth as she could. If she hadn't been deep in a state of dual need, for sex and food, she might have been startled at how easily she took the entire length. She rolled over, gripping the base with both hands, bobbing up and down on it as if she were pleasuring an actual lover, not a disembodied cock.

Apparently it was the right thing to do, as the trickle of honey became a steady flow, the pleasure it sent through her body almost continuous. She had ceased trying to pleasure herself and the object at the same time, and devoted herself entirely to the dildo. Her entire body felt suffused with its heat.

Something seemed to click into place inside of Kelly, and she felt every muscle seemingly stretch at once; a sensation of luxurious stretching. It shifted into a feeling of inward pressure, like a massage over her entire body at once. With each pulse of pleasure the sensation changed, push, then pull.

It started to focus in certain areas. Kelly moaned with pleasure as she began to change. Her breasts felt like balloons as they seemed to be slowly inflating. The added weight felt so good. Sensitivity increased with size, and as they reached the peak of their size, each pulse of pleasure that went through them seemed to have the same intensity of a thrust into her sex, of a stroke over her clit.

Kelly lay flat on the ground, allowing her nipples to drag over the rough texture of her sleeping bag with each movement. Her cry of delight was muffled by the artifact in her mouth and throat. The climax was strange, in that it didn't originate in her loins, but rather on her chest. It has felt like she'd just had a climax centered on her breasts.

The sleeping bag right beneath her breasts now felt wet, and rather sticky. But Kelly paid it no attention, continuing to slurp down the honey the obsidian dildo had to offer.

Next to change was her belly, much like her breasts, it slowly began to balloon outward. A sudden torrent of liquid oozed down her sex, making it tingle, making it more sensitive as well. Kelly's womb and sex warped, shifted, expanded. Her hips popped, her pelvis shifted, her love tunnel reshaping itself.

Though she couldn't see, and would have no idea what had happened for quite some time, Kelly's body had just reorganized itself for egg laying. The haphazard mammalian way of giving birth began something of more skillful design. Kelly could no longer birth live young. She was now an egg layer. Her sex had become triangular, the muscles stronger and more disciplined than a human pussy could ever hope to be, and far more flexible as well.

New bundles of nerves appeared in the flesh just outside her sex. Kelly was never interested in the size of what when into her, but that would change. When compressed the little bundles of nerves would fire, new pleasure centers that would fill her with mind-numbing ecstasy when they were triggered.

Rather than being the agonizing event birthing was in humans, Kelly would be rewarded with an unparalleled orgasm for every single egg she laid. A feat she could only hope to match during love making with an exceptionally well hung lover, or a giant toy.

She looked several months pregnant, but she wasn't, yet. Her womb's sized had increased, allowing her to carry far more than a typical human could. At its smallest, tightest state she would still appear to be the very image of motherhood.

Kelly cried out again as her clit swelled. It was large, thick, the size of a half dollar, and incredibly sensitive to the touch. She bucked her hip, making her sodden panties rub against it, sending sparks of pleasure through her body again and again. With each caress of her pleasure button a trickle of thick, wet stickiness dripped from her sex. Fluids had long since began to drip through her panties, saturating her thighs, legs, the sleeping bag, and had begun to leak off onto the nylon floor of the tent.

There was a brief sensation that flowed over Kelly's fingers and toes, but nothing that she noticed as she wriggling and writhed and licked and sucked. The more she pleasured her artifact, the more pleasure it gave her, making her body more suited to sex and lust.

For a moment the obsidian dildo seemed to be burning hot to the touch. Kelly was too shocked to scream, but it only lasted for an instant. The momentary pain was forgotten as the dildo seemed to climax, rewarding Kelly with a steady stream of the sweet treat that it had offered only in tiny amounts before.

The transforming girl gulped every ounce of it down with eagerness, gallons of the stuff seeming to settle in her belly, which grew larger and rounder still. The pulsing sensation in her body intensified. She felt herself growing in a sudden surge, going from a plain five and a half feet, to a stunning six, to an incredible six and a half feet in height.

Her body filled out to accommodate the new space, and while they were the same ratio to the rest of her, her breasts and belly were bigger still; and with increased size came increased sensitivity once more.

The dildo continued pumping sweet honey down her throat, Kelly's tummy now sticking out far enough to touch the sleeping bag as she knelt. The sensation of pushing and pulling over her entire body grew in intensity, her lithe frame thickened, six and a half feet of height gaining powerful muscle. Her close cropped hair grew out, the tip remaining their original brown, but the new hair that slithers out was a glimmering metallic green.

With that the feelings of change subsided, as did the flow of honey from the wonderful artifact. Kelly let it slip from her mouth, the texture of the rough, wet sleeping bag caressing her breasts and belly made her cry out. Her increased size and bulk had made her panties grow painfully tight, and as she arched her back in climax, they essentially disintegrated. The momentary tightness on her clit made Kelly's new sex virtually explode with delight.

She shuddered and quivered as her body seemed to experience climaxes in perhaps half a dozen places at once; the waves of ecstasy that emanated from them flowing in rippled waves from point to point. It took a long time for Kelly's body to cool down from the super-climax and the little aftershocks that followed it.

She felt tired, worn out. She unzipped he sleeping bag and lay down on the tent's floor, her body too large to fit inside the bag. She curled up and covered herself with it, cuddling her pillow and preparing to go to sleep when the obsidian artifact caught her eye.

It looked different than before, still the splendid pleasure toy that look like it would bring Kelly to climax merely upon inserting it, but larger. It was thicker, and longer, tapering to a point that looked almost sharp.

The thing belonged to Kelly and it felt incredible with what it had done to her. Still not thinking clearly, Kelly felt paranoid that someone might come in the night, despite her being a hundred miles from any known habitation.

She grabbed the dildo and held it against her body, comforted by its inner warmth. Just holding it wouldn't be any good. A skilled thief could easily pluck it from her arms without her notice.

The archeologist grinned and brought the pointed, triangular tip to her equally triangular, three petalled sex. Without a second thought she pushed it inside herself, even the base vanishing into her. It made her quiver with delight as it slid in, feeling just as good as she imaged. The marble sized studs on the front rubbing over her clit as they slid in, which made a stick mess gush forth from her.

It was far enough in that someone would have to put a hand inside her in order to retrieve it. No doubt the pleasure would awaken Kelly if anyone tried to steal her wonderful find.

She closed her eyes and curled up beneath the sleeping bag, absentmindedly bringing her fingers to her mouth and sucking on them, the taste of sweet honey on them as she cleaned them free of her fluids.

The dildo began to throb gently inside of her, soft, gentle pleasure quickly lulling Kelly to sleep.


Kelly awoke feeling incredible. Her sleep had been very restful and filled with pleasant dreams filled with sex. She had been the focal point of an orgy, dozens of people rubbing her, caressing her, pleasuring her, and she had pleasured them in return.

She squirmed out from beneath the sleeping bag, which had grown incredibly heavy during the night as it soaked up the fluids that her body pumped out each time she climaxed. Her sweet sexual juices were several inches deep on the floor, and they clung to her body and hair.

The archeologist giggled and cupped her hands, making a breakfast of a small portion of what she'd leaked out during the night. A part of her said that this was impossible, it violated laws of physics. She should under no circumstances be able to put out fluid equal to her body mass without negative effect. Nor should she be able to feed herself on them.

She ran her hands over her gorgeous body, cupping her breasts and caressing her belly. That same part of her recognized that she had changed a great deal. She ought to be worried, but she wasn't. It all felt incredible, after all. If it had hurt in any way, it might have been something to worry about. But this? Her large, powerful frame, her plentiful breasts, her bountiful belly, and her sweet, aching, throbbing cock; she felt so wonderful, so sexy, and so perfect.

A puzzled look crossed her face. Cock? She didn't have a cock. Her breasts and belly made it difficult to see, but parting her breasts and sucking in her gut, she could see the triangular, glistening black tip of her member.

Kelly giggled and ran a hand over its length. She moaned as jolts of pleasure ran through her body. The shape, size, and color were wonderfully familiar. It was long, thin, and triangular, and with the ribs, ridges, and spheroid bumps on the bottom, it would be an absolute delight for any woman she would happen to slide it in.

She felt a sense of relief wash over her; no one would be able to steal her gorgeous artifact. It was a part of her now, and no one could possibly run off with it. She fumbles with the tent's zipper, her claws, long, black, and pointed, made gripping the tiny zipper a bit difficult, but she managed.

She stepped outside and found quite a surprise. Her fluids had leaked out of the tent during the night and flowed into the grass, which had turned a radiant green-gold color and had grown several inches overnight.

Other nearby plants had done the same, their woody parts a gold-tan, their leaves green-gold, and their flowers large, open, and inviting. A vine that wrapped around a nearby tree had undergone a similar transformation. It wasn't a flowering species, but Kelly paid that fact no mind as she approached it, slipping her long tongue in a large, narrow blossom and lapping up a mouthful of sweet nectar, even tastier than her own.

She dug her claws into the tree and began to climb up into the tree's branches, where a multitude of the vine's blooms awaited her. Kelly reclined in the branches, so many sweet blossoms in her reach. This was a much better breakfast than her own honey.

With her long and dexterous tongue, she could reach quite a few blooms from her position. Kelly moaned softly as she drew the nectar out of the first one. Her new member throbbed incessantly, demanding attention, so she began to stroke it, running her hand up and down the precum slicked length.

It made her cry out as she reached the bottommost of the spheroid nubs, larger than the rest and positioned just about where her clitty had been, just above the front-facing point of her tri-lobed pussy. It still made a cascade of wetness pour from her sex and onto the branch of the tree beneath her.

Kelly recognized herself slipping back into a lustful haze, but she didn't fight it. This was her role now, her purpose. She was meant to feed on sweetness, and return that sweetness to the environment around her, making all the plants into proper things that would feed her and others like her.

Once she had properly fed, Kelly knew that her altered form would begin to produce a better product than she could at that moment. She would share it with her hive, and perhaps give it as a gift to those poor creatures that were denied the pleasure and beauty of a wonderful body like her own.

Her member climaxed in no time at all, thick jets of her seed erupting from it and coating the leaves and branches around her. It dripped back down onto her naked body, making her tingle in a familiar way.

Kelly bent her member so that the stream wouldn't jet upward, but rather splatter onto her belly, breasts, and face. She cried out in delight with each burst of sticky semen that splashed onto her skin. Much like her member had when it was a simple stone object, and not a fleshy, pleasurable part of her body, it let loose with a massive amount of liquid. Kelly was soon well coated and it began to drip down off of her.

She smiled and scooped up a handful of the slick, but clingy substance, using it as lubrication to finger her sex. The movement was natural and instinctive, and Kelly's body began to throb with the pushing then pulling sensation of transformation she had experienced the previous night.

Her body seemed to soak up her cum like a sponge, and her skin was suddenly clear of splooge. It was her skin that began to change first. The tiny hairs that coated her body fell away, pulling her further and further away from her human heritage. It left her skin wonderfully smooth, however. Much more suited to a being of living pleasure.

Pretty patterns of darker coloration began to appear all over her body, appearing tan at first, then brown, then deepening to black. The patterning was beautiful, much like designs Kelly had seen on a few tattoos. There were gaps in the coloration, circular places where it looked like something was meant to go.

The portion of her skin still its original shade began to change as well. The color change started at her belly and began to spread outward, becoming a deep emerald green. It matched the shade of her hair, but without the metallic, rainbow effect that it had when the light hit it.

The archeologist cried out in pleasure as her skin... shifted. It seemed to push outward, flowing, churning, growing thicker. In a few moments her body was covered from head to toe in smooth, solid, slick plates of black and metallic, shimmering, insectoid green.

She watched her hands shift, her middle and fore fingers fusing into a thick, solid digit, her ring and little finger doing the same. Her thumbs grew thicker to match. Her claws also grew longer, and Kelly recognized them for what they were. They weren't clawed. They were smooth, conical, and sharpened to a needle point. They were stingers.

Her legs popped and cracked, the configuration shifting to a strange, half-insect half-predatory beast configuration. Each foot was like a pincer, two chitinous toes that came to points, but where able to clench together to grasp and grip.

Kelly innards churned, her body's systems becoming more suited to her new role and a nectar-gather insectoid and as a sort of gardener, feeding her plants by her own pleasure. With her new carapace, her bones softened, becoming flexible cartilage. Her belly and breasts remained free of thick plates, however; though the skin had become thick and rubbery.

Her carapace popped softly at her sides, allowing a second pair of arms to slowly emerge. The insectoid moaned with delight as her supporting skeleton shifted a bit to compensate for the new limbs. Soft at first, on exposure to the air, her chitin rapidly hardened, giving her a second, smaller pair of arms. They lacked the stinger-claws of the upper set and they had an additional digit, meant more for manipulation than strength.

It popped again along her shoulder blades. Glimmering gossamer wings slowly slid out of the gaps. "I'm a bug fairy!" Kelly giggled with delight, buzzing her wings as they grew, shaking drops of wetness from them.

She rolled over onto her belly, fully extending her wings and keeping them held in that fashion, allowing them to dry. Not only was a she a beautiful, sexy bug-girl, but soon she would be able to fly as well!

Kelly felt strange, almost intoxicated. It wasn't just the general aroused state her body was in, there was something else making her mind foggy. She felt a soft pressure in her belly, and realized what it was.

The insectoid made her way back down the tree, being as careful as she could with her mind not used to her new body. But claws that could pierce tree bark and gripping feet, she got herself down quite easily.

Kelly's wings buzzed happily as she walked back to the temple, her manipulating arms resting atop her large belly; which was only getting larger as the seed she had pushed inside of her and had instinctively pulled into storage pouches inside her sex was put to good use.

She grinned like a fool, caressing her soft, round belly. She was going to be a mommy to a swarm of brand new baby buggies. A mommy bug all full of eggs shouldn't be zipping about on her own. She ought to be in a nest, laying her eggies.

The pregnant insectoid giggled again, stepping into the temple and making her way down the stairs. She smiled and waved at the small hives of normal bees she could sense just inside the wall of the room she found her artifact in.

She sat peacefully in the corner and rubbed her belly as it continued to grow and swell. She wasn't quite sure how long it was, how long it took for her eggs to grow inside of her. But by the time they were done growing, it looked like Kelly had another person curled up inside her womb.

The thought made her giggle, that sounded like fun. Having something so big in her sex, designed to be able to be spread incredibly wide, that would make her feel soooo good. She hugged her round, egg filled tummy. She was happy and content to simply sit and hug herself. It was such a simple pleasure that made her happy.

She liked her new life, as odd as it was. What with gushing gallons of fluids when she came, a seemingly permanent state of arousal, being an insect, and of course the periodic episodes where thinking was a bit hard and she was reduced to a grinning, giggling goofball.

Kelly felt her mind clearing up for the first time since she'd started poking the runes on the artifact. She felt a little embarrassed and ashamed over the fact that not only had she taken it so brazenly, but that she had actually stuffed it inside of her. Though that wasn't so bad, since she'd never lose track of it, or have to worry about it falling into the wrong hands.

She shuddered; the power the thing contained was incredible. She was glad that it had been her that discovered it. It could be a powerful weapon if used a certain way, if the effects of the runes allowed for the sheer variety of effects that Kelly thought there might be.

She remembered a few of them; Mind, Body, Spirit, Enhancement, and Desire. It had changed her body and mind, and perhaps her spirit as well. Given the choice, Kelly would most certainly not return to her human form. Though it was weird and chronically sticky and leaky, her honey-loving (and dripping) buggy-body was quite neat and interesting. Plus the smallest movements sent pleasure shooting through her body. That likely would have been Enhancement of Desire and Sensation.

Her rounded belly and large breasts had been the result of Fertility and... she grinned and looked to the small hole in the wall where she knew a beehive rested. That one that meant "look around for something" would be the cause of her insectoid anatomy.

Kelly wondered if it was a one time only thing, or if she could continue to transform herself. Not that she was unsatisfied with her beautiful body, but she could think of bits that she could take from other creatures that would make her more effective in various roles.

For a honey-maker, adding the multiple mammeries of a feline or something of the like would increase her storage capacity. To transform and tend to her plants, increased seed production would be needed, and rodents usually had large testes for their body sizes, maybe a horse to grant a larger member.

And for her role as a mother? Since she didn't have the massive abdomen to fill with eggs like a queen ant, a serpentine tail could easily serve the same function; large and long, possibly serving as a second womb. The cylindrical length would be a more efficient shape, and it wouldn't be crowded by all her other internal organs. It would be dedicated solely to being filled with eggs.

And on the subject of eggs, her pleasure centers virtually sang out in a sort of pre-climactic mini-climax as Kelly felt one of her eggs shift inside of her, apparently ready to slide out.

She felt the tip of the egg spread her cervix wide, and wider still, and even wider. It felt absolutely huge. And judging from the way her belly shifted when it moved, it was just as big as it felt like.

All conscious thought was driven from Kelly's mid as the egg slipped down far enough to trigger the first of several nerve bundles that triggered a powerful climax. Her entire body seemed to blossom with pleasure, her member erupting, breasts oozing with honeyed milk, a cascade of lubricating fluid in her sex to speed the passage of her firstborn.

And the sensation went on, not dulling in intensity for a moment. The next set of points triggered by the egg's passage only making the sensation rise higher, making the insectoid scream and howl with delight.

She felt like she had to make noise, to get rid of the energy that built up inside her some how, or else she would explode from the sheer power of the pleasure.

The sensation only dimmed as the egg slipped fully from her sex, resting on the ground. It was indeed huge. Large enough to contain a small child, or something of similar sized. Kelly gave her egg a hug with all four arms and then set it aside. Not a moment too soon as her body blossomed with pleasure once again as a second egg began its journey.

When it was all done, several minutes later, a panting Kelly cuddled a trio of very large eggs. She didn't think they would hatch for a bit, even at the accelerated rate of pregnancy that she underwent. The tingling of transformation returned, but only for a moment. Cute, segmented antennae sprouted from Kelly's forehead. And with them came a new sense.

Kelly could feel the environment around her. Even with her eyes closed she could tell where the walls were. She could also sense the bustling bees in the one wall, and the small plants that grew in the dark. A sort of life-sense.

Her eggs positively pulsed with it. Kelly being able to see through the shells and watch as humanoid forms slowly took shape.

Her daughters would be hungry when they hatched. Which meant it was time for Kelly to gather more nectar. She felt a pleasant warmth in her belly as new eggs began to grow, but she knew that they wouldn't grow quite as fast as her first clutch. After all, if she could crank out three daughters every eight hours, and they could do the same, they could potentially overwhelm the world. And as nice as that sounded, Kelly knew it wouldn't be a good idea.


The tree that Kelly had impregnated herself in had gone the way of the bushes and vines, transforming into a semi-golden version of itself that was covered with delicious blossoms.

The insectoid's more specialized body processed the nectar far quicker. Kelly could feel her bosom swelling with each mouthful she took. The fullness and weight of them made her hum happily in delight.

An insect was a simple thing, driven by very few behaviors, and accomplishing the limited number of things that her insect half was made to engage in made Kelly feel quite happy and content.

Having harvested her fill of nectar, she flew from tree to tree, pleasuring herself and coating the largest trees she could find with her seed, transforming them for further use.

As the sun began to set, she noticed portions of her carapace glowing softly in the dark. She recognized the runes that had been on the artifact, now spread over her body. They didn't respond to touch like the dildo had before. Kelly had to concentrate to light them up. What made her smile the widest, however, was that she instinctively knew what each one did.

The moment she set foot inside the temple, she felt them; her daughters. They were almost purely instinct driven at the moment, small, simple minds. More like extensions of Kelly's own being rather than creatures in their own right; that was what worker bees were, after all. It was easier to think of a bee hive as a creature, made up of many small components.

As she walked into the inner sanctum, sharp, stinger like claws thrust through the shell of one egg, tearing open a hole and allowing a four foot tall creature to emerge. Kelly's first worker was much like her in miniature. But rather than the full figure the mother insectoid had, her daughter was thinner with a gymnast's build. Her breasts almost vestigial bumps in the armor that covered her belly and breasts.

Kelly's daughter fanned her wings and looked to her mother with green and gold eyes. She smiled and strode to her mother, wrapping her four arms around Kelly's middle and hugging her.

With tears in her eyes the insect queen returned the hug. The newborn insectoid dropped to her knees, her long tongue encircling her mother's member for a moment before she found what she desired.

The worker's tonguetip brushed against the swollen nub of Kelly's clit, triggering a cascade of juices flooding from her. The worker eagerly lapped it up, hungry for more. Fed on a different source of honey than her sisters, this one would grow to be a queen in her own right, not merely a worker for her mother to command.

The slower second and third born clawed their way free of their eggs as well, clinging to their mother and monarch, drawing the plentiful honey from Kelly's breasts.

The queen slowly sunk to her knees, hugging her daughters to her body as the newborn insectoids drew nourishment from her and gave her pleasure, rewarding Kelly with wondrous sensation for her behaving as a good mother.

She felt herself slipping into a drowsy state of half-awake lust. Her daughters would be able to drink their fill, the sleepiness making sure that Kelly didn't wander off until they were done.

A few minutes later, Kelly drifted into true sleep. Her body tired from all the changes to it and the exertion of flight. Their antennae twitching, drawing on Kelly's memories, two of the workers left their mother, flying out for their own collection of nectar and tending of plants, their members growing to full arousal for the first time as they took to the night air, their life sense allowing them to see even in pure darkness.

The last worker, the firstborn, remained with her queen as a guard. She smiled as Kelly rested her head in her lap. She reached down and stroked her mother's hair gently. Thoughts of her own began to slowly surface in her mind. She hoped that one day she would be as beautiful as her mother.