Diary of a demon lover 7

Story by LoveofdisneysPete on SoFurry

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Melinda is spending some more time with Boone, during which Melinda is told she has to make a major change and soon, what is the major change? Read on and find out.

If you want to purchase the kindle edition click here.http://www.amazon.com/Diary-demon-lover-VII-ebook/dp/B0081NQ1GK/ref=la_B0081RIBB4_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1340386334&sr=1-14

Now that I have been in Hell for awhile now, my need to keep track of dates and time has been extinguished. No longer is time relevant to me. My life is great and fulfilled. For ounce I am accepted simply for being me and who I am. The dinner with Samuel was very enjoyable and pleasant. My mind though went back to Boone; I miss him and want to spend some quality time with him that is why I have decided to spend more time with him after the dinner. This really seemed to make him happy. Dressed in red dress, blood red dress and matching heels we walked hand in hand down an abandoned road surrounded by lava and bubbled and spurted around us. I watched crows and other foul, evil looking birds with glowing eyes of red and black fly high above the dark yet bright sky.

Leaning my head on his shoulder I asked him,

"Boone are you enjoying this time together?"

"How could I not, you're here with me, for all eternity."

He said sounding like he was trying not to cry.

"Are you alright?"

I asked him, his feelings did matter to me greatly, being as how he had always made the effort to be with me, our connection to each other has grown. The peace I felt in my heart was stronger than ever.

"Everything is fine."

He said sounding a little grumpy.

"Just let me kiss you already."

Pulling me close to him he kissed me passionately on the lips, cupping my face gently in his hands. His kisses tasted sweet like Hershey's kisses when they melted in your mouth. Putting my arms around him I moaned contently.

"Would you be willing to do something very important?"

Boone asked me, his face serious, almost stern. This was something major, something that would turn out to be bigger than anything I might ever do again, the thumping of my heart could be felt in my chest.

"If it's important to you, it will be done."

Boone grabbed me by the throat roughly; I was almost thrown off balance. I got a little scared but brushed it off.

"It's important that you shed yourself of your human body and become like the rest of us."

Looking at the lava to the left of me and then the right I looked at him, making myself look him in the face.

"I am human, it's what I was born as, and I can't change it."

Shaking his head at me Boone responded,

"Well I got news for you, if you want to stay here; you need to become one of us. After all it's only right. This is our territory not yours."

I nodded at him.


He said letting go of my throat.

"When will I do this?"

Boone held up his hand as to indicate for me to stop talking.

"You will do this ounce you take an oath. This oath must never be broken."

Looking into his eyes I nodded and smiled. I felt flattered that they would help me to shed my human form, being human stinks any how.

"I will take the oath anytime you want."

Boone ran a brush hat looked like a bone through his hair. Watching as he did this I wondered who I would have to present myself before, while doing this oath. Would it be Satan? Or perhaps another demon? I couldn't tell, and at this point didn't care who. As long as I got to shed myself of being human, that's all that counted.

Putting away his brush back into his pocket Boone said,

"You'll stand before Derek, he's the head demon in this part of Hell, present your case for a human to demon transformation after which you will do whatever he says."

"No problem."

I responded eagerly.

"Whatever it is I know I can do it."

Boone nodded to the left of him. I looked at the direction he was looking too, what looked like a small demonic looking pig came running in our direction. Kneeling down I reached out my right hand to the pig, it sniffed my hand then licked it.

"Take off your clothes and make it really happy."

Looking at Boone my eye brows arched I chuckled a little. What now? Sex with a pig? Sure why not I thought to myself. Taking off my clothes, which I did with Boones help, what am I saying he took the clothes off for me. Pointing to the ground he said,

"Lie down and let the pig have fun."

Laying my body comfortably on the ground I spread my legs apart, watching as the pig sniffed at my vagina licked it then walked further up my body until he was position over me just so that his hard, big penis pushed into me, seeing as I was sopping wet it wasn't hard. The pig licked at my face as it pushed itself into me both roughly and deeply. Looking up at Boone I made blow him a kiss.

"Now this is hot, I think I will record this moment."

He said snapping his fingers. Like magic a camera that seemed to hover in midair was pointed at us, a red light was on. Boone gave the thumbs up at me.

"That's a good piggy."

I said encouragingly at the pig. Sticking out my tongue I wiggled it around. Licking me back the pig humped me faster, deeper and harder. It felt good, I loved it. I moaned with pleasure, I could feel my eyes rolling back into my head. I felt the pig pushed really hard into me, I cried out with each push. Digging my fingers into the ground around me, egging the pig on was all my horny sex hungry body wanted.

"Good piggy, fuck me, keep fucking me."

The pig nodded as though he could understand what I was saying. Puckering my lips in a kiss the pig kissed me back, my body felt like electricity was running through it. The feeling was powerful, a power that needed to last, to stay forever. The pig pushed so hard into me that my body slid on the ground, give me more my mind screamed. Boone looked with interest at my eyes as they turned completely black like the other demons I have seen, I wouldn't know about this until after the video was put on displace on a big, and I do mean big screen for thousands to watch, the pig then cummed violently into me.

"Nicely done."

Boone said snapping his fingers and making the camera disappear.

"Will this video be shown to others?"

I asked him as the pig pulled out of me and walked away in the opposite direction.

"Keep the clothes off for awhile."

"You'd like that huh?"

I responded smiling at him, chuckling a little at myself, I picked up my clothes and gave them to Boone.

"Than you can hold onto them for me."

"Fine with me."

He said snapping his fingers again and making the clothes disappear.

Walking eastward I followed him, hoping that I would be going to take my oath, secretly hoping I would meet the head demon. With his gaze distant his expression serious like he was deep in thought.

"Will I get to meet the head demon Derek?"

"Yes, what better time than now, the sooner the better."

Getting excited as to what the head demon would look like, his personality and his dress everything about him. I knew in my heart I would become fast friends with Derek. Assuming that Derek wanted me naked I didn't question Boone for my clothing and if I should be dressed. A big, elaborate black gothic style castle was ahead of us. It seemed to rise into eternity it self.

"Wait right here."

Boone ordered me, waiting at the gate I watched him knock at the door. The door opened and a tall muscular looking monster opened the door and talked with Boone, nodding and pointing in my direction, the monster looked at me, smiled and looked back at him and nodded.

"Come over here."

The monster shouted at me, running towards them and up the steps, the monster took my hand in his and walked me down the long dark hallway that was illuminated by red candles inside skulls. As much as I craved some idle chit chat with him, my intuition told me to keep my silence just yet. Opening up a door he pointed for me to walk in. Looking behind me, I discovered that Boone was no longer with me. As if reading my mind the monster said,

"Don't worry about Boone, he'll be back to pick you up later."

Smiling at the monster I said,

"That's fine with me."

Walking through the door with the monster following behind me, I was greeted by Derek. Dressed in a long black robe with red rubies on the edges, black spike tipped boots and a crown made of gold and silver. Impressed and delighted by this man I extended my hand to him. Taking my hand into his big strong hand he shook it.

"It's an honor to meet you, are you ready to take the oath?"

"Yes what do I have to do?"

To be continued.....